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Areas most affected by floods and social inequalities
Combinaison de l’indice SVEAI et de l’indice de risque géophysique à l’échelle du TRI « Métropole francilienne » (Données : DRIEE, IGN, INSEE). - Page 114 de :
Prospective study of the social impacts of a major flood in the Ile-de-France region
Etude prospective des impacts sociaux d’une inondation majeure en régionIle-de-France. Disparités socio-spatiales dans la prise en charge des populations franciliennes ensituation de crise et post-crise : une analyse cartographiée et quantifiée des besoins des ménages, de l’évacuation à la reconstruction.
Thèse de DOCTORAT DE L’UNIVERSITE DE LYON opérée au sein de l’Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Ecole Doctorale N° 483
Sciences Sociales
Discipline de doctorat : Géographie – Aménagement
Scale Of Reflection
Upstream Seine
The most interesting area to research several case studies seems to be in the southern suburbs of Paris. In the department of Val-de-Marne (94), in the upstream area of the river La Seine.
The Communes (municipalities) along the Seine and part of the department of Val-de-Marne, are 9 in total.
All these 9 municipalities have part of their territory in a flood zone. For some of them, the flood return period of the Seine varies between 2 to 10 years. Which was not the case 20 years ago. In these municipalities, resilient flood risk management is an essential strategy.
While looking closely, one town in particular seems to stand out: Villeneuve-Saint-Georges.
Scale of study : Upstream
Territory Analysis

Municipality In Danger
This municipality is the most flood-prone because of its exposure to the overflows of the Seine and the Yerres rivers.
The rise in water is generally slow for the Seine but can take 3 to 4 weeks to leave.
The Belleplace-Blandin neighborhood is particularly impacted by the overflows of the Yerres while the Seine river floods the Villeneuve-Triage neighborhoods.
Those neighborhoods were the most damaged areas during the floods of June 2016, January 2018 and 2021, causing significant damage and requiring numerous evacuation operations.
Triage Neighborhood
Abandoned Territory
Following the increase in the return of flood periods, areas in Villeneuve-Saint-Georges such as the BelleplaceBlandin district on the banks of the Yerres and the Triage district on the Seine, are gradually being abandoned.
Indeed, the increasingly numerous and close evacuations, as well as the cost of repairs, are pushing many to sell or abandon their place of residence. An increasingly pronounced desertification is thus observed in these areas.
The fate of the district on the Yerres is already to relocate all the inhabitants and leave the place to the water. However, the Triage district could present a new face in the face of flooding and allow residents to live with the water without moving.
To improve the living conditions of local residents, it would therefore be necessary to:
1- Ensure a good quality of life on site during floods and avoid evacuation at all costs;
2- Ensure the resilience of structures and equipment;
3- If evacuation is necessary, ensure that it goes smoothly.
Villeneuve-Saint-Georges Triage : Aléas d'inondation

Risk Culture

In view of the existing and future challenges, whether human, economic, social or environmental, it is necessary to reduce vulnerabilities and improve the resilience of territories.
But how? There are many axes in the risk management policy, including the risk culture.
However, for this project, the axis of study allows us to note a resistance in the face of resilience, in particular through the study of residents’ uses.
Indeed, the residents of Triage have their own measures to deal with floods and sometimes these even go against the principles of resilience despite the arrangements made in this direction.
Permeable pavers filled in due to lack of risk culture
Edge of the Seine - Pavers nomore permeable - Triage - Villeneuve Saint GeorgesApril 2022 - Photo: G.C.