ccp newsletter 3

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Coming Events

Vol 3 Oct 23 ‘08

CCP News The Gwa’sala­’Nakwaxda’xw Comprehensive Community Plan “Working Together for a Better Community”

Pos L comm s

If you can’t make it to a meeting but want to get involved, call 902­2306 to talk to Jessie!


! What an amazing day the CCP Launch turned out to be. Thank you to eryone who came and checked it out , you deserve a big pat on the ck for getting involved in making our community better.

ank­yous to all of the many community members who helped out at the ou are the reason it all came together , and you should all be very ourselves. If your name did not get mentioned at the launch, please know re still very much appreciated!

so to Dave Danyluk and all the kids for their work on the DVD , James r lending us the net, Eleanora’s Division 2 class for the beautiful table es, Betty Walkus & Audrey Johnny for the nice things at the culture nd Monk’s, Fields, Overwaitea, A&W, KDC and People’s Drug Mart for the tions.


he most popular idea was getting together , especially with elders, to learn how to sew, do crafts, cook, and learn Bakwam’kala.

Top 6 Group Activity 30 25 20 15 10 5

The next most popular was to have more sports


Top 5 Changes People Would Make to Our Community Alcohol & drug free reserve

ed for the meetings coming up!

Clean up the garbage 26 people picked this one

arch Coordinator

New/better hall with more community use Build a Big House

joyed the CCP Launch because it helped nderstand what needs to be done here” ­Comment on CCP Quiz

Gwa’sala­’Nakwaxda’xw First Nation Comprehensive Community Planning Phone: (250) 902­2306 ~ Fax: (250) 949­7402 E­mail:

The cha that the people wa for ou reserve t alcohol drug fr

Houses for everyone


eoples’ favourite thing about our community is hav ing c om m uni ty gatherings and how we all pull together in times of need .

Your Favourite Things About Community

Comm helpfu

10 people picked this one




at You Said...


the CCP Quizzes)

Q: What do community members do for the CCP?

any people (70 to be exact) filled out the CCP Quizzes at the CCP Launch. Here are some of the things that you said on those quizzes!

s very interesting ’m so psyched t h i s f o r o u r ..” ­Cara Anderson


“The CCP gives everyone from children to elders a chance to see what is going on and get involved...” ­Elder

ould have the hall 4 ers again, like have ame night or even nights. Maybe it keep teenagers d r i n k i n g a n d ng...” ­ 21 yr old female

“It is so nice just to get together in good times...”

A: Community members create a community vision stat saying who we are and where we want to go as the Gwa’s ’Nakwaxda’xw First Nation. Community members also figu the community needs the most, and helps with the plan problems. Finally, community members are a big part in m the plans are put into action ! Q: How long does a CCP take?

A: We have funding to work on our CCP until next winter. A CCP will hopefully continue on as part of the departments exist. The CCP should be updated regularly and is ne ‘over’ . Q: Does the government control our CCP?

­ 46 yr old female


A: No. Indian & Northern Affairs Canada provided the mon CCP, and they can help us out if we need it, but the CCP is the community to meet the needs of the community, and i by the community . Q:Are the meetings only for staff and elders?

A: No, all CCP meetings are open to everyone in the (even those who live off­reserve)!

P Photo Album: e Launch

g up for dinner

Bob, Cathy, Patti, Charlotte, Cindy, Blanche & Sarah working hard in the kitchen Reynold & Craig watching over display

The Kids’ Room Terrence, Leonard & Jessie talk about health

Jim Bob Charlie

Spruce, Paddy, Irene and Carol as Paddy receives a thank­you card from the community

Loraine, Marion, Spruce, John and many others watch the CCP DVD

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