Monroe East- Genesee Valley Penny Saver

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ON NOW: “Eric Clapton Unplugged ... Over 30 Years Later” Paramount+

17-Feb: “American Murder: Gabby Petito” (Limited Series) Netflix

19-Feb: “Win or Lose” (Season 1) Disney+

20-Feb: “Zero Day” (Limited Series) Netflix

20-Feb: “Reacher” (Season 3) Prime Video 21-Feb: “Surface” (Season 2) AppleTV+ 21-Feb: “Pantheon” (Season 2) Netflix

23-Feb: “C.B. Strike: The Ink Black Heart” (Season 6) Max 23-Feb: “The 31st Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards” Netflix 23-Feb: “1923” (Season 2) Paramount+ (c) 2025 King Features Synd., Inc. WEEK OF FEB 17, 2025

hometown events

There’s so much happening at your local libraries!

East Rochester Public Library

317 Main St., E. Rochester, NY (585) 586-8302

M 9-7; Tu-Th 9-6; F 9-5; Sa 10-2; Su Closed ERPL Book Nook: Open M, W & Sa 10-1

Fairport Public Library

1 Fairport Village Landing, Fairport (585) 223-9091

M-Th 9-9; F 9-6; Sat. 9-5; Su 12-3 (Oct.-April)

Penfield Public Library

1985 Baird Rd., Penfield (585) 340-8720

M-Th 9:30-8:30; F 9:30-6; Sa 10-5; Su 1-5


Community Library

24 State St., Pittsford • (585) 248-6275

M-Th 9-8; F 9-6; Sa 10-5; Su Noon-5

Webster Public Library

980 Ridge Rd., Webster • (585) 872-7075

M-Th 9-8; F & Sa 10-5; Su Closed

WEBSTERPUBLICLIBRARY: St.Patrick’sDayCelebration! CelebratetheEmeraldIslewithmusic,Irishtea,andsodabread,along withbeautifulpicturesofIreland. Thiscelebrationwillbeheldin WebsterPublicLibrary’sCommunityRoomonSaturday,March1 from1:00to2:30pm.Pleaseregisteronlineatwebsterlibrary.orgor call585-872-7075.


TheSouthPerintonCemetery Association ishavingitsANNUAL LOTOWNERSMEETINGonSaturday,March8th,2025at9AMat theSouthPerintonUnitedMethodistChurch,291WilkinsonRoad, Fairport.Alllotownersareinvited toattendaswellasinterestedparties.Yourinterestinthefuture successofourhistoriccemeteryis bothwelcomeandappreciated.


AnEveningofSong,Dance& Comedy- GreecePublicLibrary presentsANEVENINGOFSONG, DANCE&COMEDYfeaturingthe award-winningTravelingCabaretBroadway,movie&popmusical revue.WEDNESDAY,FEBRUARY 26,2025at6:30PM,2Vince TofanyBlvd.Free*Handicapped Accessible.Information:Call 585-225-8951.


Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:

• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program

• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor

• Organizations seeking donations of items

Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date

REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414


RochesterModelRailroadOpen House- HeldattheFirstUniversalistChurchonSaturdayMarch1, 10-5andSundayMarch2,1-5. Costis$7,kids9andunderfree. TherailroadisalargeHOtrain layoutdepictingtheLehighValley railroadofthe1950’SfromBuffalo thruPennsylvaniatoJerseyCity. Membershaveusedphotos,actual plansandon-sitevisitsandpictures torecreatemanyoftheactual scenes,buildingsandbridges.On Saturdaytherewillbeamodel railroadfleemarket.Theeventis nothandicappedaccessibleasthe layoutisinthebasementofthe FirstUniversalistChurch.Masksare optional.


CallingAllSingers! JOINTHE CANALTOWNCHORALE!The CanaltownChoraleinvitesYOUto bepartofsomethingspecial!RehearsalsBegin:Tuesday,March4. Time:Registrationat6:45PM,Rehearsalfrom7-9PM.Location: UnitedChurchofMarion,3848N. MainStreet,Marion,(Rightside doorentrance).Choralexperience ishelpful;wewelcomeyoutojoin thistalentedSATB(Soprano,Alto, Tenor,Bass)group.Registration Fee:$15perconcertseason.Want MoreInfo?Contact:BarbVanDelinder:315-597-9558,Dottie Graudons:315-331-5961.Follow UsonFacebook:CanaltownChorale.TheCanaltownChoraleis proudlysupportedinpartbypublic fundsfromtheNewYorkState CouncilontheArtsDecentralizationProgram.


WebsterThomas/Schroeder Classof1975-50thReunionJULY26,2025from4-11pm.We areintheprocessofplanningour 50thHighSchoolReunion.WEARE TRYINGTOFINDYOU!Weneed yourcurrentemailaddress! FacebookPage-WebsterThomas/ SchroederClassof’75-50thClass Reunion.Email:CherylManetta DiFrancescoatrdrufus15@gmail. com.Email:BertLiebermanat

And there is quite a different sort of conversation around a fire than there is in the shadow of a beech tree.... [F]our dry logs have in them all the circumstance necessary to a conversation of four or five hours, with chestnuts on the plate and a jug of wine between the legs. Yes, let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius. ~ Pietro Aretino, translated from Italian

1. GEOGRAPHY: What is the highest mountain in Canada?

2. TELEVISION: Who is the host of the long-running reality series “Survivor”?

3. LITERATURE: Which animals represent the Communist Party in “Animal Farm”?

4. U.S. STATES: Which state is the birthplace of the singer Elvis?

5. ASTRONOMY: How long does it take the moon to orbit the Earth?

6. MOVIES: What is the score Elle receives on her law school admission test in “Legally Blonde”?

7. AD SLOGANS: Which product’s slogan is “Is It In You?”?

8. LANGUAGE: What is an eraser called in the United Kingdom?

9. SCIENCE: What are the four primary precious metals?

10. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Valentine’s Day arose from which Roman ritual? Answers:

1. Mount Logan.
2. Jeff Probst. 3. Pigs. 4. Mississippi. 5. 27.3 days. 6. 179. 7. Gatorade. 8. A rubber.
9. Gold, silver, platinum and palladium.
10. Lupercalia.


AARP membership: It’s w th having

After many years at the same cost, AARP increased their membership fee to $20 at the beginning of this year. But it’s still a bargain when you consider the additional benefits, savings and discounts that are available, as well as the newspaper and magazine.

The website ( lists discounted gym memberships, travel and vacation packages, insurance, flowers and so much more. If you need computer help such as hooking up to a wireless network or printer, you can get 15% off the Norton Ultimate Help Desk.

The health benefits especially are worth considering. If you suspect you need hearing aids, AARP Hearing Solutions offers a free hearing exam and then 20% off hearing aids, should you need them.

If you need at-home physical therapy, AARP offers the service through Luna, and it’s covered by Medicare, Aetna, Anthem and Cigna.

Check the Optum Rx page on AARP’s website for prescription drug discounts. Enter your drug in the search box and it will find the best price. Print out your discount card or have it sent to you in email.

In my area, I qualify for discount tires, Dr. Scholl’s shoes (20% off) and half-price car washes, among other things.

The discounted items aren’t the only thing you’ll find with AARP. The Tax Aide Locator is set up to help low and moderate income seniors with tax preparation -- or, if you prefer to do it yourself with just a little bit of coaching, they can provide that, too.

The advice and how-to columns alone are worth the cost of the membership. Digitizing your old home movies, tips to help prevent falls and seven ways to avoid germs at the gym are just a few of the current columns on AARP’s online front page.

To learn more about the benefits of an AARP membership, check the website or give them a call at 888-687-2277.

home services

Sitting quietly, doing nothing, Spring comes, and the grass grows by itself.

- The Gospel According To Zen


25 years’ experience.

Power Washing • Gutter Cleaning

Interior Painting • Exterior Painting No job too small!


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• General Repairs - Plumbing, Electrical,Carpentry

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• Deck Sanding,Washing,and Staining

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Drywall Repair

Gutter Repairs

Basement Repairs

Soffit & Fascia Repairs ... and more!

The PathStone Weatherization Assistance Program is available for income-eligible households in Monroe County located outside of the city limits.

HEAP Recipients Automatically Eligible Income guidelines are:

Family of 1: $39,864

Family of 2: $52,140

Family of 3: $64,404

Family of 4: $76,680


January was National Soup Month and February 4th is recognized as National Homemade Soup Day. What is typically your favorite soup category?

• Vegetable-heavy soups (tomato, red pepper, split pea)

• Brothy favorites such as French onion, ramen, pho

• Chowders (clam, potato, etc.)

• Hearty stews or chilis

• Any/all of the above

• I don’t like soup

Poll ends 02-18-2025

Poll ended 02-11-2025

New Orleans hosts the 59th Big Game on February 9th. If you watch the game, what is your favorite part of the day?

14.3% The game itself

7.1% The halftime show

21.4% Commercials

7.1% Food/snacks that have become tradition

7.1% Connecting with friends and family

42.9% None of the above


On the third Monday in February, Americans stop to remember the contributions of the many great leaders who have served as President of the United States. Certain Presidents’ Day traditions have developed over the years, including an opportunity for shoppers to find great deals on a hostofitems.

Originally established in 1885 to recognize President George Washington, the day we now knowasPresidents’Daywasthen known as Washington’s Birthday and was traditionally celebrated on February 22. The holiday became known as Presidents’ Day after it was moved to the third Monday in accordance with the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, which enabled the nation’s workers to enjoy more threeday weekends. In addition, the Uniform Monday Holiday Act served as a way to combine the celebration of Washington’s birthday and Abraham Lincoln’s birthday,whichisFebruary12.

” Margaret Cousins

Sign up to receive a digital copy of the Genesee Valley Penny Saver, Lake Country Pennysaver, and/or the Southern Tier Shopper. Enjoy local jobs, coupons, hometown events, and more from your community, emailed right to you to read at your convenience. Opt-in to receive as many editions as you would like!




Thank you to the person who picked up our afternoon tab at Longhorn Steakhouse on Tuesday, Feb. 4th in Victor. You left the restaurant before we had the chance to thank you. It may be possible that you heard me ask about them offering a military discount. We appreciate your generosity

Shoppers ank You

Thank you to the clerks at Five Below, Brockport, NY. I was shopping before Christmas 2024 in a couple of places and on the way home discovered I had lost one of my rings. Not just any ring, one that my parents gave to my Aunt many years ago and I received after my Mother passed. Black Onyx with a small diamond in center. One of the clerks found it and kept it up front. On a whim a couple days later I asked the cashier if they had found a ring. YES! she pulled it out. I was so thankful. I wanted to reward them but they said they couldn’t accept anything. You really deserve to be held in high esteem. Thank you so much for being so good.

Lost Special Ring

Why do employers care so much more about profitability than taking care of their employees? I may sound like a senior, but I am far from it, old enough to know a time when my boss/es valued me, my time, my work, and young enough to not understand why current employers don’t care that inflation raises costs of absolutely everything in our lives, and yet they do not give raises. Put your money where your mouth is and help us care about the company we work for. To be told outright that they value our work, to see consistently increased prices charged to customers/clients, to see the bosses take extravagant vacations and/or drive new vehicles, buy or build new homes, but to be told “We don’t give raises”?! No wonder employees are becoming more and more disenfranchised and apathetic toward their companies/ employers/jobs in general. What is this world coming to if half of a company’s small employee base is forced to take on second jobs to make ends meet?! Do better.

Shopping centers, please stop kids from “joyriding” around your stores on the electric handicap carts. When it’s obvious they’re playing and don’t need it, security or management need to intervene. Then legitimate handicap people can use them.



Bushnell’s Basin

Try Our Pizza & Wings – our specialty for over 75 years


The History Channel

* On Feb. 18, 1929, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announces the winners of the first Academy Awards, which were printed on the back page of the academy’s newsletter. A few days later, Variety published the information -- on page seven.

* On Feb. 17, 1972, the 15,007,034th Volkswagen Beetle rolls off the assembly line, breaking a four-decade record held by the Ford Motor Company’s iconic Model T. The VW Beetle dates back to 1930s Germany.

* On Feb. 16, 1984, Bill Johnson becomes the first American man to win an Olympic gold medal in downhill skiing, a sport long dominated by European athletes. Johnson quickly became a national hero, but never again competed in the Olympics.


It Finds You By Erin Snow

A red thread, Woven by the fates, Invisible yet unyielding, Twisting and stretching through time, To bind hearts destined to meet. rough countless realities, In every lifetime, It finds you

A love unbroken, Woven by the fates, Set in motion by the universe, It finds you

Whether their hands are rough or gentle, eir voice so or heavy, eir love defiant, Refusing to fit in, e world‚‘s narrow box

You may not see it, May not recognize them at first

But you will know. In time, e red thread tightens, Drawing you home

PaigeMoscickiAdvocates forUniversalFreeMeals in Public Schools

On February 1st, the Monroe County School Board Association held its Legislative Breakfast at Shadow Lake, and students from Honeoye Falls-Lima, Fairport, Gates-Chili, Rochester, and Spencerport High Schools presented their cases to the board. Paige Moscicki, a senior at HF-L High School, advocated for universal free meals in public schools. Her inspiring presentation highlighted the importance of addressing food insecurity to promote equity for all students.

Paige’s major argument focused on inclusion and equity, saying “ e main goal for me was to reinforce the proposed budget by Governor Hochul that is set to include universal free meals. While it is proposed, there is always the possibility of change, and I want to make sure that doesn’t happen. I think the meals are crucial to people’s learning, socially and academically... [As] proposed, people will feel safer

and more provided for at school, regardless of what others think of them.”

e concept of universal free meals in schools is increasingly impactful today a er the glimpse we saw of its benefits during COVID, when universal free school meals were funded by federal funds and families didn’t have to prove their need. Meals were simply provided, and the community benefited. A er COVID, Paige explains, many schools including HF-L could not continue the funding and students were le again needing to prove or show their financial need, a requirement o en causing stigma and negativity when meals could alternatively provide immense benefit for all students.

Paige argues that “the best part of universal free meals is that there is no [one] group who would benefit; everyone would! Everyone who needs or wants it can take advantage of it to improve their school day, and those who don’t wish to take advantage don’t have to. No consequences, only benefits.”

Paige’s commitment to this issue is deeply personal. Having benefited from free meals herself due to financial constraints, she understands firsthand the relief and security they provide, the weight li ed by the provided meals. She also shared the story of a friend who frequently experiences migraines due to skipping lunch because she cannot afford it. e stigma surrounding assistance programs prevents many students and families from seeking help, making universal free meals a crucial step toward eliminating these barriers. e program would ensure that no child goes hungry due to financial struggles or social stigma.

HFL Assistant Superintendent Colin Pierce

the audience to be highly engaged and receptive to her message. “I could tell from the faces in the crowd when I was done, the applause I received, and the compliments and questions paid to me a er. Every legislator was interested in some part of it, and this was the most amazing part for me. I felt as though I really made a difference.”

Paige urges others to use their voices to advocate for the issues that matter to them. Whether through social media, direct conversations, or emails to legislators, she believes that every individual has the power to create change.

“ e people I met were just that: people. ey were so kind, and they really do care about every single person in our state. If there is something that matters to you, reach out to one of them. You’d be surprised how receptive they are.”

Beyond her advocacy work, Paige is a dedicated student and active member of her community. Having taken ten AP and Honors courses throughout high school, she thrives on academic challenges. She

Lovetowrite? Share your original stories about local heroes, community events, school achievements, or hidden gems—and you could earn CASH! Your submission might even be featured on our website or in print!

“Ithinkthemealsarecrucial topeople’slearning,socially andacademically...”

is also deeply involved in extracurricular activities, serving as the treasurer of Drama Club and starring in school productions, including Rumors and the upcoming Hadestown. Additionally, she plays Varsity Tennis and competed at the State Championships.

Paige also works at the Henrietta Recreation Center, teaching tennis and gymnastics to young children. She is a member of the National Honor Society and Girl Scouts, frequently volunteering at the Mendon Public Library, especially in the summer.

As she approaches graduation, Paige is exploring her future path, considering careers in education or law while planning to stay close to home for college. No matter where she goes next, her dedication to advocacy and her community is sure to make a lasting impact.

Her passion and commitment to universal free meals have already helped bring awareness to this crucial issue, and her message is clear: by speaking up, anyone can make a difference.


MCSBA Legislative Breakfast 2025

&body mind

Elderly man weighs 84 pounds decades after his stomach removal

DEAR DR. ROACH: Is 18 years a record for living without a stomach? A family member had stomach cancer when he was 70 and had his stomach removed. He consulted with a dietician and has been able to eat small but frequent meals. He can also take enzymes, vitamins and other things, but slowly he has lost weight.

Now at 88, he is down to 84 pounds, and his muscles are also affected. He used to play racquetball regularly, but this came to an end during COVID and wasn’t picked back up after the pandemic. He can no longer walk without assistance. They are putting a feeding tube into his small intestine to supplement what he usually eats. Are you familiar with this type of thing? What else can be done, or is this the end? Will he starve to death? -- Y.F.

Q. A.

ANSWER: I have seen many patients with stomach cancer and have never seen this degree of weight loss, but weight loss is very common after removing the stomach. This degree of weight loss is very disturbing and usually results in a worse outcome, so effective treatment is overdue. A feeding tube, which isn’t often the appropriate treatment for weight loss, seems to be an important short-term treatment. I assume that he has had extensive evaluations for the recurrence of diseases, including CT scans. You mention that he has been getting vitamins; B12 and vitamin D levels are often profoundly low after gastrectomy (removal of the stomach), so these should be checked, even if he has been on replacements. If no other cause is found, it might be worth a try to use an appetite stimulant.

In addition, I would formally measure his total calorie input in a day to see whether the problem really is that he isn’t getting enough calories. I would be worried that he isn’t absorbing all of them.

There is no reason for him to starve to death. In the very worst case, nutrition can be given intravenously while they figure out why he is losing so much weight.

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am an 84-year-old male in amazingly good health and have great physical abilities, but after running about 3 miles, I noticed some minor chest discomfort. After a calcium score test and stress test, my doctor wanted to place stents in my coronary arteries.

I read a National Institue of Health study from 2020 regarding stent outcomes versus medication and lifestyle changes, and it showed no difference in the outcomes. So, I decided not to do the stents.

I no longer do any distance running, but I do weight training and a stationary bike exercise for 10 minutes without any chest issues. I now take statin drugs, blood pressure medicines, and baby aspirin.

Are you familiar with this study, and am I doing a reasonable thing by not having the stents inserted? -- T.E.

ANSWER: Whether stents are beneficial in people with stable coronary artery disease remains somewhat controversial. Although stents in combination with a healthy diet, exercise and medication may improve symptoms better than lifestyle changes and medication alone, there is no data to show an improvement in lifespan or in preventing heart attacks.

Your cardiologist wanted to reduce your symptoms, but if you aren’t having any now, then stenting isn’t indicated. If you had to reduce your running because of chest discomfort, then stenting might possibly allow you to do more exercise without having these symptoms.

&body mind

* On Feb. 20, 1792, President George Washington signs legislation

guaranteeing inexpensive delivery of all newspapers, stipulating the

Fair Housing Statement

All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center

1 W. Main St., Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 •


Magic Maze


GUIDELINES: Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.


• 55-gallon GLASS FISH TANK with lid. Black trim; no cracks but not watertight; perfect for pocket pets. Caledonia. 585-538-4066

• Approx. 100 Christmas and assorted GREETING CARDS for crafts (covers only). Pick up, Wayland.

• Women’s BLAZERS/BUSINESS SUIT JACKETS, size M. East Rochester. 585-943-5123

• WURLITZER PIANO with bench. Excellent condition. Henrietta.

• WALL PICTURES, PUZZLE BOOKS, COLORING BOOKS, and SOCKS. Rush-Henrietta area. 585-236-0426

• DIABETIC DOG MEDICATION - 1 1/2 vials of Vetsulin. Oakfield. 585-356-2819

• Vehicle PET/GEAR BARRIER, metal (Kennel Aire brand). Pick up Mon.Fri. daytime. Fairport.

• Small box of MAGAZINES - women’s and men’s interests. Lakeville. Call or text 585-649-8706

• 7’x11’ Mission GEOMETRIC PATTERN RUG. Very good condition. Olive/Dk. Green, Cranberry, Lt/Dk Tan, Black accent lines. Must pick up - Batavia.

• TRAINS MAGAZINES. 1995-2017. Each year in binder. Canandaigua. 585-396-7265

• 52” SONY FLATSCREEN with new base. Non-working, good for parts. 585-943-5088

• BALING TWINE SEGMENTS cut from hay bales, most between 6 - 7 feet long. 585-317-1058

• POOH X-STITCH COVERLET, unfinished. MAGAZINES - Country Living, Country Woman 1980s and ‘90s, Deer Hunting 1990s.

• 11 BALES OF STRAW or HAY needed for insulation around cat barn.

• Older model SMALL CAR or TRUCK in good working condition. 585-415-8513

• LARGE BASKETS needed for upcoming Crossroads House basket raffle.


• Gas powered ATV or DIRT BIKE - running or not. Call or text 315-576-1278

• Collector’s edition ‘80-’90s BASKETBALL CARDS. 585-419-5246

• New/gently used YOGA MAT. ADULT NUTRITION DRINKS, any brand or flavor. Call or text 585-649-8706.


• CHRISTMAS VILLAGE and other Christmas decorations for the benefit of The Joy Project. Jim: 585-813-5089 or

• Looking for ‘70-’90s ROCK RECORDS, CASSETTES, and 8-TRACK TAPES.

• Vintage MERCURY SNO-TWISTER parts. Call or text 585-733-2026

• 3.8L V6 ENGINE for a ‘98 Ford Winstar minivan. 585-505-3895

• OAK DINING ROOM TABLE in good condition. 585-381-6546

• New or lightly used KEURIG or NESPRESSO MACHINE for the Holley Library.

• 40-50gal FISH TANK for a bearded dragon & any sports cards. Text or call 585-282-4881


By reading the scriptures I am so renewed that all nature seems renewed around me and with me. The sky seems to be a pure, a cooler blue, the trees a deeper green. The whole world is charged with the glory of God and I feel fire and music under my feet. ~Thomas Merton


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List your place of Worship on our monthly Worship Pages. Call 226-8111 today.


Scout is full of energy and love. At the dog park, she’s gentle with the smaller dogs and also tangles with the big dogs. She enjoys squeaky toys and stuffed animals.


pet place



Some pups may be hesitant to go outside when the weather is cold, rainy or snowy, so people who live in cold climates may want to wait until the weather warms up to adopt their puppies.

Send us a photo! and a brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it! Submit at: under Share With Us or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.

Owner wants dog in the bedroom at all times, even on Valentine’s

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My fiance insists on keeping the bedroom door closed, and my dog “Charlie,” on the opposite side of it, when we’re having sex. But Charlie whines, yelps and scratches the door the entire time we’re at it. I think that letting him in won’t be an issue, and he’ll just curl up at the foot of the bed, but my fiance says it’s creepy for the dog to be in the room at the same time. How can I get him to come around? Valentine’s Day is almost here, and I don’t want our romantic day to be spoiled by a whining dog outside the door. -- D.R. in Fort Myers, Florida

DEARD.R.: So,I’m a pet care columnist,not a relationship expert, but I’ll do my best here. Pets are a part of our family, and love being the center of attention, but they do not need to be present at every moment of your life. Furthermore, you’re in a relationship with another person, and a healthy relationship includes negotiation and compromise.

I think you can agree that the whining and scratching outside the door annoys both of you.

Instead of arguing about whether he’s in or out, place Charlie in another section of your home where he can’t hear your,um,Olympian efforts in the bedroom.The living room, the kitchen or a screened-in porch -- wherever. If he uses a kennel cage, place him in there with a treat and his favorite toys and his binky, and then enjoy your evening.

Wherever you place Charlie, make sure there are no Valentine’s chocolates or other goodies from your dinner in the same room. Chocolate, as you know, is poisonous to dogs (and cats).

Send your tips, comments or questions to © 2025 King Features Synd., Inc.

Cats are stealth and lovable but somewhat unpredictable. Ancient Egyptians revered cats for their companionship and ability to keep dangerous creatures such as poisonous snakes, rats and scorpions at bay. The Egyptians were among the first peoples to domesticate cats, and now thousands upon thousands of people share their homes with feline companions.

Break the boredom with our four week Cabin Fever Contest! Solve the puzzles each week and send them in for your chance to win a Cabin Fever Survival Basket! No purchase required.

Word Search

Mail to: GVPS Cabin Fever Contest 2025 PO Box 340 • Avon, NY 14414 All entries must be postmarked by March 4, 2025. Winner will be randomly chosen from all correct entries. Enter each week for a greater chance of winning. Must be 13 or older to play. 18 or older will be signed up for our coupon club. Playing all 4 weeks? Mail your entries together by 3/4/25.


• Paid Bus Monitor to Driver training available

• Must be at least 21 years of age

• NYS Employee Retirement System pension

• Health and dental benefits Visit or call 585-216-0205


Creativity to generate interesting stories; deadline-driven and organized; strong command of contemporary writing styles and traditional grammar rules. WEBSTER

• Payroll Clerk

• Teacher Aides

• Bus Drivers

• Custodians/Cleaners

Visit our website to view all openings and apply:

Love to write?

Do you have a gi for the wri en word and a passion to make a difference in the community?



to grow our network of stories in print and digital media. You will have the opportunity to connect with community leaders across the region to share and craft the narratives that matter to our readers.

Job Duties:

• Prepare weekly content for our flagship Genesee Valley Penny Saver in print and online

• Construct content for a number of town directories and niche publications across the region

• Assist with proofreading ads, articles and print work when needed $17/hour or based on experience. Approximately 15-18 hours per week.

Please submit a resume, cover letter and 1 or 2 writing samples to our General Manager:

Carpenter/Installer for Sunrooms & Awnings

Year-round work, 40+ hours per week, health/dental plan, IRA with company matching 3%, holiday and vacation pay, competitive pay. Compensation based on experience 30 day review • Potential to earn over $60k/yr. PATIO

• Teaching Assistants • Student Aides • Clerical Staff • Food Service Staff

• Health Office Aides

• Cleaners

To see all openings and apply, visit:


Deciding to leave a job is seldom an easy decision. However, it’s a more common decision than many people may know, as the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates the average worker holds 10 different jobs before age 40.

People change jobs for a variety of reasons. Some do so because of better opportunities elsewhere, while others simply need a change. Regardless of what’s motivating a job change, leaving a place of employment can elicit various emotions, including some that may contribute to negative thoughts about a current employer. But it’s always best to leave a job gracefully, which can pay dividends down the road.

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WAYS TO SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES Shop at small businesses regularly.


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In Finnish, February is called “helmikuu,” meaning “month of the pearl,” which refers to the snowmeltingontreebranches.


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