Yo! News - May 24/11

Page 1

Y O ! Memorial John Walkus Oilers

Ball Hockey


June 10-12 2011 Men’s Entrance:


Lady’s Entrance:


Half the entrance fee must be paid in full two weeks prior and the rest in

MAY 24 2011


From the band manager


elders update


Public WOrks Update


Food For Thought


Principal Reed needs your help!

9 Census 2011

full the day of your first game. All the money

10-11 Social Assistance update & Form

from entrance fees are going back out as cash


conversation about colonization


indigenous voices wkshp notice


car wash ad


job postings


dot-to-dot & colouring


community events

prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Roster limit is 20 players per team. NHL rules apply. PLEASE CONTACT NICOLE (ndondaneau@ gwanak.bc.ca or (250) 902-8444 or (250) 9499820. Leave a message!) or contact Dennis

TRACK & FIELD MEET AT Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw SCHOOL TOMORROW (May 25) 1-3 pm From Val Walkus

(250) 902-8555 or (250) 949-9820. Leave a

via Facebook

message or contact Norman at (250) 902-8392

we would like to wish our Please be aware that this is a drug and alcohol

baby Keagon Victor A Happy

free event. It will be a fun weekend for families

2nd Birthday on May 30th lots

to come out and watch some excellent hockey :)

of love from Mommy Daddy and Brother =)

Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 05/24/11 Page 1

Yo! News is prepared by Jessie Hemphill, Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Executive Assistant and Communications Coordinator. This newsletter is delivered to all houses on the Tsulquate Reserve every second week and posted to the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw website. If you have questions or comments about this newsletter, contact Jessie at (250) 949-8343 or e-mail jessieh@gwanakplan.org. The purpose of this newsletter is to keep Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw community members informed about what is happening in the Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw Band Office and the surrounding community. Anybody is welcome to make submissions to the newsletter, including announcements, lost-and-found, photographs, bakwam’kwala words, stories, legends, drawings, etc. etc. etc. Other ways to stay connected to the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw community are: Website (www.gwanak.info) Facebook (User: Gwasala Nakwaxdaxw) Twitter (User: Gwasnakw) Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Band Office PO Box 998, 154 Tsulquate Reserve Port Hardy, B.C. V0N 2P0

COUNCIL Chief Paddy Walkus: (250) 949-1486 Sits on all committees / chief@gwanak.info

Eddie Charlie: (250) 230-0940 Forestry and Economic Development Portfolio

Ernie Henderson: (250) 230-8198 Health & Social Development, Housing, Fisheries, Education, Ec. Dev., Treaty and Finance Portfolios

Crystal Walkus: (250) 230-4445 Ec. Dev., Personnel & Policies, and Recreation Portfolios

Gary Walkus: (250) 230-7770 Health & Social Development Portfolio

Robert Walkus: (250) 230-2155 Education Portfolio

Terry Walkus: (250) 230-2459 Housing, Fisheries, Education, and Recreation Portfolios

Victor Walkus: (250) 230-3723 Health & Social Development, Housing, Forestry, Ec. Dev., and Recreation Portfolios

Staff Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Band Office Phone: (250) 949-8343 / Fax: (250) 949-7402 Les Taylor, Band Manager manager@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2307 Margaret Bernard, Finance finance@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2308 Conrad Browne, Economic Development ecdev@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2301 Pat Dawson-Hunt, Social Development patriciad@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2309 Colleen Hemphill, Treaty chemphil@telus.net / (250) 949-8424 Jessie Hemphill, Communications & Exec. Assistant jessieh@gwanakplan.org / Cell: (250) 902-8221 Lorna Henderson, Housing ldhenderson@live.ca / (250) 902-2304 Nicole McLelland, Natural Resources Manager nmclelland@cablerocket.com / (250) 974-8424 Fax: (888) 345-5063 Grace Smith, Education grace.smith176@gmail.com / (250) 902-2320 Bob Swain, Public Works Cell: (250) 230-0087 Native Courtworker Office (250) 902-2223 Crystal Walkus, Treaty Resource Assistant crystalw@gntreaty.org Natasha Walkus, Treaty Resource Assistant natashaw@gntreaty.org Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Elders Centre Silena George, Elders’ Coordinator (250) 949-7406 / silenag@gntreaty.org Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Health & Family Services Front Desk: (250) 949-8131 / Fax: (250) 949-6811 Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw School Front Desk: (250) 949-7743 / Fax: (250) 949-7422 Eke Me-Xi School (250) 949-8332

FROM THE BAND MANAGER AUDIT: We are right in the middle of doing our Band’s audit. After the end of the fiscal year, March 31, the audit is done to check and re-check that we have responsibly managed the Band’s finances. The auditors go over hundreds of pages of accounting reports, council BCR’s and minutes, budgets, etc. to make sure that everything checks out. If you ever have questions or want to view our audit, let me know. PHONES: In the last couple of weeks the phones at the Band Office have been acting up. When we tried to get Telus in to repair them, they said that the phones we have are too old, they can’t even repair them. So, we are applying for some funds to replace our phone system. In the mean time, thank you for your patience and understanding on this matter. COURSES: In the next while we are going to be offering three hands-on training courses in carpentry, plumbing and electrical. The plumbing & electrical courses will have realistic models, with toilets, sinks, outlets, light fixtures etc. with running water and live electricity. I am excited about these courses and am always looking for new ways to help our community get skills and training. I would like to thank Jackie Sinclair from BladeRunners, Karen and Pam from the Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation, and Jody Puff & Dave Farrar from BC Housing for helping us organize these courses. COUNCIL ELECTIONS: Elections are coming up this summer for Councillor and Chief Councillor positions. We are hoping to have an excellent election process this year, including an opportunity for each nominee to talk about their qualifications and answer questions from the community. We are also looking at more ways to make the election fair and inclusive. Gila’kasla, Les Taylor

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ELDERS ’ Up d a t e Hello everyone!

I hope all is well with you & yours. Just a few very important dates to know about for the next 2 weeks. Mondays & Thursdays @ 1pm exercise class with Sharon Whitehead @ the Elder’s Centre. May 31, June 1 & 2 the Elder’s have a big catering job for the KDC annual assembly meeting happening up @ the hall. We will be making lunches for 100 all 3 days. We will also be doing dinner on the 1st for 200 people as well. Please see me @ the office or call to let me know what you are able to help with. I can also bring you meat, veggies, etc to your home if you would like to cook from home. We are in need of baked goods for dessert as well. We are also going to need potatoes & veggies cut. Roast, ham, (turkey?) etc. cooked. Salads made (potato, macaroni, green, caesar salad) We are also going to be needing bannock for one day for the lunch and for the dinner (roughly 300 pieces). We also have cater jobs for June 7, 8, 9, 14, 15 & 16. This cater job is only for 14 or so people. We will start cooking @ 9am each day. Dr. Clemet from Victoria will be coming June 13th to do a workshop on Food for the Brain workshop with all you Elders whom are interested in attending. We will begin @ 11am and lunch will be served @ 12pm @ the Elder’s Centre. I hope to hear from you Elders all very soon regards to the catering jobs we have booked. Please call me @ the office as soon as possible to lend your helping hand :) Gilakasla! Silena

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Public Works




The chlorine reading for our water is 0.46


The bears are out and moving about now, so please use the clips on the garbage bins. This will stop them from getting into the bins and spreading garbage all over and it will also keep them out of our community. We must do what we can to keep our community safe from the bears and cougars

G r a s s

c u t t i ng

The grass cutting season has started once again , which I am currently working on. I would like to take this time to thank the community members who are cutting grass in their yards and also doing the ditches in front of their homes.

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Food for Thought What a glorious spring morning it is, I can see the tide is way, way out and the sun’s rays are gleaming on the shiny rocks, pebbles, kelp and seaweed… Thoughts come to mind about what our elders and ancestors would be doing on a day like this. Perhaps they would have had a big ‘breakie’ to prepare to go on a day trip to gather seaweed from an island not far away, maybe they would have walked way down the beach on the low tide to gather cockles and find a crab or two. Just a half an hour away they could row or paddle out to their nearby halibut spot, this is the season to fish and dry halibut to make into ‘kawas. There are so many things that the folks, young and old would be doing on a day like today. The long cool winter has passed and now there is the new fresh hope of Spring! Salmonberry sprouts are out, mmmm ‘gwatlum’..

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Our people/elders did not have to think about exercise programs, their daily life style and needs kept them busy from early in the day till late evening. Activity and the wonderful fresh food awaiting to be gathered made us strong. Here in Tsulquate our lives are different though we can still be active and if we really try hard we can find ‘spring bounty’. There are lots of salmonberry shoots, there are clams down at the beach, except we cannot eat those due to the high fecal chloroform count.. Access to a little rowboat or a canoe is not easy for a youngster who gets an urge on a nice sunny morning like today. Is there a way to get us back to the land… in the sense of gathering food from the land, preparing it and feasting on it!? Can we find a way to do this on a regular basis? We need to talk and make plans and with the preparation we can get out to get our own foods. There are ways. We need to show our interest and find ways to making our interests come true…through our individual or collective efforts. Do our children even like the foods that can be gathered? Sometimes if there has not been a certain food available, a person can lose their interest in it. Or if they never had it they would not even develop a taste for it. For example if we don’t feed our babies good food (veggies, fruit, fish) when they are young, they will not care for it as growing children. It is very important to think about these matters because we come from very strong people in every way (mind, body, spirit) and I am sure we want to continue to be strong and happy in every way for the future. Gila Kasla Colleen Hemphill Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 05/24/11 Page 7

Principal Reed

ne e ds your he lp!

T he Gwa’sa la-’ Na kwa xda’xw S chool is getti ng a new playg round, but they need help setti ng it up! I f you wou ld l i ke t o volunteer, please ca l l R eed at (2 5 0) 949-774 3

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May 10th marks the beginning of 2011 Census collection across Canada. Specifically, on reserve, every household will be visited by an enumerator who will conduct both the 2011 Census and the National Household Survey with the head of the household. Off-reserve, respondents will receive a yellow census package in the mail and will be randomly selected to complete the National Household Survey.

By participating in the 2011 Census, and the National Household Survey, respondents will play a key role in shaping Canada’s future. Accurate data helps First Nations, Métis and Inuit leaders make informed decisions to improve the quality of life for the people who live in their communities. For example, housing data can demonstrate a need for additional housing due to overcrowding and major repairs needed to existing houses, while population data can inform decisions made at the community-level on programs and services such as daycares, Elder programs, health care, and economic development. Information provided on both questionnaires is kept strictly confidential.

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We really need the Hydro Bills brought in as soon as possible. If you fail to bring them in the first month and you bring in the bill the following month I may not be able to pay it, you will be responsible to pay the bill yourself! Please remember to do the monthly declarations as soon as possible. It has been place for about a year now and some of you still aren't doing them until the day of assistance. Therefore you have to wait for a cheque to be processed! So do them right away they are left at the front desk at all times for you to fill out! Thank you, Pat

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Declaration Cut-Off Dates:

June 24 (for 2011)

Declarations received after this date will result in delayed cheque issue!

If you do not get this form in EVERY MONTH by the cut-off date, you might not get your cheque! Please remember to bring in your BC Hydro bills as well, or else your Hydro will not be paid for!

a conversation about COLONIZATION From the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw’s Facebook Page

*Note: Comments have been taken out of the order they were originally posted in

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Want to learn more about colonization and de-colonization? Come to the workshop on may 27 at the PH Civic Centre (see poster on p.14)

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Panel Presentations & Interactive Workshops

Key Note Address:


Andrew Robinson AxDiLaxha’a Associate Deputy Representative of Advocacy, Community and Aboriginal Relations

Hamisinutl (Tom Child), Kwakiutl – Aboriginal Food Systems Dr. Evelyn Voyageur, Dzawadainox – Aboriginal Health Vivian Hermansen, Snuneymuxw – Aboriginal Education AxDiLaxha’a (Andrew Robinson), Nisga’a – Children’s Rights

The power of place and the importance of traditional knowledge for Aboriginal children


The role of the state in Aboriginal children’s lives in the past and today

This event has been made possible through a generous donation by the NIC President’s Strategic Activity Fund.

Friday, May 27, 2011 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Port Hardy Civic Centre FREE and open to the public | Lunch and snacks provided Registration is limited and open until Friday, May 20. When registering, please indicate your first, second, and third choice for the afternoon workshop (food, nursing, education, or children’s rights)

Contact Colleen Sorensen 250-949-2863 | colleen.sorensen@nic.bc.ca

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Car Wash Wash $5 Wash & Vacuum $10 Wash, Wax & Vacuum $15 Interior & Windows $20

Cash only in advance Contact Herb Lancaster

Cell: 230-7350 or drop by house #226

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J o b P o s t i ng s

Job Title : Buncher Operator

Company Name : Westcoast Falling Ltd. Date Posted : 5/19/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Holberg Salary : Union Rate Details : Full time position for a fully experienced West coast Buncher Operator in a camp situation. Contact : Phone: Marc at (250) 230-3301

Job Title : Shingle / Board Packer

Company Name :Gold Band Shake and Shingle Date Posted : 5/17/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Salary : DOE Details : Grade and pack shingles and boards. Must be fit with strong back and good hand eye coordination. Must have steel toe safety boots. Start ASAP by phone or fax. Contact : Apply to Bruce Evans: Phone: 250-902-1009; Fax: 250-949-2689.

Job Title : Relief Mince Operator

Company Name : Keltic Seafoods Ltd Date Posted : 5/13/11 Full/Part-Time : Seasonal Location : Port Hardy Details : Duties: Assist in coordinating and fulfilling orders, overseeing incoming product, quality, ice/slush for storage, lot tracing. Operating mince process and tracking the finished product. Job exp: Must be able to work evenings & weekends. Food processing quality control experience. Proven leadership. Computer skills. Fork lift certification. Good, clean ‘FoodSafe’ hygienic work conditions. Contact : Email or fax resume: Gord@kelticseafoods.com or fax: 250-949-8825

Job Title : Cuberman

Company Name :Gold Band Shake and Shingle Date Posted : 5/12/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Salary : $5/sq-$200/day guarantee Details : Cube & grade cedar blocks and shakes. Must be experienced, fit with a strong back. Require steel toe safety boots. Start ASAP. Contact : Bruce Evans Phone: 250902-1009 Fax: 250-949-2689

Job: Construction Contractor

Company : Quatsino Museum and Archives Date Posted : 5/16/11 Full/Part-Time : Contract Location : Quatsino Salary : TBD Details : Accepting bids from contractors for construction of a new museum building. Bid is subject to grant funding. Bids must include all costs incl. transport of materials to site-with no additional expense. Apply ASAP. Spec sheet available on request-see contact below. Deadline Sept 1 but apply ASAP-may award contract early depending on bids-prefer to start early for weather window. Contact : Dianne or Perrie McGhee Phone: 250-902-0735 Fax: 250-902-0833

Job Title : Drill Core Technician

Company: Western Copper Corporation Date Posted : 5/16/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Salary : $15-20/hr DOE Details : Maintaining quality control on drill core samples, and data entry on electronic spreadsheets (training provided). Position requires use of tape measure, basic math skills, and recording numbers. Perfect for a detail-oriented individual. Must have transportation to and from Island Copper Mine site (Hoyalas Business Park). Must be bondable. Must have High School diploma (or equivalent). Contact : Email resume to klesnikov@westerncoppercorp.com Only suitable applicants will be contacted for interview

Job Title : Carpenter

Company Name : AT Management Date Posted : 5/11/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Salary : TBN Details : Finishing Carpenter needed to install doors, cabinets in 30 apt. units. Onsite accommodation provided. Must have vehicle and DL. Contact : Jay or Shane by Phone: 250-740-1005 Email: portestates@gmail.com or Fax: 866-432-5623

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Job Title : Bottle Return Clerk Job Title : Chambermaid Company Name : Kinsmen Return It Center Date Posted : 5/10/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Salary : TBN Details : Duties include: Running till and doing bottle clerk duties. Shift is 32 hrs/week from Thursday to Sunday. Start ASAP. The location is behind the courthouse in old NI Mall. Contact : Apply in person with resume to Rod Inglis: 77 Trustee Road, Port Hardy BC

Job Title : Head Bottle Clerk

Company Name : Kinsmen Return It Center Date Posted : 5/10/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Salary : TBN Details : Duties include: supervise staff at bottle depot, run till, do bottle clerk duties. Shift is Thursday - Sunday, 32 hours per week. Contact : Apply in person with resume, 25-B 9300 Trustee Road (behind Court House in old mall).

Job Title :

Fish Processor

Company Name : Marine Harvest Date Posted : 5/10/11 Full/Part-Time : Seasonal Location : Port Hardy Salary : Union Rate Details : Fish Processors required for 6 weeks starting June 22. Apply in person. Must have phone and reliable transportation an asset. Must be fit for physically demanding job. Contact : Apply in person to Nealy at Marine Harvest, 7200 Coho Road

Job Title : Detailer

Company Name : EJ Klassen Motorcade Date Posted : 5/6/11 Full/Part-Time : Part-time Location : Port Hardy Salary : TBN Details : Applicant will be required to wash and vacuum customer vehicles. Undercoating, rustproofing, polishing, delivering vehicles and picking up parts are also part of duties. Applicant must have a clean drivers license. Position starts immediately. Contact : Apply in person to Ernie or Cory Klassen.

Company Name : Pioneer Inn Date Posted : 5/6/11 Full/Part-Time : Seasonal Location : Port Hardy Salary : TBN Details : This job includes all aspects of housekeeping. Must have own transportation, be flexible and reliable. Start in June. Contact : Apply in person with resume and ask for Jack at 8405 Byng Road, Port Hardy BC

Employment/Training Coordintr

Company Name : Kwakiutl Band Council Date Posted : 5/3/11 Full/Part-Time : Contract Location : Port Hardy Salary : TBN Details : Coordinate training program for 3 First Nations to facilitate community employment in a wind farm project. Related PS education, exp. with First Nations, WCB & health and safety. Full details available at PH NIEFS phinfo@niefs.net Additional Info : Must have valid BC DL and own transportation. You are flexible, willing to work some evenings or weekends. This is a 6 month contract with potential for an extension. Full details also at Economic Development Manager below. Contact : Randy Black, EDM: Box 1440 Pt. Hardy BC V0N 2P0 Ph:250-949-6012 Ext.225 Fax: 250-949-6066

Job Title :

Fish Processer

Company Name : Keltic Seafoods Ltd Date Posted : 5/3/11 Full/Part-Time : Seasonal Location : Port Hardy Salary : DOE Details : Process line sorters, packers, and general labourers working with a variety of different fish and fish products. Physically demanding and repetitive activity. Contact : Forward resume to: Gord@ kelticseafoods.com Fax: 250-949-8825

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ALL POSTINGS FROM www.niefs.net North Island Employment Foundations Society

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www.bluebonkers.com Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 05/24/11 Page 19

Regular EVENTS Monday





8am Hot





breakfast @

Life Skills

Council Mtng.

Free Elders’ Swim

Free Swim

W. Hall

@ Youth Cntr.

@ PH Pool 3pm Age 7-12

1pm Free Elders’

1pm Free

2pm Diabetes

Movie Night

Exercise Class @

1pm Youth

Elders’ Exer-


@ Youth Cntr.

Elders’ Centre

Support Group

cise Class @

Exercise Class

5pm Age 13+ Movie

Elders’ Centre

@ F.C. Fitness

Night @ Youth Cntr. 2pm Diabetes Pre-

@ Youth Cntr. vention Exercise


7pm Aquafit


Class @ F.C. Fitness

@ PH Pool 6pm Life Skills Bingo

@ Youth Cntr.

Special EVENTS

YOUTH ACTIVITIES: Every week there is either free bowling on Thursday @ 3:30pm (NI Lanes) OR free swimming on Tuesday at 3:15pm (PH Pool). Contact Laura (laura_burns@telus.net) for details. ELDERS: May 31-June 2: Catering lunch for 100 people, plus dinner on June 1 for 200 | June 7-9 and June 14-16: Catering lunches for 14 people | June 13 at 11am: Workshop on Food for Brain OTHER UPCOMING EVENTS & DEADLINES: May 27 9am-3pm: Indigenous Visions & Voices Wkshp. @ PH Civic Centre | May 31-June 2: Kwakiutl District Council General Assembly @ Wakas Hall | June 7-9: Plumbing Training @ Wakas Hall | June 10-12: John Walkus Oilers Ball Hockey Memorial | June 11: PHSS Graduation | June 14-16: Electrical Training | June 20: Last day of classes (SD #85) | June 21: Treaty Community Meeting Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 05/24/11 Page 20

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