Yo! News - June 7/11

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Y O!

Staff Meeting On June 6 the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw staff held a meeting at the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Elders’ Centre. The purpose of staff meetings is to help us work togeth-


er as a team and address common concerns, share ideas, and get to know one another better.

At the June 6 meeting we discussed the

Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Personnel Policy Procedures &


From the band manager


UBC / HFS Notice / Public Works

5 Elders Update

Regulations. This policy covers hiring, firing, holidays,

6 Treaty update / GN School update

leave, etc. The last time our policy was updated was in 1991, so at the staff meeting we talked about re-writing


GN School calendar, june 7-10


Principal Reed needs your help!


Social Assistance update & Form

it to make sure that our policy is working for our staff

11 car wash notice

and community.

13 patient travel update

June 7 2011

12 status cards: application info 14 nursing update: Meet tanya!

We also talked about a project that is happen-

15 notes on suicide prevention

ing to get job descriptions written up for each staff

16 scrap booking / in your words

position. These job descriptions will go on our website,


birthdays & anniversaries


blood pressure/sugar clinic

www.gwanak.info, so that all community members,

19 foot care clinic

staff and Council members have a clear idea of what


job posting: rec coordinator


job posting: custodian


job postings


bus schedule


hockey colouring

each staff member is supposed to do for his or her job.

It was a great meeting and lots of staff mem-

20 community events

bers shared their comments, ideas and questions. In the future we are hoping to have regular departmental updates at these staff meetings so we can work together even more effectively, and we would also like to have Council members there so that staff and Council can


work as a solid team to make our community the best that it can be. - Jessie Hemphill

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1 colour copier/fax machine $50.00 1 Set of chains for truck 17” wheels 1 bayliner lowrider (price reduced) $8,000 Phone: 949-6703 or 902-8200

Yo! News is prepared by Jessie Hemphill, Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Executive Assistant and Communications Coordinator. This newsletter is delivered to all houses on the Tsulquate Reserve every second week and posted to the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw website. If you have questions or comments about this newsletter, contact Jessie at (250) 949-8343 or e-mail jessieh@gwanakplan.org. The purpose of this newsletter is to keep Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw community members informed about what is happening in the Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw Band Office and the surrounding community. Anybody is welcome to make submissions to the newsletter, including announcements, lost-and-found, photographs, bakwam’kwala words, stories, legends, drawings, etc. etc. etc. Other ways to stay connected to the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw community are: Website (www.gwanak.info) Facebook (User: Gwasala Nakwaxdaxw) Twitter (User: Gwasnakw) Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Band Office PO Box 998, 154 Tsulquate Reserve Port Hardy, B.C. V0N 2P0

COUNCIL Chief Paddy Walkus: (250) 949-1486 Sits on all committees / chief@gwanak.info

Eddie Charlie: (250) 230-0940 Forestry and Economic Development Portfolio

Ernie Henderson: (250) 230-8198 Health & Social Development, Housing, Fisheries, Education, Ec. Dev., Treaty and Finance Portfolios

Crystal Walkus: (250) 230-4445 Ec. Dev., Personnel & Policies, and Recreation Portfolios

Gary Walkus: (250) 230-7770 Health & Social Development Portfolio

Robert Walkus: (250) 230-2155 Education Portfolio

Terry Walkus: (250) 230-2459 Housing, Fisheries, Education, and Recreation Portfolios

Victor Walkus: (250) 230-3723 Health & Social Development, Housing, Forestry, Ec. Dev., and Recreation Portfolios

Staff Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Band Office Phone: (250) 949-8343 / Fax: (250) 949-7402 Les Taylor, Band Manager manager@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2307 Margaret Bernard, Finance finance@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2308 Conrad Browne, Economic Development ecdev@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2301 Pat Dawson-Hunt, Social Development patriciad@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2309 Colleen Hemphill, Treaty chemphil@telus.net / (250) 949-8424 Jessie Hemphill, Communications & Exec. Assistant jessieh@gwanakplan.org / Cell: (250) 902-8221 Lorna Henderson, Housing ldhenderson@live.ca / (250) 902-2304 Nicole McLelland, Natural Resources Manager nmclelland@cablerocket.com / (250) 974-8424 Fax: (888) 345-5063 Grace Smith, Education grace.smith176@gmail.com / (250) 902-2320 Bob Swain, Public Works Cell: (250) 230-0087 Native Courtworker Office (250) 902-2223 Crystal Walkus, Treaty Resource Assistant crystalw@gntreaty.org Natasha Walkus, Treaty Resource Assistant natashaw@gntreaty.org Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Elders Centre Silena George, Elders’ Coordinator (250) 949-7406 / silenag@gntreaty.org Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Health & Family Services Front Desk: (250) 949-8131 / Fax: (250) 949-6811 Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw School Front Desk: (250) 949-7743 / Fax: (250) 949-7422 Eke Me-Xi School (250) 949-8332

FROM THE BAND MANAGER AUDIT: Our audit is going through the final stages of completion and from all accounts we have shown a tremendous improvement from even last year, and a giant improvement from two years ago. I want to thank all staff in your efforts to ensure our policies are followed and adhered to. To the community I would like to say if you are having difficulties with our staff and delivery of services please know that they are directed to follow policy by myself and ultimately from the Band Council. They are only trying to do their jobs and any frustration should be directed at me. TRAINING: We had another round of training for our BladeRunners and I’m advised that the turnout was very poor. Needless to say that I was disappointed due to the successes we achieved with the overall program. I would like to hear from the BladeRunners on why we didn’t succeed with a more favourable turnout. This week we started more training that will go through to next week, in basic plumbing and electrical skills. COUNCIL MEETINGS: I just want to advise the community on our council meeting process once again. We are to have one business council meeting, with no presentations, and the next one is for community members to request to be on the agenda. This will alternate from week to week. This was put into place so that we could get business matters dealt with in a timely fashion. HOUSING: One of the big problems we have in housing is finding a place to put new houses. We are hoping to get (a) new lot(s) developed this year so we can put up more houses for the community. DRINKING: I have surveillance of people drinking on the Band Office steps on weekends. This must stop immediately. I will be contacting the parents & guardians of those caught drinking at the Band Office. Stewardship is going ahead this summer. I will try and have an update about that, as well as the upcoming elections, for the next Yo! News. Gila’kasla, Les Taylor

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Public Works BY BOB

WATER RESULTS: The chlorine reading for our community is .35.

COMMUNITY CLEAN UP: There seems to be a lot more garbage being thrown out at the old school site. The garbage left on the roadside also seem to be getting scattered out by the kids playing out. Also about half the garbage is coming from the renovations that were done earlier. There is a large amount of windows that were not thrown in the bins that were provided for the contractors. This doesn’t make our community safe for all the little kids playing when some of the windows are broken. I will be picking up the appliances and will also take a load of TVs and old computers to Seven Mile when I finish cutting grass. SWAIN



Appreciation Lunch Over the past couple of years we have had several University of British Columbia students and professors in our community (Jeet, Johanna and Aftab among them), helping with various aspects of the Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) creation and implementation. If you have been involved in any of these processes or have come to meet any of the UBC folks, you’re invited to join them for an appreciation lunch and meet and greet on:

Tu e s d a y June 14th at noon at the Elders Centre

EMERGency PLANNING MEETING: Our next meeting will be on June 7, 10-11 am. I have invited the Emergency Social Services team from the District of Port Hardy and the RCMP to share some information with us in regards to our emergency plan. Please feel free to come to our meetings.




The Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Health & Family Services Staff are in the middle of moving, packing and cleaning out their rooms. We have All Pro Cleaning coming Saturday June 11th to steam clean all the floors of our Health Centre. We will be running some groups up until late Thursday afternoon. After that we will be doing major packing and moving furniture. We hope to be back in full operational order early next week. We thank you for your patience and we do apologize for the inconvenience that this may cause you. Health & Family Services Staff Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 06/07/11 Page 4

Elders Update

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great If you have already helped with previous month in May! Wow! June already hey. As catering jobs, please RESTRAIN yourself you can see we are going to be pretty busy from coming every to cater job. I do want with catering for the next couple weeks. A & expect other Elders to start helping out very huge thank you to Mary H., Mary V., as well. REMEMBER: I WILL BE TAKGertie, Charlotte, Lily, Kathy, Ernie , Bird, ING NOTE OF WHO HAS HELPED & grandson & Billy for helping with the KDC WHO HAS NOT! THE TRIP IS ONLY 5 WEEKS AWAY!

catering job.

Please be advised we are nearing the trip Please note we are booked to do TWO cater so it’s crunch time to lend a hand  If you jobs on Thursday June 9 (Trust & Blade have not helped yet, please do so for the runner for 14 ppl each) so we will be cooking next few catering gigs! Each day we will for about 30 people that day! I need someone to cut, clean & BBQ fish for Thursday!

start @ 9am @ the Elder’s Centre!

Please call me asap if you can do this job! Silena 

Elder’s Calendar of events

June 2011





Thu 2

Fri 3

Sat 4









Exercise 1pm

Catering for 14 ppl LUNCH Start @ 9am

Catering for 14 ppl LUNCH Start @ 9am Elders Centre

Catering for 28 ppl LUNCH


HALL (14) & TRUST! (14)






Food for the Brain workshop

Catering for 14 ppl LUNCH Start @ 9am Elders Centre

Catering for 14 ppl LUNCH Start @ 9am Elders Centre

Catering for 14 ppl LUNCH Start @ 9am Elders Centre

Dr. Clemet 11am

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T r e a t y School Update U pdat e Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw

Life at school is going to be extremely busy in the near future!

Hello Community Members!

Recently many good questions were raised about Treaty by band members in attendance at a Treaty Advisory Committee meeting held at the Elders Center. People wanted to know about the Nisga’a Treaty and whether our members will get enough funds, access to programs, access to housing, health care, education, etc. There would be no point in doing a treaty if it means we get less than we already have. The Treaty language clearly says, “ … you will never get less than those who don’t have a treaty.”

This week we have the District Track Meet in Port McNeill at North Island Secondary School (NISS). Some of the students will be attending this event. It is from 9:30 to 3:30 p.m.

Also on Thursday from 1 to 3 p.m. on the Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw school field we have Sports Fun Day happening. All students are participating in this event. We would love for parents to come out if possible. From Principal Reed

Misgivings are mixed in with the hope for a better life and the question was asked, “Can we trust our leaders to properly manage what we get from treaty?” To ensure our leaders fulfill their obligations on behalf of everyone our own laws are being written into a Constitution they will have to follow. A Constitution is essential and we cannot have a treaty without it. Community input - your input is critical to make sure that we get it right. People are concerned about fairness. Our legal advisor, Murray Browne suggests a Declaration of Rights be added to our Constitution to ensure equality. Programs such as fishery opportunities, housing, education, hunting rights, etc would all be equal opportunity, with strict policies about conflict of interest guidelines. Those present at the meeting also said we should uphold our Hereditary Chiefs and it was asked that the names of our Hereditary Chiefs be brought to the next TAC meeting on June 22, 2011. Day two of the TAC meeting tackled more issues such as rights and title, dental and medical, status/treaty card, etc. We will write more on the meetings/questions in the next issue of YO News to keep you posted. Gila Kasla Colleen Hemphill Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 06/07/11 Page 6

GwaÕsala-ÔNakwaxdaÕxw School Week at a Glance: June 7 - 10

June 7 Science Venture Workshops @ the school *All students participating

June 8 District Track and Field Meet at North Island Secondary School in Port McNeill from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm *Only some students participating *Parents are welcome to come and support our athletes Oceans Day from 10 am - 12 pm @ the Port Hardy Visitors Centre * All students participating who arenÕt at the track and field meet

June 9 Hot Dog Lunch for the whole school!!! *Lunch provided for all students Sports Fun Day on the Field from 1:00 - 3:00 pm *Everyone participating *Parents welcome to come and watch!!

June 10 Softball Tournament at Fort Rupert Elementary School *Some students from Division 1 and 2

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Principal Reed

ne e ds your he lp! T he Gwa’sa la-’ Na k wa xd a’x w S cho ol is get t i ng a new playg r ou nd but they ne ed help set t i ng it up! I f you wou ld l i ke t o volu nt e er, please c a l l R e ed at (2 5 0) 949-7 74 3

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We really need the Hydro Bills brought in as soon as possible. If you fail to bring them in the first month and you bring in the bill the following month I may not be able to pay it, you will be responsible to pay the bill yourself! Please remember to do the monthly declarations as soon as possible. It has been place for about a year now and some of you still aren't doing them until the day of assistance. Therefore you have to wait for a cheque to be processed! So do them right away they are left at the front desk at all times for you to fill out! Thank you, Pat

Declaration Cut-Off Dates:

June 24 (for 2011)

Declarations received after this date will result in delayed cheque issue!

If you do not get this form in EVERY MONTH by the cut-off date, you might not get your cheque! Please remember to bring in your BC Hydro bills as well, or else your Hydro will not be paid for!

Car Wash Wash $5 Wash & Vacuum $10 Wash, Wax & Vacuum $15 Interior & Windows $20

Cash only in advance Contact Herb Lancaster

Cell: 230-7350 or drop #226 Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 06/07/11 Page 11



Status Cards Acceptable Identification for Status Card Issuance Certificate of Indian Status = CIS

Clients must provide the following ID when applying for a Status Card: ONE piece of Primary ID or TWO pieces of Secondary ID or ONE piece of Secondary ID + A guarantor’s form • Absolutely no photocopies of ID will be accepted, not even certified photocopies • ID must be intact and must not be expired • IRA must receive the original guarantor’s form with signature, not a faxed version. Client’s picture must be signed by the guarantor.

Primary ID

Secondary ID

Valid Canadian Passport

Birth Certificate

New plastic issued after 2002

Marriage or Divorce Certificate

Provincial Health Card (Care Card)

Provincial Identification Card

Employee ID with digitized photo

Student ID with digitized photo

Firearms License (PAL)

Old CIS (status) card

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MEDICAL LEAVE: I will be away on June 28-

minding you to please let me know as soon as possible

29 for my own appointment. Please, if you have appoint-

how you are going to your appointment. I really can’t do

ments before then, bring them in to me. I will also be

travel unless I know first of all how you are going. Also

away on July 4-5.

if it doesn’t say on your doctor’s note about an escort I

cannot cover for an escort. Again there are still people

I am out looking for people to find out about appoint-

who are picking up travel and not going to appoint-

ments, and how you are travelling to your appoint-

ments. The only reason I know is because the doctor’s

ments. If I can please get your phone numbers it’ll make

office calls me to let me know. Also the hotel reserva-

it easier for me when I need to get in touch with you.

tions are not being cancelled.

Thank you. I am usually in the office during my lunch

I know I must be getting on your nerves but I

break most of the time. My phone number is 902-2278

have to keep mentioning this. Plus I do travel and bring

and the fax is 949-6811 (please mark your fax ATTN:

it to the Band Office and a lot of people are changing

Bunny Jackson)

appointments. That’s all right but you must let me know

I have some unused overtime hours that I will be using


soon, I just don’t know when. I will keep in touch with

OFF-RESERVE: I would like to say sorry to

OTHER NOTES: When you see me in town

you all to let you know.

all our people who are living town about not being able

to help you out. But like I mentioned before I can help

really nice. Many thanks to Victor Walkus for all his

you by sending out your papers to get help from Health

hard work in everything he has done to make this a

Canada. The number to call for off-reserve travel is

success. Like I mentioned at the hall my number is 949-

1-800-317-7878 and their fax number is (604) 666-0292.

9967 at home, or my texting phone is 230-9967 if you

ESCORTS: We are still in need of elder es-

ever need someone to talk to. I am always available to

corts. If you are interested in escorting our Elders to

talk with you. I would like to wish all our Elders who

appointments please let me know. Or just give me a call

are celebrating birthdays in June a very Special Happy

at 902-2278. You do need a reliable car and you do need

Birthday. God Bless you all. Thanks.

to be with them at their appointment(s). Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 06/07/11 Page 13

I also want to say that Suicide Awareness was

From Bunny


Tanya Petryk, Family Nurse Practitioner, will be at the Health & Family Services office every Wednesday from 1-4 p.m. Nurse practitioners are health care providers with a Master’s degree in Nursing and Advanced Clinical Training. Here is a description of what Tanya can do: •

Diagnose and manage illness

Prescribe medications

Order diagnostics

Tanya will work as a team with other health care

Refer you to specialists if needed

providers, including Doctors, counsellors, Regis-

Complete physicals and medical exams

tered Nurses, physiotherapists and dieticians.

Help patients of all ages, from birth to

Nurse Practitioners provide holistic care that is


culturally sensitive. She’ll focus on helping you

Care for you during your pregnancy and

to be well and prevent disease. Tanya cannot pre-

after you have your baby

scribe narcotics or benzodiazapines, fill out dis-

See patients with chronic diseases like

ability forms, or complete a driver’s medical.

diabetes, high blood pressure, heart fail-

ure, addiction and mental health con-

It would be great for you to see Tanya, especial-


ly when it’s so hard to get your own doctor right

See patients who are sick in the doctor’s

away! It’s pretty light, so you can just walk in and

clinics here

wait to see her. Please have your medical card. I’ve

See you if you have an earache, sore

(Cathy) seen her for medical help and she’s very

throat, or other condition


Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 06/07/11 Page 14


potluck & suicide prevention dinner

I managed to speak to a few people to ask what they thought would be great to have in our community, that would encourage those who may be feeling suicidal... and what did they think would be good, what changes would need to be made to make our community a happier one. They following comments were made. Let me know what you think, do you have other suggestions? Text me at 230-8191 if so, thank you. • • • • • • •

• • • • • • •

Need more sports events on a regular basis Spoke on Glixula - which means to teach our young... if she was doing wrong her mom and aunt would sit her down to correct her Doing one-to-one counselling To not get upset and holler at the young person as they will simply tune us out. We need to sit down and talk things out with them. She advises young people to do the same. For those being given advice, they need to listen respectfully We need to teach our kids to be respectful, especially at public places, gatherings, etc. They need to be taught right from a very young age Cultural teachers can teach respect in the school Keep drugs and alcohol away from here. Keep our reserve free from drugs and alcohol Be available for those in need to give them the opportunity to talk. To care, listen and respect everyone We all need to listen to the cries and do something when we hear them We need to read the signs and do something, not just leave it. If we can’t do it then we need to find someone who can or will A simple “Hello” with a smile will let someone know that you care. Say “Hi!” to everyone you see We need to listen, especially when they’re under the influence as that is when their deepest thoughts come out

• •

• •

• •

Alcoholics need the support when they’re under the influence - that is where their/our depression comes from. We need to put a smile on our faces. Being an alcoholic, there’s a lot of anger and depression. It would be good to have the support there right where they are. Too often people are in a hurry, looking at their watches and wanting to rush off - therefore they miss out on what that person wants to share They do grief support for those under the influence.... there’s a real need for it We need to have a response plan. If someone’s attempting suicide, we need to make sure that someone stays with the person at all times The leaders in the community and band administration should activate a plan. From there we can work together to find and support the person attempting suicide as well as help their family There should be a suicide support group, similar to AA, have the meetings once a month perhaps There should be more community involvement in programs such as ASCIRT. People should be given the opportunity to learn how to deal with suicide Those thinking of suicide should think long and hard of how much their family are going to hurt if you do succeed. They’re going to be very hurt Pills were and are not necessarily the answer to our problems Everyone is lonely, we really do need to visit one another more often

When you are feeling alone, like no-one cares, read this, cause it’s absolutely true: Every night someone thinks about you before they go to sleep. At least 15 people in this world love you. The only reason someone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you. There are at least 2 people in this world that would die for you. You mean the world to someone. Someone that you don’t even know exists loves you. When you think the world has turned it’s back on you, take a look. Always remember the compliments you’ve received. Forget the rude remarks. (As sent to someone in a text...) The dinner went very well, and it would be nice to have a good look at these comments and try to use someor all of them in your life! Cathy Swain

Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 06/07/11 Page 15

IN YOUR WORDS “I would like to say just how awesome the RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL SURVIVORS’ 3 DAY WORKSHOP was taken care of. Cathy Swain, the Tsow Tun Le Lum Team, the cooks, etc.


Even the 3 days didn’t seem enough time to deal with everything. Thank you GN for the use of your hall/kitch-

Re: Scrap booking scheduled for

en. Came back to Alert Bay and got

Thursday, June 9, 7-8 p.m.

so many comments about this delicate

It was originally scheduled to be at the Health & Family Services Big Room, but because our floors are all getting cleaned we are going to have it at the Hall, in the kitchen! We just didn’t want to change it to the following week as it has already been posted on Facebook to happen then.

issue; that this should/needs to be done here and other communities. It does help us heal. Helps our families also. Just thought I would add this.. Gilakasla, Lily/Herman Bruce”

We hope to see you there, thank you!

From Maggie Jack & Cathy Swain

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BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES Special Birthday Wishes going out to our dearest Daughter Margaret for today. Love you so much my dear. I do remember that day you were born, wow, 35 years later. You have grown to be wonderful Loving Kind Hearted Happy women, you are so much Loved my Dear. Happy Birthday to my cuz Cindy also for today. June 13, Happy Birthday to two very special people in our lives. First one to Willie and to sis Tina Dale. You both have a blessed day. June 16, Happy Birthday to mom Bina and Ashley. Also Birthday wishes going out to Vivian. Happy Anniversary cuz JR and Agnes same day. All have a wonderful day. Also Happy Birthday Joe Pielle. You have a real good day Joe. June 21, Special Happy Birthday to our Granddaughter Sydney Faith, you also are a very “Special Sweetheart” And to anyone else I may have missed. You all have a wonderful day. It almost looks like we have a bit of Summer here I hope it stays. Lots of love from Bunny & BJ & Danny & Family.

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Job Posting for:

YOUTH RECREATION COORDINATOR 15-20 hours per week / June 16th – September 6th 2011

We are looking for someone who can effectively coordinate recreation activities for Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw youth (under 18). This person should be reliable, organized, energetic, good with children and youth, and able to work independently. The coordinator should also be a good role model, have a passion for sports & recreation, the ability to lead groups of people, and the ability to use Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, and e-mail. Preference will be given to people of Gwa’sala and/or ‘Nakwaxda’xw descent. THE COORDINATOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR:  Staying on-budget  Developing , communicating, and following a schedule of youth recreation activities to take place from June to September, 2011  Making all necessary arrangements for activities to take place (booking venues, organizing transportation, etc.)  Regularly reporting to supervisor  Looking for long-term funding sources for the position of Youth Recreation Coordinator  A criminal record check may be requested Please prepare a cover letter explaining why you feel qualified for this job, plus a resumé, and hand them both in to the Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Band Office front desk by 4:00 p.m. on June 13th 2011. If you have questions about this posting, contact Crystal Walkus at (250) 230-4445 or Robert Walkus at (250) 230-2155.

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GwaÕsala-ÕNakwaxdaÕxw School P.0. Box 1799 Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0 Tel: 250-949-7743 Fax: 250-949-7422 email: ofÞce_admin@gwanak.bc.ca Web: www.gwanak.bc.ca

___________________________________________________ Custodian Position The Gwaʼsala-ʻNakwaxdaʼxw School is looking for a custodian to work 4 hours daily from 3:00 to 7:00 pm. This includes summer time work. QualiÞcations include: -experience in custodial work -training in WHMIS is an asset -good physical shape -willing to work in a team environment This job position will be on a probationary period for the Þrst six months. After this time, the continuation of this position will be evaluated based on job performance. Closing date for this position is June 10, 2011 at 3:00 pm. Please fax, mail or email all resumes complete with cover letter, supporting documents and references to: Reed Allen, Principal GwaÕsala-ÔNakwaxdaÕxw School Box 1799 Port Hardy, B.C. V0N 2P0 Tel: (250) 949-7743 Fax: (250) 949-7422 Email: rallen@gwanak.bc.ca

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J o b P o s t i ngs

Job Title : Interpretive Guide

Company Name :Quatse Salmon Stewardship Centre Date Posted : 6/3/11 Full/Part-Time : Seasonal Location : Port Hardy Salary : $11/HR Details : The Quatse Salmon Stewardship Centre is dedicated to salmon conservation on Northern Vancouver Island. We are looking for a reliable, enthusiastic individual to join our team as an interpretive guide for the summer season. This is a great opportunity to learn more about salmon, and to share your knowledge of this amazing creature with visitors from all over the world at the North Islands newest tourist attraction. www.thesalmoncentre.org Contact : Contact Erin at 250 949 9022. Send resume to quatse@cablerocket.com. Drop off in person 8400 Byng Road.

Job Title :

Prep Cooks

Company Name : Agency Posting Date Posted : 6/2/11 Full/Part-Time : Part-time Location : Port Hardy Salary : DOE Details : Restaurant is looking for qualified employees who have prior experience and Foodsafe ASAP. Duties will include food prep, cleaning, cooking and sanitizing. Contact : Drop resume off at NIEFS in Port Hardy, 129 8950 Granville Street or fax 250-949-5797

Job Title :


Company Name : Agency Posting Date Posted : 6/2/11 Full/Part-Time : Part-time Location : Port Hardy Salary : DOE Details : Restaurant is looking for qualified employees who have prior experience and Foodsafe ASAP. Duties will include food prep, cleaning, cooking and sanitizing. Contact : Drop resume off at NIEFS in Port Hardy, 129 8950 Granville Street or Fax 250-949-5797

Job Title : Auction Helper

Company Name :Windsor Auction & Liquidations Date Posted : 6/1/11 Full/Part-Time : Casual Location : Port Hardy Salary : $11/HR Details : Be able to lift 50 pounds, not to be allergic to wool, dress neatly. No experience necessary. Help unload rugs and set up display; lunch break; hold up rugs for viewing during auction, re load van at end of day. Location: Providence Place, 7050 Rupert

Street, Port Hardy. One day job from 11.am to 5.pm on Sunday June 5. We pay $11/hour cash end of the day. Minimum 4 hours. Contact : Shamir Santosh, 604-2291800; wauction@shaw.ca. Please call or e-mail.

Job Title :Intensive Support Worker

Company Name : John Howard Society-North Island Date Posted : 5/31/11 Full/Part-Time : Part-time Location : Port Hardy Salary : $18.55-$21.82/HR DOE Details : Intensive support worker to assist high risk youth on probation. Work is all outreach & in community. Must be flexible; provide safe, reliable vehicle & will receive mileage allowance. Full details at www.jhsni.bc.ca. Quote Job Number CR 76 in application. Include resume and 3 references. Deadline is June 15 at 4:30 PM. Contact : Contact info: E-mail carol@jhsni.bc.ca; Fax: 250-286-3650.

Job Title : Labourer

Company Name : Watson Ventures Ltd Date Posted : 5/31/11 Full/Part-Time : Part-time Location : Port Alice Salary : DOE Details : Physically fit, able to work shift work and on short notice, reliable, valid drivers license, mechanically inclined, safety oriented. Must reside on the North Island (Port Hardy, Port McNeill, Port Alice or surrounding communities). Positions may lead to full-time employment. Contact : Please fax resume to 250-284-6265.

Job Title : Tow truck driver

Company Name : Landon Collision & Towing Ltd Date Posted : 5/30/11 Full/Part-Time : Part-time Location : Port Hardy Salary : Commission Details : North Island body shop requires a tow truck driver. This is a permanent parttime job that is commission based and requires shift work. Valid class 5 drivers licence with a clean history is required. Training can be provided. Contact : Contact Don Lawrence at 250-949-6042

Job Title :

Company Name : Date Posted : Full/Part-Time : Industry : Location : Salary :


Gold Band Shake and Shingle 5/30/11 Full-Time Forestry Port Hardy $5/sq-$200/day guarantee

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Details : Cube & grade cedar blocks and shakes. Must be experienced, fit with a strong back. Require steel toe safety boots. Start ASAP. Contact : Bruce Evans Phone: 250-902-1009 Fax: 250-949-2689

Job Title : Marina Labourer

Company Name : Quarterdeck Marina Date Posted : 5/30/11 Full/Part-Time : Seasonal Location : Port Hardy Salary : DOE Details : Looking for two seasonal marina and fuel dock workers. Must be in good physical condition to perform job duties. Drop resumes to Quarterdeck Marina lobby

Job: Construction Contractor

Company : Quatsino Museum and Archives Date Posted : 5/30/11 Full/Part-Time : Contract Location : Quatsino Salary : TBD Details : Accepting bids from contractors for construction of a new museum building. Bid is subject to grant funding. Bids must include all costs incl. transport of materials to site-with no additional expense. Apply ASAP. Spec sheet available on requestsee contact below. Deadline Sept 1 but apply ASAP-may award contract early depending on bids--prefer to start early for weather window. Contact Dianne or Perrie McGhee Phone: 250-902-0735 Fax: 250-902-0833

Job: Service Station Attendant

Company Name :Swiftsure Petroleum Distributors Date Posted : 5/27/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Salary : $8.50-10/HR Details : This job is a starter job or a job for persons with experience. Our aim is to train people to maximize potential. Health and Dental Benefits for suitable candidates. Apply to Gene Cadwallader: 1 250 949 1600 gene@swiftsureesso.com; Fax: 1 250 949 0697

Job: Summer Camp Counsellor

Company Name : Stepping Stones Centre Date Posted : 5/26/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Salary : $8.75 - 12/hr Details : Planning and implementing fun, theme-based activities and outings for preschool children and children 5-9 years. Must enjoy children, have a good understanding of child development, be able to guide child behaviour and work with a team. Applicants must be students intending to return to school in Sept. Apply to Kate Pinsonneault by Email: niecds@ telus.net Phone: 250-949-3031 Fax: 250-949-3038

Job Title : Customer Service Agent

Company Name : Pacific Coastal Airlines Date Posted : 5/26/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Salary : TBD Details : Check in, greet passengers, make reservations. Relevant experience includes impeccable phone etiquette, superb customer service, accurate data entry, general office admin duties & work well with others in a fast paced environment. FT seasonal position from June 15 to Sept 15. Position entails shift work. Apply by Jun 2 - No phone calls please! Email resume to Claudia at: claudia@pacificcoastal.com

Job Title :


Job Title :


Job Title :

Fish Processor

Company Name : Bistro Escape Ltd Date Posted : 5/24/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Salary : $9/hr + tips Details : Serve patrons in busy restaurant. Must be charming & knowledgeable, set proper table, clean up after shift, able to work evenings & weekends. Min 2 yrs restaurant experience (not fast food) required. Position to start ASAP. Seasonal F/T with possible extension. Apply in person with resume to Alfons Bauer, 8405 Byng Road. Company Name : Pioneer Inn Date Posted : 5/24/11 Full/Part-Time : Seasonal Location : Port Hardy Salary : TBN Details : This job includes all aspects of housekeeping. Must have own transportation, be flexible and reliable. Start in June. Apply in person with resume and ask for Jack at 8405 Byng Road, Port Hardy BC Company Name : Marine Harvest Date Posted : 5/24/11 Full/Part-Time : Seasonal Location : Port Hardy Salary : Union Rate Details : Fish Processors required for 6 weeks starting June 22. Apply in person. Must have phone and reliable transportation an asset. Must be fit for physically demanding job. Contact : Apply in person to Nealy at Marine Harvest, 7200 Coho Road

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ALL POSTINGS FROM www.niefs.net North Island Employment Foundations Society

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Regular EVENTS Monday

Arlene Clair (LPN) In-office (away June 13) 8am Hot breakfast @ W. Hall 1pm Free Elders’ Exercise Class @ Elders’ Centre


11am - 2pm Ripple Effect Program @ Youth Cntr. (age 18+) 2pm Diabetes Prevention Exercise Class @ F.C. Fitness Bingo



10am Council Mtng.

11am Free Elders’ Swim

1-4pm Tanya Petryk (Nurse Practitioner) In-office

11am - 2pm Ripple Effect Program @ Youth Cntr. (age 18+)

3pm Age 7-12 Movie Night @ Youth Cntr. 5pm Age 13+ Movie Night @ Youth Cntr. 7pm Aquafit @ PH Pool Bingo

1pm Free Elders’ Exercise Class @ Elders’ Centre


11am Free Swim @ PH Pool 1:30-4pm Youth Support Group @ Youth Cntr. (age 13+) Bingo

2pm Diabetes Prevention Exercise Class @ F.C. Fitness

Special EVENTS YOUTH ACTIVITIES: Every week there is either free bowling on Thursday @ 3:30pm (NI Lanes) OR free swimming on Tuesday at 3:15pm (PH Pool). Contact Laura (laura_burns@telus.net) for details. June 9 Bowling, ages 7+, 3:30-4:30 | June 14: Swimming Ages 7+ 3:15-4:15pm | June 23: Bowling Ages 7+ 3:30-4:30pm |

ELDERS: June 7-9 and June 14-16: Catering lunches for 14 people, start at 9am | June 13: Workshop on Food for Brain 11am

OTHER UPCOMING EVENTS & DEADLINES: June 7-9: Plumbing Training @ Wakas Hall | June 9: Sports Fun Day @ Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw School Field 1-3pm | June 9-10 Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Trust Meeting | June 10: Softball tournament at Fort Rupert Elementary School | June 11: PHSS Graduation | June 14: UBC-Community Partnership appreciation lunch at the Elders’ Centre, 12 Noon | June 14-16: Electrical Training | June 17: Arlene Clair in-office, 8:30am-4:30pm | June 20: Last day of classes (SD #85) | June 21: National Aboriginal Day (offices closed)| June 22: Treaty TAC Meeting | June 23: Foot Care 8:30am-4:30pm

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