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Hometown Events
Presidents’ Day is, fi rst a foremost, a chance to refl ect and honor past presidents. But it also is a day for shoppers to fi nd great deals on a host of items.
Byron Bergen Public Library

13 S. Lake St., Bergen (585) 494-1120 Byron-BergenPublicLibrary.org Hours: Tues.-Thurs. 10-1 & 2-7; Fri. 10-6; Sat. 10-1
Caledonia Library
3108 Main Street, Caledonia (585) 538-4512 Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 2-5:30 & 7-9; Tues. 9-1 & 2-5:30; Fri. 2-5:30; Sat. 9-1
Chili Public Library
3237 Chili Avenue, Rochester (585) 889-2200 • www.chililibrary.org Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-9; Fri.-Sat. 9-5, Sunday Closed
Hollwedel Memorial Library
Pavilion • (585) 584-8843 Hours: Mon., Wed. 2-7; Tue., Sat. 10-Noon; Fri. 11-5
Mumford Branch Library
883 George Street, Mumford (585) 538-6124 Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 12-6
Newman Riga Library
1 S. Main St. Churchville, NY www.newmanrigalibrary.org (585) 293-2009 Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 11-5; Tues., Thurs. 11-9; Sat. 10-2
Scottsville Free Library
28 Main Street, Scottsville (585) 889-2023 Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 10-5; Tues., Thurs. 1-8; Sat. 10-1
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
Chili Public Library: LIBRARY CLOSED: Presidents’ Day. POLYMER CLAY CREATIONS: Tuesday, February 22nd at 3PM. For ages 8 to 12. Registration required. F A M I L Y M O V I E M O R N I N G : Wednesday, February 23rd at 10AM. Come enjoy a cozy movie and popcorn! Registration required. TEENS TOGETHER: Wednesday, February 23rd at 7PM. For ages 13 to 18. An accepting, confidential environment geared towards LGBTQIA+ teens. No registration. DRUM YOUR WAY INTO BLACK HISTORY MONTH: Thursday, February 24th at 10AM. Our interactive program puts a modern spin on traditional African entertainment! Registration required. FEEDING FOLKS WITH URBAN FOOD FORESTS: Thursday, February 24th at 7PM. Learn permaculture design basics and techniques. Registration required. TEEN PIZZA FRIDAY: Friday, February 25th at 5PM. Join us for pizza, games, and fun at the library. Registration required. QUILT STORY WITH THE GENESEE COUNTRY MOVEABLE MUSEUM: Saturday, February 26th at 2PM. Celebrate the Town of Chili Bicentennial! Learn about 19th century customs and activities. Registration required.
Caledonia Library: LIBRARY BOARD MEETING Tuesday February 22nd. NEW ITEMS (Adult Non-Fiction) Violeta by Isabel Allende, Abandoned in Death by J.D. Robb, Quicksilver by Dean Koontz; (Graphic Novels) Locke and Key Series (6) by Joe Hill; (Adult Fiction Audio CDs) The Family You Make by Jill Shalvis, Robert B. Parker’s Bye Bye Baby by Ace Atkins. DID YOU KNOW Once you log into your OWWL account, you have access to a plethora of information. Like... programs at all OWWL Libraries; tutorials on a variety of topics from computer and internet basics to career help; language skills; local history resources; ancestry info; NY Times bestsellers list; Books by Mail; Talking Books and Braille Library. KNITTING GROUP -- “Loosely Knit” meets on Thursdays at 2 p.m. Can you knit, crochet, spin yarn, etc.? Come and work on your project, talk with others, or simply ask for help.
Bessie Smith (1894-1937): While there are female instrumentalists in the genre of jazz, in the early days many, such as Bessie Smith, were vocalists. Born in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Smith would come to be known as “Empress of the Blues” thanks to her powerful voice. By the 1920s, Smith was among the highest paid black performers. Tragically, Smith’s life was cut short when she died from injuries sustained in a car crash on her way to a show in Memphis in 1937.
Hollwedel Memorial Library: STORYTIME: Tuesdays at 11 am. Join Miss Josselyn for stories, singing, dancing, projects, take and makes and fun!! You can attend in person or watch on Facebook Live. You can also watch the broadcast later on Facebook. Masks are required for those 2 years old or older. KIDS BIRTHDAY CLUB RESUMES: Feb. 22 at 11am. Free. No registration required. Kids who have birthdays in Dec., Jan., and Feb. get a crown and a song. Cake from Tops in LeRoy for all!!! Join the fun! The library will be closed on Monday, Feb. 21, in honor of Presidents’ Day. KNITTERS’ NOOK: Mondays at 3:30. Join our friendly needleworkers and work on your project! BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Board meetings are held on the second Wed. of each month at 6 pm in the library.
Girl Scout Cookie Sale - Girl Scouts from Avon and Caledonia are now selling their cookies to help fund projects for this year. Our delicious new flavor is Adventurefuls, a brownie caramel cookie. The old favorites Thin Mints, Peanut Butter patties and Lemonades and just a few of the 9 varieties. Still have our gluten free selection also. $5 a box. Sale runs thru February, if a girl doesn’t stop please call Jeanne to place an order at 226-6434.
The Great Batavia Train Show For 50 years the Great Batavia Train Show has been one of the premier hobby events in Western New York. Our move to the Richard C. Call arena has allowed us to grow the event in a state-of-the-art facility. Our April 3rd event marks our 100th train show! All forms of model railroad and train-related merchandise will be available. Modeling demonstrations, and a limited number of portable layouts, will be part of the fun. Free parking. Genesee Community College Richard C Call Arena, One College Rd., Batavia. $6 adults, $3 under 18, free for children under 13. http://gsme.org
HLOM Guest Speaker Series: D o n a l d D r u i t t , “ F r e d e r i c k Douglass- The Slave, a Freed Man, and Abolitionist”: Join us at the Holland Land Office Museum on Friday, February 25th at 7 pm as we welcome our next presenter in our Guest Speaker Series. Donald Druitt, an avid Frederick Douglass reenactor, will be visiting virtually as we take in a rendition of his one-man play “Frederick DouglassThe Slave, a Freed Man, and Abolitionist”. Admission is $3/$2 for museum members. Masks are required. The program will also be available via Zoom. You can find t h e l i n k s o n t h e m u s e u m ’ s Facebook page and website, www. hollandlandoffice.com. Museum Quilt Guild is hosting a members’ quilt exhibit at Richmond Library Gallery Room for February. Twenty-one small quilts are displayed with this year’s annual challenge theme of “Rock, Paper, Scissors”. The public can vote for their “Viewer’s Choice” on white ballots. The categories which get the most votes, will determine the winner to the ultimate game of Rock, Paper, Scissors! Meet some of the quilters on Saturday, February 19, noon-2pm at the library for an informal “meet and greet”. The Guild meets at the Batavia VA every third Saturday at 9:30am. Masks are required. Guests are welcome. Annual dues are $20. Information is available at our show.
HLOM Trivia Night @ the Museum: Albert Einstein: Join us at the Holland Land Office Museum on Thursday, March 10 at 7 pm for the next edition of Trivia Night at the Museum. This month’s topic is Albert Einstein as we celebrate the theoretical physicist’s birthday. Admission is $3 per person or $2 for museum members. All in attendance are required to wear face coverings. Please contact the museum if you would like to attend at 5 8 5 - 3 4 3 - 4 7 2 7 o r hollandlandoffice@gmail.com. You can also join via Zoom by following the links below. The event is also available via Zoom. The links can be found on the museum’s Facebook p a g e a n d w e b s i t e w w w . hollandlandoffice.com.
Irish Music Night with No Blarney! Get in the St. Patrick’s Day spirit at the Holland Land Office Museum with Batavia natives No Blarney! as they get us off our feet and dancing to traditional Irish music. The concert is Friday, March 11 from 7 pm-8 pm. Tickets $5 per person and $4 for museum members. Please R.S.V.P. to the museum by email at hollandlandoffice@ gmail.com or call the museum to R.S.V.P. at 585-343-4727. Seating is limited to 30 people. Masks are r e q u i r e d . h t t p : / / w w w . hollandlandoffice.com
Notre Dame’s First Annual Running with the Irish 5K Run/Walk to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and support the school and the GLOW ARC. March 12th. Race begins 10AM at Notre Dame High School, 73 Union St, Batavia. T-shirts are given with $25 early registration (before March 5th). After that tshirt sizes will be limited and the price will go up to $30. Prizes available for winners in male/ female age categories. Also, the local school with the most runners/ walkers will receive the ND Irish Trophy! Winners announced at TF Brown’s after the race where we can eat, drink and be merry! Come dress up and run or walk! Registration: www.ndhsbatavia.com
Zonta Club of Batavia - Genesee County - 30th ANNUAL LUCKY NUMBER LUNCHEON SAINT PATRICK’S DAY CELEBRATION: Saturday - March 19, 2022 at the Batavia Downs - Batavia. Tickets $30 (PreSale Only) Deadline March 3rd. F o r T i c k e t s c o n t a c t : L i s a a t l i s a p k h a n 1 @ g m a i l . c o m o r “Venmo” 585-297-0682. Doors open at 10:30am, Lunch at Noon, Auction Starts at 1pm. All proceeds benefit our Scholarship and Local Service Projects. Spaghetti Dinner - The Polish Falcon’s Nest 493 is holding a Spaghetti Dinner on February 26th from 4:00 to 6:00 PM. Cut off for ordering is February 22nd. Call 585-343-4088 or 585-343-0225. Polish Falcons NEST 493, 123 South Swan St., Batavia.
Java with Joe E.: Michael Eula “Too Often Overlooked: Female Slaves & Poor Women in Genesee County” - Join us Thursday, February 24th at 9 am at the Holland Land Office Museum (131 W Main St., Batavia) as we welcome Genesee County Historian, Michael Eula as he presents “Too Often Overlooked: Female Slaves & Poor Women in Genesee County.” The event is free to the public. Please c o n t a c t t h e m u s e u m a t 5 8 5 - 3 4 3 - 4 7 2 7 o r hollandlandoffice@gmail.com if you would like to attend. Masks are required by all in attendance. Dine Out Fundraiser for the Down Syndrome Parent Support Group of Genesee County. Join us on Wednesday, February 23, 2022 from 4pm to 9pm at the Miss Batavia Diner, 566 East Main St., Batavia. Mention the fundraiser to the Waitress. Show your support 30% of your bill is donated. BYRON
Weight Loss Support Group Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS). Join us for support and tips to help take off unwanted pounds! We meet Wednesday evenings at 5:30 at the Byron First Presbyterian Church, 6293 Main Street, Byron. Yearly membership is $32 and weekly dues are $1.
Piecing Together the Past - Jigsaw Puzzle Competition: Big Springs Museum’s 3rd annual Jigsaw Puzzle Competition - Sunday, February 20th from 2-4pm, Big Springs Museum, 3095 Main St., Caledonia. Teams of 4 people, $40/ team. You take home the custom puzzle! Come out for an afternoon of community fun! http://www. bigspringsmuseum.org Annual Senior Citizens St. Patrick’s Boiled Dinner - Canceled: The Cal-Mum Lions Club regretfully must cancel the Corned Beef Dinner in March at J. W. Jones Hall in Caledonia due to the pandemic.
The First Presbyterian Church of Chili’s Food Cupboard, which is now affiliated with Food Link, continues to be held the third Saturday of each month from 10:00 11:30 at 3600 Chili Ave. It would be helpful if you could register although this is not required - by c a l l i n g 8 8 9 - 9 8 9 6 T u e s d a y Thursday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. We look forward to seeing you the third Saturday of each month! GENESEO
Valentine on-line Auction to Benefit Teresa House: Valentine Dance On-Line Auction - Our Valentine Fundraiser this year will be an on-line auction. We have put together many fabulous donated items. The Auction will launch on February 4th and conclude on February 18th. Teresa House, 21 Highland Rd., Geneseo. Please visit: h t t p s : / / w w w . 3 2 a u c t i o n s . c o m / TeresaHouse2022 to view and bid on the items.
Greece Arcadia 50th Reunion! GREECE ARCADIA CLASS OF 1972 CLASSMATES, PLUS TEACHERS AND STAFF WHO GUIDED US FROM 1968-1972: SAVE THESE DATES!! The 50th Reunion of the Class of 1972 is 8/26/2022 8/27/2022! Please contact Nancy Tripp at 352-509-5700 or email at GAHSClassof1972@gmail.com so we can plan for your attendance. Weekend Highlights: Friday: Arcadia tour and Memorial Service for departed classmates. Saturday: Celebrations at Greece Canal Park. We’d love to see you there!! HENRIETTA
Free - Grab-n-Go Pasta Dinner: The Knights of Columbus 4812 is Collecting Food for Families, 1:00 to 4:00pm, Saturday, February 19, 2022. For your donation receive a Pasta Dinner - serves two, ready for reheat. Drive thru at Guardian Angels Church 2061 East Henrietta Rd., Henrietta. LIVONIA
Take-out Spaghetti Dinner at the U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h o f Livonia, 21 Summer St, Livonia on Wednesday, March 9, 4:30-6:00PM (or until sold out). Spaghetti, sauce, meatballs, undressed salad, and garlic bread. Donations accepted. Please follow signs in church parki n g l o t f o r d r i v e - t h r o u g h instructions.
Use social media to give your recommendations on small businesses that go above and beyond in quality and service.
My Fair Lady - MY FAIR LADY tells the story of Eliza Doolittle, a young Cockney flower seller, and Henry Higgins, a linguistics professor who is determined to transform her into his idea of a “proper lady.” But who is really being transformed? February 22nd-27th, RBTL’s Auditorium Theatre, 885 East Main Street, Rochester. https://www.rbtl. org/events/my-fair-lady/
RENT 25th Anniversary Farewell Tour - For a quarter of a century, Jonathan Larson’s RENT has inspired us to choose love over fear and to live without regret. This Tony Award and Pulitzer Prizewinning phenomenon follows a year in the lives of a diverse group of artists and friends struggling to follow their dreams without selling out. It has become more than a musical it’s a cultural touchstone, a rite of passage and a source of joy and strength for millions. RENT has become a part of us forever. March 7th & 8th, 7:30pm, RBTL’s Auditorium Theatre, 885 East Main Street, Rochester. https://www.rbtl.org/ events/rent/
Genesee Region Orchid Society Show and Sale - Hundreds of blooming orchids on display and for sale. Orchid plant giveaways. Orchid talks and demos. Orchid repotting service available. Saturday, April 2: 10AM-5PM; Sunday, April 3: 10AM-4PM at the Rochester Museum and Science Center, Eisenhart Auditorium, 667 East Ave., Rochester. Admission $10.00; children under 12 free. Visit our w e b s i t e h t t p s : / / w w w . geneseeorchid.org for more info or like us on Facebook: Genesee Region Orchid Society. Rochester Model Railroad Club Open House - Join us March 5 and 6 in the basement of the First Universalist church at 150 South Clinton Avenue on the corner of Court Street. Hours are from 10 to 5 on Saturday and 1 to 5 on Sunday. Tickets are $5 and kids 12 and under are free. The train layout is a 40 x 60 layout featuring an HO scale railroad that winds it’s way from Pennsylvania through the rolling hills of Western New York to Buffalo, passing through towns such as Caledonia and Geneva. The layout is fully scenicked with over a t h o u s a n d t r e e s . h t t p : / / w w w . rocMRRC.com
In the northern hemisphere, February is the equivalent to the third month of winter. In the southern hemisphere, it is the third month of summer.
Plant Native This Spring - Monroe County Soil & Water Conservation District Launches 2022 Conservation Tree & Shrub Program. This is a pre-order program with a deadline for ordering on March 4, 2022. We offer mail-in, email, and online ordering. The distribution of the plant material will occur at the Monroe County ecopark on April 21-22, 2022 from 9am-5pm. We will also hold a first come, first serve overstock sale April 23, 2022, 9-11am. where you can come in and purchase trees without having to preorder. Order form and our full color catalog available at: w w w . m o n r o e c o u n t y s w c d . o r g . Q u e s t i o n s : ( 5 8 5 ) 7 5 3 - 7 3 8 0 , Monday-Friday, 8am-4pm.
Make things easy for customers. Cash was once king at community festivals and marketplaces, but the convenience of plastic and even touchless payments has long since replaced hard currency as consumers’ preferred method of payment. In fact, a recent study from Visa found that contactless payment usage in the United States grew by 150 percent between March 2019 and March 2020. Card readers are inexpensive and easy to use. Businesses can still accept cash payments, as accepting both cash and card increases the chances of making more money.
Events should occur on a specifi c date at a specifi c time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items: • Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program • Organizations seeking crafters or vendor • Organizations seeking donations of items Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date R E G I S T E R A N D S U B M I T Y O U R E V E N T O N L I N E AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414