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[ ) [ ) Janella Johnny watching Vivian Paul jig fish
Would you come to Bakwam’kala classes for adults?
The Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw School
ducation means learning & teaching. Education happens your whole life, both in school and out.
Hot Topics in Education
PHSS Over half of the students at PHSS are first nations!
Many of our kids grow up without learning how to read.
Many of them drop out though, because they find it too difficult or unwelcoming or have things at home to take care of.
Cultural Teachings Our culture was traditionally taught at home, through our elders and in the Big House. Some things, like our language, aren’t getting passed on at home anymore.
C GN School
We have a beautiful school on reserve with a cultural program and lots of community events.
Our people have a lot to teach the outside world too!
Not very many people in our community have computer access for learning about things on the internet and learning how to use computer programs
Our band offers a lot of school and job training courses, such as Adult Basic Education (ABE), Food Safe, First Aid etc. Can you think of a course that you would like to take?
A student learning about the life cycle of salmon