Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw First Nation Comprehensive Community Planning
We need more staff participation in the CCP. Please come out to CCP meetings or let Jessie know how to include you in the CCP in a way that works for you.
Staff Update April 2009
ope you all had a great long weekend! It’s been pretty busy around the CCP office, check out the newest CCP News for an update on the different activities that have happened in the last few months. The next step in our CCP is community visioning, where the community comes together to describe how we want our community to be in the future. It would be great to see staff members out to CCP meetings at this crucial stage in our comprehensive community planning. Remember, even if you’re not a Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw band member, you are still part of the community if you work here. Check out some of the activities that are coming up soon. Hope to see you there! Gila’kasla, Jessie Hemphill CCP Coordinator
Forestry Forum April 16 10:00am to 3:00pm Wakas Hall, Tsulquate Reserve Staff from all of the forestry companies working in our home lands will be at the hall to talk to community members about the forestry activities out there. Don’t miss the panel discussion in the afternoon!
Grand door prize of a trip to Seymour Inlet!
Silena George CCP Assistant
Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Comprehensive Community Planning (CCP) (250) 902-2306
CCP Meetings Regular Monday-night CCP meetings at the elders’ centre will begin again as soon as the new chairs and tables arrive.
Top: Terrence and Ernie helping Jessie clean up after the CCP Meeting on Health. Bottom: Participants at the March 26 workshop on ‘Building Relationships Between First Nations and Non-First Nations’ watch students from the G-N School perform the Hili’kala.
Community Visioning Workshop
These meetings are held once a week from 5 to 7 pm. Dinner is always served, and child minding is available, although kids must have an adult accompany them to the meeting.
On May 27 there will be a workshop held in the Elders’ Centre here in Tsulquate. At this workshop, participants will learn how to do community visioning in their own communities. We will also be learning how to write good proposals to get funding for community visioning.
Check out the latest CCP News for reports from the last few CCP meetings.
If you are interested in attending, phone Jessie at 902-2306 a.s.a.p. as the spaces are filling up quickly.