2: $44,760 Family of 3: $55,296

2: $44,760 Family of 3: $55,296
DEAR DR. ROACH: My mother and both of her sisters had breast cancer in their 30s, with my mother eventually passing after her third bout at age 43. They all grew up in the same house that I grew up in. I’m now a 34-year-old father of three small children. I don’t want to die early because I need to be around for them, but the generalized advice I’m seeing is that I don’t need a cancer screening until my 40s. Am I overly sensitive, or am I missing something that I should potentially screen for? -- M.M.
ANSWER: With your mother and two aunts having breast cancer at such a young age, I would be concerned about an inheritable cancer gene such as BRCA1 and BRCA2. This gene may not have been identifiable at the time they had their cancers, as the first test became available in 1996. It is worth a discussion with a genetic counselor to consider testing for you. Men with the BRCA1/2 genetic mutations are at risk to develop breast cancer themselves and are recommended to do monthly breast self-examinations starting at age 35, with a clinician exam yearly. A PSA test is also recommended for men who are positive for BRCA2 (and maybe for men with BRCA1), as men with these mutations are more at risk for prostate cancer at a younger age than average-risk men. Although BRCA increases the risk of colon cancer, all men should get colorectal cancer screenings at age 45, regardless of BRCA status. Those with a strong family history of colon cancer should speak with an expert about the right time to begin screening. I honor you for considering your family and expect you are doing as much as you can with your lifestyle to keep yourself healthy. A diet including plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, with little to no processed meat, has been shown to reduce cancer risk as well as heart disease risk, which is still the major cause of death in industrial societies.
The most likely causes of death in men your age include motor vehicle accidents and suicide. These are not completely preventable, but driving safely, not texting while driving, never driving while intoxicated and seeking help with symptoms of depression go a long way at reducing your immediate risk so that you can continue to be there for your children.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
2023 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
Antibacterial products: Antibacterial soaps, lotions and wipes may contain triclosan, triclocarban and at least 17 additional ingredients that are linked to various negative health effects. In September 2016, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned the use of these antibacterial agents. These chemicals can disrupt hormone cycles and cause muscle weakness.
“There’s no data demonstrating that over-the-counter antibacterial soaps are better at preventing illness than washing with plain soap and water,” the FDA said in a press release issued shortly after the rule was announced.
My name is Alice Bean. Let me tell you why I am the luckiest cat alive. After being dropped off in a very unfamiliar place by previous owners,
I was left to fend for myself. I strolled up to a house that gave me food, but they also reached out to help me find shelter. I ended up at a home that let’s just say, once you’re here you most likely don’t leave. I am perfectly content hanging out here with 2 cat sisters, cat brother and my humans.
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.
We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County
Legal Assistance Center
1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
This day was established as a way of reminding people to stay active.
A reason to explore the outdoors!
Every day is a good day to step out for a walk, but when it’s Take A Walk Outdoors Day, it adds to the excitement. Be it taking your doggo for an evening stroll, or planning a hike with friends, getting to be outdoors is always a fun idea!
If your going out on some trails it might be a good idea to look at the area’s topographic map you will be hiking to ensure you can safely complete your hike.
2004 marked the first globetrotter by foot.
START Sponsored By: 585-391-3099 • 34 S. Main St., Brock Thank you for your support...from your local pizzer
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Monday Special Large 16” One Topping Pizza $13.99 Tuesday Special Large One Topping Pizza and 10 Wings $29.99 Fish EveryFrysDay! WEDNESDAY NIGHT WING NIGHT! .98¢ wings (dine in) Come watch the playoff games and enjoy $4 Blue Light 22oz. on Sundays
Order online at theroosterpub.pizza Dine in, Take-out or Delivery by th st b.pi
ne n, akeOpen For Lunch Fri., Sat. & Sun.
Many families spend winter figuring out how to chase away cabin fever and endure frigid temperatures until spring and summer mercifully return. Parents thinking ahead to swimming pools and days lounging on the beach can put their daydreams to practical use by planning ahead for their youngsters’ summer vacations.
Youth recreational programs and summer camps can bridge the gap in care between the end of school and the day when classes resume. Due in part to high demand, parents who want to place their kids in summer rec programs or summer camps should being vetting such programs and camps well in advance of summer.
* In 1978, DC put out a “Superman vs. Muhammad Ali” comic book. While the plot deals with hostile aliens, the book’s main highlight is the whooping Superman gets in a sparring match with “The Greatest”!
* The first-ever fashion magazine was sold in Germany in 1586.
* A French general, the Marquis de Lafayette, gave John Quincy Adams a pet alligator. Our sixth president not only kept it in a White House bathtub, but enjoyed showing it off to visitors.
* There is a town in India called Santa Claus.
* Selfies now cause more deaths than shark attacks.
1680 Lake Road, Hamlin 585.964.2320 hamlinlibraryny.org Mondays/Wednesdays 10am6pm; Tuesdays/Thursdays 10am-8pm; Fridays 10am-4pm; Saturdays 10am-2pm
134 S. Main St., Albion 585.589.4246
Visit our website for hours. www.hoaglibrary.org
86 Public Square, Holley 585.638.6987 • holleylibrary.org
Hrs.: M & W: 10am-1pm & 4-8pm Tu, Th, & F: 10am-5pm Sat: 10am-2pm until June 22nd (Closed Sat for the Summer)
AllAgesStoryTimes:Tuesdaysand Thursdays,11:00amto11:30am
Bothsessionswillbeforallagesand willfeaturestories,songs,movement andrhymethatallthe childrencanenjoy.
SensoryPlayTime:Tuesdays, 11:30amto12:00pm
Variousmanipulativesandactivities willbemadeavailableforchildrento honetheirfinemotorskillsandexploretheirowncuriosityandcreativity.
JoinusandtheBuffaloAudubonfora specialprogramthatwillteachchildrenabouthibernation.Therewillbe storiesandgamesaswell!*Registrationrequired*
InStitches*:Friday,January27, 12:00pmto2:00pm
Wewillbelearningthehistorybehind textiletechniquesandmakinga projectrelatingtothehistory.Lorraine D’Angelowillbeteachinghand embroidery.Everyoneisaskedto bringawhitecottontowelandwe willprovidetheprovidetherest!! *Registrationrequired.
BabyStorytime&SensoryPlay: Tuesday,January24th,10:30am JoinMs.Zuzuforstories,songs, andsensoryplayTuesdaymornings attheParmaLibrary!Recommendedforages0-3.Noregistration.
ValentineVendor&CraftShows - HearttoHeartDayfromyour hearttoourssowecanhelpothers ValentineVendor&CraftShow. Saturday,February11,2023,10am to4pm.QualityInn&SuitesPalm IslandIndoorWaterpark,8250Park Rd.,Batavia.Justminutesoffof NYSThruwayanddowntheroad fromBataviaDownsCasino. Hostedby:FriendsandFamilies MuscularDisordersFoundationisa 501(c)3not-for-profitorganization dedicatedtoimprovingthequality oflifeandindependenceofchildrenandadultsdiagnosedwith neuromusculardisorders/diseases andover100otherdiseases.
HLOMJavawithJoeE.:Richard Beatty, “TheDarwinMartin House-FrankLloydWright’sBuffalo 1905Masterpiece”: Presentedby TheHollandLandOfficeMuseum. Thursday,January26th,9am. Admissionisfreeandcoffeeand donutswillbeserved.Pleasecontactthemuseumat585-343-4727 orhollandlandoffice@gmail.comif youwouldliketoattend.Richard Beatty,aseniordocentatthesite, willgiveapresentationonWright’s incredibledesign,hisclientDarwin D.Martin,andthelonghistoryof thecomplex.AbandonedandneglectedduringtheDepression, takenforbacktaxesin1946,and thenpartiallydemolishedin1960, thecomplexofbuildingsandlandscapehasbeencompletelyrestored.
161 East Ave., Brockport 585.637.1050 www.seymourlibraryweb.org Hrs.: M-Th: 10am-8pm, F: 10am-6pm Sat: 10am-3pm
The terms “hospice” and “palliative” are not interchangeable. Hospice care is a form of palliative care geared toward patients with terminal illnesses facing their final months or weeks of life. Palliative care, according to WebMD, aims to ease pain and provide help to people confronting a serious illness, even if it’s not necessarily life-threatening. Palliative care may include assistance for those with cancer, kidney disease, multiple sclerosis,or any number of conditions. Illnesses can make it difficult to live life fully, and palliative care is used in conjunction with other treatments to improve quality of life.
HealthyRelationships&Supporting ViolenceSurvivors-VIRTUAL:Tuesday,January24th,6:30-7:30pm PresentedbyWillowDomesticViolenceCenter.Participantswillgain abasicunderstandingofintimate partnerviolence,thespectrumof abusivebehaviorandhowtorespondwhenasurvivorcomesto them.PleaseregisterforZoomlink. Anynamesande-mailsareconfidential.
WednesdayStorytime:Wednesday, January25th,10:30am JoinMs.ZuzuonWednesday morningsforstoriesandsongs!All agesarewelcome.Noregistration. UnveilingtheMightyWurlitzer: Wednesday,January25th,2:003:00pm
Witnessthehistoryandsoundsof oneofRochester’sbestkeptsecrets!TheAuditoriumTheatreis hometoa94-year-old,world-class theatrepipeorgan.Presentedby theRochesterTheaterOrganSociety.Pleaseregister.
CrossroadsHouse25thAnniversaryRedCarpetGala- Tocelebrateour25thAnniversary,we’re rollingouttheRedCarpetforthe STARSofCrossroadsHouse!Buffet dinner,cashbar,entertainment,reverseraffle,silentandliveauctions...andmore!January28, 5pm,BataviaDownsGaming& Hotel,8315ParkRd.,Batavia.Info.: https://www.crossroadshouse.com
ZontaClubofBatavia-Genesee County LUCKYNUMBER LUNCHEON.31stANNUAL LUNCHEON-DIAMONDSand DENIM.Saturday,March18,2023 attheBataviaDowns-Batavia. Tickets$35(PreSaleOnly).Deadline March5th.ForTicketsContact:Lisa -LPaulKhan@gmail.comorCathy: cathu78@yahoo.com.Or“Venmo” 585-297-0682Zontabatavia2021. Doorsopenat10:30am,Lunchat Noon,AuctionStartsat1:30pm.All proceedsbenefitourScholarship andLocalServiceProjects.
DineOutFundraiser forthe DownSyndromeSupportGroup. HeldattheMissBataviaDineron Wednesday,February8,2023from 4:00pmto9:00pm.ShowYour Support!
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
ClarksonHistoricalSocietyAnnualHandwritingContest for studentsinfourthgradethrough highschool.Thecontestwillstart onJanuary23,thebirthdayofJohn Hancockwhosesignaturewasthe mostprominentontheDeclaration ofIndependence.Thosewishingto entershouldwritethefollowing sentencebyHelenHayes,intheir bestcursive:“Theexpertinanythingwasonceabeginner.”Entries judgedonlegibility,neatness,and clarityofletterformation.Entry forms:ClarksonTownHall,bulletin boardoftheHamlinTopsStore, andwebsite clarksonhistoricalsociety.org.AllentriesshouldbemailedtoClarkson HistoricalSociety,POBox600, Clarkson,NY14430,andmustbe postmarkedbyFebruary17th.Winnersnotifiedbyphone.
OpenSnowshoeRentals2023Snowshoesareavailabletorentat GeneseeCountyPark&Forest InterpretiveNatureCenterthrough themonthsofDecember,January, February,andMarch,weather permitting.Rentalsareavailableon afirstcome,firstservebasisand mustbeusedwithinthepark. Hours:10am-3pmonThursdays andFridays,12pm-3pmonSaturdaysandSundays.Rental:$5/pair; driver’slicensemustbeleftatNatureCenterwhilesnowshoesarein use.Snowshoesmustbereturned tothebuildingby3pm.Interpretive NatureCenterwillbeclosedon December25thandJanuary1st. SnowshoesprovidedbyACORNSAssociationforConservationof Recreational&NaturalSpaces.
Expect setbacks. If realizing resolutions was easy, the success rate would be greater than 8 percent. Setbacks are inevitable, so don’t allow them to derail your efforts. Even if setbacks occur when you’re well on your way to success, regroup and get back on track without getting down on yourself.
GoodbyeWinter-HelloSpring: “We’veOnlyJustBegun”Sr.Luncheonswillnotbetakingplacein January,FebruaryorMarch,2023. Wewillresumeourluncheonsin theSpringonApril18,2023at 11:30amattheSouthAlabama Firehall.WishingyouallaSafe/ HealthyWinterandaHappyNew Year!HopetoseeyouallonApril 18,2023!
HearingLossAssociationof AmericaRochesterchapter: Hear Together--Speech-languagepathologistKristinBergholtzconducts avirtualsupportgroupforparents andcaregiversofDeaf/hardof hearingchildren.Itconnectsand advisesadvocatesofthese youngsters.VIRTUALregisterat kristinbslp@gmail.com.Repeatseverymonthonthe4thTuesday, 8pm-9pm.Website:http://www. hearinglossrochester.org
* Caffeine, which is found in tea leaves, guarana berries, kola nuts and, of course, coffee beans, acts as a natural pesticide. It overloads the nervous systems of insects that try to eat the plants containing it, paralyzing and even killing them before they can do too much damage.
HearingLossAssociationof AmericaRochesterchapter: Together-Speech-languagepathologistKristinBergholtzconducts avirtualsupportgroupforparents andcaregiversofDear/hardof hearingchildren.Itconnectsand advisesadvocatesofthose youngsters.Heldthe4thTuesday ofeverymonth,8pm-9pmuntil June22,2023.VIRTUAL-register atkristinbslp@gmail.com
RochesterModelRailroadClub OpenHouse- February5,1-5pm andMarch4,10-5pmattheFirst UniversalistChurch,150South Ave.,Rochester.Large(40x60foot HOtrainlayoutdepictingtheLehighValleyrailroadofthe1950’s fromBuffalothruPennsylvaniato JerseyCity.Oneofthehighlightsof thelayoutistheLehighValley Gorge.Therewillbeacontinuous paradeoftrains.ThomastheTank enginesandcarswillmakeaspecial appearance.Theeventisnot handicappedaccessibleasthelayoutisinthebasementoftheFirst UniversalistChurch.Masksareoptional.$5Kidsunder12free.http:/ /www.rocMRRC.com
If the October days were a cordial like the sub-acids of fruit, these are a tonic like the wine of iron. Drink deep or be careful how you taste this December vintage. The firstsipmaychill,butafulldraught warms and invigorates. ~ John Burroughs, “Winter Sunshine”
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I am wondering how I can get an emotional support animal. I noticed a woman in the local pharmacy today whose dog wore a harness with “ESA” printed on it. Is there an organization that supplies these animals to people who need them? -- Curious in Daytona Beach
DEAR CURIOUS: You’ll nd many websites o ering ESA certi cations or advice on getting an ESA prescription from your doctor. But there is no single organization for ESAs, and there is not one group I know of that supplies them on request (certainly, none that I would recommend).
At this time, the way to “get” an emotional support animal is to adopt or purchase a pet. You are solely responsible for the care and training of this animal -- dog, cat, rabbit or bird. It’s part of your family. From there, you can designate your pet as an ESA by doing the following:
Ask your doctor or mental health professional for a letter stating that the presence of your pet is needed for your emotional health.
at’s it. at’s all that is needed to designate a pet as an ESA.
Now, keep in mind that an emotional support animal does not qualify for the same considerations as a service animal. While many stores allow ESAs on the premises (leashed and well-behaved), other businesses do not. Airlines will not accommodate them, for example.
e advantage of an ESA designation/prescription is in housing. Properties must waive pet restrictions and fees for owners of emotional support animals, under the Fair Housing Act.
e American Kennel Club has a more detailed article explaining the di erence between ESAs and service animals here: www.akc. org/expert-advice/news/everything-about-emotional-support-animals.
(c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.
Four VINTAGE DAMASK TABLECLOTHS, 84” to 108” long. Fair to excellent condition. Pick up: 585-245-4966
Packages of Fit Right large ADULT DIAPERS. Unisex. 20 per package. Text or call: 585-356-3200
Three SNOW TIRES, 205-50/R17 on Wheels 5 x 114.3 bolt pattern. 80% tread remaining: rbacon2@gmail.com
EXERCISE BIKE. You pick up and move, Rushville: 585-554-7113 (no texting)
Bag of GREETING CARDS for crafts. Fairport: 585-388-0318
NEW MINI BLIND, light gray, 23” W x 72” L. Pick up Batavia, text only: 845-3099373
CPAP MACHINES. RedMed Elite II and ResMed AirSense 10. Batavia pick up or acceptable place to drop: Tomacana@aol.com
4-drawer FILING CABINET. Penfield. phabes529@gmail.com or 585-953-0163 (leave a message)
Full size CRAFTMATIC BED. Newer mattress with stain. You remove: 585-259-2703
78” L SLEEPER SOFA, brown/blue/beige floral and two solid brown 36” W/STUFFED CHAIRS: 585-223-4997
Two 1980 ETHAN ALLEN WING BACK CHAIRS. Sturdy, good condition, slightly stained. Pick up, Conesus: 585-346-7022
CONVEEN LEG URINE BAGS. Four boxes brand new. Pick up only: 585-746-2006 or Karin7266@gmail.com
Working INCLINE TREADMILL: 585-519-7894
2006 TOYOTA COROLLA NEW CAR SALES BROCHURE. New condition. Will mail to you. Email: jclare01@rochester.rr.com
DOWNED TREES. You cut and haul away, Hopewell: 585-471-4447
WOOD from a recently fallen tree. You cut and haul from the back yard. Not pine: rmadier1@rochester.rr.com
White ADULT DESK. Henrietta. Call in the afternoon: 585-334-6388
1972 WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA, A-Z full set, 22 volumes: 585-205-8481
MOVING BOXES, 20”x20” and 15”x11”: 828-273-7855
MELATONIN, 2 bottles. One full & the other half full: stellaswirlery@yahoo.com
NORFOLK ISLAND PINE, 5.5’ H x 4.5’ W. An indoor tree. Pick up, Clifton Springs: koko92505@yahoo.com
Round ANTIQUE TABLE. Heavy. Pick up, Phelps: 315-548-3872
AMPICO PLAYER PIANO. You move: 585-323-1762 (leave message)
KITCHEN SINK, 30.5” W: Text 585-406-1967
ALUMINUM RAMPS and PLATFORMS for Boy Scout Pack 39. Toy Train Box car construction project: 585-233-6143
TONGUE and GROOVE PINE for refurbishing interior of train car for Scout Pack 39. Toy train project: 585-233-6143
DIRECTORIES – Rochester and Suburban from 1900s to present for handicap senior project: 585-500-2588
DOUBLE or TWO SINGLE BEDS for husband who has cancer: 585-201-3161
MICROWAVE for senior apartments. 585-226-9221
VINTAGE SPORTS CARDS, 1980s TOYS/GAMES and VINTAGE BOOKS! God Bless and Happy New Year: 585-729-1259
REGULATION-SIZED FOOTBALL, used, but in good condition: 585-599-3490
KITCHEN TABLE and CHAIRS, LIVING ROOM FURNITURE. For Family Promise of Ontario County: 585-820-0211
FLAT SCREEN TV, over 40”, for Elks Lodge information screen. For Charitable Fundraising. Non-Smart TV is fine: tmcnelly2058@gmail.com
COMIC BOOKS & SPORT/COLLECTIBLE CARDS. Avid collector will pick up what you don’t want. Call or text: 585-260-0437 God Bless/Thanks
Single or full-size MATTRESS and FRAME, gently used: nharrison95@gmail.com
VINTAGE HAM RADIO EQUIPMENT/ACCESSORIES for Scout Ham Radio Merit Badge. Text 585-794-0448 or mintshape@netacc.net
SPORTS CARDS, old HESS TRUCKS, and SPORTS MEMORABILIA! Can pick up: 607-590-5563
Senior Navy Veteran needs any running VEHICLE that has passed inspection for himself and animal rescue: 585-531-4004
New or gently used PACK ‘N’ PLAY. Please text 585-261-6140. Thank you!
Looking for PICTURE FRAMES. 11”x14” frames preferred but will look at other sizes. Any pictures mates welcome as well: dkolb2121@gmail.com
DIRT BIKES, ATVs, GO-KARTS. Ok if they need work for father/son project. Thanks! 315-576-1278
WEBER GRILLS, in any condition. Will come pick up and get out of your way. Thank you! 315-576-1278
BAND SAW. With fence. Tabletop and other: 585-356-2063
VINTAGE 1800s ITEMS, PICTURES or other wanted for Boy Scout American Heritage Merit Badge. 501C compliant: Text or call 585-794-0448, mintshape@netacc.net
MICROWAVE w/TURNTABLE. At least 1000w. In or around the Dansville area. Thank you: 518-328-2368
Large BIRDCAGE ON STAND for two cockatiels: 585-281-7129
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
This week’s puzzle answer is elsewhere in this paper. The Crossword Puzzle is provided by Tribune Media Services. Any questions or comments should be made to 1-800-346-8798.
e studies are clear: Owning a pet is good for us.
For those of us who stay home much of the time, having a pet can be a boon to our physical and mental health. Play with a cat, you get laughter and stress relief. Walk a dog, you get exercise. (And don’t forget the social aspect when you meet up with other dog owners along the way.) Blood sugar levels even out and blood pressure goes down, per the studies.
On the other hand, those studies were written before the pandemic. Now we nd that too many pet owners are having to relinquish their pets ... and those who would consider pet adoption are hesitant.
No matter how much we’d like to own a pet, there can be concerns that we need to consider before we adopt, and the big one is pet food.
In many areas, there have been di culties keeping our pets fed. Ask neighbors who have pets if they’ve had trouble getting pet food over the past two years. Sometimes the manufacturers haven’t kept up due to supply chain problems.
But there are options that might ease your worry. Learn about ordering pet food online and having it delivered to your door. It’s also possible that your local food bank keeps a supply of pet food on hand. Meals on Wheels o en delivers pet food. e animal shelter itself is sure to have a pet food bank. I searched for “free pet food pantries” near me and found dozens -- even a library and a church!
Take a look at Pets for the Elderly (petsfortheelderly.org), especially the stories about seniors who’ve adopted pets. ey work with 54 shelters in 32 states to help pet adopters over age 60.
If you still aren’t sure, consider becoming a foster parent to one or more pets. You’ll be able to try it out and see how the situation feels.
(c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.
The Memorial Day Detachment #468, Marine Corps League would like to thank everyone who donated toys or money to the 2022 Toys for Tots campaign. Your generous donations allowed us to provide over 2,100 children over 6,400 toys through our participating agencies. Many children who would otherwise not have received a new toy for Christmas were able to have a Merry Christmas because of our partnerships with the participating agencies who worked with us to make sure that as many children as possible were given the opportunity to open presents containing new toys on Christmas morning. Every child deserves a little Christmas and your generosity allowed those children to have a merry one. Thank you.
Awesome Hats off to Karen Uhl, owner of Wadsworth Grill. She is always helping people out, giving her heart and soul to friends and the community. Thanks, Karen!
I gotta give a shout out to my local garbage plate spot! I get a garbage plate every day for lunch and the owner, Bill, of course knows I always get two white hots and a double burger plate. They ran out of burgers the other day and my stomach sunk with disappointment. But Bill said he'd heard this new idea; why not add fish sticks to the plate? They had plenty of fish sticks left and two of them with my white hots, meat sauce, baked beans, mac salad, and home fries did the trick. A great new meal idea and Bill is a top businessman!
PSA, if you’re finding yourself irate, road ragey or angry regularly on the road by inconvenient drivers or events, please seek some help for your stress management and some tools to get you to cope with life’s inconveniences and stresses. I started this rant with the intention to shame road ragers, but that really isn’t helpful for anyone. I just hope one person realizes it doesn’t have to be this way. I know it’s a sign of needing help and needing help is okay; admitting you need help and seeking help is truly courageous. Keeping calm while driving can keep yourself and others safe. On the road to work, and on the road of life, learning to find peace within ourselves and resilience while under stress is a gift we all deserve to give ourselves.
As per drivers who drive in the left lane and are “oblivious” about it; did you stop to think that they might have a good reason for so doing? I am one of those who has learned the hard way that when I follow the letter of the law and stay right, when my left turn approaches, no driver will let me merge to get over to where I need to be. For me it is an issue of safety and need. I am certainly not oblivious, but very much aware that most drivers today are not safe and courteous but selfish and lawbreakers (running red lights, tailgating, weaving around other vehicles, speeding, blowing their horns to pressure other drivers to do what they want rather than practicing patience and courtesy, and the list goes on.). I will continue to drive safely regardless of what others expect of me, and if that means staying left, so be it.
Go to WWW.GVPENNYSAVER.COM and submit your own Rants and Raves under the tab - SHARE WITH US
“ ere is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.”
~ Winston Churchill
Ahorse is a magni cent animal. Purple Pony is a magni cent therapeutic horsemanship program for those with special needs. It has been going strong for 18 years. Horseback riding at Purple Pony is exclusively for individuals with special needs. ey do not o er able-bodied riding. People as young as 4 years old up to adulthood can take part in riding. No one ever ages out.
I had the pleasure of speaking with the Board Chairman, Dan Kilker. I asked what inspired him to get involved with Purple Pony. He said, “I cared for my brother, who was blind. A er my brother passed away, I wanted to stay in the special needs community. It’s been a great ride.”
For children with sensory challenges, horseback riding can provide nearly every type of sensory input simultaneously. ese riders become one with the horse. ey experience the rhythmical clippity-clop of hooves, a horse’s whinny, uid movement, and the feel of the mane and saddle beneath them.
It’s a lot of work and also a lot of fun. Purple Pony is enhancing the lives of not only the riders but their families. e volunteers are ful lled seeing the di erence this organization is making. Everyone bene ts.
All the instructors are certi ed through the Professional Association of erapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH International). Purple Pony is the only program that is PATH certi ed and 100% volunteer. Currently, there are 70 active volunteers. ey are adding two more instructors. ere is something about a horse that brings out happiness and makes you smile. A 60-year-old from a group home got to ride a horse for the rst time. A child with special needs who had not yet said a word, spoke his rst word while riding on a horse at Purple Pony. Parents smile while watching their children enjoy the ride.
High school students come out for educational meetings to learn about horses, horse anatomy, and how the program works. ey also take horses to schools for educational purposes and for visits at facilities such as LeRoy Village Green. eir presence in the community includes BOCES and special needs groups. ey have a oat in the parade and throw
e Sensory Trail is unique at Purple Pony. ey cleared an old railroad bed. It took three years to clear the area with the help of volunteer groups. Two Eagle Scout projects were done. e mounting ramp is a big hit with the riders. ey love being outdoors. Stations are set up for di erent senses like smell, sound, and touch. ey even hosted a group from South Korea that wanted to start a program like Purple Pony over there.
ere is an exciting event coming up in June 2023 that baseball fans won’t want to miss: the rst pitch will be thrown out from horseback by a special needs rider at the Batavia Muck Dogs baseball game.
How can you help? Purple Pony is always looking for volunteers. is spring, they need to do work on the Sensory Trail. ey received a grant and need volunteers to come out in March and April to get it ready for the season. Donations are always appreciated as well. Mount up and see how you can get involved. Maybe you know someone who can bene t from this program.
ere is great information on their website. Be sure to
Write things down. A to-do list floating around in your head can become overwhelming.Thephysicaltaskofwritingthingsdownandcrossingitems off the list one-by-one can help you sail through tasks effectively. If you’re amobileperson,jotthelistdownonthenotesfunctionofasmartphoneor use a task app that syncs with calendar functions.
Get active in your industry. Referrals are not the only way to develop professional contacts. Being active in your industry by joining professional organizations and attending seminars and other industry events is a great way to expand your network. Volunteer to work with professional organizations when possible or offer to host information sessions or educational workshops at your business.
George Santos has admitted that he lied about much of his personal history and resume in order to get elected to Congress. What are your thoughts on embellishments/lies in order to obtain a job?
• Everybody does it and I’m fine with it.
• It is wrong, but do what you need to do to get ahead.
• It is absolutely wrong under any circumstance.
Poll Ends 1-24-23
Poll Results 1-17-23
The Bills’ Damar Hamlin was recently involved in a lifethreatening injury. How do you think this affects the Bills in the playoffs?
13.3% Less motivated and wary of a serious injury
13.3% No change in motivation
73.3% More motivated for the sake of their injured teammate
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
Use your network. The notion that “it’s not what you know, but who you know” has some truth to it. Successful jobseekers continually expand their professional contacts. This is achievedbygoingtoinformational interviews, attending trade association meetings and reviewing trade publications. Target people who work at the companies where you see yourself,soyoucangettheinside trackaboutjobopenings.
By Fifi Rodriguez1. GEOGRAPHY: What is the secondlongest river in North America?
2. MOVIES: Which 1973 movie advertised itself as a place “where nothing can possibly go wrong”?
3. GAMES: Which party game claims that it can “tie you up in knots”?
4. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which president was the first to appoint an African American as a member of his Cabinet?
5. HISTORY: When was the Warsaw Pact between the Soviet Union and seven Eastern Bloc countries signed?
6. TELEVISION: Which TV game show often uses the phrase “Survey says ...”?
7. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a female peacock called?
8. FOOD & DRINK: How many meals do Hobbits eat in a day, according to the movies?
9. ADVERTISING: Which product used a manicurist named Madge in its advertisements?
10. MEDICAL: What is a common name for the condition called septicemia?
1. The Mississippi. 2. “Westworld.” 3. Twister. 4. Lyndon Johnson. 5. 1955. 6. “Family Feud.” 7. A peahen. 8. Seven. 9. Palmolive dishwashing liquid. 10. Blood poisoning.
Conservation methods can help save energy and preserve natural resources, but business owners may also be intrigued by the potential cost-savingsofconservation.
Utility costs vary depending on the size of a business, but the U.S. Small Business Administration notes that prospective business owners must estimate and include such costs when seeking loans to start their businesses. Estimated utility costs can be intimidating, especially for those owners who have never before owned their own businesses. Traditional conservation methods like recycling and reusing are great ways to conserve and save around the office, but business owners also can embrace some other ways to lower their office energy costs while benefittingtheplanetatthesametime.
Negotiating raises can be nervewracking. But men and women should not hesitate to ask for compensationcommensuratewith theirexperience.
* Make ice cubes out of punch when you are entertaining. I like to make different combinations, which can be adapted for adult and child parties. One that I like very much is to make ice cubes from red fruit punch and then float them in lemonade. As the cubes melt, the mixture turns pinkyorange. -- I.F. in Missouri
* Bring egg whites to room temperature before whipping. You will get better volume, and they will be more stable.
* Ever make a delicious dinner that involves some stinky ingredients? This happens when I make broccoli cauliflower casserole, or pork and sauerkraut. No worries; you don’t have to smell that smell all day. Just simmer a pan of vinegar on the stove while making foods that are odorous. The vinegar smell goes away quickly, taking with it any other odors. All that’s left is the smell of yummy. -- M.N. in South Carolina
* Wash bath towels in cold water. It preserves color and still cleans them well. Add a clean, dry bath towel to smaller dryer loads to speed up drying time.
* Turn down the maximum temperature on your family’s water heater. You will do two things: One is to avoid accidental scalding, which is especially important if you have young children or seniors in your house. The other is to lower your electric bill, because the water heater will not have to work as hard to keep that big tank of water so hot. -- T.D. in New Mexico
* Keep a few bandanas handy in cold weather. They can be used as a mouth/face cover to keep your nose from freezing. They are easy to store in a pocket, and easy to put on and remove.
(Full-time 12-month position)
ELL Teacher (1.0 FTE)
Additional Positions - Substitutes: Teachers (Certi ed and Uncerti ed)
RNs & LPNs
Food Service Workers
All interviews begin upon receipt of application. Application and information available: www.yorkcsd.org
Send cover letter, resume, and application to: York Central School
Att: Heidi Newcomb, District O ce P.O. Box 102 • 2578 Genesee Street • Retsof, NY 14539
Work-related stress is an all too common problem in workplaces across the globe. According to the American Institute of Stress, 80 percent of workers report feeling stress on the job. Perhaps most troubling, nearly half of those people admit they need help in learning how to manage their stress.
The American Psychological Association notes that stressful work environments can contribute to a host of physical problems, including headache, sleep disturbances and short temper. Chronic stress can produce more serious consequences such as high blood pressure while also weakening sufferers’ immune systems. Stress at the workplace also can make it difficult to concentrate, which in turn can compromise workers’ abilities to perform at the peak of their abilities. That supports thenotionthatstressisaproblemforbothemployeesandemployers.Asa result, finding ways to reduce that stress should be a team effort. Getting a handle on stress can be difficult. Since so many people trace their stress to the jobs they need to get by, they might think it’s impossible to address that stress without derailing their careers. But there ways for professionals to get a handle on their stress without negatively affecting their careers.
Shelby Transportation is currently seeking motivated and dedicated team members who are responsible for local grain hauling and home every night.
• Potential for $60k plus
• Excellent benefits – health and dental insurance, matching 401(k), life insurance, wellness benefits.
• Requirements: Minimum 3 years driving experience. Good MVR, No DUI/DWI
• On farm/agricultural experience preferred Apply in person 4141 Bates Rd, Medina, NY, or email resume to jobs@wnyenergy.com.
Thedawnofanewyearrepresents a chance to start anew and set goals for the months ahead. New Year’s resolutions are often made to provide the motivation people need to improve their lives and make a new year as productive and happy as possible.
While people who make New Year’s resolutions fully intend to realize those goals, few actually stick to the game plan. According to researchers at the University of Scranton, just 8 percent of peoplewhomaketheirNewYear’s resolutionsactuallyachievethose resolutions. While that might make it seem like the odds are against men and women who have resolved to improve their lives in the year ahead, adults can realize their goals for the new year and beyond.
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Exerciseisagreatwaytomaintain a healthy mind and body. Many people begin a new year by making resolutions to lose weight or build muscle. Too often, however, men and women get stuck in an exercise rut,following the same exercise routine week after week. Not only can this be boring,fitness experts advise that it’s necessary to change an exercise routine periodically to continue to see results. It’s one reason why many fitness clubs unveil new classes every few weeks.Just when you master the choreography of a class, it’s time to change! With repetition, the body adapts and grows accustomed to the routine, using less energy as a result. That can affect your ability to lose weight. Changing your workout forces your body to work harder, producing better results. If you exercise with a trainer, discuss ways to modify your normal routine to surprise your body. Increased intensity, interval training,adding sprints to running, taking different classes, or even increasing the frequency of your workoutsmaydothetrick.
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