Southern Tier Shopper 2-25-2025

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log length firew d 18-20 ton tri-axle load

$850 Delivered cut & split firew d 5 face cord $375 delivered (face cord 4’ x 8’ x 16”)

nowa eptingheap


Premium Anthracite COAL

HEATING&COOLING: Werepairandserviceall typesofoilandgasheating systems.Boilers,furnaces, waterheaters,residential/ mobilehomes.Oilheatservicecontracts,A/Ccleaning &repair.Fastservice,honest advice,guaranteedwork.7 dayemergencyservice. VISA/MC.MemberBBBof WNY.CallSUMMIT BURNERSERVICE 315-521-8789, 607-566-0080.www.

HANDYMANSERVICES: Repairs, Flooring,Roofing,Installs,Demolition, Painting,Staining, Doors/Windows& Cleanoutswithspecialty inFinishing.Servingall ofSteuben/Schuyler counties.Reasonable Rates!CALL 716-606-9015.

March 12th, 13th, 14th & 15th

1ST Prize: $300 Gift Certificate

2ND Prize: $200 Gift Certificate

3RD Prize: $100 Gift Certificate

CASHPAID:Antiques& Collectibleswantedtobuy. Especiallyinterestedintin signs,advertising,early paperwork,oldtoys,military items,hunting&fishing,vintagejewelry,pocketwatches, oldradios,lighting,oldbottles,crocks&artglass, primitivefurniturew/milk paint.Knowledgeable& friendly,payingfairpricesfor antiques.PhoneIrving 607-368-6020(5/7)

FORSALE: Hay$32X6.18

FootLong:$15. 607-324-5285(A.Gentile)

Coating • Lawn and Garden • Soaps and Cleansers • Express Wagons • Washline Wheels • Tingley Boots • Wolverine Shoes

• Carolina Shoes • Dog Food • Housewares

• Plumbing • Electrical • Stock Tanks Twine • Fencing • Gypsum Bedding Products Crop

Drink more water. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention note that drinking enough water each day provides a host of health benefits, including preventing dehydration. Dehydration can adversely affect mood and lead to confusion. Dehydration also can contribute to the formation of kidney stones, which the National Institutes of Health notes are more likely to affect men than women due to men’s diets and differences in urine chemistries. Symptoms of dehydration also mimic signs of hunger, which means men might overeat under the mistaken impression that they’re hungry when all their body really wants to do is hydrate. The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine determined that men should consume about 15.5 cups of water per day.

Rock Salt



HAMMONDSPORT, NY: Leonard “Paul” Wood, Jr., aged 99, of Hammondsport, NY passed away on February 17, 2025. He was born July 13, 1925, to Leonard Paul Wood, Sr. and Virgina S. Wood and was a lifelong resident in Pleasant Valley.

Paul was an avid outdoorsman and local history buff. He enjoyed hunting,fishing,andtakingphotosandspentmuch of his leisure time planting evergreens and creating wildlife habitats. He spent many years being a steward of family and local history providing diariesandphotostotheSteubenCountyHistorical Society.

Paul met his wife Elsie while he was a guide, and shewasawaitressattheAdirondackLeagueClubin Old Forge. They were married for over 67 years and had two daughters.

Paul is survived by his daughters, Kimberly Wood (Kerry) of Maple Grove, MN and Judith Wood of Hammondsport, NY; his grandchildren, Heather Maloney,JamieBradford(Nevin),andPaulVenema (Jennifer); and many great-grandchildren, Mazzy, Graeme, Zane, Oliver, Rhys, Weston, Avianna, and Mylah.

Paul is pre-deceased by his loving wife, Elsie; and siblings, Richard and Margaret.

As per his request, there will be no services. Donations in his name could be made to Friends of Hammondsport Trails and Parks. Condolences may be made at


31 W Morris Street, Bath, New York

35 Liberty St. • Bath, NY • 607-776-6060

Serving the Area for 3 Generations

• Cemetery Memorials • Please call for an appointment 315-536-8181 E. Lake Rd., Penn Yan

“If I Can’t Have a Nielsen Granite Memorial, I’m Not Going!”

Writing a Sympathy Card

An authentic handwritten message can mean a lot to someone dealing with grief. It shows that you’ve sat down and thought about it as opposed to buying a pre-written card. Sharing fond memories and sincere feelings is a respectful way to remember the passing of a loved one and to offer condolences to their friends and family. If you’re able to offer support, then definitely mention this in your sympathy card. ose grieving will o en have lots to do and will appreciate any help you may be able to offer even if they don’t take you up on it.





Ann O’Neil passed away in Vero Beach, Florida on February 11, 2025.

Lois was born to William and Ethel McCadden on December 21, 1935. She was a 1953 graduate of Cato-Meridian High School and Salutatorian of her class. She attended the Auburn Memorial Hospital Nursing Program, graduated with honors in 1956 and began a 45 year career as a labor and delivery nurse.

Lois met James O’Neil, her husband of 67 years, in 1956. They were married August 10, 1957, in Auburn NY. Lois and James had six children; Dennis (Karen) of Littleton, CO, Kevin of Auburn, NY, Timothy (Verona) of Port Saint Lucie, FL, MaryBeth (Joseph) Winschel of Portland, ME, Sean (Susan) of Bath, NY and Brian (Sarah) of Highlands Ranch, CO. Lois is survived by 15 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. Lois was pre-deceased by her siblings; Raymond, William (Emmett), John (Jack) and Robert McCadden, sisters, Leona Farron, Sheila Colbert and grandson, James O’Neil.

Lois and Jim lived in New York, Indiana and Michigan in the early years of their marriage, eventually settling in Bath, New York in 1970. Lois worked at Ira Davenport Hospital as a RN from 1977 until her in retirement 2000. She was active in the community as they raised their young family. Lois was an avid golfer at the Bath Country Club, having won the Club Championship three times while also serving for several years as a member on the Board of Directors. She was a volunteer at The Corning Classic LPGA tournament for the entirety of its 30 year existence, taking on the responsibility of being a lead Coordinator the last 15 years.

Lois and Jim relocated to Fort Pierce, Florida in 1999 where she volunteered at Fairwinds Golf Course until 2016. Lois was a devout Catholic and a longtime communicant and Sunday school teacher at St. Mary’s Catholic church. She was a communicant and greeter at St. Gabriel Church in Hammondsport, NY and a communicant at St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church in Fort Pierce, FL. She was a talented seamstress and craft person, with the ability to knit, crochet and quilt items of the finest quality. Lois and Jim had the opportunity to travel the US and the world. She especially enjoyed visiting Ireland and Hawaii. What she enjoyed most was visiting and spending time with her children and beloved grandchildren.

In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to VNA Hospice House, 901 37th Street, Vero Beach, Florida 32960.

Serviceswillbeheldatalatertime,attheconvenience of the family.


Hair loss can affect quality of life and self-esteem. While it is common to lose some hair each day as part of the natural growing cycle, hair lost during the growth cycle will grow back for most people. But with hormonal conditions, illnesses, aging, and inherited conditions, new strands of hair don’t always grow back. The Cleveland Clinic says that a person cannot prevent all types of hair loss, but there are steps to keep hair healthy and minimize loss. Coping with stress in a healthy way; managing thyroid diseases or other hormonal conditions that could lead to hair loss; eating a diet that includes enough calories,protein and iron; avoiding hairstyles that pull tightly; and trying a cooling cap during chemotherapy treatment are steps one can take to minimize hair loss.


ELMIRA, NY: Robert “Bob” McElroy, age 84, passed away on February 15, 2025, after a brief stay at Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre, Pennsylvania.

Born in Elmira, New York, Bob built a lifelong career as a chef, beginning at the Dixie Barbecue in Elmira. His culinary journey took him to numerous restaurants throughout the region, as well as the Florida Keys and Indiana. Known for his resourcefulness and skill in the kitchen, he found joy in cooking and all aspects of being a chef. His abilities as a plumber, electrician, carpenter and jack-of-all-trades made him well-suited for the job He mentored countless future chefs in his career, including his son and several nephews.

Bob was married to his beloved wife, Nedra Chapin McElroy, for 59 years. Together, they built a life filled with love, family and friendships. He is survived by his son, Sean (Melissa) McElroy; grandchildren, Mitchell (Kaila) McElroy, Samantha, Ava, and Lana McElroy; and great-grandchildren, Savannah and Calvin McElroy. He also leaves behind his sisters, Connie (Tony) Smith and Lynn Smith; brothers, Karl McElroy and Alan (Joyce) McElroy; as well as many nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his parents, Charles and Janet Hammond McElroy; brother, William; and sister, Judith.

Beyond his work as a chef, Bob had a passion for hands-on projects. He loved working on MG sports cars, tinkering at the bench in his garage and fixing things at the kitchen table. He enjoyed the outdoors and was a fine fisherman and loved hunting and shooting. Bob also enjoyed many years boating on Keuka Lake on his pontoon boat. His bold personality and sense of humor made him a strong and cherished presence among those who knew him.

Though he faced multiple physical challenges in recent years, his passing brings relief from those struggles. His memory will live on through the love of his family and the many lives he touched throughout his years.

It was Bob’s wish that no ceremonies be held at this time. A memorial event will be held at a later date. Condolences for Bob McElroy may be made at


31 W Morris Street, Bath, New York


Visual acuity: The eye doctor will ask you to read an eye chart while looking through a device called a phoropter.This device has several lenses that can be adjusted to help you see better and find the right corrective lens prescription.

The sixth grade seemed to please him from the beginning: he went through a brief Egyptian Period that baffled me — he tried to walk flat a great deal, sticking one arm in front of him and one in back of him, putting one foot behind the other. He declared Egyptians walked that way; I saidif theydidIdidn’tseehow they got anything done, but Jem said they accomplished more than the Americans ever did, they invented toilet paper and perpetual embalming, and asked where would we be today if they hadn’t? Atticus toldmetodeletetheadjectives andI’dhavethefacts.

Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird, 1960


Outdoor drainage: Maintaining effective outdoor drainage is another way to prevent mold growth in a home. This typically requires maintaining gutters and drains so they do not become clogged during or after rainstorms. Gutter guards can prevent gutters and drains from clogging. Homeowners also may want to work with a landscaper or landscape architect to ensure soil around the house slopes away from the foundation, which can prevent water from pooling near the walls. When water pools near the walls, this can contribute to foundation problems and make it easier for mold to grow.

March 8th Auction

Storage unit auction starting 10:00 am at Exit 39 Mini Storage on East Coon Road, Bath, NY and upon completion then at Valley View Mini Storage, State Route 54, Bath, NY. e following unit contents are to be listed for auction:

FORSALE: 550lbRound HayBales,TimothyGrass Mix,storedinside.$25Call 585-384-5931


Attentionoxygentherapy users! Discoveroxygentherapythatmoveswithyou withInogenPortableOxygen Concentrators.Freeinformationkit.1-866-477-9045

USCoins,Currency, Collections HIGHESTPRICES PAID PrivateCollector Honeoye-Pittsford 585-322-5909

1. TELEVISION: How many castaways are on "Gilligan's Island"?

Selleck Road, Bath, NY 14810

HAYFORSALE: 40lbGrass TypeHay.NEVERrainedon. $3.00/bale.Phone #607-583-7389

Waterdamagecleanup& restoration: Asmallamount ofwatercanleadtomajor damageinyourhome.Our trustedprofessionalsdocompleterepairstoprotectyour familyandyourhome’s value!Call24/7: 1-888-872-2809.Havezip codeofservicelocationready whenyoucall!

2. GEOGRAPHY: Which Asian nation's nickname is "Land of the Thunder Dragon"?

3. LITERATURE: What is author J.K. Rowling's real first name?

4. SCIENCE: What is a type of material that can't carry an electrical charge?

5. U.S. STATES: Which state's nickname is "The Last Frontier"?

6. MEASUREMENTS: How many quarts are in a half gallon?

7. MOVIES: Which famous landmark is featured in the movie "Rebel Without a Cause"?

8. ANATOMY: What does the cerebellum control in the human brain?

9. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Where is the late Jimmy Carter's presidential library located?

10. HISTORY: When did the Great Fire of London occur? FORSALE:

An insulator.
Griffith Observatory.
Movement and balance.


OWNERS: Insearchof landtoleaseforyearly huntingrights.Safeand seasonedhunters.Please call518-557-2636,leave message.


bedroomtownhouse apartments,VillageofBath. Fullbasementwithwasher& dryerhookups.Ceilingfans, privateentrance,backyard, catsOK.Walktostores.24 hourmaintenance.Rentis

$635plussecuritydepositof $635&1stmonthrentrequired.5%seniordiscount, callforavailability. 607-776-4261

NAPLES: Verynicesingle widetrailerlocatedatGrape CountryEstates.(55+)

$35,000.Lotrent$465/mo. CallPatfordetails. 585-955-3755


APARTMENTS: Spacious1 &2bedroomapartments. Rentstartingat$795(1bedroom),$870(2bedroom), fullyappliancedkitchens,on sitelaundry,lowBathelectric.Seeourupgradedunitsnewkitchens&bathsplus newcarpetingthroughout. Callformoreinformation, 607-776-6196

HOMEFORRENT: 3bedroom,doublewidecountry home.Caton,NY.Easydrive toCorningandElmira.Very peacefulcountrysetting. Availablenow.$1200/mo. 607-524-6988

Fair Housing Statement

All real estate advertised in the Southern Tier Shopper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, whichmakesitillegaltoadvertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.

We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law.

All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunitybasis.

FairHousingEnforcementProject Monroe County LegalAssistance Center 1 W. Main St., Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 •


Ducks For Sale!


Bred for size and meat production. High fertility and good egg production. is breed has served us well in egg production. We will be selling straight run – pick up only for day old ducklings $7.00 ea. Pullets $16.00 each – pick up only. Call to check availability or to order. Meat ducks available. Call for prices and quantity discounts. We also sell duck eggs – food grade $7/doz. & fertile $12/doz. Wholesalers welcome.

Muddy Duck Farms

1037 Mud Lane, Rock Stream, NY 14878 (607) 678-4015

Buying standing timber, all species. Specifically walnut in your yard or in your woods. Competitive prices and clean up available. Call


Write us with your contact info. and size, and we will call you Or stop in! with a price!


NY 14819



This notice announces that Prattsburgh Wind, LLC (“the Applicant”), filed a Joint Application for Wetlands Permit, which included a request for a Water Quality Certification (WQC), with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) (collectively the “Joint Application”). The Joint Application will be filed with the New York State Office of Renewable Energy Siting and Transmission (ORES) on or about February 24, 2025. The Joint Application relates to the construction of the proposed 147-megawatt (MW) wind energy generation facility, to be located in the Towns of Prattsburgh, Wheeler, Avoca, Cohocton, Howard, Steuben County, known as the Prattsburgh Wind Farm (“the Project”).

On September 24, 2024, the Applicant was issued a Siting Permit under Article VIII of the Public Service Law from ORES (Matter No. 21-00749). The Joint Application that is the subject of this notice covers the permits/approvals required to construct and/or operate the Project under the Clean Water Act 404 and for WQC from ORES under Clean Water Act 401 and 6 NYCRR Part 608. No public comment period is required for the Joint Application at this time.

The Joint Application includes, among other things: a description of the Project, including details on Project components, Project design, Project construction, and related information; an analysis of the environmental setting of the Project; results from analyses conducted to assess potential impacts to aquatic resources, streams and jurisdictional waters from construction and operation of the Project; proposed measures to minimize environmental impacts; and reasonable alternatives. The pending USACE application also addresses compliance with the Endangered Species Act and the Historic Preservation Act.

The Project will have the following environmental impacts relevant to the request for Water Quality Certification and USACE Application under review. Construction of the Facility is anticipated to have temporary and permanent impacts on state regulated streams, wetlands, and 100-foot wetland adjacent areas. Impacts to state regulated surface waters are described in the Project’s Article VIII Application filed with ORES. Construction of the Project will result in approximately 3,081 linear feet (0.25 acres) of temporary impacts to federally regulated streams associated with electric collection lines, access roads, and temporary intersection improvements, and approximately 277 linear feet (less than 0.02 acres) of permanent impacts to federally regulated streams associated with access roads. Construction of the Project will result in approximately 0.69 acres of temporary impacts in federally regulated wetlands associated with electric collection lines and access roads, and 0.26 acres of temporary fill to federally regulated wetlands associated with temporary intersection improvements, 0.48 acres of permanent forest conversion impacts to federally regulated wetlands associated with clearing for access roads and collection line, and 0.32 acres of permanent fill in federally regulated wetlands associated with access roads. Any necessary wetland mitigation related to potential Project impacts will be determined by the USACE.

Pursuant to the ORES regulations, this notice is being provided in accordance with 16 NYCRR 11001.4(b)(1) and 1.6(c) and will be published at least three (3) days prior to the filing of the Water Quality Certification request with ORES. A copy of the Water Quality Certification request will be served on the Chief Executive Officer of each municipality in which any portion of the Project is located, as well as those persons and agencies enumerated in 16 NYCRR 1100-1.6(a).

This request, when filed with ORES, will be available on the project’s dedicated website (Prattsburgh Wind Farm | Terra-Gen) or on the ORES website at ( under

Matter No. 21-00749. Documents may also be viewed at the following public repositories: Prattsburgh Free Library, 26 S. Main Street, Prattsburgh, NY 14873, Avoca Free Library, 18 N. Main Street, Avoca, NY 14809, Cohocton Public Library, 8 Maple Avenue, Cohocton, NY 14826, Howard Public Library, 3607 County Route 70A, Hornell, NY 14843, The Dormann Library, 101 W. Morris Street, Bath, NY 14810. Libraries often have free internet access.



Project Representative: Robert Skaggs c/o Terra-Gen, LLC VP Development 437 Madison Avenue, Suite A New York, NY 10022 (858) 357-7598


Any interested member of the public may file a request with ORES to receive copies of all notices concerning the Project. Written requests should be sent to or sent by mail to the following address: Office of Renewable Energy Siting and Transmission (ORES), c/o: OGS Mailroom, Empire State Plaza, 240 State Street, P-1 South, J Dock, Albany, New York 12242.

FREEWATER WITCHING: JOHNUPDIKE WELLDRILLING,40+years experience.DECApproved. Guaranteeswater,ornocost toyou.Freeestimates. Financingavailable. 607-868-3677

HELPWANTED: Looking forsomeonetocutmany treesdown.Manyonside hill,somebyroad.Mustbe experienced,haveowntools. 607-527-8509

ConsumerCellular- same reliable,nationwidecoverage asthelargestcarriers.No long-termcontract,nohiddenfeesfreeactivation.All plansfeatureunlimitedtalk& text,startingatjust$20/mo. Call1-877-751-0866

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Don’tletthestairslimit yourmobility! Discoverthe idealsolutionforanyonewho strugglesonthestairs,isconcernedaboutafallorwants toregainaccesstotheirentirehome.CallAmeriGlide today!1-833-399-3595


REDWINGSHOES: LaCrosse,IrishSetter&other brands.Boots,leatherbelts, dogcollars&leashes,horse supplies,harness&tack. HILL&VALLEYHARNESS& SHOE.3215FiveCorners Road.Jasper,NY14885

CLOCKSANDWATCHES WANTED: Nowaccepting consignmentsfortheannual ATLANTICHOROLOGICAL EVENTauctionheldonSaturday,March29th,atSkylineAuctionCenter,2781 NYRoute364,PennYan,NY 14527.Toconsignclocks, watchesortools,call (585)-526-6100.

Contact: Andrew Bontrager 9490 Bull Hill Road Prattsburgh, NY 14873 or call Chris at 607-346-4646

Becomeapublished author. Wewanttoread yourbook!DorrancePublishingtrustedsince1920.Consultation,production,promotion&distribution.Callfor freeauthor`sguide 1-877-729-4998orvisit

JacuzziBathRemodel can installanew,custombathor showerinaslittleasoneday. Foralimitedtime,waving ALLinstallationcosts!(Additionaltermsapply.Subjectto changeandvarybydealer. Offerends3/30/25).Call 1-844-501-3208

Prepareforpoweroutages today withaGeneracHome StandbyGenerator.Actnow toreceiveafree5-Yearwarrantywithqualifyingpurchase*Call1-855-948-6176 todaytoscheduleafree quote.It’snotjustagenerator.It’sapowermove.



RUSTYWATER?ROTTEN EGGODOR? CallthePros thatknowwaterlikeno other.SouthernTierWater 607-307-1010

HELPWANTED: Looking forapartmentmaintenance personnel.Mustbewillingto cleanout,paintandlight carpentry.Haveowntools. 20+hours/wk. 607-527-8509

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The more I see our municipal snow plow trucks clearing our roads, the happier I feel knowing my family and I can more safely drive to our destinations. Many kudos to all the drivers and highway superintendents. They are one way we see our tax dollars at work for good!

Many Thanks to the East Bloomfield EMS, Canandaigua Ambulance and East Bloomfield FD. Last night my 83 year old neighbor suffered heart attack. His daughter started CPR immediately and Ontario County Sheriff Meek arrived with in one minute with an AED.and took over doing CPR. East Bloomfield EMS arrived two minutes after that and then 2 Canandaigua EMS ALS unit and East BloomfieldHolcomb FD. With their teamwork they restored a pulse and transported him to Strong Hospital alive. We are blessed to have such great volunteers available 24/7, 365. Great work!

Webuyhousesforcashas is! Norepairs.Nofuss.Any condition.Easythreestep process:Call,getcashoffer& getpaid.Getyourfaircash offertodaybycallingLiz BuysHouses: 1-844-877-5833

SANDBLASTING: Car parts,frames,tractors,trucks, trailers,rims.Smallprojects welcome.Zimmerman’s SandBlasting.11747County Rte122,Prattsburgh. 607-268-4006,bychanceor byappointment.

Penn Yan

Sewing Machines


Luxury headphones: A luxury set of headphones can provide amazing audio for the best listening experiences.

Why all of a sudden are people hoarding eggs? Sure prices have risen due to the bird flu but all of a sudden they need to fill their carts with dozens and dozens of eggs? I go through 1 doz. eggs in 3 to 4 weeks. There are expiration dates. Because there’s a shortage, which is temporary, they need to hoard eggs before anyone else has a chance to buy. Then the store is forced to limit the amounts or just run out. Are you more important and couldn’t care less if you clean the shelf out leaving none for others? Remember the toilet paper hoarding? Remember the fights and screaming shown on TV? That was embarrassing and those who hoarded toilet paper should be embarrassed. Do you really need to hoard eggs?

Mail Ad Applications

People need to put an end to those credit, insurance, vehicle etc. applications we all receive in the mail. They come pre-filled with too much information which can be stolen and used illegally. Scammers can use these to apply for a credit card just using what’s printed already and fraudulently apply under your name. Or use that information to sell to solicitors.

information can lead to wrong doings.


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DEAR DR. ROACH: Am I a doomed man?

When I was 25, I survived a battle with testicular cancer. The good news is that 45 years later, after two kids and three grandkids, I’m in good health.The only medicine I take is gabapentin for peripheral neuropathy that was caused by the chemotherapy drugs I received during the cancer treatment. One or more of these drugs caused neuropathy in my feet.

A neurologist prescribed 800 mg three times a day, and I took this for about 15 years. As I got older, it became 800 mg four times a day for the past 20 years.As I talk to people, they seem shocked that I’m still alive after taking so much gabapentin. But I’ve never experienced any known side effects from it.

I have read that the long-term use of gabapentin can increase the chances of dementia. Are there specific things that I should have my regular doctor test me for because of my long-term use of gabapentin? -- C.P.

ANSWER: Testicular cancer is one of the most curable cancers because it is sensitive to both radiation and chemotherapy. However, both of these modalities can lead to problems years after the treatment was successful.

PERMISSIVE REFERENDUM PERMISSIVE REFERENDUM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Campbell (the “Town”), Steuben County, New York, at a regular meeting thereof, held on February 10, 2025, duly adopted, a resolution, declaring surplus of approximately 15 plus/minus acres of town property located on Route 415 and now that the Town wishes to offer the property for sale.

WHEREAS, the Town is the owner of approximately 15 plus/minus acres located on Route 415 in the Town of Campbell, County of Steuben,(“Property”); and

WHEREAS, said property is a portion of the property with a tax parcel ID number of 243.09-01002.100; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to Town Law §64(2) the offering of town property for sale is subject to permissive referendum; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board now wishes to offer the property for sale at auction with a minimum price of $155,000.00; and WHEREAS, the Town and the Purchasers have negotiated and agreed upon the terms of the sale of the property.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Campbell, in regular session duly convened, does hereby authorize and direct the Town Supervisor with the assistance of the Town Attorney, if needed, once the time for permissive referendum has passed, if no qualifying petition is submitted to the Town objecting to the sale of the Property, to execute and deliver to the successful bidder, all such documents necessary to transfer ownership of the Property as set forth in a contract subject to the review and approval of the Town Attorney and Town Supervisor.

For many years, platinum-based chemotherapy has been one of the mainstays for advanced testicular cancer. Painful peripheral neuropathy, especially in the hands and feet, is a common side effect. Gabapentin is a commonly used medication to relieve pain from damage to the peripheral nerves that occurs in diabetes or with chemotherapy. I don’t often see doses as high as you are taking, but they are certainly used. In a seminal trial on pain following a shingles infection (post-herpetic neuralgia),the target dose of gabapentin was 900 mg four times daily. It often takes weeks or months to build up to this dose so that people can tolerate it, but it is very effective. The most common side effect is sedation, but increasing the dose slowly reduces this effect.

The evidence of gabapentin and dementia is mixed, with two studies that looked at hundreds of thousands of people and came to completely different conclusions. In the study suggesting that there was a dementia risk, it was strongest in younger people.

I conclude that you aren’t doomed. While most authorities don’t suggest screening tests for dementia, there are some memory and cognitive tests that are easy to do for people who have concerns about their memory, or those whose doctors are concerned about a possible change in function. If there are abnormalities, a person can then be referred to a memory expert.


DEAR DR. ROACH: In a recent column, you discussed IBS-C (irritable bowel syndrome). I have IBS-D and had very serious episodes for several years. The cramping was enough to keep me in bed for two to three days. The episodes started happening more frequently three years ago and occurred every three to four weeks.

I read that yogurt can help, so I began to eat plain yogurt every day (although I added fruit and granola). I haven’t had an episode in two-and-a-half years! Why isn’t this suggested by doctors? The change has been amazing.-- K.V. ANSWER: I am very pleased that you had such great results. Yogurt is often recommended due to the live bacteria in it, which is thought to be beneficial for the gut. Unfortunately, my experience (like most trials) has shown that it doesn’t help the majority of people. The lactose (milk sugar) is problematic for many IBS sufferers as well. Still, it may be worth a try, and I agree with eating plain yogurt.



FORSALE:GOLDENRETRIEVERPUPPIES Family raised,firstshotsandhealth certificate.$500/each. 607-243-9491

FORSALE: 4monthold SHIBAINU-JACKRUSSELL puppies.Shotsanddewormed.$75/ea. 607-292-3198

GreatFamilyPets: Boston TerrierPuppies,ACAregistered.Readybeginningof March.$475585-526-5804. PennYan


GREATPYRENEESPUPPIES:Born1/24,ready 3/21.Parentsonsite guardiandogsonsheepfarm. Intelligent,calm,greatworkingdogsorpets.Photos/ updatesofFBJasperStock Farm.7boys3girls.Jasper, NY.828-550-1857


An estimated 10% of Europeans are immune to HIV infection because they have an ancestor who survived bubonic plague.

FORSALE: LABPUPPIES, purebredwithpapers.Black andyellow.Vetchecked, shots,anddewormed.$700/ ea. 315-536-0707

ADORABLESHIH-POO PUPPIES: Beautifulcolors, healthcertificate&uptodate onshots,$325. 607-243-9491

Even Exchange Answers

Five-year survival rates for prostate cancer are notably high. Johns Hopkins Medicine notes that approximately 80 to 85 percent of all prostate cancers are detected in the local or regional stages, which plays a significant role in improving survival rates for the disease. Johns Hopkins notes that many men diagnosed with prostate cancer and treated at the local or regional stages are cancer-free after five years. Indeed, the American Cancer Society reports that the five-year survival rates for localized and regional prostate cancers was greater than 99 percent. Localized indicates there is no evidence that the cancer has spread beyond the prostate, while regional means it has spread to nearby structures or lymph nodes. The high survival rates for local and regional prostate cancers underscore the effectiveness of screening for the disease. The ACS recommends men who are at average risk for prostate cancer discuss screening with their physicians at age 50, while those at high risk should open such a dialogue at age 45. Men at very high risk, which includes individuals with a first-degree relative who had prostate cancer at an early age,should discuss screening upon reaching age 40.When prostate cancer has spread to other parts of the body, the five-year survival rate is 34 percent

My neighbor yells at her dog. Is it abuse?

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Every morning, my next-door neighbor walks her dog past my house. Every morning, she berates her dog, calling him an idiot and a bad dog, especially after picking up his poo. I cannot see the dog doing anything wrong, so I don’t know why she’s constantly yelling at him. I know it’s affecting him, though -- he has his tail between his legs most of the time. Is there anything I can do for that dog? -- Bill in Oshkosh, Wisconsin

DEAR BILL: That’s hard to watch -- emotional abuse can be as damaging to an animal as physical abuse.

Strong verbal correction is OK in obedience training when you need a dog to stop doing something immediately. But it should be limited to a firm “No!” and a quick tug on the leash if necessary -- followed by proper corrective training. When an owner simply berates the dog and takes out their anger verbally on them, it isn’t training. It doesn’t correct their behavior. Behavioral issues often get worse, not better. And the mixed signals and negative feedback that the dog constantly receives can cause trust issues that never fully go away.

What can you do as an outside observer? Rescues or animal control likely won’t intervene in a simple case of yelling at a dog.

If you feel safe talking to the owner, try starting a conversation with them. You may be able to glean more info about why they are yelling at the dog, and you might be able to give training advice.

However, you should also observe and document the situation. Write down the dog’s physical condition and behavior and note if they deteriorate. If you see physical abuse from the owner, note the date, time and place and, contact animal control.

Send your tips, comments or questions to © 2025 King Features Synd., Inc.

KENNEDYPAINTING: Professionalinterior/exterior paintingandstainingsince 1994!Decks,houses,docks, cottages&cabins.Call 315-694-6685.

JUNKCLEANOUT SERVICES: SAMEDAYSERVICE Ratesstartingat$49. CleanoutofAttics, Cellars, Houses,Barns,etc! Removal:garages, fences,etc. Also,Tree/Brush Removal FastResponseTime MoneySaving. LowPrices. MasterCardorVisa accepted. JDJunk&Cleanout Service, 585-719-8004

WHAT IS THE SIGN OF EXERCISE FATIGUE? Persistent exhaustion or low energy throughout the day.

Mrs. Badeau at 607-569-5200 ext. 5287


Hosted By The Penn Yan Chapter Of FFA

MARCH 22, 2025 AT 9:30AM

Saturday, March 8th, 2025

PENN YAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GYMNASIUM 3 School Drive Penn Yan, New York 14527

Farm Toy Show: Saturday, March 8th

Open To Early Buyers From 7:30-8:30AM

Open To The Public From 8:30AM-2:00PM


Browse, shop and converse with various Farm Toy Vendors and Enthusiasts! Find out more about our local FFA Chapter! New this year, FFA will have a KID’S CORNER set up with various activities for the younger toy enthusiasts. Refreshments and food available for purchase from the Penn Yan FFA. For more information on the Toy Show or if you would like to become a vendor, please contact Carlie Bossard (607-346-1154) or Rachel Dann (

Farm Toy Auction At 2:30PM Saturday, March 8th, 2025

Now accepting consignments of quality farm toys and sets. To list your early consignment, please contact Jeff Dann at 585-233-9570 or E-mail: Call us now to advertise your consignments! Consignments are being accepted on site, Saturday, March 8th from 9:00AM to 2:00PM.

New 3000lb pallet forks, new bale spears, 3pt brush hog, BIG EQUIPMENT: New 2024 Industries America 7014R dump trailer 14000lb gvwr 14ftx84in inside, dual 7000lb axel doors spread gate, ramps, debris, tarp, power up/down ramps title included original, JD 1240 4 row corn planter very clean and good lid boxes, E37 JD 7ft pull behind sickle bar mower, running gear with new solid flat deck, 1992 GMC Top Kick automatic gas with flatbed (new breaks, and exhaust), good rubber and title, SMALL EQUIPMENT: 36 -Zimmerman heavy duty freestalls (16 brand new) (20 slightly used) Yamaha golf cart runs like it should, 2 small walk behind rototillers (Craftsman, Briggs and Stratton) skid steer loader mount post pounder, 3pth woven wire unroller, large commercial refrigerator with remote condensing unit (BUYER MUST REMOVE) AMISH BUILT: 8 X12 kiln dried storage shed one window/ramp, 4X5 chicken house on skids with nesting box, 5x5 hunting blind - four Window, 5.5x5.5 octagon 8 window hunting blind, 8x8 storage shed with one window, Amish built swing set with 4 swings and a rock wall, various styles and colors polywood outdoor furniture, various sizes of raised wooden garden beds,


Let us know what you are consigning early so that we can advertise and attract more buyers for your items!!

To consign and advertise your items, please call: Jeff Dann at 585.233.9570, Nelson Horning at 585.554.5335, or Nelson Zimmerman at 607.243.8932. Consignments accepted on-site Monday, March 24th through Thursday, March 27th from 9:00AM-6:00PM. Pre-committed and choice items will be available for online bidding via Proxibid. To have your items included for online bidding, those items will need to be on-site prior to 5:00PM on Wednesday, March 26th AUCTION TERMS: ID for bidder number. No buyer’s premium for cash or honorable check. Credit cards accepted. EARLY CONSIGNMENTS LISTING AND PHOTOS AVAILABLE AT WWW.DANNAUCTIONEERS.COM Windmill Farm & Craft Market 3900 State Route 14A, Penn Yan, New York 14527 At 9:00AM Saturday, March 29th, 2025

in the lens clump

and can cloud the eye. The National Eye Institute says most cataracts develop with age, as more than

of all Americans age 80 or

either have cataracts or have had surgery to remove them. But cataracts can occur for other reasons, such as after an eye injury or after surgery for another vision problem.The American Academy of Opthalmology says cataracts can make it seem like a person is looking through a foggy or dusty car windshield. Everything is hazy, blurry or less colorful. Additional vision changes associated with cataracts include extra light sensitivity; seeing bright colors as faded or yellowed; seeing double or a ghosted image; and difficulty seeing at night. Using brighter lights at home or getting a new eyeglasses prescription can help manage cataracts in their early stages. An eye doctor may suggest surgery if cataracts


CHECKOUTTHIS WEEK’S$11.99MEAL DEALS!!! Available11a.m. tillcloseMondaythruSaturday.ChoosefromSpaghetti withmeatballsorsausageor ChickenAlfredo.Mealsincludechoiceofrollorgarlic bread,tossedsalador broccoli,andapplecrispor scoopoficecream.And don’tforgetourfamousFridayFishFry!OpenMonday, TuesdayandSaturday,7am2pm;Wednesday,Thursday &Friday,7am-7pm.Eatinor takeout,607-566-4006. AVOCA’SBRUNCH& MUNCHCAFE,14North MainStreet,Avoca,NY


Check for food allergies/ restrictions: Nowadays it is essential to be mindful of people’s diets, including foods that they may have to avoid. Individuals will want to alert the restaurant staff of any special needs well in advance to ensure their needs are accommodated.


MondayMarch3rd.HammondsportPublicLibrary. 10:30am.Topic:BACK-UP.


Friday and Saturday night might be the day people most identify as the best night to dine out at a restaurant, but a recent survey found that Sunday reigns supreme among diners. According to a 2022 survey from Real Research, just under 30 percent of diners said they eat out on Sunday, which makes the first day of the week more preferable than Friday (18.9 percent) and Saturday (15.4 percent). Perhaps more surprisingly, a greater number of respondents indicated they prefer to dine out on Monday (23 percent) than Friday or Saturday. Despite these preferences, experienced diners know that it’s still wise to book a reservation when dining out on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Diners might be more likely to find a table without a reservation on Monday.

Lenten Lunches

First Presbyterian Church • Pulteney Square, Bath, NY Weds., March 5 - Weds., April 9

Serving from 11:30am - 1pm

Sandwich $4

Soup $4


Any 2 Items $7

Any 3 Items $10

Desserts $3 Includes: coffee, tea or milk

Eat in or carry out (sorry, no beverages with carry-outs)


Congruent pairings, according to Wine Folly, create balance in the mouth by amplifying shared flavor compounds. For example, earth wines paired with earthy mushrooms. Contrasting pairings create balance through contrasting flavors.Therefore, a salad with acidity and bitterness may be complemented with a wine that is sweeter and not so acidic, or so may be the case with a fatty, salty food like foie gras.


Whether you're dreaming of a cozy lakeside cottage or a sprawling country farm, the dedicated professionals at Howard Hanna Lake Group are here to make your buying or selling experience seamless and extraordinary.

Nestled in the heart of the Finger Lakes region, our area is celebrated for its breathtaking lakes, world-class vineyards, charming small towns, and vibrant farm-to-table cuisine. With scenic hiking and biking trails and national recognition for our stunning lake vistas and rolling countryside, real estate in our region has never been more in demand. We provide expert service across a wide range of properties, including waterfront and residential homes, village properties, recreational retreats, farms, and vacant land.

With experienced realtors dedicated to delivering exceptional results, Howard Hanna Lake Group is your trusted partner in Finger Lakes real estate


Located in Savona, New York! Steuben Sporting Goods was opened by brothers Scott and Rick Wright twenty years ago. Since then, Scott’s daughter, Kendra, has taken the reigns. We offer a wide variety of all things hunting and fishing. We carry live bait including minnows and grubs. Steuben Sporting Goods is a fully equipped archery repair shop. We hand-make our strings in store and sell Hoyt and Bear bows. The BEST part, our facility is complete with a twenty yard indoor archry range and a thirty yard indoor pistol range. Open Weekdays 10AM-6PM


Business Profile

Penn Yan, New York Ph: 315.536.3383 71 Bigelow Avenue Dundee, New York Ph: 607.243.8900

Monday-Friday 7:00AM-5:00PM Saturday 8:00AM-4:00PM

Knapp and Schlappi Lumber Co., Inc.isyourlocalDoItBesthardware store with a full lumber yard, which includes delivery service. We have locations in both Penn Yan and Dundeetobetterserveyouandhave been family-owned and operated since 1958. We are proud to offer Sherwin Williams Best Look and Valspar paint lines, Anderson windows, Makita tools and Yeti products. With Spring just around the corner, we hope you will stop in to see our selection of grills and patio furniture in our lawn and garden center. It is our goal to be your one-stop-shop for all your buildingandhardwareneeds.

C.E. Shaw, Inc. had its beginning in 1880. Bud Shaw operated the business, starting in1964.Thenin2001, Steve Shaw and Ellen Shaw-Maceko took operationofthecompany and the agency name changed to Shaw Agency, Inc. Always a friendly staff to handle all of your insuranceneeds...

storage building was addedwhichfeatureseasy, drive-thruconvenience. Longwell’scarriesalltypes ofbuildingmaterials!

Pinckney Hardware is more than your typical ACE Hardware Store. We focus on service, selection and service. Locally ownedsince1945,westrivetocatertothe needs of our local community. We carry hardware, housewares, Benjamin Moore paint, major appliances, grills, lawn and garden products along with Milwaukee and DeWalt tools. Serving our customers is our primary focus. Helping our customers get what they need to maintain and improve their home or business is our goaleveryday.

Penny’s Pet Parlor opened in 1988. I graduated from the Rochester Institute of Dog Grooming. I have always been involved in grooming and showing dogs. I have titled many dogs in AKC agility, obedience and rally. I teach dog agility at the Finger Lakes SPCA. I love grooming dogs & cats - it’s so rewarding. If you want to add real pizzaz to your dog, we can give your dog a crazy dog safe color as well! If you adopt a dog or cat from the SPCA, we groom it the 1st time free. Stop in and see us anytime to schedule an appointment. We have been in business for 35 years. We also have pick-up & delivery service for those who can’t get out.


The Dental Office of Dr. Sam Pennise opened in the extensively remodeled Hammondsport Professional Building in 1980. The building was originally a movie theater and furniture store. Dr. Sam’s office has experienced a very fulfilling 45 years thanks to wonderful patient support and referrals. With access to the latest technology and concern for every patient’s oral health, Dr. Sam and his staff feel that we offer theverybestindentalcare.

Russ Saurbaugh has been assisting individuals and businesses with income tax issues and is a Registered Tax Return Preparer.Heislocatedon Selleck Road in Bath, New York and works with clients to prepare and file income tax returns, sales taxreports,workerscompensation reporting and focuses on their needs and goals. Russ works by appointment and is available to answer questions and concerns. If you need assistance or have questions, feel free to call him at 607.776.3084.

Turn Mowers withTwinSticksorJoystick. BobandBarbwillkeepstrivingto be on top of service, and will continue to offer the area the equipmentavailable.

Charles F. Oliver & Son is a third-generation family-run company, serving the agricultural community in our area for more than 75 years! We supply Ferris and Massey Ferguson farming equipment, along with other brands. With every machine and product line we sell, we also provide servicing parts, and support.

EWPstartedasaGeneralContractingBusinessin 1976operatingoutofaonecargarage.Kitchen& bathroom cabinets, and hardwood mouldings were made for jobs they were working on but soonweremadeforothercontractors. In 1984 an addition was necessary to accommodate3smalldrykilnsasmanufacturingbecamea full time job.Soon the kilns couldn’t keep up and were sold, hardwood now needed to be purchased by the truckload. Demand was now throughouttheUStocontractors,lumberyards& manufacturingplants. Products included pre-sanded hardwood custom to match older homes. Paneling, wainscoting and other dimension products were

Decorator’sChoiceisa familyownedbusiness, established in 1989. Our original location wasonCanisteoStreet in Hornell, which we quickly outgrew. Our current location allowed us to expand ourproductofferingsto become a “one stop shop” for your home. We offer flooring and ceramic tile, furniture, mattresses, custom windowtreatmentsand Benjamin Moore Paint. We enjoy helping our customers create the home of their dreams.


6748 NY-415 Bath, New York 14810 Mon. to Fri. 9am–5pm


At Corner Market, a key part of our commitment to fulfilling lives every day is providing a sense of place in the communities we serve. Corner Market is a locally run gasoline and conveniencestorechainlocatedinthegreater Buffalo region. Being part of the petroleum industry since 1999, Corner Market strives to ensure quality products, customer care and wholesome friendly staff to assist you. Our vision here at Corner Market is to ensurethatourcustomersrelyonusfor all their gasoline and convenience needs. We have grown to 19 locations throughout New York and love giving back to our community. The Corner Market team is dedicated to friendly customerservice,toprovidevisitorsthe best experience possible, every single day of the week. We take your opinions into consideration to make your experience even better.

6602 State Route 415, Bath, New York 14810 Call for Info: 607-776-2515

Tuesday-Saturday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Although Christine’s was opened in April of 2011, Ihavebeendoingupholstery for 29 years. We moved to our new location in 2015 in order to further expand. In addition to residential & commercial upholstery, we also offer the upholstery of complete car interiors, convertible tops, boat seats & covers & ATV seats. We replace zippers in jackets & hem jeans. In 2015, we startedsellingbikerapparel, helmets & patches. In 2016, we added a full service repair shop. In 2017 we began making signs, banners & decals. In 2019, we began offering antiques and collectibles. Stop in & seewhatwecandoforyou!

A family-owned and operated company headquarteredinAvon,NY,FeaturedMediahas been delivering reliable and engaging local content for over 76 years. Now proudly serving you through the Southern Tier Shopper, we’re excitedtoconnectyourcommunitywithtrusted businesses,valuabledeals,andlocalstories.

From print advertising to digital, social media and anything else you need to market your business, Featured Media can help you reach your customers in so many ways.Delivering the right message to your audience at the right time—everytime.

Thank you for reading The Shopper. We look forwardtoservingyou!

Shop Locally Business Profile


Extra #1 Local businesses depend upon you for their livelihood and they really value your patronage. For this reason, they stock the kind of quality products that build customer satisfaction. If you are happy with the things you buy, they know you’ll shop their stores again.

Extra #2 Local businesses are small enough to know you personally and that is what makes them “big enough” to serve you properly. You receive courteous, personal attention and you are never treated as “just another face in the crowd”...

Extra #3 and your community in the form of taxes paid to your town by

When you shop out of town, you are supporting someone else’s community...not your own.

Extra #4 With support more local businesses mean that more jobs are available locally.

businesses with all sorts of merchandise, services, sales and events in your own community. Each edition is an armchair trip through your favorite stores, giving you a head start and saving time in your shopping!

As women enter perimenopause and begin the transition that will ultimately lead to menopause, many doctors prescribe hormone pills to help regulate menstruation cycles and ease certain symptoms. Compared to regular birth control pills that contain 30 to 50 micrograms of estrogen,a doctor may suggest a low-dose pill that contains between 10 and 35 micrograms of estrogen. These levels can be increased as needed.WebMD says that,in addition to preventing pregnancy,which can still occur in perimenopause,low dose pills often regulate heavy or irregular menstrual periods and may offer protection from ovarian and uterine cancers.The pills also may prevent bone loss, which leads to osteoporosis. It’s important to note that contraceptives come with an elevated risk for breast cancer and blood clots, particularly for those with a history of heart disease and breast cancer. So doctors should be consulted about the pros and cons and women should initiate an open and honest dialogue with their physicians to avoid any complications.


WesleyFinancialGroup, LLCTimeshareCancellationExperts .Over $50,000,000intimeshare debt&feescancelledin 2019.Getfreeinfopackage &learnhowtogetridofyour timeshare!Freeconsultations.Over450positivereviews.833-308-1971

FORSALE: Baleage,$30-50 perbale.Hayandstraw, smallsquarebales$5.75per bale.Crackedcorn,56lb. bag$11.00.Shelledcorn,56 lb.bag$10.00.Pickupat farmintan/greenbuilding. Walk-MoorFarmsLLC, 10459StateRte371,Cohocton.607-738-1180.

DIRECTVStream -Carries themostlocalMLBGames! ChoicePackage$89.99/mo for12mosStreamon20 devicesatonce.HBOMax includedfor3mos(w/ ChoicePackageorhigher.) Nocontractorhiddenfees! Somerestrictionsapply.Call IVS1-866-859-0405.

Magic Maze

LOOKINGTOBUY: Rifles, shotguns,pistols,revolvers (willbuyentirecollectionsof gunsandammo)andknife collections.Willtravel,licenseddealer.315-886-4282 or607-767-7832,leavemessage.

STRUGGLINGTOHEAR? AudienHearingdelivers crystal-clearsoundwith affordable,invisiblehearing aids.Startingat$189!Call Now:888-760-1015

FORRENT: BabcockHollowRoad.1bedroomupper. Stove,refrigerator&microwave.Youareresponsiblefor garbage,cable,internet. $700/month&$700security deposit.Availableimmediately.607-776-9738.

AGINGROOF?NEW HOMEOWNER?STORM DAMAGE? Youneedalocal expertproviderthatproudly standsbehindtheirwork. Fast,freeestimate.Financing available.Call 1-888-878-9091.Havezip codeofpropertyreadywhen calling!


“It’s hard to find a good contractor or company to provide a service sometimes. The best resource I’ve had is friends. Whenever someone I know has work done at their home or purchases an item I might be interested in, I always find out the details of who worked on it or where it was purchased and whether my friends were satisfied with the outcome. Friends and even acquaintances usually are quite amenable to giving details,especially when they are either very pleased or very displeased with a job.” -- R.E. in New York

Send your tips to: Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. (c) 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.


2020 Chevy Silverado 4x4, 35k

2020 Chevy Silverado 4x4, 5.3 V-8, 58k 2022 Chevy Silverado 4x4, 40k

2020 Ford F-150 4x4, King Ranch

2022 Ford F-150 4x4, 34k

FORSALE: 1950John DeereTractor-ModelB.TricycleStyle.Newtiresfront& rear,newcarburetor,runs good.$2250.00 607-583-2060

FORSALE: 2022F250,28k miles,newtires.Manybells andwhistles!Mustseeto appreciate.$45,000/obo. Call607-527-8509

SIGNS IT’S TIME TO REPLACE YOUR TIRES Bulges, gouges or cracks: Geico® notes that a deflated tire bulges at the sides, and that can compromise the safety of everyone in the vehicle. AutoZone® says bulges occur when air gets between the inner liner and outer rubber layers, which can happen after hitting a curb or driving over a sizable pothole. A gouge or cut that is deeper than the outer layer of the tire also necessitates replacement.


2022 GMC Canyon crew cab, 4x4, 34k 2022 Nissan Frontier crew cab, 4x4, 40k


Chevy Silverado 4x4, 5.3, 1 owner, PA truck, 75k

Hyundai Santa Cruz AWD, 101k

Appalachia - Those in the central Appalachian mountains have a cuisine all their own that spans several different states.As farms are prevalent in these areas, farm-fresh foods that are homegrown are quite common.Chicken and dumplings,chili beans,cobblers,biscuits and gravy,and wild game all are part of Appalachian cooking.


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