Y O!
July 25: Election Day 8am - 8pm Adult Education Centre
We will be electing 1 Chief and 3 Councillors. Those with expired terms are:
July 21 2011
FROM the band manager / public
Paddy Walkus (Chief)
works / workshop announcement
elders’ update
Eddie Charlie (Councillor)
5 guardian Watchmen update
Terry Walkus (Councillor)
economic development update
council nominee interviews
social development
charles peters potlatch notice
job interview: dress for success
local job postings
Ernie Henderson (Councillor)
The Adult Education Centre is between the Elders’ Centre and Eke Me-Xi. If you have any questions or would like a copy of the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Election Policy, please call Les Taylor at 902-2307 or e-mail manager@gwanak.info Please check out pages 7-15 to get a better sense of each candidate based on their answers to a survey done by Angela Walkus and Micheal George last weekend. We asked them the following questions: • What qualifies you to be a leader in our community? • How are you a role model to others? • What would you like to accomplish in the next three years? • How would you make sure you knew the concerns of the community members? • What portfolios are you most interested in? • How much time can you devote?
GAMES DAY at the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Field next Monday, July 25 at 4pm. For kids & youth of any age to come meet the recreation coordinator, Leslie Taylor-Child
Cathy Swain along with three other ladies are doing the census in Tsulquate. It’s real-
ly important to take the census, it helps our band get funding.
“huge thank you to James and his crew, rain soaked Jessie and all those that helped with the salmon... very appreciated!” - Karla Broadfoot Editor’s Note: I will be away on holidays for the first half of August, so there will be
We want leaders who are wise, fair, open-minded and logical as well as devoted to our people. Please use your vote wisely!
no Yo! News until late August. The Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Facebook page and website will not be updated during that time as well. I hope everyone has a great holiday and that we eventually get some sunshine! I want to send a big shout-out to all the folks who have helped out with communications in the last year since I started the Yo! News, those of you that send birthday announcements, for sale announcements, and all the other interesting stuff you give me to publish. -
Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 07/21/11 Page 1
Jessie Hemphill