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In the weeks leading up to Easter, practicing Christians commonly commit to a period of fasting and abstinence known as Lent. This commitment commemorates Christ’s 40-day journey into the desert, and the sacrifices modern day Christians make are meant to replicate those made by Christ during that period. Many Christians abstain from alcohol during Lent, but those who do may not realize that beer played a significant role in helping a small community of 17th century monks survive the Lenten fasting season. Monks from the Order of St. Francis of Paola, often referred to as “Paulaner monks,” fasted from all solid foods throughout the season of Lent during the 1600s. According to the Paulaner Brewery, the monks, originally from southern Italy, relocated to Bavaria, once an independent country but now a southern state in Germany, in the 1600s. Their strict religious orders forbade the monks from consuming solid food during Lent, but they still needed nutrients to sustain them. So the monks concocted a strong brew loaded with carbohydrates and nutrients. The monks must have liked the beer, as they continued to brew it and even began selling it in their community. An early doppelbock, the beer was one of the first offerings from the Paulaner Brewery, which opened its doors in 1634 and remains open today.
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. FOOD & DRINK: Which U.S. city is known for its square pizzas with crunchy corners?
2. TELEVISION: Which character became a fugitive in the final season of “The Office”?
3. GEOGRAPHY: Which of the Great Lakes lies entirely within the United States?
4. LITERATURE: Which famous novelist wrote his last book in crayon due to poor eyesight?
5. GAMES: What are the two most valuable letters in Scrabble?
6. MOVIES: Which movie series features a character named Ellen Ripley?
7. LANGUAGE: What is a “schwa”?
8. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which nation is credited for being the top beer-drinking country in the world?
9. ANATOMY: What is a common name for the axilla?
10. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What do you call an ant’s home?