Y O!
July 11: Nomination Meeting 6pm - 9pm Adult Education Centre
July 18: Advance Poll
1pm - 8pm Adult Education Centre
July 25: Election Day
July 5 2011
kingcome wolves/ public works/
residential school wkshp notice
4 Elders’ update
8am - 8pm Adult Education Centre We will be electing 1 Chief and 3 Councillors.
treaty update: FN Organizations
digital storytelling wkshp notice
7-8 Eke Me-Xi Year in review
Those with expired terms are:
First Nations in the news
GN School thank-yous
social development update
Paddy Walkus (Chief)
Eddie Charlie (Councillor)
social development form
car wash notice
Terry Walkus (Councillor)
addictions wkshp notice
Ernie Henderson (Councillor)
local job postings
soccer colouring
community events
14 gn fisheries technician job posting
The Adult Education Centre is between the Elders’ Centre and Eke Me-Xi. If you have any questions or would like a copy of the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Election Policy, please call Les Taylor at 902-2307 or e-mail manager@gwanak.info
VOICE ! If any community members would like a copy of the election policy, or have comments to share regarding elections, please stop by the band office to talk to Les or Jessie H., or write up your comments in a letter for Les. The policy is also available on the website: www.gwanak.info/about-us/chief-council Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 07/05/11 Page 1
Yo! News is prepared by Jessie Hemphill, Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Executive Assistant and Communications Coordinator. This newsletter is delivered to all houses on the Tsulquate Reserve every second week and posted to the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw website. If you have questions or comments about this newsletter, contact Jessie at (250) 949-8343 or e-mail jessieh@gwanakplan.org. The purpose of this newsletter is to keep Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw community members informed about what is happening in the Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw Band Office and the surrounding community. Anybody is welcome to make submissions to the newsletter, including announcements, lost-and-found, photographs, bakwam’kwala words, stories, legends, drawings, etc. etc. etc. Other ways to stay connected to the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw community are: Website (www.gwanak.info) Facebook (User: Gwasala Nakwaxdaxw) Twitter (User: Gwasnakw) Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Band Office PO Box 998, 154 Tsulquate Reserve Port Hardy, B.C. V0N 2P0
COUNCIL Chief Paddy Walkus: (250) 949-1486 Sits on all committees / chief@gwanak.info
Eddie Charlie: (250) 230-0940 Forestry and Economic Development Portfolio
Ernie Henderson: (250) 230-4198 Health & Social Development, Housing, Fisheries, Education, Ec. Dev., Treaty and Finance Portfolios
Crystal Walkus: (250) 230-4445 Ec. Dev., Personnel & Policies, and Recreation Portfolios
Gary Walkus: (250) 230-7770 Health & Social Development Portfolio
Robert Walkus: (250) 230-2155 Education Portfolio
Terry Walkus: (250) 230-2459 Housing, Fisheries, Education, and Recreation Portfolios
Victor Walkus: (250) 230-3723 Health & Social Development, Housing, Forestry, Ec. Dev., and Recreation Portfolios
Staff Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Band Office Phone: (250) 949-8343 / Fax: (250) 949-7402 Les Taylor, Band Manager manager@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2307 Margaret Bernard, Finance finance@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2308 Conrad Browne, Economic Development ecdev@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2301 Pat Dawson-Hunt, Social Development patriciad@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2309 Colleen Hemphill, Treaty chemphil@telus.net / (250) 949-8424 Jessie Hemphill, Communications & Exec. Assistant jessieh@gwanakplan.org / Cell: (250) 902-8221 Lorna Henderson, Housing ldhenderson@live.ca / (250) 902-2304 Nicole McLelland, Natural Resources Manager nmclelland@cablerocket.com / (250) 974-8424 Fax: (888) 345-5063 Grace Smith, Education grace.smith176@gmail.com / (250) 902-2320 Bob Swain, Public Works Cell: (250) 230-0087 Native Courtworker Office (250) 902-2223 Crystal Walkus, Treaty Resource Assistant criystreaty@gwanak.info Natasha Walkus, Treaty Resource Assistant natashaw@gntreaty.org Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Elders Centre Silena George, Elders’ Coordinator (250) 949-7406 / silenag@gntreaty.org Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Health & Family Services Front Desk: (250) 949-8131 / Fax: (250) 949-6811 Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw School Front Desk: (250) 949-7743 / Fax: (250) 949-7422 Eke Me-Xi School (250) 949-8332
Way to go Public Works K i ngcom e Wolve s !
We would like to take this time to congratulate the Kingcome Wolves for placing first in Campbell River Golden Wing’s Annual soccer tournament this past weekend. Regular players from our community on the team are: Darryl Coon Sr., Corey Swain, and Randy Walkus. And new player from here was Quinten Coon! I know that in previous tournaments I have seen Norman Charlie playing as well. They placed 1st by beating Alert Bay Cormorants in the second overtime period. I do believe that they would have gone into shootouts if neither team had scored. Congratulations guys! Awesome game! Darryl played in net as he has for many, many years. Way to play Darryl! Way to play Corey, Randy and Tino! You all played very well! Of course congratulations to the rest of the team, we just don’t know them by name! It was great weather to be watching the games too! Neither too hot, nor too much rain! Awesome to watch our other grandsons, Thomas and Darryl Coon Jr. playing for Victoria T-Birds, along with their grandpa Johnny Henderson Sr., and uncles Davis Henderson, Johnny Henderson Jr. and Scott Harris. And, of course, our very own Malong Dawson! Keep it up guys! Since the games were at so many different fields we didn’t get to watch any other teams playing, although we did find out that our great nephew Patrick Walkus played for North Island Selects! Glad you got to play Patrick! Sorry we didn’t get to watch you play in this tournament! These are the ones we know who played, sorry if we missed anyone else! From Bob & Cathy Swain
Update The chlorine reading for this week is 0.65. I have ten different places in our community that I take water samples from which are our public buildings and two residences. I have a schedule set up so my samples are from different locations.
I will be getting our gravel roads graded this summer and also get some work done on the shoulders. I will also will be doing more work on the potholes. The trouble with getting the potholes done is that the vehicle traffic starts going faster through our community. If I don’t fix the potholes, the vehicle traffic slows down but the public complains about their tires and wear and tear on their vehicles.
Residential School Workshop
August 2, 3, & 4th, 2011 Alert Bay, BC. Support team from Tsow Tun Le Lum will be coming. For residential school survivors/intergenerational survivors; ALL WELCOME. Chief Robert Joseph will be with the support team coming in August; he will be a translator for those who need one. - From Lily Bruce Editor’s Note:
Two letters were brought to me to put in the Yo! News a couple of weeks ago. I am trying to get some answers about the questions asked in those letters before I post them, but to the author, please rest assured that I will publish your letters very soon. Also, just a note that I don’t always have time to proof-read submissions from staff, so if there are errors in staff-written articles please don’t give me any grief :) - Jessie Hemphill
Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 07/05/11 Page 3
Elders’ Update Hello everyone!
Summer has finally arrived! Wahooo!
your bags packed the night before and remember to get all your medications refilled within the next few days! We do not want anyone to travel without their medications! We will return from the Elder’s Trip on Friday, July 15th around 7pm :D
Here are a few reminders for events and activities for all you G&N Elders: Wednesday, July 6th 2pm: Meeting @ Elder’s Centre regarding Elders Trip to Abbotsford! Everyone participating MUST be there!
Thursday, July 7th
9am: Catering for Trust Committee meeting @ Elder’s Centre!
I look forward to travelling to the Annual Elder’s Conference with you all! I do have a couple of spots that have just opened up for you Elder’s out there wish-
One last & final catering job this Friday, July 8th for dinner. I expect those that have not helped yet to help with this last one. You all know who you are, so please lend your helping hand! It is unfair to all of those that have been helping with a lot of fundraising! SO please: DO YOUR FAIR SHARE :) Thanks!
ing to come along on this trip. PLEASE CONTACT ME BY THE END OF THE DAY WEDNESDAY, JULY 6TH so you could help with a couple of fundraising activities before we leave Monday morning. Also, if you are an elder that was planning to come on this trip but cannot make it for any reason, please let me know by Tuesday, July 5th.
We will be leaving Monday, July 11th @ 6am SHARP for the Elder’s Conference everyone! The bus will be picking us up at the Elder’s Centre. Please have
Gilakasla, Silena George
Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 07/05/11 Page 4
Treaty Update A brief look at First Nations organizations in BC and Canada Yo lilkwela-kle! Hope everyone had a good long week-end! In this issue I will explain a little about the First Nations Organizations that we belong to. To name a few: the Kwakiutl District Council; Nanwakolas; Sasamans Society; the First Nations Summit; the Assembly of First Nations (AFN); the Union of BC Indian Chiefs (UBCIC); the Native Brotherhood; the First Nations Health Council; the First Nations Education Steering Committee; the Elders Communication Center Society… etc. To begin, the main reason the organizations were established was to help each member First Nation achieve social, political, cultural and economic goals. To do this, they host large meetings, conferences and other types of gatherings of our people. Spokespeople and coordinators are chosen and representatives are selected to speak on our behalf with our input. The organizations were formed as a result of the Chiefs wanting to use the ‘strength of numbers’ to achieve positive change for us. Our Chief Paddy was involved with the ‘Constitutional Train’ organized by the UBCIC, that traveled across Canada gathering First Nations people with the goal to get support at a time when the Constitution of Canada was being finalized (1982) without including us. In that way, as well as through First Ministers Meetings held shortly afterward, including representatives of the AFN we achieved section thirty-five of the Constitution Act, 1982, which provides constitutional protection to the aboriginal and treaty rights of Aboriginal peoples in Canada. (Wikipedia) Another organization, the First Nations Summit,
was the result of the formation of the BC Treaty Process, following agreement on 19 Principles to be a foundation on which to negotiate a treaty here in BC. Our chiefs had been pursuing land claims to assert our inherent rights and title on our traditional territories for years. The history is that when other treaties were done in the rest of the provinces of Canada, BC was not included with the exception of a very few on Vancouver Island and in Northeastern BC. The Federal Government did not recognize our title and ownership to our lands. In the early days they did not even recognize us as citizens who could vote, (another part of our history in this country). The Nisga’a, in Northwest BC, pursued their title and rights vigorously and finally through a court battle and the famous Calder Case,(1973) Land Claims was organized in Canada allowing for the eventual conclusion of the Nisga’a Final Agreement in 1998. By then the BC Treaty Process had been established (1993) with more than 40 Nations negotiating for a treaty here in BC. Establishment of a treaty process in BC was a major struggle even after the Calder case, and it came after there had been major First Nations uprisings across the country, including Oka. Here, at various locations in BC we stood up at road blocks with Chiefs, Elders and Youth to assert our rights and title to our lands. I got a little side-tracked talking about the three organizations listed above the UBCIC, the AFN and the Summit. I wanted to explain how these were formed and for what purpose. My explanation is very brief, I would like to go into more detail in another issue of Yo! News. Hope you all have a great summer and that the Elders have a fabulous trip and Elders Gathering. The Elders Gatherings have been taking place for 35 years now in different First Nations communities throughout BC. The purpose is to allow for social interaction and interlinking among all the Elders in a way that binds communities and to recognize the Elders for their wisdom as is so needed for future generations. Gila’kasla Colleen Hemphill
Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 07/05/11 Page 5
The Gwa’sala-‘Nakwada’xw First Nations in partnership with Bliss Pictures are offering an
intensive Summer
Digital Storytelling
Film & Animation
Workshop FREE in July!
A team of professional filmmakers & animators will work with 8 adults & youth (ages 16-35) who will write, shoot, record audio and edit community-oriented digital stories. As many as possible will be done in the Kwak’wala language. The films will premiere at a community screening on July 24th, 2011 for all to see. We will provide the tools + the guidance, you just need to come with ideas + make a film! To find out more, or to fill out an
application form
for this great opportunity, please contact: Colleen Hemphill @ 250 949-8424 or Catrina Longmuir (Producer, Bliss Pictures) at 778.235.7541 / clongmuir@gmail.com. Application forms are available also at the Band Office.
2-3 participants from this workshop may have the opportunity to participate in a professional documentary shoot this fall, with filmmaker Lisa Jackson (also one of the workshop instructors).
Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 07/05/11 Page 6
Eke Me-Xi
Year in review The 2010-11 school year brought about a big change at Eke Me-Xi. Long-time First Nations In-School Support Worker, Stephanie Nelson, packed up and brought her many talents to share with the students and staff up at Eagle View Elementary. She was replaced by University of Victoria graduate and friend to the Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw Nation, Jamaine Campbell.
This year, the school’s annual beginning and end of year camping trips went off without a hitch. They took place at Cluxewe River and Suquash respectively. On these trips the students were exposed to plenty of fun and exciting experiences. They were taught several things including traditional food gathering techniques, survival skills and the basics of Culturally Modified Trees. But most of all, they played lots of games and had a great time. This year too, the students were able to enjoy and share live music around the campfire. The students increased enthusiasm and willingness to work together while out camping really underscored the importance of these trips.
The new position was Jamaine’s first job as an educator and is a fantastic fit for him. With the terrific support he received from his colleague, Leah Hubbard, PHSS, the School District #85 and the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw band staff, Jamaine In October there was a big celebration at Eke Me-Xi to unveil the new school sign. The sign has been able to hit the ground running. was designed by former student Raymond An important part of many students’ success Walkus. This celebration was attended by can be the relationship their teachers have several community members as well as School with their parents and caregivers. The several District #85 staff. open house lunches the students and staff held proved to be the perfect opportunity to It included traditional food, regalia, song and establish and strengthen these relationships. dance, including an Eke Me-Xi feast song gifted to the school by another former student, Walter brown.
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First Nations
Plans began this year to organize the construction of a community smokehouse. Students researched smoke houses, consulted elders and worked collaboratively and creatively towards the initial designs. The project is slated to begin early next year and will provide a tremendous multi-disciplinary “Film shows youth views of native school learning experience. survivors” CBC News, June 29, 2011 ht t p: // w w w.cb c .c a / news /c a n ad a / nor t h / stor y/2 011 /0 6 /29/trc-inuv ik-youth-f ilm. html?ref=rss
In the News
“Feds ‘Changed All the Rules’ for BC Aboriginal School Funding” Katie Hyslop (The Tyee), June 29, 2011 http://thetyee.ca/News/2011/06/29/AbSchoolFunding/ “Nisga’a Divided on Treaty’s Benefits” John Crawford, June 29, 2011 Also, the students got a chance to head out into h t t p : / / w w w . c j f w . c a / N e w s / S t o r y . the community and attend several important aspx?ID=1450191 events. They attended the aboriginal voices seminar at the civic center, Aboriginal day in Ft. Rupert, a Lahal tournament hosted “Self-government has been a mixed by PHSS and the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw blessing:A study has found the Nisga’a Elementary school’s Yayuma (play potlatch) have problems with nepotism, but deliver and were able to witness the skinning of a deer services better” during hunting season through the Aboriginal Ian Smith (Vancouver Sun) June 28, 2011 Role Model Program. These are just a few of http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Colu the many rich and rewarding experiences that mn+Self+government+been+mixed+blessi were had at Eke Me-Xi this year. ng/5014256/story.html#ixzz1QnVpxf1F Eke-Me Xi has followed in its ordinary course by providing students with caring and well “Unlikely commission will actually name rounded social and learning environments. causes of salmon decline” Christie Blatchford (Postmedia News) June 27, 2011 http://www.canada.com/Unlikely+commissio n+will+actually+name+causes+salmon+decli ne/5013950/story.html “Texting ‘may help save world’s languages’” Herald Sun, July 1, 2011 http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/breakingnews/texting-may-help-save-worlds-languages/ story-e6frf7jx-1226083795017 Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 07/05/11 Page 8
THANK YOU Wor ke rs: E rnie H anuse B illy Walkus, D ennis Walkus Chris Andrew D ennis Charlie T im B ird Tono Charlie - M atias Chuck Clair Cody Walkus Gabriel Charlie Carrol E llingson M i k e Willie M ichelle H inatsu Reed Allen Keith Food committee: Eleanora Robertson Melissa Marsh Mary Giesbrecht Maria Bocskei Shannon Passmore For Helping to set up the new playground at the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw School! Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 07/05/11 Page 9
I need a copy of your BCFB forms for 2011/2012 ASAP! They need to go into your files. Thank you, Pat dawson
Declaration Cut-Off Dates:
July 22 (for August 2011)
Declarations received after this date will result in delayed cheque issue!
If you do not get this form in EVERY MONTH by the cut-off date, you might not get your cheque! Please remember to bring in your BC Hydro bills as well, Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations News - 07/05/11 Page 11 not be paid for! or Yo! else your Hydro will
Car Wash Wash $5 Wash & Vacuum $10 Wash, Wax & Vacuum $15 Interior & Windows $20
Cash only in advance Contact Herb Lancaster
Cell: 230-7350 or drop #226
Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 07/05/11 Page 12
Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 07/05/11 Page 13
Room, 951 Marine Dr. Time: 7:00‐9:00pm 1775 Grenville Place Time: 7:00‐9:00pm
Tuesday, July 19 Cormorant Island Alert Bay Council Hall, 15 Maple Rd. Time: 10:00am‐12:00pm Port Alice Community Centre Board Room, 951 Marine Dr. Time: 7:00‐9:00pm
Port McNeill Town Council Chambers, 1775 Grenville Place Time: 7:00‐9:00pm
Wednesday, July 20 Fort Rupert Health Centre, 99 Tsakis Way, Fort Rupert Time: 1:00‐3:00pm
Thursday, July 21 Gwa'Sala‐Nakwaxda'xw Nation Location: Elders’ Centre Time: 10:00am‐12:00pm
Come out to one of the following Community Forums to get an update on the Plan and to share your voice in the process!
We want to know: What is your vision for an addictions and supportive recovery services plan in your community?
An Addictions and Recovery Service Plan is in the process of being developed in the Mt. Waddington region.
Please RSVP to Janice.Urquhart@viha.ca or call Reena at (250) 902‐6071
Monday, July 18 Quatsino/ Coal Harbour Health Centre 305 Quattishe Road, Coal Harbour Time: 1:30‐3:30pm Port Hardy Community Room at NI College, 9300 Trustee Rd. Time: 7:00‐9:00pm
Lend Us Your Voice!
Please RSVP to Janice.Urquhart@viha.ca or call Reena at (250) 902‐6071
College, 9300 Trustee Rd. Time: 7:00‐9:00pm
Job Posting: Fisheries Technician The Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Fisheries Department is looking for Fisheries Technicians for the Nekite River Chum Enumeration Program. The Band operates a chum salmon enumeration program on the Nekite River in Smith Inlet and requires fisheries technicians to do field work during spawning season. The program typically runs from August to mid-October. If you have further questions you can reach Nicole McLelland at 250-974-8424. Job Duties: • Capturing and tagging fish • Recording biological data • Conducting tag recovery efforts on the river • General camp maintenance and safety procedures • Some brushing will be required at the spawning channel • Daily stream walks are also performed. Qualifications: • Must be physically fit • Must be comfortable working in remote locations on a regular shift schedule. • Identification of Pacific salmon species will be necessary. • Previous field experience and a valid Drivers Licence would be assets, but not required. • All technicians may be required to participate in pre-season training. Interested individuals please submit a resume to the: Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Natural Resources Office (At the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Band Office) ATTN: Nicole McLelland, Manager PO Box 998, Port Hardy, BC, V0N 2P0 ax: 888-345-5063 or email nmclelland@cablerocket.com
Closing date: Monday, July 11, 2011 at 4:00 pm Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 07/05/11 Page 14
Job Title : Barista
J o b P o s t i ng s
Company Name : Koffee’s Date Posted : 7/4/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Salary : TBN Details : Full time position: Tuesday to Saturday. Experience preferred but employer is willing to train. FoodSafe is an asset but certification can be arranged. Contact : Resumes can be dropped off at Koffee’s. Phone: 250-914-8313
Job Title : House Parents
Company: N. Island Crisis & Counselling Date Posted : 6/29/11 Full/Part-Time : Part-time Location : Port Hardy Salary : DOE Details : NICCCS looking for caring, responsible individuals interested in working with adults in a residential setting. Responsibilities include providing a supportive home environment for people experiencing mental health & addiction concerns. For more information please phone Sandy @ 250-949-8333 Contact : Administrative Mgr. PO Box 2446, Port Hardy, BC., V0N 2P0 Fax 250-949-8344 email: reception@nicccs.org
Job Title : Cuberman
Company Name : Gold Band Shake and Shingle Date Posted : 6/28/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Salary : $5/sq-$200/day guarantee Details : Cube & grade cedar blocks and shakes. Must be experienced, fit with a strong back. Requires steel toe safety boots. Start ASAP. Contact : To apply contact Scott - Phone: 250-902-1009 Fax: 250-949-2689
Job Title : Server
Company Name : Bistro Escape Ltd Date Posted : 6/28/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Salary : $9/hr + tips Details : Serve patrons in busy restaurant. Must be charming & knowledgeable, set proper table, clean up after shift, able to work evenings & weekends. Min 2 years restaurant experience (not fast food) required. Position to start ASAP. Seasonal F/T with possible extension. Contact : Apply in person with resume to Alfons Bauer, 8405 Byng Road.
Job Title : Customer Service Rep
Company Name : Scotiabank Date Posted : 6/28/11 Full/Part-Time : Casual Location : Port Hardy Salary : $14.92 / hr Details : Must work well with customers, team, others; be computer literate, work with money, balance drawer. Must be happy, friendly personality with excellent customer service skills. Apply by fax, in person with resume, or email by July 6. Contact Nicole Handley: 7070 Market St.Pt.Hardy BC Fax: 250-9496415 or email nicolee.handley@scotiabank.com
Job Title : Exp Shingle Packer
Company Name : Gold Band Shake & Shingle Date Posted : 6/28/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Salary : $16 per 5.5 sq ft Details : Must be experienced; have CSA safety boots. Contact Scott Sparling Fax: 250-949-2689 Phone: 250-949-2688
Job Title : Sawyer/Trimmer
Company Name : Gold Band Shake & Shingle Date Posted : 6/28/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Salary : $18.75/HR plus Details : Must be experienced sawyer/ trimmer; have CSA safety boots. Bonus of $7-$12 per square above minimum production level. Contact : Scott Sparling: Fax: 250-9492689 Phone 250-949-2688 or cell 250-902-1009
Job Title : ECE
Company Name :NI Early Child Development Society Date Posted : 6/23/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Salary : $14-17/HR Details : Looking for an experienced ECE to provide care for 8 children in a multi-age Day Care. Must be able to work independently and as part of a professional team to provide developmentally appropriate and fun activities to children 0-4. We provide a supportive working environment, full benefit package and professional development opportunities. Phone: 250-949-3031 Contact : Kate Pinsonneault, Box 42, Port Hardy, BC, V0N 2P0 niecds@telus.net, Fax: 250949-3038
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Job Title : Infant/Toddler ECE
Company Name: NI Early Child Development Society Date Posted : 6/23/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Salary : $16-18/HR Details : Looking for an experienced ECE professional to provide programs to 12 children under the age of 3. Must be nurturing, be able to provide fun activities and positively guide children’s behaviour. Includes a benefit package, professional development opportunities, and a great working environment. Contact Kate Pinsonneault, Box 42, Port Hardy, BC, V0N 2P0 niecds@telus.net, Fax: 250-949-3038
Job Title :
Prep Cooks
Company Name : Agency Posting Date Posted : 6/21/11 Full/Part-Time : Part-time Location : Port Hardy Salary : DOE Details : Restaurant is looking for qualified employees who have prior experience and Foodsafe ASAP. Duties will include food prep, cleaning, cooking and sanitizing. Contact : Drop resume off at NIEFS in Port Hardy, 129 8950 Granville Street or fax 250-9495797
Job Title : Housekeeping
Company Name : North Shore Inn Date Posted : 6/23/11 Full/Part-Time : Part-time Location : Port Hardy Salary : DOE Details : PT to FT position. General housekeeping; cleaning rooms and hallways in a hotel setting including vacuuming and laundry duties. Willing to train. Start ASAP. Apply in person. Additional Info : Contact : Please bring your resume to North Shore Inn, 7370 Market St, Port Hardy and ask for Sun.
Job: Offloaders and Graders
Company Name: Bear Cove Ice/Walcan Seafood. Ltd. Date Posted : 6/22/11 Full/Part-Time : Seasonal Location : Port Hardy Salary : $11.50/HR to start Details : Bear Cove Ice is accepting applications for part-time and on-call employees to assist in the offloading of commercial fishing vessels. Applicants must be able to get themselves to the plant which is located in Bear Cove next to the B.C. Ferry terminal. Rain gear and rubber boots required but we can provide them if needed and cost will be taken off your payroll. Please Fax resume or letter if interest to 250-949-7703
Job Title : Cashier
Company Name : Old School House Store Date Posted : 6/22/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Salary : Minimum to start Details : Clerk/cashier duties. Must be flexible & available to work any shift-days, afternoons & weekends. Must have reliable transportation. Start immediately. Willing to train Contact : Must apply in person with resume. No phone calls please.Pat: 4950 Beaver Harbour Road, Port Hardy, BC
Job Title : Cooks
Company Name : Agency Posting Date Posted : 6/21/11 Full/Part-Time : Part-time Location : Port Hardy Salary : DOE Details : Restaurant is looking for qualified employees who have prior experience and Foodsafe ASAP. Duties will include food prep, cleaning, cooking and sanitizing. Contact : Drop resume off at NIEFS in Port Hardy, 129 8950 Granville Street or Fax 250-9495797
Job Title : Member Service Rep
Company Name: Coastal Community Credit Union Date Posted : 6/20/11 Full/Part-Time : Part-time Location : Port Hardy Salary : Terrific Wage & Benefits Details : Coastal Community has two openings for Member Service Reps at our Port Hardy Community Branch. In this role, you will provide quality service, process transactions, promote financial solutions and build member relationships. To be considered applicants will have one year experience in sales and service, excellent communication skills, and a willingness to learn. Preference will be given to those with related post secondary education and experience in a financial environment. Contact : Apply to Human Resources, Fax:(250) 716-2330; Email: careers@cccu.ca
ALL POSTINGS FROM www.niefs.net North Island Employment Foundations Society
Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 07/05/11 Page 16
www.caloundracitysoccerclub.com Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 07/05/11 Page 17
Regular EVENTS Monday
Arlene Clair (LPN) In-office 1pm Free Elders’ Exercise Class @ Elders’ Centre
11am - 2pm Ripple Effect Program @ Youth Cntr. (age 18+) Bingo
10am Council Mtng.
11am Free Elders’ Swim
1-4pm Tanya Petryk (Nurse Practitioner) In-office
11am - 2pm Ripple Effect Program @ Youth Cntr. (age 18+)
3pm Age 7-12 Movie Night @ Youth Cntr. 5pm Age 13+ Movie Night @ Youth Cntr.
Friday 1:30-4pm Youth Support Group @ Youth Cntr. (age 13+) Bingo
1pm Free Elders’ Exercise Class @ Elders’ Centre
Special EVENTS YOUTH ACTIVITIES: Every week there is either free bowling on Thursday @ 3:30pm (NI Lanes) OR free swimming on Tuesday at 3:15pm (PH Pool). Contact Laura (laura_burns@telus.net) for details.
ELDERS: July 6, 2pm: Elders’ Trip Meeting @ Elders’ Centre | July 7, 9am: Catering for Trust Committee meeting @ Elders’ Centre | July 11-15: Elders’ Trip!
OTHER UPCOMING EVENTS & DEADLINES: July 7: Trust Committee Meeting | July 11, 6-9pm: Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Council Nomination Meeting @ Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Adult Education Centre | July 16-17: Filomi Days | July 18, 1-8pm: Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Council Elections Advance Polls at GN Adult Ed Centre| July 22, 10am-12: Addictions Strategy Workshop at GN Elders’ Centre | July 24: GN Digital Storytelling Movie Screening | July 25, 8am-8pm: GN COUNCIL ELECTION DAY at the GN Adult Education Centre
Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 07/05/11 Page 18