1 minute read
Thank You!
The York-Leicester Field Day Association, Inc.
would like to thank all individuals, organizations, and businesses as well as the many in attendance who donated at the gates and stands for their generous contributions which will ensure the continuation of our Field Day event. anks are also in order for the many volunteers and organizations who gave of their time and talent to assist in making this event possible, as well as those who participated in the opening and closing ceremonies, and to all who helped at the gates, stands, and in parking and tra c control. Your e orts were greatly appreciated! e Association welcomes suggestions and encourages interested people to volunteer for next year's event.
e date will be announced at a later time.
Tips For Taking Stunning Nature Photos
Use light wisely. The photography resource Expert Photography recommends taking photos primarily during the golden hours. These are right after sunrise and just before sunset. The light during these times of day has a softer, hazy quality that will illuminate subjects evenly and less harshly than midday, when shadows also may pose challenges. Taking photos during these times also means fewer people around and a better chance that wildlife will be out and about.
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