Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Comprehensive Community Planning
What is Comprehensive Community Planning? The Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw First Nation has a great opportunity to unite the voices of all community members into a plan that will help us make a healthy happy community that we are all proud of. We have received funds create a CCP, a kind of project that many other bands have done in the past with a lot of success. Below are the answers to some questions that you might have about the CCP. What is a CCP? CCP means Comprehensive Community Plan: CCP Researchers
o Comprehensive means that it covers everything, including health, education, our lands, etc. o Community means that it involves everyone who is considered part of the Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw community. It also means that we have to work together to make it happen.
o Plan means that it will help us make good decisions as a community that speaks with a united voice, through the CCP. Band Employees
Community Members
able to use
The more people from the community that help, the better the plan will be. The better the plan is, and the more it reflects what the community wants, the better we will be the plan to help the community.
A CCP is NOT: o Only the opinions of the one or two people who are hired to do the research o Only the opinions of Chief and Council o Open to some community members and not others
Why are we doing a CCP? Many things have happened to the Gwa’sala and the ‘Nakwaxda’xw people to bring us to where we are at now. Some of these things were good, like the culture that our ancestors have passed on to us and the beautiful territories that belong to our people. Some of these things were bad, like the relocation to Tsulquate and the abuses of residential school, which have helped cause many of the problems that our people are facing.
Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Comprehensive Community Planning Because of the good things that have happened, and because of our history, we are a Economic strong people, and now we need to use that Issues strength and our community toolkit to work together to figure out how to create the kind of community we want.
How does a CCP work?
Governance Issues
Health Issues Education Issues
Areas Within the CCP
Lands & Resources
The CCP is a big project, with several steps. Step one is when the researchers get as much information as possible from a lot of different places about the community & its history.
Social Issues
Cultural Issues
The next part is getting out in the community and hearing what community members have to say. What are the problems they see? What changes would they like to see? What is their ‘wish list’ for the community? Eventually, after working together for many months, we will produce the final CCP, which will have plans for how to make the changes that will make our community a better place for all of us. Community members will have many chances to review the parts of the CCP before they are put together, so that they accurately reflect what the community wants and needs. For more information contact: Jessie Hemphill Coordinator, Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Comprehensive Community Planning (250) 902-2306