Buying or SellingCall Heidi for all your Real Estate Needs
Heidi Prentice,
Associate R.E. Broker Honesty,
Fair Housing Statement
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.
We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 •
The Season was waning to its close. The gardens showed but little of the ravages of autumn as yet. The noble avenues of trees were still in their glory of fulness and expansive verdure; although here and there a few fallen leaves seemed to have fluttered down to earth as premature heralds of decay. The later flowers were gorgeous in their many-coloured splendour, though their earlier sisters had already lived the best of their lives, and now drooped their heads, as if to hide their blighted charms.
~J. Palgrave Simpson, For Ever and Never, 1884, wording slightly altered
Fall Flea Season
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My cat Isaiah o en gets eas in the late spring through summer, but by September the eas are usually gone. is year, he still has eas, even as we get into the chillier October month. What can I do to drive the eas out? -- Maddy in Biddeford, Maine
DEAR MADDY: While ea activity tends to drop during the colder months, chillier weather isn’t a guarantee that they’ll go away. A number of factors could keep them around, conceivably, all year. ings like a constantly warm environment in which to live (your house) or a higher than usual ea population (this can vary from year to year).
To really get rid of Isaiah’s eas, you’ll need to treat him and tackle possible ea problems inside the house.
Treat Isaiah with a ea treatment, available at the pet store or from the vet. Perfumed soaps aren’t good alternatives; they can dry and irritate his skin.
Wash or replace Isaiah’s bedding, and wash any furniture upholstery, blankets or other items where he likes to lounge for long periods.
Treat the carpet with a ea preventative, available at the pet store or online. Put Isaiah into a safe room and sprinkle the treatment into the carpet as directed, then vacuum it up. e treatment will take care of any live eas or eggs hiding in the carpet.
If your cat spends time outdoors, consider making him an indoor cat. is will reduce the chance of him contracting eas outside and bringing them into the house.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner. com.
(c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
What are some benefits to fostering for the people involved? While there are many benefits to the pet, including a less stressful, quiet environment, people get something out of fostering, too. Foster families can provide love and affection to an animal that needs it. It can be rewarding to do something selfless, and teaches compassion to everyone in the household. Since having a pet is a large responsibility, pet fostering also serves as an introductory lesson for anyone considering becoming a permanent pet parent. When fostering a pet, everyone in the household gets to see the day-to-day tasks that pet ownership requires.
Penny Saver
Pet Blessing
OCTOBER 16, 2022
Drop by between 11am-Noon
Front yard of St. James Episcopal Church
405 E. Main Street, Batavia
Bring leashed, crated or otherwise contained pets for a blessing. Photos are also welcome. We will be collecting for Pete’s Pet Food Pantry which distributes over 1,000 lbs. of pet food each month.
Before Passion came to her foster mom, she was used for breeding, amongst other things, and thrown out on the street to be found in very rough shape. Despite everything she has been through, she is the most loving, gentle, playful and sweet girl! She now lives a life of happiness and comfort with her two new brothers who are also rescues. She will only know love for the rest of her life!
Send us a photo and brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it. Email to: or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.
(NAPSI)—NaturVet’s veterinarian-formulated pet supplements have progressed over the last 25 years to keep up with the ever-changing needs of pet parents. NaturVet’s newest Hemp for Health product line includes four top products—Allergy, Calming, Immune and Joint— that are now available enhanced with Hemp Seed Oil and Hemp Seed Powder, sharing the same great original base formulas that pet parents have relied on for years.
Although marijuana and hemp come from the same cannabis family, the plants are completely different in function, cultivation and application. Hemp is grown specifically for agricultural purposes and has been used for hundreds of years in textiles, body care products, paper products, industrial products and building materials. Most importantly, hemp is nonpsychoactive and cannot get your pet high. Hemp has significant health benefits for pets. Hemp is high in fiber; a great source of plant-based protein; is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids; and contains phytonutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and 20 amino acids. Hemp Seed Oil and Hemp Seed Powder work synergistically with other active ingredients to help provide support for allergies, stress and anxiety, joints, aches and discomfort, the immune system, and overall health and wellness. For more information on NaturVet products, please visit or call (888) 628-8783.
Please bring a bag of food for a dog, cat, gerbil, sh, muskrat, squirrel…etc.
To learn more about Paws With A Cause and to find out how you can help, just download this simple app and watch this story come to life:
Provided as a community service by this civic minded publication and the Association of Community Publishers
HEAP Recipients
When working with chemicals and other products that have strong odors and/or emit particulates into the air, make sure you do so in well-ventilated areas. This will help dissipate the smell and prevent inhalation of concentrated chemical substances. Masks guard against dust, pollen and some other microscopic particles and may not provide enough protection, depending on the job. The Home Depot suggests using particulate or filtration respirators when performing tasks, such as sanding, where you might be exposed to particles. Gas and vapor respirators offer protection against additional substances.
Tool & Equipment Rental
However, it tends
furnace work harder. Look for a moisture-resistant
high thermal performance, such as Roxul
insulation. This type of mineral wool insulation
Need A Plumber?
installation simple.
and press into
that’s needed is a serrated
The insulation will help improve energy efficiency as soon as it’s in place and provide savings over the lifetime of your home. Comfortbatt can also be used to top or replace old attic insulation. Aim for an R-50 or a depth of 16 inches.
If you own a small business, keep business cards, flyers or a sign advertising another small business in the area to show mutual support.
ScottsvilleFreeLibrary: Scottsville FreeLibrary’s 54thANNUALBOOKSALE Friday,October21:10:00am5:00pm Saturday,October22:10:00am3:00pm Sunday,October23:$5BAGDAY 10:00am-3:00pm
STORYTIME: Tuesdaysat11am. JoinMissJosselynforstories,singing,dancing,projects,takeand makesandfun!!Youcanattendin personorwatchonFacebookLivel YoucanalsowatchlateronFBif youmissthelivebroadcast.
BOOKCLUB:NEWTIME!!Meets thethirdWed.ofeachmonthat 4:30.October’sselectionisThe HouseintheCeruleanSea,byT.J. Kline.Pickupacopyatthelibrary, readitandjoinusonOct.19.
AtticaSeniorHighBandBasket Raffle Sunday,October16,2022 attheAtticaHSGymnasium,3338 EastMainSt.Rd.,Attica.Time: 12-2pm.Drawingstartsat2:15pm. Winnersneedtobepresenttowin. Questions?ContactLindaKehl 585-591-3798.
OhHorrors!It’s...Murder! Presenting ~AnAvonMiddle SchoolPerformance~OHHORRORS!IT’S...MURDER!Heldatthe AvonDistrictAuditorium.FindOut whodidit...October21st,at7pm orOctober22nd,at3:30pm.TicketsPricedat$ avoncsd-theatre.Thisisan interactiveexperiencemostappropriateforgrades5andup
Byron Bergen Public Library
13 S. Lake St., Bergen (585) 494-1120
Hours: Tues.-Thurs. 10-1 & 2-7; Fri. 10-6; Sat. 10-1
Caledonia Library
3108 Main Street, Caledonia (585) 538-4512
Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 2-5:30 & 7-9; Tues. 9-1 & 2-5:30; Fri. 2-5:30; Sat. 9-1 (Sept.-May) Closed (June-Aug.)
Chili Public Library
3237 Chili Avenue, Rochester (585) 889-2200
Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-9; Fri.-Sat. 9-5, Sun. Closed
Hollwedel Memorial Library
5 Woodrow Dr., Pavilion (585) 584-8843
Hours: M,W 1-8; T, Th 10-1; F 11-6; S 9-noon; Sunday-closed
Mumford Branch Library
883 George Street, Mumford (585) 538-6124
Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 12-6
Newman Riga Library
1 S. Main St., Churchville, NY (585) 293-2009
Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 11-5; Tues., Thurs. 11-9; Sat. 10-2
Scottsville Free Library
28 Main Street, Scottsville (585) 889-2023
Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 10-5; Tues., Thurs. 1-8; Sat. 10-1
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
NEW!WRITERS’GROUP: Wednesdaysfrom4:30-6:00pm. It’snottoolatetojoinin.! POKEMONPARTY!:Oct.21from 4-6pm.
TRUNKORTREAT:Sat.,Oct29@ 11am!Joinusforlotsoftreatsand fun!
BoardofTrusteesmeetingsare heldat6pmonthesecondWed. ofeachmonthat6pm.
CHILDREN’S STORYTIMEEach Tuesdayat9:45a.m.Listenas retiredteacherMrs.Ebersoleshares funideasandreadsaloud. NEWITEMS(AdultFiction) MadHoneybyJodiPicoult, RighteousPreybyJohnSandford, FallingStarsbyFernMichaels; (AdultAudioCDs)CaptivebyIris Johansen,HellburnerbyMike Maden,TreasureStatebyC.J.Box. SENIORBOOKCLUBThegroup nextmeetsonTuesdayNovember 8that2:15p.m.Currentselection is“TheMagnificentLivesofMarjoriePost.”Allarewelcometojoin.
KNITTINGGROUP“LooselyKnit” meetsonThursdaysat2:00p.m. Comeandcheckusout!
DIDYOUKNOWIfyouneedinternetaccess,wehaveHotspots whichcanbeborrowedfor1week. AndifyouwantfreeentryintoNYS parks,wehaveEmpirePasses whichcanbeborrowedfor1week.
BenefitforCarrieDesjardinsHeld Wednesday,October19th from4pm-8pmattheAlabama Hotel,Rt63&77,Alabama.BASKETRAFFLE,SIDERAFFLES,50/50 DRAWINGandBAKESALE.Please joinusandmakethiseventaHUGE success!!
Christmas Craft&VendorShow Sunday,November27,from9am3pmattheAlexanderFireDepartment,10708AlexanderRd., Alexander.
HLOMGuestSpeakerSeries: Ken Slaughenhopt, “TheHolland Survey”-JoinusattheHolland LandOfficeMuseumWednesday, October19th.Kenwillbediscussingthetrialsandtribulationsof thesurveyingprocessthatwent intolayingouttheHollandPurchaseandits3.25millionacres,as wellasitsimportancetoWestern NewYork.Admission$5or$3for museummembers.Toattend: 585-343-4727or GuestSpeakerSeriesismadepossiblewithfundsfromtheStatewide CommunityRegrantProgram,a regrantprogramoftheNYSCouncilontheArtswiththesupportof theofficeoftheGovernorandNYS LegislatureandadministeredbyGo ART!
CrossroadsHouseAnnualSpaghetti WesternDinner- Held Wednesday,October19,2022, serving5to7pmorsoldout.Take outsavailablestartingat4pm.Join usattheBataviaFirstPresbyterian Church,300EastMainSt,Batavia. WesternThemewithlivemusicto dineby!Freewillofferingatthe 585-343-3892.
TheGreatBataviaTrainShowFor 50yearstheGreatBataviaTrain Showhasbeenoneofthepremier hobbyeventsinWesternNew York.Allformsofmodelrailroad andtrain-relatedmerchandisewill beavailable.Itemsofferedinclude allscalesofmodeltrains,historic railroaditems,books,DVD’sand toys.Modelingdemonstrations, andalimitednumberofportable layouts,willbepartofthefun.Free parking.SnackBaravailable.Held October16,9:30-3:30pmatthe GeneseeCommunityCollegeRichardCCallArena,OneCollegeRd., Batavia.$6adults,$3under18, freeforchildrenunder13.http://
HolidayWreathSale-$25. Sponsored byGrandViewCemetery.To order,pleasecall343-0877(Joyce) or993-1317(Office).Pickupwill beatthecemeterymaintenance garageonSunday,November27th from11-1pm.Allproceedsgotowardcemeterymaintenance. OrdersmustbeinbyNovember1st.
CrossroadsHouseAnnualFall Basket Raffle- Thisyear, CrossroadsHouseFallBasketRaffle willbeheldatourneighbors,BataviaFirstPresbyterianChurchHall, 300EastMainSt.Themaineventis Saturday,November5,2022,from 12to4pm,withthewinnersbeing drawnstartingat3pm.Pre-saleis Friday,November4,2022, 3:30-5:30pm.Lunchwillbe availableonSaturday.Over100 baskets,plusgiftcardswillberaffled!MEGArafflessoldseparately.
BBQ-EagleStarHousingFundraiser forHomelessVeterans BBQRIBDINNER(Servedwith bakedbeansandmacaronisalad) $14.PULLEDPORKDINNER(Served withbakedbeansandmacaroni salad)$11.BRISKETDINNER (Servedwithbakedbeansandmacaronisalad)$16ORBBQPULLED PORKSANDWICH-$7.BBQRIB SANDWICH-$11.BRISKETSANDWICH-$11.JoinusonSATURDAY, OCTOBER22,11:00am-UNTIL SOLDOUTatJERRYARENA’S, 8360LewistonRd.,Batavia.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
HLOMJavawithJoe:Tom Tiefel, “Bergen HistoricMaple SyrupProject-JoinusattheHollandLandOfficeMuseumforthe nexteditionofourJavawithJoeE. morningcoffeepresentationson Thursday,October27that9am. Thismonth’spresenterisTom Tiefel,TownofBergenHistorian andproprietoroftheBergenHistoricMapleSyrupProject.Hewill bediscussinghisrevitalizationofan antiquemaplesyrupoperationthat raninBergennearly100yearsago. Admissionisfreeandcoffeeand donutswillbeprovided.Ifyou wouldliketoattendpleasecontact themuseumat585-343-4727or
BataviaCemeteryAssociation annual HalloweenCandlelight Ghostwalk willbeheldonSaturday,October22,2022!Joinusfor somespookyfunoncandlelitpaths throughtheHistoricBataviaCemeteryonHarvesterAvenuetomeet menandwomenwhoheldgreat powerandexertedgreatinfluence intheirday,werevictimsoftragic events,orboth.Toursbeginat7:00 p.m.andruneveryfifteenminutes until8:30p.m.Admissionis$10. Reservationsarerequired.Proceeds benefittheupkeepandrestoration ofthecemetery.Formoreinformation,ortomakereservations,contact(585)943-5662.
FallBasketRaffle-LiveAuction: Come SupporttheDownSyndrome SupportGrouponSaturday,October29th.BasketRaffle11:00to 4:00($5.00Sheets).LiveAuction 4:00-FreeAdmission.QualityInn @8250ParkRoad,Batavia.
PulledPorkBBQ: HostedbyThe NorthBergenPresbyterianChurch, 7068NBergenRd.inBergen.PreparedbySmoke‘NtheValleyBBQ. HeldSaturday,October29th.A Drive-ThruOnlyEvent.Pickupis fromnoonto3ortillsoldout. Menu:PulledPorksandwich,baked beans,“Dan’sFamous”coleslaw andadessert.Prepaidtickets:$12 perdinneror$10persandwich only;Ticketsatthedoor:$15per dinneror$12persandwichonly. Pre-saleisrequiredtoreserveyour meal.Cashorcheckmadeoutto NorthBergenPresbyterianChurch; Venmopossibleuponrequest.Information,ortoreservetickets pleasecallthechurchat 585-494-1255beforeOctober 23rd.
The History Channel
* On Oct. 18, 1867, the U.S. formally takes possession of Alaska after purchasing the territory from Russia for $7.2 million, or less than 2 cents an acre. Russia sold its Alaska territory to the U.S. rather than risk losing it in battle with a rival such as Great Britain.
AnnualTurkeyDinner- Sunday, October 23attheByronPresbyterianChurch,6293WestMainSt., ByronwillholdtheirTurkeyDinner. TheDRIVE-THRUONLYmealwill beginat11amuntilsoldout.The menuwillincludeturkey,stuffing, mashedpotatoes,gravy,squash, coleslaw,rolls,cranberrysauceand appleorpumpkinpie.Thecostis $15foroneofthebestdinnersin thearea.
CasinoTrip: The AmericanLegion Post255inCaledoniawillberunningabustriptoSenecaNiagara onNovember16,2022.Thecostis $35.00andyoureceive$25.00in freeplay.Thetripisopentothe public.Forreservationandinfo. pleasecallJackat845-826-2467or PaymentismadetoMatthew ClearyPost255andmustbereceivedbyNovember1,2022.
2ndAnnualCommunityWalk-About fortheChildren: Sunday, October30,4pmtil8pm.Dressup thekids...TrickorTreat!Represent YourLocalBusinessFree.Comeset upaTableandhandoutCandy! CaledoniaCourtyard&Raider Lanes.
Hundreds of thousands of new businesses are started each month, with Yahoo! reporting that about 543,000 entrepreneurs open a business in a typical month.
TheFirstPresbyterianChurchof Chili’s FoodCupboard, whichis nowaffiliatedwithFoodLink, continuestobeheldthethirdSaturdayofeachmonthfrom10:0011:30at3600ChiliAve.Itwould behelpfulifyoucouldregisteralthoughthisisnotrequired-by calling889-9896TuesdayThursdaybetweenthehoursof 9:00a.m.-2:00p.m.Welook forwardtoseeingyouthethird Saturdayofeachmonth!
FallRummageSaleatRiga Cong. Church: Dowehaveasale foryou!Amultitudeofchoices, newtovintageintheChristmas department,nicefallandHalloweentoo!Somenewsmallappliances,housewares,frames, crate&house,dressers,stools,vanitytonameafew.Clothing,purses, somejewelry,decorandmore!! Expectthissaletoutilizebothlevels!Cleansale,nojunk!Pricedto go,andwedoacceptreasonable offersonSaturday.Makeyourlist andpamperyourwallet,greatway togetabudgetretailfix!Seeyou soon!FRIDAY,OCTOBER14, 3-7PMandSATURDAY,OCTOBER 15,9AM-2PM.
Apples were taken to North America by European settlers.
HamandScallopedPotatoDinner TheElbaUnitedMethodist Churchwillbehavingahamand scallopedpotatodinneronSaturday,October22atthechurchon ChapelStreet.Thetimeis4:00to 6:30PM.Costwillbe$15for adults,$5for12andunderand freetounder5.Dinnerwillconsist ofham,scallopedpotatoes, applesauce,vegetable.roll,dessert andbeverage.Therewillbeabake saleduringthedinner.Call 585-757-2224forinformation.
Craft&VendorFair- Over 30 craftersandvendorswithunique fallandholidayitems,tobenefit MissJulie’sSchoolofBeauty.Miss Julie’sisanon-profitcosmetology schoolempoweringsurvivorsofhumantraffickingthroughvocational training.HeldSunday,October23, 10-4pmattheEagleValeGolfClub Inc.,4344NineMilePointRd., Fairport. 2S7XOdCkj
AGospelCelebration- The Adult ChoiroftheGeneseoUnitedMethodistChurchwillpresentAGospel Celebrationwithaperformanceof RobertRay’sAGospelMasson Sunday,October16at2:00PM. GuestmusiciansfromSUNY Geneseo,RIT,&EastmanSchoolof Musicwillbefeatured.Visitorsare welcometojoininsingingGospel Mass.ContactOffice@ geneseomethodist.orgforfurther information.
TempleHillCemeterySPIRIT WALK! Saturday, October15, 6:30-8pm. HonoringNotable Women -Toursleaveevery15 minutes.WarmCider&Donuts served.DonationsAppreciated! TempleHillCemeteryislocatedat 111TempleHillStreet,Geneseo. 585-243-3440
RunningwiththeAngels5K is a familyfriendly5Kracethatstartsat St.Peter’sEpiscopalChurch,3825 E.HenriettaRd.,Henrietta.The routegoesthroughthesurroundingneighborhoodstreets. HeldOctober16th,1pm.Online Adults$20,Children10andunder $15.Bymail10/11/22.Sendto: RunningwiththeAngelsat3825E. HenriettaRd.,Henrietta,NY14467. Makeallcheckspayableto:St. Peter’sEpiscopalChurchandwrite “race”inthememo.Forfurther information:Barbara 585-334-9062.Cashorchecks only.Registration/PacketPickupat St.Peter’s-Saturday1pm-4pm$22|Sunday,dayofrace-$25. Children10andunder-$15(both days).
Drive-ThruFishFry- FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21,4-7pmattheRushHenriettaAmericanLegionPost 1151,260MiddleRoad,Henrietta. Getalarge,batteredHaddockfilet withFrenchfries,homemadecoleslaw,tartarsauce,bread&butter andlemonwedgefor$13.00!
SundayBreakfast- All youcan eatSundaybreakfastbuffet. Regular&westernscrambledeggs, homefries,bacon,sausage,ham, pancakes,Frenchtoast,sausage gravy,freshbiscuits,freshfruit, juice,coffee,tea,&waterforjust $10.00!JoinusonSunday,OCTOBER23,9am-12pmattheRushHenriettaAmericanLegionPost 1151,260MiddleRoad,Henrietta.
MeatloafDinner- Our classic meatloaf,withgravy,mashedpotatoes&corn.Bread&butterincludedfor$10.00!(housesalad $2.00extra).HeldOCTOBER25, 4-6pmattheRush-Henrietta AmericanLegionPost1151,260 MiddleRd.,Henrietta.http://www.
SpiritsofthePast- As youdepart fromtheTollHousewithyour guide,theoncefamiliarand welcomingHistoricVillagebecomesstrangeandominous.The houryouspendtravelingpathsless troddenandseeingthingsyou neverwillinthedaylightmayseem togoonforever.Groupsofabout 25bravesoulswilldepartfromthe TollHouseeverytenminutes(get yourtokenatadmissionwhenyou arrive).SpiritsofthePast:AWalkin theDarkrunsfortwoweekendsin 2022:Friday,October21,Saturday, October22,andSunday,October 23.Friday,October28,Saturday, October29,andSunday,October 30.GeneseeCountryVillageMuseum,1410FlintHillRoad,Mumford. spirits-a-walk-in-the-dark/
The music of the far-away summer flutters around the Autumn seeking its former nest.
~Rabindranath Tagore, Stray Birds
Dinner: Join usatGCV&Mforour YuletideintheCountryTours, December2,3,4,9,10,11,16, and17.You’llbeinvitedintovignettesthatilluminatethelinkbetweentoday’scherishedholiday traditionsandtheculturalcustoms ofgenerationsthatcamebefore. Theatricalperformancesrepresent therichhistoryandtraditionthat newcomerstotheregionwould havesharedthroughoutthe19th century.Highlights:Polish ChristmasEveWigiliadinner,aHanukkahcelebration,andWatch Nightfestivitiesaspresentedby DavidShakesandtheNorthStar Players,andevenavisitfromthat jollyoldelf,St.Nick.https://www.
AnnualPulledPorkDinner- The Oakfield UnitedMethodistChurch ishostingtheirannualRoastPork Dinner.Drive-thruonly,thisdinner includesroastpork,gravy,stuffing, mashedpotatoes,sauerkraut,carrots,drink,anddessert.Thecostis $14perdinner,from4:30through 6:00pm,onSaturday,October15. Thechurchislocatedat2South MainSt.,inOakfield,andtickets areavailablefromchurchmembers orbycallingthechurchat 585-948-5550andleavingamessage.
“We’veOnlyJustBegun”Senior Luncheon Group- Ourgroupgets togetherthe3rdTuesdayofeach monthattheSouthAlabama Firehall(Bringadishtopass)11:301:30pmandisfollowedwitha speakeroranevent.Thismonth ourProgramisSTOPTHEBLEED, sponsoredbytheAlabamaFire Department.Participantswillbeinstructedonhowandwheretoput pressureonamajorbleeding wound.YOUCANSAVEALIFE withthisknowledge.Pleasecome andbringadish-to-passandimmediatelyfollowinglunchjointheAlabamaFireDepartmenttolearnall abouttheSTOPTHEBLEEDProgram!Contact:LaNoraThompson (cell):(630)888-8966.
2022HomeFortheHolidaysBazaar TheNorthOntarioUnited MethodistChurch(otherwise knownas“TheBrickChurch”)will behostingaHomeFortheHolidays BazaaronFriday,October28th from9:00a.m.-3:00p.m.and Saturday,October29thfrom9:00 a.m.-3:00p.m.at7200Ontario CenterRoadinOntario.Wewillbe servingTakeOutlunchonlyon bothdaysfrom11:00a.m.-1:30 p.m.andsharingmanydelicious bakedgoods,craftsand“Nextto New”treasurestosharewith everyonethatstopsbyforavisit. Welookforwardtoseeingyou there!
55+SeniorLuncheon- Join uson Thursday,October27at11:30am atthePavilionFireHall.Bringyour plate,utensils,drink,anddishto pass.Nodesserts.Smalldonation. Everyonewelcomefromsurroundingareas.
TheGatesHistoricalSociety’s October program willbeabout thehistoryoftheGatesVolunteer AmbulanceandpresentedbyMelissaGeffert,ChiefofGatesAmbulance.CometotheGatesTown HallAnnexonMonday,October17 at7:00pmtohearhowthisimportantorganizationbegan.This facilityishandicappedaccessible andfree.http://www.gateshistory.
SleepingBeauty- The StateBallet TheatreofUkrainewillpresentthe full-lengthballetSleepingBeautyin fouractswithoneintermissionand showtheworld’smostbeloved historytoPiotrTchaikovsky’smusic. TheevilfairyCarabossecursesPrincessAurorafor100yearsofsleep withasingle-fingerprickonher 16thbirthday.Doomedbyfate, onlyasweetkissfromtheprince canbreakthespellandwakeup theSleepingBeauty.December17, 7pm,RBTL’sAuditoriumTheatre, 885EastMainSt.,Rochester.Cost: $48+. sleeping-beauty/
HearingLossAssociationof America
Rochesterchapter: Hear Together-Speech-languagepathologistKristinBergholtzconducts avirtualsupportgroupforparents andcaregiversofDear/hardof hearingchildren.Itconnectsand advisesadvocatesofthose youngsters.Heldthe4thTuesday ofeverymonth,8pm-9pmuntil June22,2023.VIRTUAL-register
AnEveningOfFun...WithAPurpose! The FirstPresbyterianChurch ofChili,3600ChiliAve.,ishosting PhyllisContestable,akaReverend Mother,onSaturdayevening, October29th,at7:00p.m.Rev. Motherwillentertainyouwith, “AgingAin’tALaughingMatter.... orisit?Themoneyraisedthrough thisevening’seventwillbeshared between”HabitatforHumanity“ andtheTOPSMarketinBuffalo. Ticketsare$5.00atthedoorwitha “freewill”offeringbeingtakento supportthesetwocauses.Refreshmentswillfollowtheshow. Seatingislimited-ifyouwanta fun,entertainingeveningwhile supportingourneighbors,putthis onyourcalendar!
HearingLossAssociationof America Rochesterchapter: Hearingotherpeople’sexperiences (HOPE)Prospective,new,orexperiencedhearinghearingaidusers cansharetheirexperiences,questions,andhearinglossjourneysin aninformaldiscussionfacilitatedby retiredaudiologistJosephKozelsky CCC/A.Tuesday,November1,1011am,St.Paul’sEpiscopalChurch, 25WestminsterRdacrossfrom GeorgeEastmanMuseum.
ShopfortheVets- Over 20 vendorswithuniqueproducts. Donateanitemoffourlistof neededitemandreceiveafree ticketforourbagraffle.Raffle ticketswillalsobeforsaleand proceedswillbedonatedtoVOC. Bringoneofthefollowingitemsto donatetotheVOCandreceivea raffleticket:socks,blankets,jackets,otherclothingitemsforwinter, anypersonalhygieneitems,orgift cards.JoinusSaturday,October 15,10-4pmattheHiltonGarden Inn,30CelebrationDr.,Rochester.
HearingLossAssociationof America Rochesterchapter: Your identityasapersonwithhearing loss.PsychologistDr.MichaelHarveytreatspeopleaffectedbytheir hearingdeficits.Depression,isolation,shamecanaccompany communicationproblems.Dr.Harvey’svirtualpresentationwillprovidetoolsfora“hero’sjourney” formingone’sidentityasaperson withhearingloss.Visitwebsite www.hearinglossrochester.orgto registerfortheZoomlink.Tuesday, November1,12-1pm,St.Paul’s EpiscopalChurchANDVIRTUAL throughZoom,25WestminsterRd acrossfromGeorgeEastmanMuseum,Rochester.
HalloweenTrolleyExpress! Sunday, October23,withrides scheduled11:15,12:05,12:55, 1:45,2:35and3:25.Reservations halloween/.Thetrolleywilltravelto thePumpkinPatchwherechildren willdecorateababypumpkin,and everyonewillenjoydeliciousapple cideranddonuts.Backatthemuseum,toteswillbeprovidedfor trick-or-treating.Inthemodel railroadroom,theSpookyHalloweenWalkwillamazeanddelight!Theeventisnotscaryandis suitableforallages.Kidsareinvited toweartheircostumes.Familyfriendlyadmission:$15adultsand $12ages2-14.TheNewYorkMuseumofTransportation,6393E. RiverRoadinRush.585-533-1113.
There are thousands of different apple varieties.
Grace’sTableFoodCupboard- at Grace EpiscopalChurch,9Browns Avenue,Scottsville/phone585-889-2028toregisterorfor information.Servingresidentsof Scottsville,Mumford,WestHenrietta,andChili.Foodbagsdistributedmonthly4:00to5:30,October27,November17,December 15,2022.AdditionalHolidaybags providedforThanksgivingand Christmas.
Scottsville’sHistoricDistrictWheatland HistoricalAssociation welcomesTheLandmarkSociety’s CaitlinMeives,DirectorofPreservation,asourguestspeakeron Thursday,October20th,at 6:30pm,attheScottsvilleLibrary. Shewillbesharingtheimportance ofhavinganHistoricDistrict,how TheLandmarkSocietybegan,and whattheycanofferownersof historicbuildings.Thiswillbean importantprogramforanyone interestedinthehistoricsignificanceofourlocalvillagesand towns.Don’tmissthisspecialprogrambeingheldinoneofWheatland’smosthistoricandbeautiful buildings.Freeandopentothe public.
VillageofScottsvilleHalloween Decorating Contest! Startputting outyourHalloweendecorations andenteryourcreationintheVillagecontest.Submissionsdueby October17andvotingendson October26.Noprizeswillbe awarded,thisisaPeoples’Choice awardandthewinnersgetbraggingrights!SeetheVillagewebsite formoreinformation:www.
AuroraHouseBasketsand Brunch Fundraiser- Joinuson Saturday,October22,8:30am-1pm atthePearceMemorialChurch, 4322BuffaloRoad,NorthChilifor AuroraHouse’sAnnualBasketsand BrunchFundraiser!Cost:$25. baskets-brunch-2021/
AuroraHouseBookClub: GriefItisuniqueforeveryperson,every instanceofloss.AuroraHouseis sponsoringagroupwhereone grievingcanfindsomesupport.We cometogetheronthe3rdWednesdayofeachmonth,10:00am11:00am,atAuroraHouse,2495S. UnionStreet,Spencerport.Opento thepublic.Itissuggestedthatyou buyacopyofthebook, It’sOK ThatYou’reNotOK:MeetingGrief andLossinaCulturethatDoesn’t Understand,byMeganDevine,but thisisnotrequiredallcanbenefit fromthediscussion.http://
PancakeBreakfast- All youcan eatpancakebreakfasttobenefit theStaffordVolunteerFireDepartmentHealthandEducationFund. Sunday,October23rdfrom8amto 1pm.50/50drawing.Eatin/take out.Pancakes,breakfastsausage, scrambledeggs,donuts,OJ,coffee, teaandmilk.Adults$8.00,Kids 5-12$5.00andunder5free. StaffordFireDepartment,6153 MainRoad,Stafford.
WestHenriettaBaptistChurch Craft &VendorSale- Saturday, October22,2022from10:00am -3:00pm.Itwillbelocatedatthe WestHenriettaBaptistChurch, 5660W.HenriettaRd.,W.Henrietta.CRAFTS,VENDORS&RAFFLE!
YorkUPChurch48thAnnual Harvest Dinner- Wearereturning toahavingthedinnerservedinthe socialhall.Backagain,themenu forthispopularroastbeefdinner willincludeHarvardbeets,squash, mashedpotatoes,anddessert. Adults$15,Children5-12$7,4 andunderarefree.JoinusSaturday,October15,5pmattheYork UnitedPresbyterianChurch,2662 MainSt.,York.www.
HOT PEPPERS: habanero & jalapeno. You pick. Canandaigua. 585-394-8189
Assorted SCRAP METAL including metal cabinets. Also, six large SKYLIGHTS, decent condition, glass needs cleaning. Honeoye Lake area: 585-354-3346
ANNALS OF AMERICAN (historical writings and speeches) 1493-1973, 19 volumes. Excellent condition. Wayland area: 585-728-3801
COOKIE TINS. Different sizes and shapes. Great for gift giving.
FULL SIZE PLATFORM BED with underneath drawers. Real wood, not composite veneered. You pick up, truck:
CLEAN WINE BOTTLES for the home wine maker: 585-448-9107
TART APPLES. Could be used for applesauce or for horses. You pick. Near Brockport: 585-565-2037
HOSTAS, green & white and solid gray. In bag. Pick up: 585-455-6116
Pronto M61 Sure Step POWER WHEELCHAIR. Gently used, been sitting in storage for around two years. Pick up. Very heavy:
SLEEP APNEA MACHINE. Pick up Henrietta: 585-444-9176
Two sets of TWIN BED SHEETS; size 10w brand new tan ANKLE BOOTS. Pick up, Batavia. Text only: 845-309-9373
Several pieces of CLOTHING, mostly sleepwear, size S/M. Pick up, Batavia. Text only: 845-309-9373
QUEEN SIZED MATTRESS & BOX SPRING. Excellent condition: 585-223-3903
MAYTAG REFRIGERATOR and a stand-up FRIGIDAIRE FREEZER (about 4’ high). Both in working condition: 585-667-1431
FULL SIZED MATTRESS, BOX & METAL FRAME. 3 years old. Available 10/2410/30 in Geneseo:
Quantity of OLD USED SHEETS/BLANKETS. Some worn, but usable. Some suitable for rags, etc. Call or text: 585-330-7818
HOUSEPLANTS: 2 Christmas cactus, 1 large African violet. 585-388-0318
MUSIC CASSETTE TAPES & CDS, Christmas VHS tapes. 315-663-5483
WYNDHAM TIMESHARES: 1 – Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and 1 – Las Vegas, Nevada. Fully paid. Available for one week, anytime: 680-766-0811
10’ x 12’ METAL SHED: 585-430-4205
WALKER in good condition. Brakes need repair. Nunda: 585-468-5047
WING-BACKED SOFA BED (Queen size), Medium Blue. Pick up in East Bloomfield. 585-657-6378 landline; no texts
USED MEDICINE CABINET for drug prevention education campaign. Will pick up. Reach Jerry at:
PORTABLE DISHWASHER in good working condition: 585-300-7630
Small ROWBOAT type dinghy: 585-507-8788
Smaller type PIANO for our granddaughter. In good condition: 585-637-0933 10’ or 12’ ALUMINUM ROWBOAT for 92-year-old vet: 585-494-6025
GOOSEBUMPS BOOKS by R.L. Stine. I am building a collection and would give any unwanted/unused copies a great home:
PELLET STOVE in good working condition to help with heat for an elderly, handicapped person: 585-905-8809
FLAT SCREEN TVs, 55inch or larger. Used or unwanted. Will pick up:
GOLF CART for disabled Marine, for school booster club president. Needing minor repairs okay:
Avon is getting an ice rink! Seeking ICE SKATE DONATIONS, all sizes. Donate at the Village Office (74 Genesee Street):
INFARED HEAT LAMP BULBS for chicken coop: 585-374-5768
Used RUGS to use in barn studio. Will pick up: 607-968-4094
HO SCALE ITEMS for train layout. Norfolk and Western J611 with Powhatan Arrow passenger cars, working transformer, track, scenery; buildings: 315-694-6197
DAGUERREOTYPE/TIN TYPE PHOTOS. Any subject: Text or email or 585-794-0448
FULLSIZE TRUCK TOOLBOX, doesn’t have to look pretty. Call Jason: 585-447-0201
Pet Safe HOUSEPLANTS. Disabled veteran will pick up. Near Medina please: 585-297-6095 / Terry
EARLY RECURVE ARCHERY HUNTING BOWS and/or ARROWS. Text or email: or 585-794-0448
DEER ANTLERS, SKULLS, TURKEY WINGS – anything to do with wildlife for a nonprofit’s wildlife education class for young adults:
STAINED or LEADED GLASS WINDOW SASHES. Any condition, missing pieces or otherwise:
UTILITY TRAILER: Jason 585-447-0201
Working 60 GALLON HOT WATER HEATER for double-wide in Penn Yan for local
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Sports Fans
I love football. I'm all for supporting a team, the excitement, etc. However, when there's a very late game on a night when people have to work the next day and you're just getting back at 1am with a bus full of people on a quiet residential street, have some consideration about waking your neighbors up with beeping your horn and yelling just because your team won.
Please use your lights!
Do people know that when it’s raining and your headlights are not on, it’s difficult to see you! It’s the law: if wipers are being used, headlights are supposed to be on. It’s not that hard to flip a switch.
Thanks to the Good Samaritan!
Last Friday I was walking to my car in a suburban store parking lot. Unbeknownst to me, I was followed from the store by someone. I was warned of this by a kind young lady who noticed this person following me and pulled her van alongside me until I got in my car safely. Thank you for taking time from your busy day to help a stranger.
Sincere Thanks
My sincere thank you to the lovely couple who sat behind me at the Batavia Town and Country Restaurant early in September. I found when I went to pay for my dinner that it had been paid for by these nice people. What a wonderful surprise and gift! Thank you and blessings to you.
You'll never guess!
We live in a village home in and among many other homes on a well-traveled street. Occasionally, my wife and I have things we no longer use. These items are too good to simply discard, so we put them in front of our home with a painted, wooden sign stating "Free Stuff" attached to the nearby tree. We are happy that people find uses for these items. We are not happy when they also take our painted signs which are securely nailed or bungeed to the tree. Why would anyone do that? Maybe I'm too literal. Maybe I should keep it simple and discard this stuff. Otherwise, along with the signs, someday I'll hear a chainsaw cutting down the tree, as well. Wow, this country is in serious trouble.
Handicap Parking
The abuse of the handicap parking system is beyond the pale! The number of people pulling into a handicap spot, hopping out of their vehicle and fast walking into a building or then upstairs is wrong. Sometimes, that sort of person hops out of their car with a nametag on, showing they're working. Most of these people are not elderly. Then, an elderly person with a cane or someone who has difficulty walking must walk an extreme distance because there's no close handicap spot for them. It's selfish and greedy. These people know they don't need that spot. You know who you are.
Go to WWW.GVPENNYSAVER.COM and submit your own Rants and Raves under the tab - SHARE WITH US
The two major types are the four-toed and five-toed sloths.
Their closest relatives are anteaters and armadillos.
Sloths spend their lives in the mountains.
They munch on leaves and twigs.
Sloths can swim three times faster than they can walk on land.
Their ability to slow their heart rates to one-third its normal rate, gives them the ability to hold their breath for a whopping 40 minutes underwater.
Sloths are good pets.
They can live anywhere between 10 and 30 years!
It is hard for sloths to camouflage in the trees.
Although sloths have peaceful demeanors, wild sloths can be aggressive and bite very hard.
ReStore & Habitat for Humanity: Helping to “Restore” Hope in the Genesee Valley
BY: JODY GREERGenesee County Habitat for Humanity, partnered with ReStore, believes that just because you have a low income or may be struggling nancially, doesn’t mean you have to settle for low quality household furnishings. is is an important message to send in a time where many are still struggling in the a ermath of Covid and an ever-in ating economy.
ReStore Operations Director Shay Kilner, adds “One of the common misconceptions we hear is that the only people we sell to are people that don’t have anything nancially.” Kilner is emphatic that this is far from the truth.
“Everyone who comes in to ReStore comes from all di erent demographics,” she explains. “ ere’s a good mix of everyone within our shoppers. If you don’t have a ton of money, you still deserve quality items and I personally believe that, regardless of your nancial status, you do deserve some good quality items.” In addition, shoppers at ReStore in Batavia walk away with a y percent (or more) savings in comparison to commercial retailers and their proceeds go on to fund Habitat for Humanity’s next build site.
Another signi cant di erence between ReStore and commercial retailers is the relationships their store associates develop within the community. “We have a good relationship with our customers,” says Kilner. “We try to know our customers on a rst name basis. We’re here, and we are available to support them.”
While many of their items are obtained from generous donors throughout the Genesee Valley, ReStore has also gained public attention from some very notable retailers and corporations. Many of these generous benefactors choose to remain anonymous, but Target has remained a well-known sponsor. “Target is a really good supporter of us. Every year they donate Christmas tree displays. ose trees that you see around the store, we will have them available for sale,” notes Kilner.
Among the household supplies and furnishings they have to o er, visitors can nd an assortment of cabinets, furniture sets, electrical appliances, stoves, dryers, holiday décor, vanities, ooring and carpeting to suit the needs of their home. Kilner adds that ReStore provides a drop-o for anyone wishing to donate, and if people are unable to bring their donations to the store, they o er weekly pick-ups which, for Kilner, is one of the most rewarding experiences about working with ReStore and Habitat for Humanity.
“Typically, I go out on pickups, and I pick up the items for the store,” she explains. “Our donors feel [satisfaction] in giving, in the sense that the items they are giving are going to help someone and will regain a second life.” Kilner’s enthusiasm for helping others in need does not go unnoticed; it is as palpable over the phone as it is in person.
In addition to regaining a second life, the environmental impact of recycling gently used furnishings is another reason to consider donating to stores like ReStore and Habitat for Humanity instead of tossing unwanted items to the curb this year. In the 2021 scal year alone, ReStore has prevented an
astonishing 21,429 pounds of materials from going to land lls. Truly, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”
Each ReStore location o ers a varying selection of items, so Kilner suggests reviewing them online or calling ahead of time. Every Friday night, ReStore in Batavia will post a hot ticket item that is currently available on their Facebook page, and those items are sold rst come, rst serve. “Just today we had a couch and loveseat set,” says Kilner. “A customer was moving today, and she said it was prefect for her apartment. We have a great following for our items posted on Facebook,” A loyal following that many in Genesee Valley are aware of, but some have yet to discover. Currently, ReStore in Batavia is open one day a week, opening its doors at 10:00 AM each Saturday. Bargain shoppers of every variety are typically packed outside their doors, excited to cash in on their next great deal.
Looking to donate to ReStore this holiday season? Appliances are their top request. “Appliances are our #1 seller, refrigerators, washers, dryers, stoves,” explains Kilmer. “Since Covid, there has been a backorder on those. ey do go quickly. e need is there for them. at’s just one of those things that we love when they do come in.”
For Kilner and her store associates, every Saturday is an opportunity to make someone’s day. ey are aware of the grateful smiles, the tears of joy, and the random acts of kindness brought to life because no other store helps those in need get back on their feet like ReStore does. For others, it’s simply just a great bargain, or an opportunity for their previously cherished but no longer needed household items and furnishings to go to a brand-new home. Either way, everyone wins.
For more information or support for Restore and Habitat for Humanity, visit follow them on Facebook!
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• Meet Spencerport’s Simon Devenish: Director of the Spencerport Depot & Canal Museum - Online Exclusive!
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at or email our Hometown Editor Amanda Dudek at!
Gift Auctions Can Successfully Raise Funds
Gift auctions are a fun way to raise money for good causes.
Be sure to deliver all of the prizes to the venue and configure the room.
a festive atmosphere for the gift auction. Place prizes on tables around the perimeter of the room so they can be easily viewed. Set up the middle of the room with tables where participants can sit. You may want to assign tables to certain large groups of friends who prefer to sit together.
Route 5 Storage and Bergen Self Storage
gives notice that all of the property of the following tenants stored in the following units will be sold in their entirety at
Route 5 Storage
West Main Street • LeRoy, NY 14482
Tue., Oct. 25, 2022 TIME: 10am
278 - Adam Ambrose
234 - Courtney Johnson
281 - Aaron Williams
227 - Helene Wright
Bergen Self Storage
Buffalo Rd., Bergen, NY 14416
Tue., Oct. 25, 2022
Unit 55 - Charles Defrank
Terms: cash only and $50 refundable clean-out fee.
are subject to redemption.
Preowned Items Can Be Good For The Environment
Visit consignment stores: Consignment shops and Goodwill(R) stores are popular places to buy preowned items. These stores take donations or offer items for sale on consignment, which means once sold the person who provided the item gets a portion of the sale.
When browsing the racks of these stores, it’s possible to discover highend items mixed in with less expensive items. Shoppers may find designer handbags and clothing for much less than they would sell at retail, especially if the pieces are one or two seasons old. Relying on these stores to supplement classic wardrobe pieces is cost-effective and beneficial to the environment. If you regularly shop consignment stores, you can develop a rapport with the shopkeeper, who may alert you when new items are available.
10/20/22 Northrop RV & Personal Property Auction, Byron, Genesee County, NY. 2008 Hampton M39FE park model, plus deck, grill, picnic table and more!
10/24/2022 Medina Online Real Estate Auction. Medina, Orleans County, NY. ~540 acres of land, mostly tillable.
10/25/2022 October Online Consignment Auction. Western New York. O ering tractors, implements and tools.
Estate of Donald Fellows Online Real Estate Auction. Scott, Cortland County, NY. O ering two parcels. ~96 acres of open and wooded land with older house and barns. Plus house on 3 acres of land.
Estate of Donald Fellows Personal Property Auction. Scott, Cortland County, NY. O ering cars, tractors, tools and more featuring ’68 Jag E-type, ’62 Jag, plus Triumphs, MGs, 4 wheelers, Harleys and more!
11/1/2022 Gibson Online Auction. Byron, Genesee County, NY. Kubota B2650 tractor w/ LA534 loader, plus implements and a large selection of tools.
Cornerstone Church of East Pembroke
22583 Main Rd. PO Box 189, East Pembroke, NY 14056
Church Phone: 585-762-8721
Secretary’s hours: Tues., Wed., urs. 9am-1pm
Pastor Rev. Glenn Bloom, Jr. 585-356-4657
Bible Study Wednesday mornings, 10am • Trunk or Treat 10/31/22 starting at 4pm
Our Lady of Mercy & St. Brigid Catholic Parishes
44 Lake St., LeRoy, NY 14482 • 585-768-6543 •
Our Lady of Mercy Masses: Sat. 4:30pm; Sun. 7:15am, 10:45am, 5:30pm
Weekday Masses: Mon. - Fri. 7:30am; Sat. 9am Confessions: Sat. 3-4pm; Tues. 7-7:30pm; urs. 6-6:30pm
St. Brigid’s, 18 Gibson St., Bergen, NY 14416, Sunday Mass: 9am Weekday Masses: Tues. & urs. 8:30am; Confessions: Sat. 2-2:30pm
Grace Episcopal Church
9 Browns Ave. (at west end of Genesee St.), Scottsville 889-2028
e Rector Canon Johnnie Ross Sunday Morning: 10:30am - Holy Eucharist 10:30am - Church School
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
175 North Street, Caledonia, NY 14423
Holy Eucharist Sunday Mornings @ 8:30am Rector Canon Johnnie Ross standrewso
Call M-F, 10am-2pm: 585-294-5004 • A er hours: 859-285-9361
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
779 Erie Station Rd. (across from W. Hen. Post O ce) • 334-4795
Family Friendly, Traditional, Missouri Synod Sun. Worship, (In Person) 10:00am Pre-School every day ages 2-5 • 334-4130
Lutheran Church of Our Saviour (ELCA)
2415 Chili Ave., 585-247-7824 • e Reverend Joachim K. Wilck, Pastor
Recorded services on Email: o • Services Sun. 9am & 11:15am
On the last Sunday of the month, there is only one service at 11:15am We continue to follow mask guidelines. You may worship indoors & we broadcast in parking lot/drive-in. Audio Loop for the Hearing Impaired.
STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne
Batavia First United Methodist Church
To Make Disciples We Must Listen, Learn, Lead, and Love Our Way to God! 8221 Lewiston Rd., Batavia, NY • 343-4708 • Rev. Wayne Mort
Worship & Sunday School, 10am • Child care provided Sun. at 10am.
Avon United Methodist Church 130 Genesee St., Avon • 226-8600 •
Rev. Keith Griswold
Worship: Sundays in church at 10am, Facebook Live 10:10am Radio Ministry: 7:30am Sundays on 1040AM or 92.1FM
To join us for worship or anytime on our website.
Southside Fellowship Abiding in Christ
201 Scottsville-W. Henrietta Rd., West Henrietta, NY 14586 585-957-3494 •
Pastor Chris Terenzi
Sunday Service 10am • Wednesday Service 7pm No childcare, but kids are welcome!
Cornerstone Church 8020 Bank Street Road, Batavia 343-8020 Sunday Co ee & Fellowship 9:30am • Sunday Worship Service 10am Wednesday Prayer & Worship 5:30pm Wednesday Men’s & Women’s Bible Study at 6:30pm
Church of Christ
PO Box 230, 60 Spring St., Brockport, NY 14420 • Minister: Scott Kelley 585-637-2650 •
10:00am Bible Study, 11:00am Worship Service; Wed. 7:00pm Mid-week Bible Study - email us for Zoom link Additional parking at 69 High Street.
East Avon First Presbyterian Church (USA)
Located at the Corner of Rts. 15 and 5&20
Rev. Michelle Allen: 585-226-6460; Sunday Worship: In person at 10:00 AM; Via Zoom at 10:00 AM ( Everyone is always welcome!!
bugs, also known
Avon Central Presbyterian Church
Pastor Carin Farmer • 133 Genesee St., Avon • 226-2626
Sunday Worship 10:00am (July & August - 9:00am)
Children’s Sunday School during Worship (Sept.-May). Nursery provided • All are welcome! •
Sunday Radio Ministry: 8:30 am at 1040 AM or 92.1 FM and 95.5 FM
Byron Presbyterian Church
6293 W. Main St. (Rt. 262), Byron Sunday Worship begins at 9:45am 585-548-2800 •
Kim Dewey, Clerk of Session. Laurence Tallman, Music Director
Batavia Seventh-Day Adventist Church
101 Richmond Ave, Batavia, NY 14020 • 716-221-0067
Pastor, Edgar De León
Saturday Worship Service: 9:30am Bible Study: 11am-12pm
When it comes to vehicle maintenance, the rule of two has long reigned among professional automotive technicians and driving safety advocates. In accordance to this rule, drivers replacing important parts in their cars and trucks, such as tires, brakes, shocks and wiper blades, should always do so in pairs.
Replacing parts in pairs can ensure vehicles are properly balanced and functioning safely. But it’s not just tires, brakes and other big-ticket components that should be replaced in pairs. Vehicle lighting plays an integral role in keeping drivers and their passengers safe, and motorists should exercise the same caution regarding their vehicles’ headlights, taillights and turn signals that they do when maintaining the rest of their cars and trucks.
It is common for consumers to spend months researching and saving for new vehicles. But many auto buyers do not put the same amount of effort into finding auto loans. That’s unfortunate, as Consumer Reports notes that those who do not have financing arranged before visiting a dealership may not get the best loan terms.
Prior to buying a vehicle, drivers should give consideration to how they appear in the eyes of creditors. Few if any people pay for cars or trucks in full at the time of purchase. As a result, it’s key for buyers to make themselves as attractive as possible in lenders’ eyes.
Improving credit score: Lenders use consumers’ credit scores to determine how likely they will be to honor the terms of a potential loan. Consumers’ FICO® scores are the type of credit score most often used to make lending decisions. FICO scores range between 300 and 850. The higher the score, the lower the risk to lenders. However, lenders do not necessarily use the same formula to assess risk.
The first step potential borrowers should take is figuring out what their credit score is, and what information is on their credit report. For those who haven’t done so already, they can request a free copy of their credit reports from the three major credit monitoring bureaus. Once credit reports are obtained, consumers can work to correct any mistakes or inconsistencies. Some of these may be simple fixes, while others may take some effort. A 2012 study from the Federal Trade Commission found that one in five consumers had an error on at least one of their credit reports.
Consumers also can improve their credit scores by doing the following:
• Make payments on time, as payment history can have the greatest effect on a bad credit score, according to
• Reduce debt by paying off balances on credit cards or other loans.
• Obtain a mix of different credit sources, such as those in the form of credit cards, furniture financing, home ownership, and auto loans. This, too, can raise credit scores and make borrowers appear less risky.
• Keep old credit accounts open, as they establish a strong credit history. Try not to open too many new accounts in a short period of time.
Borrowers with strong credit will be attractive to lenders and will have more loan options at their disposal.
Follow along all 4 weeks in October as we spread awareness about breast cancer prevention, diagnosis, recovery and life after breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Awareness SERIES Sponsored By:
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in American women, except for skin cancers. It is estimated that in 2022, approximately 30% of all new women cancer diagnoses will be breast cancer.
FAQWhat can I do to reduce my risk of breast cancer?
• Limit alcohol. The more alcohol you drink, the greater your risk of developing breast cancer.
• Maintain a healthy weight. If your weight is healthy, work to maintain that weight.
• Be physically active.
• Breast-feed.
• Limit postmenopausal hormone therapy.
Women have some control in regard to their risk for breast cancer
No one, regardless of their age, occupation, skin color, or socioeconomic status, is immune to cancer. In fact, individuals might be hard pressed to say no one in their family and/or circle of friends has been diagnosed with cancer at some point. According to the National Cancer Institute, there were 18.1 million new cancer cases across the globe in 2018. Among women, when excluding non-melanoma skin cancer, no cancer was more prevalent globally than breast cancer. e World Cancer Research Fund reports that, in 2018, breast cancer accounted for 25.4 percent of all new cancer diagnoses in women. at gure is nearly three times as high as the percentage of cases of colorectal cancer, which accounted for the second most new cancer cases diagnosed in women in 2018.
It’s understandable to be fearful of such gures, which can make a breast cancer diagnosis seem almost inevitable. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that not all risk factors for breast cancer are set in stone. ough age and family history, two known risk factors for breast cancer, may be beyond a woman’s control, she still can exercise some control over other risk factors.
Physical activity e CDC notes that women who are not physically active have a higher risk of getting breast cancer than those who are. e O ce on Women’s Health, a division of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, notes that women should get two hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity every week or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity each week. is should be accompanied by muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days each week. Carrying around extra weight can make moving around more di cult, so the O ce on Women’s Health urges larger women to start slowly if it’s been awhile since they exercised. In addition, aging women can speak with their physicians for advice about exercise regimens they should or need not avoid.
replacement therapies that include both estrogen and progesterone taken during menopause can increase a woman’s risk for breast cancer when taken for more than ve years. In addition, the CDC reports that oral contraceptives, such as birth control pills, have been linked to a higher risk for breast cancer. Women can speak with their physicians about how to control hormone-related risk factors for breast cancer.
Alcohol consumption Studies have found that the more alcohol a woman consumes, the greater her risk for breast cancer becomes.
Smoking, exposure to chemicals that have been found to cause cancer and changes in hormones related to working night shi s are some additional risk factors for breast cancer that women may be able to control.
Breast cancer a ects millions of women across the globe each year. ough that may instill a feeling of helplessness, women should know that many risk factors for breast cancer are within their control.
Cancer Awareness SERIES
GENESEOMOVINGSALE: 4265 LongPointRoad,GeneseoNY14454 Friday,Saturday&Sunday,October 21-23rd,(10am-4pm)Furniture collectibles,antiquetools,golfclubs, toomuchtolist,DiscountSunday afternoon.Brett585-747-8292,orEllen585-314-0089
Map out your sales. Look at
plot which sales
plan to visit. If you have specific items in mind to buy, you may have to visit several sales before you find what you need.
4685 Latimer Road, Groveland Oct 21 & 22, 9am-4pm and Oct 23, 10am-2pm
Top items: Kohler Courage 25 zero turn lawn mower, Troy Bilt rototiller, Ariens snow blower, Paramount bike, commercial Honda fan, wood stove, Cra sman table saw 113-12070, water cooler, propane turkey cooker, wood picnic table, garden hoses, ladders, shop vac, hunting and pocket knives, window air conditioner, Bissell vacuum, metal safe, coolers, band saw, tools, luggage, bed spreads, queen bed with 2 nightstands, wood nightstand, cherry end table, wood end table, glass/wood end table, wood rocking chairs, antique desk, wood clock, ceramic lighthouses, wood dresser with mirror, wood bookcases, pictures, dishes, bowls, pots/pans, cameras including Polaroid Sun 600, small wood desk and chair, leather sofa and recliner, Sharp microwave, Oak dining table with 4 chairs, bench and leaf, toaster, pictures, lamps, electric heater, TV stand, 47” Panasonic TV, 35” Samsung smart TV, 27” Dynex TV and more…
somewhat routine self-exams so they can uncover any lumps or other issues that may warrant further examination by a physician. Though self-exams can lead to discovery of breast cancer when the disease is most treatable,theWorld Health Organization notes that as many as 90 percent of breast masses are not cancerous. Non-cancerous abnormalities may be benign masses such as fibroadenoma and cysts or indicative of infection. It’s also important that women recognize that breast cancer is not always accompanied by a lump. In fact, the Mayo Clinic reports that many women with breast cancer never experience any signs or symptoms of the disease. In such instances, the disease is discovered during screening tests,which include mammograms.
Buying Gold & Silver
Coins & Scrap
John G. Cooper
risk of recurrence and of new breast cancers in women who have a history of breast cancer. Aromatase inhibitors also decrease the risk of breast cancer in
estrogen. Aromatase inactivators stop the enzyme
brain, fat tissue, and skin. After menopause, the ovaries stop making estrogen, but the other tissues do not. Aromatase inhibitors block the action of an enzyme called aromatase, which is used to
Do I Need a New Coat is Year?
With cold weather here, we’re all trying to nd ways to stay warm both indoors and when we go out. Are you set up for winter? is is the time to be sure.
Here is what I’ve done so far this year.
Slippers that you wear around the house: Have yours stretched out over the years? Is there any chance you could walk right out of them? is might be the year you need to invest in new indoor footwear for safety. Slippers are jotted down on my own list because yes, I do need new ones, and I’m going for slippers with a solid bottom.
Indoor vest: I’ve had one for years that adds a layer of warmth when the house is a bit chilly when worn over a sweatshirt or a long sleeve wa e shirt. It’s still ne.
Gloves: I’ve discovered that my insulated gloves that have kept my hands warm for years now have worn through the seam on the thumb, creating a 1-inch hole and letting in very cold air. I discovered how that happened: It’s from holding the steering wheel in the car. I’ll be pulling out my needle and thread to make that repair.
Hat, scarf, boots: check.
Winter coat with hood: And this is where making a major purchase is i y. Do I need a new winter coat this year ... or not? And the answer is no. ree winters into Covid, it’s still out there. Despite the new omicron booster, there are experts who say we’ll have another Covid surge this winter with rising cases and hospitalization numbers, mostly due to human behavior and dwindling interest in getting a booster.
So no ... once again, I don’t need a new winter coat. I still won’t be going out as much as I used to long ago.
This week’s puzzle answer is elsewhere in this paper.
Crossword Puzzle is provided by Tribune Media Services.
be made to 1-800-346-8798.
An estimated 154,794 Americans are currently living with metastatic breast cancer, which occurs when cancer in the breast spreads to other parts of the body, most often the lungs, liver, bones, and brain. One quarter of this number represents those whose metastatic disease was found at diagnosis, while three-quarters have experienced metastatic recurrence of early stage disease. Approximately 20% to 30% of people
diagnosed with early stage disease will later develop advanced or metastatic breast cancer.
Compiled by the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester
Most people think that aging is irreversible and we know that there are mechanisms even in the human machinery that allow for the reversal of aging, through correction of diet, through anti-oxidants, through removal of toxins from the body, through exercise, through yoga and breathing techniques, and through meditation.
By Keith Roach, M.D.Praluent Injections Significantly Decrease LDL Level
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 66-year-old male who was diagnosed about 15 years ago with mild coronary artery disease, with some blockages in my peripheral arteries. I was taking the maximum recommended dosage of pravastatin to maintain a low cholesterol, but I experienced complete ruptures of both Achilles tendons. These incidences occurred five years apart, but after the second rupture, my doctor discontinued the pravastatin. I then started Praluent injections twice a month to control my cholesterol, which has been incredibly effective -- maybe even too effective -- and is the purpose of my writing to you. With Praluent injections, my LDL level is about 26, and my HDL is 100. When my primary doctor’s assistant recently called to inform me of my bloodwork results, she said she has never seen anyone with such a low LDL level -- and she sees a lot of bloodwork! My primary care doctor doesn’t like it that low, but two different cardiologists I have seen think that the lower it is, the better. What do you think? -- J.W.
ANSWER: The first issue is whether statins increase the risk of an Achilles tendon rupture, and I can’t answer that with certainty, because there is some evidence it does. (Some studies have reported anywhere from an 80% relative risk increase to triple the risk, but the risk is still very, very low. Even if they triple the risk, the risk would be only three people per 10,000.) The studies that have shown there is risk suggest that the risk is only in the first year of taking statins, but other studies have shown no risk at all from statins.
The second issue is your very low LDL level, and the data for LDL levels is firmly on the side of the cardiologists you spoke with. The lower the LDL, the lower the risk of heart disease, and levels under 30 are not at all unusual in a person taking alirocumab (Praluent) or the other drug in that class (called PCSK9 inhibitors), evolocumab (Repatha). Your doctor’s assistant will likely be seeing more people with LDL levels like yours. Do remember that a healthy, mostly plant-based diet and regular exercise still have benefits in people with LDL levels as low as yours -- and not just in heart disease, but in reducing cancer risk, too.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to
North America
Also called periodontal scaling or root planing, a deep oral hygiene cleaning goes beyond the routine dental cleanings we receive every six months. Your dentist may recommend a deep cleaning if you have bleeding gums, receding gums, loose teeth, or significant tartar buildup beneath the gumline. A routine cleaning removes plaque and tartar above the gumline, while a periodontal scaling addresses these issues below the gumline. The root planing part of the procedure removes the plaque and tartar that can form on the roots of the teeth. Because the procedure may be uncomfortable, local anesthetic is used for pain during the treatment, and sore gums may be experienced for a few days following the procedure.
Avoid that moment of panic and regret that comes when you realize you’ve neglected your oral hygiene routine for far too long and now must deal with the consequences. At BATAVIA FAMILY DENTAL, we are adept at dealing with those consequences, and will do all we can to turn your smile into the one you’ve always dreamed of having. When you’re ready to take that first step, we’re ready for your call at 585.343.4246, 6 Batavia City Centre. We accept most insurances.
P.S. Dental deep cleanings usually take place over the course of two to four visits that last 30 to 60 minutes
Take care of your health.Mental HealthAmerica,a community-based nonprofit committed to promoting mental health, urges individuals dealing with the loss of a loved one to take care of their own health. After losing a loved one, some people may be in danger of developing a dependence on medication or alcohol that they’re using to deal with their grief. It’s important that grieving individuals recognize that threat and the role that maintaining one’s personal health can play in the healing process. Regular contact with your physician, routine exercise and a healthy diet can promote personal health and may help individuals avoid the pitfalls of addiction after the death of a loved one.
Did you ever have a hunch…a strong but unexplained feeling that something was going to happen? Most of us have hunches but we probably never think of them as having anything to do with “creativity.”
Whether instinct or intuition, hunches have probably been responsible for some weighty decisions over the centuries. The military genius of Napoleon, the financial wizardry of the Rockefellers…perhaps they were the result of creative hunches that shaped the form of history.
We take pride in providing this community with an essential service, rendered in accordance with the highest ethical standards of our profession.
Plant a tree. Trees have long symbolized life and wisdom. Trees can live for dozens of years, growing larger and more vibrant with each year that passes. Planting a tree in a loved one’s name will create a beautiful respite that people can visit and enjoy. A small plaque or another type of sign can feature the name of the person being memorialized.
Marleen M. Teed (Greyer)
Clifton: Our dear mother Marleen Teed sadly passed away on September 20th at the age of 86. She was a wonderful mother and was always there for us.
She was a devoted mother and grandmother. She was born in the city of Rochester and moved to Clifton as a child. She absolutely LOVED living in Clifton and was a long-time member of the Clifton Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary. She was a crafty person and those who knew her enjoyed her many talents with embroidery and making stu ed animals for the Clifton carnival. Predeceased by her husband,HenryTeed.She is survived by her 3 children, Sherri Waterhouse (Dale Waterhouse), Douglas Teed, Steven Teed (Jody Teed); loving grandchildren, Haylee Teed, Christina Brockway, Julie Brockway-Herrick and her 3 great-grandchildren, Mason Teed, Evelyn Mae Stimson, Xander Teed.
In lieu of owers please send donations to Focus on the Children, P.O. Box 31, Caledonia, NY 14423 or at
Please join us for a “Celebration of Life” on Saturday, October 22 from 2 -5 PM at the Riga Congressional Church, 7057 Chili Riga Center Rd., Churchville, NY 14428.
To share a memory or leave a condolence please visit
Puzzle Answers This Week
“A hunch is creativity trying to tell you something…” ~ Frank Capra
NEW YORK STATE DOT IS HIRING Highway Maintenance Workers
18 years of age or older,
B, a clean driving record,
and drug test and
your county office
Monroe Eastside 585-586-4514 Monroe Westside 585-352-3471 Wayne/Ontario 315-332-4000 Wyoming 585-786-3310
a pre-employment
Buss and Set Up Person
Must be 15 or older and have working papers.
in person.
information is available at: or call 1-877-DOT-JOB1.
is an Equal Opportunity Employer/ Affirmative Action Employer.
NOW HIRING Child Care Staff
School Age Child Care Assistant & Substitutes in Pavilion & Kendall
• Providing warm, nurturing care for children during the extended day period
• Assist in daily activities which could include: SPARK tness activities, group games, arts & cra s activities, reading, homework
• Act in ways that ensure sta and program complies with OCFS guidelines, Healthy Kids Extended Day Program policies and host school policies
• 18 years or older
• High School diploma (or equivalent) OR 1 year of experience working with children under 13
• High energy, engaging and a team player
• Must pass full background check including ngerprinting and reference checking, SEL
• Must be medically t to perform job duties and free of TB
• Warm, friendly, caring and upbeat personality
• Excellent people skills in dealing with children, parents and sta
• Professional, reliable and prompt
• Loves working with children
Batavi Countr Club
Batavia-Byron Rd., Batavia
Center Director at our Early Learning Center
To be quali ed as a Center Director, a person must possess either:
Early Learning Center at St. John’s Daycare
(i) a bachelor's degree, including or in addition to 12 credits in early childhood, child development or a related eld; one year of full-time teaching experience in a child care center, family or group family day care home or other early childhood program; and one year of experience supervising sta in a child care program or a related eld of work; or (ii) a New York State children's program administrator credential; one year of full-time teaching experience in a child care center, family or group family day care home or other early childhood program; and one year of experience supervising sta in a child care program or a related eld of work; or (iii) an associate's degree in early childhood or related eld, with a plan of study leading to a bachelor's degree or a New York State children's program administrator credential; two years of full-time teaching experience in a child care center, family or group family day care home or other early childhood program; and two years of experience supervising sta in a child care program or a related eld of work; or (iv) a child development associate credential or other o ce-recognized credential, with a plan of study leading to a bachelor's degree or a New York State children's program administrator credential; two years of full-time teaching experience in a child care center, family or group family day care home or other early childhood program; and two years of experience supervising sta in a child care program or a related eld of work.
Construction & Maintenance Personnel
A few great openings for Construction & Maintenance Personnel needed soon for maintenance at existing Patio Home development in Batavia and construction of a new Patio Home development in LeRoy, NY. A pleasant personality along with a getit-done attitude are necessary! Tasks include working between other subcontractors doing some rough nish carpentry, painting, tiling, window & door setting, some landscaping, insulating, etc! Great job sites to be on as all buildings are 1 story Ranch style homes designed for easy building and maintenance! If you have any or all of these skills along with a good attitude,
Tweak job titles
phrasing from the job listing to beat the bots and get résumés flagged for review. Slightly change job position titles so they mirror the wording used. For example, if a recruiter is looking for a “financial account manager,” and you have the experience, list your title as something like “Senior manager of new financial
York Central School has the following openings:
General Education Teacher (K-6)
ELA Teacher (7-12)
Special Education Teacher (7-12) Bus Mechanic/Driver Technology Assistant
Cafeteria Monitor
More Information and Application procedure available:
ADDITIONAL SUBSTITUTE POSITIONS: Teachers (Certi ed and Uncerti ed)
RNs & LPNs • Food Service Workers
Interviews upon receipt of application.
Send cover letter, resume, and application to: York Central School
Attn: Heidi Newcomb, District O ce P.O. Box 102 • 2578 Genesee Street Retsof, NY 14539
Wyoming Correctional Facility
Plant Utilities Assistant (3)
Various Shifts • Starting Rate: $39,022
QUALIFICATIONS: 1 year of experience in operation, maintenance, & repair of boilers, HVAC, &/or auxiliary plant utilities equipment in commercial, industrial or institutional facilities
Service & Repair Mechanic Assistant
M-F 8-4 • All Tools Provided • Starting Rate: $39,022
QUALIFICATIONS: 2 years’ experience in mechanical work under supervision of a skilled tradesperson or completion of an appropriate 2-year tech. school course.
Service & Repair Mechanic
M-F 8-4 • All Tools Provided • Starting Rate: $46,146
QUALIFICATIONS: 4 years’ experience as auto or diesel mechanic responsible for diagnosis of faulty vehicle/equip operation & mechanical repairs IE: aspects of auto/diesel systems OR an associate’s degree in auto or diesel repair tech. OR graduation from tech. or voc program in auto/diesel repair tech. may be substituted for 1 year of experience.
We Offer: State Retirement, health insurance, paid sick, vacation & personal time in addition to 13 paid holidays; along with many other benefits.
Continue education. The Graduate Management Admission Test, often referred to as the GMAT, is used to assess candidates for admission into graduate level management programs, such as MBA programs. A recent analysis of GMAT test takers found that 47 percent were women, which marked an all-time high. The value of education is undeniable, and women can continue their educations via the pursuit of advanced degrees as they look to keep their careers going forward.
Research the job market. Look into the industries for the field you are considering. Is it the right time for success in this field? Industries tend to ebb and flow. Do not leave a job only to find the next career has few, if any, openings. Job growth projections are available through resources like the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
By Fifi Rodriguez1. U.S. STATES: How many states border the Great Lakes?
2. MOVIES: What was Buzz Lightyear’s original name in the animated movie “Toy Story”?
Secretary for School Counseling/Guidance O ce
12-month position (preferred)
Middle / High School Building
Quali cations: Genesee County Civil Service –Clerk Typist or Secretary Eligibility
Salary: Negotiable based on experience • minimum of $29,500 Medical/RX Bene ts available • NYS Retirement membership
Applications due October 19, 2022
Start date on or before November 2, 2022
Essential Duties:
Assist counselors and/or other faculty members with the following tasks:
• Grade reporting, report card veri cations and distribution.
• Master schedule maintenance/posting and maintenance of student permanent record cards.
• Ensure that records are received by prior school and sent to new schools for any students who enter or move out of the school and complete appropriate paperwork as needed.
• Year-end processing of student management system.
• Printing student schedules and distributing them as needed.
• Assigning lockers and maintaining list of combinations.
• Tracking tutoring sessions, assist with ISS.
• Promotion and noti cation of available scholarships, internships, apprenticeships, camps and other information to students.
• Homework and/or records requests, maintaining permanent record cards, prepare and distribute transcripts, honor roll certi cates, track failing grade lists, etc.
• Track and coordinate awards and scholarships for awards program and graduation.
• Create parent portal accounts and providing support as needed.
• Ensure that there is adequate coverage for teacher absences, CSE Meetings, Vertical team meetings, etc. using our substitute system and/or teacher availability as necessary.
• Verify substitute attendance and/or teacher coverage to ensure they are paid accordingly.
• Other duties as assigned.
Apply by completing the Civil Service application and email to or return via US Mail to: Pavilion Central School District
Attn: Mary Jo Pahl
7014 Big Tree Road Pavilion, NY 14525
If you have any questions, contact Mary Jo at 585-584-1013
3. TELEVISION: What was the name of the family dog on “The Brady Bunch”?
4. FOOD & DRINK: What is blind baking?
5. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What are the two traditional flowers associated with September?
6. HISTORY: Which state divided into two as a result of the U.S. Civil War?
7. PSYCHOLOGY: What kind of fear is represented by the condition called chromophobia?
8. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Who is the only president to serve in the office who was not elected as vice president or president?
9. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a group of tigers called?
10. MUSIC: Who was the first woman to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?
Six(Minnesota,Wisconsin,Michigan, Illinois,IndianaandOhio).
Come Join Our Team!
We have several job openings in our Production & Maintenance Departments:
Seeking a qualified candidate to work in our Flexographic Printing Dept. Prior experience in Printing preferred – Training is available for the right candidate.
Seeking a qualified candidate to work in our Material Dept. Should be mechanically inclined – Training is available for the right candidate.
Seeking a qualified candidate to work in our Shipping/Receiving Dept Prior experience in Shipping/ Receiving preferred – Training is available for the right candidate.
All are Full Time Positions
We offer Paid Time Off, Healthcare Insurance including Dental & Vision, Flexible Health Spending Account, Life Insurance, 401k + matching
Contact Amy McAleavey at Allen-Bailey Tag & Label 585-538-2324 ext 1001
3177 Lehigh Street, Caledonia
Jobs include checking roads for snow and ice and calling out operators for snow and ice removal. Need experience in operation and maintenance of snow plowing equipment. Must be able to work all hours and have a valid driver’s license and a clean driving record. Experience and CDL preferred but not required.
Applications may be picked up at the Wheatland Town O ce or printed from the town website.
22 Main Street, Scottsville, NY 585-889-1553
Please return completed applications to the Wheatland Town O ce Monday through ursday between the hours of 8 A.M. - 4 P.M. or Monday 6 P.M. - 8 P.M., or Friday 8 A.M. - 1 P.M. Equal Opportunity Employer
LeRoy Central School Is Hiring a SECOND SHIFT CLEANER
Typical duties include nightly routine cleaning of classrooms, hallways and o ces. Must meet minimum Genesee County Civil Service requirements. is position typically works 3:00-11:30pm. Minimum starting pay is $13.94 with incremental increases based on previous experience. Fulltime positions include options for health insurance and NYS retirement.
Interested applicants must complete a Genesee County Civil Service Job application and submit that application to: PJ Fannon, Director of Facilities LeRoy Central School 2-6 Trigon Park, LeRoy, NY 14482
Byron-Bergen Central School District is seeking a quali ed candidate for the following available Civil Service position.
Full-time (40 hrs./week), 12-month provisional position to provide clerical assistance to the Assistant Principal and Athletic Department. Successful candidate must be a resident of Genesee County or one of Genesee County’s contiguous counties and must successfully pass the Genesee County Secretary Civil Service exam when next o ered or have the ability to laterally transfer from a county outside of Genesee County. Experience, typing skills, and good organizational skills are a plus. Salary range based upon experience. Bene ts include health insurance, paid holidays, paid time o , and participation in the NYS Retirement System.
To apply please remit cover letter, resume, Genesee County Civil Service application (http://cms1 geneseecountynew/docs/hr/Fillable%20Civil%20Service%20 Application%202021.pdf) and any other pertinent information to:
Mr. Ashley John Grillo Jr./Sr. High School Principal Byron-Bergen CSD 6917 West Bergen Road, Bergen, NY 14416 or email to Application Deadline: 3pm on 10/31/22
Construction manager: Construction professionals with great organizational and communication skills can enjoy high earning potential as construction managers. Expected growth of this career over the next 10 years is 5 percent. The average income of a construction manager is $87,000. However, with a top-end hourly pay of around $75 per hour, it’s easy for managers to earn into six figures.
Class A & Class B Drivers Wanted
Pilot:Navigating,calculatingwind speeds and fuel ration and much more are involved in piloting an aircraft. Math skills can be lifesaving when pilots have to make adjustments and calculations thousandsoffeetintheair.
Category 4 Hurricane Ian has been heralded as one of the deadliest hurricanes of the century with its death toll rising past 100 persons this week. Many of the hurricane survivors have lost everything and face an uncertain future. If you are so moved, how will you help them?
• Donate money
• Fundraise to send supplies
• Volunteer to rebuild
• Not sure yet Poll Ends 10-18-22
Poll Results 10-11-22
Autumn has officially descended upon Western New York, and its flavors are in full swing. As the apple cider vs. pumpkin spice debate continues, what side do you “fall” on?
54% Apply cider all the way!
39% Pumpkin spice for the win!
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit!
P/T Executive Director for Teresa House
For nearly 30 years, Teresa House has provided a comfort care ministry to residents who are nearing the end of life, and to their families by providing a home environment of love, dignity, and respect.
Teresa House is seeking someone who wants to make a positive impact on our families and community by leading our team of dedicated sta and volunteers. Teresa House is located in Geneseo, in the heart of the Genesee Valley.
is is a part-time position anticipated at 20-25 hours per week.
Bachelor’s Degree required in Business, Social Work, Education, or Nursing with 5 years of experience in Business or Management.
If you are someone who longs to make a di erence in your community by leading a great group of people to ensure the best quality care, please send cover letter and resume to:
Join Our Team!
and Billing Specialist
Responsibilities will include: Supporting the payroll and bene ts of the company, as well as billing and accounting functions. Computer literate, con dentiality and attention to detail are a must. Paychex, Quickbooks and Excel experience preferred. Collections and monthly reconciliations experience a plus. Must be able to multitask in a deadline-driven environment. is person will interact with all departments within the organization and must have a positive disposition and a customer service mindset. e ideal candidate will want to grow with the company and take on more duties and responsibilities over time.
Teacher Aides & Teaching Assistants
Dental Hygienist
Private Practice in LeRoy (Genesee County)
oriented o ce.
Increased Rates for Nursing Positions!
Conservation is not
Executive Assistant to the Sales Manager
Immediate opening for an energetic self-motivated individual to assist our sales manager.
Job duties include: customer service working with other publications to book and place ads, helping with agency accounts, and generally assisting the sales manager to make sure the department is running smoothly.
Candidates must have excellent time management, customer service, organizational and interpersonal skills. Computer experience (ad order entry, email, Internet) a must. Must be goal and detail-oriented and able to work in a fast-paced, deadline-driven environment.
Competitive salary and bene ts.
cover letter and resume to:
Define career expectations. Defining career expectations early on can be beneficial in various ways. Such expectations can guide career choices and provide a road map that women can utilize to stay the professional course.This can help women make decisions about their careers when they come to forks in the road. For example, if a path to promotion seems blocked, women can examine their established career expectations to help them decide if it’s time to seek new employment. Defining career expectations also can help women effectively communicate with mentors about their goals, and mentors can then use that information when offering guidance. Expectations need not be concrete,and it’s likely they will change over time.But they can serve as an important foundation for anyone from young female professionals to experienced executives looking to make changes or determine the next step in their careers.
our organization are people who care about their customers and foster relationships that last a lifetime. Our mission is to create innovative marketing solutions to enhance and support businesses through advertising, design, digital, printing and promotional products.
Industrial filter company looking for individuals to fill positions in Light Assembly
Must have 2-3 years experience in an assembly environment. Basic knowledge of measuring and hand tools very helpful.
Great opportunity for the right individuals. Excellent pay & benefits.
Email resume: or mail to:
American Filtration Technologies, Inc.
100 Thruway Park Drive W. Henrietta, NY 14586
Chemist: Chemists conduct analyses and experiments in laboratoriesthatrequirequalitative andquantitativecomputation.
We’re Hiring!
Full-time Customer Service Member
Join our award-winning team and help customers thrive with a range of advertising and marketing solutions.
Must be detail-oriented and have the ability to multi-task in a fast-paced deadline-driven environment. Excellent time management, computer experience (e-mail, data entry) a must. Inside customer service experience a plus.
Wouldn’t it be nice to know that you’ve made a ifference at the end of your work day?
Full and Part-time positions. Must have experience in light duty towing and recovery, light service work. No CDL required. Must have a tow endorsement and clean driver’s license.
For more information apply at: M&R Automotive Service Geneseo, NY or send resume to:
For The Following Position!
Feed Mill Day or Night Shift Loader Operator
Mill Person needed. Experience with pay loaders and skid steers helpful but not necessary. Good pay and benefits.
Email: or fax 585-344-4868
Part-Time Bus Driver
Home Daily
ARG Trucking Corp., a local bulk petroleum hauler, is in need of DRIVERS with CDL A Licenses and XT Endorsement.
Trucks are based at our CHILI TERMINAL.
FULL-TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE with paid time off, medical and Rx coverage, vision care coverage, dental coverage, 401k retirement plans, profit sharing, company supplied uniforms.
Experienced and recent CDL school grads welcome!! In house CDL A training program available as well.
TipsTo Survive Job Loss
• Examine current finances. Calculate monthly expensesto geta handle on whatyou are spending.Compare those expendituresagainstyour savingsto see ifthe lattercan keep you afloatshould you lose yourjob. Look forareaswhere you may be overspending,even cutting outsome luxuriesifyou suspecta job lossislooming orjustwantto build your savings.
• Begin budgeting for lossof health insurance. Health insurance coverage typically endswhen a person islaid off.Lossofcoverage might notbe immediate,butitmay occurwithin monthsofa layoff.Health insurance isa considerable cost,and you willneed to budgetforthe expense so thatyou willhave accessto the health servicesyou need.
• Research optionsin government benefits. Few people like the prospect ofvisiting the unemploymentoffice afterbeing laid off,butdelaying the processcould negatively affectyourfinances.Itcan take some time for unemploymentclaimsto be processed,so apply assoon aspossible after losing yourjob.
• Find waysto supplement your income. Look forwaysto make some cash while you search fora new job in yourfield.Thismay include working from home,freelancing orselling itemsonline.Considerparttime work while you look fora job.You may preferto find temporary or part-time work in yourfield,butyourhobbiesand otherinterestsmay presentincome possibilitiesaswell.
training and licensing
Any questions?
Please email 585-343-1123
• Practice living with less. Cutoutunnecessary expensesand attemptto live with less.You may find thatthiscomeseasily and continue to do so even though you remain employed.Such a trialrun can bolsteryour savingsin the eventoflayoffwhile also acclimating you to living with less should a layoffeveroccur.
• Don’t burn bridges. While it’sunderstandable to harborsome resentmenttoward an employerforletting you go,thatsame employer may be able to help you in the long run.Supervisorscan help you find a new job orwrite glowing recommendations.
Average risk: No first- or second-degree relatives with breast or ovarian cancer, or one second-degree female relative with breast cancer (in one breast only) diagnosed after age 50.
DIDYOUKNOW... PlacinganObituaryinthe GeneseeValleyPennySaver PassagesSectionisfarlessexpensivethanothermedia? Call: 585-226-8111 formoreinformation!
&allthefixings. DRIVETHRUONLY.ByronPresbyterianChurch, 6293West MainStreet(Rt.262),Byron. Sunday,October23th(11SOLDOUT). Cost:$15per dinner.
FallintotheHolidaysCraft/Vendor ShowSaturday,October29th,2022 (9am-3pm)JWJonesHall366 LeicesterSt.,Caledonia. OURBIGGESTSHOW! Over35local,small businesses.Food,BasketRaffle& 50/50drawingtobenefitthe CaledoniaFireDepartmentand Auxiliary.
EXPERTPIANOTUNING &REPAIR.Since1980.MusicianExtraordinaire,CharlesM.Freida, 585-426-2334.
Wanted!Highercashpaidformost. Alwaysfreepickup.Wearethe ONLYlocalcompanythatpaysthe most!HonestandFairestforover 30years.585-305-5865.
CASHFORCARS, trucks,vans, SUVs.WE’RELOCAL!Fastcash! Freetowing.$500-$5000.No keys,notitle,noproblem! 585-482-2140
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By JoAnn Derson* Candy, candy and more candy. Halloween is just around the corner, and some of us like to offer a non-candy alternative to our door-knocking ghouls and goblins. Here are three that I have been successful with: pencils, erasers and glow sticks/bracelets. -- JoAnn
* Post-Halloween sales are a great time to pick up imaginationstimulating accessories and outfits for the dress-up bin.
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A 2017 study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention found that about one-third of women diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in the United States live at least five years after diagnosis. Also known as stage IV breast cancer, metastatic breast cancer is the most advanced stage of the disease. Metastatic breast cancer refers to breast cancer that has spread beyond the breast and nearby lymph nodes to other parts of the body. Patients diagnosed with breast cancer also should know that improved treatments may further their chances of surviving a diagnosis, even a diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer. In fact, the American Cancer Society notes that survival rates are based on women who were diagnosed and treated at least five years earlier. In the time since those survival rates were documented, treatments could have advanced even further, potentially improving the five-year survival rates for metastatic breast cancer.
* “Young children often love the act of pumpkin carving, but apart from letting them scoop out the seeds (which is FUN), there’s not a safe way to let them help with the cutting. I recommend purchasing a small pumpkin for the little ones to decorate with markers or paint.” -- W.F. in South Carolina
* “Baby lotion is great to have around on Halloween, because it can be used to remove face paint. Masks can restrict children’s vision when trick-or-treating, so face paint is a better way to go. Use a washcloth and baby lotion to get that paint off quick.” -- A.V. in Oregon
* Choose a battery-powered candle for your carved jack-o’-lanterns. You can leave it on longer, even when you aren’t home. And it’s much safer than a true flame.
* “Give any costume that your kid wants to wear for Halloween the ‘dance test.’ Have him or her put on the costume and dance around. If the child is tripping over the hems or the accessories are cumbersome, a change is in order.” -- M. in Michigan