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Issue #7 October 21 2009

CCP News

e Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Comprehensive Community Planning “Working Together For A Better Community”

What’s Inside:

- CCP Update - New Jobs - Partnership with UBC - Family Meetings



Happy Halloween everyone! It’s been a while since we put out a CCP News, so thank you all for your patience. The Comprehensive Community Plan is deFinitely still happening. There was a two-month break over the summer but things have been back in full swing since late August. In this CCP news you will fInd an update on where we’re at in the CCP, learn about jobs that were created for community members, fInd out more about our partnership with the University of British Columbia, learn about family meetings and how they work, and see what events and meetings are coming up! We hope you fInd useful information in here, and as always, if you have any questions or comments just give us a call or stop by the CCP offIce, upstairs in the Band OffIce. Take care! Jessie Hemphill, CCP Coordinator Silena George, CCP Assistant


=d • CCP Update • New Jobs: Trail Mapping • New Jobs: Recreation

• UBC Partnership • Notice of meeting • General CCP Info

CCP Update: Where We Are T

he CCP is rolling along and hopefully we will have a draft CCP document by the end of the year. These are some of the things we have accomplished: - 8 Advisory Committee Meetings - 12+ planning meetings - 3 Forestry Forums - 2 Community Dinners (200-300 people at each one) - 2 days of community visioning workshops - 3 regional events hosted in Tsulquate - 4 family meetings - 2 CCP meetings with Council - 8 new jobs created for community members (CCP assistant, 2 trail mappers, recreation development coordinator, 4 research assistants) - fundraising dance held for youth to travel to the homelands Got funded from INAC (2007) CCP staff hired (May 2008)

Background Research (Spring/ Summer 2008)

We’re Here: Creating draft plans (Summer/Fall 2009)

Community planning meetings (Summer 2008-now)

Putting CCP into action! (2010 - forever)

Completed CCP (Winter 2009/2010)

GN CCP Timeline

New Jobs: Trail Mapping W

e received a grant from the BC Parks and Recreation Association for some trail mapping!

2 community members, Victor Walkus and Adam Munn, were hired to do the work. They have both learned how to use the GPS to map things, and they have gone around and mapped trails and other things in the community. To help make the community safer, and to help with their mapping, they have also been clearing brush on the trails that are really overgrown. Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw Transportation Usage (by frequency of use)

walk - used the most often car, van or truck taxi bike other person's vehicle bus Other

They have also been doing questionnaires with many of our community members about which trails you use, what kind of transportation you use, what kind of trail improvements you want, etc. At the end of the project, in November, the guys will create a trail map for Tsulquate and a report about what kind of trail improvements we need.

Y M New Jobs: Recreation T

he BC Healthy Living Alliance gave us a grant to hire a Recreation Development Coordinator. Silena George was hired by a hiring committee made up of Tanya Wright (GN GIS Dept.), Cathy Swain, and Sharon Gordon from the BC Healthy Living Alliance.

Silena will be coordinating recreational activities (sports, outings to the pool, exercise classes, etc.) until early 2010. She is also asking community members about your levels of activity and what kinds of recreational activities you want to see, so talk to her if you want to give ideas or share your input. One focus of the project will be to take a look at how our Wakas Hall is used and talk to community members about how we can best use our recreational assets (the hall, exercise equipment, the field, etc.) Upcoming Activities: Oct. 23 - Drop-in swim for community members at PH Pool 7pm (free! Children under 7 must have an adult with them) Oct. 24 - Wakas Hall booked for kids Under 6 yr (11-1 pm) 6-10 yrs (1-3pm) 11-14 yrs (3-5:30) Oct. 25 - Wakas Hall booked for ages 15+ (11-4pm) Adults (18+ yrs) mini-tournaments starting at 4pm Oct. 26 - Soccer at GN School Field 3-6pm all ages Oct. 30 - Halloween Party at Elders’ Centre Let Silena know if you have any questions or comments or 902-2306

Photo Album Gift of Life Parade (June) Left: Community members gather in the Health and Family Services building to talk about working together with UBC on the CCP. Right: Jamaine, Nora Angeles (UBC Professor) and Johanna Mazur (UBC Student, now working here) have a laugh at lunch.

April 22 CCP Meeting with UBC

Archival Photos from the Royal BC Museum (Clockwise, from top left) 1. Boardwalk at Ba’as (Blunden Harbour) 2. Chief Joe Johnny in Takus (Smith Inlet) 3. Camp at Deserter’s Island

1 4. People at Cape Caution (do you know who any of them are?)

4 2


Partnership With UBC W

e have been working together with students and staff from the University of British Columbia’s School of Community and Regional Planning (UBC SCARP). You might remember meeting some of them at a meeting this past spring. Here are some of the things that we are working on together:

Jeet Chand is working on an ‘Intergenerational Trauma Healing Plan’. This will be a plan for how we can heal from the trauma of the past. Jeet will be holding meetings, interviews etc. with many community members for this project. Johanna Mazur is working on an ‘Implementation Plan’ for the CCP. This will be like instructions for how we will keep the CCP work going in the future.

Stephanie Manson is helping with the actual writing of the CCP document 3 other students, Eric, Bronwyn and Kasel, are working on a proposal to get funding from CMHC for a ‘Sustainable Housing Development Plan’ with the help of their teacher, Nora Angeles. We won’t know until the summer of 2010 if we get funded or not. If you are interested in participating in any of these activities or have questions, let Jessie know at (or ccp@gwanak. info), call 902-2306, or stop by the office.

CCP Meeting: Oct. 27 Let’s talk about where we’re at in the CCP! Oct. 27 (next Tuesday) 5-8 pm GN Elders’ Centre (beside the band office) Free dinner & child minding Ipod Shuffle Prize Draw!

General CCP Info F

or those of you not familiar with the CCP, here is a reminder of what we’re all about:

CCP means Comprehensive Community Planning, where the whole community makes plans for the future of our community. Since it’s comprehensive, we cover everything, including culture, lands & resources, infrastructure (i.e. housing), economy, education, social issues, health, and governance (see picture on the next page). We got funding from INAC through the First Nations Infrastructure Fund (FNIF) to do our own Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw CCP. In early 2008, Jessie Hemphill was hired to work on the CCP. Since then many others have been hired or joined on to help with the CCP. The funding for this project runs out within a couple of months, but we have applied for more funding to work on putting the plan into action (‘implementation’). The CCP is not part of treaty. The CCP is meant to involve all community members in planning for our future. The only ones to decide the direction of the CCP are the community. CCP Staff are there to help organize meetings, take notes, put everyone’s thoughts together, do research, and write up the plans in a way that represents the community’s wishes. If you have any concerns or questions about the CCP, please give Jessie a call at 902-2306 or stop by the office (upstairs at the band office). You can also e-mail or

The CCP is a plan created BY our community,

FOR our community

p  l Halloween Party GN Elders’ Centre 3pm - ?

Don’t forget your costume!

CCP Meeting: Oct. 27 GN Elders Centre 5-7 pm

 Want to book a CCP meeting with just your family? We’ll even bring you dinner!

Call 902-2306 or e-mail (or just talk to Silena or Jessie)

Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw Comprehensive Community Planning (250) 902-2306 Jessie Hemphill, Coordinator Silena George, CCP Assistant

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