CULTURAL EXPERIENCE OPPORTUNITY Artists! Historians! General Membership! The Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations’ Treaty team has obtained funding for people to go and stay at Giga’ak and Ba’as. Unfortunately the funding from the Government has only just arrived, so we are doing this later than we originally hoped. The project is to record how many boats are coming in to Giga’ak and Ba’as and to see how many people are interested in getting a short cultural tour of the villages. There is funding to provide 2 people at both locations, for a 2 week stay at Giga’ak in September and 3 - 2 week stays at Ba’as, September and October. Food, sleeping bags and camping equipment will be provided, plus a $50 per day honorarium. Transportation by boat and float plane will also be provided. Family members are welcome to accompany you, but you will need to provide for their food. If you are interested, as soon as possible please contact Bernadine, receptionist at the office, to get on the list.