2013 04 09 yo news

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APRIL 8 2013

NEWS 3 4

Over 100 community members came out to the Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw Community Celebration at the Wakas Hall on March 27, 2013.

The purpose of the celebration was to provide community members a chance to find out more about all kinds of programs and projects of the Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw Nations. Booths were set up for the following: • • • • • • • • • •

Treaty Treaty Related Measures (TRMs) Land Use Planning & Youth Land Use Planning Economic Development Housing Strategy & Capital Fisheries Child & Family Services GN Guardian Watchmen Nakwakto Rapids & GN Water Taxi Youth Sports & Recreation (continued on page 3)



5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18


HR DATABASE Remember that huge Human Resources survey that many of you took back in 2011? Well, we’ve finally managed to put all of that info onto a computer database, accessible by staff in the band office! Lucy Scow was hired to put the information into the computer, with the help of Tony Wong. They did a great job, and now staff can access the information to find out which community members are interested in what kinds of training, how to get ahold of band members, etc. We hope to use this database in many different ways in the future. If you’d like to update your contact info on this database please come to the band office and talk to Leslie about updating your info.


Yo! News is prepared by Jessie Hemphill, Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw Executive Assistant and Communications Officer. This newsletter is delivered to all houses on the Tsulquate Reserve every second week and posted to the Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw website. If you have questions or comments about this newsletter, contact Jessie at (250) 949-8343 or email jessieh@gwanakplan.org.

STAFF Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Band Office Phone: (250) 949-8343 / Fax: (250) 949-7402 Les Taylor, Band Manager manager@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2307 Margaret Bernard, Finance finance@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2308

The purpose of this newsletter is to keep Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw community members informed about what is happening in the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Band Office and the surrounding community. Anybody is welcome to make submissions to the newsletter, including announcements, lost-and-found, photographs, bakwam’kwala words, stories, legends, drawings, etc. etc. etc.

Conrad Browne, Economic Development ecdev@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2301

Other ways to stay connected to the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw community are: Website (www.gwanak.info) Facebook (User: Gwasala Nakwaxdaxw)

Linda Paul, Treaty Administrative Assistant kasalas4859@hotmail.com / (250) 902-2311

Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Band Office PO Box 998, 154 Tsulquate Reserve Port Hardy, B.C. V0N 2P0

COUNCIL To get on the agenda please contact Les Taylor

Chief Paddy Walkus: (250) 949-1486 Sits on all committees / paddywalkus@gmail.com Ernie Henderson: (250) 902-0482 Health & Social Development, Housing, Fisheries, Education, Ec. Dev., Treaty, Personnel and Finance Portfolios Gary Walkus: (250) 230-3852 Health & Social Development & Ec. Dev. Portfolios Victor Walkus: (250) 230-2335 Health & Social Development, Housing, Forestry, Ec. Dev., and Recreation Portfolios Eddie Charlie: (250) 671-9201 Housing Portfolio Sandra Charlie: (250) 671-9202 Housing Portfolio Darryl Coon: (250) 230-0360 Housing Portfolio

Pat Dawson-Hunt, Social Development patriciad@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2309 Colleen Hemphill, Treaty chemphil@telus.net / (250) 949-8424

Jessie Hemphill, Communications & Exec. Assistant jessieh@gwanakplan.org / Cell: (250) 902-8221 Lorna Henderson, Housing l.d.henderson7@live.ca / (250) 902-2304 Nicole McLelland, Natural Resources Manager nmclelland@cablerocket.com / (250) 902-0550 Fax: (888) 345-5063 Grace Smith, Education grace.smith176@gmail.com / (250) 902-2320 Bob Swain, Public Works bswain4@telus.net / Cell: (250) 230-0087 Native Courtworker Office (250) 902-2223 Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Elders Centre Janine Sheard, Elders’ Coordinator (250) 949-7406 Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Health & Family Services Front Desk: (250) 949-8131 / Fax: (250) 949-6811 Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw School Front Desk: (250) 949-7743 / Fax: (250) 949-7422 www.gwanak.bc.ca Eke Me-Xi School (250) 949-8332

[Full portfolio assignments yet to be determined]




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We also had Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw Nations’ partners set up booths, to talk about their work with our community and also discuss available jobs. These booths included: • • • •

Marine Harvest Hardy Buoys LeMare Lake Logging North Island Crisis & Counselling Centre

To qualify for the prizes, we asked community members to go around to the different booths to fill in squares for “booth bingo”, which was a great way to get everyone talking. There were also some shorter surveys for the Treaty department and housing strategy. We had some great prizes to give away, including two gift certificates for trips to the home lands (thanks GN Water Taxi!) a video camera (thanks to the Youth Land Use Planning project) an Overwaitea gift card (thanks to the Treaty dept.) and several small gifts from LeMare.

Congratulations to Betty Walkus and Thomas Coon who won the trips, and also Simon Walkus who won the camera. A highlight of the event was the premiere of a short video about the trip to the home lands that Eke Me-xi students and community members recently did, as part of the youth land use PAGE 3


planning project. The video talked about the importance of reconnecting with our home lands and learning from our elders. Eke Me-xi student Ulrich Andre was awarded a video camera for his hard work on the project. There are two more cameras to give away to deserving students at the end of the project.

A huge thanks to Eke Me-xi for cooking a great meal, setting up and cleaning up, especially Jordan Thornton, Norman Charlie, Baby Girl, and Ricky Johnny. Thank you to our babysitters, Jeannie, Thlia and Baby girl. Also, thank you to the Regional District of Mt. Waddington for lending us the dividers, and James & Danielle Furney for delivering and picking them up for us. Thanks also to Ryan Haché and Jörg Uhl for volunteering to help set up the dividers. Funding for the event came largely from the BC Capacity Initiative. Thank you also to the staff and business partners who worked at the booths. Last but not least, thank you to all the community members who came out to the celebration!




those as much as we can. As well I will be going door to door to meet with you to seek your strengths as well as see what you want to see happen in our community.

Hi dear community members.

I have lived here in Port Hardy most of my life. I have been waiting for the right position to come along to apply for on our community then this one came up with great things that started happening to make this possible.

I would like to take this time to introduce myself. My name is Katie Walkus, I am from the Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Band and have been recently hired as the new community addictions action coordinator (CAAC) through the child & Family services department.

I just want to take this time to thank you for allowing me the opportunity to work with you and allowing me the opportunity to make a difference. I am totally on fire and extremely excited for the outcome.

It such a huge honour to be hired and to be working in our community as it has been one of my dreams to work with our people in some way. And what better way to do then plan events such as these.

If you want to stop by and share your thoughts I am in the office most of time during office hours.

Our prime focus in this position as CAAC is to make it so that we have enough going on in our community that can potentially make a difference. We want to reduce incidents that are related to substance use and or negative impacts of substance use in the community.

God bless each and every one of you. With respect,


Our main goal is to recruit volunteers to help with these activities, events, workshops, drop in, community holiday events etc. Another goal is to try to include you to as a part of this excitement.


An essential element within this plan is the development of a strategy to recruit, retain, acknowledge volunteers. The volunteers that are recruited will be involved in these activities: life skills/ workshops, community cleanup, service for service exchange, holiday fun events, dry dances, family sobriety night, games nights, community support programs, road blocks, role model program, community pledge, volunteer community patrol, and neighborhood watch program. As mentioned these are volunteer positions and we will need you and really would like to see you actively involved. You have shared some great ideas in the community meeting that was held on October 3rd of last year and our goal is to try and work with PAGE 4


We are pleased to report that the job call-out list, reported in the last Yo! News, is working. Within the last couple of weeks 5 community members have received job placements through this list! If you want more info on the job call-out list, give Conrad a shout at 902-2301.

EKE ME-XI FUNDRAISER Eke Me-xi has boxes of delicious chocolates for sale. Call them at 949-8332 or swing by to pick up some goodies for yourself!


TREATY UPDATE Hello community members! Sure great to see the signs of spring and hopes for brighter days to come after the long winter we seem to have come through! It was great to see folks at the Community Celebration last week; there was an excellent representation of all ages!

Act and the Federal Government, one begins to understand the amount of time it will take to bring positive change for the Gwa’sala‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations people. Our negotiation team has continued to work out of the Band Office. I have been dealing with medical issues related to a recent hip replacement surgery, however I am able to address all correspondence, planning and matters that need attention as we progress. My administrative assistant, Linda Henderson has also suffered a setback with an injury to her ankle. Fortunately we have a Team: our Chiefs Paddy, Tom and Willie, the contractors and legal advisor that assist with technical aspects of the negotiations.

I am very impressed with interest shown by all who came. I sat at a booth to talk to our people about ways that the Treaty Team can communicate more effectively with the Gwa'sala'Nakwaxda'xw community on matters related to treaty. It turned out that many learn about the treaty process through this Yo! News. And many people said that for the future, they find the Yo!News and Facebook to be the best way to communicate and to receive updates. On that note, we will do our best to provide ongoing updates here in Yo! News. As explained at the Celebration, treaty negotiations are near completion of stage 4, the Agreement in Principle Stage. In 1994 our Chiefs agreed to negotiate so that our Gwa'sala'Nakwaxda'xw Nations could regain control of lands, resources and laws that will reflect the distinct needs for the community as well as our ties to the homelands. It has taken a long time to get to this place in negotiations, but when we consider how long we have been under the complete rule of the Indian PAGE 5


In the coming months we will receive an “offer” of land/cash from the Federal and Provincial Governments. The Agreement in Principle document is nearly complete. You community members will be asked to review all the documents as well as consider the “offer” proposed by the governments. During that time our treaty team will make every effort to insure you fully understand the documents and proposals put in front of you. Our Chiefs unanimously decided in 1994 to take a path that would help us regain control of our lands, resources and laws. We are near a milestone on that path and in treaty negotiations. In the near future, it will be up to the GN community to decide to move ahead. Thank you for your continued support. It has been an honor to work with you and on your behalf. Gilakas’la

COLLEEN HEMPHILL, CHIEF NEGOTIATOR Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations Treaty Office


EKE ME-XI UPDATE: YOUTH LAND USE PLANNING TRIP This project had the students connecting with many knowledgeable elders and community members and the study of many homeland maps. Here are some pictures of our day and it was one of the best times we've had as a class.

On Friday March 8th Eke Me-Xi took advantage of the chance of a lifetime. After having partnered with Jessie Hemphill and Nicole McClelland and the Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw land use planning initiative, Eke Me-Xi staff and students got to head out to Ba'as, Sa-gum-balah, the Nakwakto rapids and Deserters Island on the two band-owned crew boats. There is more work to be done on this project, including more interviews, so if you’d like to do an interview with one of the students about a particular area give us a shout, 949-8332.

We had children students and elders along on the trip which made it extra special. This wonderful trip came at the tail end of some terrific work done to familiarize students with the wonder, richness and incredible history of the homelands.





so all youth willing to raise funds let’s do it ! We envision 3 bus loads!

Gila’kasla! Some wonderful highlights for sharing, the Sports side of the program is running great and with consistency the days will fill. I have been taking direction from the participants of sports which consists of U-10 and U-15 and at the discretion of the participants even have their siblings enjoy the fun. I’m currently working out venues for evening recreation which I hope will kick off soon meanwhile with assistance from Economic Development and GNN Marine they have graciously devoted alternating Fridays to 8 Youth ages 12 and older to go FISHING! All that is required is a LUNCH ! Please contact Sports and Recreation to submit your name 1st come 1st served. I wish to acknowledge and commend the participants on their patience and sportsmanship to tone down their gameplay so that all ages may share in physical activity.

Fundraising efforts are arriving and I am eager to begin working towards making the vision shared with me from the programs current participants a reality. Our goal is to fundraise $2,599.96 for some awesome home entertainment. $1410 for 6 sets of communal carving tools in anticipation of the tourist season. Any community member with ideas to reach our immediate target goal please contact me. If any community member needs assistance with sharing/running their ideas or goals in Sports and/or Recreation I am happy to provide assistance by any means available.

The Gathering Our Voices conference was a smash, huge thank-you to Sacred Wolf Friendship Center, Davis Henderson, Jennette Child and all of the youth that travelled with our North Island Group. We are currently planning to fundraise for next year GOV in Prince George PAGE 7


ROSS E HUNT JR SPORTS AND RECREATION (250) 949-8343 Messages (250) 230-4131 Cell rossh@gwanak.info





Happy 60th birthday to the love of my life, Bob Swain!

The chlorine reading for this week is 0.66, which was collected at the Youth Centre. The chlorine reading should always be between 0.01 and 0.99, if it doesn’t read in this range then I will notify Epcor to see why it isn’t at the proper level. They will then adjust the chlorine level at the water treatment plant.

COMMUNITY CLEANUP: Our cleanup is scheduled for April 15,16 and 17. PLEASE don’t put any cardboard, TV’s, computers, appliances or anything electrical into the bins. I can take those to Seven Mile, Fox’s transfer station or to Boris’. We will get three bins here which will be located at the Band Office, by #116 and #112 and in the cul de sac by # 317 and #314. I will be using the Public Works truck to help bring your garbage to the bins with your help to load and unload the garbage.

EMERGENCY PLANNING COMMITTEE: Our emergency plan is really moving forward in a lot of ways. Committee members are getting trained, the plan is moving up to a Level 3 and we recently purchased a tsunami siren for our community. The committee would like to thank Colleen and Sandra for assisting us in purchasing the siren. Also to Les who helped with the decision on what type of siren we needed, Our committee meets on the first Thursday of the month at Wakas Hall from 10-11am. Please drop by and see us.

BOB SWAIN 230-0087

I would like to take this time to say thank you, thank you for agreeing to stay here in BC, instead of our living in Manitoba for the 34 years that we have been together. I do feel badly that we only lived there for just over 4 years because you’ve missed spending time with your awesome family although I am very thankful that we are able to live here! We’ve been through so much here in Port Hardy, but our love has only grown stronger for each other. Here’s to you and me spending at least another 34 years together! I truly do enjoy going on adventures with you and look forward to going on many more! THANK YOU TO TSULQUATE-ANS AS WELL! For accepting us, and loving us and including us as part of this community. Thank you for all your love and support to us / for our trip to Edmonton to spend a little bit of time with Bob’s two sisters, two of his three brothers and many other family members. When we left Manitoba in 1984, there were thirteen in Bob’s family, now there are six of them left. This time spent was great, especially because we had six of our family members there with us. Many times that we did get to see family were because we were there, attending funerals. I’m sure that our children are glad that we moved here too, otherwise they would not have met their awesome partners and had such beautiful/and handsome children! Gilakasla,




NOTICE OF MEETING Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Trust Committee


On April 17, 2013, the Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw Trust will hold an All Band Meeting at the Wakas Hall. The purpose of the meeting is to allow Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw Band Members to vote Yes or No on using Trust monies for six funding proposals. There will be no presentation made at this meeting, and eligible voters will not have to wait at the hall for quorum. Members of the Trust Committee will have copies of the proposals at the meeting, and will be able to answer questions about them. Voters may simply vote anytime between 8am and 8pm, and in the end, if quorum has been achieved via the overall number of votes, the votes will be counted. A proposal is approved if it receives a 50% + 1 Yes vote, out of all votes cast. The six proposals to be voted on are: 1. BREAKFAST CLUB - $35,000 Funds provided will help support the Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw breakfast club, providing food to students 2. COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS - $20,000 Funding will help contribute to Community Christmas events: Christmas dinner, light contest, turkey shoot, kids’ presents, candle light visit, New Years’ Eve (contribution to help with food) 3. CULTURE COMMITTEE - $20,000 For a feast to initiate all masks and regalia, and present them to community; Purchase of last bit of regalia – paddles, hamatsa rings, hamatsa headpieces; Purchase of a couple more bird headpieces. 4. EMERGENCY FUND - $50,000 $40,000 to support Band member emergencies (short term, limited funding for needs when no funds are available from other sources including Bingo, the Band, Health, or Social Assistance) as well as $10,000 for Emergency Preparedness. 5. HOUSING SUBSIDY & RENOVATIONS PROJECT - $200,000 $100,000 for housing subsidies, $100,000 for renovations 6. YOUTH SPORTS & RECREATION - $102,000 + $5,000 INCREASE EACH YEAR AFTERWARDS To fund youth sports and recreation activities; Coordinate funding for registration fees for youth and sports activities; Fund youth sports & recreation coordinator managed by the band; Fund G&N Sports Day; Fund the summer carnival and G&N Sports Day

For more information about the Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Trust please call Gary Walkus, Trust Chair at (250) 230-2155 Posted on March 13, 2013 PAGE 9



MENTAL HEALTH and ADDICTIONS PROGRAMS Port Hardy Office | 7070 Shorncliffe Ave (Across from Canada Post Office) Telephone 250-902-6051 | Monday to Friday—830am-430pm

What We Offer 1. Assessment and treatment planning for people who are affected by substance use and/or mental health issues 2. Individual services: counselling, assistance, and referrals 3. Groups • Early Recovery Group (Port Hardy Office Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10-11:40am): ! Available to anyone who wants to make a change to their level of substance use. ! No referral is necessary—Just drop in at 10am ! . Need to be free of substance/alcohol 24 hours prior to group. Cooking Group (Salvation Army Mon 2-6pm): ! Available to anyone. Contact Garth 902-6051 . 4. Outreach at Salvation Army: • Nurse Practitioner (Tue 1-4pm & Thu 10am-12pm) • Registered Nurse (Mon 10am-12pm) •

5. Drop-In (Port Hardy Office M-F 1-2:30pm): ! Available to anyone who wants to talk about mental health or substance use concerns— Just drop in, no appointment needed 6. Psychiatrist appointments 7. Education and support for families affected by mental health and substance use 8. Access to the Crisis Stabilization facility (New Beginnings—the “Green House”)

How to Get Connected 1. 2. 3. 4.

Call during office hours or drop in Monday to Friday 1-2:30pm in Port Hardy. Referrals can be made by individuals, families, doctors, or other providers. You will be contacted within 48 business hours to book an appointment. At the intake appointment, a worker will discuss your immediate needs/wishes as well as your health, mental health, and substance use issues. We will help you develop a treatment plan and achieve your personal goals. 5. If you are faced with urgent need for your mental health or substance use concerns, we will provide assistance to ensure your safety by linking you to emergency and medical services. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Early Recovery Early Recovery Early Recovery 10-11:40am 10-11:40am 10-11:40am PH Office PH Office PH Office Drop-In Drop-In Drop-In Drop-In Drop-In 1-2:30pm 1-2:30pm 1-2:30pm 1-2:30pm 1-2:30pm PH Office PH Office PH Office PH Office PH Office Cooking Group 2-6pm Salvation Army PAGE 10



Employment Opportunity - Addictions Counsellor Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw Child & Family Services Team Position Title: Department/Program: Supervisor (s): Employment Status:

Addictions Counsellor Child & Family Services Case Manager; Director of Child & Family Services Full-time (35 hours/week), Permanent

1. Job Function/Purpose: The Addictions Counsellor provides prevention and intervention addictions services to GN community members, including counselling, treatment referrals and after care planning. 2. Duties: x Provide addictions assessments, support and counselling; x Provide referrals to addictions treatment centres, pre-treatment counselling and aftercare planning; x Counsel individuals, families and community groups to control addictions and when required develop wellness/treatment plans to facilitate admission to addictions treatment services. x Liaise with other agencies/services to provide addictions services (e.g. VIHA Mental Health/Addictions, CYMH, Probation, etc.) x Advocate for community members on issues with agencies and organizations such as MCFD, RCMP, Schools, Probation, etc.; 3. Job Qualifications/Employment Requirements: x Certified Addictions Counsellor Training Program required(Provide copy of certificate of completion with your resume) x Valid Driver's Licence & access to reliable transportation x Ability to exercise sound judgement in setting priorities and dealing with confidential and sensitive issues; x Excellent interpersonal skills, professionalism and integrity; x Excellent verbal and written communication skills (minimum Grade 12 English skills); x Excellent Microsoft Office computer skills. x Knowledge of addictions, substance abuse and skills in prevention x Knowledge of positive family systems and cultural practices x ([SHULHQFH ZLWK WKH *ZD¶VDOD-µ1DNZD[GD¶[Z FRPPXQLW\ DQG VXUURXQGLQJ FRPPXQLWLHV x Experience with addictions prevention programs; x Experience with developing and running groups; x Experience with addictions assessment, counselling and treatment referrals; x Three years experience in community based health/social service programs; x Experience living healthy lifestyle as a role model. Submit resumes to: Dean Wilson, Director of Child & Family Services At: Health & Family Services Building, by fax: (250) 949-6811, or email: deanwilson@telus.net Written resumes & cover letters MUST be submitted no later than 4:30 pm on April 26th, 2013 PAGE 11



K W A K IUT L BAND C OUNCI L K B C H ealth Director: Job Posting Kwakiutl Band Council (KBC) is seeking a highly motivated and experienced Health Director to work at the Health Centre in Fort Rupert²just outside of Port Hardy, BC. Salary is commensurate with experience and this is designated as a senior staff position within the organization. The purpose of the Health DirectorœV SRVLWLRQ LV XQGHU WKH GLUHFtion and guidance of the Band Manager, to oversee the health-related programs and services of the Band, and to assist in the achieving the overall goals and objectives of the Band. Applicants are strongly encouraged to review the job description prior to applying. Applicants must apply with a cover letter and resume no later than midnight on A pril 30, 2013 via fax (250-949-6066) or email ( Casey.Larochelle@kwakiutl.bc.ca ). Please note that tKLV D ³QHZ´ SDUW-time (70%), permanent position. Preference may be given to qualified applicants who are of Aboriginal ancestry and applicants with one or more years of direct health management experience. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

K W A K IUT L BAND C OUNCI L K B C Home C are Nurse: Job Posting Kwakiutl Band Council (KBC) is seeking an experienced, full-time Home Care Nurse to work at the Health Centre in Fort Rupert²just outside of Port Hardy, BC. Salary is commensurate with experience. This position combines administrative and direct client care responsibilities. The Home Care Nurse (HCN) is a registered degree nurse who is responsible for providing services such as acute care nursing, client assessments, case planning and case conferencing. Primary clients include Elders, persons with chronic illnesses or disabilities, and special needs clients. The Home Care Nurse completes home care/support assessments of clients, collaborates with the client, family, physician and home care team to develop personal care plans, and assigns appropriate resources to meet client health & wellness needs. The HCN also manages the home and Community Care Program (HCCP) and utilizes planning, supervision, coordination, communication, team building, and liaison skills. Applicants are strongly encouraged to review the job description prior to applying. Applicants must apply with a cover letter and resume no later than midnight on A pril 30, 2013 via email to (Casey.Larochelle@kwakiutl.bc.ca ) or fax (250-949-6066). Please note that tKLV D ³QHZ´ IXOO-time, permanent position. Preference may be given to qualified applicants who are of Aboriginal ancestry and applicants with one or more years of direct health management experience. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. PAGE 12



KWAKIUTL BAND COUNCIL Cluxewe Resort Manager: Job Posting Kwakiutl Band Council is seeking an energetic Manager (or Managing Couple) to run a resort—including 12 cottage units, 147 campsites, Café, and Boat Launch—on the beautiful north end of Vancouver Island, BC. The position involves all aspects of resort and/or hotel management. Salary is commensurate with experience and includes on-site accommodations. Cluxewe is a growing operation with a wonderful clientele and well-received café/restaurant, and scenery that will simply take your breath away. We are looking for an individual or professional couple that can improve a successful track record. Applicants must apply with a cover letter (including salary expectations) and resume no later than midnight on April 12, 2013 via email (manager@kwakiutl.bc.ca) or fax (250949-6066)—Attention: Band Manager. Preference may be given to qualified applicants who are of Aboriginal ancestry, with three or more years of resort or related management experience. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Thank you for applying.

KWAKIUTL BAND COUNCIL Finance Administrator: Job Posting Kwakiutl Band Council (KBC) is seeking a full-time, qualified Finance Administrator to work at the band office in Tsakis (Fort Rupert)—just outside of Port Hardy, BC. Salary is commensurate with experience. Under the general direction of the Band Manager, the senior staff position’s general responsibilities include: financial management, controllership, strategic financial planning, and human resource administration. Kwakiutl Indian Band [www.kwakiutl/bc.ca] is an exceptional Nation with high aspirations. We are looking for an individual who can use their requisite accounting designation and strong business sense to create a force that through transparency drives Indigenous Nationhood. Applicants must apply with a cover letter (including salary expectations) and resume no later than midnight on April 12, 2013 via email (manager@kwakiutl.bc.ca) or fax (250949-6066)—Attention: Band Manager. Preference may be given to qualified applicants who are of Aboriginal ancestry, and applicants with three or more years of financial management experience. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Thank you for applying. PAGE 13




JOB TITLE : PROCESSOR Company Name :Hardy Buoys Smoked Fish Date Posted :4/3/13 Full/Part-Time :Seasonal Location :Port Hardy Salary :$12/Hr Details :Clean & process prawns. Must be willing to work afternoon shifts, be physically fit for job, have good work ethic & attitude. Require steeltoe rubber boots. Apply in person w/wo resume by April 17-13 Contact :Sandra Boyd: 9300 Trustee Road, Port Hardy, BC

JOB TITLE : WELDER/FABRICATOR Company Name :Marshall Welding Date Posted :4/5/13 Full/Part-Time :Full-Time Location :Port Hardy Details :Min Level B Ticket, 1st Year Fabrication, stainless steel, aluminum, and steel welding. Must Have forklift certificate, read/write English, independent worker, basic tool/mechanical knowledge & aptitude, steel toe boots. Additional Info :Alum/Stainless tig weld an asset. Must have Driver's Licence. Contact :Please Email Resumes to: springbreak@telus.net


JOB TITLE : RAMP AGENT Company Name :Pacific Coastal Airlines Date Posted :4/3/13 Full/Part-Time :Seasonal Location :Port Hardy Salary :$11.94 / Hour Details :Casual work; must be available weekends. Load / unload aircraft, freight, write airway bills, Tow and daily inspection of aircraft. Must have Class 5 DL, excellent customer service skills, fit for duties; lift up to 50 lb. Contact :Pacific Coastal: email careers@pacificcoastal.com Quote "Port Hardy Ramp Agent" in subject line of email

JOB TITLE : AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN Company Name :EJ Klassen GM Date Posted :4/3/13 Full/Part-Time :Full-Time Location :Port Hardy Salary :competitive & benefits Details :Red Seal automotive technicians required for busy GM dealership. This is a fulltime permanent position with excellent wages and benefits. Apply with resume in person, by phone or email to Brent Mitchell or Cory Klassen Contact :9045 Granville St. Pt.Hardy BC or phone 250-949-7442 or email ejkgm@telus.net PAGE 14


Company Name :West Coast Marine BioProcessing Date Posted :4/3/13 Full/Part-Time :Seasonal Location :Port Hardy Salary :$12.50/Hr Details :Participate in many facets of the production of kelp products. Equipment (including forklift, presses, pumps, conveyors) operation and maintenance. April-Sept (or Sept). Must have own transportation to the Tacan industrial site Additional Info : Flexible work days and shifts. Forklift and equipment operation an asset but not required. Students welcome. Contact :Email: production@marinebioprocessing.com or call 250.230.8027

JOB TITLE : TOURISM COUNSELOR Company Name :Port Hardy Chamber of Commerce Date Posted :3/28/13 Full/Part-Time :Seasonal Location :Port Hardy Salary :TBA Details :To be eligible for this position, you must be a student. You must have been attending school during the 2012-2013 season and be returning to school in September 2013. Additional Info :Position is 30-35 hours per week. Must be available for the entire summer, including weekends. Contact :Email your resume to:phccadm@cablerocket.com or fax: 250949-6653




Company Name :New Port Hardy Restaurant Date Posted :3/27/13 Full/Part-Time :Full-Time Location :Port Hardy Salary :TBD Details :Experienced Line Cook needed for new, renovated restaurant in Port Hardy. Contact :Email resume to: PortHardyFood@hotmail.com

Company Name :Dave Landon Motors Date Posted :3/25/13 Full/Part-Time :Full-Time Location :Port Hardy Salary :DOE Details :Journeyman Automotive tecnician required for North Island Ford dealership.Ford experience and Ford specialties training is prefered, but not necessary. Top industry wages paid, benefits plan and upgrade training will be provided. Additional Info :Moving expenses will be considered for the right applicant. For further details on the position call Todd Landon at 250949-6393 Contact :Please fax your resume to 250-9496063 Attention Todd Landon, or email to dlsales@telus.net

JOB TITLE : CHEF Company Name :New Port Hardy Restaurant Date Posted :3/27/13 Full/Part-Time :Full-Time Location :Port Hardy Salary :TBD Details :Experienced Chef needed for new, renovated restaurant in Port Hardy. Contact :Email resume to: PortHardyFood@hotmail.com



JOB TITLE : SERVERS Company Name :New Port Hardy Restaurant Date Posted :3/27/13 Full/Part-Time :Full-Time Location :Port Hardy Salary :TBD Details :Experienced servers needed for new, renovated restaurant in Port Hardy. Contact : Email resume to: PortHardyFood@hotmail.com

JOB TITLE : HOUSEKEEPER Company Name :Providence PlaceDate Posted :3/26/13 Full/Part-Time :Part-time Location :Port Hardy Salary :10.25/Hr Details :Duties include cleaning, laundry and vacuuming. Must be able to work as a team with head housekeepers and also independently. Willing to train the right person Contact :Please drop resume off at Providence Place 7050 Rupert St Port Hardy, BC or call Darcie at 250.949.8899



NORTH ISLAND EMPLOYMENT FOUNDATIONS SOCIETY Drop-In Mon – Fri 8:30 am – 4:30 pm To the NIEFS Employment Resource Centre at the mall: o Free photocopies, fax, phone o High speed Internet o Information and resources on job search, careers, training, schools, and growing opportunities in the area Connect with Employment Advisors and/or ½ day Job Search clinics: o Personalized help with resumes, cover letters, portfolios o Job leads suited to your employment goals and skills o Gain more confidence promoting yourself o interview preparation and practice before your next interview









Les Taylor’s birthday Kwakiutl Job Postings for Cluxewe Resort Manager and Finance Administrator close

April 15-17:

Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw Community Clean-up

April 17:

Trust All-Band Meeting at the Wakas Hall to vote yes or no on six proposals.

April 19-21:

Vancouver Island Emergency Preparedness Conference

April 22:

Earth Day

April 23:

PHSS Parent-Teacher Interviews, 7-8:30 pm in the PHSS gym

April 26:

Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw Job Postings for Addictions counselor closes

April 30:

Kwakiutl job postings for Home Care Nurse and Health Director close

MAY May 2:

Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw Emergency Committee Meeting, 10-11 am

May 10:

SD #85 Pro-D day

May 12:

Mother’s Day

May 14:

BC Provincial Election day

May 20:

Victoria Day

JUNE Jun 6:

Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw Emergency Committee Meeting, 10-11 am

June 8:

PHSS Grad day

June 16:

Father’s Day

June 22:

First Nations Graduation Ceremony




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