Yo! News - Oct. 11/11

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Y O!

Trust meeting



After three hours waiting for quorum, for a meeting that was supposed to start at 1:00 p.m. it was starting to feel tense in the Wa’kas Hall. With 120 Band Members required to start the meeting, we still had 50 to go. But somehow, through text messages, phone calls and last-minute reminders, we got quorum at 4:50 p.m. Because of the late start, it was decided to move the vote on funding for Marion Wamiss’ house up to the front of the agenda. En masse and led by singers, the family made one last plea for assistance to help rebuild the house that Marion and Spruce Wamiss are living in, plagued by mould, drafts, and other health-threatening issues. Chief Paddy Walkus also made some supporting comments, and the issue immediately went to vote. With Donna Gault as the Electoral Officer, the votes were counted and the final numbers announced at 6:39 p.m.: 83 in favour of funding Marion’s house, 39 against, and 2 spoiled ballots for a total of 124 votes cast.

During the voting community members shared frustrations with our Band’s housing situation, and the meeting quickly became more of a housing meeting than a Trust meeting. Rick Coon asked “Why is it such a problem? Why are so many young people living across the bridge?” Gloria Walkus asked “Do you have a longterm plan or some money put aside to deal with this in the future?” Other issues that people brought up were the need for more fire exits, the need to prioritize community members with disability, and the overall lack of consistency and transparency within housing. Chief Paddy said “Collectively we want to address housing in a way that’s gonna be productive for everyone” which, according to Paddy, includes the revival of the Housing Committee. Council encouraged those who shared their frustration to participate in the new


OCT 11 2011

FROM the band manager

4 Elders’ Update 5

misc. notices


Public Works & Birthday Wishes

7 Sasamans society update 8 Social Development Form 9

local job postings


40 assets for teens




mark your calendar

committee to make sure their concerns are addressed. Trust Chair Robert Walkus pointed out that “the biggest problem we have is that a lot of the people that get caught in this red phase, they see other people not paying their rent, so they stop paying theirs and it sets us back.” Because it took so long to get quorum, and because of the time taken to discuss housing, the original agenda was cut short. Besides a short update from Jamaine Campbell (Eke Me-xi First Nations’ Support Worker) on the Youth Sports & Recreation program, none of the other reporting took place, such as going over the Trust financial records in the annual report, or discussing Towers Watson, the company newly hired to help with the Trust investment strategy. It is clear that, without some progress in the area of housing, it will be difficult to focus on anything else at the next all-band meeting. A huge thanks to everyone who did come out for the meeting, and those who did the organizing, set-up, cooking and clean-up. If you have any questions about the Trust, please contact Trust Chair Robert Walkus at (250) 230-2155. Please note also that for future Trust all-band meetings, community members with FoodSafe will have the chance to bid on the catering. By Jessie Hemphill

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Yo! News is prepared by Jessie Hemphill, Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Executive Assistant and Communications Officer. This newsletter is delivered to all houses on the Tsulquate Reserve every second week and posted to the Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw website. If you have questions or comments about this newsletter, contact Jessie at (250) 949-8343 or e-mail jessieh@gwanakplan.org. The purpose of this newsletter is to keep Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw community members informed about what is happening in the Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw Band Office and the surrounding community. Anybody is welcome to make submissions to the newsletter, including announcements, lost-and-found, photographs, bakwam’kwala words, stories, legends, drawings, etc. etc. etc. Other ways to stay connected to the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw community are: Website (www.gwanak.info) Facebook (User: Gwasala Nakwaxdaxw) Twitter (User: Gwasnakw) Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Band Office PO Box 998, 154 Tsulquate Reserve Port Hardy, B.C. V0N 2P0

COUNCIL Chief Paddy Walkus: (250) 949-1486 Sits on all committees / chief@gwanak.info

Ernie Henderson: (250) 230-4198 Health & Social Development, Housing, Fisheries, Education, Ec. Dev., Treaty and Finance Portfolios

Crystal Walkus: (250) 230-4445 Ec. Dev., Personnel & Policies, and Recreation Portfolios

Gary Walkus: (250) 230-7770 Health & Social Development Portfolio

Robert Walkus: (250) 230-2155 Education Portfolio

Victor Walkus: (250) 230-3723 Health & Social Development, Housing, Forestry, Ec. Dev., and Recreation Portfolios

Norman Charlie David Charlie

Staff Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Band Office Phone: (250) 949-8343 / Fax: (250) 949-7402 Les Taylor, Band Manager manager@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2307 Margaret Bernard, Finance finance@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2308 Conrad Browne, Economic Development ecdev@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2301 Pat Dawson-Hunt, Social Development patriciad@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2309 Colleen Hemphill, Treaty chemphil@telus.net / (250) 949-8424 Jessie Hemphill, Communications & Exec. Assistant jessieh@gwanakplan.org / Cell: (250) 902-8221 Lorna Henderson, Housing ldhenderson@live.ca / (250) 902-2304 Nicole McLelland, Natural Resources Manager nmclelland@cablerocket.com / (250) 974-8424 Fax: (888) 345-5063 Grace Smith, Education grace.smith176@gmail.com / (250) 902-2320 Bob Swain, Public Works Cell: (250) 230-0087 Native Courtworker Office (250) 902-2223 Natasha Walkus, Treaty Resource Assistant natashaw@gntreaty.org Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Elders Centre Silena George, Elders’ Coordinator (250) 949-7406 / silenag@gntreaty.org Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Health & Family Services Front Desk: (250) 949-8131 / Fax: (250) 949-6811 Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw School Front Desk: (250) 949-7743 / Fax: (250) 949-7422 Eke Me-Xi School (250) 949-8332

From the band manager Band car & Patient travel: People are enquiring about using the band’s car for staff and council. The car is not a patient travel car. The car was meant to be used for medical patient travel but Health Canada won’t authorize the purchase. The car was set up as a staff and council car for attending seminars and workshops with the monies that are for mileage to pay for the car, insurance and maintenance costs. Only staff and Council members may use the car, and only then if they have ten years’ experience and a clean driving record. They must then put their mileage costs towards the Band to pay for the vehicle. These measures were put in place to ensure the long-term use of the vehicle. Staff and Council may still use their own vehicles. We do have a patient travel vehicle that is supposed to be used for attending appointments down island but we do not have a driver with the necessary drivers abstract (record) for the proper use of vehicle. Break-ins: There was a recent break in at the band office of the Gwawaenuk here on the reserve. Some children involved were identified and the RCMP is taking statements. A LARGE sum of money was taken and a small portion has been recovered. There is still a large sum missing. If you know where the money is, please advise the RCMP or me immediately. If it is found out by the police that you have stolen property you may be charged with possession of stolen property. Other property that was stolen was all of Audrey’s jewelry left to her by her mom and relatives. You can’t replace those kinds of family keepsakes. If you know of any children or adults with large sums of money that is unusual, please advise me. If you want to remain anonymous I will honour your request. This also includes jewelry or anything that looks unusual in the possession of the persons involved. The parents of the children and the children involved should be assisting Audrey and family with cleanup to have the children form a solid base of accountability and respect for ones property. At the very least some sense of ownership to what they did as being wrong to avoid other such incidents in our community. There seems to be a rash of incidents happening on the reserve lately. Our office was also broken into and items were taken. Our school was vandalized again by the breaking of windows and I have not heard from any parents about paying for damage or the disciplinary ownership by the children of their actions by the parents. There has not being any discussion with this office regarding the matters. This item will be put on the agenda of the next council meeting. Hopefully by that time I will have some favorable reports for council members. Les Taylor Band Manager

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Elders’ Update

out a good day and time for it. If you’d like to go swimming, please call me and we can meet at the pool so you can do

Hello everyone. Hope you all had a won- so. Senior swims are every Tuesday & derful family & turkey filled weekend. Thursday @ 11am~12pm Here are a few things going on with in Our first hot lunch with Eke Me-xi was

the next couple of weeks:

a great hit. We look forward to the next Thursday Oct. 13 I will be doing one with them. Thank you again to Mary home visits with Matt our community Henderson & Mary Johnson for coming to help & teach how to make bannock.

health nurse.

We will be having these hot lunches the Thursday Oct. 20 is catering for first Wednesday of ever month! So please mark that down in your calendars.

Trust starting @ 9am

Oct 25th is clam digging day trip on I will be working on trying to get the Dorey Brotchie’s boat with the students doctor, optometrist, ear doctor and foot of Eke Me~xi. Please sign up with me if specialist to come to your Elders Centre you would like to come by Friday Oct. for your needs. This will take time. So please be patient :)


Oct. 27th Elders Halloween bash There ya have it! Our agenda for the starting @ 12pm. Absolutely NO CHIL- next while. Please call for more info, or DREN allowed to this event. There will be food, costumes, prizes, games, music

with questions or concerns :)

& lots of laughter! Please come out & ~Gilakasla

have some fun! Please note exercise classes have been

Silena George

halted for the time being until we figure Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News -11/10/11 Page 4

Adult Basic Education Scholastic We have Colleen from North Island College doing assessments for Adult Basic Education.

If you missed her on Friday give her a call at 949 7912 to set up a time for the assessment. I wish you all the luck in your future education! keep it up, Grace & I will try help you reach your goals and potential!

- Pat Dawson-Hunt

volunteers needed

Book Fair

October 17th to the 20th

At the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw school next week lunchtime and after school. Great books and a great way to support your child!!!

Flu Clinic

Oct. 21, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.

At the Health & Family Services. No appointment necessary, come on down and get your shot!

November 2nd-4th

- Robin King

- Reed Allen

Division 1 & 2 art class

The school is looking for volunteers to help out at the soccer tournament on November 2, 3 and 4. We are looking for people work in the cafeteria and help out refereeing. Thanks,

picture Day

Wednesday Oct. 12th, 2011

Picture Day at the Health and Family Services Big Room. Hawaiian Theme and a plain white and black theme. Great for the upcoming holidays to get your pictures printed. Call the Health and Family Services to book your time.

Christmas Forms Santa is checking his list twice, and he needs help from

parents! Christmas Forms are at Health and Family Services Front Desk, Please fill them out as soon as you can. Thank you!

- Eleanor Wilson

George HiŁUGᵂila Is currently on hold until further notice. Flea Market

October 20th 10am-3pm

Tables are $10 ( second table $5). Indian Tacos, Loonie Auction, Kakawis Bingo and 50/50 draw. Wa̓kas Hall.

The Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw School’s Division 1 & 2 students have been working on their autumn banners in art class. This project teaches them how to use acrylic paints on canvas and the use of warm and cool colours. It shows them the value of different kinds and sizes of paintbrushes and is a good introduction to painting.

- Maria Bocskei

public works BY update BOB SWAIN

WATER RESULTS: The chlorine reading at the Alternate School this week is 0.67. If you have any questions about our drinking water please feel free to ask. COMMUNITY CLEAN UP: A reminder that the fall community clean up is scheduled for Nov. 7 & 8. A clean community is a sign of a healthy community. PLEASE HELP KEEP OUR COMMUNITY CLEAN. EMERGENCY PLAN UPDATE: The emergency planning committee is still meeting every first Tuesday of the the month at Wakas Hall from 10 - 11 am. At our last meeting we had a question and answer period with Chuck Lok on JEPP funding. JEPP funding will pay half of the funding on emergency supplies except for back up generators which they would only go as high as $10,000.00. We are also looking for some volunteers to join us in the ESS and SAR areas of our plan.


Wedding & Anniversary


October 11th - Happy birthday to our beautiful Aunty/Auda/Godmomma Nellie Walkus. We love you so much! Have a blessed day Aunty! Lotsa love from David, Tiff & family Happy Birthday to our grandsons Cole Charlie (October 14) and Tyren Charlie (October 31). We love you boys so much and hope you have loads of fun on your special days! Love n hugs from Papa David, Nan Tiff and your uncles n aunties.

ESS stands for Emergency Social Services which is the area where in the event of a disaster we would have to evacuate people. We would evacuate them to Wakas Hall, where the ESS team would take care of them. SAR stands for Search and Rescue. The volunteers in this area would help out by looking for people that are missing or not home in the event of an earthquake. Any volunteers interested please contact your Emergency Coordinator Bob Swain at 250-230-0087.

Best wishes to Gary & Philena as they take a new journey together as Husband and Wife (October 12, 2011). May God continue to bless you both! Love David, Tiff & Family Happy 43rd Anniversary to Uncle Paddy & Aunty Nellie (October 12). Best wishes to you both & we thank you for always being a great part of our lives. All our love & Respect David, Tiff & family

Lost:purple coat

Has anyone found a purple butterfly print please mum rain coat? My daughter lost her jacket and its her favorite jacket. If you found it can you please message me on Facebook. She will have a $5 reward for its return. :D

- Missy Henderson

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Gwa'Sala -'Nakwaxda'xw Infant Development Program Play Group will start October 11,2011. Play Group will be held one day a week. Yvonne Wilson and I will continue to have our Play Group on Tues. at 10-12 A.M. I would like Thank Robin for her help last year at Play Group ,wish you all the best. We are looking forward to having year four of Play Group.(2011-2012) I am Thankful that we have gone this far with Play Group.  We can accept your child when he/she is potty trained. A parent can be at play group with their child until he/she is being potty trained ,if you want to register your child now . Call to make an appointment for registration. Play Group is very important as it prepares your child for school. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Agnes Wallace

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Introduction With the winter setting in, weather is an issue and has its challenges to complete the work in some communities on schedule. However this is something we were prepared for. Since hiring our policy analyst, we are revisiting the financial, human resource and board policies.

Community Work Plans As we continue to gather information from youth in Phase 1, work has begun on Phase 2. Our first Elders luncheon was held on Sept 10th in Quatsino First Nations (6 participants) and a second was held in We Wai Kai First Nations (17 participants) on Sept 21st. Feedback from these two events has shown an expressed interest from Elders for group and personal discussions. Community Profiles All for community profiles are in final draft and awaiting approval from the agencies and/or bands. Personnel Policy Analyst hired. Initiative Coordinator seconded from Laichwiltach Family Life Society. Next Steps October will focus on finalizing the parent and Elder interviews and focus groups. Further data analyse and sharing results with community committee. Our goal is to have all information gathering complete by November 30th.

Facilitator Training On Sept 15th & 16th our CBCs participated in Part 2 of a 3 Part training series on Facilitation of Focus Groups and Interviews skills. Feedback from CBCs suggests that the review of skills, interview skills and debrief of experience to date were helpful and improved their confidence in providing focus groups and individual interviews in their communities. The debrief session and discussions of similar activities within the youth population has shown that interviews provide a safer environment for youth to share their thoughts. Focus Groups Recently 3 Youth Focus Groups were held: the mixed 7-11 group had 5 participants and the two 12-15 years groups were 2 or less participants. As a result a decision was made to move forward with individual interviews with youth ages 12-15. Since then 3 individual interviews were arranged resulting in 2 participating

Sasamans (Our Children) Society Office: 680 Head Start Crescent, Campbell River, BC V9H 1P9 Mailing Address: PO Box 221, Campbell River, BC V9W 5B1 Ph: 250.914.2212 Fax: 250.914.2215 Toll free: 888.597.2180 Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News -11/10/11 Page 8

Declaration Cut-Off Dates:

October 21 (for November 2011)

Declarations received after this date will result in delayed cheque issue!

If you do not get this form in EVERY MONTH by the cut-off date, you might not get your cheque! Please remember to bring in your BC Hydro bills as well, or else your Hydro will not be paid for! Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Yo! News - 11/10/11 Page 9


Job Title :

J o b P o s t i ng s

Process Worker

Company Name : Keltic Seafoods Ltd Date Posted : 10/7/11 Full/Part-Time : Seasonal Location : Port Hardy Salary : $10.50/ hr Details : Require workers for processing Sea Cucumbers for 2 to 6 weeks: “Scheduled Shift Work” for morning and afternoon shifts. Contact : Please email: gord@kelticseafoods.com or Fax: 250-949-8825

Job Title : Customer Service Rep

Company Name : Cash Store Financial Date Posted : 10/5/11 Full/Part-Time : Part-time Location : Port Hardy Salary : TBN Details : Cash Store Financial is recruiting permanent part time Hiring a Financial Customer Service Representative for our branch in PORT HARDY. Our Financial Customer Service Representatives are the first point of contact for our clients. C.S. Reps are approachable & committed to providing exceptional customer service from their knowledge of our products & services. Join our expanding company and grow in a fun, fast paced culture in financial services. QUOTE “PERMANENT P/T C322” ON RESUMES Contact : Resume & cover letter to: c322@ csfinancial.ca or in person Suite 1, 7025 Market Street, Port Hardy

Job Title : Carpenter’s Helper

Company : Gateway Restorations 1996 Ltd. Date Posted : 10/4/11 Full/Part-Time : Part-time Location : Port Hardy Salary : DOE Details : Mature, experienced handyman wanted. Able to do carpentry, drywall and painting. Must have own tools and transportation for work in the Port Hardy/Port McNeill area. No phone calls please. Contact: Please send resume to gway1996@telus.net

Job Title : Janitor

Company Name : Ana’s Hardy Clean Date Posted : 10/3/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Salary : DOE Details : Must be able to lift 20 kg. perform all janitorial duties and provide criminal record check. Require steel toe boots and own transportation to work sites. Contact : Fax resume to 250-949-7620.

Job Title : Awake Night Worker

Company Name: SA Lighthouse Resource Centre Date Posted : 10/3/11 Full/Part-Time : Seasonal Salary : $11.22/HR Details : Must have Grade 12 equiv. Prefer Foodsafe, WHIMIS, First Aid. Ensure health/ safety/compliance/emotional support for overnight clients. Nightly grounds check, janitorial, record keeping; prepare snack/dinner/ breakfast as needed. Wake clients. Seasonal part-time 10-30 hrs/week as needed for 5 months. Drop off or e-mail resume by Oct.14. No phone calls please. Contact : Attn: Sean Junglas: salvationarmymtwaddington@gmail.com or in person at 8635 Granville St., Port Hardy, BC

Job Title : Labourers

Company Name : Bear Cove Ice Date Posted : 10/3/11 Full/Part-Time : Part-time Salary : TBD Details : Bear Cove Ice, a division of Walcan Seafood Ltd., is looking for people to help in the offloading of salmon and groundfish. No experience necessary as we will train. Applicants for these positions with available transportation will have preference. Contact : Fax resume or expression of interest to 250-949-7703

Job Title : Customer Service Rep

Company Name :Vancouver Island Insurance Centres Date Posted : 10/3/11 Full/Part-Time : Part-time Location : Port Hardy Salary : TBD Details : Ideal candidate must possess excellent customer service and communication skills with preferably a min. of 1 year experience in the insurance industry. Contact : Current resume with cover letter detailing why you would like to join our team to: mcadwallader@viic.ca

Job Title : Retail Clerk

Company Name : Old Schoolhouse Store Date Posted : 9/28/11 Full/Part-Time : Full-Time Location : Port Hardy Details : Clerk, cashier, customer service, stock shelves, dust. Must be flexible able to work morning shift 6 am to 2 pm or 2 pm to 10 pm shift. Must have transportation to work. Contact : Apply in person: 4950 Beaver Harbour Store, Port Hardy

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OCTOBER 12: Picture Day at Health & Family Services (big room) October 13: Elders’ home visits with Matt the Nurse october 14: PHSS Interim Reports (term one) october 17-20: Scholastic Book Fair at Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw School October 20: Elders’ Catering (9 a.m.) and Trust Committee meeting. Flea Market at Wa’kas Hall, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. October 21: Flu Clinic at Health & Family Services 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Last day for elders to sign up for clam digging trip. Pro-D Day for School District #85. October 25: Elders’ clam digging trip with Eke Me-xi students October 27: Elders’ Halloween Bash 12 p.m. (no children)


POSTPONED : November 5 George Family Hitlugwila November 2: Elders hot lunch with Eke Me-xi students November 2-4: Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw School soccer tournament November 4: PHSS School Photo retakes November 7: Emergency Planning Management Committee meeting 10 a.m. November 7-8: Community Clean-up November 11: Remembrance Day November 18: PHSS Pro-D Day November 21: PHSS Report Cards mailed home November 24: PHSS Parent-teacher interviews

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