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Hometown Events
Byron Bergen Public Library
13 S. Lake St., Bergen 585-494-1120 Byron-BergenPublicLibrary.org Tues.-Thurs., 10-12 & 2-8, Fri., 10-6 & Sat., 10-1
Caledonia Library
3108 Main Street, Caledonia (585) 538-4512 Hours: Mon. & Thurs., 2-5:30 & 7-9; Tues. 9-1 & 2-5:30; Fri., 2-5:30; Sat. 9-1
Chili Public Library
3333 Chili Avenue, Rochester 585-889-2200 • www.chililibrary.org Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-9; Fri. 9-5, Except 1st Fri. Ea. Month 11-5 Open Sat. 9-5, Sept.-May Only Open Sun. 1-4, Oct.-April Only
Hollwedel Memorial Library
Pavilion (585) 584-8843 Hours: M, W:2-7, F: 1-5; Sat. 10am-Noon
Mumford Branch Library
883 George Street, Mumford 585-538-6124 Open Mon., Wed., Fri. 12-6
Newman Riga Library
1 S. Main St. Churchville, NY www.newmanrigalibrary.org 585-293-2009 Hours: M, W, F 11-5; T, Th 11-9, Sat. 10-2
Scottsville Free Library
28 Main Street, Scottsville 585-889-2023 Hours: M, W, F 10-5 T, Th 1-8; Sat. 10-1
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
Hollwedel Memorial Library: SUMMER READ-TAILS AND TALES: FREE EVENTS Kids’ Rock PaintingEvent- Friday, Aug. 6, 1:00 pm -sign up ahead Adult Painting Event Friday, Aug.6, 2pm- sign up ahead STORYTIME: Tuesdays at 11 am IN PERSON or on FaceBook Live. Join Miss Joss for stories, singing, dancing, Make and Takes and fun! You can also view the stories later on our FB page if you miss the live broadcast. To attend in person, just call or stop in to make a reservation. Children 2 and over and unvaccinated patrons must wear masks, . We are limited to 20 children. YOGA: ADULTS -Wed., July 28 @ 6pm in person or on FB Live KIDSFri., July 30 @ 4pm in person or on FB Live! KNITTER’S NOOK: Mondays from 3:00-5:00 pm. Join our friendly needleworkers to work on your special projects. BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETINGS: Second Wed. of each month at 6pm in the library. Caledonia Library: “NEW ITEMS” (Adult Fiction) The President’s Daughter by Clinton and Patterson, Ghost Blows a Kiss by Carolyn Hart, Unfinished Business by J.A. Jance; (DVDs) Dream Horse, Mortal Kombat, No Man’s Land. “DAILY LOTTERY DRAWING” Take a chance to win and support our library at the same time. Numbers will be matched between September 1st and September 30th of 2021. You will be notified if you are a winner. Get your tickets at the library or from any library board member. “SENIOR BOOK CLUB” Meets one Tuesday afternoon each month. Current selection is “A Matter of Life and Death” by Phillip Margolin. “SUMMER READING PROGRAM” Tails and Tales! Free books and prizes. Pokémon Club meets on Tuesdays and Lego Hour is every Thursday. Reading Program ends on August 17th. “LIBRARY BOARD MEETINGS” Join us on the last Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. BATAVIA
All Babies Cherished Fall Vendor Festival! Saturday, October 23rd, from 10:00 until 3:00 pm, Batavia City Center Mall Concourse, 102 Main Street, Batavia. OVER 50 VENDORS; CRAFTERS, ARTISTS, ARTISANS, DIRECT SALES. GAMES FOR THE CHILDREN! FOOD TRUCKS! FUN FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY! A VISIT WITH SANTA CLAUS! Start your holiday shopping with us! FREE ADMISSION! Sponsored by; All Babies Cherished. https://www. f a c e b o o k . c o m / e v e n t s / 323333872505223
Use social media to give your recommendations on small businesses that go above and beyond in quality and service.
Batavia First Presbyterian Church
invites you to join us for in-person worship on Sundays at 10:00 am or on Livestream on Facebook Live. You can connect to the livestream (10:00 am) worship through our website at: https://fpcbatavia.org/ or by using this link: https://www.facebook.com/fpcbatavia/videos/ For the in-person worship at 10:00 am, we practice coronavirus courtesy.
Chef Russell Memorial Golf Scramble - Sunday, August 22nd at Batavia Country Club. Proceeds to benefit Crossroads House and the Chef Russell Scholarship. Registration and festivities begin at 12pm. $95 per golfer. Includes golf, lunch, beverage service, buffet dinner, prizes and giveaways. Mail to: Alex’s Place, 8322 Park Road, Batavia, NY 14020 or fax to 585-219-4303. Register by August 13th.
21st Annual Van Hulburt Memorial Golf Tournament - August 19th, 2021 to benefit Crossroads House in Batavia. Held at Batavia Country Club, Organized by Hesperus Lodge #837. $75 includes golf, range balls, lunch, dinner, and prizes. Sign in starts at 11am. Mail registration to: Ralph Marsocci, PO Box 96, Bergen, NY 14416. Register by August 9th. BERGEN
Bergen UMC Chicken BBQ Chicken BBQ Dinner @ Bergen United Methodist Church on Saturday, August 21st. Will be a drivethru only event & dinner reservations are strongly recommended by calling 585-494-1312 (M-F 9am 12noon). Cost is $12 per dinner and includes 1/2 BBQ Chicken, Macaroni Salad, Baked Beans, Applesauce, Roll. Dinner pickup begins at 4:30 pm on August 21st. We are located at 27 S. Lake Ave (Rte 19) in the Village of Bergen. http://www.bergenumc.org BROCKPORT
Free Airplane Rides: Launched in 1992, the Young Eagles program has dedicated more than 25 years to giving youth ages 817 their first free ride in an airplane. It’s the only program of its kind, with the sole mission to introduce and inspire kids in the world of aviation. These free flights are made possible by the generosity of our EAA volunteer members. Pre-register and m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n : flyyoungeagles44@gmail.com. The event is held on August 07 and September 11, from 10:00-2:00. EAA Chapter 44, WNY Sport Aviation Center, 44 Eisenhauer Dr., Brockport, NY 14420 In summer, the song sings itself. ~William Carlos Williams
To the Caledonia Senior Club We will not be meeting in July, instead the good news is that we will be meeting Monday, August 2, 2021 at 12noon beneath St. Columbus Church where we use to meet. We will be able to bring a dish to pass. I’m looking forward to seeing all of you and I hope you’re all doing great. Any questions, call Tony at 314-4374. take care of yourself and be safe. Cal-Mum Lions Club Pulled Pork BBQ Dinner - Saturday, August 21 from 4-6pm at Gunsmoke Country Grill in LeRoy. Drive-thru, take-out dinners. Tickets are pre-sale only $12. Call 538-4320 or 538-4618. Cal-Mum Lions Club 2020 Citizen of the Year Dinner is Rescheduled! Celebrate Citizen of the Year Jim Dutton on September 11, 2021 at JW Jones Hall in Caledonia. Tickets $30. Cocktails at 6pm, Dinner at 7pm. RSVP by September 3 to nihick1948@gmail. com or lynjo@frontiernet.net or call 226-6817 or 538-4618. HONEOYE FALLS
13th annual Young and Wyld 5K Race - Join us for the 13th annual Young and Wyld 5K Race through beautiful historic Honeoye Falls. Wednesday, August 4 at 7PM. Starts across from the Honeoye Falls Post Office. Further Details/ Register at runsignup.com. Includes free food and root beer floats post race. Open to all ages, families. Walkers welcome. Proceeds benefit Y o u n g L i f e . Q u e s t i o n s : lesley54321@yahoo.com LEROY
LeRoy-Stafford Senior Citizens: Luncheon will be on Wednesday, August 18th at 12:30 PM at the Knights of Columbus hall. Pizza, wings and dessert will be provided at a cost of $5 per person. Please bring your own beverage. A Chinese Auction will be held after lunch. CONTACT - Rosemary #506-5233, Lucy #721-6073 or Sue #861-0422, to reserve your spot by August 12th. No reservations will be accepted after that date.
A warm welcome awaits you! Join us for 100% Biblically-based worship: 11:00 AM Sunday Brockport Church of Christ 60 Spring St., P.O. Box 230 Brockport, NY 14420 (585) 637-2650 (parking lot located next to 69 High Street) Visit our website for more information: www.brockportchurchofchrist.org God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him, must worship Him in spirit, and in truth ( John 4:24)
Take-out Spaghetti Dinner at the U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h o f Livonia, 21 Summer St, Livonia on Wednesday, August 11, 4:306:00PM (or until sold out). Spaghetti, sauce, meatballs, undressed salad, and garlic bread. Donations accepted. Please follow signs in church parking lot for drivethrough instructions. PERRY
Chicken BBQ! Join us at the Perry C e n t e r F i r s t C o n g r e g a t i o n a l Church, Rt. 20A, Perry Center on Saturday, July 31st for a delicious Chicken BBQ! Held 4pm until sold out. $12 per person. Take Out Only. Includes: Chicken halve, homemade potato salad, baked beans, dinner roll and pickles, milk and assorted homemade pie! ROCHESTER
Mees Observatory Virtual Summer Tours - University of Rochester’s Department of Physics and Astronomy offers free virtual tours of Mees Observatory on selected summer evenings. Presentations on astronomy topics, observing via the 24“ reflecting telescope and its camera, and live chats with astronomers are included. For specific dates and times, please visit our website. Make a reservation at https://webapps.pas.rochester.edu/ mees/ Gates Historical Society August program - The August program of the Gates Historical Society will be held Monday, August 16 at 7:00 pm in the Gates Town Hall Annex, 1605 Buffalo Road, Rochester. Jonathan Bernard, a re-enactor, will be doing a program entitled “Artillery Through The Ages”. A tale of technological evolution through the history of artillery. He did a presentation on blacksmithing which was excellent. This program is free and the facilities are handicapped accessible. Masks are required for those not vaccinated. Social distancing is encouraged.
Historic Home Open House: The Wheatland Historical Association is happy to announce the SageMarlowe House will be open for visitors every Sunday from 2 -4pm beginning July 11 through August 29. When was the last time you visited this quaint 1840’s home? A wonderful summer activity for history buffs, or those who just want to learn more about 19th century life in Scottsville. Don’t forget to see what heirloom herbs and vegetables are growing out in the kitchen garden. Free and open to the public. Sage-Marlowe House, 69 Main St., Scottsville. American Legion Auxiliary #367 Summer Cookout - Saturday, August 7, 2021, 3PM till gone. What you get: (Choice of 2 meats) hamburger, cheeseburger, red hot dog, white hot dog. Plus salt potatoes, macaroni salad, watermelon slice. $10 Eat-In or Takeout. 61 M a i n S t . , S c o t t s v i l l e . w w w . smithwarren367.org.
Deep summer is when laziness fi nds respectability. ~Sam Keen
116th German Fest! The Federation of German American Societies will be holding its 116th German Festival in Spencerport on August 13th and 14th at the Spencerport Firemen’s Field, 75 S. Union St. Come celebrate with us and enjoy authentic German food, beer, music and dancing. We are excited to welcome the community back to our festival this year after having to cancel last year due to the COVID 19 pandemic. Admission is $5 at the door, and children under 16 are admitted free with paid adult admission. Join us August 13, 5pm-11pm and August 14, 4pm-11pm. For all the latest updates: https://www.facebook. c o m / FederationOfGermanAmericanSocieties/
Wheatland Seniors Travel Club has some upcoming trips! Tuesday, August 17 we’re off to Skaneateles Lake for Lunch at the Sherwood Inn, a cruise around the Lake and a little time to browse around the town. After departure we will stop at Sauderers Country Store. Price for Wheatland residents who are club members is $79. Price for all others is $99. Monday, August 30 we are going to the NY State Fair. Enjoy the day on your own. Free concert at the Chevrolet Court, Hermans Hermits, starring Peter Noone. Price for Wheatland residents who are club members is $25. All others $45. To sign up or more details: Bus America Group Tours 585-697-3590.
Wild Tinker & Ice Cream Social We’ve rescheduled our Ice Cream Social and combined it with Wild Tinker! Saturday, August 7, 112pm, Tinker Nature Park, 1525 Calkins Rd., Rochester. Come celebrate NYS Wildlife and have some ice cream at the same time! We will have music, Pudge the Dove themed activities, games, and crafts! Steve West Music, Jimmy Jam Band, Cornell Master Gardeners, HPL, Seneca Park Zoo, Wild Wings and Rochester Birding Association.
By Lucie Winborne * Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.
Events should occur on a specifi c date at a specifi c time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items: • Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program • Organizations seeking crafters or vendor • Organizations seeking donations of items Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date R E G I S T E R A N D S U B M I T Y O U R E V E N T O N L I N E AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
By JoAnn Derson
* If you’ve lost a zipper pull, you can create a temporary one with a paperclip. * Remove all of the air from a plastic storage bag with a drinking straw. Slip the straw into the bag and close as much as possible. Then suck any air out through the straw, and quickly pull out and close in a single motion. Your leftovers will stay fresh longer, and foods may stack better in the freezer. * And speaking of straws, did you know you can use them to curl your hair? Wind sections of damp hair around a plastic straw and secure the ends with a bobby pin. Dry in the sun or use a hair dryer on low heat. Remove and spritz with hair spray. * Here’s an oldie but a goodie! Iced coffee is at its best when brewed with twice the usual amount of ground coffee, because the coffee is diluted by the melting ice cubes. Or use regular-strength brewed ice coffee and serve over coffee ice cubes. They’re easy to prepare: Pour cool brewed coffee into icecube trays and freeze. * Lemon juice can bring out the fl avor of mushrooms. I keep a little spray bottle to keep lemon juice accessible in the kitchen. I fi nd it’s good for all kinds of things, like avocadoes and apples. I spray the cut side to keep them from browning. It’s also great for salad greens. -- T.T. in New Jersey