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PIANO SHEET and BOOK MUSIC; all kinds/levels; old but good condition. Pile of music stands 10” high! 585-388-5768 PAMPERED CHEF KNIVES. One kitchen knife, one chef ’s knife. Both with sharpening sheath: 585-519-9963 VINTAGE INDUSTRIAL SINGER SEWING MACHINE with CABINET (#241-2). For Parts Recycling or Repair. Pick up, Henrietta: 585-820-2554 WALL ENTERTAINMENT/MEDIA/STORAGE CABINET. Good Condition. Pick-Up, Henrietta: 585-820-2554 WOOD and METAL CREDENZA/STORAGE DESK; 1 missing drawer; repurpose the wood or use for recycling/scrap metal. Pick up, Henrietta: 585-820-2554 WATERWISE GLASS GALLON WATER COLLECTOR PITCHER and two SHOWERWISE SHOWER HEADS. Pick up, Springwater: 585-669-9994 STAND AIDE. Excellent condition. Pick up, Shortsville: 585-289-3192 14 BABY SHOWER THANK YOU CARDS & ENVELOPES from Shutterfl y: 210-823-6044 Collectible orange CARNIVAL GLASS – 15” platter. 12”x5” fl uted bowl, 8”x3” bowl. Vintage white PORCELAIN CHAMBER POT: jvc45@aol.com EMERSON VHS CASSETTE RECORDER with on screen programming & manual. Good working condition with some new blank tapes: jbe70@frontiernet.net NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC magazines, January 2013-February 2014. Brockport. 585-431-0546 Assorted sizes of ADULT TAPED BRIEFS and BED PADS: vincenth@frontiernet.net HUMIDIFIERS – two small, two large with new fi lters for them: debilholt@yahoo.com MOBILE HOME, as is, in Leicester: 646-698-1841 GROCERY BAGS, brown paper from Tops. Approx. 50 of them: mikeal@rochester.com SNOW BLOWER for parts or repair. Pick up, Canandaigua: 585-394-8189 PLASTIC FREEZER CONTAINERS with lids (pint & 1.5-pint sizes). Pick up, Churchville: 585-494-2567 Two separate FILE DRAWERS, non-metal, legal size with hanging folders: Pick up, Churchville: 585-494-2567 1946 LEROY HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOK, the O-At-Kan: 585-343-9222 BAHR Tack Shop 501(c)(3) looking for gently used BARN, STABLE and RIDING SUPPLIES. Drop off 2834 Plank Rd., Lima: 585-322-2427 CASSETTE RECORDER or BOOM BOX with cassette recording capabilities. In good working condition: 585-754-8815 HEATED BOWLS for outside strays: 315-748-3378 DIGITAL CAMERA with ZOOM and TIMER for disabled senior to take pictures. In good working condition: 585-381-6546 Old TUBES, TRANSFORMERS, ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT and SPEAKERS for Hammond or any electronic organ and PLAYER PIANO ROLLS: 585-671-1996 or 585-323-1762 JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS and PARTS & ACCESSORIES. All kinds. Any condition. Thank you: 585-377-4604 SMART PHONE. Old or used. For disabled senior: stujaxon@yahoo.com Looking for a beginner up to an okay PIANO TEACHING & SONG BOOKS: 585-282-4881 ACOUSTIC GUITAR preferably with case: 336-609-3362 BUBBLE WRAP: myersdenise19@gmail.com USED POOL COVER to use as a garden cover, prefer rectangular but any type will do: hansjoan2@gmail.com One TWO DRAWER FILING CABINET, used but not busted or rusted: mmshining42@gmail.com Gently used but still playable PLAYSTATION 4 VIDEO GAMES to expand grandchildren’s library. 585-334-6134 COMIC BOOKS and GRAPHIC NOVELS for a legally blind senior citizen. Contact me at: salvatore.d.timpani@gmail.com CRAFTING SUPPLIES; no greeting cards but will take all other stuff. Also any LARGE PLASTIC BINS. 585-748-0356 Broken, used or unwanted CPAP MACHINE for disabled senior with COPD sleep apnea: petekeefe66@yahoo.com Looking for CORDED PHONE - amplifi ed for hard of hearing and MEN’S ADULT DIAPERS - size large and INCONTINENCE GUARDS for elderly father: bargainhunter22@ymail.com PET WHISPERER P.I. series by Molly Fitz for granddaughter (12 books in series). Not too far from the Brockport area: 585-637-0933 OLD iPAD, V4 or better with iOS 10 or later, for senior to read library books. Thank you: jfz_rhy@yahoo.com

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