August 12, 2022 | TRI-COUNTY | 866.812.8111 | GVPENNYSAVER.COM your Hometown connection let’s play! Tour the only luxury apartment community in Brockport, NY. OPEN HOUSE AUGUST 26 • 4-6pm Enclave at Brockport was designed to give you a second-to-none rental experience with thoughtfully designed homes and all-inclusive community amenities. Our Amenities Include: • Open Concept Design • Modern Fixtures • Stainless Steel Appliances • Kitchen Island • Quartz Countertops • Tiled Backsplash • Microwave • Electric Range Oven/Stove • Quartz Vanity in Bathroom • Plush Carpeted Bedroom • Full-Size Washer & Dryer Ra e for a flat screen TV All attendees eligible! Available to rent starting 9/1. 4599 Redman Rd, Brockport, NY 14420 • (585) 684-8212 JIMMY Z’s FOOD TRUCK FOR ALL ATTENDEES! Fre! PRSRTSTD. USPostage PAID Permit#43 ittsford,PNY

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM1-866-812-8111 Page2 TRI-COUNTY ActiveLiving50+ 22 Automotive 8 Body&Mind 16 Classifieds 34 Employment 29 GarageSales 5 Give&Take 15 HomeServices 17 HometownEvents 12 KidzKorner 6 PetPlace 27 PuzzleAnswers 26 RealEstate Sip&Dine Vibes&Rants Worship 585-391-3099 • 34 S. Main St., Brockport Thank you for your support...from your local pizzeria! Order online at Dine in, Take-out or Delivery by theroosterpub.pi Open For Lunch Fri., Sat. & Sun. GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE Monday Special Large 16” One Topping Pizza $13.99 Tuesday Special Large One Topping Pizza and 10 Wings $29.99 Fish EveryFrysDay!WING NIGHT! .98¢ wings (dine in) Brockport’s Finest Pizza and Wings! 314 Ellicott Street Batavia, NY LIKE US FACEBOOKON & FOLLOW US INSTAGRAM!ON PIZZA & WING AVAILABLEDEALSDAILY! BUSINESS HOURS Mon.-Thurs. 11am-9pm, Fri. & Sat. 11am-10pm, Sunday 11pm-8pm DELIVERY,OFFERWEDINE-IN&TAKEOUT Order Online www.cinquinospizza.comat Bringing you the best since 1985 585-343-5545 21 Liberty St, Batavia Daily Specials! Hours:Thursday-SundayMonday-Wednesday3pm-10pm11am-10pm Order Online and earn points for FREE Food! Official Pizza of the Batavia Muckdogs

4. MOVIES: Where was the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy filmed?
2. LANGUAGE: What is the diacritical mark used over the first “a” in
3.“chateau”?GEOGRAPHY: What is the capital of the Czech Republic?
GENESEE ALLEY ENNY AVER GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page3 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 Some Early Shift Openings: Mon. Men’s and Women’s 7pm • Starts 9/12 Wed. Men’s (6:40pm) • Starts 9/7 Thurs. Men’s • Starts 9/8 with Meeting & Practice Tues. Morning Ladies • Starts 9/13 Mixed League Saturdays every other week (6:45pm) starts 9/17 & 9/24 Sign up as a team or individual. Other League Openings for TEAMS & Individuals Call for details. Sign up for youth bowling Now Thru 9/17 League times: Saturdays 11:30 am ROSE GARDEN BOWL 21 Buffalo Rd., Bergen • 2 LEAGUESNEWFORMINGFriday,7pm MEN & WOMEN Tuesday, 7pm MEN LEAGUES STARTING SOON! TIME TO BOWL! 1420 County Line Rd. (Route 272) Kendall, NY 585-659-913114476 Follow us on Facebook! seeComeustoday! Our Country Gift Shop is open with unique gifts and baked goods. We also have all kinds of animal food for chickens, birds, rabbits and more.We are open 7 days a week! 9am-9pm iceflavors32ofcream,hardorsoft! Seasonal Fresh Produce! Including Peaches & Sweet Corn! Ham and Turkey Roll-ups Cook time: 10 minutes Servings: 2 4 ounces Eckrich Deli Oven Roasted Turkey Breast 4 ounces Eckrich Deli Black Forest 2lettuceHamleavestablespoons chunky guacamole 1/4 cup chopped cucumbers 1 tablespoon shredded cheddar cheese 2 slices bacon, cooked and Layercrumbledturkey and ham slices. Layer lettuce, guacamole, cucumber, cheese and bacon crumbles. Roll meat and secure with toothpick. Enjoy dining out with kids Provide distractions: Many young children cannot sit still for long and may need a series of distractions to keep them entertained throughout meals. Pack a bag of tricks that includes toys, games, books, and even a digital device tuned to kids’ untilproviderestaurantsightseeingyoupatiencelongPickfavoriteprograms.restaurantsthatdonothaveawaittogetaseatsothatkids’hasnotwornthinbeforeevenmakeittothetable.Awalkaroundthealsomaybeabletoawelcomedistractionthefoodisready.
5. MEASUREMENTS: What is 4 ounces of liquid equal to in cups?
6. U.S. STATES: Which is the only American state that begins with the letter P?
7. LANGUAGE: What is the word that stands for the letter Y in the international radio alphabet?
8. CHEMISTRY: What is the symbol for the element zinc?
9. TELEVISION: What is Kramer’s first name in the sitcom “Seinfeld”?
10. MUSIC: Which country is home to the rock group AC/DC? Answers 1.A. 2.ex.Circumfl 3.Prague. 4.NewZealand. 5.1/2cup. 6.Pennsylvania. 7.Yankee. 8.Zn. 9. Australia.Cosmo.10. © 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the only vowel on a computer keyboard’s middle row of letters?

Fri., Aug. 19th – Sun., Aug. 21st, 9am-5pm
RENT IS INCOME BASED Applications can be submitted through section 8 and the rental o ce on site. Call (585) 283-4264 to ll out an application. In order to qualify for a two bedroom apartment you must have 2 occupants in your household or be eligible for a reasonable accommodation. An eligible accommodation would include, but is not limited to, needing the second bedroom for a live-in aide. Income and occupany restrictions apply. “We are an equal opportunity provider and employer.”
Large Collection of Antique Bottles and Books, Presidential Memorabilia, Cobalt Blue Glass, Both Modern and Antique Furniture and Much More!
Like us on Facebook @ Attic to Basement Estate Sales and Retail Outlet or visit (photos will be
HOW TO DETERMINE IF IT’S TIME TO DOWNSIZE Space: Many people love the extra space that single-family homes provide. But seniors can take a walk through their homes and see how many rooms they still use on a consistent basis. If much of the home is unused, seniors can probably downsize without adversely affecting their daily lives. Attic to Basement Retail Outlet and Estate Sales
REAL ESTATE ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page4 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 R EAL E STATE S ECTION Senior 62+ Community Albion Academy Modern Conveniences in a Historical Setting • 1 & 2 bedroom apartments • Heat, Hot water & A/C included • Elevator • Walk-in closets • Indoor refuse facilities • Indoor mailboxes • Onsite laundry • Handicapped accessible units available Albion Academy 16 East Academy Street, Albion, NY 14411 (585) 589-5401 TDD: 1-800-545-1833 2 BEDROOM AVAILABLE NOW
added daily) (former Mooney’s Restaurant) 65 LAKE STREET • LEROY COLLECTOR’S ESTATE SALE!! DID YOU KNOW? The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics reports that mushrooms contain about 15 vitamins and minerals, including folate magnesium, potassium, vitamin B6, and zinc. Mushrooms also are low in calories and rich in antioxidants, which can help to lower risk for inflammation. FairStatementHousing All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • EQUALwww.lawny.orgHOUSINGOPPORTUNITY
FACTORS TO CONSIDER BEFORE INVESTING IN REAL ESTATE To flip or not to flip: Flipping properties gained popularity in the second decade of this century, but figures from the property database curator ATTOM Data Solutions indicates that returns on investments in flipped properties declined for the third straight year in 2020. Though flipping can still yield a strong return, investors may not realize the returns on flipped properties that they might have realized as recently as five years ago. Potential investors should conduct some research regarding real estate market trends, including flipping data where available, to make the most informed decision possible.

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page5 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 *We are not a liated with NY State or Empire NYSHIP ** is is not a medical evaluation. is is a hearing aid evaluation to determine the need for ampli cation. 95 Canal Landing Blvd. Suite #5 Rochester, NY 14626 Andrew F. Morabito, HIS Hearing Instrument Specialist Does your insurancecover hearing aids? We will nd out for you. Give us a call today. 585-360-2540 UNITED HEALTHCARE EPIC Hearing $375-$1,425Aids Excellus BlueCross BlueShield • $699-$999TruHearing Call today to schedule an appointment. Over 25 years of experience TAKE A COURSE IN DORM SAFETY Use the elevator. If there’s an elevator, use it. Stairwells are secluded and dark and often provide the perfect opportunity for would-be criminals to take advantage of unsuspecting students. ❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■ CREEKSIDE OFHAMLIN: 4000BrickSchoolhouseRd. CommunityYardSale.Saturdayand Sunday8/13(9-4pm)&8/14(103pm) ❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■ RONSONFARMCONSIGNMENT AUCTION 10446 RidgeRd.MedinaNY14103 SaturdayAugust13that9:00am AllReadyCosigned: Ford2NNew Holland1034BaleStacker,Toro LawnMower,2KubotaZG20Zero Turnforparts,Coats40-40SATire Machine,3ptspreader,8ftPullDisc, 3pt2BtPlow,5ftRototiller,OldDrill Press,IngersollAirCompressor,5&6ft KubotaBuckets,250galfueltank, MANYDIFFERENTSizeTractor Tires,2017FordTruckBox.Much MoreItemsComingin. OrderofSale: Nonrunningmowers 9:00am,10:00amHay&Building Items,11:00amRunningmower, NoonTractor,thenEquipment. Terms: CashorCheck,10%Buyer Premium,NoWarranty. RonsonAuctions Dave716-510-6008 BROCKPORT:3002SwedenWalker Rd. GarageSale.AugustFridays&Saturdaysoruntilallisgone. CHURCHVILLE: 29 &31Ridgefield Drive,Friday&Saturday8/19&8/20 (9-4pm) ANTIQUEGARAGE SALE, ProminentlocalAntiquedealerisretiringandsellingoffsomeofherstock! Greatreducedprices.Silver,china, books,smallfurniture,andsomuch more! BATAVIA:9351 & 9373 Shepard Rd. 8/12&8/13(9-4pm)MULTIFAMILY,everythingfrombabytoantiques,furniture,housewares,trains, Christmas(lots),toys,Clothingkids, ladies(XSM-3XL)Mens(upto2XL), andlotsmore. BROCKPORT:GARAGEESTATE SALE. 407BurchFarmDr. 8/26-8/28(9-4pm)Misc.antiques& collectibles,LPrecords,Books,pottery,glassware,costumejewelry, Christmas&Halloweendecor, kitchenware,PamperedChef,Crafting items,GoodqualityquiltfabricModo,Cranston&others,21”TVw/ DVDplayer,2antiquetrunks,art work/prints&paintings,antiquebaskets,Zerogravitychair,muchmore. Fueling What Matters to You Propane for HOME, BUSINESS, AGRICULTURAL and everything in between. If it runs on propane, we have you covered. At FERRELLGAS we have exceptional pricing, service and commitment. Give us a call to find out what we can do for you. Your hometown propane provider in Batavia, NY 1-800-437-4856 DAY TRIPS SENIORS CAN ENJOY Zoos and aquariums: Interacting with wildlife is on the itinerary when visiting zoos and aquariums, and such establishments typically offer discounted admissions to seniors. From the famed San Diego Zoo to the Georgia Aquarium, it’s possible to get up close and personal with many species. 7062 Lewiston Rd., Oakfield, NY (585) 948-6070 Stop in for great food with Cajun flair! Monday-Saturday: 8am-8pm Sunday: 8am-3pm

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page6 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 Sponsored By: Love our weekly puzzles? Get your very own BRAIN GAME Puzzle book! Purchase online at puzzlebook,,Avon,NYORmailyourorderformtoday. Genesee Valley Penny Saver, PO Box 340, Route 15, Avon, NY 14414 Include a check made payable to Penny Lane Printing. $6.50 per book Includes tax & shipping. IncludesOver30puzzles! TownStreetName State Zip BROUGHTTOYOUBY: 1471Route15,Avon,NY14414•585-226-8111•

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page7 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 Job Fair FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 2022 • 9am-2pm Churchville-Chili Middle School Cafeteria 139 Fairbanks Road, Churchville, NY 14428, Door 24 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS! Churchville-Chili Central School District Where learning leads to a lifetime of opportunities… FULL/PART-TIMEPOSITIONS Bus Drivers (Paid Training) OffiCleanersceClerk III Hall FoodTeachingMonitorAidesServiceHelpersCafeteriaMonitorsCoaches Visit for additional information about current openings. Apply online or bring resume to job SUBSTITUTEfair.POSITIONS Teachers Teaching Assistants Bus Drivers Bus Monitors Food Service Helpers CafeteriaCleanersMonitors Email to reserve an interview time; walk-ins welcome.

AUTOMOTIVE ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page8 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 A UTO S ECTION Our 9 editions are published weekly with a total circulation of over 147,000 Office: PO Box 340 1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414 Phone: 585-226-8111 Fax: 585-226-3390 President ...........................Steve Harrison Vice President ...................Kimberly Dougherty General Manager ...........................Manuel Karam Director of Advertising Sales ............................Colleen Mann Creative Director ..............................Cristie Leone Production Supervisor .................................Je Wasson Circulation Manager .............................Shari Rapone Members of: GoldPublicationStandard National Award Winning Paper Prepare for power outages today WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (866) 643-0438 $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions FREE 7-YearWarranty*Extended A $695 Value! From shocks & struts to brakes & engine repairwe get you back on the road! • Tune-ups • Tires • Diagnostics • NYS Inspection • Preventive Maintenance Your Full Service Garage 8141 EAST MAIN RD. LEROY 768-7959 Properly maintained headlights vastly improve driver safety Don’t just replace but upgrade your headlight bulbs. Bulbs that have started to dim need to be replaced, but auto enthusiasts or maintenance-savvy drivers know they can upgrade their bulbs when replacing them. Industry experts recommend replacing headlamp bulbs every two years, and replacing them in pairs to make sure the vehicle’s lighting is equally balanced. But rather than sticking with the bulbs provided by the car maker, look for a bulb that makes it easier to see at night and during hazardous conditions. These headlights put more light on the road, helping to make up for poor weather, dimly lit roads, aging headlights, and even the loss of night vision many drivers experience as they age. Capable of providing up to 100 percent more light than the standard halogen bulbs found on the majority of vehicles today, special headlights create a better beam pattern that is dramatically longer than the standard bulbs, vastly improving driver vision and safety. WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR MOBILE ETIQUETTEPHONE Always use appropriate language. When using a mobile phone in public, refrain from peppering conversations with expletives or graphic language. Children may be nearby without your knowledge, but even if there are no young people in the immediate vicinity, your fellow adults likely don’t want to hear foul or graphic language.

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page9 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 1. Beginning this week, check your Penny Saver each week in August for our contest page where you’ll answer questions about participating advertisers. 2. Submit your answers, preferably online, at or by mail. 3. At the end of the contest we’ll select winners with correct answers to receive FREE gift certificates to participating Oneadvertisers.luckygrand prize winner will win up to $1,000 in additional gift certificates purchased by GVPS! You can enter once per edition, per week. SUMMER SWEEPSTAKES Submit yourentry today!Enter online or by mail! Local At the Penny Saver we believe in supporting our communities and you can too by participating in this contest! Shop

Enter to win $1,000 in local gift cards **RULES TO ENTER** Eligible entries must be postmarked by Friday, September 2, 2022. Contest open to all residents in our circulation area 18 years or older. Winners’ names may be published online and in future editions of this publication. One entry per person, per edition, per week. Good News! By providing your email you are automatically entered into our weekly Coupon Club. WEEK #2 If you need another copy or want to submit your form online go to: Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: OR Mail this completed entry form to: GVPS Sweepstakes 1471 Route 15 • Avon, NY 14414 Email Submit your answers online at 1. Suburban Propane - How long have we been serving the community? 2. Straight Out the Boot - What state is in our logo? 3. Cinquino’s Pizza - What social media platforms can you find us on? ___________________ 4. Stage Coach Florist - The link to our website is?___________________________ 5. Ferrellgas - What is the headline in our ad? ___________________________________ 6. Max Pies - Love Seats start at $________ 7. Ol Smokey Trucking - What is the last bullet(listing)?__________________________ 8. K & M Automotive - List 3 services that we offer___________ ______________ ____________ 9. Rooster’s Pub & Pizza - What is Wednesday night? _________________ 10. Unique Gift Boutique - What needs do we fulfill? _______________ 11. Partyka Farms - How many days are we open during the week? _________________ 12. Ficarella’s Pizzaria - Bringing you the Best since________.

What to Do with Your Old Electronics (Family Features) Mobile phones, laptops, tablets, game consoles, cameras - electronic devices are a big part of American life. In fact, Americans own an average of 24 electronic products per household, according to the Consumer Electronics Association. With technology changing so rapidly and new “it” devices hitting the market every few months, a lot of those devices get discarded quickly. That adds up to a lot of potential e-waste. Fortunately, it’s easier than ever to keep old electronics out of the waste stream. Donate. Donations give schools, nonprofits and lower-income families access to equipment they might not otherwise afford. Before donating, check with the organization to see what they need. Trade Up. If you are ready to upgrade to something new, programs such as RadioShack’s Trade & Save let you swap retired technology for store credit toward your purchase. Recycle. Electronics in nonworking condition should be recycled. Check or to find a recycling center near you. Don’t Forget the Batteries. Recycling your rechargeable batteries is another easy step you can take.
10am Professional CompetitionFinals LUMBERJACK BREAKFAST Sat. & Sun.,
10am Professional CompetitionPreliminary Qualifiers •
Serves 4 1 pound morcilla blood sausage 1 pound mushrooms, sliced 2 tablespoons olive oil 4 cloves garlic, slivered Salt and pepper to taste 2 tablespoons white wine 1 cup shelled spring peas 1 tablespoon chopped fresh mint 2 tablespoons mint oil Mint Oil 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil 1/2 cup chopped mint Pinch of salt Cut the blood sausage into 12 slices. Sauté the mushrooms in olive oil with garlic, salt and pepper for 5 minutes. Add the wine and cook for 2 more minutes. Boil the peas for 2 minutes and drain. When mushrooms are done, remove from heat and stir in the peas. In a cast-iron skillet, sear the morcilla in a dry pan for 2 minutes per side. Arrange the slices of morcilla down the middle of a platter. with mushroom/pea mixture and drizzle the plate with the mint oil. the mint oil: In a small saucepan over medium heat, heat olive oil to warm. Remove from heat and add the mint and a small pinch of salt. Allow to rest for 1 hour. Drain through a sieve. Reserve extra mint oil for other uses, such as vinaigrette. Sat., Sept. 11th • Sun., Sept. 12th • Sept. 10th 6-14
& 11th,8am-noonSponsored By Adults - $4.00, Sr. Cit. (60+) - $3.00 Ages
- $1.00, 5 & under - FREE FOOD & BEVERAGES AVAILABLE MACEDON CENTER’sField Rt. 31F at 2481 Canandaigua Rd. With over 23 years’ experience, we will treat your home, business, or cottage so you’re bug-free all season! All major credit cards accepted. Trouble with ? Professional Pest Control Services is here to help! Yellow Jacket, Wasps & Hornet treatmentNests

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page12 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items: • Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program • Organizations seeking crafters or vendor • Organizations seeking donations of items Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414 GUIDELINES FOR HOMETOWN EVENTS: Here’s what’s happening at your local library… Hamlin Public Library 1680 Lake Road, Hamlin 585.964.2320 Saturdays10am-8pm;6pm;Mondays/Wednesdayshamlinlibraryny.org10am-Tuesdays/ThursdaysFridays10am-4pm;10am-2pm Hoag Library 134 S. Main St., Albion Visit585.589.4246ourwebsite for www.hoaglibrary.orghours. Holley Community Free Library 86 Public Square, Holley 585.638.6987 • Hrs.: M & W: 10am-1pm & 4-8pm Tu, Th, & F: 10am-5pm Sat: 10am-2pm until June 22nd (Closed Sat for the Summer) Seymour Library 161 East Ave., Brockport Sat:F:Hrs.:www.seymourlibraryweb.org585.637.1050M-Th:10am-8pm,10am-6pm10am-3pm SeymourLibrary: AARP SmartDriverCourse*:Wednesday,August17andFriday,August19, 2:00pmto5:00pm TheAARPSmartDrivercoursewill helpyourefreshyourdrivingskills, andmayevenhelpyousaveonyour autoinsurance!Pleasebringyourcurrentdriverslicenseandapentoclass. IfyouareanAARPmember,bring yourmembershipcardaswell.You mustattendbothdatestocomplete thecourse.PaymenttoAARP.*Registrationrequired. Paint-a-Palooza*:Thursday,August 18,4:00pmto5:00pm LetoutyourinnerJacksonPollockand createyourownmasterpieceonthe librarylawn.Pleasewearclothesyou don’tmindgettingdirtybecauseyou willdefinitelybegettingmessy.*Registrationrequired. SeymourLibrary’s50/50RaffleDrawing:Thursday,August18,1:00pm ALLTicketsmustbepurchasedand submittedpriortothe1:00pmdrawingtobeeligibletowin. HamlinPublicLibrary: The HamlinPublicLibraryisopen Mondays/Wednesdaysfrom10am6pm;Tuesdays/Thursdaysfrom 10am-8pm;Fridaysfrom10am-4pm; Saturdaysfrom10am-2pm.Sharpie coastercraftforadultsandteensis Friday,August19at11amand1pm. Playgiantboardgamesonthelibrary lawninourBigGameDayprogramon Tuesday,August23at1pm.“Eating HealthyonaBudget”presentedby CornellCooperativeExtensionis Thursday,August25at2pm.One-onOneTechLearningappointmentsare available.TheLibraryoffersbookand moviedeliveryserviceforour homeboundpatrons.Ifyouareunable tovisitthelibraryinperson,please calloremailthelibrary ( sendyouourHomeDeliveryPolicy andApplication.Formoreinformation,callthelibraryat964-2320,go orFacebookpage. If a June night could talk, it would probably boast it invented romance. ~Bern Williams
HoagLibrary: Hoag LibraryisopenMondayThursday10am-8pm,Friday10am5pm,Saturday10am-2pmfor browsing,computerlab,andfax/ print/wirelessprint/copy/scan/ notary.DownloadfreeeBooks, audiobooks,movies,music,and magazinesontheLibbyandHoopla apps.FREEElectricVehicle(EV) chargingstationsavailableinthe HoagLibraryparkinglot!Earnyour GED-freeclassesofferedby Orleans/NiagaraBOCESatHoagLibrary.Take-And-MakeCraftsinthe Children’sLibrary.Meetingrooms areavailabletothepublic-findthe reservationformonourwebsite! One-On-OneTechHelp, Wednesdaysbyappointment.Free booksforages0-5:registeryour childfortheBooksfromBirthprogram!TGIFCraftDay,Fridays, 1pm,kindlyregister.Chatwitha MasterGardener,4thThursdayof themonth,4pm-6pm.Children, teens,adults:participateinthe OceansofPossibilitiesSummer ReadingProgram,June27-August 13.Alzheimer’sAssociationof WesternNewYork,August17, 6pm,register:1-800-272-3900. AAADefensiveDriving,October8, register(800)836-2582. ParmaPublicLibraryVirtual AquariumTourwiththe GreaterClevelandAquarium:Tuesday,August,16th,1:00pm Seesharks,stingrays,andmore fromthecomfortofthelibrary!
Joinusin-personatthelibraryor onlineviazoomforavirtualtourof thesaltwaterseacreaturegalleryat theGreaterClevelandAquarium. Allageswelcome.Registrationrequired. TeenTuesday:August16th, 3:00pm Boredathomethissummer?Join usatthelibraryforsnacks,games, crafts,andNetflix!Youthingrades 7-12arewelcome!Noregistration. CraftTutorial:PaintChipMosaic Fish:Tuesday,August16th,6:006:30pm JointhelivetutorialonZoom(optional).Kitscanbepickedup startingWednesday,August10th. Pleaseregistertoreserveakit. PJStorytime:Thursday,August, 18th,6:30pm Getinyourjammies,grabablanket orstuffedanimal,andjoin DolphinSilhouettePainting: Thursday,August18th,10:30am12:00pmOR1:00-2:30pm Pleaseregisterforonesession starting8/1. HLOMGuestSpeakerSeries:Michael Block, “BattleofCedar Mountain”: Thursday,August 18th,7pm,HollandLandOffice Museum,131WMainSt.Mr. Block’spresentation,“TheBattleof CedarMountain”isbaseduponhis bookTheCarnagewasFearful,part oftheEmergingCivilWarSeries. Admissionis$3or$2formuseum members.Toattendcontactthe museum585-343-4727or GuestSpeakerSeriesismadepossiblewithfundsfromtheStatewide CommunityRegrantProgram,a regrantprogramoftheNYSCouncilontheArtswiththesupportof theofficeoftheGovernorandNYS LegislatureandadministeredbyGO ART! BATAVIA CobblestoneMuseumFleaMarket Saturday,August13,10am-
4pm.Browseavarietyofgoods frommanysellersincludingaHUGE selectionofaffordablebooks,holidayandcraftitems,antiques,brica-brac.Refreshmentssold,ample freeparking.Specialcobblestone buildingtoursavailableat11am, 1pm,and3pmat14389Ridge RoadWest,Albion.http://www. ALBION AnnualGunRaffle, held September24,5pm-10pmattheTownof AlabamaFireDepartment.$20 Donation,includedadmission,meal andbeverages.Winnernotneedto bepresenttowin.Doorprizesand sideraffleswillbeoffered.For ticketinformationcallRyanat 585-297-7667. ALABAMA SeymourLibrary: AARP SmartDriverCourse*:Wednesday,August17andFriday,August19, 2:00pmto5:00pm SpaceisLimited!TheAARPSmart Drivercoursewillhelpyourefresh yourdrivingskills,andmayevenhelp yousaveonyourautoinsurance! Pleasebringyourcurrentdriver’slicenseandapentoclass.Ifyouarean AARPmember,bringyourmembershipcardaswell.Youmustattend bothdatestocompletethecourse. PaymenttoAARP.*Registrationrequired. SeymourLibrary’s50/50Raffle: Thursday,August18at1:00pm. Purchaseyourticketspriortothe drawingat1:00pmtogetachanceto winsomeextracash!Proceedsfrom therafflewillbenefitthe“Fillour Shelves”Campaign. Paint-a-Palooza*:Thursday,August 18,4:00pmto5:00pm LetoutyourinnerJacksonPollockand createyourownmasterpieceonthe librarylawn.Pleasewearclothesyou don’tmindgettingdirtyin.*Registrationrequired.
COMMON GRILLING MISTAKES Not prepping the food: The French culinary term for preparing to cook is “mise en place.” This is especially important when grilling, as cooks must deal with faster cooking times than they would otherwise encounter when cooking meals in the stove.

WelcomingNewMembers: Congregation EtzChaim,anaffiliateof theUnionofReformJudaism, sharesaspacewithMt.Rise ChurchinFairport.Joinusforour outdoorservicesandPotLuckPicnics.Formoreinfo,callKarenat 229-2116. FAIRPORT CruiseIntoElba- The ElbaBettermentCommitteeinvitesyou Sunday,August14,noon-3pm. Bringyourclassiccar,musclecar, vintagecar,ormotorcycleand cruiseintotheVillagePark.Nota showorcontest,justachanceto spendtheafternoonwithothercar enthusiasts.Music-DJMacyParadise.PhotoBooth-PeterMiano (freeofcharge)tohelpremindyou ofdaysgoneby.Enjoyicecream fromIceCreamandChillandhots, hamburgsandmorefromtheBettermentCommittee.Yardgames andagameofkickball.Eventmade possiblewithfundsfromNYSRegrantProgramfortheArtsandpresentedtousbyGoArt. ELBA St.MaximilianKolbeBasket Auction andClamChowderSale -Saturday,August13th,2-7pm. OVER100BASKETS!Underthe tentintheparkinglotat18West MainStreet,Corfu,rainorshine. Wewillbesellingticketsand browsingbasketsallafternoonand drawingswillbedoneat7PM.You neednotbepresenttowin.Basket Auctionticketsare$5/1sheetand $10/3sheets.Chowderwillbesold togofor$2/bowland$4/quart. CORFU TownofByronBicentennial Celebration Saturday,August 20thatFiremen’sParkbehindthe ByronFireDepartmentonRte.262. Alldayfamilyfun!ByronRescue Squad5KRun,KiwanisFishing Derby&PancakeBreakfast,Parade, Food,Car/Truck/TractorShow,RafDuckRace.MusicandentertainHOW BIG SMALL BUSINESS thousands of started each month, Yahoo! that about 543,000 open a a month.
HarvestKitchen at St.Luke’sEpiscopalChurch,14StateSt.,BrockportheldSunday,August14. “GrabNGo”boxesw/Ham& TurkeySubmarineSandwiches, ColeSlaw,Chips,&anIceCream DixieCup.Opensat2pm&runs untilfoodisgone.Oneboxper person.Multipleorderscanbe placedinadvancebycallingKaren at(315)569-5029.Advanceorder deadline5pmSaturday,August13. SeymourLibrary50/50Raffle Fundraiser TheSeymourLibrary, 161EastAvenue,Brockportisholdinga50/50Raffle.Theprizeis50% ofthemoneytakeninbythesale ofraffleticketssoldintheLibrary until1p.m.onAugust18th.The other50%willbenefittheLibrary’s bookcollection.TicketscanbepurchasedintheLibraryuntilthe drawingofthewinneronAugust 18th.Ticketpriceare:1for$5.00, 4for$10.00and10for$20.00. Libraryhours:MondayThursday10 a.m.to8p.m.,Friday10a.m.to6 p.m.,andSaturday10a.m.to3 p.m.
dogorcatfooditem.TheWNY TwinValleyClusterDogShowand Trialhoursare8:00A.M.to6:00 P.M,September2-4,Fireman’s Field,1503LakeRoad,Route19, Hamlin.AllJudgingwillbeoutdoors.Inadditiontothescheduled events,thisyear’sshowoffers uniquedogrelatedrafflebaskets, vendors&foodconcession.Come outtosupportthisworthycause andseeincredibledogs!http:// HAMLIN SummerSing:RochesterRhapsody ChorusInformationNightRochesterRhapsody,anacappella harmonychorus,welcomeswomen singersofallages,backgrounds andculturestoaspecialopenrehearsalnight.Ifyouareasinger enthusiasticaboutperformingin thegreater-Rochestercommunity, enhancingyourvocalskills,and havingFUNsharingharmonies, comeexperiencewhatwedo! COVIDhealthprecautionstaken. HeldAugust15,7pm-8:30pm, TempleBethEl,139WintonRd.S., Rochester.RSVPrequested:https:// GreeceOlympiaClassof1970 Reunion GreeceOlympiaClassof 1970willhavea50ishReunionon August27,2022attheLakeshore CountryClubfrom6PMuntil 10PM.OnFriday,August26,there willbeaninformalgatheringatBill Graysat1177NorthGreeceRoad, onAugust27therewillbeatourof GreeceOlympiaHighSchooland
* Scotland has 421 words for snow.
Presents HistoryComesAliveIV
BROCKPORT MuseumQuiltGuildMeetingsThe MuseumQuiltGuildmeetson the3rdSaturdayofeachmonthat theVAMedicalCenterAuditorium, 222RichmondAve.,Batavia.Masks arecurrentlyrequiredinsidethis facility.Regularmeetingsbeginat 9:30amandincludeashortbusinessmeeting,Show&Tellanda program.Dues:$20/yearforeach member.Workshopsmaybe scheduledforanominalfee. RoycroftfibermasterartisanKaren Sienkwillshareherartquiltsatour August20thmeeting,utilizing manydifferenttechniquesand styles-rawedgeappliqué,inktense painting,paintpours,beading, threadplayandfreemotion quilting.
GhostStoriesofNewYorkState After-Hour tours: Exploreeerie folktalesofsupernaturalvisitsand hauntedhappeningsfromacross NewYorkStateonaguidedwalking.Toursdepart6pm,6:15pm, 6:30pm,6:45pm,and7pmin groupsof20.Toursare approximately75minuteslong.Be preparedtowalk/standforthe tour’sentirety,andwearcomfortablewalkingshoes.Some roomsmayhavedimlightingor tightspaces.Whenyouarriveat theGeneseeCountryVillageMuseum,pleasefollowthesignsfor check-inandproceedthroughthe mainadmissionstunnel.Yourtour willbeannouncedfrombehindthe admissionstunnel!Friday,August 19,Saturday,August20,andSaturday,September3.https://www. FishingatLakeSurprise- Special guided adventurestoLakeSurprise, onourprivateOatkaCreekproperty,toallowvisitorsachanceto trytheirhandatfishing.Fishwillall bereleasedbytheendofthe experience.Dressfortheweather andwearcomfortablebootsor shoes.Weencouragedeveryoneto wearahatandprotectiveglasses. Participantsovertheageof16 musthaveafishinglicense.Onedaypassescanbepurchasedat Walmartfor$5.00.Arriveatthe NatureCenterBuildingforcheck-in 5-10minutesearly.LakeSurpriseis locatedapproximatelyONEMILE fromtheNatureCenterBuilding. August21,GeneseeCountryVillageMuseum.https://www.gcv. org/events/fishing-at-lake-suprise/ MUMFORD WNYTwinValleyCluster2022 Dog Show- WNYTwinValley Clusterisonceagainsupporting theUniversityofRochester,“Meals onWheelsPetFoodProgram,”in lieuofadmission,pleasedonatea theTownofGreecemuseum availablebeforethereuniondinner andonSunday,August28,there willbeapicnicatOntarioBeach Parkforclassmatesandguests.For Gratzerat443-691-6939ormark. seeyouthere! OakfieldHistoricalSociety HistoryComesAlive,comemeet someofourancestorsandhear theirstories.CaryCemetery,Maple Avenue,OakfieldonSaturdayAu-
HLOMJavawithJoeE.:Ryan Duffy, “HenryGlowacki”: The HollandLandOfficeMuseumis proudtoannounceitsnextedition ofourJavawithJoeEmorning coffeepresentationThursday,August25,9am.RyanDuffywhowill bepresentingonHenryGlowacki. GlowackiwasaPolishimmigrantto Bataviainthe1830s.Hebecamea prominentBataviacitizenandwent ontobecomealawyer,aclerkfor theHollandLandOffice,wasa recruiterfortheCivilWar,Village Trustee,schoolboardmember amongstmanyotherthings.Freeto thepublicandcoffeeanddonuts available.Toattendpleasecontact themuseum585-343-4727or
* Tickling has been divided into two types. Knismesis refers to “light featherlike” tickling, and gargalesis refers to “harder laughter-inducing” tickling.
mentalldaylongandfireworks. Checkwebsiteforcompletelisting BYRON STATISTICS SHOW JUST
Protecting Honeybees If you come across a hive, leave it alone. It’s best not to disturb a hive and honeybee colony. If bees are located where they can become a nuisance, contact a local bee expert to see if the hive can be moved.
IS Hundreds of
new businesses are
business in
STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne
* Prior to becoming America’s 38th president, Gerald Ford had a side gig as a model. In 1942, shortly after joining the Navy, he landed an uncredited spot on the cover of Cosmopolitan in his uniform.
gust27,2022,twotours7:00& 7:30PM.PleasecallLaurieNanni 585-259-4145orDarWarner 585-948-5926tobookyourspot. $10.00perperson.http://www. OAKFIELD Fiddler’sFair&MakingMusic Weekend will bringtogether musiciansoneightdifferentstages aroundtheMuseumgroundsfora weekendofnon-stopentertainment.Settleintohearthevariety ofperformers,grabfoodand drinks,orwandertheHistoricVillageandspendthedayimmersed inliveperformances.Saturdayand Sunday,August27&28,10-4pm attheGeneseeCountryVillage& Museum,1410FlintHillRoad, Mumford. events/making-music-weekend/
TheGatheringTable/Teen Closet: The GatheringTable,free communitydinner,willbeheldat BrockportFirstBaptistChurch,124 MainSt.,onSunday,August21,at anewtime--12:00pmuntilthe foodisgone.Takeoutsareavailable at12:45pmuntilthethefoodis gone.Brunchisbeingserved.The TeenClosetwillbeopen11:00am -1:00pm.
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page14 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel * On Aug. 14, 1935, President Franklin Roosevelt signs into law the Social Security Act, which guaranteed an income for the unemployed and retirees. The Social Security system has remained relatively unchanged since 1935. SavetheDate!Run,Walk,and Roll withCobblestoneArtsCenter -Sunday,September18thfor ourannualRun,WalkandRollfor CobblestoneArtsCenter.Registrationbeginsat8am,walkstartsat 10amatVictorHighSchool,953 HighSt.,Victor.Joinoursponsors CanandaiguaNationalBank,Kodak,Corby’sCollision,VisionKia andmanymoretosupportthis localresourceandourprogramfor personswithdevelopmental disabilities.Endingceremoniesat 11:15am.Tobecomeasponsorcall ShaneFackelmanat585-217-6430 Formateamandregisteronlineat races/cobblestone-arts-centerannual-run-walk-roll-5k VICTOR A life without love is like a year without summer. ~Swedish Proverb ROCKSTOCKMusicFestival Fundraiser ProceedstoBenefit the:ROCKSTOCKYOUTH MUSICIANSFUND.AUGUST18-21, 2022attheBrooksholmWedding BarnandEventCenter,565PavilionWarsawRd.,Wyoming.Camping,SWAGVendors,FoodTrucks, BBQ&FullBarAvailable.OVER20 BANDSincluding:JonathanBoogie Long;ClaudiaHoyser&Band.Musicstarts:6pm-Thursday,August 18;3pm-Friday,August19and 12noon-August20.Ticketsand Informationat:rockstocknewyork. com. PRESENTEDBYTHETEED AGENCY. WYOMING As summer vacation winds down, thoughts turn from jaunts to the beach to readying for a new school year. To-do lists include many of the typical tasks that precede going back to the classroom, including shopping for new clothes, purchasing school supplies and finishing summer reading assignments. Online POLL During the past week, the Senate passed President Biden’s sweeping climate, health and tax bill. The estimated $740 billion bill was reduced from last year’s $3.5 trillion proposal. This is... • A wonderful achievement • A mostly positive step forward • A concerning development • A serious problem Poll Ends 08-16-22 Poll Ends 08-09-22 In light of the tragic death of Rochester Police Officer Anthony Mazurkiewicz, how much support do you feel the Rochester Police force receives from the City of 21%58%12%9%Rochester?StrongSupportSomeSupportLittleSupportNoSupportWelovehearingfrom you! Vote and make your voice heard when you!visit PAW’S CORNER By Sam Mazzotta DEAR PAW’S CORNER: ree months ago, I adopted a beautiful orange striped cat. Felicia is a darling but has a traumatic past. Her previous owner declawed her front paws and later abandoned her to the street. She was rescued, fostered and then adopted by me. But she still su ers from that trauma, and she walks gingerly on her front paws. Can I do anything to relieve her su ering? -- Janine C., Alexandria, Virginia Dear Janine: She sounds like a real beauty! I’m so glad you two were brought together through pet adoption, and I know you’ll do your best for her. Talk with Felicia’s veterinarian about the way she’s walking. Declawed cats not only are traumatized by the removal of their claws -- it’s similar to amputating a limb -- they o en su er pain throughout their life and can develop complications like arthritis. Declawed cats o en exhibit signs of chronic pain, walking gingerly or limping, squirming out of your lap when you touch their front paws, or even showing increased aggression.evetshould look for any possible injury to the paw that she’s limping on, because it’s clear that she has more pain in one paw than the other. From there, a treatment can be developed that addresses the limp and the possible chronic pain that she may be su ering from. O en, pain medication alone does not solve the problem. A combination of therapies to help “reset” pain receptors can be very e ective for declawed cats. Follow the vet’s recommended therapies, and keep giving Felicia lots of love and good food so that she can continue to recover from the trauma she experienced. Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.
King Features Synd., Inc. Helping a Cat With a Traumatic Past

Several pair of WOMEN’S SHOES and SANDALS, size 10w. Women’s RED LEATHER JACKET, med/large. Pick up, Batavia: Text 845-309-9373
Two TWIN BEDS, includes mattresses, box springs & frames. Pick up, Stafford: Two585-343-3741UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS, maple settee and chair with cushions. Good condition. Pick up, Fairport: 585-425-2367
ITHACA ANTIQUE PUMP ORGAN. Very ornate. Pick up, Irondequoit: 585-323-1762
FOOSBALL TABLE, TREADMILL, GOLF CLUBS and BAGS, BOWLING BALLS, and BAG, EXERCISE BIKE, TWIN MATTRESS, PEDAL EXERCISER, BEAN BAG, BAR STOOLS, etc.: GREETING585-548-3231CARDS for crafts. 585-388-0318 (leave message if no answer) SOFA with fold-out queen size bed. Dansville. You pick up. 585-335-5314
QUEEN SIZE WATERBED FRAME with headboard and mattress insert. In very good condition: 72” x 36” FRONT DOOR with glass oval. TONGUE and GROOVE BOARDS, multiple lengths. You pick up:
CLICK CLACK COUCH/BED. Fair condition. Canandaigua area: 585-507-8788
3 Rolls of STRIPED WALLPAPER: (585) 265-2615
CPAP MACHINE. Call or text 585-831-5873 BARREL. MIRROR (60”x30”). No frame. In good shape. Pick up, Rochester: 7’585-944-6899SOFA,twotone gray. In good condition. Pick up, Dansville: 585-432-2442 guards DEPEND and TENA. Will deliver in Dansville or Wayland area: UPRIGHT585-728-3801PIANO, Kimball, walnut cabinet. Cabinet and mechanics refurbished; bench reupholstered. You pick up. Wayland area: 585-728-3801
HOSPITAL BED in good condition:
Pink HELLO KITTY FABRIC, about two yards. Two sets of TWIN SHEETS. Pick up, Batavia: Text ELECTRIC845-309-9374AIRCONDITIONER. Approx. 30”x25” About 30 years old. Works. Cord needs attention: 585-229-2186
RAISED TOILET SEAT with arms. Absolutely brand new, never out of the box: nadlLargehoc1@gmail.combucketofUSED
2 CLEAN double closed system BREAST PUMPS - Ameda (almost new) and Spectra (missing one part - easily found online): 225-205-4255
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page15 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 Guidelines: Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111 and LILY OF THE VALLEY PLANTS. Penfield, Webster area only: 585-670-0688 EXERCISE BIKE for senior in good working condition. Geneseo area: 585-346-6506 Working REFRIGERATOR WITH FREEZER. Preferably one from at least the year 2000 for an after-school program. No leaks please: Gardeners: have too many ZUCCHINIS? I’m willing to help you out. Love some: Preferably585-698-5937LARGE MOUTH CANNING JARS - 1 Gallon, 1/2 Gallon & Quart Size. Need for canning asap: 585-282-4881 REFRIGERATOR in good working condition. Genesee Co. area: 585-604-9069 Calling all gardeners to SHARE EXTRA PRODUCE - Donate to the Geneseo Parish Outreach Center Food Pantry, M-Th 9-12: 585-243-3120 WASHING MACHINE that is in good working condition for a family in great need: Old585-346-3566MANUREFOR GARDEN. Got a pile you want moved? I have a trailer and a pitchfork! LEATHER WORKING TOOLS/SUPPLIES, 4’-6’ folding tables, legs, and tabletop fold: DOG585-398-9907PLAYYARD ITEMS: children’s play gyms, children’s pool, big balls, splash pad, tether tug, agility etc. In good condition: 585-301-1247 COMIC BOOKS & SPORTS/COLLECTIBLE CARDS. All conditions. I can pick up. Thank you & God Bless: Call or text 585-260-0437 IRONING BOARD and IRON for 55+ community. Thank you. Call or text: HDTV585-356-9306CONVERTER BOX with REMOTE: WASHING MACHINE in good condition. Will pick up from Avon or surrounding area: 30-GALLON585-455-1680METALDRUM: Jim 585-624-4502 PLAYER PIANO ROLLS: 585-323-1762 Small aluminum STORM WINDOWS for playhouse. Approx. size, 15” - 28” wide x 20” - 28” high. 585-317-0270 Double reclining LOVESEAT in good condition. Monroe County area. 715-864-3034 Looking for a large old SUPER SOAKER WATER GUN from the 90s. 585-883-5334 GARDEN TRACTOR, 25hp preferred. Spencerport area. 585-943-4060 SPINNING WHEEL. Pittsford area. 585-381-4823 Long BLACK TUBING, 1” diameter. 30-40 ft. 585-343-1870 Any USED VEHICLE that will pass inspection. 585-905-4992
GOLF BALLS and gallon size bag of TEES: 585-356-3399
ELLIPTICAL/INCUMBENT EXERCISE MACHINE. Like new. You move and take away. In York area: 585-243-2973. Leave a message. Solid wood HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER with storage underneath and five shelves. Beautiful: 585-300-9201

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 60-year-old woman at the end of a five-year regimen of hormone therapy. My doctor has advised me to eventually stop the use of estrogen and progesterone by this summer, as she says women have an advanced risk of breast cancer at this age. Another friend a few years younger than me was told by her doctor that she could continue with hormonereplacement therapy until she is 70. Which doctor is correct? I am experiencing constant hot flashes again and am able to snatch only little bits of sleep each night, along with all of the other issues that come with the loss of estrogen (inability to regulate temperature, hair falling out, flaccid skin, vaginal dryness, etc.). My other question is, am I able to use other herbal compounds, specifically saw palmetto and/ or St. John’s wort, without any risk of breast cancer? Or are these and other estrogen-mimicking compounds also a contributor to breast cancer? -- R.N. ANSWER: There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the first question about how long to continue hormone treatment for symptoms of menopause. I disagree with any absolute rule, such as stopping at five years or waiting until 70, because any woman may place a different value on her well-being, and a woman’s individual risk for breast cancer also needs to be considered. You haven’t told me about any particular risk, but my answer would be very different for a woman with average risk compared with a woman with increased risk due to family history, for Aboutexample.40%of women will have symptomatic hot flashes until age 65, and continuing estrogen is reasonable in women who are willing to accept the increase in risk. The risk is not just breast cancer. Women taking combined estrogens and progestins have a small increase in the risk of heart disease, stroke and pulmonary embolism (blood clot to the lung), but a decreased risk of colon cancer and hip fracture. That all sounds scary, but the increase in risk of any of these is less than 0.5%. Overall, women on combined hormones were slightly LESS likely to die than those who were not. Many women choose to continue taking their hormones when their symptoms are significantly affecting their quality of life. I feel very strongly that it’s the physician’s job to advise so a woman can make the best decision for Sawherself.palmetto is not commonly used for menopausal symptoms (it’s used very frequently by men with prostate issues), and there is inconsistent evidence on its contribution for breast cancer. Similarly, there is no consensus on the risk of St. John’s wort for breast cancer, and only limited evidence that it helps menopausal symptoms. St. John’s wort can interact with many medicines, so it’s wise to discuss its use with a pharmacist if you are taking other medication. Many women ask about phytoestrogens (such as in soy protein or red clover) and other herbs with estrogenic activity (such as black cohosh). There is a theoretical risk, and although there are some studies suggesting they may be safe, many experts advise against these for women at high risk. That group would include women with a history of an estrogen-sensitive tumor.
Stress can affect people of any age. While small amounts of stress may stimulate adrenaline responses and help people power through difficult projects or solve problems, chronic stress can impact the mind and body in harmful ways. WebMD defines stress as any change in the environment that requires the body to react and adjust in response. The body may react to stress physically, emotionally and/or mentally. Positive stress, called eustress, can take the form of getting a new job with greater responsibilities. However, it’s the bad stress - distress - that can cause tension and other negative consequences. Money, health and relationships are some of the common contributors to stress in the United States. Seventy-seven percent of Americans regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress, and 73 percent experience psychological symptoms from stress. Statistics Canada indicated that, in 2014, the most recent year for which data is available, 23 percent of Canadians ages 15 and older (6.7 million people) reported that most days were “quite a bit” or “extremely” stressful. Stress can have many implications. When the body is stressed, muscles tense up and chronic stress can cause the muscles in the body to stay taut and tense for long periods of time, says the American Psychological Association. This may lead to tension headaches and musculoskeletal Thedisorders.Mayo Clinic advises that stress can cause fatigue, changes in sex drive, stomach upset, and difficulty sleeping. Stress also affects mood, potentially resulting in lack of motivation or focus, anxiety, sadness, and/ or angry Healthlineoutbursts.linkschronic stress to behaviors such as overeating, not eating enough, alcohol or drug abuse, and social withdrawal.
A 2018 report from Canada’s National Autism Spectrum Disorder Surveillance System estimated that one in 66 children and youth in Canada are diagnosed with ASD.
By Keith Roach, M.D. TreatmentHormoneDepends
on the Individual
Length of
Reducing stress is a priority for many people. Although it is not an easy undertaking, slowly removing stressors from one’s life and taking steps toward changing one’s responses to stressful situations can help. There are many stress-management strategies, and not every one is right for all individuals. However, the following techniques may be helpful.
• Meditation: Mindful meditation, deep breathing, yoga, and tai chi are ways to focus the brain away from stressful situations.
©,Inc. All
• Exercise: Regular physical activity can help reduce stress.
• Hobbies: Crafts, hobbies and other engaging activities can direct attention away from stress.
• Talk therapy: Seeing a therapist may help some people work through stress and discover additional techniques to change how they respond to stress.
*** Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYour Rights Reserved
• Situation changes: Changing a job, residence or a condition that removes a source of stress may be handy. Many people suffer from stress, which can be very harmful if not dealt with healthily and readily.
• Socialization: Talking and spending time with friends or family can relieve stress.

fans in areas of the home that might be warm but not too hot during the summertime. Modern ceiling fans with the ENERGY STAR® logo can be as much as 75 percent more efficient than older models, and ceiling fans typically consume far less energy than air conditioners. Install fans that can rotate forward and in reverse, as the direction the fan is rotating can actually heat or cool a room. Consult the owner’s manual to determine which direction fans should be rotating in on hot and cold days.
How do you get rid of moles in your garden that are eating all your plants? If the animals are actually eating your plants, then they are not moles. Moles eat insects and earthworms in the soil. You probably have voles that can look similar to moles. Voles eat plants. Voles prefer the bark of young fruit trees as well as tender stems, foliage, flowers, seeds and fruits of grasses, sedges and many other herbaceous plants. They will make surface and underground tunnels. Cats, dogs, foxes, skunks and coyotes will eat voles as will some snakes and birds. Keep a clean space around your garden. Mow it short or keep it dead. They do not like to be in the open due to the above-mentioned predators. You can use live traps but it is illegal in NY to relocate the animals so you will need to kill and bury them on your property.
You can use a half inch mesh to surround your garden or individual plants, but you will need to bury it 6 to 10 inches or so underground and have it extend about 12 inches above ground. Moles are not much for climbing. I have several Emerald Green Arborvitae which have brown patches from dead branches. Is it best to trim these brown spots or leave them? Dead branches on arborvitae are common in the spring. You can remove them now, and new growth will fill in the area. This problem can be reduced by providing ample irrigation in the fall
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page17 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 H OME S ERVICES SITECOMPLETEWORK Gravel Driveways • Land Clearing Utilities • Drainage • Excavation Local Material Delivery • Snowplowing We accept all major credit cards Residential/Commercial FREE ESTIMATES Serving Western NY and Southern tier Calltextor HOW TO CUT COSTS ON HOME RENOVATIONS Choose midgrade materials: Certain materials may be all the rage but they come with a higher price tag. Angi reports that granite counters could be $60 to $100 per square foot. However, a composite or laminate that looks like granite and wears well may be $10 to 40 per square foot. Figure out where you can choose middle-of-the-road materials for maximum value. GENERAL CONTRACTING Sponsored by: 3272 Eagle Harbor -Waterport Rd., Albion “Celebrating 32 years and still growing strong” “Red Shed” Gift Shop including fresh produce, jams, jellies, glazes, spreads, fresh honey, homemade soaps, candles & more Annuals • Perennials • Hanging Baskets • Geraniums • Fruit • Vegetables • Bedding Plants Gift Certificates • M-SAT, 9-8; SUN 9-5 1 mile south of Rt. 104, 1 mile from Rt. 31, north of lift bridge Navarra’s Farm Market & Greenhouse “We grow it all!” from Cornell Cooperative Extension, Livingston County Q&A Master Gardeners with the e Master Gardener Program is a national program of trained volunteers who work in partnership with their county CCE o ce to extend information throughout their communities. Look for this weekly column! Your answerquestionsedbythelocalCornellexperts. SEND YOUR QUESTIONS TO OUR EXPERTS! Your question(s) will be answered directly & may be featured in our column! Ask them today at: GVPENNYSAVER.COM/ GARDEN

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page18 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 Funded by: NYS Homes and Community Renewal PATHSTONE CORPORATION IS OFFERING FREE HOME ENERGY IMPROVEMENTS The PathStone Weatherization Assistance Program is available for income-eligible households in Monroe County located outside of the city limits. Reduce energy costs and improve the safety of your home through energy efficiency measures in owned or rented property. Contact Us Today! 442.2030 ext.752 HEAP AutomaticallyRecipientsEligible Income guidelines are: Family of 1: $32,748 Family of 2: $42,828 Family of 3: $52,908 Family of 4: $62,988 MAJORS THAT MIGHT HELP YOU GET HIRED As the cost of college tuition continues to rise and the job market grows increasingly competitive, college students are giving greater consideration to their prospects of being hired before choosing a major. A 2015 study commissioned by the National Association of Colleges and Employers asked 201 employers, including companies like Aetna, Macy’s and Procter & Gamble, which degrees are most in demand, even distinguishing between the most in demand bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees and doctorates. The following are the results of that study, courtesy of the NACE. Most in demand bachelor’s degrees: 1. Accounting 2. Computer Science 3. Finance 4. Business ManagementAdministration/ 5. Mechanical Engineering Most in demand master’s degrees: 1. Computer Science 2. Electrical Engineering 3. Mechanical Engineering 4. Information Sciences & Systems 5. Business Administration Most in doctoratedemanddegrees: 1. Electrical Engineering 2. Computer Science 3. Software Engineering 4. Computer Engineering 5. Mechanical Engineering

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page19 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 HARDSCAPE AND HOW TO USE IT Choose a theme. The right style allows hardscaping and softscaping materials to work together. For example, homeowners may want to give wilworkThecanwithortheiryardsaneasternfeel,completewithakoipondanddecorativebridgetrellis.AformalEnglishgarden,however,mayincludemanicuredpathssteppingstonesandornatetopiaries.Mixingtoomanystylestogethertakeawayfromtheoverallappeal.prossuggestlookingattheoverallplanofthedesign,evenifallofthecan’tbecompletedatonce.Thiswaytheeventualfinishedprojectbecohesive. LAWN & LANDSCAPING HOME IMPROVEMENT PEST CONTROL ASPHALT PAVING Stone Driveways RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL All Work Fully Guaranteed • Free Estimates 638-5011 - Cell 259-1817 PAVING, LLC EXCAVATING • PAVING R.J. CHRIST BackhoeReplaceDriveway&Repair•Bulldozer EstimatesFree Hilton,NY392-2687

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GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page20 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 H OME S ERVICES LIMITED TIME OFFER 60% off TAKE AN ADDITIONAL 10% off YOUR INSTALLATION Install for Military, Health Workers and First Responders + Warranty- Limited Lifetime. Transferable to 1 subsequent owner from original purchaser. Terms and conditions apply. Hail up to 2.5”, Appearance of the surface coating beyond normal wear and tear. Limited time offer. Expires 12.31.22 STRONG AS STEEL WITH THE ATTRACTIVE LOOK OF VARIOUS ROOF STYLES NEW METAL ROOF Guaranteed to Last a Lifetime! From Dimensional Shingles to classic styles reminiscent of Cedar Shake and Spanish Tile, an architectural roo ng system by Erie Metal Roofs can enhance the beauty of your home while protecting your family and property for a lifetime. Made in the USA Call today to schedule your FREE ESTIMATE 1-877-350-3053 New orders only. Does not include material costs. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Minimum purchase required. Other restrictions may apply. This is an advertisement placed on behalf of Erie Construction Mid-West, Inc (“Erie”). Offer terms and conditions may apply and the offer may not be available in your area. Offer expires December 31, 2022. If you call the number provided, you consent to being contacted by telephone, SMS text message, email, pre-recorded messages by Erie or its affiliates and service providers using automated technologies notwithstanding if you are on a DO NOT CALL list or register. Please review our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use on All rights reserved. ROOFING, SIDING, GUTTERS on a complete Bath Fitter system UP TO SAVE 450*$ ®Registered trademark of Bath Fitter Franchising Inc *Save 10% up to $450. Special o er good on the purchase of a bathtub or shower, wall and faucet kit. One o er per customer. May not be combined with any other o er. O er must be presented at the time of estimate. Discount applies to same day purchases only. Previous orders and estimates excluded. O er valid only at the above location. †Subject to certain limitations. O er expires 2022-3-31.
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GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page21 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 OUR SORTED CLASSIFIEDS SECTION BRINGS BUYERS & SELLERS TOGETHER! Conveniently separated into categories, our Classifieds Section makes buying & selling a breeze – and all of our classifieds appear online as well. Easily place a classified using one of three options. Complete the online form @GVPENNYSAVER.COM Call our classified ad experts toll free @1-866-812-8111 Fill out the form below & return to OUR OFFICE 1. YOUR MESSAGE 2. DEADLINES & EDITIONS 4. COST $ $ $ 3. CATEGORY TUESDAY @ 5PM Monroe East WEDNESDAY @ 10AM EastwayAdoptionAnnouncementsAppliancesArt&MusicAutomotive Tuesday at noon for online submissions. *10¢ additional charge for each word over 20 per each edition. WEDNESDAY @ 2PM Dansville-Wayland Call 1-866-812-8111 for Dansville pricing OatkaBatavia WEDNESDAY @ 4PM Tri-County WEDNESDAY @ 5PM Livingston 21 43 5 76 98 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 *20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 $12*2 $20*3 $28*4 $36*5 $44*6 $52*7 $60*8 $68*9 $76* WRITE IN THE SPACES BELOW. ONE WORD PER BOX. INCLUDE CONTACT INFO. CHOOSE YOUR EDIT ALL CLASSIFIEDS WILL APPEAR ON GVPENNYSAVER.COM. CALCULATE TOTAL COST OF AD. CHOOSE YOUR CATEGORY. WEDNESDAY @ 12PM RushCanandaigua-NaplesHenrietta COST OF AD $ *Add $3 for extra bolding ....................................+ *Add $3 for border ...............................................+ *Add $5 for color ..................................................+ *Add $5 for black & white photo ..........................+ (+$3 each additional edition) *Add $10 for color photo ......................................+ (+$3 each additional edition) SUBTOTAL $ Multiply subtotal by number ................................x of weeks ad is to run GRAND TOTAL $ PAYMENT Cash Check CC Money Order Baby Items Child ClassesCareCleaningComputers ElderEducationCareElectronicsFinancesFirewood HealthFurnitureGarageSalesInsuranceItemsforSale PetsPersonalsLivestockMisc. Real EstateForRentForSale Rec. WantedServicesVehiclesSportsItems Email Address TownStreetName Zip Phone Credit Card # Exp. Date Security CodeUse the final 3-digit number on the back of your card. Amex: 4 digits on card front. PAYMENT OR CREDIT CARD INFO ACCOMPANYMUST ALL AD SUBMISSIONS
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page22 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 This week’s puzzle answer is elsewhere in this paper. The Crossword Puzzle is provided by Tribune Media Services. Any questions or comments should be made to 1-800-346-8798.
(c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
We’re in our third summer of the Covid pandemic and another winter is coming.inkabout that statement for a minute. Did any of us imagine, back in the summer of 2020, that the problems would still be with us in 2022? I for one was betting that once the vaccines started coming out, Covid would surely be vanquished. Oh, how wrong I was. Many of us settled in during that rst year of Covid isolation, missing meetings, dinners out and friends. We just didn’t dare go out, even if we had been the rst to qualify for the vaccines. We didn’t host family during the holidays, and some of us had ham sandwiches for anksgiving dinner.But it hasn’t been all bad. We learned how to attend meetings and talk to family on Zoom, we checked in with friends by phone and we gured out how to place curbside grocery orders on the computer. During warm weather we took walks and saw outdoor concerts and sometimes even dared to visit certain businesses when they weren’t busy. Already, however, upon realizing that this is our third summer with Covid and with the vaccine boosters continuing to show i y results for long-term e cacy, I’m no longer taking bets about when it will all go away. I’m thinking ahead to winter when everyone goes back inside and the risk of infection increases. Some thoughts on getting through this coming winter: Increase the level of exercise you get. Hunt for interesting YouTube videos of exercise and yoga for seniors. Find ways to address anxiety. Double up on communication with others to avoid isolation. Find a new hobby. Buy a few new houseplants. Splurge on home delivery of groceries now and then, instead of curbside pickup. What do you think? Can we do it again? Can we make it through another Covid winter?
SENIOR NEWS By Matilda Charles Another Covid Winter
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page23 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 Lutheran Church of Our Saviour (ELCA) 2415 Chili Ave., 585-247-7824 • e Reverend Joachim K. Wilck, Pastor Recorded services on Email: o • Services Sun. 9am & 11:15am On the last Sunday of the month, there is only one service at 11:15am We continue to follow mask guidelines. You may worship indoors & we broadcast in parking lot/drive-in. Audio Loop for the Hearing Impaired. LUTHERAN Our Lady of Mercy & St. Brigid Catholic Parishes 44 Lake St., LeRoy, NY 14482 • 585-768-6543 • Our Lady of Mercy Masses: Sat. 4:30pm; Sun. 7:15am, 10:45am, 5:30pm Weekday Masses: Mon. - Fri. 7:30am; Sat. 9am Confessions: Sat. 3-4pm; Tues. 7-7:30pm; urs. 6-6:30pm St. Brigid’s, 18 Gibson St., Bergen, NY 14416, Sunday Mass: 9am Weekday Masses: Tues. & urs. 8:30am; Confessions: Sat. 2-2:30pm CATHOLIC CORNERSTONE CHURCH OF EAST PEMBROKE 2583 Main Rd. P.O. Box 189, East Pembroke, NY 14056 • 585-762-8721 email: Churchcornerstonechurchep@yahoo.comWebsite:CornerstoneChurchofEast Pembroke VBS August 27, 2022 9-12 at the church picnic lunch to follow Secretary’s hours: Tues, Weds, urs. 9-1 PASTOR: Rev. Glenn Bloom, Jr 585-356-4657 • Pastor’s wife Joyce 585-356-8253 BAPTIST List your place of Worship on our monthly Worship Pages. Call 226-8111 today. Batavia Seventh-Day Adventist Church 101 Richmond Ave, Batavia, NY 14020 • 716-221-0067 Pastor, Edgar De León Times of Worship/Services: 9:30am • Worship Service 11am-12pm • Bible Study No services on June 25th and July 2nd. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST Church of Christ PO Box 230, 60 Spring St., Brockport, NY 14420 • Minister: Scott Kelley 585-637-2650 • 10:00am Bible Study, 11:00am Worship Service; Wed. 7:00pm Mid-week Bible Study - email us for Zoom link Additional parking at 69 High Street. Cornerstone Church 8020 Bank Street Road, Batavia 343-8020 Sunday Co ee & Fellowship 9:30am • Sunday Worship Service 10am Wednesday Prayer & Worship 5:30pm Wednesday Men’s & Women’s Bible Study at 6:30pm NON-DENOMINATIONAL Batavia First United Methodist Church To Make Disciples We Must Listen, Learn, Lead, and Love Our Way to God! 8221 Lewiston Rd., Batavia, NY • 343-4708 • Rev. Wayne Mort Worship & Sunday School, 10am • Child care provided Sun. at 10am. METHODIST

RANTS Go to WWW.GVPENNYSAVER.COM and submit your own Rants and Raves under the tab - SHARE WITH US Orioles! It is beautiful to see all the orioles swarming at my oriole feeder. Everyone should get one to help hydrate the birds on these hot and dry days. I got the oriole feeder that you put a grape jelly jar on, and the orioles just love it! I watch females and males at the feeder. There are skirmishes too, as one oriole may take too long to enjoy the sweet treat, but usually the males let the females go first. Nice birds! I also keep my hummingbird feeder clean with fresh homemade, no color added, sugar and water, weekly or less depending on how fast the hummers go through the nectar. No problems with ants or rodents as I keep the oriole feeder 30 feet away from the house and on a shepherd’s hook stand. I think there are about four pairs of orioles and their offspring who visit the feeder now. Just this morning, I spotted five orioles at the feeder at one time; two eating the jelly, and three waiting on the shepherd’s hook for their turn. It’s comical, too. Animals in Stores? I like animals; I truly do. I have a cat of my own and would love to own a dog one day. However, there is no need to bring a dog into any store that is not a pet store. Unless you have a service animal, please keep your animals at home. Not everyone wants dogs by their food or where they generally grocery shop. This includes outdoor restaurants. Some dog breeds are massive in size and can make people uncomfortable. Take a minute and think about that. I’m glad you love your pet, but please don’t expect me to. Let’s have common courtesy and leave our pets at home or only bring them in pet stores. Respect private property! I recently looked out my window and saw a family of strangers in my field, posing their children for photos using crops as props. They did not ask for permission, just proceeded to do what they wanted. It shouldn’t matter whether land is posted or not. It’s common sense and common decency. Would they like it if I came into their yard and started treating it like it was my own? Unless it’s designated a public space, it’s obviously private property, and you are not entitled to be on it without the owners’ consent. Midterms Now’s the time we all should be looking closer at our leadership. Midterm elections are around the corner. Remember [to vote] at election time.
SNAP & ShareSNA Send us your photos and captions at under My Hometown

Mackenzie McGrain Genesee Valley Publications Dominic Pezzimenti Genesee Valley Publications
Dominic Pezzimenti, Genesee Valley Publications
About the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation e Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is the world’s leader in the search for a cure for cystic brosis. e Foundation funds more CF research than any other organization, and nearly every CF drug available today was made possible because of Foundation support. Based in Bethesda, Md., the Foundation also supports and accredits a national care center network that has been recognized by the National Institutes of Health as a model of care for a chronic disease. e CF Foundation is a donor-supported nonpro t organization. For more information, please go to
Jessie Cocquyt, Villager Construction, Inc.
Noah McDonald, Northwestern Mutual Mackenzie McGrain, Genesee Valley Publications
Tom Rickettson, Woods Oviatt Gilman, LLP Anthony Sanganetti, LaBella Associates Michael Sellars, Ameriprise Financial, LLC Matthew Stives, KeyBank Marin Valentino, URMC Patrick Williams, Passero Associates
Patrick Gri n, LeChase Construction Services, LLC Chris Higgins, US Employee Bene ts Services Group
Jordan Bernstein, Brown & Brown Insurance Company
Joe Ingrassio, WestHerr Auto Group
The Rochester’s Finest are honored for their career success, commitment to the community and dedication to raising funds and awareness to help support CF research, patient services, and other mission-based initiatives of the CF Foundation. e program runs for 12 weeks and culminates in a celebration of their accomplishments on September 15, 2022. Included in the program are opportunities for professional development, networking, and developing skills as a leadership volunteer.“Together with our community we are transforming cystic brosis from a deadly childhood disease to the best story in medicine,” said Heather McKeever, Executive Director of the WNY Chapter. “When the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation was rst founded, children with CF typically did not live long enough to attend elementary school. Today, people with CF are achieving milestones like going to college and starting families of their own. We are making incredible progress, but we can’t do it alone. We invite everyone in the Rochester community to help us make ‘CF’ stand not for cystic brosis, but for ‘Cure Found.’” ree of this year’s prestigious Rochester’s Finest (RF) honorees are outstanding employees of Genesee Valley Publications: Sarah Christ, Mackenzie McGrain, and Dominic Pezzimenti. “I was nominated for Rochester’s Finest by my coworker, a RF graduate from 2021, Laurie Abbott,” shared Sarah Christ. “At the Creekside event where we fundraised for CFF last year, I met Patty Schwarzweller, the Associate Executive Director at CCF of WNY, and I instantly fell in love with her passion for CFF and RF. A few of my friends’ family members live with cystic brosis and have bene tted directly from CF, so I was honored to get involved.” Christ was paired with CFF Ambassador. “I had the privilege of meeting Nicole and her 13-year-old son Nate who shared his journey with CFF,” she said. “Nicole shared how CFF and RF had made development and research resulting in breakthrough treatments and medications possible. RF gave me the opportunity to network and get involved with my community, to learn about CFF and raise funds in a fun and creative way, and to develop a personal connection with someone living with CF.”
Zooey Bowman, ENALAS Group Alexandra Camp, Good Apple Sarah Christ, Genesee Valley Publications
“When I was nominated for Rochester’s Finest by my mentor and RF 2020 graduate, Christine White, I decided to get involved so that I could learn more about cystic brosis and help raise funds for a cure,” said Mackenzie McGrain. “I met a wonderful woman who had been diagnosed with CF as a baby. She invited me into her home and showed me what her daily CF routine looks like. I was shocked at how many medications and precautions she had to take several times daily, without which her life expectancy would be shortened, and her organ function would drop signi cantly low. CFF and RF are very important in their work to raise CF awareness, to raise funds for necessary medications and equipment, and to hopefully nd a permanent cure for CF,” McGrain added. “I have met amazing individuals who commit their time and e orts to this, and I am honored to be a part of the RF Class of 2022!”
Gannon Connors, Constellation Brands, Inc. Emily Cullen, SFG Wealth Management Greg Dechert, Conway Beam Truck Group
Enjoy this article? Check out this week’s other great stories online at
Josh Anderson, Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
Alex Querns, Livingston Associates
The WNY Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation announces the CFF Rochester’s Finest Class of 2022. This year’s honorees (with employer) are:
Sarah Christ Genesee Valley Publications
Celebrating Rochester’s Finest Class of 2022
• A Summer Read Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at or email our Hometown Editor Amanda Dudek at!
Dominic Pezzimenti was nominated by coworker Christine White, as well. “I became involved because I always think it’s good to give back when you can, and Christine thought I had the drive and personality for it. CFF and RF are such a top-notch group, and it’s nothing short of an honor to be a part of it. CF can be such a burden to those living with it, and CFF has paved great paths to help those living with this disease,” Pezzimenti added. “I have learned so much during my time with CFF and RF, not only regarding fundraising and the wide range of smart and unique people we have in this area, but also regarding the visibility CFF and RF create for a disease that does not get a lot of attention, yet deeply impacts people living right here in our communities.”
Stefan Muoio, Equitable Advisors, LLC Adriana Passarell, 58 Main BBQ & Brew
Nick Como, Keyence Corporation of America

* On Aug. 18, 1958, Vladimir Nabokov’s controversial novel “Lolita” is published in the U.S. The novel, about a man’s obsession with a 12-year-old girl, had been rejected by four publishers before G.P. Putnam’s Sons accepted it.
* On Aug. 17, 1978, the Double Eagle II, with three pilots, completes the first trans-Atlantic balloon flight when it lands near Paris after lifting off from Presque Isle, Maine. The helium-filled balloon had flown 3,233 miles in the nearly six-day odyssey.
Journey Quilt Co. MOVING SALE! All fabric, lamps & parts are 50% o Open: Wed. - Sat. 10am-3pm or by appointment 9630 Chidsey Rd. • Dalton, NY 14836 585-476-2630
To serve: Silgochu (dried chilli threads) 1 spring onion, julienned and soaked in ice water until curled, then drained ForSrirachathefilling, first sauté the mushrooms in the sesame oil in a large nonstick frying pan over medium-low heat until just softened. Remove from the heat and set aside. In a large bowl, combine the rest of the filling ingredients with the mushrooms. Mix together using your hands, really breaking up the short rib meat to make a uniform Fortexture.thedumplings, line a couple of baking sheets with parchment and set aside. Fill a small bowl with water. Unwrap the wonton wrappers and cover lightly with a piece of clingfilm to keep them moist. Lay a wrapper on a clean work surface and put 1 ounce of the meat filling in the center. Dip a forefinger into the water and run it along the edges of the wrapper to moisten the surface. Now bring the open edges to the center, and pinch where the edges meet each other, creating four seams in a cross shape. Set aside and cover with clingfilm or a damp tea towel while you shape the rest. Repeat with the remaining wrappers and filling, making sure the dumplings are not touching on the baking sheets. To a medium saucepan, add the vegetable oil and heat to 340 F (170 C). Working in batches, place the dumplings on their sides in the pan in a single layer without crowding. Cook for 3 to 4 minutes until golden brown. Transfer the fried dumplings to a wire rack or kitchen paper-lined plate to drain. Repeat with the remaining dumplings. If you don’t plan on cooking them straight away, you can freeze them on the baking sheets, then bag them up and store in the freezer. Top with some of the silgochu and curly spring onion and serve immediately with the sriracha. Prepare for unexpected
* On Aug. 20, 1920, seven men, including legendary football star Jim Thorpe, meet to organize a professional football league. The meeting led to the creation of the American Professional Football Conference, the forerunner to the National Football League.
* On Aug. 19, 1960, in the USSR, captured American U-2 spy plane pilot Francis Gary Powers is sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for his confessed espionage. Only 18 months into his sentence, the Soviets released him in exchange for Rudolf Abel, a senior KGB spy who was caught and convicted in the U.S. five years earlier.
Makes about 45 50 thin square eggless wonton wrappers (around 4 inches in size) Vegetable oil, for frying Filling: 5 ounces shiitake mushrooms, stems removed and finely chopped 1 tablespoon roasted sesame oil 1 pound, 2 ounces cooked, shredded beef short ribs 11 ounces cabbage kimchi, drained and finely chopped 3 1/2 ounces spring onions, finely chopped 3 ounces pickled jalapeños, finely chopped 1 pound, 2 ounces mature cheddar cheese, grated Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
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GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page27 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 Penny Saver Send us a photo and brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it. Email to: or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS. Hi! My name is Ricky. I’m 2 1/2 years old. I started doing agility a year ago and went from novice to masters in that time. I love walks at Hamlin Beach and traveling to agility trials in the RV with my buds, Rain & Harriet. We have more than just flowers! 26 Batavia City Centre • 344-1283 Seasonal Decor, Signs, Candles, Unique gift options, Cards, and more! Stop in today! 71 Main St, Brockport, NY 585.637.9150 M-F 10:30-6; Sat 10:30-5; Sun. Closed “For all your gi giving needs!” Fidget Central OH MY!! YOU WON’T BELIEVE ALL THE FIDGETS!! Check us out during the Brockport Arts Festival! Open the Sunday of the Arts Fest! SUBMIT PHOTOS & CAPTIONS AT GVPENNYSAVER.COM SPORTS • CELEBRATIONSEVENTSVACATIONS HOMETOWN 1. The love of a dad and his boys 2. Kiara Gramkee with her rooster, Dr. Crow Watson, at the Hemlock Fair! 3. The beauty of nature 4. A flock of geese flew in to visit the memorial at Vitale Park, Conesus Lake

* “We made our own umbrella stand by taking the bottoms off of two large coffee cans, and then stacking them on top of a third can with only the top removed. We taped the cans together and covered the whole thing with leftover wallpaper, which we sealed where it overlapped.” -- I.D. in Ohio
WAYS TO SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES Think of small business sponsorships when putting together school- or clubbased fundraisers.
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page28 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 • Sofas from....................................................$599 • Leather Sofas ............................Up to 40% OFF • Chairs from..................................................$299 • End Tables from...........................................$199 • Recliners from..............................................$399 • Twin Springs or Mattresses from...............$179 • Queen Sets from.......................................... $599 • King Sets from............................................. $799 • Adjustable Queen Beds........................... $1,299 • Odd Chests from..........................................$399 • Reclining Sofas from................................... $899 • Carpeting from...........................................99¢/ . • Loveseats from............................................ $499 • Dressers from.............................................. $599 • Twin Headboards from...............................$179 • Hide-a-beds from........................................$999 • Glide Rockers from......................................$599 • Desks from................................................... $899 • Luxury Vinyl from.............................$5.99/sq. . • Laminate from.....................................$1.29sq. . UPSAVINGSTO70% This is your lastchance to get in on the big Savings! • Bassett • Catnapper • England • Flexsteel • Craftmaster • Ashley • Vaughn-Bassett • Best Chair • Homestretch • Mohawk, Shaw & Aladdin Carpeting • Restonic, Ashley & Corsicana Bedding& More! Choos fro NO INTEREST FOR 48 MONTHS!* *Minimum purchase required. Subject to credit approval. SUMMER CLEARANCE M-F 9am-5pm (available by appt. 5pm-7pm), Sat.: 10am-4pm, Sunday: Closed 585-431-0089 BROCKPORT, NY WWW.EZDUMPSTERBROCKPORT.COM Navarra’s Farm Market & Greenhouse “We grow it all!” 3272 Eagle Harbor - Waterport Rd., Albion “Celebrating 32 years and still growing strong” M-Sat, 9-8; SUN 9-5 1 mile south of Rt. 104, 1 mile from Rt. 31, north of lift CertificatesbridgeGiftFresh Produce available! Upcoming Classes Wednesday, August 17th - Terrarium Class Thursday, August 18th - Macramé Class $35 per class, starting at 6pm REASONS TO SHOP FARMERS’ MARKETS Many farmers’ markets offer foods that are organically grown and are produced without GMOs. Farmers’ market retailers also tend to give firsthand accounts of where their foods come from and how they are grown or raised.
* You can whiten chopping boards with lemon juice. Just use the cut side of a lemon to scrub the board, let it sit for up to 10 minutes, and rinse clean.
* Need a funnel quickly? Double a sheet of aluminum foil and roll into a funnel shape. It works!
* If you have stubborn shellac on your paintbrush, try dissolving it by soaking in alcohol. Make sure you do this in a ventilated area.
* Here’s a fun activity for the kids: Let them “paint” cookies. Using clean craft brushes or watercolor brushes, the kids can use food coloring to paint designs on cookies. They can even paint the dough before it’s been cooked and see how the design spreads and settles.
* If you are stuffing pillows or a child’s toy with foam rubber chips, rub a bit of fabric softener over your hands first. The tiny pieces won’t get stuck to your hands with static, and it will smell nice to boot!
NOW HERE’S A TIP By JoAnn Derson

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Spray large sheet pan with nonstick cooking spray. Gently place puff pastry sheet on pan. With pastry brush, gently spread 1/2 tablespoon olive oil on pastry sheet. Place about half the orange segments in two rows on top of pastry sheet, leaving 1-inch margins on all sides. Fold edges of pastry sheet to create border. Sprinkle 2 ounces crumbled Gorgonzola over oranges. Sprinkle with salt, if desired, and basil. Bake until golden brown, about 15-20 minutes. Remove from oven; cool on wire rack. Coarsely chop beets. In large bowl, toss together remaining orange segments, salad greens and chopped beets. Drizzle with remaining olive oil; toss gently to Cutcombine.cooked galette into 12 pieces. Top with beet salad. Sprinkle with remaining cheese and pecans. DISCOUNTAIRTRAVEL. Call FlightServicesforbestpricingon domestic&internationalflightsinside &fromtheUS.ServingUnited,Delta, American&Southwest&manymore. Freequote!Havetraveldatesready! 844-951-2014. ELIMINATEGUTTERCLEANING FOREVER! 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