CALLING ALL FIRST NATIONS ARTISTS The "Gwa'sala 'Nakwaxdaxw Art and Gift Shop" is opening for a new season and we are looking to build our art and gift stock. What we are looking for: • Carvings • Masks • Jewelry • Cedar Weaved Pieces • Prints • Painting • Beadwork • Knitted Items • Crochet Items • Drums • Regalia • And so much more!!
"How a People Live" is going to be shown on CBC TV starting on August 2 at 7pm - don't miss it, and tell your friends and family!
So if you have any of the above items we want to hear from you Please contact me if you are interested or if you have any questions about having your work in our shop Gilakasla Leslie Taylor-Child 1(250) 230-9024 or 1(250) 949-8343 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
General Band Meeting July 27, 2014 1:00pm PAGE 1
July 25, 2014
Yo! News is prepared by Bernadine Clayton Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw Receptionist
This newsletter is delivered to all houses on the Tsulquate Reserve every second week and posted to the Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw website. If you have questions or comments about this newsletter, contact Bernadine at (250) 949-8343 or e-mail bandreception@gwanak.info The purpose of this newsletter is to keep Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw community members informed about what is happening in the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Band Office and the surrounding community. Anybody is welcome to make submissions to the newsletter, including announcements, lost-and-found, photographs, bakwam’kwala words, stories, legends, drawings, etc. etc. etc. Other ways to stay connected to the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw community are: Website (www.gwanak.info) Facebook (User: Gwasala Nakwaxdaxw) Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Band Office
PO Box 998, 154 Tsulquate Reserve Port Hardy, B.C. V0N 2P0
COUNCIL Chief Paddy Walkus: (250) 949-1486
Sits on all committees / paddywalkus@gmail.com
Ernie Henderson: (250) 230-3404
Health & Social Development, Housing, Fisheries, Education, Ec. Dev., Treaty, Personnel and Finance Portfolios
Gary Walkus: (250) 230-3852
Health & Social Development & Ec. Dev. Portfolios
Victor Walkus: (250) 230-3855
Health & Social Development, Housing, Forestry, Ec. Dev., and Recreation Portfolios
Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Band Office
Phone: (250) 949-8343 / Fax: (250) 949-7402 Dillan Thomas, Band Manager Manager@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2307 Les Taylor, Native court worker
(250) 949-8343
Margaret Bernard, Finance
finance@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2308 Conrad Browne, Economic Development
ecdev@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2301
Pat Dawson-Hunt, Social Development
patriciad@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2309 Colleen Hemphill, Treaty
chemphil@telus.net / (250) 949-8424 Linda Paul, Treaty Administrative Assistant
kasalas4859@hotmail.com / (250) 949-8994 Lucy Scow, Finance/ council secretary
lucyscow@gmail.com/ (250) 902-2300 Lorna Henderson, Housing
l.d.henderson7@live.ca / (250) 902-2304 Leo Lawson/ Capital Specialist officer lhanslawson@msn.com / (250) 949-2306 Grace Smith, Education
grace.smith176@gmail.com / (250) 902-2320 Bob Swain, Public Works
bswain4@telus.net / Cell: (250) 230-0087 Michelle Beaulieu, Food security & Nutrition coordinator michellehelenbeaulieu@hotmail.com / (250) 902-2311 David Schmidt, Natural Resource manager david.schmidt@snrc.ca / (250)902-2310 Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Elders Centre
Eddie Charlie: (250) 230-9251
Housing Portfolio
Sandra Charlie: (250) 230-4677
Housing Portfolio
Darryl Coon: (250) 230-0360
Housing Portfolio
Terry Walkus: (250) 230-2459
Silena George Elders’ Coordinator
Silena1314@gmail.com / (250) 949-7406 Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Health & Family Services
Front Desk: (250) 949-8131 / Fax: (250) 949-6811 Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw School
Front Desk: (250) 949-7743 / Fax: (250) 949-7422 www.gwanak.bc.ca Eke Me-Xi School
(250) 949-8
THE TSILHQOT’IN NATION COURT CASE: A ‘GAME CHANGER’ FOR FIRST NATIONS Last month the Supreme Court of Canada issued a ground-breaking declaration of Aboriginal title in Tsilhqot’in v. British Columbia. This is the first time that a court has granted Aboriginal title to a specific land area in Canada. This article will look at who are the Tsilhqot’in, what did the Court decide, and highlight possible impacts on the Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations. WHO IS THE TSILHQOT’IN FIRST NATION? The Tsilhqot’in Nation is made up of 6 First Nations in central BC. In 1983 the Province allowed a logging company to cut in Nemaiah Valley. The Xeni Gwet’in (also called the Nemaiah Valley Indian Band) blockaded and then went to court to protect their land. The case turned into a claim of Aboriginal rights and title by the Tsilhqot’in Nation for a part of the Tsilhqot’in Territory centered in the Xeni Gwet’in area. HOW LONG DID IT TAKE AND HOW MUCH DID IT COST? The case took over 25 years to get to the Supreme Court of Canada. We don’t know the exact costs but they have been estimated at $30-$50 million for the Tsilhqot’in Nations and probably as much or more for each government. The Tsilhqot’in got court orders for the Crown to pay most of the Tsilhqot’in Nation’s legal costs due to the novelty and importance of the case. It may be difficult for First Nations to get similar court orders in the future. For comparison, recent treaties cost $10-$25 million in loan funding. WHAT THE TSILHQOT’IN CLAIMED The Tsilhqot’in claimed:
Aboriginal title to approximately 1.1 million hectares of land, excluding private land, submerged land and Indian Reserves. This was not a claim for 100% of Tsilhqot’in Territory: it was only for about 5% of the entire Territory. Aboriginal rights to hunt and trap including a commercial right to sell and trade furs to gain a moderate livelihood and a right to capture and use wild horses. Protection against provincial laws.
WHAT THE COURTS RULED The Tsilhqot’in Nation has:
Aboriginal title to approximately 440,000 hectares of land, excluding submerged land, private lands and Indian Reserves (this is approximately 40% of the 5% of the Territory claimed). Aboriginal rights to hunt and trap including a commercial right to sell and trade furs to gain a moderate livelihood and a right to capture and use wild horses. Aboriginal title lands are federal lands, but they do not have automatic protection against provincial laws. Provincial laws may apply if there is a compelling and substantive public GWA’SALA-’NAKWAXDA’XW NATIONS YO! NEWS
objective and if the Province meets it fiduciary duties which may require consent or at least significant compensation or accommodation to the First Nation. The court declared that economic development can still proceed on land where aboriginal title is established as long as there is consent of the First Nation or, failing that, the Government makes a case that development is pressing and substantial and meets its fiduciary duty to the Aboriginal group. This is a big deal, since it is the first time that the court has agreed that a First Nation must consent (agree to) a project on their land, rather than just being consulted about it. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR TREATY NEGOTIATIONS? The Tsilhqot’in case has been described as a “game changer” and “one of the most important cases in Canadian history”. Here are some thoughts as to what may likely happen after the ‘dust settles’. 1. RIGHT NOW: Increased Consultation The court case places a greater burden on governments to justify economic development on aboriginal land. This means that Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations will have a greater voice in economic development (logging, mining, fishing, tourism, etc.) in our homelands. 2. SHORT-TERM: The use of temporary agreements will likely expand There have been an increasing number of Strategic Engagement Agreements, Forestry Consultation Agreements, Incremental Treaty Agreements, mining revenue sharing agreements, etc. These are temporary agreements to provide some details about consultation, land and resource use and revenue sharing in the short term, while we work on settling a treaty. These types of interim agreements will likely expand and increase. 3. LONG-TERM: Treaty negotiations will likely continue While the Tsilhqot’in case did establish what title means it did not settle a number of important matters. For example, the case did not settle the amount of money owing for past actions. In addition, the case did not settle where provincial laws can apply to Aboriginal title lands, how taxation will work on these lands (since they are not reserve lands), how fisheries might work on these lands, and ownership or control over underwater lands and private lands. For these areas the Tsilhqot’in may either need to go back to court or enter into some sort of negotiation process which may look quite similar to Treaty negotiations. It is also important to note that, so far, the Tsilhqot’in is the only First Nation in Canada with a ruling of Aboriginal title. B.C and Canada may not recognize title for any other First Nation or may only agree to work within the BC Treaty process.
CONCLUSION: Overall, the Supreme Court of Canada has been pretty clear that Aboriginal title does exist and it does include ownership to land and it has to be dealt with in a fair and honorable manner. It is predicted that the Tsilhqot’in case will help us get more land under the BC treaty process, just like the previous Delgamu’ukw court case. If you have any questions about this case, it’s impact on Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw treaty negotiations, please give us a call at the Treaty Office, (250) 949-8424.
Colleen Hemphill, Chief Negotiator
The Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations and K’awat’si Economic Development Corporation LP in Port Hardy B.C. are seeking assistance with the development and implementation of a communication plan.
Situation The Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations (GNN) reside on the Tsulquate reserve near Port Hardy BC. The GNN are looking for a consultant or consulting firm to develop and implement a communication plan for our administration and our new economic development corporation- K’awat’si Economic Development Corporation LP. The communications plan will need to address our on-reserve community, off-reserve community, other First Nations, and local, regional, provincial and Federal governments. Please review our website, www.gwanak.info, for more background information about our community.
Project Scope Develop a Communications Plan for immediate implementation based on the direction of Chief and Council and the k’awat’si Economic Development Corporation board of directors. The consultant(s) will: · gain a clear understanding of the community’s history · understand historic situations and community needs and have a plan for these · develop a communications plan that is both proactive and reactive, in that it will address any potential emergencies that will require communications · create a point of contact for media and the public · use a variety of communication methods, including new forms such as social media and website enrichment, to connect with all demographics and literacy levels The Communications Plan should address the unique needs of each of the following groups, finding synergies when possible: · Chief and council · K’awat’si Economic Development Corporation LP · GN Band Administration This contract should begin in August 2014 and continue for 1 year, to be renegotiated annually.
How to submit a proposal Interested parties should submit the following, no later than August 1, 2014, to: Conrad Browne k’awat’si Economic Development Corporation LP 154 Tsulquate Reserve Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0 or email ecdev@gwanak.info Please include: 1. A cover letter describing your qualifications (or the qualifications of the team of consultants) and how the tasks described above would be carried out 2. A firm estimate of fees to be charged, and an estimate of expenses that would be incurred, including any outside professionals (web designers, facilitators etc.) 3. Resumes of all consultants who would be involved in the project 4. Names and contact information for three references from First Nations organizations (or others) who have been your clients during the last 18 months Interviews with finalists will be held during the week of August 11th. If there are questions, call Conrad at 250-230-5081.
Yo Wiksas? The Elders will be off to Kamloops for the Annual Kamloopa Pow wow Friday August 1st to Tuesday August 5th. We will leave the Elder's Center by 8am Friday morning and return Tuesday by 4pm. Elders that are going, please be sure to attend Monday's Elder's Fun Day as we will finalize the agenda and plans then. Thank you to those that came to lend a helping hand with the last few catering gigs. Mable, Sally, Harriet, Conrad A., John K. For those that were not able to make it or send someone on your behalf, please come and see me in my office as soon as possible. As many of you may already know, the Elders formed an Elder's Council. They were nominated & voted on last summer by the Elders themselves. This group of Elders meet every Friday to discuss issues, concerns, upcoming events & work that has been done. They also make some bigger decisions that I normally had to make in the past. If they do not know what to decide, it then gets brought to a Elder's Meeting where all elders are in attendance. Having the Elder's Council makes a lot of the decision making a lot easier with a strong group mentoring me on what to do. They now share the responsibility in all decision making. Taking a huge weight off my shoulders :) Our Elder's Program has been quite active and we think it is very successful. We have Elder's Fun Day every Monday, where Michelle & Chelsey help cook a healthy & nutritious lunch. Matt then comes in to do a health presentation for an hour. We then play nutritional Bingo and have prizes for the Elders to win. There are Door prizes as well. This past year we have had a few cooking classes with Eki Me Xi. We hope to continue on with that in the next school year. We have had a few baking classes with Natasha Walkus. We didn't have anyone show up, however we did go on with baking and then handed what we made out to those that can't bake any longer. As the Elder's Coordinator, it is my job to ensure the Program runs peachy keen. My duties include, booking meeting room for work based events, booking catering jobs, setting up fundraising activities, bookkeeping, financial management (revenues, expenses, etc.), & planning trips (homelands, Elder's Conference, &
Others). It is not required by my job to drive Elders to their Dr.'s appointments, but I do for those that can not walk onto the bus or can not drive, when I can. I also try and help as much as I can when we have an Elder of the community pass on. I submit weekly/biweekly reports to my supervisor, Colleen Hemphill. I also submit reports to the Trust Committee when required to for funding purposes and record keeping. I usually always have to work through lunches due to catering or Elder's lunches. Therefore so I don't go over in my hours for the day, I come in at 9am. So if you ever tried to come and see me before then or call me and I am not here, that's why. I would be more than happy to discuss any issues, concerns or friendly suggestions any time. I will be away from August 6th to 15th. I will return back to work August 18th. Have a wonderful weekend! Gilakasla Silena George, Elder's Coordinator
Culture Night 7-9pm
Culture Night 7-9pm
Culture Night 7-9pm
Hall Booking
Summer Day Camp 9:30-4:00 pm
Culture Night 7-9pm Leslie Speck jr Dinner 5-7pm Lloyd 9-11pm Hockey
Make up Bingo-Sat Birthday dinner 121pm Sat Ganeral Band Meeting 1pmSunday
Flea Market 10:003:30 pm
Culture Night 7-9pm
o t e s
W E E K n
Make up bingo-Sat
Summer day camp 9:30-4:00pm
Culture Night 7-9pm
Make up bingo-Sat
Summer day camp 9:30-4:00pm
Culture Night 7-9pm
Summer Day camp 9:30-4:00pm
Culture Night 7-9pm
Fred Anderson Feast Full Day-Sat,23rd
Summer Day Camp 9:30-4:00pm
Culture Night 7-9pm
o t e s
W E E K n
Hall Booking
These are the hall Bookings for this month, if you see an opening and would like to book that day please phone the band office so I can add you to the book. I am doing my part to keep this fair and reasonable for everyone, I only ask that you all fallow the hall policies. Thank you PAGE 10
Hall Policy 1. Each person booking the hall will be the person responsible for the time slot that you have booked and also responsible to any damages. Must be 19 years of age to book and only your name can be in the book one a week to give others a chance to book. Also CLEAN UP please after your time slots. 2. The hall can only be opened to the person on the sheet and is present at the set time. If person is not there then the person opening the hall will keep it locked and the hall will be opened at the next time slot for whoever may have the hall booked. Will be taking note of who has missed their time. Also the person who has booked must stay until there time is up or get a hold of jack and sue to close the hall. 3. Booking for sports – Would fall under the weekly booking on each Monday, bookings will take place for the available days of Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday on the time set as 4-6, 6-8:30, 8:30-11 4. These next bookings can be booked in advance of two weeks: -Birthday Dinners -Christmas Parties -Culture Nights
-Celebration Parties -Lottery Tournaments -Lahal
These events also follow the rule of the person booking is responsible for any damage and whole time slot CLEAN UP These events do not follow the set time that are in sport booking. 5. Feast and Potlatches and Memorial events (Dinner, Tournaments) can be Booked up to a month in advance and All terms apply such as damage and CLEAN UP Funeral services have no needed explanation but to state that when needed it is given with no question especially for community members all events can be cancelled to help accommodate our families in need. Please note that there will be fees included as we address more on hall policies etc.
Hello! You have probably been wondering who that stranger is around the Band office lately. My name is David Schmidt and I am the new contract Fisheries Manager for the Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations. I started working around the beginning of June and have had a lot of information to go through to get up to speed and to get things moving. We have been working hard to get the fisheries programs running again, notably the Docee and Nekite programs. I am very lucky to have most of the fisheries crew from last year returning to help me get things going again. As part of my job, I will be evaluating the program, and working with Council and Economic Development, will hope to streamline things and maybe even find better programs to work with. I have over 15 years of experience in Aboriginal fisheries and so I hope my experience will benefit the Nations. I am familiar with the traditional territory having worked with the Nation’s 15 or so years ago and I am excited to be back. Of note, we are expecting a large run of sockeye this year. Between myself and the Fisheries Committee, we are working to ensure that we get our fair share of fish this year. The fishery is opening very soon so we can expect that fish will start to come in very soon. While fish are very unpredictable, we hope to have fish coming in within the next 1-3 weeks. As we know more, we will post notices so that members are well informed. That’s about it for now. Thank you for having me in your community and for the nice comments from those I have already met. I hope to meet more of you soon and look forward to moving ahead!
Dave Schmidt
June 20th, 2014 Good Food Bag Recipes Happy Good Food Bag Friday everyone! I hope everyone has been enjoying the vegetables and ingredients provided in the “extras bag”, there are still lots of ideas to come with using up those vegetables in ways that are quick, healthy and fun! I also wanted to share one of my favorite websites for recipes. You can use the search button to type in any ingredient; food, vegetable, country of origin etc. and it will filter out the many recipes there are in the collection. I’ve found it great when I get stuck on what to make for dinner or when I want to try something different with a certain veggie/ingredient that I have in the house. Hope you enjoy! http://www.tastespotting.com Also if everyone on the Good Food Bag list could please text or email me your phone number so I can send a quick reminder when it is Good Food Bag Friday . You can drop by the band office and add your number to the list as well. Thank you! Michelle Food Security & Nutrition Coordinator 250-949-0144 (cell) michellehelenebeaulieu@hotmail.com
Going green has never been so easy and delicious!
Ingredients for the Pasta: GWA’SALA-’NAKWAXDA’XW NATIONS YO! NEWS
To prepare: Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Cook pasta for 4 minutes then add the shredded cabbage and cook until pasta and cabbage are tender. Set aside ½ cup of the liquid and drain the rest. Heat the oil in a large pan. Add the mushrooms, onions and garlic and cook over med-low heat until the vegetables are tender. Stir the chicken broth and flour in a bowl until combined. Add to the pan with the mushrooms and stir. Add pepper and tomatoes, stirring until the sauce thickens. Return the pasta/cabbage to the large pot. Add the mushroom sauce and reserved pasta water. Add green onions, sage and cheese; gently toss to combine.
Side Dish: Green Salad with Dill Dressing
Main Dish: Mushroom Pasta
Cooked Chicken, cubed Mushrooms, sliced Tomatoes, chopped Green onions, chopped 1 onion, chopped 2 tbsp fresh Sage (or 1 tbsp dried ground sage) Cabbage, shredded 3 cloves Garlic, minced 2 tsp flour ¼ tsp ground pepper 2 tsp olive oil 1/3 cup chicken stock 1 cup cheese, grated whole wheat pasta
The benefits from eating a green salad with raw vegetables, as a side dish is that the salad contains fiber, lots of vitamins (Vit C, Vit E) and minerals (Calcium, etc.) that helps with lowering cholesterol/blood pressure and helps with bloodsugar swings among many others. Ingredients for the salad: Green Lettuce Cucumber, chopped Radish, sliced Sugar snap peas
Ingredients for the dressing: 1 tbsp white wine vinegar 2 tbsp minced fresh dill ½ tbsp Dijon mustard ¼ cup olive oil 2 green onions, chopped To prepare: Wash and chop vegetables, place in a large bowl. Mix all the salad dressing ingredients together to blend well. Pour over salad and toss until all ingredients are evenly coated.
Healthy Dessert or Snack: Cantaloupe and Yogurt
Organic plain Yogurt Berries (optional) Nuts (optional) To prepare: Seed and peel cantaloupe then cut into bite size pieces. Put cantaloupe in a blow and top with yogurt. Add other berries and nuts if desired.
Social Development: Anyone who is on Patricia Dawson-Hunts program With Children is asked to bring in this form in ASAP and hand to receptionist to photo copy please and thank you.
LOCAL JOB POSTING Process Server-Casual Company: White Bear Process Servers Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Wednesday, August 6, 2014 - 9am Details: WhiteBear Process Servers was created in 2014 in order to professionally serve court documentation in the north island area. We are looking for a self-starting individual to begin work in mid August on an on-call/casual basis potentially leading to more regular work. Because of the nature of the position, hours will vary with the amount of work available and as the situation may require - so flexibility is a must. This flexibility goes both ways though - to an extent, you are also able to maintain another job or school while acting as a Process Server. Working conditions will vary with the weather and road conditions as Process Servers will have to, in general, drive around to locate individuals and serve them with court documents. You will be compensated for your time, as well as gas and mileage on your vehicle. This position is ideally suited to a mature student, semi-retired or retired individual - but all applications will be considered. About Process Servers: Process servers are hired to bring court documents to individuals involved in certain kinds of legal proceedings. Usually employed by lawyers and law firms, their job is to ensure that the other party involved in a civil or family law proceeding is aware that the proceeding has begun by physically serving them with documentation. By serving them with the documentation in accordance with court rules, it ensures that the other party has adequate time to prepare for the proceedings, and/or time to seek legal advice if it is required.
Proces Servers need to be able to diffuse potentially tense situations and act in a calm professional manner while dealing with people who at times, don't want to be 'served' documents. This comes often from a misunderstanding about what being served documents is all about - giving them the opportunity and the information they need to respond to the issues being dealt with. As a process server, you will sometimes need to be resourceful in locating individuals. You must be mature, responsible, outgoing, sociable, calm, discreet, and intelligent. Qualifications & Experience: Required: - High School Graduation - Valid Class 5 or 5/6 Driver's Licence - Clean driver's abstract - Have your own vehicle - No Criminal Record (Must allow a criminal record check) - Ability to read maps or use your own GPS or cell phone GPS Preferred: - 2 or more years post secondary education - Knowledge of and experience with court processes, procedures and forms - Experience dealing with people from all cultures and backgrounds - Able to think on your feet and make sound judgments - Safe Driving Course / training - Military or Police service How to apply: Send cover letter, resume and driver abstract to ps@whitebearlegal.com Woods Supervisor / Foreman-Full-Time Company: Malaspina Enterprises Ltd Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Wednesday, August 6, 2014 - 9am Details: This is a camp postion. Qualifications & Experience: Qualified in logging layout and implementation of plans. Safety conscious.
How to apply: Please fax all resumes, drivers abstract and certified tickets to 604.485.6513
How to apply: Forward via email to bumblebfp@gmail.com Recreation Ice Maker 3 (Seasonal Full-time) Company: Chilton Regional Arena Wage: $25.49 per hour Expiry Date: Monday, August 4, 2014 - 9am Qualifications & Experience: Valid BC Class 5 Drivers Licence Refrigeration Operator Certificate or better Arena Icemaker Certificate (would be an asset) WHMIS (can be taken upon hiring) Shall have a minimum 90 days experience in ice making and building maintenance or equivalent combination of experience and education. How to apply: Interested applicants are invited to submit a covering letter, resume and copies of pertinent qualifications to: Gerry Little, Arena Manager, Regional District of Mount Waddington, glittle@rdmw.bc.ca
044 Operator-Full-Time Company: SDJL Contracting Inc Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Wednesday, August 6, 2014 - 9am Details: 2 weeks on 1 week off camp job for an 044 Operator. Qualifications & Experience: Experience required. How to apply: Email resume to sdjlcont@gmail.com Building Caretaker-Full-Time Company: Quarterdeck Inn & Marina Wage: 15.00/hr no benefits Expiry Date: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 - 9am Qualifications & Experience: - Operate industrial vacuum cleaners; - Wash interior walls and ceilings; - Clean snow and ice on walkways and parking area; - Cut and tend grass; - Work in hotel; - Completion of at least secondary school; - Have similar job experience; - Work efficiently. How to apply: Email resume to: admin@dhiholdings.com or drop in.
Housekeeping-Seasonal Company: Black Bear Resort Industry: Tourism/ Hospitality Wage: $13.00/ hr Expiry Date: Monday, August 4, 2014 - 9am Details: housekeeping hotel rooms Qualifications & Experience: willing to train How to apply: In person at front office or by email No phone calls please
Shingle Packer(s)-Full-Time Company: Hamdzalat'si(Bumblebee) Forest Products Ltd. Wage: $15 - $18/hr Expiry Date: Monday, August 4, 2014 - 9am Details: Full time position(s) available. 8 hrs/day. Must provide steel toe boots. Must be able to start at 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Wage: 15$ - 18$/hr depending on experience plus Production Bonus. Qualifications & Experience: Willing to train, must be reliable, hardworking, physically fit, capable of standing for long periods of time, good hand eye coordination, ability to identify wood grades. Heavy lifting is required. PAGE 18
Maintenance Provider-Part-Time Company: Telegraph Cove Marina Ltd. Wage: $2,200/mo to start Expiry Date: Monday, August 4, 2014 - 9am Details: The position is year round but seasonal, with more hours worked in summer and fewer hours in winter. Position includes on-site family housing and could include other amenities such as moorage. Previous job holder retired after 10 years. Qualifications & Experience: Established destination resort with water and sewer utility systems seeks hands-on maintenance and repair provider. Must keep water distribution and
sewer collection systems in good working order, be an experienced self starter, and be capable of planning and performing a wide range of maintenance and repairs. How to apply: Email resume and references to lynnepaasch@gmail.com. Front Desk Clerk-Full-Time Company: Black Bear Resort Wage: $15.50/hr Expiry Date: Monday, August 4, 2014 - 9am Qualifications & Experience: Prefer experience but will train the right candidate. Must be able to work without supervision. 32 + Hours a week. Must be available evening shifts and weekends. How to apply: In person at front desk 1812 Campbell Way or by email blackbr@telus.net Boomman/Tug Boat Deckhand-Full-Time Company: D.H. Timber Towing LTD Wage: 32.00hr plus benifits Expiry Date: Monday, August 4, 2014 - 9am Details: We are a union (ILWU) shift work operation(12hr). Duties are operating winders/dozers, loading ships/barges, stripping boomsticks etc. as well as deckhanding on tugboats, towing logs, and assisting ships/barges. Qualifications & Experience: Must have experience working with winder/dozer boats. Must be physically fit and safety conscious, as well as have a good work ethic, a positive attitude and work well with others. How to apply: email resume to dhtimb@gmail.com or fax to 1 250 949 9886. Stop the Violence Women's Counsellor/Children Who Witness Abuse Counsellor-Full-Time Company: North Island Crisis & Counselling Centre Society Wage: $47,320-$50,960/Year Expiry Date: Friday, August 1, 2014 - 9am Details: Position combines 2 specialized counselling programs,STV assists women to identify, understand & overcome the effects of violence on their lives. CWWA Counsellor works with children & youth who have witnessed PAGE 19
family violence. Must be ethical, respect diversity of NI community. Download full details attached. Qualifications & Experience: Require Master's Degree in Counselling/related field and 2 yrs recent related exp.in counselling/knowledge of violence against women & children. Criminal record check, DL, vehicle, good winter tires, good working knowledge of Aboriginal issues. How to apply: Send to altheav@nicccx.org Apply by August 8 stating position applied for in the subject line of email. Child & Youth Sexual Abuse Intervention Counsellor/Group Facilitator-Full-Time Company: North Island Crisis & Counselling Centre Society Wage: $50,960-$56,238/Year Expiry Date: Friday, August 1, 2014 - 9am Details: 26.5 Hrs/Week as CSAC & 8.75 Hrs/week as Facilitator. Download full details attached Qualifications & Experience: Require Master's Degree in Counselling/related field and 2 yrs recent related exp. Criminal record check, DL, vehicle, good winter tires, good working knowledge of Aboriginal issues. How to apply: Send to altheav@nicccx.org Apply by August 8 stating position applied for in the subject line of email. Morning Cook/Chamber Maid (Winter Harbour)Seasonal Company: Wayne Ridley Fishing Charters Wage: negotiable Expiry Date: Monday, August 4, 2014 - 9am Qualifications & Experience: Needed immediately. Position runs NOW till SEPTEMBER 15th. Duties will include early breakfast shift and daily room cleaning for fishing lodge. Accomodation provided. Position immediate due to regular job holder's medical emergency. Pleasant, friendly lodge. How to apply: Please call or email.
Delivery Driver-Full-Time Industry: Retail & Wholesale Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Monday, July 28, 2014 - 9am Details: Going to customer accounts and doing orders with them and on your own. Delivering product. Vending and stocking customer shelves. Placing some inventory orders. Routine maintenance on company vehicle. Qualifications & Experience: Must have valid class 5 drivers license. Experience with fork lift and electric pallet jack an asset. Must work well on your own and with coworkers. Great customer service experience an asset. Applicants must have steel toed boots or shoes. Must be organized and be able to work well on own but must be able to work with co-workers as well. How to apply: Please bring resume and drivers abstract to 5715 Hardy Bay Rd or email to busyb@cablerocket.com Sanitization Leadhand-Seasonal Company: Keltic Seafoods Ltd Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Monday, July 28, 2014 - 9am Details: Keltic Seafoods has an immediate opening for a supervising sanitation specialist. This employee will work afternoons and evenings up to 8 hours and will be provided with instruction and training commensurate with their responsibilities. Qualifications & Experience: Duties will include: • Supervision of cleaning staff • Generating cleaning reports • Scheduling of cleaning staff • Cleaning and sanitizing processing equipment • Cleaning and sanitizing processing rooms • Inventorying sanitizing and cleaning supplies • Laundry duties • Plant handyperson maintenance . How to apply: See attached job description for more information Email resume to: hr@kelticseafoods.com Fax to : 250-949-8825 PAGE 20
Warehouse Labourer-Full-Time Company: Busy B's Distributing Ltd Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Monday, July 28, 2014 - 9am Details: Receiving and Shipping orders. Stocking shelves. Building customer orders. Placing inventory orders. Cleaning and organization of warehouse. And all other duties required. There may be some coverage of drivers duties for deliveries. Qualifications & Experience: Must be Extremely organized. Good with numbers. Fast and Efficient work skills. Warehouse experience an asset but willing to train the right person. Forklift and electric pallet jack experience an asset. Must work well on your own and with a team. Must have steel toed boots or shoes. Valid class 5 drivers license required. Please provide drivers abstract. How to apply: Please bring resume and drivers abstract to 5715 Hardy Bay RD Port Hardy BC or email to busyb@cablerocket.com Baker/Server-Full-Time Company: Mo's Restaurant Wage: $11.50/Hour & Tips Expiry Date: Monday, July 28, 2014 - 9am Details: Bake sweets, take cash, serve customers and general cleaning.. Start ASAP. Qualifications & Experience: Must be flexible, willing to multitask and doing all duties as required. How to apply: In person with resume to Moe: 7070 Market Street Weekend Driver/Cleaner-Part-Time Company: Mo's Restaurant Wage: $10.50/Hour & Tips Expiry Date: Monday, July 28, 2014 - 9am Details: Deliver food, wash dishes and do general cleaning Qualifications & Experience: Require Class 5 DL. Must be flexible, willing to multitask, and do all duties as required.
How to apply: In Person with Resume to Moe: 7070 Market Street
Wage: $12hr Expiry Date: Friday, July 25, 2014 - 9am Details: This position is full time during July to November. Opening for 35 Fish Processors!
Line Cook-Full-Time Company: Mo's Restaurant Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Monday, July 28, 2014 - 9am Details: Line cook needed who has FoodSafe. Experience is preferred. Start ASAP. Qualifications & Experience: Must be flexible, willing to multitask and able to do all duties as required. How to apply: In person with resume to Moe: 7070 Market Street
Duties include: rating fish
employee’s control Company
Deckhand/Boomman-Full-Time Company: Croman Corp Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Friday, July 25, 2014 - 9am Details: Heli-logging camp job. Deckhand duties on tugboat and crew boat; build water drop zone; complete camp maintenance & service equipment. Start ASAP Qualifications & Experience: Must have experience working on boom sticks. Applicant myst be mechanically inclined with a positive attitude and willing to take on responsibilities. How to apply: email resume to mikeghis@telus.net Hill Boss/Buckers/Riggers-Full-Time Company: Corman Corporation Wage: DOE Expiry Date: Friday, July 25, 2014 - 9am Details: This is a heli-logging camp position. Require hard hat, safety caulk boots & personal safety gear. Qualifications & Experience: Must be experienced in Heli-Logging and all aspects of bucking & rigging. How to apply: Apply by email to mikeghis@telus.net Process Line Workers-Seasonal Company: Keltic Seafooods PAGE 21
Require WSBC approved safety toe rubber boots with tread. Qualifications & Experience: Good clean “food safe” hygienic work habits Able to comply with Occupational Health and Safety Program regulations Occupational First Aid certification an asset but not necessary How to apply: Human Resource Manager Keltic Seafoods PO Box 1559, Port Hardy, BC, Canada V0N 2P0 Phone: 250-949-8088 Fax: 250-949-8825 Email: hr@kelticseafoods.com Community Poverty Strategy Consultant-PartTime Company: Min of Child & Family Development Wage: Salary $29.23- $33.34 hr Expiry Date: Friday, July 25, 2014 - 9am Details: Community Poverty Strategy Consultant Salary $29.23- $33.34 hourly, plus isolation allowance This is a part time (0.5) auxiliary position until March 31, 2015 with the possibility of extension An excellent opportunity for a dedicated social services professional with a passion for community development Are you passionate about community development and working with stakeholders and clients who are impacted by poverty? Do you want to make a difference for families with
children living in poverty in the community you live and/or work in? The Ministry of Children and Family Development is leading an initiative on poverty reduction on behalf of the provincial government, and are continuing to pilot the project in the following seven communities: Port Hardy, Surrey, New Westminster, Cranbrook, Kamloops, Prince George and Stewart. A Community Poverty Strategy Consultant is currently needed in the community of Port Hardy to develop poverty reduction strategies in partnership with local municipal governments, community and business partners and other stakeholders for families with children living in poverty. With your extensive experience in the social services field, you develop strategic, measurable plans focused on addressing poverty, mitigating its effects and connecting low income families with supporting services. Your ability to communicate with a diverse range of clients and engage in the local community ensures your success at working directly with families to understand their individual needs, and the history, culture and existing social service supports to low income families with children. You also capably engage external partners, providing strategic direction to identify potential supporters, advocates, activities, education opportunities and other supports to develop a local poverty reduction plan. Highly organized with strong planning and coordinating skills, you ensure the services and activities developed are measurable for evaluation and reporting purposes, and that they meet the needs of low income families with children who are living in or vulnerable to poverty. We are seeking someone who is motivated and excited about change, has the ability to successfully bring people together for a common goal, and is open to new and innovative ways of providing assistance to families. If this sounds like the right opportunity for you, we look forward to your application. PAGE 22
PLEASE NOTE: The successful applicant will be based in Port Hardy - alternate work locations cannot be considered To learn more about this opportunity, please contact Kathy.BerggrenClive@gov.bc.ca DO NOT APPLY TO THIS EMAIL. A cover letter is required as part of your application and must clearly demonstrate how you meet the requirements of the position. An eligibility list may be established. A criminal record check will be required. Applications may be considered for other similar current and future vacancies, including permanent and/or temporary positions in various locations. Qualifications & Experience: To develop community poverty reduction strategies within a designated local community as the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) lead on the Community Poverty Reduction Strategies Project on behalf of the provincial government. The project is dependent on partnerships between the provincial and municipal governments, local community organizations, service providers and business representatives to develop strategic, measurable plans focused on addressing poverty, mitigating its effects and connecting low income families with supporting services. The focus will be on developing regional community poverty reduction strategies specific to the local community, within the current fiscal climate, that meet the needs of low income families with children who are living in or vulnerable to poverty. Services and activities developed must be measureable for evaluation and reporting purposes. Qualifications:In order to be considered for this position your resume must clearly demonstrate that you have the following:
Completion of formal course work leading to a Bachelor’s Degree, preferably in social sciences or a related field Minimum 5 years experience working in the social services field, including providing services to and directly interacting with a diversity of clients Experience working with diverse clients and external organizations, including staff in other government agencies, First Nations organizations, health and other non-profit service providers, community stakeholders and members of the public Experience working in community development preferred Applicants who move forward in the process may be assessed on the selection criteria and competencies in the attached job profile. How to apply: Only applications submitted using the BC Public Service Job Opportunities website will be accepted. https://search.employment.gov.bc.ca/cgibin/a/highlightjob.cgi?jobid=20554 Experienced Labourers-Full-Time Company: Wacor Holdings Ltd. Expiry Date: Thursday, July 24, 2014 - 9am Qualifications & Experience: Experienced Labourers in underground pipe laying and utility installation for site service. How to apply: Fax to: 250-287-9634 or email to: wacor1@telus.net Front Desk Agent-Part-Time Company: Port Hardy Hotel Resort Ltd Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Thursday, July 24, 2014 - 9am Details: Quarterdeck Inn is looking for another team member! Position is P/T to start. You are energetic, have superior customer service skills and are able to work under pressure. Must be available evenings, weekends PAGE 23
and holidays, and have transportation to and from the Hotel. Must be able to take direction and be a team player. Qualifications & Experience: Hospitality industry knowledge an asset but not required. Basic computer and office equipment knowledge necessary. How to apply: Apply in person between the hours of 7am-3pm Monday-Friday at 6555 Hardy Bay Road, or email info@quarterdeckresort.net
Happy 5th Birthday To Our Daughter BraeLynn On July 26th. Happy Birthday to my Big Bro Albert On The 28th Love From BabyGurl & Family. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Huge hugs and love to my granddaughter Tynisha Mclean and wishing her Happy 10th Birthday on July 25th 2014 and enjoy your special day and have fun sweetie. Love you Lots Love & prayers Ahda Maggie A. Jack
Happy belated birthday kailey akira jade love dad mom and the boys July 21, 2014 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I would like to see reports from Chief and Council, and other programs. It really doesn't take much to do a short report, and it is so important to keep us "off-reserve" members informed. From Gloria Brotchie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please Help Your Children if & when the garbage needs to be dumped out. Crows and stray/loose dogs get at the garbage & then gets all over the place. From Sally George ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy Birthday to my Bro Albert Charlie on July 28 th wishing you all the best. We love you From Priscilla Charlie-Iraheta, Diana Charlie Luis, Luis Alexandre baby Rj ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If anyone has computer issues give me shout or text at 902-7857 From John Walllace ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy 10th birthday sweety Tynisha McLean on July 25th love uncle Thomas , Jolene , Denise an baby linden , love you lots. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~