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By Sam Marzotta
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I recently adopted a year-old puppy. “Max” is a friendly, well-socialized dog, and during the trial stay a monthago,my10-year-oldcat,“Nora,”seemed to tolerate him. Well, on the second day that Max was home, he started barking excitedly. Nora sprang up and attacked him, cornering Max on the sofa. She batted him around the snout several times. Now, Max slinks out of the room anytime that Nora appears. How can I make peace between them? -- Gerry G., Manchester, New Hampshire
DEAR PAUL & DIANE: I’m sorry to hear that! Introducing a new pet into an established household can be stressful for both pets and sometimes unpredictable. And any negative interactions that occur -- from hissing and barking to an all-out boxing match -- can make future harmony nearly impossible to achieve. One or both pets may begin to exhibit behavioral issues like aggression, soiling in the house, chewing and scratching, and more. For the foreseeable future, you’ll need to manage and monitor all interactions between Max and Nora. As soon as they begin to react negatively, they need to be separated. Reintroduce the two gradually. I recommend taking Max for a nice, long walk before each meeting so that some of his puppy energy is worked off beforehand. Work intensively with Max on basic commands like sit, stay, lie down and come here. When Max is in the room with Nora, have him sit or lie down close to you -- they don’t have to meet face to face. Limit interaction time to five minutes or less at first, then gradually increase the time.
How do you keep peace between pets in your house? Tell me about it at ask@pawscorner.com. Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
Town Of Wayne is looking for volunteers who would be interested in participating on the Planning, Ethics and Zoning Boards. Volunteers must be Town of Wayne residents.
All interested parties should contact Town Clerk, Angie Serphillips via email or at the town Hall.
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BATH, NY: Cherokee
“Cheri” Rose Guerin passed away on Saturday, December 7th, 2024. Born in Urbana, New York on January 27th, 1988. Forever 36.
Anyone who knew her, knew she had more love in her heart than she knew what to do with. She loved her animals and family more than anything. She had a burning passion for music, art and all things nature related. An eccentric soul, never afraid to be who she was. She was truly one of a kind, and oh so deeply loved by us all.
Cherokee is preceded in death by her loving grandfather, Charles H. Guerin. She is survived by her mother, Holly Guerin; her sister, Azraelle Guerin, her fiancé, Thomas Skinkle; her grandmother, Darlene Guerin; her uncles, Norton Prescott, David Guerin and Daniel Guerin; her aunts, Pearl Longwell, Molly Guerin and April Guerin-Frazier; and several cousins. Deeply loved by each and every one of us.
Child and animal advocacy are two causes that have always been very near and dear to her heart. Please consider donating to the Finger Lakes SPCA or the New York State Children’s Alliance in her memory. A private service will be held at a later date.
HOWARD, NY: Mary J. Gardner, age 82, passed away unexpectedly Tuesday, December 10, 2024 at her home after falling ill.
Mary was born February 2, 1942 in Westfield, Pa. to the late Clair and Anna (Hryczyk) Brown. On August 30, 1961 in Painted Post, New York she married Robert D. Gardner who survives.
Perhaps you sent us flowers or made us a meal
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OCTOBER 17, 1940 - OCTOBER 3, 2024 Jim, Dorene, Scott, Denise, Stephanie
SAVONA, NY: Shirley Lynn Travis Davis, age 57, of Savona, New York, passed away peacefully November 9, 2024 after a long hard- fought battle with cancer.
Shirley was born on February 23, 1967 in Urbana, New York, the daughter of Shirley Sprague Travis and Delbert Travis.
Shirley graduated from Savona Central School in 1985 then attended Central City Business Institute in Syracuse, New York.
Shirley married Michael Davis July 16, 1988 at the Savona Federated Church with Charles Robards officiating. Shirley and Michael’s love story started as a blind date on December 5, 1984. Their thirty-six years of marriage flourished with daughter, Felicia Marie Seaman born in 1985 and their son, Shane Michael Davis born in 1993.
Shirley worked for Steuben County Public Health as a senior clerk for 35 years before retiring in 2022. Shirley was an avid NASCAR fan who especially loved Team Hendrick drivers. She loved riding on the Harley with Michael and especially enjoyed riding with the Red Knights. She enjoyed many weekends doing charity bike rides and camping. Shirley loved to visit special places in North Carolina. Her favorites were the NASCAR Hall of Fame, the Blue Ridge Parkway, Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the quaint town of Cherokee, NC.
Our favorite memories of Shirley are her sense of humor, her big heart and her love of cooking and baking. Shirley loved to share her passion in the kitchen with others. She especially loved baking and decorating holiday cookies with her grandkids. Remaining to cherish Shirley’s memory are her husband, Michael; her children, Felicia (Tyler) and Shane (Jessica); her grandchildren, Bryon, Greyson, Kinsley and their mother, Cassie and Christian, Noah, Shane Jr. and their mother, Jessica; her father-in-law, Glen (Linda) Davis and many special nieces and nephews.
Shirley was predeceased by her parents, Shirley and Delbert Travis; her mother-in-law, Connie Gleason and her husband, Dorman Gleason.
A Celebration of Life for Shirley will be held on Sunday February 23, 2025 from 2:00PM to 6:00PM at the Bath Fire Department. There will be a prayer Memorial at 2:30PM presided by Nate Cooper. Memorial donations in Shirley’s name can be made to the Red Knights #42 to support the Wounded Warrier Project. Donations can be mailed to 50 East Morris Street Bath, NY 14810.
To leave your own personal remembrance or condolence you may visit the Facebook page of Bond-Davis Funeral Home of Bath.
Bond-Davis Funeral Home Of Bath, Inc. 107 East Steuben Street, Bath, New York
Mary was a devoted wife, mother and grandmother who thoroughly enjoyed the company of her family. A homemaker by day but so much more than just that. She was one of a kind, raising four kids of her own and helping care for ten grandkids and later even many great grandkids. Kids were her pride and joy- a nurturing heart is what she had.
She radiated light into a room just by being in it, a confidant-always an ear to listen. Whether she thought you were right or wrong she listened and never passed judgement. She was a giver which meant she would give and give even if she had nothing left to give and never expect anything in return. If you didn’t believe in superstitions, she’d be sure to make a believer out of you. I’m pretty sure she knew every last one and made sure she passed them on to all her family.
Boy did she love the simple things in life- a night in doing her word searches, sitting close to the window to see the feed she left for her hummingbirds be consumed or a weekend away enjoying the bright lights and sounds at the casino hopefully bringing home more money than she left with but that wasn’t always the case but enjoyed herself nonetheless. above all, her favorite thing to do was enjoy spending time with family. She loved her children, her grandchildren and great grandchildren- there’s nothing in life that brought her more joy.
A woman with the biggest heart, the purest soul, and the most beautiful person inside and out. To have known her is the biggest blessing, to have loved her and be loved by her was life’s greatest treasure. In addition to her husband, she is survived by her four children, Kimberly (Barb) Gotshall of Avoca, Melissa Gardner of Wayland, Bradley (Kim) Gardner of Hornell and Melanie Gutierrez of Howard; many grandchildren which include: Jessica (LeAnn) Gotshall, Josh (Jessica) Gotshall, Tyler (Alexandra) Gardner, Robert Gardner, Anthoni Gardner, Brandon (Laura) Gardner, Letitia (Andy) Turner, Miranda (Nick) Sikes, Rhiannon Murphy, Shannon (John) Billings, Olivia Gardner, and Wyatt Gardner; several great grandchildren which include: Hailey, Evan, Noah, Lilian, Lillyanna, Ainsley, Brooke, Ashton, Peyton, Kaya, Lillian and Everett along with many nieces and nephews.
She is also survived by a sister, Kathy (Claire) Carson of Pine City and a brother, Charles Brown of Germania, Pennsylvania.
Per Mary’s wishes there will be no calling hours or service.
Arrangements are in care of the H.P. Smith & Son, Inc. Funeral Home in Canisteo.
A full and complete obituary can be read online along with shared condolences and memories at hpsmithandsonfuneralhome.com.
H.P. Smith & Son, Inc. Funeral Home
29 E Main Street, Canisteo, NY 14823
COMPANY: 46yearsexperience,references,freeestimates&winterrates. 607-389-2372
BATH, NY: John Richard Donnelly of Bath, New York, died Friday, December 6, 2024, after a cardiac event. He was 89 years old.
Donnelly was born August 26, 1935, to Robert and Gertrude Donnelly of Bishopville, New York. He and his older brother, Robert, spent their early lives on the family farm.
Donnelly graduated from Arkport Central School and the New York State Ranger School, and served in the U.S. Army. He later worked as a civil engineer for the New York Department of Transportation. He married Lydia Kramer in 1963. The couple settled in Canisteo, where they raised three children.
Donnelly was a member of Hammondsport Methodist Church and Morning Star Lodge No. 65. He was a generous and loving father and a friend to all. Donnelly is survived by his wife, Lydia; and his children, Richard Donnelly and his wife, Dorothy Donnelly, of Daleville, Virginia; Janet Donnelly and her husband, James Meacham, of Eugene, Oregon; and Joanne Fish and her husband, Dan Fish, of Sherman, New York. He is also survived by four grandchildren, Benjamin Donnelly, Jack Christie, Alexis Eller and Rowan Christie. He was preceded in death by his parents and brother.
Arrangements are by Smith & Son Funeral Home in Canisteo, New York
H.P. Smith & Son, Inc. Funeral Home
29 E Main Street, Canisteo, NY 14823
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BATH, NY: Carrie Jayne (Sprague) Olds was born on June 1st, 1973 in Pensacola, Florida to Pete and Katherine (Honeyman) Sprague. Carrie graduated from Haverling Central School in 1991 and currently lived in Illinois. Carrie passed away unexpectedly of natural causes on December 1st, 2024, at 51.
Carrie is pre- deceased by her maternal grandparents, Kenneth and Jayne Honeyman; paternal grandmother, Florence Early; and cousin, Elizabeth (Rob) Banzer.
Carrie is survived by her parents, Katherine and Michael Olds; birth father, Pete Sprague; brother, Geoffrey Sprague; sister, Jennifer (Daniel) Lynk; nieces, Alexandria and Triesta Sprague, and Katy, Lauren, and Ella Lynk; nephews, Corey Sprague and Jaxon Lynk; great nephews, Sebastian Keefer and Greyson Pullano; great niece, Charlotte Pullano; step sisters Carrie (Rick) Pratt and family and Jennifer (Jason) Carello and family. She is also survived by many aunts, uncles and cousins.
The family would also like to send our deepest gratitude to her great friend, Christin Haws and her father, Michael Haws.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Carrie’s name to an Animal Shelter or Library of choice.
A Celebration of life will be held later in the Spring.
31 W Morris Street, Bath, New York
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BATH, NY: Rebecca “Rosie” Madigan, age 49, passed away peacefully at home on December 5, 2024. She was born March 11, 1975, in Bath, New York.
Becky was a profoundly loving soul, and her passing is felt deeply by many.
She was a hard-working, tender-hearted, bright light who warmed countless lives. Becky grew up an avid young athlete, and in her later years, she enjoyed making crafts for others while excelling as a passionate student of nursing. She was able to spend her last days engaged in what she loved most-spending heartfelt time with her children and family, and especially, her cherished grandchildren.
Becky is survived by her mother, Nancy Stratton; sister Johanna Vasseur; children, Samantha (James) Langs, Austin (Autumn) Vasseur, David Madigan, and Jonathan (Leanne) Madigan; and grandchildren, Dawson, Daxton, Kai, Paislee and soon-to-be baby Vasseur.
A private service will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers, please send donations to the local Toysfor Tots.
To leave your own personal remembrance or condolence you may visit the Facebook page of Bond-Davis Funeral Home of Bath.
Bond-Davis Funeral Home 107 East Steuben Street, Bath, New York
Town of Urbana/Village of Hammondsport Residents,
We are excited to introduce a new feature named TextMyGov, which enables the Town to distribute alerts and messages to all residents. Notifications may include upcoming board meetings, special meetings, road closures and other Town information. A test message will be sent to the contact numbers we have on file on December 20th, providing an opportunity to opt out if desired. Should you not receive the message, you can opt in by texting Urbana to 91896. Our goal is to ensure that important information is effectively communicated to the community.
You can read about TextMyGov's Opt-In Terms & Conditions at https://textmygov.com/opt-in-termsconditions/. You can also find out more information by visiting https://textmygov.com/.
Deanna Tompkins, Town Clerk Town of Urbana
Education consists mainly in what we have unlearned.
~Mark Twain
SEASONEDASHFIREWOOD: $60perfacecord. PennYanarea, 315-536-7102
FORSALE: Hayandstraw, smallsquarebales$5.75per bale.Crackedcorn,56lb. bag$11.00.Shelledcorn,56 lb.bag$10.00.Blackoilsunflowerseeds,40lb.bag $22.00.Alsobaleageforsale. Pickupatfarmintan/green building.Walk-MoorFarms LLC,10459StateRte371, Cohocton,NY. 607-738-1180.
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. LITERATURE: Which Victor Hugo novel was made into an animated Disney movie?
2. MUSIC: In the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” what was the gift on the eighth day?
3. GEOGRAPHY: Where is the Kalahari Desert located?
4. HISTORY: Who was the first African-American justice on the U.S. Supreme Court?
5. BIOLOGY: What is the process called in which a nonreproductive cell divides in two?
6. MOVIES: In the movie “Elf,” what is the name of Santa’s sleigh?
7. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is the largest mammal on Earth?
8. U.S. STATES: Where did the first organized celebration of Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) take place in the U.S.?
9. ASTRONOMY: Which planet is the smallest in our solar system?
10. TELEVISION: Which 1980s-1990s TV family sitcom had a holiday episode titled “A Very Tanner Christmas”?
Booker T. Washington
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Wonderful ranch home on 5.35 acres. Three bedrooms, two full baths, two car attached garage with bonus room above the garage. Minutes to Watkins Glen or Corning. MOTIVATED SELLER!!
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Playing dreidel: There are various stories about the origins of the dreidel, but historians say the first mention in Jewish writings did not occur until the 18th century. The four sides of the dreidel are marked with different letters, which in German are G “ganz” (all), H “halb” (half), N “nischt” (nothing) and S “schict” (put). This dictates whether the player who spun the dreidel gets all, half or nothing in the collective coin pot, or has to put in his own. Yiddish is quite similar to German, and the letters on the dreidel also correspond to the first letters of the Yiddish phrase “nes gadol haya sham,” which translates to “a great miracle happened here,” a reference to the Chanukah miracle.
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By Keith Roach, M.D.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I was diagnosed with several liver cysts over 15 years ago. My primary doctor and I followed the growth of the cysts by ultrasound, and one is increasing in size.We did an MRI with and without contrast to take a look at the cyst.The radiologist stated that the cyst looked “complex” and,for a lack of a better word, unusual.
A liver specialist’s consult revealed that we could remove it if I wanted to. The doctor stated that he just had a patient who had a cyst, and it was cancerous.He felt that it may be best to remove it, but it’s not urgent to do so. I would appreciate your take on this situation. -- L.S.
ANSWER: Simple liver cysts are common, and even when they are large,they do not need to be removed unless they cause symptoms. However, any other cyst than a simple one needstobecarefullyevaluated.Therearemany possible causes, including various types of cancer, especially a mucinous cystic neoplasm, which can be associated with invasive cancer. I looked at both the ultrasound and MRI reports you sent, and although it seemed to me that the radiologists thought this was likely a simple cyst with some bleeding, they could not be sure. Furthermore, the growth in the size of the cyst is concerning.
In some cases, it’s reasonable to wait and redo the scans in 6-12 months when the risk of a cancerous cyst is low. However, since the liver specialist (who has much more experience than I do) is concerned enough to recommend surgery, I don’t understand why you would want to wait. I suspect the surgery will prove that it was a benign cyst, but you’ll probably sleep better at night once you know for certain. The surgery is normally done laparascopically, and although it’s usually a very safe and effective surgery, there is always a small risk for complications. You should speak with a surgeon.
DEAR DR. ROACH: Do you have any comments on the use of metformin for weight loss and prediabetes? I am a 57-year-old woman. -- B.S.
ANSWER: That’s one question I can answer based on very good data. The National Diabetes Prevention Program looked at this very issue. Subjects in the study (who averaged 51 years of age and were overweight with prediabetes) were treated with metformin, an intensive lifestyle-behavioral-change program that aimed for a low-fat diet and 150 minutes of exercise per week, or a placebo. The diet and exercise group had the best response, decreasing the rate of new diabetes by 58% compared to the placebo group. However, the metformin group also had a benefit,with a 31% decreaseintherateof newdiabetesdiagnoses. Personally, I recommend both. Metformin does help a bit with weight loss, but taking it along with some diet changes and exercise would likely have a much better response than metformin alone. We don’t recommend a lowfat diet anymore, instead emphasizing whole fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and very few processed foods. A registered dietician would be a valuable partner in helping with the diet of your regimen. You don’t need to exercise for the whole 150 minutes, but it’s a goal you can work toward. New studies show that drugs like semaglutide are even more effective at preventing diabetes, but they are very expensive and often not covered by insurance.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. © 2024
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COALFORSALE: Wesell Blaschakbaggedcoalchestnutandrice.$425.00 pertonor$9.00perbag. 6299FritzHillRd,BathNY.
REDWINGSHOES: LaCrosse,IrishSetter&other brands.Boots,leatherbelts, dogcollars&leashes,horse supplies,harness&tack. HILL&VALLEYHARNESS& SHOE.3215FiveCorners Road.Jasper,NY14885
By JoAnn Derson
* To stretch your laundry budget, cut fabric so ener sheets in half. ey work just as well. Also, save them a er they come out of the dryer. ey make excellent dusters in the home.
* Love Sudoku? M.K. of Montana suggests that you might love it even more if you color code your grid. Each number 1-9 is assigned a color, and you solve the puzzle as normal, except you color in the box to denote your answer. When it’s all finished, she says, “It looks like a colorful quilt.”
* If the vegetables you are cooking give off an unpleasant smell, grab a small saucepan and simmer a bit of plain vinegar while cooking. It will negate the smell, and leave your house smelling pleasantly like mealtime a erward.
* “Cornstarch is great for itchy, rashy skin. is is true for babies’ bottoms and for doggy bellies, which is what I use it for. My pup is allergic to grass but loves to romp. Sometimes his belly gets red, and I clean it with a mild soap and water, then give him a cornstarch rub. It sure helps.” -- T.W. in Ohio
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Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer worldwide. In the United States, one in five people will develop skin cancer by the age of 70, and more than two people die of skin cancer in the U.S. every hour, says the Skin Cancer Foundation. Roughly 90 percent of non-melanoma skin cancers are associated with exposure to UV radiation from the sun. Melanoma also is inextricably linked to UV exposure. In the United Kingdom, nearly nine in 10 cases of melanoma can be prevented by staying safe in the sun. The American Cancer Society estimates about 100,000 new melanomas will be diagnosed in 2024, when roughly 8,290 people are expected to die of melanoma. The number of people getting skin cancer in Canada also has risen at a fairly constant rate over the last 30 years. One in 73 Canadian women and one in 59 Canadian men will develop the disease, according to Canada.ca. Early detection of skin cancer can improve prognosis.
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Thank you, farmers!
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Exiting thru handicap parking
GrasshopperZeroturnfront endmower.Alsocomeswith 52Inchmowerattachment. Currentlyhassnowblower attachmenton.18HPBriggs. $2500/OBO315-536-3941
In the world of supermarkets and deliveries, I just want to say thank you to the farmers and farmettes who share of their abundance with their neighbors. Farm stands are a cool great way to buy produce and eggs (even meat sometimes, depending on the farmer) directly from the people who grow it or tend to it. I’ll miss my local farm market for the winter, but I hope you all enjoy a restful respite with your families and friends. I’m sure the season is long and grueling. Please know your neighbors greatly appreciate your hard work!
Young people thank you I want to thank the young people that are working in the stores where we shop. If you’re not aware, there is a shortage of young workers. I do not take my change from the cashiers but leave it in the hope that they will receive it as a small thank you for their willing to work rather than stay home or on the phone. I would much rather donate to someone I know is helping me and moving forward in life than having the money go to some six figure income executive in a so-called “charitable” organization.
I would like drivers to know that "cutting thru" the yellow hash markings in the handicap parking areas is illegal. Not that anyone worries about tickets anymore, but what about taking someone's car door off, or worse hitting someone in one of the store’s electric shopping carts. Please use the designated exiting lanes. You've come too close to hitting me or my car door too many times.
Signs for Roundabouts
I wish NYS would put signs up at all entrances going into a roundabouts stating that you need to signal your intent when you go into one. I have seen several close calls because people don't signal their intent. It is the law.
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SnowDogg MD75stainlesssteel snowploww/mount, handheldcontroller, headlights,deflector, shoeassemblies,blade guides,extrafluid. $900,BathN.Y. 607-776-6549,leavea msg.
FORSALE: STATION WAGON-2015DODGE MAGNUM,81kmiles,hemi engine,verygoodcondition/ norust.Call585-314-4098
1994HONDAGOLD WING: Trikerecentlycompletelyserviced,excellent condition!59,382gentle miles.Originalownersmanual,newbrakesandtires, AM/FMradio,cruise control..everything!Pictures onFacebookMarketplace, search14820.$12,000 OBO.Dosomeresearchthen call607-776-7812,leave message.Seriousinquiries only!