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The Pittsford-East Rochester Edition
Januar y 22, 2016
PERINTON AUTOMOTIVE CENTER, INC. 377-1660 20 Jefferson Ave. (Corner of Jefferson Ave. & Fairport Rd.)
Save $$$
DiPrima’s Fairport Mobil
• Complete Automotive Service & Repair • Towing Available
Don’t overpay for your manufacturer & dealership recommended scheduled maintenance (ie. 30k, 45k, 60k, 75k, 90k, 105k, etc.) WE REGULARLY PERFORM ALL THE SAME SERVICES FOR LESS!!!
Winter Service Package $
+ Tax
Lube, oil, filter, up to 5 qts. 5W30 or 5W20 synthetic blend, 4 tire balancing and rotation, Alignment Check, standard wiper blades replacement (most cars), Battery check & service. 27 pt inspection and maintenance check, Free consultation. Expires 2/20/16.
New York Rain-X State Inspection Windshield Treatment
With $150 or more in NYS Inspection needed repairs. Before tax. Not including other coupon services. Not to be combined with coupon #5. Expires 2/20/16.
99 + tax
With any other service. Expires 2/20/16.
Lube, 4 Oil, Filter & Tire Rotation $
95 + Tax
Check all fluids, air filter & tire pressure. Most cars & trucks. Up to 5 qts. 5W20 or 5W30 synthetic blend oil. Excludes full synthetics. 27 pt. inspection and maintenance check. Free consultation. Expires 2/20/16.
10 OFF $
Any Repairs Or scheduled maintenance of $200 or more. Before tax. Not including other coupon services. Tires Excluded. Not to be combined with coupon #2. Expires 2/20/16.
HELP US SAVE TREES/PAPER Please present coupons at time of write up/vehicle drop off