Yo! News - Sept. 27/11

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SEPT 27 2011

Public Works & Misc. Notices

4-5 Economic Development & Guardian

Watchmen updates

5-6 Elders’ update & call for bids 7 UBC update 8-10 Trust meeting notices (postponed) 11

social development form

12-13 HFS Job posting 14-16

local job postings

17 colouring 18

-George HiługᵂilaWe invite everyone to come and witness this event with us on November 5th 2011 starting at 3:00pm

mark your calendar

Alan Anderson Comfort Service

at Fort Rupert big house

tonight at 7pm, Wakas Hall

-George Family

Baked Goods Greatly Appreciated.

social development update

Thursday September 29, 2011, WAKAS HALL

Celebration of life Service 10:00 am Viewing (Public) 11:00 am Funeral

Anyone interested in Adult Basic Education, we have Colleen from North Island College coming to the Wakas Hall Friday, Oct.7/11 @ 9:00 for a meeting with each of you. Please come to the Band Office at the Front Dest application forms are available for you to fill out & sign. ASAP.

Internment at Tsulquate Cemetery Lunch to follow

Please come and fill out and sign the Monthly Declarations as well and bring in your hydro bills! Gilakas’la,

Patricia dawson-hunt

[Please note that the trust meeting, scheduled for Sept. 29, will be postponed 30 days]

Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 27/09/11 Page 1

Yo! News is prepared by Jessie Hemphill, Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Executive Assistant and Communications Officer. This newsletter is delivered to all houses on the Tsulquate Reserve every second week and posted to the Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw website. If you have questions or comments about this newsletter, contact Jessie at (250) 949-8343 or e-mail jessieh@gwanakplan.org. The purpose of this newsletter is to keep Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw community members informed about what is happening in the Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw Band Office and the surrounding community. Anybody is welcome to make submissions to the newsletter, including announcements, lost-and-found, photographs, bakwam’kwala words, stories, legends, drawings, etc. etc. etc. Other ways to stay connected to the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw community are: Website (www.gwanak.info) Facebook (User: Gwasala Nakwaxdaxw) Twitter (User: Gwasnakw) Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Band Office PO Box 998, 154 Tsulquate Reserve Port Hardy, B.C. V0N 2P0

COUNCIL Chief Paddy Walkus: (250) 949-1486 Sits on all committees / chief@gwanak.info

Ernie Henderson: (250) 230-4198 Health & Social Development, Housing, Fisheries, Education, Ec. Dev., Treaty and Finance Portfolios

Crystal Walkus: (250) 230-4445 Ec. Dev., Personnel & Policies, and Recreation Portfolios

Gary Walkus: (250) 230-7770 Health & Social Development Portfolio

Robert Walkus: (250) 230-2155 Education Portfolio

Victor Walkus: (250) 230-3723 Health & Social Development, Housing, Forestry, Ec. Dev., and Recreation Portfolios

Norman Charlie David Charlie

Staff Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Band Office Phone: (250) 949-8343 / Fax: (250) 949-7402 Les Taylor, Band Manager manager@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2307 Margaret Bernard, Finance finance@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2308 Conrad Browne, Economic Development ecdev@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2301 Pat Dawson-Hunt, Social Development patriciad@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2309 Colleen Hemphill, Treaty chemphil@telus.net / (250) 949-8424 Jessie Hemphill, Communications & Exec. Assistant jessieh@gwanakplan.org / Cell: (250) 902-8221 Lorna Henderson, Housing ldhenderson@live.ca / (250) 902-2304 Nicole McLelland, Natural Resources Manager nmclelland@cablerocket.com / (250) 974-8424 Fax: (888) 345-5063 Grace Smith, Education grace.smith176@gmail.com / (250) 902-2320 Bob Swain, Public Works Cell: (250) 230-0087 Native Courtworker Office (250) 902-2223 Natasha Walkus, Treaty Resource Assistant natashaw@gntreaty.org Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Elders Centre Silena George, Elders’ Coordinator (250) 949-7406 / silenag@gntreaty.org Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Health & Family Services Front Desk: (250) 949-8131 / Fax: (250) 949-6811 Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw School Front Desk: (250) 949-7743 / Fax: (250) 949-7422 Eke Me-Xi School (250) 949-8332


School Yearbooks

Are Here!

birthday wishes Very Special Happy “14th” Birthday Wishes TO:

George Walkus

Who celebrates on fri. oct. 7/11

Your Family Loves You Very Much!! From ~ Mom Tanya (James), Lil Ed, Kortney Caroline. Also fr. ur nephs sing you Gil. In our hearts great care son. Fr. Mom

For Only $10

Available at the Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw School office

“Happy 61st Birthday to Paddy Walkus on October 2nd “ - Love from his rugrats.

public works


“Happy 61 st Birthday to Nellie Walkus October 11th. “ -Love from all her rugrats


“Happy 43rd Anniversary to Paddy and Nellie on October 12th.” -Love from all their rugrats.


WATER RESULTS: The chlorine reading for this week at the Band Office is 0.29.

“happy 36th birthday to John Isaac, Sept. 16th. Happy 14th birthday to Kelly & Keenan Isaac on Oct.2nd; 1st for Rhyan Isaac on Oct. 8th. 40th for Richard Isaac on Oct. 18th. LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!” - From Lily Bruce

BC HYDRO: BC Hydro will be in our community in the near future to put a wood treatment on our wooden hydro poles, to get a longer life on the poles. I will inform the community when they will be here later after the work out their schedule. I will also be putting in a request for BC hydro to replace the burnt out light by Rick and Doug Johnny’s place. Thanks to Sally George for the info. CONFERENCES: I will be away on Oct. 17,18 & 19 to attend a conference about our community’s drinking water. The conference will be in Vancouver and will be funded by Health Canada. On Oct.26,27 & 28 there is a First Nations Water Operator conference in Vancouver that I will be also attending. This conference is about our water and wastewater system. This will be hosted by INAC. STREET SIGNS: There is a street sign order that I put together for our community as directed by our Band Manager. We have a company in Victoria that will be putting the order together for us and it should be ready in 2 to 3 weeks. HALL CLOCK: Thanks to our Chief Paddy Walkus for buying a clock for Wakas Hall. The Band doesn’t recieve any money for the hall except from the Fort Rupert bingo.

Lano, Siblings: (Jere), Rayman, & nieces (Misev’ryday) Take

Study Hall with Charles Willie

will resume on Sunday, September 11

at Eke Me Xi from 6 - 8 p.m. normal days are Sundays to Thursdays from 6 - 8 p.m. “The 4 seasons/ winter dec.21.... fall sept.22....




march20.... what is done at these times?” - From Dorey Brotchie, via facebook

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Guardian Watchmen

economic development



By Conrad Browne GN Ec Dev Officer

Things are starting to move with economic development. I have been using the CCP work that the community did with Jessie as a foundation from which to work. There were many great ideas and thoughts put to paper and I am trying to follow these guidance’s. It is now time to come up with a distinct and separate piece of work for economic development called a 5 year strategic Plan. The idea is to take all of your hard work from the CCP and expand on it. I would really appreciate the community putting time into some meetings so that we can discuss where it is that you want to be in 5 years. We will talk about where we are, where we want to be, how we can get there, as well as what we do once we have arrived. It is so important that the work that economic development does be driven by our community. The businesses that we create will need to be profitable and sustainable for our future generations. We will also talk about how to work with individual Band members who would like to start their own businesses. Les mentioned in the last edition of the YO! News that the Band has purchased a float camp. This camp has a ~2500 Square foot house on a 50’ X 100’ steel barge. The purchase of this camp was done and then we rented it out to a tree planting company who paid us almost 50% of the purchase price for 4 weeks of rental. Our hope over the winter is to renovate and clean up the camp to make it as comfortable as possible. There is a tremendous opportunity to utilize this camp for Elder retreats, as well as the potential to rent it to Band members for short term use. There is also an identified shortage of camp accommodations for many of the crews that work in the Traditional Territories and we will be looking at maximizing these revenue generating possibilities. I will provide a better update on this project in the weeks to come! I will be sending out meeting notices in the very near future; please keep an eye out for them on Facebook, the website, as well as posters and notices throughout the community. Come and participate it will make a difference for the whole community! Gilakasla’ - Conrad

We would like to start this update by saying thank you to our 2 Junior Watchmen for an excellent job this past summer. To Ethan and Janella- work hard this year in school, keep learning from all those that you meet and stay safe! The crew was involved in a wide range of activities since our last update: • We have been patrolling all of the Traditional Territories keeping our eyes and ears open. • We have interacted with a great number of tourists who are travelling through our Territory • We have worked at monitoring some commercial fishing, • We have been gathering evidence that we will be presenting to DFO and other authorities about some suspected illegal guiding, • We have been gathering wildlife information and passing it on to the different organizations that we have • agreed to, • We have worked closely with the fisheries department, economic development, as well as the treaty department to provide the services of the boat for those programs to rent. The money that these programs pay for the use of the boat has allowed us to operate an extra few weeks this year! Our crew was instrumental in identifying a couple of boats that were suspected of stealing some very expensive wildlife viewing cameras from our neighbours to the north of us. These vessels are suspected of removing the cameras and then quickly leaving the area, a notice was put out through the Guardian Watchmen Network (there are 9 First Nations and a few other organizations that belong to this network) and all of the watchmen from the First Nations were looking for the vessels that were described. We were lucky to ID these vessels before they got past our Nation’s territory as we are the last one to the south and these vessels might have just disappeared. We have passed on all of our information to the RCMP and they are looking at charges against the vessel owners. A great example of how we are the eyes and ears for our Nation! One of the very most important things we have done was to sit with the Elders and enjoy lunch and tea, while we were there any Elders that wanted to ask questions were able to. We look forward to our next opportunity to sit with the Elders and this time we will bring some photos of what we do. The Elders are our connection to the homelands and having a great talk with them is greatly appreciated!

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We only have a few short weeks left until we have to put the program away for another year. The crew has done a great job of maintaining and servicing the boat and we have had little to no unexpected costs for mechanical repairs this year. We will continue to look for funding opportunities that will allow us the ability to continue this very valuable program year round. Once we have the funding for a year round program we will then look at expanding the program to a second boat, please be patient this could take some time. Next year we will be using Facebook, emails and a signup sheet to invite Band members to sign up to join our crew on selected patrols, we will try to plan well in advance so that Band members will know when we are able to take a couple of you out with us at a time. Until next time wish us well out on the water, the weather is turning and there will be days where we will be out in it! Gilakasla’

Development meeting for lunch. We will begin cooking and preparing food @ 9am in Elder’s Centre kitchen. Sept. 28 ~ Cater job for the Trust Committee. Begin time is 9am as well. Oct. 5 ~ HOT LUNCH (Elders) Cooking begins @ 9am I have NOT been having any Elders

- conrad

showing up for the exercise classes with

Elders’ Update Mondays: Exercise class @ 1pm Elder’s Centre with Sharon Whitehead beginning Sept. 12 Tuesdays: Swimming @ Port Hardy Pool @ 11am-12pm Feel free to bring a friend or family member with you :) Wednesdays: Coffee/Tea/Hot lunch with Eki~me~xi 11am and Home Visits in afternoon (Hot lunch one or twice a month with Eki~me~xi) Thursdays:

Sept. 13 ~ catering for the Economic


Hardy Pool @ 11am-12pm



Sharon nor at swimming on Tuesdays & Thursdays :( I have only been having Mary Henderson showing up for exercise classes. I do hope to get more and more of you elders out to participate and involved with all the fun activities. I am hoping to start more traditional crafts up here in your Elder’s Centre. Cedar bark weaving will most likely be the first on the list. Then we can hopefully get someone in to help us with the sewing machines and start button blanket making! We had to postpone our Elder’s meeting

that was scheduled for Sept. 21/11 due to a lot of Elders being away, the cold wet weather & just no attendance all week at other activities. I am aiming for the next HOT LUNCH to be Wednesday, October 5. Being a hot lunch, you are more than welcome to come down and help cook or whatever you’d like. We will try for these every other week. Attendance will determine if we’ll carry on with these Hot Lunches. Please don’t hesitate to call me if you would like a ride to any of these activities!!!! The phone @ the office is always on. If I’m not there or don’t answer, please leave a message & i will be sure to get it :)

call for bids


The Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Band is looking for bids on the Metal roofing for the 2 new units Please submit your complete bids

Our heart felt condolences to Willie, Charlotte, the rest of the family & friends of late Allan Anderson. May god be with you more than ever in this very sad and dif-

to the Band Manager A.S.A.P. Deadline: September 30, 2011 4:00 pm

- Lorna Henderson Housing Administrator

ficult time. Love and prayers from the G&N Elders ~ Gilakasla

Silena George

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the University of british columbia:

An update on their work with gn

In June, UBC students Johanna Mazur and Aftab Er fan, were back in Tsulquate with two of their professors, Penny Gurstein and Margot Young, to reflect back on the work that the students have been doing in connection with the CCP since 2009. Penny and Margot interviewed 10 community members (Irene Sheard, Jack Walkus, Bunny Jackson, Richard George, Colleen Hemphill, Bob Swain, Cathy Swain, Natasha Walkus, Donna Williams, & Jessie Hemphill) and asked questions to try to learn about the positive and the negative aspects of the students’ work. Thank you to everybody who participated, and particularly to Natasha for helping to coordinate the interviews. Here are some highlights of what they found out: Doing research in the community has not always been easy because of the different cultures of university and community, and because of limited supervision for the students’. Yet UBC students have brought several useful skills to the community, including computer skills, interviewing, drawing, and facilitation. Importantly, they have helped to build some of these skills in community members, particularly the CCP Research Assistants. In return the students’ perspectives have been enriched by learning from GN community members.

One of the most challenging aspects of working between cultures is communication. The students’ work was most successful when they were clear in their verbal and non-verbal communication (e.g. through images) and when they adapted to the local communication channels (e.g. FaceBook). At other times a lack effective communication led to frustration for both community members and students. Many community members felt that it would have been better if students had spent more time in the community. And yet many also acknowledged that it is hard for the students to be in the community for long periods of time given the multiple demands from the university (classes, exams, tight timelines etc) and their personal lives back home. Given all of this, the time that the students did spend living in Port Hardy was appreciated and understood as a sign of commitment. There are several personal friendships that have been formed between the UBC students and GN members. These friendships are expressed in the sharing of small things: cooking meals together, eating birthday cakes, drawing pictures with children, visiting each other’s homes, and being teased about marrying into the community! The elders commented that this work and this kind of friendship has the positive effect of helping to build trust between GN members and non-native people. It would have been better if the students had met more community members and had made more connections.

It seems that university-community partnerships work best when the students arrive with a clear idea of what they want to do, plus enough flexibility to respond to community needs. The most useful qualities in student researchers include respect, patience, gentleness, positivity (but not forced cheerfulness), passion, friendliness and creativity. Keep an eye out for Aftab, who will be helping out at the Trust Meeting next month by doing some visual recording similar to the one (above) that she did for the CCP, plus she’ll be doing other work in the community over the next few months (with baby Seff in tow :)

Johanna Mazur, Christy George, Cathy Swain, Natasha Walkus and Donna Williams worked on the Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw CCP Appendix One: Community Organizing which talks about successful events and projects in the community. (UBC student Johanna Mazur (second from right) doing some training with community members in 2009)

If you want to see a copy online, you can go to this web page: http://issuu.com/gwanak/docs/community_organizing_appendix

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AGENDA Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Trust Committee All Band Meeting on September 29, 2011

September 29, 2011 at the Wakas Hall, Tsulquate Reserve 1:00 – 5:00 pm

day s




Registration 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Meeting will start when 25% of eligible voting

Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Band Members arrive

2:00 – 2:15 Annual Report

including 2010 financial statements

Investment Strategy & December Disbursement

POST PO N ED 2:15 – 3:00

3:00 – 3:15 Discuss plans for Community Building

VOTING ON MARION WAMISS’ HOUSE 3:15 – 3:20 Overview of Voting Process Present item (Marion Wamiss’ house) 3:20 – 4:00 to be put to vote, then question & answer period 4:00 – 4:30 Vote 4:00 Door Prize Draw & Refreshments Start

4:30 – 5:00 Count Vote 5:00 Announce Results & Adjourn Meeting

For more information about the Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Trust please call Robert Walkus, Trust Chair at (250) 230-2155 or visit www.gwanak.info/for-members/gn-trust Posted on August 30, 2011

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VOTING PROCESS Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Trust Committee All Band Meeting on September 29, 2011

day s

BEFORE THE MEETING: 1. Check the Band Membership List (posted at the Band Office) to see if you are registered to vote. Contact Sandra Charlie, Membership Clerk, at (250) 949-8131 with questions about band membership.



WHEN YOU ARRIVE: 1. Go to the registration desk and sign-in with your ID (If you don’t have ID, there will be people at the Registration Desk to vouch for your identity) 2. You will receive a numbered orange card which represents your vote 3. Once 25% of voting Band Members arrive (and this is doublechecked) the Electoral Officer will start the meeting

DURING THE VOTE: 1. You will get a chance to hear about proposals and ask questions before the Electoral Officer calls the vote 2. Then you go back to the registration desk with your orange card 3. At the registration desk you will sign-in again and trade your orange card for your ballot 4. You will write or to vote yes or no for the proposal in a secret ballot (any other marks besides or will void your ballot)

AFTER YOU VOTE: 1. You will bring your ballot back to the Electoral Officer, who will count all the votes with the help of 5 Trustees 2. The Electoral Officer will do a second count for accuracy 3. If 50% plus 1 of the votes are in favour, the proposal is approved. If 50% or less votes are in favour, the proposal is rejected 4. The Electoral Officer will write a report to the Trust Committee with the result 5. The Trust Committee will report the result to the community For more information about the Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Trust please call Robert Walkus, Trust Chair at (250) 230-2155 or visit www.gwanak.info/for-members/gn-trust Posted on August 30, 2011

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MARION WAMISS’ HOUSE Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Trust Committee All Band Meeting on September 29, 2011

Elder Marion Wamis


WHO does it benefit?

To build a new home for Marion Wamiss


What’s the PURPOSE?

day s


WHAT does it cover?

Trust fund request to top up government funding of only $35,000 to build Marion a nice home to live in.

$35,000 to be funded through government housing subsidy, $68,000 to be funded by your Trust dollars

CAST YOUR YES OR NO VOTE ON SEPTEMBER 29, 2011 AT THE WAKAS HALL FROM 1-5 P.M. For more information about the Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Trust please call Robert Walkus, Trust Chair at (250) 230-2155 or visit www.gwanak.info/for-members/gn-trust Posted on August 30, 2011 Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 27/09/11 Page 10

Declaration Cut-Off Dates:

October 21 (for November 2011)

Declarations received after this date will result in delayed cheque issue!

If you do not get this form in EVERY MONTH by the cut-off date, you might not get your cheque! Please remember to bring in your BC Hydro bills as well, or else your Hydro will not be paid for! Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 27/09/11 Page 11

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L o ca l

J o b P o s t i ng s

Job Title : Constituency Assistant

Company Name : North Isl. Constituency Office Date Posted : 9/22/11 Full/Part-Time : Part-time Location : Port Hardy Salary : BCGEU Union Rate Details : Claire Trevena, MLA North Island, is inviting applications for Constituency Assistant, 10 Hours/week for Port Hardy office. Full details at Pt. Hardy NIEFS or phinfo@niefs.net or contact Claire Trevena MLA North Island. Require sound knowledge of North Island, strong interpersonal, communications, writing, computer skills. Contact : Claire Trevena,MLA:908 Island Hwy Campbell River V9W 2C3 claire.trevena. mla@leg.bc.ca Fax: 250-287-5105

Job Title : ABE Coord./ Instructor

Company Name : Kwakiutl Band Date Posted : 9/21/11 Full/Part-Time : Contract Location : Port Hardy Salary : TBD Details : Provide Adult Basic Education at Wagalus school. Degree in Education or related field, plus experience with Aboriginal learners. Knowledge/ successful experience with Aboriginal adult instruction Excellent communication skills needed.: PT contract Sept 26-11 to June 2012. Must be member in good standing with the British Columbia College of Teachers. Must pass criminal record check clearance. Contact : Marion Hunt Box 1440,Port Hardy, BC VON 2P0 Fax:(250)949-6012 ext.223 or 8232 education@kwakiutl.bc.ca

Job Title : Front Desk Clerk

Company Name : Airport Inn Date Posted : 9/21/11 Full/Part-Time : Part-time Location : Port Hardy Salary : DOE Details : This job is 3 days a week for Saturday & Sunday 8 am - 4 pm and Monday 4 pm 12 am . The person will be responsible for Front Desk Duties and Beer & Wine Sales. Must be 19 years of Age and have your Serving it Right Licencee. This person will also be willing to cover holidays and extra shifts. Willing to train the right person. Previous Front Desk experience an asset. Contact : Please Fax your resume to 250949-6533 or drop off in person with Attention: Jeung Sil Park

Job Title : Barista

Company Name : Cafe Guido Date Posted : 9/20/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Details : Hip, upbeat, quality people take notice of the Barista positions available! If you love people, coffee and more..check us out! We train, you learn, you talk, we listen, we work together in a happy work place! Food Safe certificate is preferred. Apply within. Contact : Bring your resume in person to 7135 Market Café.

Job Title :

Grocery Clerks

Job Title :

Counter Sales Rep

Company Name : Overwaitea Foods Date Posted : 9/20/11 Full/Part-Time : Part-time Location : Port Hardy Details : Our Grocery and Non-Foods Department opportunities include roles in our Grocery, Dairy, Frozen, Natural, Bulk, General Merchandise and Personal Care (Cosmetics) departments. If you have open availability (able to work any shift during the day, evening or weekend) and love to help people we want to hear from you. No experience necessary as we love to train the right people! Contact : Apply online at: http://overwaiteajobs. com/pages/apply Date Posted : 9/20/11 Company Name : Port Hardy Auto Parts Ltd Full/Part-Time : Part-time Location : Port Hardy Details : Duties includes counter sales and putting freight away. Must have computer skills, be good with public, able to lift 50-70 pounds, have DL, and steel toe boots. Start ASAP. Contact : Fax: 250-245-4430 Attention Ray Stokes or email rdstokes@shaw.ca

Job: Meat and Seafood Clerk

Company Name : Overwaitea Foods Date Posted : 9/20/11 Full/Part-Time : Part-time Location : Port Hardy Details : Our Fresh Department opportunities include roles in our Meat and Seafood Department. We are always looking for new team members to help our customers. If you have open availability (able to work any shift during the day, evening or weekend) and love to help people we want to hear from you. No experience necessary as we love to train the right people! Contact : Apply online at: http://overwaiteajobs. com/pages/apply

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Job Title : Deli Clerk

Company Name : Overwaitea Foods Date Posted : 9/20/11 Full/Part-Time : Part-time Location : Port Hardy Salary : TBD Details : Our Fresh Department opportunities include roles in our Deli Department. We are always looking for new team members to help our customers. If you have open availability (able to work any shift during the day, evening or weekend) and love to help people we want to hear from you. No experience necessary as we love to train the right people! Contact : Apply online at: http://overwaiteajobs.com/pages/apply

Job Title : Customer Service Clerk

Company Name : Overwaitea Foods Date Posted : 9/20/11 Full/Part-Time : Part-time Location : Port Hardy Details : Our Customer Service Team opportunities include roles as a Customer Service Clerk. We are always looking for new team members so we can ensure our customers always have a great experience shopping. If you have open availability (able to work any shift during the day, evening or weekend) and love to help people we want to hear from you. No experience necessary as we love to train the right people! Contact : Apply online at: http://overwaiteajobs.com/pages/apply

Job Title :


Company Name : Overwaitea Foods Date Posted : 9/20/11 Full/Part-Time : Part-time Location : Port Hardy Salary : TBD Details : Our Customer Service Team opportunities include roles as a Cashier. We are always looking for new team members so we can ensure our customers always have a great experience shopping. If you have open availability (able to work any shift during the day, evening or weekend) and love to help people we want to hear from you. No experience necessary as we love to train the right people! Contact : Apply online at: http://overwaiteajobs.com/pages/apply

Job Title :


Company Name : Ana’s Hardy Clean Date Posted : 9/16/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Salary : DOE Details : Must be able to lift 20 kg. perform all janitorial duties and provide criminal record check. Require steel toe boots and own transportation to work sites. Contact : Fax resume to 250-949-6020

Job: Counsellor & Program Mgr

Company Name :N.I. Crisis & Counselling Centre Date Posted : 9/16/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Salary : DOE Details : Sexual Abuse Intervention Program Counsellor (.75 FTE) and Program Manager (.25 FTE) Combined position. For details, please call the office as 250-949-8333 or see our poster at the NIEFs location in Port Hardy. Qualifications and Skills. Masters’s Degree in Counselling Psychology, Social Work, or equivilant from a recognized professional faculty. Excellent verbal and written communication. Proven skills in building and maintaining professional relationships Contact : Apply to Executive Director by email: chrisp@nicccs.org Deadline for applications is October 12, 2011

Job Title : IDP Consultant

Company Name :N.I. Crisis & Counselling Centre Date Posted : 9/16/11 Full/Part-Time : Part-time Location : Port Hardy Salary : DOE Details : Infant Development Consultant (25 hrs./week) Home-based early intervention services to families of infants(up to 3 yrs.)who are delayed in development or at risk for delay. Outreached focused. More info call 250 949-8333Must have degree or diploma in a discipline related to early childhood development, practical experience working with infants families and other professionals. Current first aid. Combination Of education and training may be considered Contact : Apply to Executive Director by email chrisp@nicccs.org Deadline for applications is October 12, 2011

Job Title : ECE Assistant

Company Name :Stepping Stones Childcare Center Date Posted : 9/15/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Salary : $14-18/ hr Details : We require an ECE Assistant to work with children under 3 years of age starting mid-December. Must love infants and toddlers, having fun and being part of a supportive, caring professional team. This is a Mat leave which will likely turn into a permanent position. 35 hour work week and a generous benefit package. Contact : To apply to Kate Pinsonneault: E: niecds@telus.net P: 250-949-3031 F: 250-949-3038 M: Box 42, V0N 2P0 (continued)

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Job: ECE Assistant/Coordinator

Company Name : Stepping Stones Childcare Center Date Posted : 9/15/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Salary : $14-18/ hr Details : This split position is for a Preschool assistant in the mornings and the out of school Coordinator in the afternoon and on ProD-days. Must be fun, energetic, positive, able to plan and provide theme-based activities. ECE Assistant certification and criminal record check are required. Must be able to work independently and as part of a supportive team. Starts Sept 28th, 9:00-5:30. Contact : To apply to Kate Pinsonneault: E: niecds@telus.net P: 250-949-3031 F: 250-949-3038 M: Box 42, V0N 2P0

designs for

wakas hall

Job Title : Night Bookkeeper/Clerk

Company Name : Quarterdeck Inn Date Posted : 9/14/11 Full/Part-Time : Part-time Location : Port Hardy Salary : DOE Details : Night Clerk/Bookkeeper required immediately. Must be okay with graveyard shifts, could work into full-time employment. Contact : Send resume to Box 910 or email bren@quarterdeckresort.net

Job Title : Sawyer/ Trimmer

Company Name : Gold Band Shake & Shingle Date Posted : 9/12/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Salary : $18.75/ hr plus Details : Must be experienced sawyer/ trimmer and have CSA safety boots. Bonus of $7-$12 per square above minimum production level. Contact : Scott Sparling: Fax: 250-9492689 Phone 250-949-2688 or cell 250-902-1009

Job Title :


Company Name : Agency Posting Date Posted : 9/9/11 Full/Part-Time : Part-time Location : Port Hardy Salary : DOE Details : Customer service, care of cash, cleaning. Must have “Foodsafe” and “Serving It Right” certificates. Start Immediately. Contact : Resumes to Port Hardy NIEFS: Thunderbird Mall Fax: 250-949-5797 or email phinfo@ niefs.net ALL POSTINGS FROM www.niefs.net North Island Employment Foundations Society

The students of Eke me-xi are going to spruce up the Wakas hall. We are looking for design submissions. The designs should be traditional Gwa’sala or ‘Nakwaxda’xw. You can bring your submissions to Eke Me-xi on any sized paper or send them electronically to ekemexi@gmail.com. Good luck and happy designing!

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SEptember 29: Celebration of Life for Alan Anderson (10am viewing, 11am funeral, lunch to follow) at the Wakas Hall september 29-30: Traditional Foods Conference in Campbell River SEPTEMBER 30: Deadline for bids for metal roofing


OCTOBER 4: Elders’ Orientation & First Nations Role Model Program Luncheon at U’gwamalis Community Hall (Fort Rupert) from 12 noon - 2pm. Please attend this luncheon to find out how you can be a resource to the Kwa’kwala program and to the First Nations Role Model program in local schools. OCTOBER 5: Elders’ Hot Lunch. Cooking begins at 9am. October 7: Colleen from NIC to talk about Adult Basic Education, 9am at the Wakas Hall (please sign up at the Band Office beforehand) OCTOBER 21: Declaration cut-off date


November 5: George Family Hitlugwila 3 p.m at the Ft. Rupert Big House November 7-8: Community Clean-up

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