[ ) [ ) Fruits and vegetables are important for your health
What does
h Health h mean?
We have many people in our community who are very healthy and take good care of themselves.
Playing is good exercise too!
ealth means how you feel in your body, mind and spirit. It also means what you do to your body, mind and spirit, good or bad.
Hot Topics in Health
C Addictions
Addictions to drugs and/or alcohol is one of the biggest problems in our community, making many people unhealthy in many different ways.
Diabetes is very common among our people. There is not enough awareness about how to prevent it, or about the needs of diabetic people, especially when it comes to food.
FASD is something that affects many of us for our whole lives, and often gets passed on to our kids, making it harder for them to do well in school.
C Traditional Medicine Our people have a lot of powerful medicine that comes from nature. A lot of this medicine can still be made and used today.
Why do you think addictions are so common in our community?
Basketball is a good workout
What kinds of traditional medicine do you know about?
Gwa’sala man lifting a huge rock
Sports are a great way to stay active and healthy!