Current debate has resurfaced over the potential that artificial turf may cause unnecessary injuries on football fields across the nation. Should artificial turf be banned on football fields?
• Yes
• No
urs., Sept. 28, 2023 • 4:00-6:00pm
$12/person • Veterans $6/person
(Patrons are welcome to stay and dine-in)
Poll ends 09-26-2023
Poll ended 09-19-2023
If you were a type of food, what would you be?
31.6% Chocolate cake - we both bring joy to people’s lives
21.1% Pizza – it’s a classic comfort food that brings people together
5.3% Ramen - warm, comforting, and complex in flavor
10.5% Salad - I value health and wellness
31.6% Sushi rolls - I love the mix of flavors and textures
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
If you stand still outside you can hear it... Winter’s footsteps, the sound of falling leaves.
~Animal Crossing: Wild World (Nintendo video game) written by Takayuki Ikkaku, Arisa Hosaka, and Toshihiro Kawabata
Brockport Area Veterans Club, 222 West Ave., Brockport Hosted by American Legion Auxiliary #379
(Proceeds to benefit the support of the Brockport Area Veterans Club)
I personally feel about Andrew, like he
part of my family. I just love him.” We would love
Since 1968 637-3348
A composting vacuum and leaf blower are other ways to make quick work of cleaning up leaves. Although these devices may not be as eco-friendly as a rake, they can significantly reduce the time it takes to clear a yard of fallen leaves.
Bailey (golden) is Hopper’s mama! He was the first born in Bailey’s litter. ey are both mini golden doodles!
and brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it. Submit online at gvpennysaver.com • Share With Us or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414.
Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.
Do not leave pets unattended in cars. A study from the Louisiana Office of Public Health found that temperatures in a dark sedan or a light gray minivan parked on a hot, but cloudy day reached higher than 125 F in just 20 minutes. The study also found that cracking the window in such situations had little effect on the temperature inside the vehicle. On hot days, leave pets at home. Owners who must take their pets with them should never leave them in the car, as temperatures inside vehicles rise quickly, putting pets’ health in jeopardy.
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Recently, a new member joined our family: a toy poodle mix named Petey who was rehomed by an acquaintance who said they just couldn’t handle him and that he was untrainable. Petey is 4 years old, bounces everywhere, and loves to play soccer by catching a ball and then bouncing it off of his front paws back toward me. He’s incredibly smart, but training him has indeed been a challenge. I know the previous owners never made an effort to train him in basic obedience, and they le him alone for days at a time. His house-training is spotty. How can I make the training process faster and easier for both of us? - Doug L., Burlington, Vermont
DEAR DOUG: You’ve taken on a real challenge: a smart, independent and energetic dog. Petey sounds like a wonderful little guy, though, and I’m so glad you’ve added him to your family and committed to his well-being.
Building trust with Petey is important so that he knows what to expect from you and the rest of the family. Do that by adhering to a schedule: walks, feeding and training at the same time each day, with as little deviation as possible.
Obedience-training a smart and independent dog requires you to be smart about training, too. Petey needs to know the house rules, and he must want to do the things you’re asking him to do (or not do). Look into positive reinforcement methods like clicker training (https://www. akc.org/expert-advice/training/clicker-training-your-dog-mark-andreward/). Commit to a consistent training regimen so that desirable behaviors are reinforced and negative ones are discouraged. Work with a trainer if you are still struggling with Petey a er a few weeks.
(c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.
I also save some mulch (or buy/get more) to pile on to those beds that I want to keep from getting “weedy” now & in the early spring.
Besides harvesting all my veggies & cleaning out extraneous vegetation
from those beds, this year (instead of mulching) I am going to plant a “cover” crop of mustard seed to rejuvenate those beds.
Finally, I have dahlias that I dig up when they’re done blooming (& store inside for the winter) and daffodil bulbs to plant before the snow flies.
Harvest all crops. Pull up all plants. Sort diseased and seed bearing and discard. Weeds should be removed to get rid or seeds and insects. Remainder of plants can be mixed with leaves and composted. Test soil pH in Fall in order to
prep soil for Spring. Clean and disinfect outdoor equipment. Put it away in a dry place.Make any notes on current garden noting soil amendments, rotations, pests, or other concerns for next year.
For my vegetable gardens, I totally clean them out except for late season/ winter vegetables- kale, winter density spinach & greens, carrots and garlic. Pulling all plants and vines and discarding them in a place away and downwind of the garden for biosecurity. The garden is then rototilled. I prefer to seed the freshly tilled garden with oats as they help clean the soil. In one known to be very wet garden, that is not an option as it would mean not being able to get on it to spring tiller in a timely manner ( June or July??) So that wet garden is often free seeded w/ perennials/herb mixture such as dill, red clover, old sunflower seed. It is surprising what comes up next year and is also fun to watch the turkeys in that wet garden.
from Cornell Cooperative Extension, Livingston County
Hydrate Evergreens
Protect Bark on Young Trees
Kenneth Glenn Estes, Jr | Agriculture Program Manager
MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel
* On Sept. 22, 1598, 26-year-old playwright Ben Jonson is indicted for manslaughter after a duel. He was very nearly hanged, but his ability to read and write saved him. He claimed “benefit of clergy,” which allowed him to be sentenced by the lenient ecclesiastical courts. In his time, Jonson was as famous as Shakespeare.
General Manager
Harrison Creative Director
Leone Production Supervisor
Homeowners should not assume they know how to use all of the tools necessary to maintain lush lawns and bountiful gardens. Familiarize yourself with the proper operation of manual and motorized equipment by reading the owner’s manual thoroughly, making special note of recommended safety guidelines.
Take some time to locate the power buttons and other parts by comparing them to illustrations in the guide. Once you feel comfortable handling the equipment, then you can begin to use it.
During the summer of 2023, Monroe County 4-H Youth Development, in partnership with the City of Rochester Mayor’s Office and Department of Recreation and Human Services, continued Cultivating Community, a paid summer work, education, and community service experience for teens who live in the city of Rochester that was piloted in summer 2022.
In June, a cohort of fi een Community Cultivators were accepted into the program. From July 10 through August 17, these teens spent mornings engaging in horticulture work across all city quadrants including Maplewood Rose Garden, M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence Garden, the Roc City Skate Park, Enrico Fermi School Number 17’s Edible Food Forest, Washington Grove in Cobbs Hill Park, Miss Merrimac Community Garden, Bay Street Community Garden, and Ryan R-Center gardens.
During the a ernoons, the teens learned about managing their money, writing resumes and interviewing, and about healthy cooking through classes led by guest educators from Cornell Cooperative Extension’s SNAP-ED Nutrition program. ey made pizza, sushi, and sandwiches to learn about healthy cooking options and to improve cooking skills. ey also learned about environmental justice and composting from CCE-Monroe educators and provided helpful feedback for current PhD research on creating urban green spacestoserveyouthneeds. eycreatedtheirowncompostand
waterways from being used for swimming or boating. e visit included kayaking and canoeing in the bay. Teen Cultivators were also exposed to new spaces in the Rochester region: Letchworth State Park Nature Center and the Seneca Art and Culture Center, where they learned about Native American culture and gardening traditions.
e Cultivating Community program provided a paid work experience for participating teens. roughout the summer, they contributed substantially to community gardens across the city, gaining valuable life skills and new knowledge of different Rochester neighborhoods. e youth also bonded beautifully, cultivating friendships as well as gardens.
“Ibecamemoresocial,”oneteencultivatorsharedinreflecting on what she was proud of during the summer.
Anotherteenshared,“IfeelmoreconfidentaboutmyEnglish. I wanted to improve my public speaking skills.”
Multiple students shared how proud they were of being able to help their community.
e Cultivating Community Program provided students the opportunity to see how their actions can positively influence their community while developingimportantskillsthat build their confidence to enter the workforce in the future.
For more information about Cultivating Community, visit https://monroe.cce.cornell.edu/4h-youth-development/cultivating-community-a-paid-summerexperience-for-city-of-rochester-teens-13-18.Awintersessionis also provided for youth to explore citizenship projects based on youth-voice, utilizing the Positive Youth Development model.
Field trips were also part of the summer experience. In July, the Teen Cultivators journeyed to Braddock Bay to assist in removing water chestnuts, an invasive plant species that clogs
BROCKPORT: 1700DrakeRd.Saturday,9/23(9am-3pm). HOUSEHOLDSALE collectibles clothing,glassanddishware,wall hangings,jewelry,somefurnitureand muchmore!
Avoid yard sales on major holiday weekends. Many people are away, and you may not get the traffic you’re hoping for.
By Attic To Basement
Fri.-Sun. 9/29, 9/30 & 10/1 • 9am-5pm
Advertising Crates & Tins, Bottles, Jugs, Hummels and Antique Furniture EVERYTHING MUST GO!
5730 Ellicott St. Rd., East Bethany, NY 14054
Pictures available at www.estatesales.net
Retail Outlet and Estate Sales
* On Sept. 23, 1908, a game between the New York Giants and Chicago Cubs ends in 1-1 tie after a controversial call at second base. The officials ruled that Giants first baseman Fred Merkle was out because he failed to touch second base, a call that has been disputed ever since. (The History Channel)
Take a moment to let a business owner know you saw their ad in the Penny Saver, tell a friend about an upcoming event or like any of our posts on social media. These small gestures make all the difference to us.
Hamlin Public Library
1680 Lake Road, Hamlin 585.964.2320 hamlinlibraryny.org
Mondays/Wednesdays 10am6pm; Tuesdays/Thursdays 10am-8pm; Fridays 10am-4pm; Saturdays 10am-2pm
Hoag Library
134 S. Main St., Albion 585.589.4246
Visit our website for hours. www.hoaglibrary.org
Holley Community
Free Library
86 Public Square, Holley 585.638.6987 • holleylibrary.org
Hrs.: M & W: 10am-1pm & 4-8pm Tu, Th, & F: 10am-5pm Sat: 10am-2pm until June 22nd (Closed Sat for the Summer)
Seymour Library
161 East Ave., Brockport 585.637.1050 www.seymourlibraryweb.org
Hrs.: M-Th: 10am-8pm, F: 10am-6pm Sat: 10am-3pm
SeymourLibrary: Comic BookDecoupage:Monday, September25,4:00pmto5:00pm Likecomics?Wantsomethingthathas comicsalloverit?Comeandcelebrate NationalComicBookDaywithusby decoupagingsomedifferentthings!
YoungWritersCreativeWorkshop: Wednesday,September27,4:30pm to5:30pm
Areyouayoungwriterlookingfor peersupportandguidance?Areyou brandnewtowritingand storytelling?Alllevelsofexperience arewelcomeatthiscreativewriting program,whereyoucanlearntocraft yourownpoems,shortstories,and more!
Paintbynumbers*:Friday,September 29,12:00pmto2:00pm. Arelaxingafternoon.Justafewofus andsomepaint.*Registrationrequired.
House PlantCare-ONLINE:Monday, September25th,7:00-8:00pm
Learnhowtochoosethebest plants&howtokeepthemhappy andhealthy.PresentedbyCornell CooperativeExtensionofMonroe County.PleaseregisterforZoom event.
ToddlerPlayTime:Monday, September25th,10-11am
Drop-inforplaytimewithsensory toysandmore!Gearedtowards childrenages2-3.Noregistration. BulletJournalClub:Tuesday, September26th,6:30-7:30pm
Setupyourjournalornextmonth’s pages.Feelfreetobringyourown supplies!Suppliesprovided!No registration.
Weeds:WhatAreTheyGoodFor?: Tuesday,September26th,6:307:30pm ColorHilton-ParmaGreenwillpresentonweedsandtheirhidden benefitsfortheenvironment. Pleaseregister.
NASA’sMissionstoMars:Wednesday,September27th,2:00-3:00pm NASAisexploringtheRedPlanet forsignsoflife.Today,thecameras ofCuriosityandPerseveranceare exploringtheMarianlandscape. PresentedbyNASAambassador andengineerJimPorter.Registrationappreciated.
The HamlinPublicLibraryisopen
Mondays/Wednesdaysfrom10am6pm;Tuesdays/Thursdaysfrom 10am-8pm;Fridaysfrom10am4pm;DigitalLiteracyofRochesteris atthelibraryMondaysfromnoon3pmprovidingtechhelp. PreschoolstorytimewithMrs. CarlsoniseveryMondayat 10:30am.Joinusforfunbooks, activesongs,earlyliteracyactivities andplaytimewithfriends!GenealogyWorkshopisTuesday,September26at6pm.BookClubfor adultsisWednesday,September27 at2pm.Arepresentativefrom AssemblymanSteveHawley’soffice willbeatthelibraryonWednesday, October4fromnoon-2pm.Call 964-2320toregisterforprograms. VisitourFacebookpageorwww. hamlinlibraryny.orgformoreinformation.
HLOMJavawithJoeE.:Bernida Scoins, “JohnC.Gardner” -Join usattheHollandLandOfficeMuseumlocatedat131W.Main Street,Bataviaforthenextedition ofourJavawithJoeE.morning presentationseriesonThursday, September28at9am.ThemuseumwelcomestheTownofBataviaHistorian,BernidaScoins,asshe sharesthelifeandworksofBatavia nativeauthorJohnGardner.Bernidawillalsohaveartifactsand itemsrelatedtoGardnerfordisplay.Admissionisfreewithcoffee anddonuts.Pleasecontactthemuseumat585-343-4727or hollandlandoffice@gmail.comif youwouldliketoattend.
ThirstyPages:Poetry&Prose Club - StartingThursdaySeptember28thfrom6-7pmatGOART! comeandlearnsomeofthebasics ofcreativewritingandparticipate insomefuncreativewritingactivities(blackoutpoetry,objectpoetry,shortstoriesandmore)toget yourcreativityflowingoryoucan justcomeandnetworkwithother creativewriters.Thereisnocostto participateinthisprogram.Please bringanotebookwithyou(ora computer)tokeepyourworkon.
CommunityScrapMetalDrive Fundraiser - TheFriendsofthe RinkorganizationwillbesponsoringaCommunityScrapMetalDrive FundraiseronSaturday,September 30,2023,from10AMto3PMat theDavidM.McCarthyMemorial IceArena(rearparkinglot),22 EvansStreet,Batavia.Allproceeds willbeusedtofundneededicerink improvementprojects.Unacceptableitemsinclude-refrigerators,vehiclewheelrimswithtires attached,itemscontainingmercury,itemswithfluidsinsideorout -gas,oil,hydraulicfluids,tar,etc. Thiseventisheldincooperation withEdArnoldScrapProcessors, Corfu,NewYork.Formoreinformation:sqftbob1@rochester.rr. com.
HistoricBataviaCemetery Candlelight Ghostwalk -The BataviaCemeteryAssociationisexcitedtoannouncethattheannual HalloweenCandlelightGhostwalk onSaturday,October21,2023! Joinusforsomespookyfunona ghostwalkthroughtheHistoric BataviaCemeteryonHarvester Avenuetomeetthefamousand infamousmoversandshakerswho notonlyshapedandinfluencedthe CityofBatavia,buttheUnited Statesandtheworld.Toursbegin at7:00p.m.andruneveryfifteen minutesuntil8:45p.m.Admission is$15.Reservationsarerequired. Proceedsbenefittheupkeepand restorationofthecemetery.For moreinformation,ortomakereservations,gotobataviacemetery. org.
CrossroadsHouseDine-ToDonate Night atTown&Country RestauranttobenefitCrossroads HouseWednesday,September27, 2023from4pmto8pm.Town& CountryRestaurantwilldonate 20%oftheeveningspre-taxreceiptstoCrossroadsHouse!Town &CountryRestaurant,5025East MainStreet,Batavia, 585-343-3304.
WestSideBataviaGhostStories - Join usattheHollandLandOffice Museum(131W.MainSt.,Batavia) onFriday,September29thand Thursday,October19that7pmas ConnieBoydsharesthespooky, sinister,andweirddocumented storiesfromtheWestSideof Batavia’spast.Comeandlistento talesofmurder,ghosts,body snatchinghangings,andabandonedcemeteries.ThispresentationisthesameasourGhostWalk, perfectforthosewhodon’twant oraren’tabletogoonourguided GhostWalks.Ticketsare$5/$3for museummembers.Ifyouwould liketoattendpleasecontactthe museumat585-343-4727.http:// www.hollandlandoffice.com
WestSideBataviaGhostWalkPlease jointheHollandLandOffice MuseumforaWestSideGhost WalkFridaysinOctober.Walksled byConnieBoyd-October6,13,20 and27at7pm.Andasecondwalk beginningat7:30October6,13 and20.Takeawalkonthewest sideandheartalesofmurders, hangings,graverobbing,ghosts andothereeriehappeningsfrom Batavia’spast.Admission$15or $10formuseummembers.Reservationsrequiredwithpurchase. Tourslimitedto20peopleeach. Tourbeginsandendsatthemuseumandisapproximately1-1/2to twohours.Tickets/information: (585)343-4727,email hollandlandoffice@gmail.com,or stopby131W.MainSt.,Batavia.
DownSyndromeBasketRaffle & LiveAuction -JoinusSaturday, October28.ToRegisterforDinner &LiveAuctioncontactTami@ 716-560-3900-SAVETHEDATE! @QualityInn,ParkRoad,Batavia.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows.
Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
FallChickenBBQDinner- The Bergen UnitedMethodistChurch, locatedat27S.LakeAvenue(Rt. 19)intheVillageofBergen,will holditsdeliciousFallChickenBarbecueonSaturday,October7.This isaDrive-thruonlyevent.Dinner pickupisfrom4:30tillsoldout. Dinnersare$14each.Menuincludes1/2Chicken,SaltPotatoes, GreenBeans,Applesauce,&Roll. Reservationsarerequestedtohold yourdinner.Paymentisdueupon pickup.Cashorcheckmadeoutto BergenUMC.Formoreinformation,ortoreserveyourdinner(s) pleasecallthechurchofficeat 585-494-1312.
ChurchvilleVolunteerFire Dept’s TurkeyFestival -43 WashingtonSt.,Churchvillewillbe heldonFriday,November3,2023 at7pm.RafflesincludingTurkey andBeefprizes,more!Seeamembertopurchaseyourtickets.
ClarksonHistoricalSociety - The ClarksonHistoricalSocietywillhost anthropologistDr.CharlesEdwards ashepresents“HowtheBubonic Plagueofthe1300’sReverberates Today”onTuesday,October3rdat 7PMintheClarksonAcademy.Dr. Edward’spresentationisonthe “BlackDeath”(BubonicPlague) pandemicthatkilledbetween75 and200millionpeopleacross Europe,NorthAfrica,andtheNear Eastinthemid-1300s.TheClarksonAcademyislocatedat8343 WestRidgeRd.Thetalkisfreeand thepublicisinvited.
CorfuFarmersMarket|Community Night- Joinusweeklyforour VillageofCorfuFarmersMarket!
Mondays,July24th-September 25thfrom4-7pmattheCorfu UnitedPresbyterianChurch,63 AlleghanyRd.,Corfu.Weoffer over10+localvendors,food trucks,livemusic,localtriviaand more!Checkoutourpageforyour weeklyspecialevents.August7th wehaveourNationalNightOut andSeptember11thwehavea BuffaloBillsTailgate.
Shop at small businesses regularly.
Open House- Everyoneisinvited toafreemodernsquaredance openhouse.Nopartnerneeded, easytolearn,goodexercise.Dance tomoderntunes,noexperience necessary.Singles,couplesand families-children12andolder.Put asmileonyourface!WeeklylessonsbeginonSeptember21st. (NotsponsoredbyNorthDarien BibleChurch).
WelcomingNewMembers: Congregation EtzChaimisaReform JewishsynagogueintheTownof Perinton.Ourmissionistoprovide well-roundedanddiverseprograms,services,andactivitiesthat touchoneveryaspectofJewishlife andaremeaningfulandaccessible toall.Wehaveadiversemembershipwhichincludesthosewho havegrownuppracticing Orthodox,Conservative,orReform, culturalJewsandinterfaithfamilies choosingtoraisetheirchildrenin Judaism.Wearecurrentlywelcomingmembersfromthroughoutthe GreaterRochesterarea.PleaseinquireaboutattendingaShabbat serviceorholidayeventbyemailingourAdministratorat benetzchaim@gmail.comorvisit ourwebsiteatwww. congregationetzchaim.org
Veterans OutreachCenterComesupportourveteranswith our20craftersandvendors. Donateanitemfromourlistof neededsupplies(seeFBeventpage forlist)andreceiveafreeticket to,ourbagraffle!October14,104pmattheNorthGreeceFireman’s FieldBuilding,3666LattaRoad, Greece.http://www.facebook.com/ sfacny
- OktoberfestattheHamlinVFW onSaturday,October7from5pm till11pmat1739LakeRoad,Hamlin.KrazyFiremenbandplaysfrom 6till11.Buyadvanceticketsfor$7 @thePostbeforethe7thofOctober.Ticketsatthedoor$10.Food, Music&Drinksforsale.
OperaintheOatka: Join mezzosopranoandLeRoyresident HeatherDavisandcollaborative pianistPriscillaYuenforanevening ofoperaariasandartsongselectionsinspiredbythethemesofthe fourseasonsandwater.Heather willsharecontextaboutcomposers,songtext,andoperastorylines inawaythat’sfun,engaging,and approachable!September23, 6:30-7:30pm,St.Mark’sEpiscopal Church,1E.MainSt.,LeRoy.This projectismadepossiblewithfunds fromtheStatewideCommunity RegrantProgram,aregrantprogramoftheNYSCouncilonthe Artswiththesupportoftheoffice oftheGovernorandtheNYSLegislatureandadministeredbyGO ART!
Yoga: Come joinusonWednesday eveningsat6:00pmforYoga. Theseclasseswillhelpincreaseyour balanceandstrengthandareFREE thankstoanawardfromUnivera. HeldatTheGOOSECommunity Center,33SouthMainSt.,Oakfield.http://www. warriorhouseofwny.com
MedicareOpenEnrollment- The Office oftheAgingisholdinga MedicareOpenEnrollmenteventat TheGooseinOakfield(33S.Main Street)onOctober11thfrom10:00 am-2:00pmatTheGOOSE CommunityCenter,33SouthMain St.,Oakfield.http://www. warriorhouseofwny.com
OakfieldHistoricalSociety Presents ”HistoryComesAlive V” onSaturday,September23rd 7:00PM&7:30PMattheCary Cemetery,MapleAvenue,Oakfield. (RaindateSeptember30th).Who killedhismotherinlaw?Wantto findoutwhomadethebestcider? CanyouguesswhyDrMessinger wassued?Whobeatuptheumpat thebaseballgame?Hopeyouwill joinustofindouttheanswers. $10.00perperson.CallLaurie Nanni585-259-4145tosignup.
Ahiddenfireburnsperpetuallyupon the hearth of the world.... In autumn this great conflagration becomes especially manifest. Then the flame that is slowly and mysteriously consuming every green thing bursts into vivid radiance. Every blade of grass and every leaf in the woodlands is cast into the great oven of Nature; and the bright colours of their fading are literally the flames of their consuming. The golden harvest-fields are glowing in the heart of the furnace.... By this autumn fire God every year purges the floor of nature. All effete substances that have served their purpose in the old form are burnt up. Everywhere God makes sweet and clean the earth with fire.
~Hugh MacmillanEmbraceYourSistersPositively Pink inPittsfordWalk -Sunday, September24th.Thewalkstartsat PittsfordSutherlandHighSchool; registrationbegins9amandthe walkbegins10am.Wearedog friendlytoo!Nofeetoparticipate; however,donationsareappreciatedandifyouraise$30,youwill receiveaneventt-shirt.Thesewill beavailableforpick-upattheregistrationtableonthedayofthe walk.TheEmbraceYourSisters PositivelyPinkinPittsfordWalkis alongtheErieCanal,covering1.8 miles.Ifyouhavebreastcancerand areinneedofemergencyfinancial support,visit:https://www. embraceyoursisters.org/financialassistance.Toregisterforourwalk, todonate,orforsponsorshipopportunities:https://www. embraceyoursisters.org/2023-ppip.
FallBloodDrive- The Women’s ClubofWebsterissponsoringa BloodDonorDriveonWednesday, October11th,from12:00-7:00 p.m.attheWebsterVolunteer Firemen’sBuildingat172Sanford St.,Webster.Thebuildingislocated,adjacenttotheWebster Firemen’sField.Blooddonorswill berewardedwithhomemade cookiestoenjoywiththeirjuice. Appointmentsarenotrequired. Donorsshouldfeelfreetojustdrop in.Formoreinformationorto scheduleanappointment,call1800-RED-CROS(1-800-733-2767). ForinformationabouttheWomen’sClub,contactNancyMelrose at585-330-9928.Newmembers alwayswelcome!
When it comes time to bag the leaves, use biodegradable paper bags or look for mesh-like bags that are made from cornstarch. These are more eco-friendly than plastic bags, which can take much longer to decompose.
Shop too dark? Two large plate glass THERMAL PANE FIXED WINDOWS. No frame. Heavy. 44-1/2” x 60-1/2” x 1” Bristol. 585-730-3933
COLOGNE: Armaf Sillage, Similar to Creed Silver Mountain Water, 105ml. bottle (90mls. left). Must be willing to drive to Penfield! jeff21973@gmail.com
Box of HALLMARK HOLIDAY VALUE CARDS. Assortment. Never used. 1wilcox.mj@gmail.com
Four CHAIRS (need caning). Good condition. 585-223-5581
POOL LADDER w/child protection door and FILTER. 585-226-2771
Box full of RECIPE MAGAZINES - mostly Taste of Home. duells2010@hotmail.com
COMPRESSED HARD WOOD DESK 5’ x 2-1/2’. Good for doing crafts. You pick up. Gates area. diacel49@yahoo.com
Roper above stove MICROWAVE OVEN. wth4email@rochester.rr.com
FREE FIREWOOD: Batavia: Trees dropped August 1. Call 585-356-3439 for details. New hand-crocheted BABY/LAP BLANKETS: 12 average size 36”x36”. Assorted colors from pet/smoke-free home. Email: JKMMJKCLJ@aol.com
Standard size (36”) full GLASS STORM DOOR. Needs handle and a closer. Please text 585-465-3130
PING PONG TABLE: 585-381-8875
HP CARTRIDGES (905 black & 951 color). 585-261-0905
Roper MICROWAVE (for over stove). 585-281-1562
POOL TABLE 8’ - free to a good home. Excellent condition. 315-871-6631
Complete set ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA plus extra year volumes. Ex cond. Mendon. 585-414-0845
Complete set FUNK AND WAGNALL ENCYCLOPEDIAS, Ex cond. Mendon 585-414-0845
2 Ft tall GLASS CASE displaying a beautiful GEISHA FIGURE with fan. Ex cond. Downsizing. Mendon area. 585-414-0845
11 boxes of WHITE CERAMIC TILE. Rushville. 585-721-8963 HOSTAS in Clifton Springs. koko92505@yahoo.com
WOOD DOUBLE BED with headboard, footboard, side rails and slats. Good condition. You pick up. 585-346-2215
REFRIGERATOR - Amana 20 cu ft refrig bottom freezer. Works good. Color cream. You pick up. Gsstauffer92@gmail.com
DIAMOND PAINTING - you complete. Pick up, Batavia. Text only. 845-309-9373
Brand new INFANT GIRLS’ ONESIE, plaid, bow in front. 0-3 months. Text only. 845-309-9373
Beautiful UPRIGHT PIANO/PLAYER with bench. Pick up Pavilion. Text 585-519-7750
OLD STAIRCASE: wood or metal: 585-343-2382
MAHJONGG GAME for an 80-year-old veteran. 585-377-0878
TONNEAU COVER 8’. Push bumper as well. Call/text 585-447-0201
WORKING WASHING MACHINE: Any kind. Even old wringer type is fine. 315-6946197
Lots of STYROFOAM EGG CARTONS needed for kids’ art club/camp. Webster/Penfield area, call 585-217-3397
In need of WOOL BLANKETS. 585-919-4542
Copy of GRADUATION CERTIFICATE from Geneseo Normal and Training School from the 1920s for a historical project. 585-229-2186
Plastic or metal SHELVING, and FILE CABINETS. 585-424-0732
CHAIN LINK FENCE. 25’ section of used 4’ high chain link fencing. Call or text Don. 585-370-2301
WHOLE, RED CLAY HOUSE BRICKS from the 1980s. Need 100. Will pick-up. Call/text. 585-743-9912
ZUCCHINI. stellaswirlery@yahoo.com
ELECTRIC SCOOTER for person with MS. Had one but kept breaking down and cannot get replaced yet. 585-297-9273
KODAK CAROUSEL PROJECTOR in very good working condition. 510-230-7592
A lot of PAPER TOWEL TUBES (the brown paper inner tube) needed for kids’ crafts. Webster/Penfield area. 585-217-3397
Elderly man looking for a RECLINER, ENTERTAINMENT CENTER and a workable WHEELBARROW. 585-883-7387
SMALL UPRIGHT FREEZER. mfarru1.mf@gmail.com
DAVIS WEATHER STATION DISPLAY CONSOLE model 6312 or 6351. junkmail1360@yahoo.com
DAVIS WEATHER STATION DATA-LOGGER model 6510USB or 6555IP. junkmail1360@yahoo.com
Need ACCESSORIES FOR KIRBY G5, attachments like wand and hand-held nozzles, etc. Terry, 336-247-3245 Geneva, NY.
STAINED GLASS sheets/pieces, any colors/textures/sizes. For retiree starting a new hobby. penfieldmurphys@yahoo.com
Old COMPUTERS, PRINTERS, ELECTRONICS, CELL PHONES for recycling (no tube heavy TVs or computer monitors). Terry 336-247-3245
Lots of STYROFOAM EGG CARTONS needed for kids’ art club/camp. Webster/Penfield area. cmstudio@rochester.rr.com
ADULT DIAPERS/GUARDS - Male, large/extra-large. Other sizes welcome as they may vary. For elderly parent in nursing home. cpalone@yahoo.com
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
* You can plant deciduous trees (trees that lose their leaves in the fall) strategically in order to reduce your heating and cooling costs. eir leaves grow in the spring, blocking summer’s heating rays, but when winter comes, they fall off to let the sun in, warming things up a bit.
* Keep nail-polish bottles easy to open by rubbing a little bit of petroleum jelly inside the cap of the bottle.
* M.C. in Arizona would like to know some alternative uses for hair conditioner. Here goes: use as a shaving lotion for legs or face; a makeup remover; ouch-free bandage removal; so en makeup brushes or paintbrushes before storage; get knots out of doll hair or costume wigs; wash delicates (think silks and pantyhose); rub on a shower rod to help curtain glide effortlessly; and lastly, soak a shrunken sweater in a conditioner/water solution to so en the fibers, then gently try stretching the sweater back to size.
* “Clean an egg carton very well. Flip it over and make slits in each egg cup. is works wonders as a child’s card holder for card games.” -- L.P. in Maryland
In addition to eating healthier, exercising more and getting more sleep, many people resolve to travel more at the dawn of a new year. Travel is much more than leaving one’s home. It’s about setting habits aside, escaping comfort zones and trying something different - and doing so in a different location.
In its latest World Tourism Barometer, the United Nations World Tourism Organization found that 1.184 billion tourists traveled outside their countries’ borders for at least one night in 2015. Europe, Asia, the Pacific, andtheAmericasallrecordedarounda5percentincreaseininternational arrivals that year. Europe was particularly popular, perhaps hedged by a weaker euro against the American dollar and other currencies. The U.S. TravelAssociationsaysthatdirectspendingbyresidentandinternational travelers in America averaged $2.7 billion a day.
Millennialsmaybeleadingthetravel-enamoredpack.TheUnitedNations estimates that 20 percent of all international tourists, or nearly 200 million travelers, are young people, and that the millennial demographic generates more than $180 billion in annual tourism revenue. The U.N. also reports that millennials are more interested than older generations in traveling abroad as much as possible.
Infrequenttravelersorthosewhohavenevertraveledmaynotunderstand why heading to parts unknown is so appealing to so many people. The following are just a handful of reasons why travel is so enticing.
1. Engage the mind. Staying mentally active over the course of a lifetime promotes long-term health. Navigating unfamiliar places or reading a foreign language while sitting in an international country can engage the brain and get synapses firing. The Mayo Clinic reports that higher cognitive activity endows the brain with a greater ability to fend off brain pathologies, such as disease and dementias.
2. Connect with new people. Travel opens a person up to not only new experiences, but also new people. English poet John Donne penned the famous line, “No man is an island,” which underscores the importance of having friends and making new acquaintances. Research conducted by the University of Michigan found the act of talking with people in a friendly way can improve a person’s memory, suppress external and internal distractions, and encourage people to see things from another person’s perspective. It doesn’t hurt to broaden one’s social network, either.
3. Build confidence. Leaving one’s comfort zone can be a great way to bolster one’s self-esteem. Navigating cultural boundaries and overcoming those boundaries may be initially intimidating, but doing so can make a person more confident and more adaptable to change.
4. Develop opinions. Until a person visits a place in person, he or she only has third-party information to form opinions. Visiting a city or country for the first time can offer a more complete perspective. Travel gives people the chance to rest, explore, meet new friends, and make lasting memories.
The History Channel
* On Sept. 25, 1789, the first Congress of the United States proposes 12 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, and sends them to the states for ratification. Ten were ratified and are known as the Bill of Rights.
* On Sept. 24, 1968, CBS airs the first episode of the pioneer newsmagazine show “60 Minutes,” which would become the longest-running prime-time show in American television history. The first episode featured coverage of the Richard Nixon and Hubert Humphrey presidential campaigns.
* On Sept. 23, 1992, Manon Rheaume becomes the first woman to play in men’s North American pro sports leagues when she takes the ice for the NHL’s Tampa Bay Lightning in a preseason game.
Find some RV parks along your route. RVs have required charging stations for years, so RV parks typically have these stations available for a nominal fee of around $50. RVs typically are Level 2, so EV drivers that require Level 2 charging systems should be able to charge their vehicles at RV parks. In addition, many RV parks now also provide charging stations for Level 1 vehicles, though drivers should confirm which parks have such offerings prior to embarking on their trips.
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project
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1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614
(585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am male, age 65. I exercise regularly. A shortness of breath led me to get a chest X-ray, which showed that I have emphysema. I smoked for 10 years, but quit 33 years ago. As an avid runner, this revelation was perplexing and depressing. Is it possible that other factors contributed to me getting emphysema, and how do I minimize this disease, if possible? -- T.W.
ANSWER: Emphysema is most often caused by smoking in North America or by cooking fires in many parts of the world. The exact type of emphysema you have can help tell what caused it, but that usually requires a biopsy, which is generally unnecessary for a diagnosis or treatment.
Although X-rays and CT scans can help with the diagnosis, the definitive study is the pulmonary function test. For this test, you must breathe in and out for more times and in more ways than you ever thought was possible with a respiratory technician and a lot of machines. (When I was a fourth-year medical student, I had my own PFTs done as a learning experience -- thank you, Dr. Julian Solway -- and have respect for how hard they are to perform correctly.) Besides smoke exposure, another cause is the genetic Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, which can affect the liver as well. This diagnosis is made by blood testing and confirmed by DNA testing through a genetic counselor. I always consider this diagnosis in a person with emphysema who is a nonsmoker or has minimal smoking history. If you do have AAT deficiency, there may be other treatments available, but specific treatment requires special expertise.
Regardless of the cause behind your emphysema, you have already made the most important change by quitting smoking. Avoiding secondhand smoke and other lung irritants is important, too.
There are no treatments to reverse emphysema, but many can improve symptoms. These include medication (such as inhalers), pulmonary rehabilitation and oxygen in people with emphysema that is severe enough to cause low blood oxygen levels. Most people who quit smoking have a very slow progression of the disease. However, it’s important to quit smoking as soon as possible so that there is enough reserve lung function. ***
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
© 2023 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
are bony, hollow, air-filled cavities inside the face and skull. They are located in the low-center of the forehead, behind the eyes and in bones behind the nose. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center says the sinuses lighten the skull and produce a mucus that moisturizes the inside of the nose. Unfortunately, when colds or the flu strike, sinuses may become one of the first spots affected by these illnesses.
When the sinuses are working properly, mucus will drain into the nasal passages or out the back of the throat. Most of this drainage goes unnoticed. However, the American Sinus Institute says that factors such as allergies, illness, weather changes, dehydration, and dry air can make the sinus mucus thicker and drainage more difficult. This is when problems like infection, stuffiness or throat irritation may occur.
In order to combat sinus congestion and drainage concerns, people may try certain strategies that include flushing the sinuses and thinning the mucus. It is imperative to use safe flushing methods to keep the sinuses healthy.
Neti pots are among the more popular methods to flushing sinuses. These small teapot-like devices with elongated snouts have become a fixture in many medicine cabinets. Because they are drug-free alternatives, they can be handy for those worried about antihistamines making them drowsy or reacting with other drugs. Neti pots and other nasal irrigation systems use saline to moisten and clear out nasal passages to promote drainage of sinus cavities. However, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, using these devices improperly can increase one’s risk of infection. CBS News says that neti pots have even been linked to the deadly Naegleria fowleri, which is otherwise known as the “braineating” amoeba.
The key to preventing infection is to only use previously boiled, sterile or distilled water to irrigate. Tap water is not adequately filtered, says the FDA, and may contain low levels of organisms that can stay alive in nasal passages and potentially cause serious infections.
Those who are concerned about nasal irrigation safety may be wise to skip neti pots and use pre-packaged, sterile saline solutions that are bottled for the purpose of alleviating congestion. However, when prepared water is used in a clean neti pot or other device, these methods can be perfectly safe.
Sinuses can get clogged for many reasons. To free up breathing, people are urged to consult their physicians to learn more about how to safely irrigate their nasal passages.
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ere’s something for everyone! Enjoy items from these following vendors:
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- Bark-a-licious
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- Paw Tree
For more information, call Mary at 585-739-3796
Now that I'm back on my feet again after two falls, I'd like to send out a huge thank you to two people who helped me on Father's Day at Oakwood Cemetery. While trying to plant a flower, I lost my footing, fell, and was unable to get up. When I called for help, a lovely lady heard me and signaled a man in a white car who told me his name was Andrew. Andrew was driving his baby around to get him to sleep. Andrew got me upright, walked me to my car, put my walker in the trunk, and then proceeded to finish planting the flower. How great was that?! And how lucky that baby will grow up with Andrew as his father. And how lucky I was to have that lovely lady look for help for me.
I am a Senior Citizen who gets treated badly by some younger people, however when I attend senior activities at the Henrietta Senior Center, Shelly and her staff treat all of us well. The same happens at the Wheatland Senior Center where Shanna and her staff go out of their way to make seniors feel happy and comfortable. Thank you all, but especially Shanna and Shelly.
I detest weddings, and here is why: They have become showy extravaganzas.The music is so loud that one must shout to talk with others. The expenses for the gown, the reception, the band, and the food, not to mention any other perks deemed “necessary” are excessive. And why get married in a church when a garden or a barn or a beach will do? What happened to modest weddings where couples exchange their vows before God and truly mean it? What happened to guests wearing respectful and modest clothing? What happened to families rejoicing in the union of two families and where children are welcome? Weddings were meant to be holy and beautiful celebrations of the sacrament of marriage.
This is not for responsible motorcyclists. This is for irresponsible motorcyclists. To put it bluntly, stop riding like self-centered idiots! Speeding, ignoring stop signs, passing on double yellow lines, etc. In addition to making automobiles aware of motorcycles, how about a campaign directed at irresponsible riders. Motorcycles vs. automobiles in a crash: the bike looses.
Dear Diary Day
Itisaimedatcelebratingtheway diarieshelpusgetourthoughtsout anddocumentourlives.Didyou knowthatdiarieshaveb ninuseby humansforover2,000years?Theyare noteb ksthatprovidelisteningearsfor aanythingwehavetosay.Diariescaninclude andeverything,fromtheeverydaytrivialthingslikege ingstuckintraffictoyourmostsecretsecrets.
Fun Facts
200 A.D. ARomanEmperorwithaDiary: EmperorMarcusAureliusk ps adiaryinGr k.
Usingtheword‘dear’givesa personalsenseofcommunication withsomeone,hencemakingthe diarycomealive.
Retirement can seem like it will never come for young professionals. But time can be a sieve, and retirement age can arrive in the blink of an eye. Young adults who have not planned accordingly for retirement can find themselves in financial straits at a point in their lives when they want to kick back and enjoy themselves. Financial experts from Money, CNN and The Motley Fool advise that financially solvent people should begin saving aggressively for their retirements early on. Ideally people should start saving in their 20s when they first leave school and begin their careers. The sooner one saves, the more time money has to grow. Vanguard says that the person who saves $4,500 per year over a career spanning 45 years can reach a goal of having more than $1 million in savings by the time he or she retires. Compounding interest and investment matches from employers can further secure professionals’ financial futures.
Work/life balance: Before beginning your search for a new job, think about why you want to switch careers or companies. Long hours often leads to burnout. If you’re looking for a new job because you’re burned out, try to find a job that affords you a better work/life balance. A study from the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen found that, with the curious exception of people who work more than 55 hours per week, stress rises accordingly with the numbers of hours worked each week. Keep that in mind if your goal is to find a job that affords you a better work/life balance.
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Prepare and implement comprehensive evidence-based teen sexual health curriculum to school classrooms/groups of targeted youth in Orleans and Genesee Counties. Work as integral part of a team on program funded through NYS Dept. of Health’s CAPP2 award
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• Pass Agency required background checks.
Pay Rate: $18/hour
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Work-related stress is an all too common problem in workplaces across the globe. According to the American Institute of Stress, 80 percent of workers report feeling stress on the job. Perhaps most troubling, nearly half of those people admit they need help in learning how to manage their stress.
The American Psychological Association notes that stressful work environments can contribute to a host of physical problems, including headache, sleep disturbances and short temper. Chronic stress can produce more serious consequences such as high blood pressure while also weakening sufferers’ immune systems. Stress at the workplace also can make it difficult to concentrate, which in turn can compromise workers’ abilities to perform at the peak of their abilities. That supports the notion that stress is a problem for both employees and employers. As a result, finding ways to reduce that stress should be a team effort. Getting a handle on stress can be difficult. Since so many people trace their stress to the jobs they need to get by, they might think it’s impossible to address that stress without derailing their careers. But there are a handful of ways for professionals to get a handle on their stress without negatively affecting their careers.
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By Fifi Rodriguez1. GEOGRAPHY: Which European city has almost 2,500 bridges?
2. MOVIES: How many infinity stones exist in “Avengers: End Game”?
3. ANIMAL KINGDOM: How many digits do pandas have on each hand?
4. AD SLOGANS: Which car manufacturer used the ad slogan, “Life is a journey. Enjoy the ride”?
5. LITERATURE: What is Hogwarts’ motto in the “Harry Potter” book series?
6. TELEVISION: Which show spawned the spinoff TV comedy “Laverne & Shirley”?
7. SCIENCE: How long is an eon?
8. MUSIC: What is the name of the band that John Lennon, George Harrison and Paul McCartney were in before The Beatles formed?
9. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What does the Apgar score measure?
10. U.S. STATES: Which state has an active volcano named Mount St. Helens?
Scott Joplin (c. 1868-1917): Born into a musical family that included his mother, a singer and banjo player, and his father, a violist, Scott Joplin grew up in Texarkana, learning to play the guitar and later the piano at a very young age. By the time Joplin was a teenager, he was working as a traveling musician and eventually became the foremost composer of ragtime jazz. Biography.com notes that Joplin was a true student of music, studying at the George R. Smith College for Negroes in Missouri during the 1890s. Though one of history’s most celebrated jazz musicians, Joplin also composed ballets and operas.
10. Washington.
9. The health of newborns.
8. The Quarrymen.
7. 1 billion years.
6. “Happy Days.”
5. “Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon.”
4. Nissan.
3. Six -- vefi ngersfi and an opposable pseudo thumb.
2. Six.
1. Hamburg, Germany.
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