GN CCP Dotmocracy Phrases

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Yellow: Things to Build/Make 1. “We need a resource place in the community where people can learn the language & culture, and where we can keep our artefacts and learning resources.” 2. “We need a Big House.” 3. “We need a community-owned and operated sawmill.” 4. “We need a breakwater built off of our reserve.” 5. “We need a boardwalk going along the beach in front of the reserve.” 6. “We need a commercial centre (shops, restaurant, etc.) in the reserve.” 7. “We need a Drug & Alcohol treatment centre in the home lands.” 8. “We need a rehabilitation program/centre for criminals in the home lands.” 9. “We need a community-owned tourism resort.” 10. “We need to build communities in the home lands so we could stay out there.” 11. “We need an on-reserve high school.” 12. “We need a motel (with meeting rooms) on-reserve.” 13. “We need a daycare in the community.” 14. “We need the signs in our community to be in B/K” 15. “We need a safe house (like the old receiving home) for apprehended kids from our community.” 16. “Our community needs a homeless shelter.” 17. “Our community needs an apartment building.” Red: Programs/Activities 1. “We need language and culture classes for community members.” 2. “We need a cultural „boot camp‟ in the home lands.” 3. “We need kids‟ camps, Rediscovery, Solo Quest etc. in the home lands.” 4. “We need staff retreats/creative retreats in the home lands.”

5. “We need to do Shellfish Farming.” 6. “We need cultural tours/entertainment for cruise ships.” 7. “We need community-owned craft businesses.” 8. “There needs to be cultural sensitivity training for staff at PHSS and elsewhere.” 9. “We need programs to train parents how to be better parents.” 10. “Our community needs more after-school programs for students & families.” 11. “We need workshops on healthy eating.” Green: Staff & Council Needs To… 1. “Staff that work for our community should learn B/K during work hours.” 2. “We need an elders‟ advisory council to deal with issues in the home lands and consult with council.” 3. “We need a better idea of what kinds of plants and animals are in our home lands, and how much/many.” 4. “We need job-shadowing so that when staff is on holiday there is someone to fill in their position.” 5. “Our community needs more outreach workers to help addicts.” 6. “Staff and council need to spend more time meeting with community members.” 7. “Councillors need a better description of their duties, more direction, etc. when they are elected in.” 8. “We need an outreach/community engagement policy for staff and council.” 9. “We need more policies for how things work in the community.” 10. “We need better communication between staff/council/community.” 11. “We need more/fair enforcement of our community‟s bylaws/policies.” 12. “We need „all candidates‟ meetings before council elections, where community members can ask those who are running what they plan to do.” 13. “The voting age in our community should be changed to 13.” 14. “We need a youth council to meet with council about youth issues.”

Blue: Community Members Need To… 1. “Our community needs to address drug and alcohol abuse.” 2. “The loss of Kwak‟wala is the most important cultural issue for our community to deal with.” 3. “Unemployment is the biggest economic issue that our community needs to deal with.” 4. “Gossip is a big problem in our community.” 5. “Elder abuse/neglect is a big problem in our community.” 6. “We need to translate more cultural knowledge, songs, ceremonies etc. into English.” 7. “Our elders need to have the final say in what happens in the home lands.” 8. “Parents need to take a stronger role in their children‟s‟ education.” 9. “Community members need to take a more active role in finding out about events & programs.” 10. “The community needs to have more input when policy is developed.” 11. “Our community should be involved in Treaty negotiations.” 12. “Community members should not be allowed to live in a house on-reserve if they do drugs there.” 13. “Our community urgently needs better literacy (reading, writing & comprehension).”

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