Tri- County- Genesee Valley Penny Saver- 8-16-24

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All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 •


Then followed that beautiful season...Summer....

Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light; and the landscape Lay as if new created in all the freshnessofchildhood.

~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

What’s BugGing You?


Heart health benefits: Some people avoid dairy because of perceptions that it is bad for cardiac health. A report presented at the 2018 Congress of the European Society of Cardiology that looked at 20 studies involving around 25,000 people found no association between the consumption of most dairy products (including whole fat varieties) and cardiovascular disease. The only exception was milk, but the results showed one would have to drink almost a liter of milk a day for a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. Still, the American Heart Association recommends adults choose fat-free or low-fat dairy products whenever possible. Also, a 2018 study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found men who ate plenty of fermented dairy products like yogurt and cheese had a smaller risk of coronary artery disease than men who ate less.

August 24, 2024

Registration: 8AM

Kick Stands Up: 10AM Bike: $25

Rider/Passenger: $10 (Price includes dinner) Cash bar

Start: Brockport Area Veterans Club (222 West Avenue, Brockport)


* Dark Horse Saloon (10516 NY-36, Dansville)

* Dirty Dave’s (28 Caledonia Avenue, Scottsville)

* Ridge Runner’s Bar (8006 W. Ridge Road, Brockport)

End: Brockport Area Veterans Club

& Enjoy

Music, Food, 50/50 Raffle, Basket Raffles & Family Fun! All are welcome to join. Cost: $10/person

Vendors welcome Questions? Call Kathy at 585-286-0062

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PO Box 340 • 1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414

Phone: 585-226-8111 Fax: 585-226-3390


President ...........................Steve Harrison

General Manager ...........................Manuel Karam

Creative Director ..............................Cristie Leone

Production Supervisor .................................Jeff Wasson

Circulation Manager ...............................Paul Schojan

Members of:

Gold Standard Publication National Award Winning Paper


Genesee Valley Penny Saver, PE 25776, Copyright © 2024, is published weekly by Genesee Valley Publications, Inc, 106 W. Main St., Honeoye Falls, NY. Periodical Postage paid at Pittsford Post Office and at additional mailing offices.


Send address changes to: Genesee Valley Penny Saver PO BOX 340 Avon, NY 14414-0340


HOLLEY: 10Park Place.August 16-18(9-4pm).MOVINGSALE. Household,housemaintenance, bedroom/livingroomfurniture,vintage,freestuff.Fairoffersaccepted.

BROCKPORT: 4045County LineRd. August23,24and25,(9am-4pm) MECHANICGARAGE SALE,RAIN ORSHINEToolcabinets,welding equipment,metallathes,tablesaw, surfacegrinder,verticalmill,drill press,metal-cuttingbandsaw,motorcyclesparts,motorcyclelift, wrenches,hammers,screwdrivers, shovels,ladders,towhookswith chain,Toolboxesandmuchmore toolsandequipment.



Dogs are wildly popular pets. The American Pet Products Association saysthereare63.4millionhouseholds in the United States that have a dog, and with the exception of 2002 and 2015, that number has steadily risen since 2000. Certain breeds remain especially popular among dog owners. In August 2021, the pet insurance providerTrupanion released the most popular dog breeds of 2020, and the top five breeds were:

1. Labrador retriever

2. Golden retriever

3. Goldendoodle

4. German shepherd

5. Labradoodle

Schedule your free in home assessment



Solar panels are seen more and more on roofs of residential homes and even some businesses. Due in part to more aggressive marketing by solar energy companies, as well as greater awareness by customers, solar energy has become increasingly popular in recent years.

The Solar Energy Industries Association® reports that solar energy in the United States is booming. The association offers that, since the passage of The Solar Investment Tax Credit in 2006, solar has experienced a compound annual growth rate of more than 60 percent.

While many might assume that environmental preservation is the driving force behind the growing popularity of solar energy, it’s actually the financial benefits of solar energy that are leading the way. One Block Off the Grid polled nearly 200 solar homeowners to learn more about their motivations for going solar. Roughly 75 percent would not have gone solar if there was no economic benefit to doing so. A number of people who have switched to solar say they are getting a high rate of return on the investment. The average electricity bill a person saw prior to solar energy hovered around $177 a month. After the conversion, bills were now as low as $55.

What to Do with Your Old Electronics (Family Features) Mobile phones, laptops, tablets, game consoles, cameras - electronic devices are a big part of American life. In fact, Americans own an average of 24 electronic products per household, according to the Consumer Electronics Association. With technology changing so rapidly and new “it” devices hitting the market every few months, a lot of those devices get discarded quickly. That adds up to a lot of potential e-waste.

Fortunately, it’s easier than ever to keep old electronics out of the waste stream.

Donate. Donations give schools, nonprofits and lower-income families access to equipment they might not otherwise afford. Before donating, check with the organization to see what they need.

Trade Up. If you are ready to upgrade to something new, programs such as RadioShack’s Trade & Save let you swap retired technology for store credit toward your purchase.

Recycle. Electronics in nonworking condition should be recycled. Check or to find a recycling center near you.

Don’t Forget the Batteries. Recycling your rechargeable batteries is another easy step you can take.

Many people need not travel far for a little summertime fun, as many communities host fun events throughout the warmer months.

Reduce energy costs and improve the safety of your home through energy efficiency measures in owned or rented property.


The PathStone Weatherization Assistance Program is available for income-eligible households in Monroe County located outside of the city limits.

HEAP Recipients

Automatically Eligible Income guidelines are:

Family of 1: $36,420

Family of 2: $47,640

Family of 3: $58,848

Family of 4: $70,056

1. LANGUAGE: What does the Latin prefix “audio-” mean in English?

2. TELEVISION: Gladys Kravitz is the annoying neighbor in which TV comedy?

3. ANATOMY: About how many taste buds does the average human tongue have?

4. GEOGRAPHY: The Brandenburg Gate is in which European capital city?

5. HISTORY: Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during WWII?

6. MOVIES: Which movie features the line “I’m the king of the world!”?

7. MYTHOLOGY: What is the name of the Egyptian sun god?

8. LITERATURE: “The Great Gatsby” is set in which U.S. city?

9. MONEY: What is the basic currency of Poland?

10. FOOD & DRINK: Which country is associated with the side dish kimchi?

Berlin, Germany. 5. Joseph Stalin. 6. “Titanic.” 7. Ra.
8. New York.
9. Zloty.
10. Korea (North and South).
King Features Synd., Inc.


Upgrade walkways. Though it’s more expensive than adding planters and planting perennials, upgrading old and cracked walkways is a great way to give a property a whole new look. According to the renovation experts at HomeAdvisor, homeowners typically pay between $6 and $12 per square foot for new concrete walkway installation. Homeowners working on a budget can target spots where walkways have already cracked and fix those areas first before continuing the project piecemeal until all the old walkways have been replaced.


Meet Mateo

He is 5 months old and adopted from Pet Pride in Victor. He quickly took over command of the house and his new bestie, Chai. He spends his days wrestling with her and finding the best napping spots. His little personality is emerging and while he loves to play and craves action, he’s also an amazing cuddler.


DEAR PAW'S CORNER: I recently visited an older relative who owns two dogs. Here in the Northeast, air conditioning isn’t common in older houses, and it’s been fairly hot for the past several weeks. When I went in, I saw both her dogs were lying down and panting because it was so warm inside. ere was no water for them, so I filled up their bowls and added a couple of ice cubes to each one. ey both drank nearly all the water. Please remind your readers that heat is dangerous for pets of all kinds, and even if they’re at home and indoors, they’re at risk. Sign me -- Concerned Cousin in Manchester, New Hampshire

DEAR CONCERNED: ank you. You just reminded them, and you’re absolutely right. Water needs to be available to pets at all times, indoors or out.

Heat injuries are no joke. ey can permanently injure or kill pets (and people). While much attention has been given to not keeping pets inside cars during the warm months, there are more danger areas to be aware of.

- If your dog is out in the yard, make sure they have a shady area to rest with plenty of fresh, cold water. Monitor them frequently: every 10 to 15 minutes.

- Homes without air conditioning can get very hot and stuffy, endangering pets of all types. Maintain airflow at all times with a fan and open windows, and always have water available.

When a pet shows signs of heat stress -- panting, lying down, whining or mewing -- get them to a cooler room immediately. If they don’t improve, contact the veterinarian.

Send your tips, comments or questions to

Send your tips, comments or questions to


Botox Injections Used to Treat Overactive Bladder

DEAR DR. ROACH: In two weeks, I am supposed to get Botox injections for my overactive bladder (OAB) and my frequent need to urinate at nighttime. Are these injections safe? Are there any bad side effects? How long do they work? -- D.J.

ANSWER: The initial treatment for OAB symptoms usually consists of lifestyle changes (i.e., quitting smoking and avoiding medications that worsen symptoms at night), pelvic floor muscle exercises, and bladder training. If these are ineffective, medication is often used. If medications don’t work or cannot be tolerated, additional treatments are considered, such as Botox.

The underlying problem with an OAB are uncontrolled bladder spasms. Botox is a powerful suppressor of muscle activity. If just the right amount is used, the excess muscle spasms are reduced, and the person gets good results. However, if too much is used, the person may not be able to urinate spontaneously at all, so your urologist will be giving you instructions on how to self-catheterize, in case you are unable to void your bladder after the injection.

If you note that the leakage has worsened a week or so after the procedure, this is a big clue that the bladder is not functioning after the injection. This can last for months, but typically no more than three months. Fortunately, this complication happens uncommonly, in about 2%-7% of people. Other complications include infections and bleeding, but these are not common. Antibiotics are given to reduce the risk of infection. Very rarely, muscles outside of the bladder are affected, including generalized weakness and eye muscle weakness.

When it works well, most people start noticing benefit in a week or so, and relief typically lasts 9-12 months before another injection is given. ***

Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to

© 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved


Genes. The health and wellness resource New HealthAdvisor says studies have shown that genetics contribute to eating disorders. People with specific genotypes are at a higher risk of developing eating disorders.

Magic Maze AMERICAN –

active senior living

Here’s A Tip

* Repair enlarged screw holes with a wooden golf tee. Use a hack saw to saw it flush, sand and finish!

* Punch holes in paint can rims with a nail so the paint that gets sloshed on the rim will drain back into the can. To seal the can, wipe the rim with a damp cloth, and rub it with a little petroleum jelly and cover with a piece of plastic wrap and tap the lid back into place.

* While boating or fishing, tape small blocks of Styrofoam to your eyeglass arms so they will float if they go overboard. -- R.D. in Florida

Hocus Focus

Enchanting Notes:

Jaclyn Breeze Brings Stories to Life with Her Flute

Traveling to the quiet corners of libraries across Rochester, the anticipation is palpable. Wide-eyed children gather on colorful rugs, their attention riveted on a young woman with a twinkle in her eye and a flute cradled lovingly in her hands. Jaclyn Breeze is a gi ed composer and flutist whose passion for music and storytelling has enchanted audiences far and wide.

Breeze has always had a deep connection to music. Known for unique compositions that bridge the gap between modern composition and classical jazz harmony, Breeze’s works have been described as “inspiring, accessible, and distinctly her own,” a testament to her ability to cra pieces that resonate with a wide range of listeners. Her compositions have been performed by groups across North America, Europe, and Asia, with notable performances by the Balance Campaign and the Society for New Music, among others.

Jaclyn’s musical journey is rich and varied. She holds a Master of Music in Composition from Syracuse University and a Bachelor of Science in Flute Performance from Roberts Wesleyan University. As a flutist, she is passionate about commissioning new pieces and performing the works of living composers. To date, she has commissioned nine new works and performed thirteen world premieres, showcasing the extensive capabilities of the flute and fostering conversations with her audiences. She currently serves as pianist and choir director of Holley Presbyterian Church.

Currently, Jaclyn’s focus is on a younger crowd. Inspired by the success of her last program, “Imitations,” where she explored the flute’sabilitytomimicsounds such as butterflies and trains, Jaclynhascreatedachildren’s program, a delightful blend of storytelling and music designed to introduce young audiences to the magic of the flute in an engaging and fun way.

With the help of her friendsandfellowcomposers

Paul Berlinsky and Dustin Dunn, Jaclyn cra ed a series of pieces that follow three beloved fairytales: “ e Pied Piper,” “Little Red Riding Hood,” and “Jack and the Beanstalk.” Each story is followed by a solo flute piece, bringing the tales to life in a way that words alone cannot.

Next, Jaclyn tells the story of “Little Red Riding Hood” with a rendition that’s lively and filled with suspense, the children leaning in, eyes wide with anticipation. Jaclyn’s own composition follows, capturing the whimsy and danger of the tale, and demonstrating the flute’s ability to convey a wide range of emotions and scenes.

Finally, Jaclyn recounts the adventure of “Jack and the Beanstalk.” e children giggle at Jack’s antics and gasp at the giant’s roar. Dustin Dunn’s piece for this story is playful and bold, reflecting Jack’s courage and cleverness as he climbs the beanstalk and outwits the giant.

She explains, “I wanted to create a program that would be familyoriented, where children could hear stories they love and listen to music that brings those stories to life. It’s a fun way to introduce them to the flute.”

As the children gather around, Jaclyn begins with “ e Pied Piper,” a tale of mystery and magic. Her flute mimics the enchanting melodies that lured the children of Hamelin, captivating the young audience. e piece, composed by Paul Berlinsky, showcases techniques that go beyond the flute’s traditional sounds, leaving the children in awe.

As the final notes of her flute dri away, Jaclyn is met with a chorus of claps and cheers. e children’s faces are lit with wonder and excitement, and many rush up to her with questions and comments. She greets them with a warm, welcoming smile, ready to foster the next generation of music lovers.

Jaclyn’s goal for this program is clear-- introducing children to the flute in a way that is both fun and educational. She says, “I want them to see all the cool things a flute can do and to leave feeling like they’ve learned something.” Her enthusiasm is infectious, and it’s evident that she loves engaging with her audience, answering questions, and sharing her passion for music.

Jaclyn Breeze is not just a performer; she is a storyteller, an educator, and an inspiration. rough innovative programs and engaging performances, she makes a lasting impact on her community, one note at a time.

Check out Rush Library (8/15 at 6:30pm) or Irondequoit Library (8/23 at 10:30am) for Jaclyn Breeze’s final programs. Or visit for more information on her upcoming events.

Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at or email!

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Rude and Dishonest People

A Winning Summer Reading Program

Thanks to the Rush Public Library staff for a wonderful summer reading program. Readers had lots of books to choose from even with the kids’ book section being closed for repairs. The staff is so enthusiastic and friendly—they are special people! Thanks!


In these times of rising food prices, it is so wonderful to see all the items that the Avon community donates to the Avon Food Pantry. They give not only non-perishable foods but toiletries, laundry soaps and overages from their garden. It is heart warming to see all the items coming in to help people in need. A big THANK YOU to all.

Went to CHURCH rummage sale just a few minutes ago. It started at 8. I was the last person in line. Myself and the lady in front of me had to take our time going down two flights of stairs. Over 10 people found out the books were upstairs and made their way past us, almost knocking into us. Then a lady blocked the jewelry spot and no one was able to look. I was pushed again, so I paid for my 2 items and said “Sorry, I’m getting pushed around too much to look further.” The next person in line was a collector. The lady who was taking the money said “I marked these and they weren’t $2.00 each.” He said “it’s what’s marked,” and she said “Ok. Why?” It was a CHURCH trying to raise some money. How do you live with yourself? The cashier even said that wasn’t the price, he didn’t care. I left but paid what the price was. How do you cheat a church?

Balloon Releases Should Be Illegal

I think balloon releases should be illegal. Look it up: the harmful effects of balloon releases. Also you can look up ecofriendly alternatives to balloon releases. Remember, birds, fish, turtles, pets or any animal in the world can suffer due to balloon releases.

COUCH with electric footrest – both sides. Light gray. Heavy. Pick up, Manchester. 585-831-6040

WOODEN BED LOFT, twin. Good condition. Great for creating floor space in a small bedroom.

21’ ABOVE GROUND POOL still in use. Grandkids outgrew it. You remove.

N-SCALE RAILROAD. Runs, partially complete, 28” x 80” (closet door), with foldable legs, many accessories inc. Henrietta. 860-912-6996

PATRIOT 10 HP CHIPPER/SHREDDER and STIHL MS280 CHAINSAW. Good condition but may need tune-ups. Naples area. Please leave message. 585-554-6809

LENTEN ROSE & SPIREA bush seedlings. ROSE OF SHARON bush seedlings & up to a ft.

NEBULIZER with new tubing. Used but clean and like new! Call or text 585-705-2259

WeatherTech, black front FLOOR MATS for a 2021 Ford F-150. Well used, in good condition. Elba/Oakfield area.

Magnavox 30” LCD flat screen HDTV w/remote. Not a Smart TV. You pick up, Canandaigua. 585-905-0109, leave message.

CRIB w/MATTRESS and SAFE TENT. Very good condition. Farmington. 315-939-3334

HAVAHART SQUIRREL CAGE, over-the-door SHOE RACK for eighteen pairs and a VINTAGE HARDBACK SUITCASE. Clifton Springs.

PLANTS – Black Eyed Susans, Violets, Forget-Me-Nots, Lambs Ear, and Lemon Drops. 585-374-2395

ABOVE GROUND POOL, 52” H x 24’ Dia. You dismantle and remove. Henrietta. 585-953-5082

RETURNABLE CANS/BOTTLES. Not clean, found at estate property. At least six, 55gal bags full. Must take all.

CANNING JARS - Quarts and Pints. 585-391-3232

KITCHEN CABINETS, base and upper. In great condition, oak color.

Used SLIDE for home playground equipment. Over 8 ft. 585-309-7333


DOG RAMP/STEP, iPAD and any HANDHELD GAME SYSTEMS with games. 585-415-8513

WHITE BIRCH BRANCHES, preferably 5-10’ length. Text 585-764-9769

Does anyone have an overabundance of ZUCCHINI they would like to share?

4’ FLORESCENTS w/TUBES. Canandaigua. 585-657-6103

COMIC BOOKS, any & all. Avid collector. Will pick up any amount & condition. Call/text 585-260-0437

Disabled vet w/bad knees would like a RIDING MOWER in good working condition to supplement his income. 471-4424 or 531-4004

FLEECE FABRIC for pet beds. No use for your stash? I will take it for shelter blankets. Minimum half yard.


ROLL-A-WAY BED for a disabled vet. 585-944-0558

Looking for TOOLBOX for garage. Doesn’t have to be pretty... just work. 585-447-0201

New to amateur radio. Looking for HAM RADIO EQUIPMENT that I can start with in this hobby. 607-936-3137

MODELS - Built or Unbuilt, Automotive, Military, Aviation, Ships, etc. Parts and pieces ok. Collector looking for projects, restore. 585-314-6989

OLD ELECTRONICS - Tubes, tube testers, vintage stereo equipment, old radios, transistor radios, microphones, speakers, meters, turntables, video games, 1970s computers. 585-538-9341

CPAP MACHINE, for sleep apnea/COPD.

Seeking a DIRT BIKE or ATV, gas powered, running or not for father/son project. Please text or call Matt 315-576-1278

KITCHEN TABLE. 585-236-0426

Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111


HomeschoolwithCornellCooperative Extension*:ChildreninJapan. Thursday,August22,1:00pmto 2:00pm

Hamlin Public Library

1680 Lake Road, Hamlin 585.964.2320

M & W 10am-6pm Tu./Th. 10am-8pm F.10am-4pm Sat. 10am-2pm

Hoag Library

134 S. Main St., Albion 585.589.4246

Visit our website for hours.

Holley Community

Free Library

86 Public Square, Holley 585.638.6987 •

Hrs.: M & W: 10am-8pm Tu, Th, & F: 10am-5pm Sat: 10am-2pm Sept.-June (closed Sat. during summer)

Seymour Library

161 East Ave., Brockport 585.637.1050

Hrs.: M-Th: 10am-8pm F: 10am-6pm Sat: 10am-3pm

Here’s what’s happening at your local library…

JoinaMonroeCounty4-HEducator wholivedandworkedinJapanfor eightyears.LearnaboutJapanesecultureandcommontoysandfoods. ExploreJapaneseChildren’sDay whilecompletinghands-onprojects. GradesK-6.*Registrationrequiredfor eachparticipatingchild. GyotakuJapanesefishprintingwith CornellCooperativeExtension*: Thursday,August22,2:30pmto 3:30pm

Learnaboutsomeofthelocalfishin NewYorkState,whileexploringthe Japaneseartoffishprintinggyotaku. Youthwillhaveachancetocomplete ahands-onartprojecttotakehome. GradesK-6.*Registrationrequiredfor eachparticipatingchild. InStitches*:Friday,August23, 12:00pmto2:00pm Lesliewillbeteachingyarnpainting!!


TechTutor-Tuesday,August20th 1:00-3:00pm

Dropinanytimebetween1-3pmto getoneononehelpwithyour smartphoneorlaptopcomputer. Pleasecalltoschedulean appointmentifyouareunableto attendthedrop-inhours. UnderstandingAntisemitismOnline BookDiscussion-Tuesday,August 20th7:00-8:30pm PresentedbyMonroeCountyLibrarySystemMemberLibrariesand RochesterAgainstAntisemitism. RegistertoreceivetheZoomlink. Alzheimer’sAssociationEmpoweredCaregiverSeries:Supporting Independence-Wednesday,August 21st10:30-11:30am

Thissessionfocusesonhelpingthe personwithdementiatakepartin dailyactivities,providingtheright amountofsupportandbalancing safetyandindependencewhile managingexpectations.Registrationrecommended.

TechTime:FakeNewsandYouFriday,August23rd1:00-2:00pm Joinforadiscussiononmethods usedtofindinformationinthe digitalage,howtodetermineif informationsourcesare trustworthy,andhowtospotbiasedlanguagethat’smeantto mislead.Registrationappreciated.


TheGatheringTable/Teen Closet: TheGatheringTable-Sunday,August18,12:00-1:00pm. atBrockportFirstBaptistChurch. Servingbrunch!Everyonewelcome.TheTeenClosetwillbeopen 11:30am-1:00pm.offeringfree clothingforeveryone.

OpenHouseToursatthe Morgan-ManningHouse- Please joinusforatouratthehistoric mansion.$5donationperpersonis welcomed.August18,1-3pm, Morgan-ManningHouseMuseum, 151MainStreetS.,Brockport. https://www.

Brockport50thHighSchoolReunion: BrockportHighSchoolClass of1974celebratesits50thclass reuniononSaturday,October12th, 2024startingat4pmatSalmon CreekCountryClub,355WashingtonSt.Spencerport.$40perpersoninadvance(cashbar).Casual, informal.Pre-reuniongatheringon Friday,October11,at6pmatBill Gray’sTapRoom4647LakeRd. South,Brockport.Formoreinformation,emailLois(Ginder) Payments(checks)canbesentto Kathy(Swalbach)Roberts,64 FayetteStreet,Brockport,NY 14420orVENMO@Kathy-Roberts4.PAYMENTMUSTBERECEIVED NOLATERTHANSeptember28th, 2024.


3rdAnnualTimeMachineMusic Festival! TheEdelmanGardner CancerResearchFoundation Presentsthe3rdannualTimeMachineMusicFestivalonSeptember 7thfrom1-7pm,attheHilton Fireman’sField,135SouthAve. Hilton.Bandsscheduledtoperform are:7thHeaven,SandraNaro,Lyin Eyes,andYachtClub.Therewillbe 50/50drawingsandraffles.Food andbeverageswillbeavailablefor purchase.Bringachairforseating. Ticketsare$20perperson$10for thoseunder21andticketswillbe soldatthedoorandhttp://www.


* Fear of dolls is called “pediophobia.”


St.Rocco’sItalianFestival iscelebratingit’s49thyearonSunday, September1,2024!Thefestival runsfrom11-5pmfeaturing crafters,Boccetournament,Basket Raffle,deliciousItalianfoods includingeggplantparm,meatball subs,bakedgoods,pizzafritte, sausage,spaghettidinners(eatin ortakeout),Italianiceandmuch more!FestivalGrounds,3415HulbertonRoad,Holley.


ChairYoga -EveryThursdayfrom 10:00a.m.to11:00a.m.Opento all!Allequipmentisprovided!No RegistrationRequired!Walkinand joinus!TheGOOSECommunity Center,33SouthMainStreet,Oakfield.http://www.

“We’veOnlyJustBegun”Sr. Luncheon:Theme:LUAU.Tuesday August20,11:30-1:30pm,South AlabamaFirehall,Route63(2230 JudgeRoad,Oakfield).Opentothe publicandwelcomeall!Ourreturningspecialguestwillbe“Daniel Viola,StandupComedian”.Danis 57yearsold,ahusband,fatherof 7,andateacherintheBrockport schoolsystem.Dandeliversenergeticandrelevantentertainment. Youwon’twanttomissDan performing!Bringyourfavorite dish-to-passORmakeadonationat thedoor!Comeandenjoylunch andanafternoonoffunwithold andnewfriends.Co-chairpersons: MichaelHammandLaNora Thompson.ContactpersonLaNora Thompson(630)888-8966.


Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:

• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program

• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor

• Organizations seeking donations of items

Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date

REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414

Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.

FunForTheWholeFamilyArt Classes- Free eventandsponsored byGoArt.HeldatTheGoose,33 SouthMainStreet,Oakfield.MondayAugust19th-3:00&6:00WoodenPumpkins-Registration Required.ToRegisteremail

Ah, summer, what power you havetomakeussufferandlikeit.

~Russel Baker

Trout fishing Oatka Creek

Maintenance Technician

Well established plastic injection molding company seeking a self-motivated individual to maintain and repair injection molding machines and support equipment. Work includes mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic troubleshooting on well-maintained equipment.

Previous experience in manufacturing maintenance a must! Pay is based on experience and job performance. Please send resumes to


Research the job market. Look into the industries for the field you are considering. Is it the right time for success in this field? Industries tend to ebb and flow. Do not leave a job only to find the next career has few, if any, openings. Job growth projections are available through resources like the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The Summer Olympics ended with 126 US medals, new sports highlighted on the world’s stage, various viewership records posted, especially rebounding postCOVID, and myriad global reactions to news big and small throughout the past two weeks. How do you feel after watching the Summer Olympics?

- National pride

- Inspired and motivated to pursue my own fitness

- Curious to learn about different sports

• General Production: $19/hour

• Maintenance Technician (10-hour Evening & Overnight): $25.50-$35.50/hour

• Maintenance Supervisor: $81,760 to $114,464

• Human Resources Manager - $81,800 to $114,500

• Maintenance Manager - $93,206 - $130,489

- Nostalgic for past Olympics

- Disappointed by results or controversies

- Grateful for global unity

- Indifferent – I didn’t follow the Olympics closely

- Excited for the LA Olympics

Poll ends 08-20-2024

Poll ended 08-13-2024

What is your favorite part of living in Western NY?

28.6% Weather / Climate

7.1% Cultural / Historical Attractions

14.3% Cost of Living 7.1% Entertainment / Sports 14.3% Proximity to Urban and Rural Scenery 7.1% Outdoor Activities and Sites 21.4% Community Spirit

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Are you passionate about media and marketing?

Do you have a knack for connecting businesses with their customers? Are you commi ed to doing excellent work? If so, we want you on our team!


- Assist local businesses and organizations in developing comprehensive marketing and community outreach plans.

- Work across both print and digital media to deliver effective marketing solutions.

- Foster strong relationships with clients to understand and meet their marketing needs.

- Contribute to the growth of our publication and community by connecting readers with valuable local information.

Why join us?

- Be part of a dynamic team dedicated to supporting and growing the local community.

- Enjoy a collaborative work environment with opportunities for professional growth.

Find out why so many of our employees have spent their careers with our family owned and operated company.

Prior sales experience a plus but we will consider the right candidate with the right drive and a itude. Compensation is commission based.

How to Apply:

Send your resume and cover le er to: Manuel Karam, General Manager, at

Mold Maker

Westside Injection Molding company is looking for an energetic Mold Maker to join our team in building new tooling and maintaining existing tools. Complete shop, CNC equipment and CAD systems to support everything. Pay based on experience. Please send resumes to

LPN Needed for Home Care

Per diem

Starting pay $36.67/hr. Albion Area.

CNA Helper Also Needed

Weekends, days, and nights available If interested, please call 585-283-5288


We are a small manufacturer of proprietary and custom packaging equipment with an internal machining job shop in Bergen, NY, looking to add to our



Our current need is for candidates with Vertical CNC Machining Skills, to be able to run limited quantities of precision machined parts, and who will also be involved with System Component Assembly and TestOut Processes, as well as assisting with Equipment Design & Development New and later model, modern CNC equipment will be provided.

Opportunities for full and part-time employment available. New tech school graduate, or semi-retired machinists would certainly be considered. Competitive wages paid, with health insurance.

Please respond via email to: or call for an interview at: 585-494-0476….or fax inquiry to 585-494-1233.


Keep the momentum. It can be tempting to phone it in as you near departure day, but this is inadvisable. Do your job to the best of your ability up until you say your goodbyes.

BROCKPORT CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT is accepting applications for the following positions: NON-TEACHING Automotive Mechanic, Bus Attendant & Driver, Cleaner, Clerical, Cafeteria Monitor, Food Service Helper, Teacher Aide, District Wide Piano Accompanist, and Subs in all areas.

TEACHING/CERTIFIED Current Openings: Health Teacher, Secondary Special Education Teacher, Contracted Building Substitute Teacher

For all positions, apply online at:


Find something to truly engage in. Professionals who truly enjoy their work tend to be fully engaged, so it’s no surprise if such individuals have a hard time adjusting to retirement. Some may suggest volunteering can help fill the void created by retirement, but researchers with the Sloan Center on Aging and Work at Boston College have found that only those individuals who are truly engaged in their post-retirement volunteering enjoy the psychological benefits of such pursuits. So before retirees dive right in to volunteering as a means to creating structure, they should first exercise due diligence and find an opportunity they’ll find genuinely engaging.


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