G-N Gov Capacity Assessment Final Report - TRM 2012

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Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations

Final Report: Assessing Governance Capacity Treaty Related Measure, May 2012

Table of Contents 1.0 1.2 1.3 2.0 3.0 3.1 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)


Introduction Caveat The G‐N – Population and Brief History Definition of Governance and Governance Capacity Description of G‐N Programs, Staffing & Organizational Structure Assessing Capacity Post Effective Date




Finance Human Resources Natural Resources Lands Economic Development Self‐Government Local Government Relations Culture and Heritage

6 8 10 14 15 17 20 22


4.0 Discussion and Report Summary References/Links

2 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

1.0 Introduction Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations (G‐N) is in Stage 4 of the BC Treaty Commission process, which is negotiation of an Agreement in Principle or AIP. A Treaty Related Measure (TRM) was undertaken to assess governance capacity needs of G‐N after a treaty has come into effect (post Effective Date or ED). This report contains the highlights of capacity assessment findings. Topics are organized into the following headings:  Finance  Human Resources  Natural Resources  Lands  Economic Development  Self‐Government  Local Government Relations  Culture and Heritage Within each topic the following 4 dimensions of capacity are reviewed: 1) Human Resources – Staffing Resources 2) Future Human Resource Recruitment – Capacity and Interests of Membership 3) Program and Service Delivery Mechanisms 4) Governing Body and Administration Effectiveness The purpose of the assessment is to determine what gaps exist and subsequently how to meet future requirements of governance post ED. The assessment meets the requirements of Phase 2 of the Capacity Assessment for this Treaty Related Measure (TRM). The objectives of Phase 2 are as follows: Phase 2: Capacity Assessment‐2011/12:  Working with the Governance Work Team, the G‐N will conduct a capacity assessment, including a review of the current organizational structure, program and service delivery mechanisms, and management capacity;  An analysis of future governance requirements post ED will also be undertaken, and recommendations made to guide organizational and staff development;  A Governance Capacity Development Plan will be prepared that details how gaps will be addressed in the transition to self‐government post ED.

1.1 Caveat: The report uses the framework of the draft AIP between G‐N, Canada and the Province of BC. The AIP is still under negotiation, and the description provided herein is not a legal statement nor is it meant to be definitive. Rather, the AIP description is to help provide a broad picture or highlights of what changes might be expected in the future with regard to programs, resourcing, and law‐making authorities post ED. 3 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

1.2 The G‐N – Population and Brief History Prior to 1964, the G‐N lived as two separate tribes. The Gwa'sala people mostly lived and traveled around Smith Inlet and the surrounding islands. The 'Nakwaxda'xw people were in Seymour Inlet, the Deserter's Group, Blunden Harbour, and surrounding islands. While many practices were similar, the two tribes spoke different dialects and each had a distinct culture (http://www.gwanak.info/about‐us) In 1964 the tribes were amalgamated with each other (and the Kwakiutl, temporarily) and relocated to the Tsulquate Reserve, on North Vancouver Island. The total membership is approximately 900 with an on‐reserve population of about 500 people. The language of the Nations is Bakwam’kala/Kwa’kwala. G‐N is affiliated and/or a member of the following regional organizations:  Kwakiutl District Council (tribal council)  Nanwakolas Council (lands and resources)  Sasamans Society (child and family)  North Vancouver Island Aboriginal Training Society (employment training)

1.3 General Description of G‐N Programs, Staffing & Organizational Structure In summary, the organizational and staffing structures are as follows: Community  Votes for 1 chief and 7 councillors pursuant to a custom election code. Community  Recognizes and supports continuing roles for hereditary chiefs. Community Provides input through social media, meetings/related consultation procedures, votes, informally through phone calls or letters, and community committee processes etc. There are currently 8 community committees. Chiefs and Council  Review issues; make decisions, pass laws and policies. Band Manager Responsible for implementing the policy decisions and directives of the G‐N Council and leads the organization, managing and directing of all operations, programs and activities of the G‐N administration. Program Managers 21 Program/Department Heads. Staff Positions38 positions within the G‐N Band Administration office and 29 positions within the Band operated school. There are also 8‐13 Fisheries Technicians and Stewardship Boat Operator/Guardians employed seasonally. Approximate total of G‐N human resources 80

4 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

2.0 Definition of Governance and Governance Capacity According to a report by the BC Assembly of First Nations, governance has been defined as establishing rules to coordinate our actions and achieve our goals. (http://bcafn.ca/toolkit/documents/Part1‐ Foreword.pdf). The concepts of capacity and capacity building include the following elements:  Human resource development, the process of equipping individuals with the understanding, skills and access to information, knowledge and training that enables them to perform effectively.  Organizational development, the elaboration of management structures, processes and procedures, not only within organizations but also the management of relationships between the different organizations and sectors (public, private and community).  Institutional and legal framework development, making legal and regulatory changes to enable organizations, institutions and agencies at all levels and in all sectors to enhance their capacities http://fngovernance.org/resources_docs/Capacity_Building_Backgrounder..pdf As captured in a research paper (2008) for the National Centre for First Nations Governance: “Capacity is the combination of people, institutions, resources, organizational abilities, authority, and practices that enable First Nations communities to reach their own goals”. http://fngovernance.org/ncfng_research/richard_missens.pdf

3.0 Assessing Governance Capacity Post Effective Date Topic Areas: The Nations’ AIP provides a starting point to assess what might be needed in the future regarding governance capacity. As highlighted previously, the AIP is not finalized. The review of the AIP is general, and it is neither definitive nor legal. Sources of Data/Information:  General descriptions of the program/department function are adapted or taken from Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC). Specifically description are taken from AANDC’s overview provided in a governance capacity planning tool – 2011 which is found at: http://afoamb.ca/wcm‐docs/docs/attach‐Governance_Capacity_Planning_Tool__GCPT_.pdf  Information about G‐N members’ employment interests, educational attainment, employment rate and other labour force characteristics is based on a recent human resource survey undertaken by G‐N. The total number of respondents was 198 with a median age of 33.5 Surveys were administered on and off reserve through an interview process.

5 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

Administrative/management and governing body capacity data: Data has been summarized from two surveys administered and designed by the BC Assembly of First Nations (BCAFN) in which G‐N participated as a pilot project initiative. BCAFN’s Governance Toolkit is a comprehensive guide intended to assist First Nations in building or rebuilding governance. G‐ N’s governing body and senior staff was surveyed (one on‐site workshop session and one on‐line survey session). The surveys assess capacity in regard to effectiveness of the governing body and of the administration. For details on the BCAFN toolkit see: http://www.bcafn.ca/toolkit/ Note that due to time constraints the two BCAFN surveys with G‐N have not gone back to the group (respondents) for a final review as yet. The survey data is to be viewed as unofficial at this time. Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) Summary, Draft Version, March 2010. http://www.gwanak.info/downloads/gn‐ccp‐summary.pdf The Summary is 44 pages long, and includes highlights for work plans within each of the topic areas. Information was derived from over 20 community meetings, questionnaires, one‐on‐one conversations, and study of existing resources.

Using the above data sources, four capacity areas are reviewed within each of the listed AIP topic areas: 1) Human Resources – Staffing Resources 2) Future Human Resources – Capacity and Interests of Membership 3) Program and Service Delivery Mechanisms 4) Governing Body and Administration Effectiveness Recommendations and transitional recommendations conclude each section.

a) Finance: AANDC defines financial management as planning, implementation of budgets and monitoring of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenditures. This function includes the development of budgets and financial policies, the tracking of financial transactions, the development and distribution of audited financial statements, the collection of revenues and the tendering/awarding of contracts. Taxation will likely be a key component post‐effective date. There will likely be revenue sharing agreements, increased economic development opportunities, expanded departments and staff. G‐N will have the right to set and collect fees and royalties for the development of subsurface resources. Human Resource Capacity/Staffing: Currently, there are two staff members within the Finance Department: Finance Manager and a Finance Office Assistant. There is no property taxation system in place and no staff members who deal with taxation. The finance department may have to substantially grow to meet future needs under treaty. 6 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

Membership Capacity/Future Human Resource Recruitment: Notable outcomes of the recent G‐N human resource survey that impact future financial administrative positions include the following:  28% of respondents completed grade 12 with a Dogwood;  Approximately 22% want to obtain a diploma or certificate, and 14% stated an interest in a university degree;  Areas of experience of those surveyed included fisheries, traditional skills, food and beverages, construction, maintenance, and sports;  Of all the jobs in the G‐N administration office, finance manager and related band administration jobs were selected least often as a desirable job. The ability to recruit from the existing membership is currently limited. Program and Service Delivery Mechanisms: Activity Program Delivery Notes Finance Functions, Policy G‐N G‐N currently has no property taxation or HST taxation in place. Governing Body and Administration Effectiveness: Outcomes of the BCAFN surveys that impact financial management capacity include the following:  Council has dedicated resources for record keeping, there is a record of Council activities and decisions that are up‐to‐date and easy to access;  There are financial policies and procedures but they could be more clear and include a utilization management plan as part of an approach to integrated quality management;  While there is the use of risk management processes, there is a need to develop formal, proactive in‐house risk mitigation;  Records Management System requires further review and formalization of process;  There is a need for a more systematic approach to resource allocation that is proactive;  Operational plans are developed annually and are tied to the budget process, but this planning is not consistently applied across all departments;  Conflict of interest guidelines require updating. Recommendations:  Update and adopt conflict of interest guidelines;  Conduct formal review and formalization of the records management system;  Develop formal risk mitigation processes;  There is a need for a Financial Administration Act that sets out financial management laws and policies. Consider reviewing the templates for laws and policies set out by the First Nation Finance Authority to see which ones are relevant to G‐N at this point in time. A good start would be basic budgeting and spending bylaws and policies. 7 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

Transitional Recommendations:  Build the capacity of existing Finance staff positions. Investigate training plans through job mentoring with a local municipality and/or upgrading skills through the local North Island College and on‐line through the Aboriginal Financial Officers Association: http://www.afoa.ca/acfme/online.asp  Additionally, consult with the First Nations Public Service Secretariat (FNPSS) Mentorship Program Pilot. FNPSS are piloting a new program for mentoring employees of First Nations administrations in the areas of: Finance, Human Resources, Records and Information Management, and Policy Development;  Meet with the First Nations Taxation Commission, the Tulo Centre of Indigenous Economics, and related professional associations for advice on developing training plans for financial administration and taxation functions;  Promote financial and related administrative careers; consult with G‐N education coordinator and regional training society ‐ North Vancouver Island Aboriginal Training Society. b) Human Resource Management: AANDC explains that Human Resource Management includes hiring, retaining, training and compensation of the skilled personnel required to meet community goals. This function includes the development of policies (including a code of ethics and conflict of interest policies), the administration of salaries and benefits, the development of job descriptions, the administration and support of volunteers, and the recruitment and hiring of staff. For First Nations, Human Resource Management can also include accessing training funding and opportunities and working with members to improve their education and training so they can get and retain higher paying and more interesting jobs. Post ED there will be a need to increase G‐N’s human resource management function to manage an expanded organization. Human Resource Capacity/Staffing: Human resource functions are usually carried out by the Band Manager and the Finance Manager. A Human Resource worker position is expected to be filled in the near future as funds have been secured. Membership Capacity/Future Human Resource Recruitment: In the recent G‐N human resources survey, positions involving children and youth services were more popular over other positions, including administrative ones. Further, approximately 70% of the respondents would not meet educational requirements of potential human resource positions (i.e. 28% of respondents completed grade 12 with a Dogwood). 8 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

Program and Service Delivery Mechanisms: Activity Program Delivery Notes Human Resource Management G‐N Manager position to be filled. Governing Body and Administration Effectiveness: Outcomes of the BCAFN surveys regarding effective governance and human resource management capacity include the following:  An administrative personnel policy exists, but it requires updating;  There are job descriptions and an organizational chart with reporting relationships. Job descriptions have been updated mostly but the updates require adoption. Job descriptions should have a process for formal regular review/evaluation;  There is a staff recruitment process based on skills, education and knowledge; hiring committees are formed when positions become available. There is an opportunity to strengthen the evidence and objectivity of the staffing process;  There is a code of conduct but it is embedded within the personnel policy both of which need updating;  Processes to monitor staff performance and to address dismissal issues need to be reviewed and updated with other personnel policies;  The Administration takes measures to ensure the safety and well‐being of persons receiving programs and services in response to events or complaints received;  There is a newly formed occupational health and safety committee, but it does not meet regularly. A safety committee was just formed and will be reviewing the first draft of an OHS Manual for the fisheries field program. This work needs to be completed and the OHS manual needs to be further developed to apply to the entire organization. Recommendations:  Hire a Human Resources Coordinator and an Assistant for the G‐N administration, school and any future corporations/societies;  Consult with the First Nations Public Service Secretariat (FNPSS) Mentorship Program Pilot. FNPSS are piloting a new program for mentoring employees of First Nations administrations in the areas of: Finance, Human Resources, Records and Information Management, and Policy Development;  Update and adopt administrative tools: personnel policy, conflict of interest guidelines, performance evaluations, and a code of conduct;  Consult with program managers on the human resource capacity tool developed by the BC Treaty Commission (detailed look into staffing for each program area, including overall development of an HR plan);  Try to negotiate funds and opportunities for training members and begin developing training plans and programs in priority areas;  Assess available funds and opportunities for training members and begin developing training plans and programs in priority areas. 9 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

Transitional Recommendations:  Ensure human resource tools are in place and up‐to‐date with current labour laws, such as personnel policies, benefit packages, and health and safety policies and procedures;  Meet with the regional Aboriginal Skills Employment Training Service (North Vancouver Island Aboriginal Training Society) to gather tools on job description development, recruitment and training. c) Natural Resource Management: Highlights post ED are that G‐N will have new or increased management, enforcement and law making authorities over the G‐N Territories (homelands) regarding, for example: ‐ Resource harvesting rights ‐ Forest resources ‐ Parks, protected areas & planning ‐ Water ‐ Environmental management Human Resource Capacity/Staffing: G‐N has a Natural Resource (NR) Manager who provides coordination and managerial support for agreements, programs, policies and project initiatives with a lands, natural resource and treaty focus. G‐N also has 8‐10 seasonal Fisheries Technicians Guardians/Supervisors and 1 seasonal Fisheries Assistant and 2 Stewardship Boat Operator/Guardians. G‐N also uses a contract biologist as required. The NR Manager has focused on transition of Fisheries Program from a consultant to in‐house management. The Fisheries Coordinator and Forestry Coordinator positions are currently vacant. Forestry is being handled by the Economic Development Manager. The Economic Development Manager also manages the Stewardship Program. There is a 2 year plan to transition the Stewardship Program to the Natural Resource Department. G‐N has no system for GIS and Natural Resource Information management. G‐N relies on part‐time, non‐local GIS consulting services. There is no permanent GIS Technician. Many natural resource management and planning functions are also presently housed within the Nanwakolas Council office. Nanwakolas represents G‐N through various agreements in addressing development referrals, forestry consultation processes, marine planning, and management of protected areas. With the vacancies in Forestry and Fisheries, the in‐house natural resource management capacity of G‐N is limited. Membership Capacity/Future Human Resource Recruitment:  Results from the recent G‐N human resource survey show that 67% of the respondents are interested in the Forestry Industry. Further, about 52% indicated job experience with Fisheries; 10 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

 

About 15% of the respondents are interested in a Fisheries Coordinator and a Forestry Coordinator position; In regard to management positions, 28% of respondents completed grade 12 with a Dogwood. Approximately 22% want to obtain a diploma or certificate, and 14% stated an interest in a university degree.

The pool to recruit future natural resource workers appears to have a larger starting base than finance or human resource management. However there are challenges to be considered. It is important that G‐N find ways to help citizens overcome barriers. Dependence upon Social Assistance is a huge issue for G‐N. Of those surveyed, 46% said they had been on Social Assistance, and 39% are currently on Social Assistance. Other top barriers to careers are:  Lack of education – 59%  Lack of work experience – 39%  Caring for dependents – 19%  Health Issues – 13% A process and personnel are required to connect certified G‐N members to Natural Resource related and work opportunities including Forestry, Fisheries, and Commercial Fishing. There is also a need to develop technical and/or supervisory capacity in the labour pool and to address career barriers. Program and Service Delivery Mechanisms: Activity Program Delivery Notes Implementation of Fisheries, G‐N Aboriginal Fishery Strategy; DFO Stewardship, & Forestry Contracts; Forestry Agreement Programs. Pursuant to the Facilitation of responses to Nanwakolas Referral Office‐ Nanwakolas/British Columbia resource development referrals. main office in Campbell River Framework Agreement (the and office on G‐N reserve. "SEA"), 2009 Provide a forum where KNT and BC can conduct discussions to Nanwakolas Council Society KNT refers to Kwakiutl District foster a cooperative relationship Council, Musgamagw related to the development of Tsawataineuk Tribal Council and land use and resource policy, Tlowitsis Nation. G‐N is part of and land & resource planning Kwakiutl District Council. and management. 11 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

Program and Service Delivery Mechanisms: Activity Program Delivery Notes Development of economy via G‐N Forestry Coordinator, Include in G‐N Strategic Plan; opportunities in forestry, Economic Development and Link to the Nanwakolas Council tourism & clean energy. Natural Resources Group; Reconciliation Protocol Commits First Nations and BC to Nanwakolas Council Society reach agreement on a model for joint‐decision making on strategic forest management issues and enhanced forestry revenue‐sharing and increased amounts of forest tenure. Planning and advocacy support Nanwakolas Council Society Pursuant to protected area to G‐N regarding its protected collaborative management area management agreement. agreement with BC. Forestry consultation process Forest & Range Management & included under Nanwakolas First Nations Forest and Range Revenue Sharing Agreement. Framework Agreement Revenue Sharing Agreement G‐N Fisheries Coordinator, Marine Plan Development. Economic Development and MaPP – Marine Planning Natural Resources Group; Partnership Strategy Nanwakolas Council Society Natural resources management and planning are evolving areas. G‐N has a recently formed Natural Resources group to coordinate fisheries, forestry and land use activities. Some areas of natural resource management and planning are facilitated by the Nanwakolas Council Society. On the Nanwakolas website, “Nanwakolas serves as the vehicle through which the member First Nations regionally pursues land and marine resource planning and management and resource‐based economic development activities”. G‐N needs to carry out more planning and analysis to determine which natural resource functions should be dealt with internally through the Natural Resources group and which should be coordinated with Nanwakolas and other broader groups. Governing Body and Administration Effectiveness: Responses from the BCAFN governance capacity surveys that impact natural resource management include:  There is a long term vision encompassed within various documents including a Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP). The CCP is drafted with community input but needs to be adopted;  Strategic planning process: There is a general understanding of how leadership wants to proceed but the process is fragmented into various sectors (e.g., lands and resources, housing, etc.). Further there is no process to regularly update it; 12 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

Council and Hereditary leaders often ask themselves and others whether they are doing the right things but formal evaluation is minimal;  G‐N stakeholders have been identified. Governing body leaders do not always know what G‐N stakeholders’ interests and priorities are;  There is a basic communication plan for G‐N citizens, external stakeholders and the broader G‐N community that sets out what information is shared, when and to whom;  The governing body regularly consults with the citizens about the Nation, administration and programs and services. Input is encouraged. Recommendations:  Fill the Forestry Coordinator position;  Review and fill Fisheries Coordinator position if required;  Resource permanent GIS Technician position if funding is available;  Develop a liaison position regarding the natural resource functions of the G‐N office and those performed by Nanwakolas on behalf of G‐N;  Develop a strategic planning process that allows for consideration of the needs, priorities, opportunities and risks to G‐N and citizens. The process should provide for coordination between all program and management areas and allow for an annual review and update of the strategic plan;  Strategic goals and objectives need to be linked to the Nation’s vision. For each goal there needs to be an identification of person responsible; time frame, and measure of progress. The goals and objectives should follow the Comprehensive Community Plan and should be reviewed and revised annually by Council with input from managers, Treaty, etc.;  There needs to be an established process to evaluate performance; at least annually there should be an evaluation of the governing body’s effectiveness against strategic goals and objectives;  Adopt the Land and Resource recommendations in the G‐N Comprehensive Community Plan: 1. Connection with Homelands including travel to the Homeland and habitable sites in the Homelands; 2. Effective stewardship of lands and resources via a community with comprehensive knowledge of G‐N lands and resources through a stewardship program, biological inventory and land referral committee; 3. Effective, responsible participation in the fisheries and forestry industry, and 4. Comprehensive knowledge of local resources and their traditional uses by all ages within the community including development of a community smoke house, resource harvesting education campaign, and community store‐house. Transitional Recommendations:  Natural Resource Manager, Education, Social Development, Economic Development, and the Nanwakolas Council, strike up a Committee to examine all of the current initiatives, and what can be done to build the capacity of membership to assume natural resource careers now and in the future.

13 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

d) Lands: Post‐effective date G‐N will have ownership and increased law‐making authorities on its lands, including authority to set out its own land title system. G‐N will have ownership of subsurface resources on or under G‐N lands, and the right to set and collect fees and royalties for the development of subsurface resources. Human Resource Capacity/Staffing:  There is no dedicated lands coordinator position. Functions related to lands overlap with those of the Natural Resource Manager and the Nanwakolas Society. Membership Capacity/Future Human Resource Recruitment: Notable outcomes of the recent G‐N human resource survey that impact future lands administrative positions include the following:  28% of respondents completed grade 12 with a Dogwood;  Approximately 22% want to obtain a diploma or certificate, and 14% stated an interest in a university degree;  Areas of experience of those surveyed included fisheries, traditional skills, food and beverages, construction, maintenance, and sports. Lands administration was not highlighted as an area of interest as a potential career with the G‐N membership. Program and Service Delivery Mechanisms: Activity Program Delivery Notes Land Use Planning G‐N ‐ Nanwakolas G‐N has a Land Use Plan that requires management details and to be adopted. Governing Body and Administration Effectiveness: Responses from the BCAFN governance self‐assessment surveys that impact lands include:  A land use plan was developed in 2008. The land use plan needs to be completed with further management detail and to be adopted;  There is a basic communication plan for G‐N citizens, external stakeholders and the broader G‐N community that sets out what information is shared, when and to whom;  The governing body regularly consults with the citizens about the Nation, administration and programs and services. Input is encouraged;  There is limited legal infrastructure in place such as a Constitution, law‐making procedures and financial and other administration laws. 14 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

Recommendations:  Complete and adopt Land Use Plan; develop process for review and amendment;  Finalize and adopt a Constitution for the development of laws, policies and by‐laws;  Work on regularizing land use planning and management on Reserves as a start. Transitional Recommendations:  Create a Lands Department and/or determine the role of the newly formed Natural Resource Department with respect to land management.

e) Economic Development The Economic Development Manager assists with facilitating greater business activity for G‐N and its individual members. This includes evaluating economic needs; identifying new business opportunities; supporting members in the development of new business; securing annual and project specific funding, facilitating the development of human, financial, and physical capacities, and developing marketing of G‐N as economic partners. Post effective date G‐N will have increased sources of, and greater opportunities for, revenue and economic development. For example, there is potential for forest tenure as a treaty benefit, expanded opportunities for business development on G‐N lands, resource revenue sharing agreements, and so on.

Human Resource Capacity/Staffing:

G‐N has an Economic Development Manager. The Economic Development Manager also manages the Stewardship and Forestry Programs. There is a 2 year plan to transition the Stewardship Program to the Natural Resource Department.

With the potential opportunities for increased expansion, human resources in the Economic Development Department are limited. Membership Capacity/Future Human Resource Recruitment:  The G‐N human resource survey shows a high interest of the members wanting to become entrepreneurs, 43% or almost half. Business interests range from restaurant/retail, construction, daycare, health/beauty, arts or graphics, to automotive;  28% of respondents completed grade 12 with a Dogwood;  Approximately 22% want to obtain a diploma or certificate, and 14% stated an interest in a university degree;  Areas of experience of those surveyed included fisheries, traditional skills, food and beverages, construction, maintenance, and sports.

15 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

The ability to recruit economic development workers from the existing population is limited. The data also shows the need to focus on business capacity skills, knowledge, and management for future business endeavors. Program and Service Delivery Mechanisms: Activity Program Delivery Notes Business Development and G‐N Consultation/Advisory Stewardship Program G‐N Guardian Watchmen Program Forest & Range Management & Forestry consultation process See G‐N First Nations Forest and Revenue Sharing Agreement included under Nanwakolas Range Revenue Sharing Framework Agreement Agreement

Governing Body and Administration Effectiveness: Responses from the BCAFN governance self‐assessment surveys that impact economic development include:  G‐N has a long‐term vision based on its values but the vision is not regularly reviewed;  G‐N does not have the access to land use/referral data currently held and managed by Nanwakolas to a level that is needed for economic development, natural resources and internal planning purposes;  There is a need for formal policies/rules about the use and operation of community owned infrastructure from both a liability and investment perspective;  Staff collects some information about the community to regularly assess its capacity and its needs. The information needs to be made “user friendly” and available to managers and integrated into strategic planning;  There are issues and concerns with limited funding and the need to have continual building of capacity with the Guardian Watchmen/Fisheries programs;  Council is regularly involved in citizen activities. This includes regularly consulting with the citizens about the Nation, the governing body and administration; input is encouraged. Recommendations:  Formalize policies/rules about the use and operation of community owned infrastructure;  Staff has reasonable access to information, but there could be improved flow and access to information with partners and the community;  Review of G‐N’s vision should be regular and linked to the strategic planning process; 16 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

Continue efforts to secure long term funding for Guardian Watchmen/Fisheries Programs.

Transitional Recommendations:  Consult with North Vancouver Island Aboriginal Training Society (NVIATS) about business development programs for First Nations and community members.

f) Self‐Government: Post effective date G‐N will have its own Constitution and defined law making authorities related to education, child and family services, adoption, healthcare, and other matters such as regulation of businesses on G‐N lands. G‐N will address law enforcement, its own government liability, creation of G‐ N corporations, and scope of law‐making authorities including processes for challenging the validity of G‐N law. Human Resource Capacity/Staffing: Education/G‐N currently employs: Teachers and administrative staff for its school from nursery age to grade 7 Education & Post‐Secondary Counselor (Program Coordinator) Native Support Worker (Port Hardy Senior Secondary) First Nation Support Worker (Eke Me‐Xi School) Health and Child and Family Services/G‐N currently employ: Health Director (Health and Family Services) Director of Child and Family Services Family Support Worker Case Manager Nurse’s Assistant Community Health Representative Home Visitor Maternal Health Home Visitor Maternal Health Nurse Infant Development Worker NNADAP Worker (National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program) Youth NNADAP Worker (National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program) Receptionist for Health and Family Services Wellness Worker (through a contract with MCFD) The Health and Child and Family Service Department are one of the largest Departments presently within G‐N. Comments and recommendations for this section are premature given the work that is currently being done and/or proposed by the Sasamans Society of which G‐N is a constituent. Quoting from the Sasamans website (http://www.sasamans.ca/):

17 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

Sasamans Society will play two roles… The first is to focus on supporting our communities in identifying a service plan that meets their needs through an information‐gathering process. The society will … conduct interviews and focus groups within communities to identify service gaps and needs… The second role is to develop a strategic plan for introducing … service management to our communities and exploring what it could look like. Over time this plan would phase out MCFD's role in service management. This process will include a full review and assessment of the MCFD Aboriginal‐specific programming and the funds that are connected to it. Sasamans Society will negotiate what services could be transferred from MCFD to the Society and/or an Aboriginal agency or Band. It is assumed that strategic and service planning will address services, staffing and related resources. In 2011 G‐N signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Sasamans Society which Sasamans explains as “the first step in gaining commitment from our constituents; they outline the partnership and working agreement for their community‐based collaborator”. Membership Capacity/Future Human Resource Recruitment:  Results from the recent G‐N human resource survey show that one quarter or approximately 25% of the respondents are interested in G‐N positions that deal with working with children. Specifically there is a high interest in the following positions: Youth Worker, School Support Worker, Teacher Assistant, Home Maker and Family Support Worker.  The survey also shows that 28% of respondents completed grade 12 with a Dogwood;  Approximately 22% want to obtain a diploma or certificate, and 14% stated an interest in a university degree; Program and Service Delivery Mechanisms: Activity Program Delivery Notes Health – Community Programs Health Funding Contribution Children & Youth G‐N Agreement – Health Canada Health – Community Programs Mental Health G‐N Health Funding Contribution & Addictions Agreement – Health Canada Health – Community Programs G‐N Health Funding Contribution Chronic Disease & Injury Prevention Agreement – Health Canada Health Protection – Communicable Disease G‐N Health Funding Contribution Agreement – Health Canada Primary Health Care G‐N Health Funding Contribution Agreement – Health Canada Non‐Insured Health Benefits Programs G‐N Health Funding Contribution Agreement – Health Canada Health Governance & Infrastructure Support G‐N Health Funding Contribution Program Agreement – Health Canada G‐N Vancouver Island Health Community Health Nursing Services Authority (VIHA) 18 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

Home and Community Care Services Child, Youth and Family Wellness Outreach Worker


Revenue Agreement ‐ VIHA


Family Preservation & Reunification First Nations Youth Worker


Child, Youth & Family Outreach Worker Agreement – Min. Children and Family Development (MCFD) Family Support Program Agreement – MCFD Board of Education of School District 85 Agreement

First Nations Support Worker First Nations Connections Worker First Nations Support Worker at Eke Me‐Xi School Language & Cultural Worker

Eagle View Elem. & Port Hardy Senior Secondary Port Hardy Senior Secondary Port Hardy Senior Secondary G‐N & SD85 G‐N and Eagle View Elem. G‐N

Board of Education of School District 85 Agreement Board of Education of School District 85 Agreement Board of Education of School District 85 Agreement Board of Education of School District 85 Agreement Aboriginal Recipient Funding Agreement (ARFA) Aboriginal Recipient Funding Agreement (ARFA) ARFA ARFA ARFA

Elementary/Secondary Instructional Services‐ Band Operated School Elementary/Secondary Instructional Services G‐N/SD85 – Provincial Schools Guidance and Counseling G‐N Ancillary Support G‐N Comp. Education Support /Fed Schools G‐N Governing Body and Administration Effectiveness: Responses from the BCAFN governance self‐assessment surveys that impact self‐government include:  The custom election code for electing chief and council is outdated and there is a need to clarify hereditary leadership selection and roles and how to coordinate between elected and hereditary leaders;  Roles and responsibilities of leadership are generally understood. There is a portfolio system within Council. Practices are not necessarily written, and there is a need to set out roles and responsibilities in writing and in more detail and to link this to the organizational chart;  There is limited legal infrastructure in place such as a Constitution, law‐making procedures and financial and other administration laws;  There is a need for an operational planning process where managers work with the Band Manager to develop operational plans specific to each area of operations and allows for the implementation of the strategic goals and objectives of the Governing Body;  G‐N plans and designs services based on the community’s needs and its mandate; planning should also consider the Nations’ vision and the Governing Body’s strategic direction;  G‐N identifies and addresses areas for program and service improvement as they arise as opposed to being aligned with the strategic plan, goals and objectives. 19 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

G‐N does not have a formal process to manage change. Information about the changing needs of the Governing Body and the community is gathered, and the administration responds to changes as they arise. Recommendations:  Update custom election code which governs selection of elected chief and council. Clarify hereditary leadership selection and roles and how to coordinate between elected and hereditary leaders;  Develop procedures for making laws, including when laws should be subject to community consultation or a vote by G‐N members;  Develop an operational planning process where managers work with the Band Manager to develop operational plans specific to each area of operations and allows for the implementation of the strategic goals and objectives of the Governing Body;  Program and service development planning should reflect the Nations’ vision and the strategic direction of the Governing Body, as well as community needs and organizational mandate;  An assessment process is needed which allows for the identification of areas for improvement based on events, process and outcome measure data, and other sources and is linked to the strategic planning process;  There is a need for a systematic approach and process to anticipate, respond to, and manage change including contingency plans. Transitional Recommendations:

Complete research and discussions with Sasamans Society on child and family service management and exploring what it could look like. This process will include a full review and assessment of the MCFD Aboriginal‐specific programming and the funds that are connected to it. G‐N will be able to assess appropriate program service delivery mechanisms for this high profile topic. G‐N has a large young population; Review Laws developed by other First Nations and collect materials and agreements in a database for potential future model development (Education, Government Organization Act, Elections Act, Property Taxation, Land Act, Fisheries, Wildlife, Migratory Birds & Renewable Resources, Child and Family Act, Culture & Heritage Act, and so on).

g) Local Government Relations: External Relations involve the community’s relationship with other government organizations, non‐ government organizations and corporations. This function includes participation in intergovernmental forums and professional associations, communications with the public and other governments, and negotiations with stakeholders on land claims, resource rights and public‐private partnerships.

Post‐effective date G‐N will have increased relationships and consultations with local governments. This includes discussions to set up for harmonization of regional growth strategies and land use plans. 20 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

Human Resource Capacity/Staffing: 

Currently there is no staff for local government relations, related activities are carried out by leadership and/or senior staff. Membership Capacity/Future Human Resource Recruitment: Results from the G‐N human resource survey show:  28% of respondents completed grade 12 with a Dogwood;  Approximately 22% want to obtain a diploma or certificate, and 14% stated an interest in a university degree;  Areas of experience of those surveyed included fisheries, traditional skills, food and beverages, construction, maintenance, and sports. Interest in administrative positions is not very high; future recruitment is limited. Program and Service Delivery Mechanisms: There is no local government relation position; duties are carried out by leadership and/or senior staff. Governing Body and Administration Effectiveness: Relevant responses from the BCAFN governance self‐assessment surveys that impact on local government relations include:  There is limited legal infrastructure in place such as a Constitution, law‐making procedures and financial and other administration laws;  Staff has reasonable access to information, including some research and best practice information. There is a good flow of information throughout the administration, but could improve the flow and access to information with partners and the community;  There is a long term strategic vision encompassed within various documents including a Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP). The CCP is drafted with community input but needs to be adopted. Recommendations:  Develop an Intergovernmental Coordinator position if funding is available. This position would be responsible for liaison internally between departments/Council and external governmental bodies;  Review the protocol with the North Island municipalities for partnership opportunities with capacity building. Transitional Recommendations:

21 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

 

Document and analyze the nature and volume of work currently underway with local governments and regional districts; analyze the important capacities required of an Intergovernmental Coordinator; Develop a database of agreements and protocols G‐N has with local, regional, provincial and national bodies. This would include First Nation governments and organizations.

h) Culture and Heritage: Post effective date G‐N will have law‐making authorities with respect to language, culture and heritage. Some other highlights include that there will be a focus on the return of ancient G‐N human remains, and the ability to provide for designation of G‐N sites of cultural or historic significance. Human Resource Capacity/Staffing:  Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw School has instructors for language and culture as well as SD85. There is no specific language and culture program within the administration. Membership Capacity/Future Human Resource Recruitment:  Results from the recent G‐N human resource survey show that one quarter or approximately 25% of the respondents are interested in G‐N positions that deal with working with children. Specifically there is a high interest in the following positions: Youth Worker, School Support Worker, Teacher Assistant, Home Maker and Family Support Worker;  The survey also shows that 28% of respondents completed grade 12 with a Dogwood;  Approximately 22% want to obtain a diploma or certificate, and 14% stated an interest in a university degree. Program and Service Delivery Mechanisms: Activity Program Delivery Notes Language/Culture Instruction G‐N/Band Operated School; The Board of Education contracts SD85‐ Eagle View Elementary with G‐N to provide language (EVES) and cultural worker at EVES. Governing Body and Administration Effectiveness: Responses from the BCAFN survey that impact governance and culture and heritage include:  Clarify hereditary leadership selection and roles and how to coordinate between elected and hereditary leaders;  Formalize strategic planning process; strategic goals and objectives need to be linked to the Nation’s vision. For each goals there needs to be an identification of person responsible; time 22 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

frame, and measure of progress. The goals and objectives should follow the Comprehensive Community Plan and should be reviewed and revised annually by Council with input from managers, Treaty, etc.  Staff has reasonable access to information, including some research and best practice information. There is a good flow of information throughout the administration, but could improve the flow and access to information with partners and the community;  Complete Constitution and continue work on law‐making process and developing basic core bylaws and laws. Recommendations:  Adopt the recommendations made in the G‐N Comprehensive Community Plan: Strong living language through language nests, language resources for home use, and language policy for G‐N administration; 2) Development of culture programs and celebrations; 3) Development of places to come together for cultural reasons (carving shed, big house). Transitional Recommendations:  Continue language instruction; increase promotion of language and culture through application to language funding programs;  Prepare for post ED requirements by working with the G‐N Comprehensive Community Plan and specifically, the sub‐plans for language, protecting and honouring sacred sites, language policy for G‐N administration, and working toward gathering places for cultural reasons (big house and carving shed, etc.).

23 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

4.0 Discussion and Report Summary The purpose of the G‐N governance capacity assessment is to determine what gaps exist and subsequently how to meet future requirements of governance after the date the treaty comes into effect (post ED). The assessment includes a review of the current organizational structure, program and service delivery mechanisms, and management capacity (governing body and administration). Functions of First Nation government are expansive. This report covers 8 key areas: a) Finance b) Human Resources c) Natural Resources d) Lands e) Economic Development f) Self‐Government g) Local Government Relations h) Culture and Heritage The relationships, systems and policies and procedures within and between G‐N departments, staff, leadership and the community, are complex. This assessment only captures a broad overview. Nonetheless, the results serve as a good starting point to begin building capacity plans for meeting requirements post ED. Topic areas are interrelated and often overlap. Recommendations of one section will connect to other sections. However, in order to avoid repetitive recommendations, they are usually noted once.

Report Recommendations – Organized by Government Function Finance Management Recommendations: 1. Update and adopt conflict of interest guidelines. 2. Conduct formal review and formalization of the records management system. 3. Develop formal risk mitigation processes. 4. There is a need for a Financial Administration Act that sets out financial management laws and policies. Consider reviewing the templates for laws and policies set out by the First Nation Finance Authority to see which ones are relevant to G‐N at this point in time. A good start would be basic budgeting and spending bylaws and policies. Transitional Recommendations:  Build the capacity of existing Finance staff positions. Investigate training plans through job mentoring with a local municipality and/or upgrading skills through the local North Island College and on‐line through the Aboriginal Financial Officers Association: http://www.afoa.ca/acfme/online.asp  Additionally, consult with the First Nations Public Service Secretariat (FNPSS) Mentorship Program Pilot. FNPSS are piloting a new program for mentoring employees of First Nations

24 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

administrations in the areas of: Finance, Human Resources, Records and Information Management, and Policy Development; Meet with the First Nations Taxation Commission, the Tulo Centre of Indigenous Economics, and related professional associations for advice on developing training plans for financial administration and taxation functions; Promote financial and related administrative careers; consult with G‐N education coordinator and regional training society ‐ North Vancouver Island Aboriginal Training Society.

Human Resource Management Recommendations: 1. Hire a Human Resources Coordinator and an Assistant for the G‐N administration, school and any future corporations/societies. 2. Consult with the First Nations Public Service Secretariat (FNPSS) Mentorship Program Pilot. FNPSS are piloting a new program for mentoring employees of First Nations administrations in the areas of: Finance, Human Resources, Records and Information Management, and Policy Development. 3. Update and adopt administrative tools: personnel policy, conflict of interest guidelines, performance evaluations, and a code of conduct. 4. Consult with program managers on the human resource capacity tool developed by the BC Treaty Commission (detailed look into staffing for each program area, including overall development of an HR plan). 5. Try to negotiate funds and opportunities for training members and begin developing training plans and programs in priority areas. 6. Assess available funds and opportunities for training members and begin developing training plans and programs in priority areas. Transitional Recommendations:  Ensure human resource tools are in place and up‐to‐date with current labour laws, such as personnel policies, benefit packages, and health and safety policies and procedures;  Meet with the regional Aboriginal Skills Employment Training Service (North Vancouver Island Aboriginal Training Society) to gather tools on job description development, recruitment and training. Natural Resource Management Recommendations: 1. Fill the Forestry Coordinator position; 2. Review and fill Fisheries Coordinator position if required; 3. Resource permanent GIS Technician position if funding is available; 4. Develop a liaison position regarding the natural resource functions of the G‐N office and those performed by Nanwakolas on behalf of G‐N; 5. Develop a strategic planning process that allows for consideration of the needs, priorities, opportunities and risks to G‐N and citizens. The process should provide for coordination between all program and management areas and allow for an annual review and update of the strategic plan; 6. Strategic goals and objectives need to be linked to the Nation’s vision. For each goal there needs to be an identification of person responsible; time frame, and measure of progress. The

25 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

goals and objectives should follow the Comprehensive Community Plan and should be reviewed and revised annually by Council with input from managers, Treaty, etc.; 7. There needs to be an established process to evaluate performance; at least annually there should be an evaluation of the governing body’s effectiveness against strategic goals and objectives; 8. Adopt the Land and Resource recommendations in the G‐N Comprehensive Community Plan: i. ii.

iii. iv.

Connection with Homelands including travel to the Homeland and habitable sites in the Homelands; Effective stewardship of lands and resources via a community with comprehensive knowledge of G‐N lands and resources through a stewardship program, biological inventory and land referral committee; Effective, responsible participation in the fisheries and forestry industry, and Comprehensive knowledge of local resources and their traditional uses by all ages within the community including development of a community smoke house, resource harvesting education campaign, and community store‐house.

Transitional Recommendations:  Natural Resource Manager, Education, Social Development, Economic Development, and the Nanwakolas Council, strike up a Committee to examine all of the current initiatives, and what can be done to build the capacity of membership to assume natural resource careers now and in the future. Lands Recommendations: 1. Complete and adopt Land Use Plan; develop process for review and amendment; 2. Finalize and adopt a Constitution for the development of laws, policies and by‐laws; 3. Work on regularizing land use planning and management on Reserves as a start. Transitional Recommendations:  Create a Lands Department and/or determine the role of the newly formed Natural Resource Department with respect to land management. Economic Development Recommendations: 1. Formalize policies/rules about the use and operation of community owned infrastructure; 2. Staff has reasonable access to information, but there could be improved flow and access to information with partners and the community; 3. Review of G‐N’s vision should be regular and linked to the strategic planning process; 4. Continue efforts to secure long term funding for Guardian Watchmen/Fisheries Programs. Transitional Recommendations:  Consult with North Vancouver Island Aboriginal Training Society (NVIATS) about business development programs for First Nations and community members. 26 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

Self‐Government Recommendations: 1. Update custom election code which governs selection of elected chief and council. Clarify hereditary leadership selection and roles and how to coordinate between elected and hereditary leaders; 2. Develop procedures for making laws, including when laws should be subject to community consultation or a vote by G‐N members; 3. Develop an operational planning process where managers work with the Band Manager to develop operational plans specific to each area of operations and allows for the implementation of the strategic goals and objectives of the Governing Body; 4. Program and service development planning should reflect the Nations’ vision and the strategic direction of the Governing Body, as well as community needs and organizational mandate; 5. An assessment process is needed which allows for the identification of areas for improvement based on events, process and outcome measure data, and other sources and is linked to the strategic planning process; 6. There is a need for a systematic approach and process to anticipate, respond to, and manage change including contingency plans. Transitional Recommendations:  Complete research and discussions with Sasamans Society on child and family service management and exploring what it could look like. This process will include a full review and assessment of the MCFD Aboriginal‐specific programming and the funds that are connected to it. G‐N will be able to assess appropriate program service delivery mechanisms for this high profile topic. G‐N has a large young population;  Review Laws developed by other First Nations and collect materials and agreements in a database for potential future model development (Education, Government Organization Act, Elections Act, Property Taxation, Land Act, Fisheries, Wildlife, Migratory Birds & Renewable Resources, Child and Family Act, Culture & Heritage Act, and so on). Local Government Relations Recommendations 1. Develop an Intergovernmental Coordinator position if funding is available. This position would be responsible for liaison internally between departments/Council and external governmental bodies; 2. Review the protocol with the North Island municipalities for partnership opportunities with capacity building. Transitional Recommendations:  Document and analyze the nature and volume of work currently underway with local governments and regional districts; analyze the important capacities required of an Intergovernmental Coordinator;  Develop a database of agreements and protocols G‐N has with local, regional, provincial and national bodies. This would include First Nation governments and organizations. 27 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

Culture and Heritage Recommendations 1. Adopt the recommendations made in the G‐N Comprehensive Community Plan: Strong living language through language nests, language resources for home use, and language policy for G‐N administration; 2) Development of culture programs and celebrations; 3) Development of places to come together for cultural reasons (carving shed, big house). Transitional Recommendations:  Continue language instruction; increase promotion of language and culture through application to language funding programs;  Prepare for post ED requirements by working with the G‐N Comprehensive Community Plan and specifically, the sub‐plans for language, protecting and honouring sacred sites, language policy for G‐N administration, and working toward gathering places for cultural reasons (big house and carving shed, etc.). Conclusion: This report covers 8 core functions of G‐N government. While important, certain areas are not covered such as social development, the School, public works, housing and related services and functions. This is partially due to time constraints and the fact that criteria reviewed are inclusive of functions of governance that cross all programs (communication, consultation, records management, finance, resource allocation, and so on). The governance self‐assessments and overall review work under the TRM help to identify needs and priorities. The undertaking is about making a plan for the future on how to rebuild governance and achieve community goals. Next Steps: The recommendations and transitional recommendations will be used to outline a capacity development plan. A governance capacity development plan will be prepared that details how gaps will be addressed in the transition to self‐government after the date the treaty comes into effect. 28 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

References The following are references reviewed and/or used in compiling the report. AANDC (Indian and Northern Affairs Canada) http://afoamb.ca/wcm‐docs/docs/attach‐Governance_Capacity_Planning_Tool__GCPT_.pdf Aboriginal Financial Officers Association http://www.afoa.ca/acfme/online.asp Baird, Kim: “Tsawwassen First Nation, Shaping Our Way Forward”, Work Plan Presentation, 2008 BC Assembly of First Nations: “Governance Toolkit: A Guide to Nation Building” http://www.bcafn.ca/ BC Treaty Commission: A Human Resource Capacity Tool for First Nations//Planning for Treaty http://www.bctreaty.net/files/pdf_documents/BCTC‐HRToolBook.pdf First Nations Financial Management Board http://www.fnfmb.com//index.php?lang=en First Nations Governance: “Forging Linkages & Finding Solutions”, Capacity Building Workshop Handout, BCTC Conference, 2008 http://fngovernance.org/resources_docs/Capacity_Building_Backgrounder..pdf First Nations Public Service http://firstnationspublicservice.com/ First Nations Public Service Secretariat: “Nation Building through Human Resource Capacity Building – A Discussion Paper on the BC First Nations Public Service Secretariat”, 2010 http://firstnationspublicservice.com/documents/FNPS%20discussion%20paper%20june%202010FINAL% 20(2)‐1.pdf First Nations Tax Commission http://www.fntc.ca/index.php Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: Comprehensive Community Plan Summary, 2010 http://www.gwanak.info/downloads/gn‐ccp‐summary.pdf Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations Forest Agreement http://www.for.gov.bc.ca/haa/Docs/Gwasala_FRA.pdf Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations Forest and Range Revenue Sharing Agreement http://www.newrelationship.gov.bc.ca/shared/downloads/Gwasala‐Nakwaxdaxw_April2011.pdf Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: Human Resources Survey 29 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: Job Descriptions/Organizational Chart Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations Website: http://www.gwanak.info/home Hemphill, Colleen: Update on BC Treaty Process (G‐N Chief Negotiator Report, Unpublished) Indian and Northern Affairs Canada: Governance Capacity Planning Tool http://afoamb.ca/wcm‐docs/docs/attach‐Governance_Capacity_Planning_Tool__GCPT_.pdf Kwakiutl District Council http://www.kdchealth.com/ Missens, Richard. “Sovereignty, Good Governance and First Nations Human Resources: Capacity Challenges” http://fngovernance.org/ncfng_research/richard_missens.pdf Nanwakolas Council http://www.nanwakolas.com/ Nanwakolas Reconciliation Protocol http://www.newrelationship.gov.bc.ca/shared/downloads/FINAL_signed_Nanwakolas_Recon_Protocol_ Jul292011.pdf Sasamans Society http://www.sasamans.ca/index.php/about‐sasamans School District 85: “Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement, 2010‐2015” http://www.sd85.bc.ca/sd85.bc.ca/new/Teresa%20FN/Enhancement%20Agreement/Enhancement%20 Agreement%202_Final.pdf Tulo Centre of Indigenous Economics http://www.tulo.ca/

30 Gwa’sala‐‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations: TRM Final Report, Assessing Governance Capacity

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