GN Planning Meeting Brochure

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}k m Social

6 (Thursday) 0 - 6:00 pm ders’ Centre

Lands & Resources Nov. 11 (Tuesday) 4:00 - 6:00 pm Elders’ Centre

u worried about nd alcohol abuse?

Do you have ideas about how to use our traditional territories?

ce something that you?

Are you worried about giving up ownership of our land through treaty?

re social issues. the CCP meeting on and let’s talk about and other) social

These are lands & resource issues. Come to the CCP meeting on Nov. 11 and let’s talk about these (and other) lands and resources issues!

as part of Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Comprehensive Community Planning

What Does Our Community Need?



Q h

If you are a member of the community, you know the community’s problems are and you have about how to fix them!

Come to a CCP planning meeting to shar ideas, talk about the issues, and find solutions.

Everyone Welcome!

CCP Planning M e e t i n 902-2306

g meetings will be a chance for community members to talk about mmunity needs, what our big issues are, and what our community lue.

an issue you want to talk about, but you don’t know which area into, phone Jessie at 902-2306 and we can figure it out.

Society (first one on Nov. 6!)

hol, abuse, relationships, family, elder care, crime, life skills, daycare, social assistance, religion, entertainment & recreation, gossip, youth, etc.)

Lands & Resources (first one on Nov. 11!)

The crows lines up for dinner at the CCP Launch

g meetings are an important part of our CCP. They will be ening between now and next Spring. They are open to all munity members.

Why should I go to a CCP Planning Meet

es, wildlife, food gathering & hunting, homelands, treaty land, travel to homelands, etc.)

Health (first one on Dec. 5)

xercise, hospitals, mental health, traditional medicine, drugs & alcohol abuse, FASD, etc.)


onomic development, job training, non-timber forest products, unemployment etc.)


Because it’s important that you have a say in how our communi Plus, the meetings will be interesting and useful. You will be tr respect, and we will all get to learn from each other.

There will be food at the meetings too, plus things for kid bring your whole family!

ic, art, traditional foods, sacred sites, museum, big house, learning from our elders, etc.)


hool to post-secondary, adult education, diploma programs, job & life skills training, etc.)


& sidewalks, water & sewer, the Wakas hall, Memorial park, public buildings & areas, etc.)


What will we do at the CCP Planning Mee

We will talk about changes we want to see in our community. W about bad things that we want to change, and good things that support.

& council, staff, leadership, hereditary leadership, INAC, local government, laws, etc.)

ng staff, earching mmunity

October ‘08)

We’re here: community planning meetings & visioning

make workplans, draft CCP

final CCP, implementation!

(November ‘08 - Spring ‘09)

(Spring-Summer ‘09)

(Fall-Winter ‘09)

Steps in our CCP

There will be notes made from the meeting and shared with the in the CCP News. Together at these meetings we will make pl changes we want to see, and all of those plans will get put to our Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) so that they can be f staff & community members to make our community a better pl us!

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