1 minute read
Local Resident Uses
It has been proven that the flood prevention strategy with the culture of risk, as it is used at present, does not seem to work at best, despite the attempts of the State and the municipalities (1) .
To avoid a misunderstanding of the resilience mechanisms and the resistance of local residents, the problem can be reversed and the uses of said local residents can be made resilient.
The combinations of devices used on the previous page and the uses in the face of flooding help us to define a strategy.
Thus, uses can design the space to be more resilient.
(1) RAPPORTS - Service Prévention des risques et des nuisances - Bureau de la Planification du SGZDS - Décembre 2016 -
1: Use of a boat to travel during floods

2: Observation of a street not adapted to flooding and/or use by local residents during floods
3: Designing from uses and resilience