Yo! news November 21/ 2016

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Gwa’sala-Nakwaxda’xw Nakwaxda’xw

Yo! News

November 21/2016



Yo! News

November 21/2016


Starting in January Where

Location to be determined FEATURING•The •The GNN Communications Team/Trust /Treaty Please forward any and all questions to GNN Communications Team:Wade Team:Wade Charlie&Karina Johnny Family event

In lieu of the two previous AMG meetings postponements, we will be doing family meetings. THESE MEETINGS WILL HELP PREPARE THE COMMUNITY COM FOR THE UPCOMING ING AGM AGENDA ITEMS For The agm

 Financial Statement's  Annual Report

PotentialBenefits Build trust. Educate and share tools to navigate through a meaningful Annual General Meeting. Eliminate Misinformation and help community understand Band Administration .


Gwa’sala-Nakwaxda’xw Nakwaxda’xw

Yo! News

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Yo! News

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November 17, 2016


Governance Policy Project During the years 2006 – 2012 the Treaty Department carried out governance studies with the Administration as well as the Chief, Council and Hereditary Chiefs. The purpose of the work was to learn about gaps and needs towards building stronger governance structures for our community in the future. At that time, the now Minister of Justice, Jody WilsonRaybould facilitated a three day workshop with the Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw leaders to determine strengths and weaknesses of our governance system. In addition, several Treaty Related Measures were carried out to determine how the GN could build more effective governance. Recently the Treaty Department applied for and received a grant to address the above. Gaps identified and that will be addressed by this project include:

1. Clear Chief and Council Role: The role of Chief and Council is not written except in Indian Act provisions which can result in unclear direction at times in regard to various functions such as the ‘portfolio’ system. 2. Orientation Package and Policy: There is not a consolidated orientation package for Chief and Councillors that can assist their transition into their role, nor is there a policy about how training for incoming leaders is undertaken by the Nation. 3. Clearer understanding between Hereditary and Elected leadership roles: Given the importance of cultural protocols within our community, there is also at times confusion about the roles of elected and hereditary leaders. (As stated in the theGov TRM 2012 findings) 4. Development of a Strategic Planning Framework: Council’s role in strategic planning will be refined and a framework scoped out for present and future planning considerations. Direct benefactors from this project will be the leadership and administrative staff of the GN. Community will benefit from the newly built capacity in the form of enhanced program design and delivery, as well as on-going and effective communications and dialogue with the community about the work being carried out.

Working with Council, the hereditary leaders and community is a “Governance Development Project Director”, a “Project consultant” and a “Youth Governance Worker Trainee”. Scott Graham of a company called sparcbc has been retained, along with long time governance worker for the GN, Sharlene Frank and youth trainee, Thomas Kervin.

We welcome Thomas Kervin, a Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations member, as part of the project team. With a background in political science, Thomas will assist with the project and also look at ways other First Nations have included their Youth in governance. He brings strong skills including enthusiasm and motivation to the work. While



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aiming to achieve specific goals of building our capacity toward strong self-governance, the project is an opportunity for hands on training and orientation while remaining home in the local community.

We look toward a completed Council Orientation Manual and additional Governance Policy at the end of the Governance Policy Project, March 2017. This will be of great assistance as we move toward becoming more self-reliant and self-governing nations.

Archival Photo at GN School, taken March 2012 featuring Jodi Wilson Raybould, GN Students and myself.

[Yo News Article prep’d by Colleen Hemphill, Chief Negotiator, Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations]



Yo! News

November 21/2016


Please bring in your bill as soon as you receive so I can pay it. I have recently found out in my training that not just our community that struggles with disconnections, no matter how hard we try get payments in on time that is never the case, the system is just not working well enough for us, we have been given an amazing opportunity that will come into effect in the next little while where I will be able to pay through online or BSDW’s can have complete access with your permission online. INAC has come to the agreement that we struggle a lot with it and came up with this solution, as a BSDW I am excited for this process. I would also like to take this time to encourage you to please try to do whatever you can to eliminate high consumption, I do realize it is colder months now but there are ways to help IE: you can purchase energy saving light bulbs an, doing 1-2 loads a week, each time you do a load of laundry per day you go into a different level of consumption which is way more expensive. Unplug all small items like toasters, coffee pots, can openers etc. Limit the traffic to your fridge and freezers. Start recording how much energy you are saving on your meter outside, challenge yourself and try something new to see if can save even more  If you would like you can come in and ask how I was able to bring my bill down from $300/ month to $42-45/month I would be happy to shoot some ideas to you. Monthly Declaration (Stubs) It has been discussed at a higher level then myself that it would be a lot easier on the process for all parties to have these forms in and signed a week before Social Assistance day which is always the last weds of each of month. This month the stubs are due on Weds. Nov. 23rd and next month it will be due December 7th, I will have these forms with me at the hall on disbursement cheque pick up. If you do not have a stub in by this day you will not receive a cheque on SA day! Your cheque will be issued once the big file comes back to me which sometimes could be the following Monday. Xmas Bonus Each year all social assistance clients receive a bonus this is to help out with Christmas, you are only eligible if you have been on social assistance for the month before. We have decided to distribute these on the 22nd of December instead of first week of January. Appointments I strongly encourage you to please make an appointment if you have any questions about anything, If is something I can’t I encourage you to go and see my manager, that is the best solution, I have to follow policy and compliance if it something you don’t agree with, I am sure we can explain why these decisions are made, if we can’t come up with the answer we can have INAC write a letter to you explaining why they have made those decisions. It is really hard to take calls especially if I am in the middle of reporting or in with someone else so I ask that you please make an appointment with Bernadine or the front desk to assure you have that timeslot to talk with me. It is also easier if



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you let the front desk know what it is that you are making the appointment for so we are well prepared before you come in, especially if all you want is copies of id than we can just have this on hand for you the next day! If you are applying it would be great if you can let them know so they can explain to you what you need before you come in. Applying for Social Assistance When you apply you will need to bring in 2 pieces of ID one of them being a government issued and a secondary, you will also need to bring in any ID for anyone who will be on file, if you do not have their ID they will not be added, we can help with moving it forward though. Social assistance cheque will not be issued that same day you applied anymore. The applications will be approved by different persons other than myself from here on out to alleviate controversy. These people who have been chosen have been approved and suggested by INAC. Wood orders We have only 2 people on right now awaiting repairs to the other 2 who have been hired very recently they will be available soon. Right now we have Albert Charlie and Jeff Field, the others will be released once they are up and going. You will be approved according to your shelter entitlement this would depend on what amount is paid towards rent and utilities, this is only for IA clients but elders are ok to have 2 loads per month. When you request wood I will let you know if you are eligible for the 2 loads. Utility and Rent We have recently got an interim shelter agreement which means that the band is allowed to charge rent to band owned homes now, this help with the renovations in the future. It has also been agreed that Social Development can deduct IA clients rent from their shelter. Also shelter is not ever issued to the client, the purpose of the shelter is to help

offset the cost to living expenses, not pay it all but pay what we can. You are entitled to it if you have source to pay, i.e.: bills. Rent cannot be paid to band owned home units or individuals, cheques can only be issued to the home owners who have a BCR saying they paid their $1.00. If you are on Income assistance you are not eligible to receive rent from any other clients on income assistance. Telus can be paid only for the basic phone partwhich is $39.99, the internet and Satellite is paid by you. Requests of letters

Please allow 48 hour notice at least so I have some time to process. It does get difficult for me when someone requests letters and only gives me an hour to do so, I will not have any letters done without a 48 hour notice, it will get done just done in 48 hours.



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FRAUD IT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT ALLOWED IF SOMEONE SIGNS ON BEHALF OF SOMEONE THAT PERSON CAN AUTOMATICALLY BE TERMINATED FROM THE PROGRAM. IT IS CONSIDERED FRAUD! IF YOU AREN’T LIVING IN THE RESERVE AND HAVENT REPORTED IT TO ME AND STILL COLLECTING HERE ON THE RESERVE THAT IS ALSO FRAUD, IF YOU DO NOT DECLARE EARNED OR UNEARNED INCOME IT IS ALSO DECLARED FRAUD, IF YOU ARE UNSURE WHAT YOU CAN MAKE UP TO PLEASE COME IN AND SEE ME OR ASK BERNADINE CLAYTON, WINNING AT BINGO IS KNOW AS UNEARNED INCOME, I DO HAVE RELIABLE SOURCES FOR THE REPORTING OF WINNINGS WITHIN THE SURROUNDING COMMUNITY BINGOS. A LETTER WILL BE MAILED OUT TO YOU LETTING YOU KNOW YOU ARE OR ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THE CURRENT OF FOLLOWING MONTH OF IA. Program and events We have some amazing talented people within our community, we will be hosting some cultural teachings as well as some learning of cooking etc. we also have purchased trips to the homelands for social assistance clients only, the purpose of these trips is to collect cedar, traditional foods and tools, learn about our home in both the Gwa’sala and the Nakwaxda’xw territories, just keep in mind that we won’t have seats for every one of the clients so we will need to come up with a way to select them. Keep your ears open as there are more exciting plans in the near future. This is it for now, please if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at the office, office hours 8am to 4pm Monday to Fridays. I am asking in the most respectful way that you not contact out of office hours, this is my time with my family thank you for your understanding.



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Yo! News

November 21/2016

Yo wiksas? This month has been tough. The Elders send out their love and prayers to the entire community. There have been a lot of fun things happening here at the Elder's Centre. We had Bob & Cathy come and join the elders for lunch last week and talk about Emergency preparedness. There was some very useful information shared. The goal for the near future is to have an emergency preparedness kit for each elder. We will look into this as a group immediately. Another exciting event was the Ekemexi students comimg up and cooking and then presenting to the group. The students shared what they have been learning and even played board/card games with the elders, which they have converted to kwakwala/bakwamgala! It was a great turn out. Gilakasla Ekemexi for preparing such a wonderful meal for the Elders (and giving me a bit of a break from the kitchen). Gilakasla Stan for the clam fritters. They looked amazing. The Elders will be gathering again on Wednesday for another awesome lunch. Stay tuned for Christmas extravaganza activities next month. Gilakasla Silena George Elder's Program Administrator (250) 949 0126 Silena1314@gmail.com Box 574



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Yo! News

November 21/2016

Please disregard my previous email and use the information in this email for sharing: Hello, The First Peoples’ Cultural Council invites you to share this Call for Applications in your upcoming community newsletter or newspaper, and to circulate to your contacts: __________________________________________________________________________

The Aboriginal Languages Initiative (ALI) 2017-2018 is now open for applications The First Peoples' Cultural Council is pleased to announce that the Aboriginal Languages Initiative (ALI) program is now accepting applications for the 2017-2018 program year. B.C. First Nations communities and organizations are eligible to apply for up to $35,000 to support community-based projects that contribute to the revitalization and preservation of Aboriginal languages in B.C. Application Deadline: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 4:30 pm. The Application Form, Funding Guide and Budget Form are available on our website at: http://www.fpcc.ca/language/Programs/ALI.aspx. Please review the eligibility requirements before applying to this program. Emailed or faxed applications will not be accepted. Applications can be mailed to: First Peoples’ Cultural Council 1A Boat Ramp Road Brentwood Bay. B.C. V8M 1R3 All inquiries can be directed to Aliana Parker aliana@fpcc.ca or Barb Matilpi barb@fpcc.ca or call 250-6525952 ___________________________________________________________________________ The Aboriginal Languages Initiative (ALI) 2017-2018 Call for Proposals flyer is attached in PDF format; please feel free to share with anyone interested in applying. If you require further information for your newsletter please contact: Aliana Parker - aliana@fpcc.ca Barb Matilpi - barb@fpcc.ca Thank you! Britt Thorburn Language Programs Assistant _____________________ First Peoples' Cultural Council 1A Boat Ramp Road Brentwood Bay, B.C. V8M 1N9 Tel: (250) 652-5952 ext. 209 Fax: (250) 652-5953 Email: britt@fpcc.ca www.fpcc.ca "Committed to the revitalization of B.C. First Nation’s languages, arts and cultures."



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Yo! News

November 21/2016

Job Posting Port Hardy and North Island Port McNeill Chauffeur/Driver - Full-Time Company: Waivin Flags Taxi Industry: Transportation Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 - 8am Qualifications & Experience: Class 1 or 4 Licence required. A clean drivers abstract a MUST and clear of any criminal involvement. Must be friendly and enjoy people from around the globe. How to apply: Please send email to: ptquansah@gmail.com or call 250.230.7655 Website: http://www.waivinflags.com Port Hardy and North Island Fort Rupert Early Childhood Educator - Full-Time Company: Kwigwis Daycare Industry: Education Wage: DOE Expiry Date: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 - 8am Details: Reporting to the Manager the Early Childhood Educator will work within the early childhood program providing high quality care and creative, culturally appropriate programming for children. Applicant should work effectively as a team member, be self motivated, and have the ability to work independently.The applicant should also maintain professional standards and maintain confidentiality with respect to families and work. Qualifications & Experience: Early Chilhood Educator certificate or Diploma, Valid licence to practice Criminal record clearance to work with children Valid first aid/CPR certificate Provide a doctors note attesting your good physical and psychological health How to apply: In person at 99a Tsakis Way, email kwigwis@kwakiutl.bc.ca or mail Box 1440 Port Hardy BC V0N 2P0 Welder/Fabricator - Full-Time Company: Westport Welding Industry: Construction/ Trades Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 - 8am Details: Looking for a qualified, hardworking individual to perform welding and fabrication tasks. Qualifications & Experience: Seeking someone with a welding ticket, preferably a journeyman but willing to hire an apprentice. How to apply: Please email all resumes to: westportwelding@gmail.com



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Teacher - Primary - Full-Time Industry: Education Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 - 8am Details: Are you looking for an exciting challenge want to work in a beautiful northern community where the seafood is fresh and the air is clean? Then apply to Wagalus School in Port Hardy, British Columbia! Applicants are invited to apply for Primary Teacher position for the 2016 - 2017 school year. We are looking for a multi talented teacher who has teaching abilities that will provide support to student academics, culture and language, fine arts and athletics. Wagalus School is located in Fort Rupert Village on the northern coast of Vancouver Island; this unique school serves approximately 30 students. The school strives to provide educational services to ensure every member of our community is part of our teaching/learning team. We appreciate and celebrate individual uniqueness and actively support students and staff in a quest for excellence in all that we do. We have beautiful school facility with the entrance designed like a traditional big house that is the “heart of the school”. Our School provides grades Preschool to seven, and it is governed by a strong school philosophy of care, love and respect for each and every member of our community. If you are a strong, adventurous, creative teacher who enjoys a challenge, enjoys working as part of a school team, and who most importantly loves working with students, then this position will be of interest to you. Position Description: The Primary Teacher reports to the Principal and provides classroom instruction to students in Kindergarten to Grade 1. Wagalus School focuses on strong reading instruction, math, and promoting Kwakwaka’wakw values and culture in the classroom. The successful candidate will have excellent planning, organizational and interpersonal skills and will have a strong ability to integrate Kwakwaka’wakw culture into all subject areas. Duties and Responsibilities: - Teach all subjects at the Primary level. - Sound working knowledge and practice using Read Well and Saxon Math.

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- Work cooperatively with other staff to integrate Kwak’wala language, culture and values into planning and instruction. - Complete long-term plans, unit and day plans for assigned subjects. - Assess student progress and use data to adapt and modify instruction. - Working knowledge of DIBELS and progress monitoring. - Write student reports and maintain accurate student records. - Communicate regularly with parents and community members. - Participate in Professional Development activities and set professional goals. - Perform other duties as may be assigned by the Principal. Qualifications & Experience: Position: Full Time Primary Teacher Application Deadline: November 18, 2016 by 4:00 p.m. or until position filled! Qualifications: - Bachelor of Education Degree - BC Teacher Certification - Registration with the Teacher Qualification Service - Classroom teaching experience - Current Criminal record check clearance How to apply: Wagalus School PO Box 1440 Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0 Phone: (250) 949-5722 Complete application packages must include a cover letter, resume and 3 professional references. Incomplete packages will not be accepted. Please send completed applications by email to:Attention: Donna Cranmer, Principal Email: education@kwakiutl.bc.ca Forestry Forum - Full-Time Company: North Island Employment Foundations Society Industry: Social Services Expiry Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 - 8am Details: Please join us on November 25th, 2015 from 10:00am-12:00pm at the Thunderbird hall where local Forestry companies will be onsite offering presentations and Q&A sessions. Employers will cover the following topics: -Company overview -Working in the industry -Career opportunities and paths -Wages ranges, benefits & perks



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-Training and qualification requirements -How to apply How to apply: Please contact the NIEFS office by phone 250.949.5736 or in person at 129-8950 Granville Street to register. Seating is limited. Barber - Full-Time Company: Shear Insanity Salon & Spa Industry: Retail & Wholesale Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Monday, November 28, 2016 - 8am Details: Looking for a Barber for our salon & spa. How to apply: Please phone or text Susan Emerson: 250.949.0783 for more information or to arrange an interview Apply by email to: emersonj@telus.net All conversations will be kept confidential. We look forward to hearing from you. Hairstylist - Full-Time Company: Shear Insanity Salon & Spa Industry: Retail & Wholesale Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Monday, November 28, 2016 - 8am Details: Looking for Hairstylists for our salon & spa. How to apply: Please phone or text Susan Emerson: 250.949.0783 for more information or to arrange an interview Apply by email to: emersonj@telus.net All conversations will be kept confidential. We look forward to hearing from you. Esthetician - Full-Time Company: Shear Insanity Salon & Spa Industry: Retail & Wholesale Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Monday, November 28, 2016 - 8am Details: Looking for Esthetician for our salon & spa. How to apply: Please phone or text Susan Emerson: 250.949.0783 for more information or to arrange an interview Apply by email to: emersonj@telus.net All conversations will be kept confidential. We look forward to hearing from you. Nail Technician - Full-Time Company: Shear Insanity Salon & Spa Industry: Retail & Wholesale Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Monday, November 28, 2016 - 8am Details: Looking for a Nail Technician for our salon & spa. How to apply: Please phone or text Susan Emerson: 250.949.0783 for more information or to arrange an interview Apply by email to: emersonj@telus.net

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All conversations will be kept confidential. We look forward to hearing from you. Housekeeper - Part-Time Company: Black Bear Resort Industry: Tourism/ Hospitality Wage: $15 Expiry Date: Monday, November 28, 2016 - 8am Details: Looking for reliable experienced housekeeper. On call part time year round position. Must be available on short notice 8:30-5pm weekdays and weekends including holidays. There is a Possibility of position becoming full time in the busy summer season. Excellent time management and eye for detail required. Must be physically fit as this is a very fast pace physical job . Must be able to work alone or as a team player. Qualifications & Experience: At least 1 year of housekeeping experience in the hospitality industry . How to apply: In person or email to: blackbr@telus.net with resume and references to the front office. Career Advisor/Facilitator - Full-Time Company: North Vancouver Island Aboriginal Training Society Industry: Education Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Monday, November 28, 2016 - 8am Details: Duties include: Interviewing clients to obtain employment history, education background and career goals. Ability to identify barriers to employment and assist clients with matters of career exploration, job readiness skills, job search strategies, resume writing and preparing for job interviews. Facilitate workshops on various subjects. Collect and provide labour market information to clients. Qualifications & Experience: Grad 12 graduate, the applicant will ideally hold a Career Development Practitioner Certificate or have work experience in the field of employment counseling and workshop facilitation. Must have class 5 drivers license and use of a vehicle as travel is required. How to apply: submit resume via email to: ssimms@nviats.com Receptionist - Full-Time Company: North Vancouver Island Aboriginal Training Society Industry: Education Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Monday, November 28, 2016 - 8am Details: Duties: Answer telephones, greet clients and direct to appropriate services. Provide general information to the public on NVIATS programs and services. General office procedures such as faxing, photocopying and maintaining reference material.



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Assisting Career Advisor as needed. Some travel is required. Qualifications & Experience: Grade 12 graduate, office administration certificate or working experience in the field of administration and reception. Exceptional customer service skills and working knowledge of micro soft programs. Class 5 drivers license and use of a vehicle. How to apply: Submit resume via email to: ssimms@nviats.com Website: http://www.nviats.com Heavy Duty Mechanic - Full-Time Company: Murdoch Hauling & Excavating Ltd. Industry: Forestry Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Thursday, November 24, 2016 - 8am Details: Heavy Duty Mechanic Qualifications & Experience: Experience with off-road logging trucks, bin trucks and other logging equipment. Must be mechanically inclined and understand equipment. Work involves the diagnosis, repair and maintenance of equipment. Must have a valid class 5 drivers licence and reliable transportation. How to apply: Email resume to: nic.mhe.resumes@xplornet.com Retail Store Supervisor - Full-Time Company: 0639503 BC Ltd Dba Port Hardy Town Pantry Industry: Retail & Wholesale Wage: $ 18/hr Expiry Date: Thursday, November 24, 2016 - 8am Details: Looking for an experienced and dynamic Retail Store Supervisor with good leadership skills to join its team at the earliest. Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible Job Description: -Supervise and co-ordinate sales staff and cashiers -Assign sales workers to duties and prepare work schedules -Authorize payments by cheque and the return of merchandise -Sell merchandise to customers -Resolve problems that arise, such as customer complaints and supply shortages -Maintain specified inventory and order merchandise -Prepare reports regarding sales volumes, merchandising and personnel matters - Train or arrange for the training of new sales staff. Qualifications & Experience: Education: Completion of secondary school is required.

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Experience: 1-2 years of supervisory experience within the retail sector or at least 2 -3 years of previous experience as a retail salesperson or sales clerk, cashier, telemarketer etc. will be considered Essential Skills: Reading text, Problem solving, Decision making, Significant use of memory, Continuous learning. Other: Candidate should be willing to work on all shifts (evenings & weekend). Candidates legally entitled to work in Canada can apply at balrajsunner@outlook.com How to apply: Email at balrajsunner@outlook.com Resource Manager - Full-Time Company: BC Public Service Industry: Forestry Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 - 8am Details: BC Public Service Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Port McNeill, British Columbia Resource Manager Salary up to $91,567.18 annually

Rainforest. Travel to isolated communities in small aircraft and boats will be a key component of this role. Qualifications & Experience: Qualifications for this role include: • Degree or diploma in a field related to Natural Resource Management, or acceptable directly related experience. • Directly related experience is defined as experience in one or more of the following disciplines: tenures, stewardship, range, engineering, water, lands, corporate services, First Nations or authorizations, • Experience in operational management of natural resources. • Experience developing and maintaining working relationships and resolving problems with stakeholders in a natural resource management environment. How to apply: For more information and to apply please go to link below. Attention: only applications submitted through the BC Public Service’s employment website (see link above) will be accepted. Website: https://search.employment.gov.bc.ca/cgibin/a/highlightjob.cgi?jobid=37216 NO CALLS!!!

A rewarding leadership opportunity for an operational management professional who wants to contribute to effective natural resource management The North Island - Central Coast Natural Resource District has an exciting opportunity for a dynamic and passionate individual to join our experienced team as a Resource Manager. This position provides leadership to the largest district in coastal British Columbia and oversees natural resource operations within the heart of the Great Bear Rainforest. Based in sunny Port McNeill, you will oversee a diverse interdisciplinary team of professionals who strive to be leaders in integrated natural resource management, authorizations, roads and bridges and infrastructure development and maintenance, while advocating for the safety of staff and the public. A typical day will involve setting operational objectives, managing financial and human resources while leading a highly functioning team. Our focus is strengthening and conserving our coastal ecosystems while supporting a broad range of industrial activities that form the foundation of B.C.’s economy. An ideal candidate will have a keen interest in Ecosystem Based Management and a proven track record of building partnerships in order to further B.C.’s objectives of achieving ecological integrity while advancing human well-being within the Great Bear



Yo! News

November 21/2016

Maggie Coon Happy appy birthday bro hen ( nov 23 )

Birthday wishes/Request Melissa Henderson We would like to wish Mac a happy 7th birthday. Hope you have wonderful day we love you. From your sister Bernice, rnice, bro Casey, daddy and mommy Paula Walkus A Birthday Wish going out to my nephew Terry Jr November 22nd. Hope u have a great day neph! Love u. From aunty Paula n household. Paula Walkus A Birthday Wish going out to my nephew Terry Jr November 22nd. Hope u have a great day neph! Love u. From aunty Paula n household. Maggie Joe I would ld like to wish my daughter Sarah P. Joe on November 21st, has also have a great day love you a lot Maggie Joe And also to daughter in-law Margaret Skookum Joe.. For tomorrow love you have a great day. Love tons

Lloyd Charlie November 15th 1989 the G-N N community was shook when they knew Lloyd Charlie was born. Happy 27 birthday to myself. Lloyd Charlie Terry Adam Walkus Happy birthday 2 crystal from dad nd brenda nd all her siblings also plz Nd also 2 Terry Adam Brice Walkus jr for Nov 22nd from Dad,Brenda,nd all his siblings And happy birthday to Thomas

Reynold Henderson Happy birthday to myself on the 29th Loginla Plekanec Rufus November 17th, Happy Birthday to my eldest sister Crystal Walkus. From family. To Thomas Wa'mis Henderson November 29th Happy Birthday to Reynold Henderson Allison Henderson Happy Birthday to my Nephew Mac, November 19. Love you baby Mac, hope you have a ggood day

Loraine Skookum - Wilson Birthday wishes to all the ones that have birthdays in Nov much love and respect from me

Maggie Joe And I also like wish my beautiful granddaughter Marcy Happy birthday on November 23/2016 To everyone else Happy birthday on these month may u all have great. Awesome day on your special day.Love you all .

Daisy Coon Wouldd Love To Wish My Handsome Nep HENRY ..HAPPY BIRTHDAY .May U Have A Great N Awesome Day.. N As Well as Crystal .. Happiness To yr Special Days .. Love n Joy Send Yr Way Way... Happy Birthday To U Both .. LOVE From Family /Friends ...

Laa Anderson Nelson Happy Birthday to my babiest sister Guna!! I hope and pray you have a wonderful blessed day today! Here's to many more to come. Lotsa love and hugs from Lori, Phil and Baby Rita - November 17

Maggie Jack Sending my son Reginald Jack a very happy birthday & sending Joanna Jack & Rolando King and also to my sister Alice George-Wamiss & Bill Wamiss a very happy anniversary on. November 19 May God

Donna A. Williams Happy Birthday to sis Margaret. Nov 18. ❤ From Wil, Donna and kids. Gerri Eva Sam Hi would like wish Rick Johnny and Joe Johnny a big Happy Birthday from me their sister Gerri Eva Sam. Thank you Melanie Cassanda wishing my godson konner a very happy birthday. love mommy mel. and bubba chad


Gwa’sala-Nakwaxda’xw Nakwaxda’xw

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keeps you all safe in his loving arms.

Brenda King Special Birthday Wishes to our boy Reynold Mckenzie mom and Terry Lucy Scow Nov.26 our godson Konner turns 3 happy bday babe praying it's the greatest for you love auntie Lu unc Ern and cousins Hale,Haid,Ry and Kenna

November 21/2016

Yo! News is prepared by Bernadine Clayton, Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Receptionist This newsletter is delivered to all houses on the Tsulquate Reserve every second week and posted to the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw website. If you have questions or comments about this newsletter, contact Bernadine at (250) 949-8343. The purpose of this newsletter is to keep Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw community members informed about what is happening in the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Band Office and the surrounding community. Anybody is welcome to make submissions to the newsletter, including announcements, lost-and-found, photographs, bakwam’kwala words, stories, legends, drawings, etc. etc. etc. Other ways to stay connected to the Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw community are: Website (www.gwanak.info) Facebook (User: GwasalaNakwaxdaxw) Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Band Office PO Box 998, 154 Tsulquate Reserve Port Hardy, B.C. V0N 2P0

STAFF Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Band Office Phone: (250) 949-8343 / Fax: (250) 949-7402 Roger Nopper,Band Manager manager@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2309 Margaret Bernard/ Lorna Henderson, Finance margaretb@gwanak.info/ (250) 902-2308 Conrad Browne, Economic Development ecdev@gwanak.info Lucy Scow, Social Development lucyscow@gmail.com/ (250) 902-2307 Colleen Hemphill, Treaty collenh@gntreaty.org/ (250) 949-8424 Linda Paul, Administrative Assistance Kasalas4859/ (250) 949-8994 Leo Lawson, Capital Specialist Officer lhanslawson@msn.com/(250) 902-2306 Katrina Johnny/Wade Charlie, Communications (250) 902-2301 Chelsey Walkus, Food Security & Nutrition Coordinator chelseywalkus@gmail.com/ (250) 949-7406 David Schmit, Natural Resource Manager David.schmidt@snrc.ca / (250) 902-2310

COUNCIL Chief Paddy Walkus: (250) 949-1486 Sits on all committee / paddywalkus@gmail.com Ernie Henderson: (250) 230-3404 Lucy Scow: (250) 230-4275

Grace Smith, Education grace.smith176@gmail.com / (250) 902-2320 Bob Swain, Public Works bswain4@telus.net / Cell: (250) 230-0087 Bernadine Clayton, Receptionist/Membership Clerk (250) 949-8343 Native Courtworker Office (250) 902-2223 Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Elders Centre

Grace Smith (250) 230-5001 Leslie Walkus: (250) 230-0034 Gary Walkus: (250) 230-3852 Terry Walkus: (250) 230-2459

Silena George, Elders Program Administrator (250) 949-7406

Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Health & Family Services Front Desk: (250) 949-8131 / Fax: (250) 949-6811 Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw School

Victor Walkus: (250) 230-1030 Eddie Charlie: (250) 230-9251

Front Desk: (250) 949-7743 / Fax: (250) 949-7422 www.gwanak.bc.ca Eke Me-Xi School (250) 949-8332



Yo! News

November 21/2016

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