Recreation survey final 2016

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Pool/Recreation Centre Survey


Survey Closes February 19, 2016

Surveys can be submitted in paper format , completed online at or use your smart phone to scan the QR code Please drop off your completed survey to: Municipal Hall at 7360 Columbia Street or Port Hardy Recreation Complex at 7400 Columbia Street


The Council of the District of Port Hardy has undertaken the first step in the rehabilitation of the existing Pool. An assessment of the Pool, conducted by Stantec Engineering Ltd., details issues and requirements to bring the Pool up to standard. The Port Hardy Swimming Pool is now over 40 years old, normal life expectancy of a swimming pool is 30 to 40 years; this pool has approached the end of its ‘active’ lifespan. It has been 25 years since a major renovation and retrofit, since that time it has served the community well.


Option #1 - Repair existing Extend life span up to 15 years Repairs would also require the facility to be closed for long periods of time (minimum 1 year).

• Immediate repairs

(Cost $830,000)

Tile repair, heating and ventilation upgrades, dehumidifier replacement and seismic upgrades.

• Ongoing required repairs 1-9 years

(Cost $2,329,000)

Full tile replacement, heating and ventilation upgrade, building upgrades, plumbing upgrades, Security, general interior finishes and building systems.

Total $3,159,000 (estimated) Option #2 – Repair and Expand the facility Extend life span up to 15 years

$3,159,000 (repair Option #1) $4,857,000 (expansion) Total $8,016,000 (estimated)

This would include an addition to the existing facility, which would then be opened to allow for the upgrades to occur on the existing facility; however it may be necessary to close the pool to complete some of the works.

Option #3- New Building

Total $10,514,000 (estimated)

New building facility life span 30-40years A new building would be constructed in the adjacent parking area and when complete the existing pool would be removed. The existing Pool would be open during construction, no loss of use.

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- Prize Draw-

The Council is looking to the public for input on what the needs of the community are before undertaking any works. The results of the consultation will determine the next steps for Council. The Council will be seeking for grant funding to assist with the project, how the process unfolds will help in deciding which funding opportunities fit with the needs of the community. We ask that everyone in your household take the survey so that we ensure all of the needs are taken into consideration. For youth under the age of 18, an adult in the family may fill out the survey and return it (please fill out as many as required for your household) Your name, address and phone number will only be used to notify the winners of the prizes and will be held in strict confidence under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (or you can fill out the survey anonymously). Please call Heather Nelson-Smith if you have any questions about your privacy at 250-9566665 or email There will be three $50.00 Gift Certificates available to win (random prize draw).

Thank you for your input!

If you have any questions about this survey, please call the District Office at 250-949-6665 or email

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1. Do you or a family member(s) use the Pool?

 Yes  No

2. If you answered no, what are the reasons why you don’t use the Pool? (Select all that apply)

 Too expensive  Programs you are interested in aren’t offered  Programs you are interested in don’t work with your schedule  Don’t swim  Lack of time  Quality of instruction  Equipment needs upgrading  Activities aren’t offered at a convenient time  Don’t know what activities are available  _____________________________  _____________________________

3. If you used to use the Pool, why did you stop? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

4. If you answered yes to question 2, what programs do you take part in? (Select all that apply) (If you answered No to question 2 skip to question 8)

 Swimming lessons  Aquafit  Family swim  Public swim  Lengths  Parent and tot  Private parties  __________________________

5. How often do you go to the Pool?

 1 -3 days per week  3-5 days per week

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 5 or more days per week  Once per month  __________________________ 6. How long do you stay?

 Less than 1 hour  1-2 hours  2-3 hours  4 hours or more

7. How many people (family members) come with you when you visit? (Check all that apply)

 I come on my own  1 other family member  2 other family members  3 other family members  4 or more family members

8. What programs would you like to see offered at the pool?

 Water running  Parent/tot cardio  Weekend lessons  _____________________  _____________________  _____________________  _____________________  ____________________


9. How would you rate your overall customer service experience? Please assign a rating of 1-10 where 1=Unacceptable and 10= Outstanding 1











Where do you find out about events/programs at the pool?

 Radio  Print advertisement/Newspaper  Newsletter  Website

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 Facebook  Public notice boards  Friends or family  Other___________________________ 11.

Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements: Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

Not Applicable

It was easy to find information about the programs It was easy to find information about the facilities It was clear who to contact to get information/register in a program/book a facility The hours of service were convenient Staff were knowledgeable and able to answer questions I was able to contact a staff person without difficulty


Please indicate your level of satisfaction: Extremely Unsatisfied

Moderately Unsatisfied

Neither Slightly Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied Satisfied

Slightly Unsatisfied

Moderately Satisfied

Extremely Satisfied

Not Applicable

Information about the programs Information about the facilities Information about who to contact Hours of service Staff knowledge and ability to answer questions Ability to contact a staff person without difficulty

13. How would you rate this facility overall? Please assign a rating of 1-10 where 1=Unacceptable and 10= Outstanding











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14. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following facilityrelated elements: Neither Extremely Unsatisfied

Moderately Unsatisfied

Slightly Unsatisfied

Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied

Slightly Satisfied

Moderately Satisfied

Extremely Satisfied

Not Applicable

Facility location Parking Facility accessibility Signs Facility staff Facility cleanliness Equipment quality and maintenance Change rooms and washrooms Snack bar concession bar


Would you recommend this facility to friends/family?

ď ą Yes ď ą No


There are costly immediate, short and long term repairs required to continue operating the pool facility. This next section of questions will help Council determine how to proceed in the future; closure, repair, expansion or new construction? Please see the summary of this survey on Page 1 to see the costs associated with the report.


Please indicate how strongly you agree with the following statements: Page 6 of 10

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

Not Applicable

The Pool should be closed

The Pool should be repaired The Pool should be expanded A new facility should be built Fitness facilities should be considered in an expansion or new facility Additional community space should be considered in an expansion or new facility In any repair, expansion or new construction energy efficiency is important

17. If the facility is expanded or a new facility is considered, what other items would you like Council to consider? Example- wave pool or squash courts. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________


Your age

 18-24 years  25-34 years  35-49 years  50-64 years  65+ years

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19. Are you filling this survey out on behalf of a child who participates in programs at the pool?

 Yes  No


How old is your child who you are filling out this survey for?


Where do you live?


How is the best way to communicate with you? (Select all that apply)

 0-4 years old  5-9 years old  10-14 years old  15-17 years old

 Port Hardy Municipality  Fort Rupert / Tsakis  Tsulquate / Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw  Quatsino (QFN)  Coal Harbour  Winter Harbour  Port McNeill  Port Alice  Holberg  Old Quatsino  Cormorant Island/Alert Bay  Hyde Creek  Malcolm Island/Sointula  Gilford Island  Woss  Zeballos  _____________________

 Home Phone  Cell/Smart Phone  Computer - email  Website/Internet  Social Media (Facebook/Twitter)  Text message  Newsletter  Mail outs  Bulletin boards

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ď ą Radio ď ą Newspaper 23. Name, address and phone number (optional only used for prize purposes and will not be used, shared or sold) __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Email Address: please check box if you wish to receive updates about the Pool survey results


Other comments

__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Page 9 of 10

__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

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