Final booklet Gwal Kim

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Design Studio 1

Professor Maria Jose Marcos





Life of Rhythmical Gymnast WRITED BY KIM GWAL Son Yeon-Jae and her 4 Colleagues She is Rhythmic Gymnast. She has regular life cycle. Her biggest goal is medaling in Olympic Games. But it takes long time to achieve her goal, so she have to be tight. She always wake up at seven. She does base exercises more than 3 hours for stretching and then, practices rhythmic gymnastic. It is not easy to concentrate constantly so there is coach who is always with her. The Coach’s roll is not just coaching her but can be good friend. Also she has 5 other friends like her who is rhythmic gymnast. They research everything about their improvement. There are many technical equipments such as rope, hoop, ball, indian-club, ribbon. She has important points when using technical equipments so she always need to think about her pose, throwing power, etc. There are several important rules she need to observe. First, she can’t stop moving while she’s doing performance. Second, she have to throw equipments at exact spot and catch it. Third, and using equipments. After sunset, she eats even meal and goes to sauna. Gaining tiny weight cannot be accepted to her. Sometimes she does extra training when she need to do. She monitors her movements and check the problems. After that, she concentrate on meditation. It is really important to feel natural rhythm on her inner side. She also enjoys watching movies or musicals, listening music. they all help her making expressive.

Rhythmic Gymnast Image Training ‘Son Yeon-Jae’ Son Yeon-Jae is famous Korean rhythmic gymnast. She is one of the best rhythmic gymnast in the world. When we see her documentary, we can recognize that how much she does her best and how many conditions that she need to practice perfectly required.

Domesticity concept 02#

Domesticity concept 03#

In order to correct the awkward operation, it is possible to image the training by utilizing the knowledge of the balance with the movement of the body, stimulating the central nervous system is effective. You try a mental picture of the position of the hands and feet, such as patterns and necessary in order to digest the technique itself is very important to learn the technology.

This repeating structure has plenty of possiblities. These kind of particles can be using as pent roof, effective sound preventing, easely assemble and diassemble.

Son Yeon-Jae. Seoul, South Korea.

Arquitectura Universidad Anahuac Norte, Mexico City, Mexico

Electronic Transition Window System

Dome of Visions

Domesticity concept 04#

Domesticity concept 05#

- Using in 787 Boeing Airplane Now - Automatically dims according to the amout of lights

Transparent dome shape makes visible but prevents wind, sound, etc. This dome shape separate the space clearly but seems like connected with outside. Also horizontal chimney that functions as a piece of furniture as well as a unique liquidgas based air-to-water heat pump of Swedish design.

windows and make the color change.

Dome of Visions. Copenhagen, Denmark. Kristoffer Tejlgaard + Benny Jepsen.


Domesticity concept 01#

Arquitectura Universidad Anahuac Norte



Site Mapping Urban Context This Hey-ri site plays role as the center and the passage between in and outside. In order to Hey-ri residents go out or get back to home, they’ve been used to go through the site area. Also, residents can hang around, walk with dog, excercise in site area.


Pop up architecture Imagining domesticity This Pop-Up book is one of the method that express characteristics and make us to think various. There are essential things that rhythmic gymnast require. Performance area, Dorm ments.

MULTI-housing Diagram

Project/building Name. City, Country.




Active Section Four big ventilating openings is structures which are holding both skin and masses. It easily shows that how this architecture can be possible to stand.



Active Plan Many Possiblities This active plan shows that various action could be happening in this architecture. Fixed masses of

Title IMAGE #3

Title IMAGE #4

site model scale 1 / 200

Axonometric concept Ehendis exerum corioreium quatum eic to quas expliqui de magnia ilitio doleseque dollabo rernatq uiatias voloresequas et aut et rempos sitatem nihilique cus et magnatis dus autatumqui a dolum haria pro te praessint licia



Development Electronic Transitiom Window tion system, Temperature could be controlled more easily.



Design Studio 1

Professor Maria Jose Marcos

Kim Gwal


interviews Kim Gwal

interviewer Lee Hye-Min WRITE HERE ON CAPITAL, BETWEEN dots ASPECTS YOU HAVE LEARNT DURING THE INTERVIEW EXAMPLES.TOOLS.WHAT I LIKE OF THE INTERVIEW WHAT KIND OF ARCHITECT I WANT TO BE WHY I CHOOSE ANY ARCHITECT OF REFERENCES Where are you from? I’m from Jinju, Gyung Sang Nam-Do. Where are you living during the Academic year? I live in residence hall in SSU. And it takes 10 minutes to get the studio. Which city would love to live in? I really want to live in New York City. I’ve been United States for 1 year when i was in high school freshmen year. And my father brought me many cultural spaces such as MOMA, Metropolitan Museum, Chelsea galleries, etc. It was really good experience and good memories but i was too young to feel the real city and the culture. So if i have chance to go abroad, i really want to live in New York City. Which is your hobby? I like listening music, watching old movies, shopping. Which is your level of English? My English is not that good. It is always hard assignment to express my complete ideas. Which are your two favorite architects in Korea and why? My favorite arhitects in korea are Baek Ji-Won and Moon Hoon. Baek Ji-Won is architect of Platoon Kunsthalle, and he has great store of knowledge about characteristics of urban city and culture. Moon Hoon seems like no restriction being imaginative. Which are your two favorite architects in the world and why? My favorite architects in the world are Mies Van Der Rohe and Sezima Kazuyo. They have something in common. Mies always thought that essential of era makes form of architecture and Sezima Kazuyo showed that good program inevitably makes form of architects. and I also thought so.

Which are the two building you considered as best architecture project in Korea and why? I consider Platoon Kunsthalle and NHN Green Factory are impressive architecture in Korea. It is hard to pick best architecture ence about architecture. but I’ve seen a few architecture so i picked most impressed buildings. Which are the two building you considered as a best architecture project in the World and why? Also It is hard to say about architectures which I’ve not seen, but the case of architecture what I’ve seen in the pictures, I can pick one. It is ‘Villa in the Forest’ by SANAA. this house has circle shape and located in forest which means this house opens to every directions and possiblity. also aspects of programs, It seems quite clear and connected each other well. For which kind of people are you going to design in the future? I think present generation who grown up with Korean standardized home environment and educational environment has closed thinking. So I want to make various thing that make children generation creative. What is the best to be an architect? Practicing, imitating and working. Everyone cannot be creative from the beginning. But when we see many other frontier works and try to copy it, we could make our own things and thinkings from imitating. So like Maria , we need to work constantly.

Interview about my own knoledge by Kim Gwal


CHARACTER IMAGINARIUM + STORY Life of Rhythmic Gymnast WRITED BY Gwal Kim Son Yeon-Jae, Rhythmic Gymnast

She is Rhythmic Gymnast. She has regular life cycle. Her biggest goal is medaling in Olympic Games. But it takes long time to achieve her goal, so she have to be tight. She always wake up at seven. She does base exercises more than 3 hours for stretching and then, practices rhythmic gymnastics.It is not easy to concentrate constantly alone so there is coach who is always with her. The Coach’s roll is not just coaching her but can be good friend. They research everything about her improvement. There are many technical equipments such as rope, hoop, ball, indian-club, ribbon. She has important points when using technical equipments so she always need to think about her pose, throwing power, etc. There are several important rules she need to observe. First, she can’t stop moving while she’s doing performance. Second, she have to throw equipments at exact spot and catch it. Third, and using equipments. After sunset, she eats even meal and goes to sauna. Gaining tiny weight cannot be accepted to her. Sometimes she does extra training when she need to do. She monitors her movements and check the problems. After that, she concentrate on meditation. It is really important to feel natural rhythm on her inner side. She also enjoys watching movies or musicals, listening music. they all help her making expressive.

Image Training

Domesticity concept 01#

Domesticity concept 02#

Domesticity concept 03#

Domesticity concept 04#

Son Yeon-Jae is famous Korean rhythmic gymnast. She is one of the best rhythmic gymnast in the world. When we see her documentary, we can recognize that how much she does her best and how many conditions that she need to practice perfectly required.

The Yorkshire Diamond Pavilion is a unique and iconic venue. The ranged in the atomic structure of diamonds. Light and airshafts pierce the structure providing natural light and ventilation.

Air Curtain is an invisible door made up of fast moving (High Velocity) air. Air curtain prevents the entry of dust, insects and retains the Heating/Cooling effect of the interior.

In order to correct the awkward operation, it is possible to image the training by utilizing the knowledge of the balance with the movement of the body, stimulating the central nervous system is effective. You try a mental picture of the position of the hands and feet, such as patterns and necessary in order to digest the technique itself is very important to learn the technology.

Son Yeon-Jae. Seoul, South Korea.

The Yorkshire Diamond. Yorkshire and Humberside, UK. Various Architects. Temporary building


Dome of Visions

Fluid Sculpture

Arquitectura Universidad Anahuac Norte

Domesticity concept 05#

Domesticity concept 06#

Domesticity concept 07#

Domesticity concept 08#

Ehendis exerum corioreium quatum eic to quas expliqui de magnia ilitio doleseque dollabo rernatq uiatias voloresequas et aut et rempos sitatem nihilique cus et magnatis dus autatumqui a dolum haria pro te praessint licia volupta tureium earum

Transparent dome shape makes visible but prevents wind, sound, etc. This dome shape separate the space clearly but seems like connected with outside. Also horizontal chimney that functions as a piece of furniture as well as a unique liquidgas based air-to-water heat pump of Swedish design.

It seems that thinking about the use of liquid as a means of visu-

This repeating structure has plenty of possiblities. These kind of particles can be using as pent roof, effective sound preventing, easely assemble and diassemble.

Phanteon. Rome

Dome of Visions. Copenhagen, Denmark. Kristoffer Tejlgaard + Benny Jepsen.

Fluid Sculpture. Charlie Bucket.

Sculpture is a prototype for a work to be shown later in May at the Maker Faire and follows on from numerous other experi-

Arquitectura Universidad Anahuac Norte, Mexico City, Mexico


Rhythmic Gymnast The Yorkshire Air Curtain ‘Son Yeon-Jae’ Diamond Pavillion

domesticity Diagram


Pop up architecture Imagining domesticity This Pop-Up book is one of the method that express characteristics and make us to think various. There are essential things that rhythmic gymnast require. Performance area, Dorm ments.


Light Effect with colors and water Which is the aim... I wanted to adopt water pump system which makes moderate temperatures. and I thought that light with the transparent pipe which has mosaic makes movement of rhythmic gymnast beautiful.

TESTING MODEL Conclusion of your test main conclusions Test was successful. Water, lights and many scene. However, Maria tought me that it was just decoration. She was right. Rather than I was interested in the mechanism needed to rhythmic gymnastics, I only considered how the behavior or rhythmic movements can be beautiful. I should test about mechanism between water pumping and temperature changing. So, In terms of whole project, my test was totally failled.



video shoot site

discovering Heiry interviewer Lee Hye-Min



my team model



my partner team model Growing House


How To Format Diagrams

Using Various Tools

Communication With Partner

Various Computer Tools

knowing what is most important

making ideas plenty

break out of stereotype

Rhinos, In Design. etc

Ehendis exerum corioreium quatum eic to quas expliqui de magnia ilitio doleseque dollabo rernatq uiatias voloresequas et aut et rempos sitatem nihilique cus et magnatis dus autatumqui a dolum haria pro te praessint licia

Ehendis exerum corioreium quatum eic to quas expliqui de magnia ilitio doleseque dollabo rernatq uiatias voloresequas et aut et rempos sitatem nihilique cus et magnatis dus autatumqui a dolum haria pro te praessint licia

Ehendis exerum corioreium quatum eic to quas expliqui de magnia ilitio doleseque dollabo rernatq uiatias voloresequas et aut et rempos sitatem nihilique cus et magnatis dus autatumqui a dolum haria pro te praessint licia

Ehendis exerum corioreium quatum eic to quas expliqui de magnia ilitio doleseque dollabo rernatq uiatias voloresequas et aut et rempos sitatem nihilique cus et magnatis dus autatumqui a dolum haria pro te praessint licia



Axonometric concept Ehendis exerum corioreium quatum eic to quas expliqui de magnia ilitio doleseque dollabo rernatq uiatias voloresequas et aut et rempos sitatem nihilique cus et magnatis dus autatumqui a dolum haria pro te praessint licia



Development Flowing Movement and Image Training This diagram shows that the timetable and essential programs of rhythmic gymnast. and goes to training program. Every moments before training or after training, rhythmic gymnast can observe her training programs and do image training.



Free Development Thermodynamic System Using Phanteon’s thermodynamic system and added principle of solar altitude. Also considered about ventilation system.

MID term Studio Presentation Studio Presentation

Studio Presentation by Kim Gwal

Midterm slides presentation

MID term

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