All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY
By Lucie Winborne
* Cellophane, invented in 1908, was originally intended to protect tablecloths from wine spills.
DID YOU KNOW? The American Heartworm Society advises dog owners to have their furry companions tested for heartworm annually. Such tests can typically be conducted during routine preventive care visits to the veterinarian.The AHS notes that such tests are necessary even for dogs that are taking year-round heartworm prevention medications. Tests can confirm that such programs are working or indicate if they are not effective. The American Veterinary Medical Association notes that antigen tests are the most commonly performed tests. These tests detect the presence of adult female heartworms and they are typically highly accurate. If a test is positive, veterinarians may recommend further testing, including radiographs, a blood profile and an echocardiogram. Such tests can determine a number of things about the infection, including its severity. The AVMA also notes that the additional testing can help determine the best course of treatment. Cat owners should know that it’s more difficult to detect heartworm in cats than in dogs. The AHS indicates that cats are much less likely than dogs to have adult heartworms, making the disease harder to detect in felines. Veterinarians may recommend cats receive both the antigen test and an antibody test, which detects exposure to heartworm larvae. The AVMA notes that more testing may increase the likelihood of detecting the disease in cats.
Consumer waste: Food loss and waste (FLW) is a widespread issue, posing a challenge to food security. The World Bank estimates 30 percent of all food across the globe is wasted, amounting to 1.3 billion tons of food per year. The average global household wastes 74 kg of food each year, according to the United Nations Environment Programme’s 2021 Food Waste Index. Food waste is an issue that needs a solution as the world looks for ways to feed an expanding population in the decades to come.
Eckankar Center of Rochester
312 W. Commercial Street • East Rochester, NY
Phone: 585-288-4721 • email: eckankarrochesterny@gmail.com
Public events on Sundays at 11am: www.eckankar-ny.org/public Learn about ECKANKAR at www.eckankar.org
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Office: PO Box 340 • 1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414
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Rush- Henrietta
Genesee Valley Penny Saver, PE 25775, Copyright © 2024, is published weekly by Genesee Valley Publications, Inc, 106 W. Main St., Honeoye Falls, NY. Periodical Postage paid at Pittsford Post Office and at additional mailing offices.
Send address changes to: Genesee Valley Penny Saver PO BOX 340 Avon, NY 14414-0340
Chocolate wasn’t always the sugar-sweetened dessert people consume today. The history of chocolate dates back to 1900 BC, when Aztecs believed the cacao seeds were the gift of Quetzalcoatl, the god of wisdom. Chocolate was made into fermented beverages, and the cacao beans also were used as a form of currency because they held so much value.
According to the History Channel, some ancient civilizations considered chocolate to be a mood enhancer and aphrodisiac. Chocolate was believed to have mystical properties and was revered so much that it was reserved for rulers, warriors and priests.
It was not until centuries later that edible chocolate became popular among the masses. Dutch chemist Coenraad Johannes van Houten invented the cocoa press, which could turn extrude cocoa butter, paving the way for the modern age of chocolate as a confectionary ingredient and gift.
Choosing the right type of chocolate may require gaining an understanding of various chocolate-related terms.
Cocoa powder: This is the unsweetened raw form of cocoa made from partially defatted chocolate liquor. Dutch-processed (alkalized) cocoa powder is milder and less acidic than natural cocoa powder.
Unsweetened chocolate: “Bitter” or “baking chocolate” are other names attributed to unsweetened chocolate. It is best used in baking when it can be combined with sugar and other ingredients. It is also the base ingredient of most forms of chocolate, with the exception of white chocolate.
Dark chocolate: Chocolate that contains only chocolate liquor, sugar, cocoa butter, vanilla, and lecithin is considered dark chocolate. No milk solids are added in. The higher the percentage on the wrapper, the more bitter the chocolate.
Milk chocolate: In addition to dark chocolate ingredients, milk chocolate also contains dry milk solids or condensed milk. It is sweet and has a mild chocolate taste.
Bittersweet and semi-sweet: These chocolates are milder than dark chocolate, but not as sweet as milk chocolate. Many chocolate manufacturers derive their own formulations for these types of chocolate, varying the amount of cocoa solids they include.
Couverture chocolate: An expensive chocolate, this is coveted by professional bakers or confectioners. It contains a high percent of cocoa butter and chocolate liquor, which helps it to melt evenly. It is ideal for tempering and can coat candies smoothly.
Ganache: Ganache is a whipped filling, glaze, icing, or sauce that is used in various desserts. It is made by heating cream and pouring over chocolate of any kind. When cooled, it is malleable but not runny, which is why ganache is often used in making candies or fillings.
Truffle: A chocolate truffle is made from a ball of ganache rolled in cocoa powder. Truffles can be made from any variety of chocolate.
Thank you
Thank you to whomever turned in my wallet at the Avon Tops. It was the week before Christmas too, no less. Thank you.
THANK YOU to our local town/village of Avon for keeping our roads cleared so far this winter. They are always out early, late, and inbetween, helping to make sure we get to our destinations safely. We appreciate you!
Please Drive Safely and Smartly!
Please be sure that your headlights are on whenever your wipers are. It is astounding how many vehicles do not follow this LAW. It is required of drivers to use their headlights when visibility is low, at dawn and dusk, and when it's raining, snowing, or sleeting. It's not just to help you see where you're going - it's to help others see YOU/your vehicle. Pleasedrive safely and smartly!
Electric Shopping Carts
I felt bad for this elderly lady (80+). She was dropped off at the door. She could hardly walk or stand and had an oxygen tank. She had to wait, quite a while, until an electric handicap cart was brought in from outside by an employee. Everyone of the handicap carts were being used by other people. Most walked ok from their vehicles that were parked far out in the lot. Yes, some do require the use of a handicap cart but it amazes me that they feel more entitled than to someone who really does need one.
1hour prep and overnight freeze
Servings:Makes 1snowball
11/4cups coconut milk
21/2tablespoons sugar
2egg yolks
Combine all the ingredients in a small pot, stirring until the sugar is dissolved. Cook on medium-low heat while stirring constantly until the custard thickens slightly. Strain the custard and allow it to cool at room temperature. While the custard is cooling, start making the mousse.
2cups heavy cream (whipped)
14ounces white chocolate
1ounce Camus cognac
2gelatin sheets
Whip the heavy cream with a whisk until it forms medium-stiff peaks. Melt the white chocolate over a double boiler. Soak the gelatin sheets in ice water until it’s softened (5 minutes), and strain the gelatin to remove any excess liquid. Add the gelatin to the Camus cognac and melt them together (30 seconds at a time). Add the cognac to the custard, stir in the white chocolate, and mix until completely smooth. Fold in the heavy cream. Place the mousse in an airtight container and refrigerate overnight.
4ounces pineapple juice
1ounce Camus cognac
3ladyfinger cookies
1/2cup shredded coconut
1/4cup diced pineapple (garnish)
2leaves fresh cilantro (garnish)
1/4cup coconut milk (garnish)
1tablespoon olive oil (garnish)
Combine 4 ounces of pineapple juice with 1 ounce of Camus cognac. Cut 3 ladyfingers in half and dip quickly in the pineapple juice. Using a 4-ounce scoop, position the mousse onto a sheet of parchment paper. Place the ladyfingers in the middle of the mousse. Place the mousse in the freezer for 30minutes (or until firm). When the mousse is firm but pliable,roll it into a ball,and coat it in shredded coconut. Place the snowball in the refrigerator and start the final plating -- positioning the snowball in the middle of an attractive plate or bowl, garnishing the dish with diced pineapple, cilantro leaves, coconut milk and a little olive oil.
great-grandson of etiquette expert Emily Post and co-author of “Emily Post’s Etiquette,18th edition,” says parents can practice dining out by replicating the experience (as much as possible) at home. Ask the children to use inside voices and exhibit proper behavior at the dinner table.Remove children from the table if they misbehave and try again another time.
Parents also can acclimate their youngsters to dining out by gradually working their way up to more formal restaurants. Start by dining out at a place where table behavior or noise may be more tolerable, such as a fast-food restaurant, before moving on to a casual restaurant and then a nicer restaurant when kids can handle it.
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2 American Lamb racks, frenched
2 tablespoons oil
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons coarse grain mustard
2 cloves minced garlic
3/4 cup fresh bread crumbs
3/4 cup toasted and chopped pecans
4 tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary, divided
4 ounces semi-soft goat cheese, crumbled
1 cup balsamic vinegar
Rub lamb with oil and salt. Place in a roasting pan, fat side down. Roast at 425 degrees F for 8 minutes; turn and roast an additional 8 minutes. Remove from oven.
Combine mustard, garlic, bread crumbs, 2 tablespoons of the rosemary and cheese. Spread over lamb. Return to oven; cook 15 minutes, until crust is golden brown. Remove from oven; cover with foil to keep warm.
In saucepan, combine vinegar and remaining 2 tablespoons of rosemary; simmer for 6 to 8 minutes or until reduced to half.
Slice lamb into individual chops; drizzle sauce over chops. Serve with roasted butternut squash.
Sweetie is a 15 1/2 year old Jack Russell who’s a huge Bills fan!
By Sam Marzotta
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I adopted a puppy about two months ago. “Spencer” seemed to housetrain just fine, but for the last couple of weeks, he has been pooping on the bathroom rug. It’s not diarrhea, just regular healthy poos. He does it between walks – even though he poops as normal during walks! What is going on?
– John D. in Burlington, Vermont
DEAR JOHN: Even though Spencer seems healthy, take him to the vet to rule out any underlying health issues. In the days prior to the vet appointment, get out a notepad and write down his behaviors, what time he poops each day, if he’s doing a lot of barking –anything. Bring that to the appointment; it might give the vet additional insight.
Puppies go through phases during their growth, and it’s not too unusual to see some regression in housetraining periodically. For example, when they’re teething, or as they enter their “teen” phase at around 8 months or so, you may see a change in behavior patterns or “forgetting” commands you know they’ve learned.
If there is no health issue to worry about, focus on training. Go back to basics and teach him how to alert you when he needs to go outside. Work on his basic commands. Observe him closely when you’re at home to see whether his behavior is changing.
You may need to adjust your schedule as well. If he’s an especially young puppy, his body is changing rapidly and he may need more potty breaks than the training guide says. Be prepared to make those adjustments as you patiently retrain him. And don’t worry, he will fully housetrain, as long as you remain diligent.
Sue DeBruyne, Au.D. Doctor of Audiology
By Keith Roach, M.D.
DEAR DR. ROACH: You recently wrote that you do not recommend probiotics in healthy people. I am a 78-year-old male who, three years ago, underwent an esophagectomy to remove my esophagus and part of my stomach because of cancer. I was put on 30 mg of pantoprazole, which was later increased to 40 mg. I’ve read that prolonged use of this medicine isn’t recommended.
3513 Thomas Dr., Suite 2
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Sinuses are bony, hollow, air-filled cavities inside the face and skull. They are located in the low-center of the forehead, behind the eyes and in bones behind the nose. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center says the sinuses lighten the skull and produce a mucus that moisturizes the inside of the nose. Unfortunately, when colds or the flu strike, sinuses may become one of the first spots affected by these illnesses.
When the sinuses are working properly, mucus will drain into the nasal passages or out the back of the throat. Most of this drainage goes unnoticed. However, the American Sinus Institute says that factors such as allergies, illness, weather changes, dehydration, and dry air can make the sinus mucus thicker and drainage more difficult. This is when problems like infection, stuffiness or throat irritation may occur.
In order to combat sinus congestion and drainage concerns, people may try certain strategies that include flushing the sinuses and thinning the mucus. It is imperative to use safe flushing methods to keep the sinuses healthy.
Neti pots are among the more popular methods to flushing sinuses. These small teapot-like devices with elongated snouts have become a fixture in many medicine cabinets. Because they are drug-free alternatives, they can be handy for those worried about antihistamines making them drowsy or reacting with other drugs. Neti pots and other nasal irrigation systems use saline to moisten and clear out nasal passages to promote drainage of sinus cavities. However, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, using these devices improperly can increase one’s risk of infection. CBS News says that neti pots have even been linked to the deadly Naegleria fowleri, which is otherwise known as the “braineating” amoeba.
The key to preventing infection is to only use previously boiled, sterile or distilled water to irrigate. Tap water is not adequately filtered, says the FDA, and may contain low levels of organisms that can stay alive in nasal passages and potentially cause serious infections.
Those who are concerned about nasal irrigation safety may be wise to skip neti pots and use pre-packaged, sterile saline solutions that are bottled for the purpose of alleviating congestion. However, when prepared water is used in a clean neti pot or other device, these methods can be perfectly safe.
Sinuses can get clogged for many reasons. To free up breathing, people are urged to consult their physicians to learn more about how to safely irrigate their nasal passages.
My understanding is that this medicine is used to reduce the chance of acid reflux. I have read that it also kills bacteria (both bad and good) in the stomach. I asked my primary care physician about this and whether she was OK with me starting probiotics to help restore the good bacteria. -- E.M.
ANSWER: Proton-pump inhibitors like pantoprazole are often used in people after surgical treatment for esophageal cancer. They reduce acid reflux and consequently prevent a stricture where the remainder of the esophagus meets the remainder of your stomach. While it is true that proton-pump inhibitors do have the potential for side effects with long-term use, there are times when the benefits outweigh the risks. Many esophageal cancer experts feel that the benefits outweigh the risks in esophageal survivors like you.
Long-term acid suppression does lead to changes in the gut bacteria, called the microbiome. Using probiotics to improve the quality of the microbiome has been studied, and preliminary studies showed that taking probiotics daily can get more healthy bacteria in the gut. What isn’t clear is whether this translates to better outcomes for the patient or whether any of the long-term adverse effects of proton-pump-inhibitor therapy will be reduced. It makes sense that it might help, but it is unproven as yet.
There is the potential for harm in probiotic treatment, but it’s not common. A very few cases of infection have been shown to be transmitted by probiotics. The main harm is mostly financial, since some probiotics are expensive.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am 81 years old and in pretty good health. I often have a hard time getting to sleep and staying asleep. A couple of months ago, I was dealing with a sore lower back from overdoing yard work, so I took two ibuprofen tablets before going to bed for several nights in a row. What I noticed is that I was able to get to sleep quicker.
I have continued to take ibuprofen as a sleep aid, and it continues to help me get to sleep. But I am wondering if there might be any medical issue that could arise from the continued daily use of ibuprofen. -- J.T.N.
ANSWER: Most people don’t find that ibuprofen helps or hurts their sleep, so I don’t recommend it as a sleep aid in general. In fact, some people find that ibuprofen can be disruptive to their sleep. Others, however, find that it makes them sleepy.
In any case, the risk of two ibuprofen tablets at night, or even every day, is small. A person with a history of ulcer disease or abnormal bleeding shouldn’t take ibuprofen daily without discussing it with their doctor.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. © 2025 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
BYLINE: By JoAnn Derson
* Lunchbox tip: Assemble your sandwich the night before (without veggies). Wrap in waxed paper and freeze. Add veggies and a condiment packet in a separate bag. Your sandwich will thaw by lunchtime and will stay cold!
* “Plant banana skins in your garden, just below the surface. ey rot quickly and provide nutrients for growing plants.”
-- A.R. in Ohio
* “Always keep two needles threaded, one with black and one with white. When you have a rip, a button comes off or a hem comes out of your clothes, and you are in a hurry, you can use one of these for a quick repair.” -- J.R. in Virginia
Snow may delight young children itching for a day off from school. But for many homeowners, the sight of snow means their time will soon be spent clearing paths and plowing driveways rather than building snowmen and sledding with friends.
The sight of falling snow also may inspire some homeowners to think about the roofs of their homes. The Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety warns that it is important to understand the risk of roof collapse due to the weight of snow on the roof. Roof structures that are in good condition can support roughly 20 pounds per square foot. IIBHS says this equates to around four feet of new snow before a roof will become stressed.
Total snowfall is not the only factor to consider. Homeowners also must check the type of snow that has fallen. According to House Logic, six inches of wet snow is equal to the weight of about 38 inches of dry snow. That means it may take much less sodden snow to weigh down a roof. Roof condition and the shape of the roof bear consideration as well. Popular Mechanics says the ideal pitched roof is smooth and steep so that the snow slides off. Closely spaced rafters improve the strength of the roof. A flat or slightly pitched roof may accumulate snow more readily. Homeowners are urged to inspect roof rafters to see if they are cracked from previous snowstorms or damaged from insects or rot. Snapping or popping sounds while snow is on the roof is not a good sign.
House Logic also says that homeowners can tell if the snow load on the roof is too much by paying attention to interior doors. If such doors begin to stick, that may be a signal that there’s enough weight on the center of the house to distort the door frames. Houses that had improper renovations or homes in which load-bearing walls were removed may be more susceptible to this problem.
Removing snow from a roof is not an easy job - and may be a task best left to professionals. The safest way to remove snow from the roof is to use a snow rake with an extension arm that enables users to push and pull off the snow while standing on the ground. One should not climb onto a snowy or icy roof to remove snow. Shovels, which can damage roof shingles, should never be used.
IIBHS says that hiring a professional roof contractor is one way to safely remove snow from the roof. Licensed and insured contractors will have the experience to get the job done correctly and safely. Homeowners can expect to pay between $250 and $500 for this job.
Roof snow removal is a priority for those who live in mountainous or extremely snowy areas. If unsafe amounts of snow are left on rooftops, leaks, damage and collapse may result.
The PathStone Weatherization Assistance Program is available for income-eligible households in Monroe County located outside of the city limits.
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Income guidelines are:
Family of 1: $39,864
Family of 2: $52,140
Family of 3: $64,404
Family of 4: $76,680
Many people may practice the “love thy neighbor” creed, but when it comes to four-legged wildlife such as raccoons,squirrels,and opossum that often seek refuge in yards and homes when outdoor temperatures dip and food sources become scarce, they are best kept at an arm’s length. As community development has thinned natural habitats and forced these critters into residential areas and lessened their fears of people, the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) has found that many areas of the country continue to report increased encounters with nuisance wildlife.
“While it can be a unique experience to spot wildlife in neighborhoods, these animals should be discouraged from taking up residence,” advises Missy Henriksen,vice president of public affairs for the NPMA.“Not only can they damage property,many are vectors of disease,most notably rabies.”
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 40,000 people are exposed to rabies each year, a viral infection passed through the bite and saliva of an infected mammal. Raccoons, foxes, skunks, coyotes and bats are the most commonly reported animals infected with rabies. Because of the risks associated with these pests,homeowners should take extra precautions to protect against them.
Older properties tend to have a sense of charm that newly built homes may lack. Perhaps it’s their lived-in feel or design elements that remind homeowners of yesteryear that make older homes so popular among home buyers. What older homes have in character they may lack in modern amenities. For example, whereas many homes are now built with energy efficiency in mind, older homes may not be so eco-friendly. Fortunately, there are many ways for homeowners who love their older homes to keep that love going strong while making their homes more energy efficient at the same time.
Entertainment Venue with Vintage Vibes
“Sarah’s Place is a unique location for that special event with the atmosphere of stepping back in time.” is elegant two-story home has the capacity to entertain 12 guests with five bedrooms, 4 bathrooms and two kitchens. e lower level consists of a gaming room with multiple TVs, pool table, multiple gaming tables with an addition prepping area for food. Catering and beverage services can be provided.
Rush Public Library
5977 East Henrietta Rd. Rush 585-533-1370 www.libraryweb.org/rush
Monday 1:00pm - 8:00pm
Tuesday 11:00am - 8:00pm
Wednesday 1:00pm - 8:00pm
Thursday 11:00am - 8:00pm
Friday 1:00pm - 8:00pm
Saturday 10:00am - 2:00pm Sunday CLOSED
Henrietta Public Library
625 Calkins Rd., Rochester, NY 14623 359-7092 • www.hpl.org
Mon.-Thurs. 9am-9pm Fri. 9am-5pm; Sat. 10am-5pm Henrietta Public Library currently provides curbside pickup and in-building services. Hours are subject to change. Please call (585) 359-7092 for hours before visiting.
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
Planning YourKnitorCrochetTemperatureBlanket
Atemperatureblanketisablanket whereeverydayoftheyearis depictedbyadifferentcolor, dependingonthetemperaturethat day.Inthisprogram,wewilldecide whattemperaturestokeeptrack of,howtosetupyourtemperature key,andchooseyourcolors.Then, wewilllearnaboutallofthedifferentdesignsthatarepossible. includingnon-traditionalblankets thattrackthingslikemood,historicaltemperatures,holidays&special occasionsandmore!Wewilltouch onwaysthatyoucantrackthe samethingsvianeedleworkand crossstitchaswell.
Wewillnotbestartingaproject duringthisclass,however,youwill comeawaywithallofthe knowledgeyouneedtostart, includingsomepatterns! Registerathpl.orgorcallusat 585-359-7092.
FishFry- January 24th,4-6:30pm. Drivethrufishfry.12-14oz,batteredhaddockfiletwithgolden brownFrenchfries,homemade coleslaw,tartersauceandlemon wedge.$13.Ely-FaganAmerican LegionPost1151,260MiddleRd., Henrietta.
RequestforNominations- The 2025 AntoinetteBrownBlackwell Society’sWomanoftheYear Awardisgiveninmemoryofthe firstwomantobeordainedasa ministerintheUnitedStates.Any womanpresentlylivinginHenrietta whohasdemonstratedleadership qualitiesandcommunityservice throughvolunteeractivitiesnotrelatedtoherwork,iseligible. Nominationsmustbereceivedby March14,2025.Theawardwillbe presentedonMay24,2025,atthe 200thanniversaryluncheonin honorofAntoinette’sbirth.Fora nominationform: 1.www.antoinettebrownblackwell. org 2.www.henrietta.org
3.Bymail-ABBWomanofthe YearCommittee,POBox133,HenriettaNY14467.
GatesGreeceLionsClubSnow Ball Golf! Benefiting:LionsPark Renovation.Saturday,February1, 2025.Only$5.00perperson/per round.GatesLionsPark,100KentuckyAve.Thegamewillbeplayed witha9-IronandaTennisBall,ona 12holecoursewithnaturaland “man-made”obstacles.Weprovidethetennisball.Bringyourown 9-IronorClubrentalsavailable.NO PRIORGOLFEXPERIENCENEEDED!! Food,PrizesandWarmthinthe GatesLionsParkBuilding.FOR MOREINFORMATIONANDTICKETS.Call(585)746-1179oremail wfrance1@rochester.rr.com
“FromtheBigBandsto Broadway, TheBeatles,andBeyond”-ZachFrame:Presentedby TheRochesterTheaterOrganSociety.Sunday,February2,2PM,West HerrAuditoriumTheatre.ATOS 2022OrganistoftheYearZach Framewillperform.Zach’sappearanceissponsoredbyJessicaLudeke inlovingmemoryofherfather WalterH.Ludeke.Admissionfor NON-membersis$15perperson. Children12andunderwithan adult,andstudentswithschoolID arealwaysFREE.TheBoxOffice opensat1PMandthedoorsopen at1:15PM.SeatingisGeneral Admission,notreserved.Noadvanceticketsales.Info.:rtosonline. org
RochesterModelRailroadOpen House - HeldattheFirstUniversalistChurchonSaturdayMarch1, 10-5andSundayMarch2,1-5. Costis$7,kids9andunderfree. TherailroadisalargeHOtrain layoutdepictingtheLehighValley railroadofthe1950’SfromBuffalo thruPennsylvaniatoJerseyCity. Membershaveusedphotos,actual plansandon-sitevisitsandpictures torecreatemanyoftheactual scenes,buildingsandbridges.On Saturdaytherewillbeamodel railroadfleemarket.Theeventis nothandicappedaccessibleasthe layoutisinthebasementofthe FirstUniversalistChurch.Masksare optional.
“Women’sClubOfWebster: Thursday, February20” -Janice CamilleriofNeverSayNeverStables,anon-profitprovidinglifeenrichinghorse-relatedactivitiesto SpecialNeedsChildrendescribes heruniqueprogrammingat WCW’sFebruarymeeting.Location:Nucci’s,807RidgeRd.,Webster.Social:11:15;Meeting:12:00 noon;lunch:12:30followedbyMs. Camilleri’spresentation.BuffetfeaturesChickenMarsala,Mixed Vegetables,RoastedPotatoes, Pennewithsauce,Salad,Cannoli andcamaraderiefor$21.New membersWELCOME!Sendcheck madeouttoWCWbyFebruary 13thtoCarolynRittenhouse,405 CountyLineRoad,Ontario,14519. Questions(?)orpossiblelatecheck, phoneCarolyn,585-265-1303.
RushSeniors will meeton ThursdayFebruary13attheRush Firehouseat11am.Pleasenotethat thismeetingwillbeabuffet,lunch willbeprovidedbyalocalbusiness sotherewillbenoneedtobringa dishtopass.Justbringyourown tableserviceandacupforcoffee, whichwillbeprovided,oryour ownbeverage.Hopetoseeyou there.
In a pinch, you can use toothpaste to scrub your faucet in the bathroom.
Thedawnofanewyearrepresents a chance to start anew and set goals for the months ahead. New Year’s resolutions are often made to provide the motivation people need to improve their lives and make a new year as productive and happy as possible. While people who make New Year’s resolutions fully intend to realize those goals, few actually stick to the game plan. According to researchers at the University of Scranton, just 8 percent of peoplewhomaketheirNewYear’s resolutionsactuallyachievethose resolutions. While that might make it seem like the odds are against men and women who have resolved to improve their lives in the year ahead, adults can realize their goals for the new year and beyond.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
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January 20, 2025 commemorates the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr, who “had a dream” that boys and girls could school together, regardless of race, religion, creed, or color, judged only “by the content of their character” and not “the color of their skin.” 61 years later, where do you think we stand as a nation?
- We have achieved Dr. King’s vision
- We have made significant progress, but there’s still work to be done
- We have made little to no progress toward this vision
- We are now moving away from Dr. King’s dream
Poll ends 01-28-2025
Poll ended 01-21-2025
With wildfires devastating tens of thousands of acres, tornados ripping apart the Midwest each year, tsunamis washing away oceanside cities, Western NYers may feel fortunate to “only” deal with snow and ice. Are you ready for an emergency evacuation?
13.3% I have an emergency kit ready at home
26.7% I receive alerts for severe weather/emergencies
33.3% I feel somewhat prepared but could improve
26.7% I am not prepared
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Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. TELEVISION: Who created the retro TV series “Stranger Things”?
2. U.S. STATES: Which state is the home of Yellowstone National Park?
3. ASTRONOMY: Which is the only planet in our solar system to rotate on its side?
4. MOVIES: What is the given name of the large bird in the animated movie “Up”?
5. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which three zodiac signs are considered earth signs?
6. LITERATURE: What is the name of Hagrid’s half-brother in the “Harry Potter” book series?
7. GEOGRAPHY: What is the capital city of Australia?
8. FOOD & DRINK: What type of nut is used in the chocolate spread Nutella?
9. SPORTS: What kind of sports match is divided into 7-minute periods called chukkas?
10. ADVERTISEMENTS: What type of horses often are used in Budweiser beer ads?
Use social media to give your recommendations on small businesses that go above and beyond in quality and service.
DEPEND men’s underwear, size XL. 14 left in package. Pick up, Henrietta. Call or text 585-435-3594
Full size SLATE BOTTOM POOL TABLE with all accessories, cues, etc. Avon. Text or call 585-576-6828
1960s PLAYER PIANO player with bench, rolls and sheet music. The player mechanism needs repair. Avon. Text or call 585-576-6828
Large bag of JEWELRY BOXES - a variety of sizes. Fairport. 585-388-0318
1990 SONY 5-disc player. Works great. Pick up near MCC. aimeen@juno.com
About 20 / 2 lb. bags of WHITE RICE. You pick up, Springwater. sunteelee@yahoo.com
Several boxes of WOMEN’S HEAVY ABSORBENCY UNDERWEAR (small/medium) and BOOSTER PADS. Also, several FLOWER VASES. Gates. 585-402-8870
COLOGNE: L’Homme Suave by Capucci, 100 mil. half full bottle. Dior Sauvage clone/copycat. Penfield. jeff21973@gmail.com
COLOGNE: Imperia by Rayhaan, 100 mil. bottle, 90% full. Creed Aventus clone/copycat. Penfield. jeff21973@gmail.com
HEATING OIL. Siphon or take tank. About 100 gallons. Livonia. 585-346-5898
20, one dozen CARDBOARD EGG CARTONS, 60+ TOILET PAPER ROLLS - great for crafts or seed starting, 20+ VHS MOVIES. Penfield. 585-736-2749
Approx. 25 bags and pails of CHESTNUT COAL. Wayland. 585-278-4119
Collection of CATHOLIC CHURCH HISTORY from 1869 taken off of microfilm from churches in Avon, Honeoye, Honeoye Falls, and Lima. 585-229-2186
Assura (2846) High Output Pouches, vol 600ml 50mm, Convatec 1-3/4” 45mm drainable pouch (420695). Churchville. 585-293-1439
Coloplast Wafers Click Ostomy Base Plate Convex Light Precut 1-1/8” Skin Barrier with Flange Standard Wear. Churchville. 585-293-1439
Many TASTE OF HOME MAGAZINES and annual hardcover editions from 2000-2010. Geneseo. sylvavalentino@yahoo.com
USED AXE HEADS. hansjoan2@gmail.com
ALUMINUM WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE RAMP, 20’ long or shorter. 585-329-2964
ART SUPPLIES in new/good condition: drawing, painting, photo, fabric/sewing, paper, storage containers, jewelry, wood crafts. em_kren@yahoo.com
METRONOME. 585-948-5079
ICE SKATES FOR YOUNG BOYS. Sizes 12 & 7. Text 585-313-9355
CHESTNUT COAL. 585-374-5768
AMPLIFIED TV ANTENNA and a small ELECTRIC SPACE HEATER. 585-323-1762 leave message
Working HOME EMBROIDERY MACHINE w/5x7 hoop or larger. 585-297-9273
COAT TREE, small IGLOO DOGHOUSE, medium sized DOG CRATE. 585-507-8788
Any new DRY WALL SHEETS and any new/lightly used FOAM INSULATION BOARDS. 585-297-5729
KOHLER MODEL M8 ENGINE: Working or not. Needed for parts to repair a BCS 715 rototiller. rholzschuh1@rochester.rr.com
JIGSAW PUZZLES, 300-350 pieces only. Celtictrain1960@gmail.com
OAK DINING ROOM TABLE in good condition. 585-381-6546
1990s COMPUTER MONITOR and an older TYPEWRITER, manual or electric, in good working condition. 585-200-0667 leave message
Set of DUMBBELLS - anywhere between 12lbs-15lbs. 585-455-4923
RELIABLE VEHICLE to get back and forth to work. 585-213-0181
Working JEWELRY MAKING KILN, kiln and jewelry making accessories. susan5257@yahoo.com
FLAT ROCK for edging. jzornow001@gmail.com
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Dan Jordan, a renowned wildlife photographer and passionate advocate for bald eagles, captivated audiences at the Letchworth Winter Lecture Series at the Humphrey Nature Center on January 18th. Known for his striking photographs and engaging stories, Dan shared his experiences capturing the sights and sounds of eagles and other wildlife.
A native of Bolivar, NY, Dan holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from St. Bonaventure University. His career in the electronics industry spanned decades, including roles as business development director and entrepreneur. Retirement two years ago allowed him to fully dedicate himself to his passion for wildlife photography. Dan frequently contributes to local publications, with over 140 of his photos appearing on the front page of the Olean Times Herald, for example, and he is a well-loved presenter at schools, senior facilities, bird clubs, and community groups around the region.
Dan’s love for photography started around 20 years ago when he welcomed a professional photographer friend to his Olean electronics company to help with marketing. Inspired by the cra , he immersed himself in learning the art of photography and transitioned to a professional career focused on weddings and portraiture, owning and operating a couple of studios in Olean.
However, it was a chance encounter with a bald eagle perched on a tree in his front lawn about nine years ago that shi ed his focus to wildlife photography, with a deep fascination for eagles in particular that transformed his career and became his lifelong passion. He says he felt such a surge of energy when he saw that eagle in the tree, ran inside and grabbed the camerahehadatthetime,came out, and of course spooked the eagle away, but was meanwhile able to capture a few pictures of the magnificent creature, and he was hooked.
Over the years, Dan has amassed a staggering collection of photographs, including approximately 600,000 images of bald eagles and over two million wildlife photos in total. His Facebook page showcases an array of species, from cardinals and woodpeckers, bluejays and sparrows, to herons and mallards. Dan’s daily excursions, whether driving across Western and Central New York and Pennsylvania, or simply observing from his own home, o en yield remarkable results. With a keen understanding of eagle behavior and habitat, he regularly spots 4-5 eagles every day with or without going far, and he regularly visits 125-150 nests across New York and Pennsylvania. He says he discovered five new nests just last week in Alleghany and Cattaraugus Counties.
He shares his findings with the Department of Environmental Conservation and considers himself a conservationist, but mostly he likes the hunt, the surprise and delight of finding and photographing birds and other wildlife. He reads a lot about the birds, learning the
science behind the species and their patterns. Paying attention to the science has been crucial to his success in the field.
Dan also teaches courses in photography, wildlife photography, and Photoshop at Jamestown Community College, emphasizing the importance of understanding the fundamentals of light and the dedication required to master the cra . For aspiring wildlife photographers, Dan advises “Dedicate yourself to the learning process. Technology can get you so far; if you don’t understand the basics, it will be a rough road. at said, it’s also not overwhelming, either.”
For success photographing wildlife, he advises patience, respect for nature, and a light footprint, o en reminding others to leave natural spaces as they found them.
Although Dan’s methods are o en unconventional – many of his photos are taken from his car instead of lugging gear through the woods – his ability to capture the beauty and essence of wildlife is unparalleled. He recalls numerous close encounters, from curious wild turkeys attempting to enter his vehicle to extraordinary moments with eagles. ese experiences, along with his vivid storytelling, make his presentations a highlight for audiences of all ages.
Dan’s love for eagles and wildlife photography continues to inspire. As he shares his stories and stunning imagery, he hopes to ignite the same sense of wonder in others that he experienced that day on his front lawn, when an eagle’s majestic presence forever changed his path.
Visit jordanphotog.com or find Dan Jordan on Facebook to view an array of his photography.
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Apr. 7-10 - Washington, D.C. Cherry Blossoms & Gettysburg $1,249
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May 6-7 - NOAH with lunch & the Steamboat Inn $449
May 7-14 - Nashville & Memphis (ALMOST FULL!) $2,399
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July 7-9
- NOAH with Kreider Dairy Farms Tour (3 days/2 nts) $699
July 13-18 - Charleston & Savannah $1,899
July 15-17 - Ohio Amish Country (with 2 shows!) $699
Aug. 5-7
- NOAH & Wizard of Oz at Dutch Apple (3days/2nts) $749
Aug. 11-13 - Atlantic City at Bally’s $469
Aug. 17-27 - National Parks Explorer $4,699
Aug. 26-28 - Historic Hudson Valley $879
Sept. 8-10 - Villa Roma Resort $649
Sept. 11-13 - Akwesasne Casino Getaway $TBD
Sept. 19-20 - ADK Balloon Festival in Lake George $399
Sept. 21-27 - Pigeon Forge, Dollywood’s Harvest Fest & Gatlinburg $1,999
Oct. 15-16
Mar. 25 - Sprague’s Maple Farm & WWII Museum $145
Mar. 27 - Sprague’s Maple Farm & Seneca Allegany Casino $109
Apr. 15 - WWII Museum, Beef ‘n Barrel Lunch $149
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Apr. 30 - History Mystery Trip $175
May 7 - Ithaca is ‘Gorges’ $179
May 13 - Southern Tier Quilt Tour $125
June 16 - Jesus Christ Superstar & Sherwood Inn Lunch $189
June 18 - Grand Lady Luncheon Cruise, Hawk Creek $189
June 24 - The Odd Couple & Sherwood Inn Lunch $175
June 25 - Captain Bill’s Seneca Lake Doo Wop
Lunch Cruise $175
July 2 - Chocolate Tour & Hiawatha Paddlewheel (July 4th edition!) $165
July 22 - Barnum & Sherwood Inn Lunch $189
July 24 - Chocolate Tour & Hiawatha Paddlewheel $165
July 30 - Hidden Valley Animal Adventure $159
Aug. 12 - Captain Bill’s Seneca Lake Doo Wop
Lunch Cruise $175
Aug. 14 - Fun in the Finger Lakes $169
Aug. 19 - Chautauqua Belle Lunch Cruise $189
Aug. 25 - Irving Berlin’s Top Hat & Springside Inn Lunch $189
Sept. 3 - ‘Let’s Make a Car’ - Toyota Plant Tour (CANADA) $175