those in the military have given to our country. With this in mind, we are dedicating the four weeks in November to our veterans through a series which will educate and enlighten our readers. Our thanks to our sponsor.
Supporting veterans is a worthy endeavor at any time of year, though such e orts tend to be more prominent in November. Veterans Day is celebrated annually on November 11 in honor of the millions of individuals across the United States who are military veterans. e day coincides with holidays such as Armistice Day and Remembrance Day, which are celebrated in other countries and also honor military veterans. ere’s no denying that veterans need the support of the people whose freedoms they protect. According to a 2021 study from researchers at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International and Public A airs, the percentage of veterans with disabilities is signi cantly higher among post-9/11 veterans (40 percent) than it was with veterans from previous eras (25 percent for Gulf War I veterans and 13 percent for veterans of previous wars). Veterans can bene t from support legislated by elected o cials in Washington, D.C., but there’s also many things ordinary citizens can do to show how much they appreciate the sacri ces veterans and their families have made and will make in the years to come.
• Visit wounded veterans. e United States Census Bureau reports that more than one-third of the nearly 3.8 million men and women who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces since September 2001 have a service-connected disability. Many of these individuals are ghting to overcome physical injuries sustained while on active duty. Individuals who want to show their support for veterans can contact their local Veterans A airs (VA) facility to arrange a visit to wounded veterans. Such visits can li veterans’ spirits and reassure them that their sacri ces are both acknowledged and appreciated.
• Support legislation that supports veterans. ough it might seem like a no-brainer, legislation to support veterans o en faces an uphill battle to get passed. By supporting legislation that ensures veterans get the support they need, individuals can send a message to veterans that they haven’t been forgotten and that the very democratic principles they fought to protect are
alive and well. Citizens can write letters to their elected o cials, urging them to support veteran-friendly legislation, and raise awareness of bills and laws through social media.
• Help raise awareness about homeless veterans. Data from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development estimates that approximately 40,000 veterans are homeless on any given night. But that gure doesn’t tell the whole story, as the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans notes that, over the course of a year, roughly twice that many veterans experience homelessness. e National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV) believes that programs to assist homeless veterans should focus on helping them reach a point where they can obtain and sustain gainful employment. In addition, the NCHV feels that the most e ective programs are community-based, nonpro t, “veterans helping veterans” groups. Individuals can o er their support to such groups through nancial donations or other means so they can continue to ensure no veteran sleeps on the street.
Veterans Day is a time to show veterans that their service and sacri ces are not taken for granted. Visiting wounded veterans and supporting e orts to ensure veterans get what they need to live full, healthy and happy lives is a great way to send the message that veterans are appreciated.
Lighting displays are one of the many things that help make the holiday season a special time of year. Often awe-inspiring, holiday lighting displays present a perfect opportunity for communities and individuals to showcase their festive sides.
Safety should always be a priority when stringing holiday lights both inside and outside a home. The National Fire Protection Association notes that, between 2009 and 2014, fire departments in the United States responded to an average of 210 home fires that started with Christmas trees per year.
Lighting displays strung on home exteriors also can pose safety risks if homeowners do not exercise caution. Following some simple safety procedures when decorating with lights can ensure everyone enjoys a safe and happy holiday season.
Automatically Eligible Income guidelines are: Family of 1: $34,224 Family of 2: $44,760 Family of 3: $55,296 Family of 4: $65,820
Radon is an odorless, invisible gas that may be lurking in homes even if homeowners are unaware of its presence. Although it is a naturally occurring substance, radon has the potential to cause serious illness. Therefore, its detection and reduction are paramount.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Surgeon General’s Office have estimated that as many as 20,000 lung cancer deaths are caused each year by radon, which is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. The EPA further notes that many homes are in radon danger areas. Nearly one in three homes checked in seven states and on three lands designated for Native Americans had screening levels over 4 pCi/L, the EPA’s recommended action level for radon exposure. According to Air Chek, Inc., a radon testing resource, a radon level of 4 pCi/l is equal to approximately 35 times as much radiation as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission would allow if a person was standing next to
fence of a radioactive waste site.
She was rescued from Georgia. She will soon be 4 years old. She is great on walks with her owners Tessa and Silas.
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I’d love to work with animals as a career. But I’m not sure I want to go through years of college to become a veterinarian, especially with the cost of tuition. I also want to be sure I really do like this career. How can I switch into the veterinary eld? -- Janice in San Diego
DEAR JANICE: Working with animals can be rewarding at any level, so kudos for pursuing your dream! Many people in the veterinary eld start as veterinary assistants working at veterinary practices, shelters or labs. You’ll work directly with animals and learn how to care for them from more experienced assistants, vet techs and veterinarians.
e pay isn’t very high -- the median salary is about $15 an hour, or just under $30,000 a year, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. But the requirements for entry are low. A license isn’t needed, nor a formal certi cation. You learn on the job.
Experience working with animals is a typical requirement in job listings for veterinary assistants. You can gain this by volunteering at shelters, pet sitting for neighbors or any activity where animals need to be fed, watered, brushed and bedded down.
Another great way to learn about the eld is to ask someone who works in it. If you have a pet, talk to the people you interact with at the vet’s o ce during the annual checkup. Ask the veterinary assistant and tech how they started their careers, what their job is like, and what pitfalls they’ve encountered. Chat with the veterinarian about what motivated them to become a vet. You’ll gain the most information from people who are actively working in the eld -- both the good parts and the bad.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
(c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
Tuesday November 8 was election day. How do you feel things went this year?
• It was a relatively tame year.
• Things got ugly.
• I’m just glad it’s over!
Poll Ends 11-15-22
Poll Ended 11-08-22
Elon Musk recently completed his purchase of Twitter and promised big changes in favor of free speech. Some think fewer rules will encourage more use of the platform. Others are fearful Twitter will become a “wild west” for content due to less moderation. Will you consider using Twitter with Musk at the helm?
36.8% Yes, I think he will help make the platform more open and free.
10.5% No, I don’t think the changes are good.
52.6% I’ve never used Twitter and probably still won’t.
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
Then summer fades and passes, and October comes. Will smell smoke then, and feel an unsuspectedsharpness,athrillof nervous, swift elation, a sense of sadnessanddeparture.
~Thomas Wolfe (1900–1938), You Can’t Go Home Again
DEAR DR. ROACH: In my 40s, I developed lumps in the palm of my hands. I was diagnosed with Dupuytren’s contracture and underwent hand surgery to correct the condition. I also noticed similar lumps in the arches of my feet, which don’t cause any pain, so I’ve not sought treatment for my feet. Now in my mid-60s, I have experienced a severe bend in my penis. I assume it’s Peyronie’s disease. The bend has lessened over several months. What is the cause and connection between these phenomenon? Should I seek treatment? -- B.M.
ANSWER: All three of the conditions you mention are related to excess growth of connective tissue. In the hand, Dupuytren’s contracture is caused by excess growth of a connective cell (called a fibroblast) in the superficial palmar fascia (fascia is the thick, tough connective tissue found in many places in the body). A very similar condition in the plantar fascia (“plantar” refers to the sole of the feet) is called plantar fibromatosis (also called Ledderhose disease).
Peyronie’s disease is also caused by excess growth of fibroblasts, with deposition of collagen plaques in the penis, causing pain and deformity of the penis. This, in turn, can cause psychological distress and sexual dysfunction. Twenty-one percent of people with Peyronie’s also have Dupuy-tren’s contracture. It is thought that repeated trauma, whether to the hand, penis or foot, is a trigger for the abnormal fibroblast activity in people with a genetic predisposition.
Many men do not speak to their physician about Peyronie’s disease, so they don’t get referred to a urologist, who can discuss the options for treatment. Treatment may include medications, injection and surgery, and referral to an expert is appropriate for all men in whom the condition is suspected.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
© 2022 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
All Denominations welcome.
All Churches are welcome. Come late, leave early.
No money, no name tags or any need to mention your name or church.
Pastors, bring your people! We pray for America, our Military, sick children, those with problems, addictions, etc. Pray or just be quiet.
There is no preaching, no literature, no requirements.
We meet every 2 weeks. Free & Simple & Easy & No Pressure.
RIT Conference Center www.prayerhenrietta.com
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual election of the Rush Fire District will take place on December 13, 2022, between the hours of 6 PM and 9 PM at the Rush Fire House located at 1971 Rush Mendon Road for the purpose of electing one commissioner for a ve (5) year term, commencing January 1, 2023 and ending December 31, 2027.
All voters registered with the Monroe County Board of Elections on or before November 21, 2022 shall be eligible to vote.
Candidates for the District O ce shall have their names led in petition form, signed by twenty- ve quali ed voters of the district, with the Secretary of the Rush Fire District, at the FireHouse at 1971 Rush-Mendon Road, Rush, New York, no later than twenty days before the election, November 23, 2022.
Date: November 11, 2022
Catherine Stappenbeck, District Secretary Board of Fire Commissioners Rush Fire District
POR LA PRESENTE SE NOTIFICA que la elección anual del Distrito de Bomberos de Rush se llevará a cabo el 13 de diciembre, 2022, entre las 6 PM y las 9 PM en la Casa de Bomberos de Rush ubicada en 1971 Rush Mendon Road con el propósito de elegir un comisionado por un período de cinco (5) años, comenzando el 1 de enero de 2023 y terminando el 31 de diciembre de 2027.
Todos los votantes registrados en la Junta Electoral del Condado de Monroe en o antes del 21 de noviembre de 2022 serán elegibles para votar.
Los candidatos para la O cina de Distrito deberán tener sus nombres presentados en forma de petición, rmados por veinticinco votantes cali cados del distrito, con el Secretario del Distrito de Bomberos de Rush, en la Casa de Bomberos en 1971 Rush-Mendon Road, Rush, Nueva York, a más tardar veinte días antes de la elección, 23 de noviembre, 2022.
Fecha: 11 de noviembre del 2022
Catherine Stappenbeck, Secretaria de Distrito Junta de Comisionados de Bomberos Distrito de bomberos de Rush
Marianne Cope Roman Catholic Parish (p) 585-334-3518; www.smcrcc.org; smcrcc@dor.org O ce: 2061 E. Henrietta Rd. Rochester, NY 14623
Our Worship sites and Mass times: e Sanctuary at Guardian Angels Church is under renovation. All Masses will be held at St. Joseph’s Church; 6105 Rush Lima Rd. Rush, NY 14543 Weekend Mass: Sat. at 4:30pm (confessions begin at 3pm); Sun. at 8:00am, 9:45am & 11:30am Weekday Mass: Mon. & Wed. at 12:10pm; Tues. & urs. at 8:00am
9 Browns Ave. (at west end of Genesee St.), Scottsville 889-2028
e Rector Canon Johnnie Ross Sunday Morning: 10:30am - Holy Eucharist 10:30am - Church School
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
779 Erie Station Rd. (across from W. Hen. Post O ce) • 334-4795 www.saintmarkslutheran.org Family Friendly, Traditional, Missouri Synod Sun. Worship, (In Person) 10:00am Pre-School every day ages 2-5 • 334-4130
Lutheran Church of Our Saviour (ELCA)
2415 Chili Ave., 585-247-7824 • e Reverend Joachim K. Wilck, Pastor
Recorded services on www.oursaviourrochester.org Email: o ce@oursaviourrochester.org • Services Sun. 9am & 11:15am
On the last Sunday of the month, there is only one service at 11:15am We continue to follow mask guidelines. You may worship indoors & we broadcast in parking lot/drive-in. Audio Loop for the Hearing Impaired.
250 Pinnacle Road, Henrietta (corner of Stone Rd.)
Church: 585-334-1392
Rev. Joseph Mazikas, Senior Pastor Worship Services Sundays at 10:00 am • Adult Bible Study 9:00 am Please visit our website at PinnacleLutheran.org for daily devotions and recorded worship services
Southside Fellowship Abiding in Christ
201 Scottsville-W. Henrietta Rd., West Henrietta, NY 14586 585-957-3494 • SouthSideinChrist@live.com
Pastor Chris Terenzi Sunday Service 10am • Wednesday Service 7pm No childcare, but kids are welcome!
John Calvin Presbyterian Church
50 Ward Hill Rd., Henrietta, NY • 585-334-2130 • www.jcpconthehill.org. johncalvinpc@frontiernet.net • Rev. Marie Hanselman, Pastor
Recordings of our services will be available online at www.jcpconthehill.org. We are a small church with a Big heart. We hope you will come and join us.
* Doctors who perform laparoscopic surgery, which involves inserting a tiny camera into a patient’s body through a small incision, have better coordination if they play video games at least three hours per week. According to a 2003 study, gamer surgeons made 37% fewer errors and worked 27% faster than those whose only “video game” experience was the surgery itself.
Monroe East.: Mon., Nov 21 at 5pm
Eastway: Tues., Nov. 22 at 10am
Rush-Henrietta, Canandaigua & 4 County Papers: Tues., Nov 22 at Noon Batavia, Oatka & Dansville: Tues., Nov 22 at 2pm
Tri-County: Tues., Nov 22 at 4pm
Livingston: Tues., Nov 22 at 5pm
Proof deadline for all editions is Friday, Nov. 18 at 1pm
Veterans Day is a time to remember the Americans who served our nation. ese courageous servicemen and women represent the best of us. To honor the memory of one of those Americans, a local hometown hero, Roger Yencer Sr., a special ceremony was held last Saturday at the Halley-Allen Post dedication ceremony in Sonyea, NY. A former military veteran and American Legion member, Lance Corporal Roger Dale Yencer served two years and eight months and several operations during his time in Vietnam. He passed away in 2020. As most people who knew him can tell you, he was a true American hero.
e dedication ceremony presented certi cates of appreciation to Dave Spallina of Spallina Materials and Jim Olverd of Kircher Construction. Both companies dedicated materials and labor to construct a newly furnished porch addition to the Hally-Allen Post in recognition of Yencer’s life and legacy. Both Spallina and Olverd are longtime friends of Yencer, going back many years. Upon being presented with the certi cate of recognition, Spallina stated, “It warmed my heart that they did something like that for me. Roger and I would have joked about it and said something silly over it, but I know it’s for Roger and I would do anything for him, if he was still here.” When asked to describe Roger as a person, Spallina remarked, “He’s a true friend. I can’t say enough about him. I could never say anything wrong about Roger. He was a wonderful man.”
Yencer Sr.’s son, Roger Yencer Jr. , was also in attendance for the ceremony. He recalls lovingly, “No matter what time of the day, if the village needed something, my dad would respond. He touched the community. He personally helped if someone needed something. His business would also always help people. at’s how dad was.”
at business was Yencer Construction, which was active for thirty years before Yencer’s retirement in 2007. While it is no longer in existence today, many fondly remember the contributions Yencer made through his business, and as an individual. According to Yencer’s daughter, Amy Yencer, “my dad didn’t have the best life growing up; his father (my grandfather) passed away when he was very young, so he worked at a younger age to help support my grandmother. My dad didn’t have anything, and that’s why he chose to give to others.”
One of those contributions was Livingston County’s Veterans Park located in Mt. Morris, NY which was established in 2001. e park pays homage to veterans from all wars, but also pays a special and moving tribute to four of Yencer’s fallen comrades. A plaque in the park commemorates his fellow Marines, known simply as “Tex, Bell, Doc and Sparks”. ese fellow U.S. Marines from the Fox-Trot Second Battalion and ird Platoon, never had a chance to make it home to their families, but Yencer found a way to remember their sacri ce in a way that time will never forget. It’s unclear whether Yencer himself
knew the real names of these men, as they were only referred to by their nicknames during combat. What is clear however, is that he knew how important it was to carry on the memory of their sacri ce, and the sacri ce made by all who serve their country. Yencer was able to honor the memory of George Riordan, “Doc,” in a way few people thought was possible. He once spearheaded a surprise ceremony for the Riordan family from Dover, New Hampshire with the aid of nine separate VFW organizations and ten American Legion organizations. Yencer later remarked, “We were nally able to give the military respect that he and his family deserved. All came to give tribute thirty years later for their fallen comrade. e support was unbelievable.”
e Veterans Park is the ideal destination point to visit this Veterans Day holiday. Widely considered a local point of interest, the park boasts an abundance of picturesque scenery decorated with plaques and monuments commemorating veterans who served from the Civil War up until the Afghanistan Wars. Recently, in 2018, the Mt. Morris Fire Department donated a steel beam that was once a part of the World Trade Center building, in memory of all who lost their lives on 9/11.
is Veterans Day, take a moment of re ection, and remember local hometown heroes like Roger Yencer Sr. who served their country and
featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email our Hometown Editor Amanda Dudek at AmandaDudek@gvpennysaver.com!
I would like to give a Huge Thank You to the guys at the Cortese Detail Center. My car was stolen and not found for a week. When I got it back I wasn't sure I even wanted it back. It was trashed Kevin and Gary explained what they could do. When they finished the detailing, it looked liked new. I’m very happy to have my car back!
We enjoyed beautiful flowers in our parks and towns all summer, despite the dry start. Many thanks to the town crews, businesses, and volunteers that maintained them. Now with fall, homes and towns are lovely with fall displays with pumpkins, scarecrows, mums and more! Your efforts are enjoyed and appreciated!
I was picking up my subs in Wayland when a good deed guy came in to buy 2 sheet pizzas to boost the morale of his co-workers. I mentioned how great that was for him to do. The next thing I know, he had paid for our subs as well. Angels do exist.
Even the early rain could not dampen the spirits of Trick or Treaters for the Riga Recreation/Churchville Lion's Club annual Halloween Parade. The large and enthusiastic crowd of "Tricksters" were lead through the streets of Churchville by the Churchville Fire Truck and "Fairy Godmother"(Lion, Verna) to the nicely decorated Village Gazebo where they were greeted by members of the Lion's Club and the Union Congregational Church to receive "goodie bags" and apples. Local business gift certificates were also given to uniquely costumed boys & girls!
Many thanks to the Riga Town Board, Village of Churchville, Churchville Lions and LEO Clubs, Union Congregational Church, Churchville FD and Fire Police, parents, trick or treaters, and Fairy Godmother, Verna, for leading the way!
David Thomas, Riga Recreation Supervisor
I agree with all the talk about rudeness of people today! I recently moved back to the area and the rudeness of the people in this area is shocking! If it’s not the words coming out of their mouths, it’s their attitude on the roads, in the stores or walking down the street. I have really seen this with people on the roads. I’ve almost had 2-3 accidents because people think driving rules don’t pertain to them. They have no idea who has the right of way. Folks, the Exit from[local sotre} is an ENTRANCE and EXIT. If you are leaving and in the left hand lane, you are in the wrong lane! I’m really disappointed in people of my home town.
I live where there is a shared driveway between three houses. Most of the time there are no problems. My vehicle has been hit in my parking area while parked - no one came and told me, of course. I had had my vehicle just two days at that point. So, of course, it goes on my insurance. Now the neighbor up behind has their kids in and out all day long. No problem except their truck has a LOUD muffler and they go past my living room window at least 5 or 6 times, sometimes parking and leaving it running to listen to for 15 to 20 minutes at a time. There is no shutting the noise out as my house is too close. This is not a cool noise. It needs to be quieted down.
I do not think daylight savings should end as it is a safety issue for school children. They walk, cross roads, and board busses in the dark. In today’s society, and with drivers ignoring bus stop signs, it is just not safe. If it stops changing, then schools should consider starting one hour later, which has already been a possibility in the past.
Go to WWW.GVPENNYSAVER.COM and submit your own Rants and Raves under the tab - SHARE WITH US
Several disturbing items have been in the news lately. Have you heard about these product recalls?
CPAP machines: Two dozen di erent CPAP machines have been recalled. e list includes Bilevel PAP, BiPAP or BPAP machines, as well as the CPAP. e reason is a bit frightening. Black foam pieces can come loose and be breathed in or swallowed.
While the recall was issued quite a long time ago, the Food and Drug Administration just updated that information with this alert: If you now have one of the repaired or replaced machines (due to the previous recall), testing is currently being done to ensure that the repair foam used is OK.
e reason for the concern and the current testing: ere have been deaths, far too many deaths, from the breakdown of the foam used in the machines.
To learn more about this, go online to: https://tinyurl.com/hvy73j36. You can also call the Philips company at 877-907-7508.
e recall says not to stop using the machine until you talk to your doctor, whether you have an original machine or one that was repaired or is a replacement.
Bedrails on portable beds: e Consumer Product Safety Commission (and several companies) issued a warning for thousands of portable bedrails, the ones that attach to the sides of beds to keep someone from falling out. e problems are so serious that deaths were reported when people became wedged between the mattress and the rail.
ese bedrails were made under various names. Your best bet is to call the Consumer Product Safety Commission and ask about bedrail recalls to be sure you learn about all possible brands. Contact them at 800-638-2772.
For more information, go to the FDA website (fda.gov) and put “Safety Concerns about Bed Rails” in the search box.
For overall recall information, keep an eye on this government site: www.cpsc.gov/recalls
5977 East Henrietta Rd. Rush 585-533-1370 www.libraryweb.org/rush
Monday 1:00pm - 8:00pm
Tuesday 11:00am - 8:00pm
Wednesday 1:00pm - 8:00pm
Thursday 11:00am - 8:00pm
Friday 1:00pm - 8:00pm
Saturday 10:00am - 2:00pm
Henrietta Public Library
625 Calkins Rd., Rochester, NY 14623 359-7092 • www.hpl.org Mon.-Thurs. 9am-9pm Fri. 9am-5pm; Sat. 10am-5pm Henrietta Public Library currently provides curbside pickup and in-building services. Hours are subject to change. Please call (585) 359-7092 for hours before visiting.
Nutcracker StoryTime&Craft:Saturday,November12|11AM|ForKids |Registrationrequired
RobotsGalore:Saturday,November 12|1PM|ForKids|Registration required
FranceTravelogue:Sunday,November13|2PM|ForAdults|Registrationrequired ChessClub:Mondays,November14 &28|4:30PM|ForKids&Teens| Registrationrequired
TeenCraft:DiamondPaintingBookmark:Tuesday,November15|4PM| ForTeens|Registrationrequired
TweenMakers:Thursday,November 17|4:15PM|ForTweens|Registrationrequired ScienceSaturday:Saturday,November 19|1PM|ForKids|Registration required
GivingThanksforBooks:BookSwap: Sunday,November20|2PM|For Kids|Noregistrationrequired
HenriettaPublicLibrary: Join ustolearnabouthowtostaysafe onlinefromtheRITComputingSecurityprogram!Thiseventwilltake placeinHenriettaPublicLibrary’s CommunityRoomonTuesday, November29thfrom10:30amto 11:30am.Wewillcoversocialengineering,safeinternetusagetips,and theredflagsofemailscams.No technologyexperienceisnecessary!
HolidayOpenHouseand Breakfast withStNick- Joinusat GCV&MonSunday,December18, from11a.m.-3p.m.tocelebrate theseasonwithamagicalmedley ofholidayhappenings!Strollthe HistoricVillagebedeckedinitsholidayfineryamidvillagersbustling withpreparationsandoffering greetingstotheirneighborsand friends.GeneseeCountryVillage Museum,1410FlintHillRoad, Mumford.https://www.gcv.org/ events/holiday-open-house/
HearingLossAssociationof America Rochesterchapter: Hear Together-Speech-languagepathologistKristinBergholtzconducts avirtualsupportgroupforparents andcaregiversofDear/hardof hearingchildren.Itconnectsand advisesadvocatesofthose youngsters.Heldthe4thTuesday ofeverymonth,8pm-9pmuntil June22,2023.VIRTUAL-register atkristinbslp@gmail.com
HearingLossAssociationof America Rochesterchapter: ASSISTIVELISTENINGDEVICES DEMOCENTER-Atthisfreedemonstrationareaconsumersareinvitedtoviewandtryoutaselection ofassistivelisteningdevicesbefore actuallybuyingthem.Includedare captioningcapableandamplified telephones,signaling/alertingdevicesandsmartphoneapps.Chaptermembersareonsitetoassist visitors.Repeatseverymonthon the3rdThursdayfrom10-2pmat Lifespan,1900SouthClintonAvenue,Rochester.http://www. hearinglossrochester.org
RushPublicLibrary: The RushPublicLibraryPresents: WatercolorPaintingClass ExplorethewinterskyandthewondersoftheheavenswithSusanMiccichéandcreateyourownwatercolor masterpieceduringthisstep-by-step paintingclass.$15includesallmaterials.Studentsgohomewiththeir mattedpaintinginaglassineenvelope readyforframing.Pleaseregisterin advanceforthisclasstoheldinthe WilliamUdiciousPavilion(forages 13+)onWednesday,November16 from6:00-8:00PM.Pleaseregister onlineatRushlibrary.orgorcall(585) 533-1370
SeniorSocialHour: Seniorsareinvitedtodropinatthe libraryonthe3rdThursdayofeach monthat11:00AMtoenjoyaquiet placetogather.Wehaveacozy meetingroomaswellasacomfy couchandarmchairsbyourpicture window;watchthebirdswhileyou catchupwithfriends.Coffeeand refreshmentswillbeprovided.No Registrationneeded.
* Bill Nye the Science Guy holds a patent for ballet pointe shoes.
AnnualPWCraftersBazaar, First PresbyterianChurchofEastAvon (cornerofRt.15&5&20),November19,2022,10:00amto2:00pm. Lunchavailablefrom11:30amto 1:30pm.Crafts,Bakedgoods, Jams,Pickles,andmore!
TakeoffPoundsSensibly Join TOPSClub.ReasonableRates/Team Support.Groupmeetingsfollow Weigh-InseachThursdayat8:15 AM.JoinusatAmericanLegion Hall,260MiddleRoad,Henrietta. Info-585-729-2192.
YuletideintheCountryTours& Dinner: Join usatGCV&Mforour YuletideintheCountryTours, December2,3,4,9,10,11,16, and17.You’llbeinvitedintovignettesthatilluminatethelinkbetweentoday’scherishedholiday traditionsandtheculturalcustoms ofgenerationsthatcamebefore. Theatricalperformancesrepresent therichhistoryandtraditionthat newcomerstotheregionwould havesharedthroughoutthe19th century.Highlights:Polish ChristmasEveWigiliadinner,aHanukkahcelebration,andWatch Nightfestivitiesaspresentedby DavidShakesandtheNorthStar Players,andevenavisitfromthat jollyoldelf,St.Nick.https://www. gcv.org/events/yuletide-in-thecountry-tours-dinner/
HolidayMarket&Preparingfor Winter Getintotheholidayspirit whenyouvisitGeneseeCountry Village&MuseumonSaturday, November19,andSunday,November20,from10a.m.-3p.m.,for ourHolidayMarket&Preparingfor WinterintheHistoricVillage!PrepareforwinteryourselfbyshoppingtheHolidayMarket,andsee howWesternNewYorkerspreparedforwinterinthe19thcentury.Theperfectfamilyactivityto kickofftheholidayseason!GeneseeCountryVillageMuseum,1410 FlintHillRoad,Mumford.https:// www.gcv.org/events/holidaymarket-preparing-winter/
SleepingBeauty- The StateBallet TheatreofUkrainewillpresentthe full-lengthballetSleepingBeautyin fouractswithoneintermissionand showtheworld’smostbeloved historytoPiotrTchaikovsky’smusic. TheevilfairyCarabossecursesPrincessAurorafor100yearsofsleep withasingle-fingerprickonher 16thbirthday.Doomedbyfate, onlyasweetkissfromtheprince canbreakthespellandwakeup theSleepingBeauty.December17, 7pm,RBTL’sAuditoriumTheatre, 885EastMainSt.,Rochester.Cost: $48+.https://www.rbtl.org/events/ sleeping-beauty/
America Rochesterchapter: Hear Together--Speech-languagepathologistKristinBergholtzconducts avirtualsupportgroupforparents andcaregiversofDeaf/hardof hearingchildren.Itconnectsand advisesadvocatesofthese youngsters.VIRTUALregisterat kristinbslp@gmail.com.Repeatseverymonthonthe4thTuesday, 8pm-9pm.Website:http://www. hearinglossrochester.org
HearingLossAssociationof America Rochesterchapter: ASSISTIVELISTENINGDEVICES
DEMOCENTER.Atthisfreedemonstrationareaconsumersareinvitedtoviewandtryoutaselection ofassistivelisteningdevicesbefore actuallybuyingthem.Includedare captioningcapableandamplified telephones,andsignaling-altering devices.Chaptermembersareon handtoanswerconsumerquestions.November17,10-2pm, Lifespan,1900SouthClintonAvenue,Rochester.http://www. hearinglossrochester.org
HearingLossAssociationof America Rochesterchapter: HEARTOGETHER-Thisisavirtual supportgroupforparentsand caregiversofDeaf/hardofhearing children.Learnmoreaboutyour child’shearingloss,servicesto benefitthem,andtipstosupport theirlanguagedevelopment.Speak languagepathologistKristin BergholtzCCC/SLPfacilitates. November22,8pm-9pm.VIRTUAL ONZOOM.Toregistercontact kristinbslp@gmail.com.http:// www.hearinglossrochester.org
RochesterTheaterOrganSociety presents“PizzaParlorPizzaz!” Sunday,November20th, 2:30PM,AuditoriumTheatre.ComingtoRochesterfromthefamous OrganStopPizzarestaurantin Mesa,Az;BrettValliantpromisesto providelivelyentertainmentonthe RTOS-GriersonWurlitzer4/23theatrepipeorgan!Admissionfor NON-members$15perperson. Children12andunder,andstudentswithschoolIDarealways FREE.Doorsopen1:30PM.Seating isGeneralAdmission,notReserved. ProofofvaccinationNOTrequired. MasksOPTIONAL,althoughhighly encouraged!VisittheRTOSwebsite rtosonline.orgorstopbytheMembershipTableinthelobbyformore information.
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
HarryConnick,Jr.-AHoliday Celebration: HARRY CONNICK, JR.invitesyoutocelebratethe holidayswithhimandhisbandas 2022drawstoaclose.Oneofthe mostbelovedartistsperforming holidaymusic,Harryhasbeen thrillingaudiencesaroundthe worldfordecadeswithhisdefinitivetakeonChristmasclassics,as wellashisownoriginalsandfan favoriteslike“(ItMust’veBeenOl’) SantaClaus”and“WhenMyHeart FindsChristmas.”November26, 8pm,RBTL’sAuditoriumTheatre, 885EastMainSt.,Rochester. https://rbtl.org/events/harryconnick-jr/
TheGatesHistoricalSociety’s November program willbeheld onMonday,November21at 7:00pmattheGatesTownHall Annex,1605BuffaloRd.,Rochester.JackKowiakwilldoaprogram aboutThanksgivingTrivia.Joinus foraneyeopeningpresentation aboutThanksgiving.Thereisno chargeforthisprogram.Thefacility ishandicappedaccessible.Coming inDecemberis“HollyDays”atour historicalhouse.Checkwebsitefor detailswww.gateshistory.org.
Grace’sTableFoodCupboard- at Grace EpiscopalChurch,9Browns Avenue,Scottsville/phone585-889-2028toregisterorfor information.Servingresidentsof Scottsville,Mumford,WestHenrietta,andChili.Foodbagsdistributedmonthly4:00to5:30,November17,December15,2022. AdditionalHolidaybagsprovided forThanksgivingandChristmas.
WheatlandHistoricalAssoc.Annual HolidaySale! Fresh,handmadeboxwoodwreaths.Fresh centerpiecearrangements.Fresh applepies.Collectibles,primitives, smallantiques,gifts,decorations, hand-craftedartisanitems,local historybooks,paintingsandprints. JoinusNovember19,9am-2pmat theWheatlandHistoricalAssociationSage-MarloweHouse,69 MainSt.,Scottsville.Museum housewillbefullyopen.Rain, shine,orsnow.
AuroraHouseBookClub: GriefItisuniqueforeveryperson,every instanceofloss.AuroraHouseis sponsoringagroupwhereone grievingcanfindsomesupport.We cometogetheronthe3rdWednesdayofeachmonth,10:00am11:00am,atAuroraHouse,2495S. UnionStreet,Spencerport.Opento thepublic.Itissuggestedthatyou buyacopyofthebook, It’sOK ThatYou’reNotOK:MeetingGrief andLossinaCulturethatDoesn’t Understand,byMeganDevine,but thisisnotrequiredallcanbenefit fromthediscussion.http:// aurorahousewmc.com
You won’t need to dispose of all the leaves you collect. Shred some to use as mulch, which can prevent soil erosion during the winter. Some leaves can be added to compost piles or used as a soil ammendment in planting beds.
Outside Self
RV & Boat
Though office work might not be the first profession individuals think of in relation to elevating one’s cancer risk, sitting at a desk for most of the day can increase a person’s risk for cancer. According to the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, sitting for most of the day without engaging in physical activity puts individuals at increased risk for cancer. How much extra risk does that entail? Though no two individuals are the same, studies have equated sitting for eight hours a day without any physical activity to the risk posed by obesity and smoking. The DFCI notes that sitting over long periods of time has been known to cause increased blood pressure, high cholesterol and excess body fat around the waist, each of which have been identified as factors that increase a person’s risk for cancer.
THERMO STABILIZER, small INSTANT PORTABLE HEAT WRAP, medium form fit WRIST BRACE (right), two AREA RUGS 5’x7’, one with matching RUNNER 8’-10’ long: 585-388-0318
4 SNOW TIRES. No rims. Good condition. Size 205/55 R16. Pick up in Geneseo: randrburgess@gmail.com
Trash bags of FABRIC SCRAPS, mostly large pieces: 666jacq@gmail.com
ASUS brand RT-N56U DUAL-BAND WIRELESS N600 gigabit Router. Works perfectly fine. Penfield: 585-397-5017
CANNING JARS - 12 quart sized and 12 pint sized. A mix of regular and wide mouthed. Fairport: jvc45@aol.com 92”x44” COUCH, excellent condition. Fairport. You pick up. 585-388-0318
DRESSER, fair condition. FOLDING BED, like new. 585-394-6686
FIREWOOD, all cut and stacked. Canandaigua. 585-394-1801
IN-GROUND POOL SUPPLIES: pump, sand filter, solar cover filter, water bags, chlorine tabs. 585-330-5740
DOUBLE RECLINER COUCH. Great condition except for small tear in upper cushion. You pick up. 84 inches long. ryaeger3@rochester.rr.com
SCHAEFFER UPRIGHT PIANO. Antique with beautiful woodwork. Mediocre playing condition. You move from Williamson. vintagepiano@yahoo.com
BATHROOM VANITY TOP, Antique White, 37”x19” No damage, working condition. Standard 3 holes for faucet. dennis8606@yahoo.com
OLD FRENCH CANCELED STAMPS. Circa 1960s. betsnur@hotmail.com
Plastic BEDLINER for full size Ford F150 truck. You pick up. 585-384-9328
2 large 3’x2’ SPEAKERS, Christmas/birthday CARDS, VHS TAPES. Canandaigua. 585-394-8189
New in box, VINYL MINI BLIND, 27” W x 64” L. Pick up only. Text: 845-309-9373
ELECTRIC HOSPITAL BED. Used less than 1 month. Needs to be assembled. mrtuttle@rochester.rr.com
PIANO, Fischer console, style 41FP Cherry. Good condition - needs tuning. You move from Webster: marcyann@rochester.rr.com
READING LIGHT (goes around the neck). Good for people with macular degeneration. 5”x7” NEEDLEPOINT of Raggedy Ann. Fairport: 585-388-0318
WEATHER TECH FRONT CAR MATS for 2018 Jeep Renegade and 2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee: 585-394-4790
55+ year old ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE - works: 585-229-2186
CPAP MACHINE for Elderly patient: 585-481-9913
OLD WOOD FENCE, BOARDS or PICKETS. Any condition. Ehgelinas@charter.net Large NATIVITY SET for front yard. 585-507-8788
ICE SKATES, around size 11 women’s, around 9 men’s. dancealyssa85@gmail.com
FOOTBALL & BASKETBALL CARDS, 1980s Stuff, Sports Stuff & Magazines. 585-729-1259
VINYL WOOD DECKING used or scrap. Enough to cover a 6 x 4 foot area. Call or Text 585-802-9342
COUCH, MICROWAVE, KITCHEN TABLE and CHAIRS for two people in good condition. 585-739-6257
HEADBOARD for full or queen sized bed. 585-762-8160
DIRT BIKES, ATVS, GO-KARTS, running or not. Text or call 315-576-1278
Weber charcoal or gas GRILLS. Call or text 315-576-1278
CANNING JARS of any size. My2013snookumz@gmail.com
TWIN BOX SPRING. Brighton. vangellow@bluefrog.com
NATIDDY 6” MINI CORDLESS CHAINSAW, working condition. 585-409-6477
One SILVER TEASPOON, traditionally known as a sugar bowl spoon and a used
ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER in good working condition: 585-229-2186
OLD CLOTHING. T-Shirts, sweatshirts, jackets, denims from the 1980s, 1990s or earlier: 585-953-9834
VCR in working condition: belkeak@gmail.com
2-DRAWER FILE CABINET, wood tone: 585-507-8788
WEIGHT TRAINING EQUIPMENT: Benches, weights & bars. Will be used locally for youth football and wrestling team families. Text Jim: 585-465-0133
Working, functional LAPTOP or DESKTOP TOWER that will connect to WiFi for a child to play online games: 09-putrid.mouths@icloud.com
VINTAGE COMPOUND or RECURVE ARCHERY BOWS/ARROWS/BROADHEADS for Archery Merit Badge. Text or email: 585-794-0448 or mintshape@netacc.net
SPORTS CARDS, MEMORABILIA, ACTION FIGURES, anything BUFFALO for man cave: 607-590-5563
YARN, MACRAMÉ, NEEDLES, etc.: 607-590-5563
WALKER for senior with back problem: robinsd470@gmail.com
Old 5TH WHEEL CAMPER with good running gear to build a tiny house. Will arrange transport: schenk.joseph@gmail.com
OXYGEN CONCENTRATOR MACHINE and/or portable, for senior with COPD: petegoto@yahoo.com
FULL/TWIN BED FRAME: stan1k1@yahoo.com
VANITY w/MIRROR. Batavia pick up only: 585-409-7609
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Almost 160,000 teenagers have skipped school because of bullying.
Older students are less likely to report bullying incidents, which is why it's so essential for others to intervene on their behalf.
Verbal harassment is the most common form of bullying at 79%, followed by social harassment at 50%, physical bullying at 29%, and cyberbullying at 25%.
Stepping in makes a difference 57% of bullying situations stop when peers intervene on behalf of the bullied student. Calling it out Labeling incidents as bullying influences whether students tell an adult and how the adult will respond to the incident.
From the food we share, to the company we keep, tradition gives each of us something to look forward to, and something to look back on. They can be so simple, yet mean so much. Share the Thanksgiving ritual that brings you joy. We’ll choose our favorites and reward 5 lucky readers with a delicious pie from a local bakery. Enter online at gvpennysaver.com/traditions Or mail to GVPS Traditions • PO Box 340 • Avon, NY 14414 Deadline for entries is November 16, 2022
1. TELEVISION: What was Netflix’s first exclusive content series?
2. U.S. STATES: Which state is home to the Grand Canyon?
3. GEOGRAPHY: Where are the famous Moai statues located?
4. MOVIES: Who directed the chilling 2017 movie “Get Out”?
5. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which country’s largest airline is Aeroflot?
6. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which president was elected to two nonconsecutive terms?
7. ANATOMY: The ossicles are located in what part of the human body?
8. LITERATURE: Which awardwinning novel is set in Maycomb, Alabama?
9. MEDICAL: Which international organization declared monkey pox to be a public health emergency?
10. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is the only natural predator of great white sharks, aside from humans?
* Got soap scum? Mix dishwashing detergent with baking soda and use it to scrub bathroom walls. It’s very effective, and surprisingly gentle, as baking soda is a mild abrasive that works well without scratching.
* “Unless the label states otherwise, the best rinse temperature for clothing is cold water. It will help the clothing retain its shape and color better, and -- bonus -- it’s the least expensive setting.” -- I.F. in Texas
* When whipping egg whites, make sure you bring your eggs to room temperature beforehand. They will yield greater volume.
Answers 1.Lillyhammer. 2.Arizona. 3.EasterIsland. 4.JordanPeele. 5.Russia. 6.GroverCleveland. 7.Middleear. 8.“ToKillaMockingbird.” 9.WHO(WorldHealthOrganization). 10.Orcasorkillerwhales. (c)2022KingFeaturesSynd.,Inc.
* Store asparagus in the fridge only for a few days before serving. Trim the cut end and use wet paper towels to wrap it. Keep it in the crisper drawer.
* Getting your old deck of cards out to play? If they feel gummy, put them in a plastic baggie, add a little bit of talc, baby powder or cornstarch, seal the bag and shake. Knock the excess off before removing from the bag. Shuffle as usual.
Hummus provides a delicious and healthy alternative to less nutritional dips. Versatile and available in various flavors, hummus can be whipped up at home for those who prefer to make their own dips. The following recipe for “Garbanzo-Carrot Hummus with Grilled Yogurt Flatbread” from James Campbell Caruso’s “España: Explore the Flavors of Spain” (Gibbs Smith) includes some Moroccan flavors that give this easy-toprepare recipe a truly unique taste.
Makes 2 cups
2 medium carrots, peeled and chopped Salt
1 cup cooked garbanzo beans, drained 4 teaspoons chopped cilantro plus 1 teaspoon for garnish 2 tablespoons chopped red onion 21/2 teaspoons ground cumin 11/2 teaspoons ground coriander seeds
2 tablespoons lemon juice
4 teaspoons olive oil 2 teaspoons chile flakes 2 teaspoons Moroccan Spice Blend (see below)
Coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 batch Yogurt Flatbread (see below)
In a medium saucepan, combine the carrots with 2 quarts water and 2 teaspoons salt. Bring the mixture to a boil then reduce the heat and simmer for 8 to 10 minutes, until the carrots are tender. Remove the pan from the heat and allow the carrots to drain and cool in a colander. Combine carrots and remaining ingredients, except for Yogurt Flatbread, in the work bowl of a food processor and puree until smooth. Season to taste with salt and pepper and garnish with the remaining cilantro. Serve with fresh, hot Yogurt Flatbread cut in wedges.
Makes about 2 tablespoons
In a small resealable glass or plastic container, combine 1 teaspoon each of: ground cumin, ground turmeric, saffron threads, ground coriander, ground cinnamon, ground smoked paprika, finely grated lemon peel.
Serves 4
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon coarse salt 21/2 cups plain yogurt
Olive oil
Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into the work bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the dough hook. Add the yogurt and mix on low speed for 2 minutes. Cover the work bowl and allow the dough to rest at room temperature for 30 minutes.
* “Wanna spot clean your floor? Spray an old pair of socks with floor cleaner, put them on and do the cha-cha-cha.” -- V.B. in Iowa
Preheat a gas or charcoal grill to medium. Scrape the dough from the work bowl and turn it out onto a lightly floured surface. Roll the dough into a long log and divide it into 12 equal pieces. Roll each piece into a ball and use a rolling pin or tortilla press to flatten it into a 1/4-inch-thick tortilla shape. Brush each “tortilla” lightly with olive oil. Grill each for about 40 seconds then turn and cook another 40 seconds.
Ever wondered what the first Penny Savers looked like? Take a step back in time and have your very own! This 1948 Penny Saver was one of our very first! This will be a keepsake item that all can enjoy!
Bob Johnson Toyota
3399 W. Henrietta Rd., Rochester, NY 14623
Job Description – Full-Time Maintenance Position:
• Perform minor and routine painting, plumbing, electrical wiring
• Upkeep of grounds, Mowing, Landscaping
• Snow and ice removal of parking lots and sidewalks
• Must follow all written and verbal instructions
• Emergency on call duties as required or assigned
• Report to a facilities manager
• We are seeking a candidate who works well independently.
• Work in all types of weather both inside and outside
• Repeated standing, walking, kneeling, and li ing and carrying up to 60 pounds
• Adhere to all company policies and safety procedures
• Lock out, tag out, hazard communication, elevated work, material handling
• Very good communication and interpersonal skills
Send resume to jpanipinto@bobjohnsonauto.com
York Central School has the following openings:
Elementary School Principal General Education Teacher (K-6) Special Education Teacher (6-12) Technology Support Assistant Cafeteria Monitor
More Information and Application procedure available: www.yorkcsd.org
ADDITIONAL SUBSTITUTE POSITIONS: Teachers (Certi ed and Uncerti ed)
RNs & LPNs • Food Service Workers Interviews upon receipt of application. Deadline: Continual Recruitment
Send cover letter, resume, and application to: York Central School
Attn: Heidi Newcomb, District O ce P.O. Box 102 • 2578 Genesee Street Retsof, NY 14539
Write things down. A to-do list floating around in your head can become overwhelming. The physical task of writing things down and crossing items off the list one-by-one can help you sail through tasks effectively. If you’re a mobile person, jot the list down on the notes function of a smartphone or use a task app that syncs with calendar functions.
Seeking individual to be responsible for the professional management of the Church o ce. Part-time 24 hour/week position begins October 3, 2022.
Detailed posting/quali cations and application process available upon request by emailing: Julie Brocklehurst-Woods, Personnel Committee Chairperson at office@cpcgeneseo.org
Central Presbyterian Church • 31 Center St., Geneseo, NY 14454 (585) 243-0669
Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is no small task for today’s working parents. But such a goal is possible.
Full-time positions to provide educational support to students. High School Diploma plus 1 yr. related exp. We offer excellent benefits!
Apply: rhnet.org Experience the RH Advantage!
Industrial filter company looking for individuals to fill
Must have 2-3 years experience in an assembly environment. Basic knowledge of measuring and hand tools very helpful.
Great opportunity for the right individuals. Excellent pay & benefits.
Email resume: hr@aftechnologies.com or mail to:
American Filtration Technologies, Inc. 100 Thruway Park Drive W. Henrietta, NY 14586
Astronomer:Observing,researching and interpreting astronomical phenomena requires a strong understanding of mathematics.
Hourly wage plus incentives. Outdoor power equipment sales experience a plus but not necessary.
Apply in person or call: Saxby Implement Corp.
180 State. Rte. 251 Mendon, NY 14506 585-624-2938
Working professionals relocate for exciting career opportunities every day. In 2017, in an effort to determinewherethemostexciting opportunities may be, researchers at ConsumersAdvocate.org studied data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, focusing on metro areas that employed at least 250,000 people. The following are the metro areas that exhibited the greatest employment growth rate from January to June of 2017.
1. Jacksonville, FL 2. Des Moines-West Des Moines, Iowa 3. Chattanooga, TennesseeGeorgia (Note: The Chattanooga metro area consists of six countries, three in southeast Tennessee and three in northwest Georgia)
Just a short drive from Henrietta, Mt. Morris, Lima, Springwater, Geneseo, Dansville and Hornell to our two amazing scenic locations in Livonia and Avon, NY.
Avon Nursing Home 215 Clinton St., Avon, NY 585-226-2225
4. Ft. Lauderdale-Pompano Beach-Deerfield Beach, FL 5. Oxnard-Thousand OaksVentura, CA 6. Fayetteville-SpringdaleRogers, AK 7. Durham-Chapel Hill, NC 8. Harrisburg-Carlisle, PA
9. Minneapolis-St. PaulBloomington, MinnesotaWisconsin (Note: 16 counties in both Minnesota and Wisconsin make up this metro area)
10. North Port-SarasotaBradenton, FL
Personalize your connections. The days of sharing a post-work drink with a colleague may be over. But networking in the digital age need not be impersonal. When using professional networking sites such as LinkedIn, personalize the messages you send to other professionals when inviting them to join your network. Use the message to briefly introduce yourself and explain your connection before explaining why you want the person to become part of your network. Welcome any questions and warmly thank them for their time. This personal touch can make you stand out in a digital sea of people, many of whom simply want to add other professionals to their network without necessarily making genuine connections.
Placing anObituaryinthe GeneseeValleyPennySaver PassagesSectionisfarlessexpensivethanothermedia? Call: 585-226-8111 formoreinformation!
CHRISTMASSALE:Handmade Primitives, Antiques,Candles,Potpourri,DipandRecipeMixes, StitchedPillows,muchmore! November18from4pm-8pm; November19from10am-4pmand November20from12pm-4pm. 2416NorthRoad,Scottsville.Cash orCheckOnly.Seefacebook BlackberryBarnPrimitivesformore details.
Our communityisamazing!! Weareallhumbledandgratefulto thosethatsupportedtheDeLand FamilyBenefit.Itwasahugesuccess!
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EXPERTPIANOTUNING & REPAIR.Since1980.MusicianExtraordinaire,CharlesM.Freida, 585-426-2334.
BUZZOMUSIC 106 MainStreet, Geneseo.StoppayinghighAmazon pricesonguitars,stringsetc.About 10,000’s”Lps”(allkindsofmusic) ”cassettes”and”8tracks&tapes.” Open7daysaweek.Call 585-243-2480.
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THEENTIRECONTENTS: oflockers28and53willbesoldintheir entiretybyauctiononFriday,Nov. 18that11a.m.atEconomySelfStore, locatedattheintersectionofClayRd andMushroomBlvd.inHenrietta.All salesare“ASIS.”Noguaranteesare givenorimplied.Eachunitwillbe soldinitsentirety.A$200.00refundablecashdepositwillberequiredfrom thewinningbidders.Depositwillbe returnedwhentheunitisreleasedto uswithin48hrs,cleanandempty.The winningbidderisaskedtoreturnany personalpapersfoundintheunit. Unitsandtheircontentsmaybe viewedfromthedooroftheunitonly atthetimeoftheauction.Noentryto unitsispermitted,norishandlingof anygoodscontainedtherein.Allsales willbebycash,moneyorder,CashApporVenmoonly.ECONOMY SELF-STOREINC.585-427-2660
DID YOU KNOW? According to the National Autism Association, autism is a bio-neurological developmental disability that affects the normal
Served Tuesday-Friday 4-5p.m. & Sunday 4-5 p.m.
• Prime Rib Strogano over Egg Noodles Dinner $18
• Cube Steak Dinner with Mushroom and Bourbon Gravy $20
• Bu alo Shrimp over Pasta Dinner $22
• Chicken Oscar with Hollandaise Sauce Dinner $24
• 8 oz. Prime Rib Dinner $25
All dinners come with chef soup of the night, choice of potato (except for pasta dinners), garden salad, roll, specialty bread & chef’s choice dessert
Only available to-go, Tuesday-Friday & Sunday.
• Prime Rib Sandwich with French Fries & Garden Salad $10
• Chicken Parmesan with Pasta and Garden Salad $15
• 10 oz. Prime Rib with Baked Potato, Garden Salad & Roll $20
• 8 oz. Prime Rib with 4 oz. Lobster Tail, Baked Potato & Garden Salad $25
• To Go Only - Friday Fish Fry with French Fries, Homemade Cole Slaw & Roll $12