Tri-County Edition - Genesee Valley Penny Saver 10-2-2020

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your Hometown connection October 2, 2020 | TRI-COUNTY | 866.812.8111 | GVPENNYSAVER.COM

In The Red Shed! Gift shop includes fresh produce, jams, jellies, glazes, spreads, fresh honey, homemade soaps, candles & more! Apples, Pears, Pumpkins, Gourds, Straw Bales, Mums & Corn Stalks! Winter Squash Fresh Tomatoes and Sweet Corn! $12 Annuals • Perennials 1/2 Bushel Hanging Baskets mix & match Fresh Produce • Geraniums • Fruit We gladly accept farmers market coupons

Vegetables • Bedding Plants • Canning Tomatoes

JOIN US! All Ages… Pumpkin Painting

M-SAT, 9-8; SUN 9-5 Gift Certificates 1 mile south of Rt. 104, 1 mile from Rt. 31, north of lift bridge

Sundays, Oct. 11th & 18th Two days only - 11am-5pm We will also have hot cider, kettle corn, cider donuts, cookies and more! We will be following DCD Social Distancing Guidelines.

Navarra’s Farm Market & Greenhouse “We grow it all!” 3272 Eagle Harbor -Waterport Rd., Albion “Celebrating 31 years and still growing strong”

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Announcing our new online shop for wedding invitations & more invitation

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