Yo! News september 7/ 2016

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with the archaeologist present in the fall. In addition an overview has been conducted at Smith Inlet to determine future locations for an archaeologist to do work as well as at Deserters Island. Accompanying the archaeologists we were our GN Watchman crew who went along to gain further training to help them in their work.

Treaty News Update Here is a brief report of activities since that last update in July. Treaty Negotiations: Negotiations with the governments of Canada and BC continue as we discuss the next offer of land and cash that they will make to our community. We have stated very clearly that we expect something much better than the last offer they made in November 2014. We have given the governments clear instructions that they must recognize that we owned and managed our territory for 1000’s of years prior to relocation and dislocation from our GN Homelands and that they must work to insure injustices and mistakes of the past are remedied, the Homelands repatriated and a better future is created for our people. The next offer from BC and Canada must also include de a focus on services that will continue and include funding, programs, governance powers, management and protection in our territories, resources and waters, economic opportunities, etc. Also that health, education and social services will continue to receive ceive necessary funds to serve our people. These are just a few of the items that we are demanding to be included by the government in the next offer. Treaty Related Measures (TRM):: we completed the archaeology study at Ba’as and a report will be prepared for the Nation to review


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Another treaty related measure we achieved was toward helping to resource our communications initiative. As you know, Wade Charlie and Katrina Johnny, under guidan guidance of Melissa Quacksister (communications consultant), have been working since June to develop their communications skills, and to develop a communication strategic plan. The team has also been developing their events planning ability and are helping to ho host a large community feast to be held in a couple weeks. FutureBighouse:: The treaty office continues to help facilitate to move this long awaited initiative forward. Working closely with our Economic Development Corporation as well as members of Chief and Council we have achieved some commitments of funding to help cover costs of planning, land clearing and prepping, carving and construction of the proposed Bighouse. There are a number of proposals for necessary funds submitted and we are waiting to receiv receive confirmation for the full amount required before we will commence carving and construction. We also have received three Expressions Of Interest submitted at our request from potential carvers that would like to work on the carving required for the proposed ed Bighouse. At the time we learn that all funding necessary is in place, the carvers will be notified and considered by meetings called of BighouseCommittee members. Attendance to Bighouse Committee meetings is open to those interested in helping to volun volunteer knowledge and support toward the construction of the Bighouse.

September 7 / 2016

Yo wiksas? We hope all are doing well. The kids are back to school, fall is almost here and before you know it, winter will be here. Just a little update on the Elder’s Program: As most of you all may or may not have known, I was off for 3 weeks in August. I returned back to work the last week of August. The Elders had a busy week right off the bat. They catered for the monthly Trust meeting that took place at the conference room at the hotel, August 25. After we had finished preparing for this event, Dodie Rufus helped me prepare some of the food for the Tri-Band Elder’s picnic. Brian & Conrad BBQ’d a bunch of sockeye. We had about 50 people show up tot he picnic, including some Trustees. Gilakasla to all the helpers that helped make this happen. Thank you Marion for making some jam to give away to our guests. Just a bit about Reports: Every month I do a little write up on the activities, challenges, successes and events that take place. The Elder’s Council has started meeting once a month so far. They will meet weekly now that summer is over. Back in May 2016, the Elders went over their building policy, catering policy and hiring policy for the Program. It was discussed and they directed me to re-write them and have them go over it at the next meeting. I did so and they liked the newly revised policies. I have attached copies for you all to read, if you’d like. Back in March 2015, the Elder’s Council was in a meeting. They were discussing the Elders needing their own maintenance crew. It was then that they had the idea of wanting to repaint the Elder’s Centre. Ernie Hanuse and Brian David were hired by them to do this job. It was then when the Elder’s Council decided they wanted to hire Ernie & Brian to be their maintenance men. The 2 men worked hard through the summer doing Elder’s grass, cleaning gutters, getting rid of large waste and or appliances. By the summer, Ernie had to take a break for medical reasons. Then Darrell Walkus came in with his resume to the Elder’s Council. They saw that he really wanted to work and made the effort to come and meet with the Elder’s Council for a job. They really liked his resume as well. So then Darrell Was hired in July 2015. Darrell now has a job with KEDC Construction. Now all they have left is Brian. He has been keeping very busy over the summer. The new Elder’s Council has reviewed his work that he has been doing, and they are very pleased with it and appreciate what he does not only for the Program, but for the community. So they will keep Brian on call for the time being. If you ever have any questions and or concerns, please feel free to call me at the office 949-7406. Gilakasla, Silena George Elder’s Program Administrator


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Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Elder’s Building Policy 1. The Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Elder’s Centre belongs to the Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Elders. 2. Keys and codes for the building will only be given to persons that occupy office spaces in the building: Trust Chair, Treaty Assistant, Youth Sports & Recreation Coordinator, Foods & Security Coordinator, Elder’s Coordinator, and Band Manager. 3. The Elder’s building will only be available for work purposes only. Ie: meetings, workshops, youth nights, exercise club. 4. The Elder’s Coordinator will be the one that is authorized to open the building for grieving families or emergencies. If the Coordinator is unavailable, the Band Manager will open it for them. 5. Elder’s Centre bookings must be made during office hours, Monday-Friday. 6. A Clean up fee of $40.00 will be applied after your event. Fees can be waived only if you thoroughly clean up yourself after your event. 7. The Elder’s Building will be closed during Christmas Holidays, as the other offices. 8. There will be no more personal use rentals, due to theft and vandalism in the past. 9. Office space occupiers are not permitted to give their keys or codes to anyone, as stated in the key agreement. 10. Gwa’sala-‘Nakwada’xw Band Administration and Health & Family Services staff may use the Elder’s Centre for any work related related purposes during office hours, unless otherwise discussed with our Elder’s Coordinator. 11. Tables and chairs are never to leave the building. 12. This is a professional office building and should be treated as such. 13. If you do not follow the Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Elder’s Building Policy, you will be given fair warning the first time. The second time will result in being banned from using the Elder’s Centre for future events and a fine of $100 will be applied to you or your program. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Educations Department:

Grace Smith will be on her holidays from September 9th to the 23nd.


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If you have any questions, concerns or advice for the upcoming Community of Unity celebration, or if you would like to help out in any way, please contact our GNN Communications Team. We strive to be an open and welcoming team, we are always willing to listen to your thoughts.


- GNN Communications Team

Wade Charlie Mobile: 250-230-6181 E-mail: comspecialist@gwanak.info


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Katrina Johnny Mobile: 250-230-3567 E-mail: comcoordinator@gwanak.info

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Important Social Assistance News/update! I have included our policy and procedure for Rent and Bill payment and collection; I have also included some information about Special Needs.

Social Assistance Rates: We have charts that are followed by any and all Social Development programs in all of BC/Canada. These rates have not changed in the last 10 years; I cannot up the rate by any means or circumstances.

Canada Child Tax Benefit Forms: I also need your Canada Child tax benefit statements in before the 26th so I can issue your cheque, if these aren’t handed I cannot issue a cheque for you. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES DO WE ALLOW FOR ANYONE TO SIGN STUBS FOR SOMEONE ELSE! IF THEY DO NOT OR CANNOT SIGN WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO BELIEVE THEY ARE NOT HERE OR HAVEN’T BEEN LIVING HERE FOR THE MONTH AS THEY DO HAVE A MONTH TO SIGN THE STUBS!

False Address: If you do not live on reserve but are collecting income


assistance on reserve, this is a fraudulent act! We can legally charge you for giving us false information. You will need to repay the monies that you have received dated to the day you started collecting. It will not be just the person that claimed that they were living somewhere they weren’t but also the person that didn’t report it or simply wrote in a letter supporting false information. BC HYDRO BILLS I NEED YOUR HYDRO BILLS HANDED IN SO I CAN PAY THESE, I CANNOT PAY OTHERWISE. THIS WILL RESULT IN OVERDUE CHARGES AND OR DISCONNECTION. I CAN’T PAY THE SECURITY DEPOSIT IF ANY PAYMENTS WERE FAULTY.

Breakfast Club/Snack Program: It is with great sadness that we will not be continuing the breakfast club at the hall effective this September.We do not have the budget for the program, for the amount of kids that were attending, however there will still be a snack program at the school for GNN elementary school students. Dodie will move there to help prepare healthy snacks with the teachers and other volunteer help. Wood Orders:

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We have 4 men doing wood for us and have the go ahead to start orders again, if you wish to order wood we have Jeff

Field, Albert Charlie, Patrick Walkus & Brian David you may request what kind of wood you want and how many loads up to 2 loads per month, depending on what you are eligible for, you cannot receive wood if you do not have a wood stove. Elders are always eligible for up to 2 loads per month. The process to order wood: you need to call the band office to talk to Bernadine she will take your name and type of wood and how many loads, that is all you do, please do not contact any of the cutters, we cannot process this way. Appointments: Reminder that I cannot accept any walk ins, you need to make an appointment with Bernadine if you need to see me and think it is just for a small thing or just have a question Bernadine knows pretty much everything of my program, she may be able to provide an answer. I also ask that you let Bernadine know when you are making an appointment what it is for so we can be prepared instead having to use some time preparing while you are in with me. This makes it easier for Bernadine, you and me.

can add people to your file that are in the home. If someone in your home is working, your bill and rent will be divided accordingly and that means that they will have to pay a certain amount that is divided.


BC Hydro Bills -




Source documents are always required in order to pay a hydro bill, without a current bill, Hydro cannot be paid. Amounts paid on Hydro are based on the amount you’re eligible for in the shelter portion. BC Hydro is more than happy to set up installments for each month, but can only continue if amount is paid each month on time. Hydro is sent in at beginning of each month by cheque.

Special Needs -


Rent/Shelter -





Rent is also not paid without source documents, renewed each year will allow the process to go smoothly. Rent cannot be back dated due to each month being closed off for reporting purposes. If you wish to help with arrears you may request an amount to be deducted from your basic needs cheque. Shelter portion is used for present bills such as rent and Hydro. There is no exceptions for bill payment if your bill is not in! If you are in a shared accommodation,your shelter portion will be divided into what is allowable for the unit. Each unit is allowed up to a certain amount allocated by INAC, for instance 1 person would be $375, even if you aren’t an immediate family member, you would be added on as an extra head.This doesn’t mean that you


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Special needs is not allowed to be used for any personal purchases, meaning we cannot pay another individual by a cheque in their name, it can only be used in stores. Special needs cannot be used for food, clothing, tobacco, shoes etc. Special needs can be used for Appliances, house hold items, furniture, cleaning supplies, vacuums etc. Each unit/s is entitled to a specified amount, you cannot receive any more then what you are eligible for. Single unit- $150 One parent 3 or less unit- $200.00 2 parents with 2 or more kids unit$250.00 In order to receive your special needs you must let me know what you are in need of, so I can submit to INAC for eligibility.This takes up to 24 hours to process, please call Bernadine ahead of time so that we can have your purchase order made out for you. Absolutely no cheques will be issued for any businesses, we have 3 stores in town that you may use your purchase order for these are: Bargain Shop, Ace Hardware, and Dunlop’s Home Hardware. We can also issue purchase orders for Masterman appliances with an invoice or quote from them.

September 7 / 2016

Sexual assault and Domestic Violence In order to clarify an understanding of what practice looks like in the Gwa'sala'Nakwaxda'xw community I am publicizing this information. It is our long standing policy to support community members who have experiences any form of sexual assault and/or violence within their living situation. Any community member who contacts us seeking such support will receive it. In addition, sometimes people confidentially report concerns about others to us. In those cases we reach out to the person reported to offer services. Someone who seeks us out, or agrees to services if we reach out to them will receive emotional support, counseling, and other supports. If they choose to make a statement they will be supported through that process. We cannot reveal information to anyone about what they reveal to us in order to protect their right to confidentiality and to comply with the law. We work with the North Island Crisis and Counseling Centre and Victim's Services in a coordinated manner. This is being posted as some community members may not be aware of these services due to the required confidential nature of this work. Dean Wilson Director of Child & Family Services, Acting Health Director


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September 7 / 2016

Shotokan Karate       

Personal safety Physical conditioning and coordination Confidence and self-esteem Concentration and Discipline Improved cardiovascular health Weight loss / Muscle tone Teaches great morals and values

Sensei Ivan De Toro 6th Dan Sensei Jennifer De Toro 6th Dan 250.949.8989 http://www3.telus.net/ijdetoro/ New Beginner Classes start on Sept 12 / 2016 At 5 pm, Civic Centre / Lions Hall Sign up now, open to Adult, Teen and Kids 29

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September 7 / 2016

LOCAL JOB POSTING ECE Assistant - Part-Time Company: Stepping Stones Childcare Centre Industry: Education Wage: Depending on Job Descrip Expiry Date: Friday, September 16, 2016 - 9am Details: We are looking for Subs and possible part time staff ASAP Qualifications & Experience: ECE, Assistant Certificate or Responsible adult according to childcare licensing, required. Must be caring and nurturing, work well with children and in a team atmosphere. Must be hard working and flexible. How to apply: Please send resume to: Christina Cheetham at steppingstonesdaycare@hotmail.ca or come see me in person. 6855 Market street (Robert Scott School) Website: http://steppingstonescentre.ca ECE - Part-Time Company: Stepping Stones Childcare Centre Industry: Education Wage: Depending on Job Descrip Expiry Date:Friday, September 16, 2016 - 9am Details: We are looking for Subs and possible part time staff ASAP Qualifications & Experience: ECE, Assistant Certificate or Responsible adult according to childcare licensing, required. Must be caring and nurturing, work well with children and in a team atmosphere. Must be hard working and flexible. How to apply: Please send resume to: Christina Cheetham at steppingstonesdaycare@hotmail.ca or come see me in person. 6855 Market street (Robert Scott School) Website: http://steppingstonescentre.ca Lead Hoe Operator -Experienced - Full-Time Company: RSD Road Building Ltd Industry: Forestry Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Friday, September 16, 2016 - 9am Details: Experienced Lead Hoe Operator. Rate of pay to be negotiated based on experience. Camp work, shift 14/7. Fly into camp. This position will entail shift work in remote locations (Camp) and work outside in all types of weather Qualifications & Experience: Forestry road construction company requires a skilled Lead Hoe Operator. Experience with building coastal logging roads is mandatory. Level 1 First Aid required or course taken within 1 month of hire date. Must have a Class 5 driver's licence and have reliable transportation. Previous supervision experience is an asset.


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How to apply: Email resume with references to: rsdroads@shaw.ca Supervisor -Retail Store - Full-Time Company: Port Hardy Town Pantry Industry: Retail & Wholesale Wage: $18.00 per hour Expiry Date: Thursday, September 15, 2016 - 9am Details: 0639503 BC Ltd Dba Port Hardy Town Pantry is looking for one experienced and dynamic- Retail Store Supervisor- with good leadership skills to join its team at the earliest. Job type: Full Time and permanent Candidate should be willing to work on all shifts (evenings & weekend Wage: $ 18.00 /hour for 40 hours/week Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible Location: 8905 Granville Street, Port Hardy, BC, Canada V0N 2P0 Job Description: -Supervise and co-ordinate sales staff and cashiers -Assign sales workers to duties and prepare work schedules -Authorize payments by cheque and the return of merchandise -Sell merchandise to customers -Resolve problems that arise, such as customer complaints and supply shortages -Maintain specified inventory and order merchandise -Prepare reports regarding sales volumes, merchandising and personnel matters - Train or arrange for the training of new sales staff. Qualifications & Experience: Education: Completion of secondary school is required. Experience: 1-2 years of supervisory experience within the retail sector or at least 2 -3 years of previous experience as a retail salesperson or sales clerk, cashier, telemarketer etc. will be considered Essential Skills: Reading text, Problem solving, Decision making, Significant use of memory, Continuous learning. How to apply: Candidates legally entitled to work in Canada can apply at: balrajsunner@outlook.com Principal/Teacher - Full-Time Industry: Education Expiry Date: Friday, September 9, 2016 - 9am Details: Wagalus Elementary School offers grades K4 (preschool) to grade 7. Wagalus provides a holistic educational experience incorporating traditional teaching and values coupled with a solid academic program to prepare children not

September 7 / 2016

only throughout their educational experience, but also support them throughout life. • Under the direction of the Education Administrator, Band Manager, and Chief and Council, you will be responsible for building exemplary and innovative school programs and services for the Kwakiutl First Nation; • Communicating and serving the Kwakiutl people in a manner that respects, enhances and promotes the cultural identity and well being of both the individual and community; • Gaining cultural awareness and sensitivity; • Understanding and complying with Kwakiutl cultural safety policies or statements; • Ensuring that plans, policies and activities promote the holistic health and well-being of the Kwakiutl people; • Articulating and establishing cultural influence expectations in program planning and day-to-day operations; • Leading in the creation of a Kwakiutl specific language and culture program; • Working with administration, teaching staff, Chief and Council and community to guide the development and implementation of a shared vision, mission, goals, and values to support high levels of learning and achievement for all students in a way that is sensitive to the cultural and traditional teachings of the Kwakiutl; • Ensuring quality teaching and learning opportunities to support all students learning at a high academic level, including promoting the application of current educational research and cultural knowledge regarding the teaching of literacy and numeracy; • Developing and sustaining a positive, collaborative culture and climate with staff, parents, extended families, and the community to enhance student achievement and meet the community and Nation’s needs in the education field; • Working with students and their parents in support of finding and/or providing the best learning experience at a high academic level that is respectful of Kwakiutl specific language and culture; • Reviewing innovative programs that will meet or exceed the standards of BC’s education system, which has a tendency to minimize or overlook the needs of our Indigenous children; • Planning and implementing a student and staff recruitment strategy for Kwakiutl’s new school; • Creating a system and structure(s) for effective instructional supervision to maximize student learning and achievement; • Building the organizational capacity of the school to support safety, student learning, and achievement; • Coordinating the development and implementation of school planning, professional development, and


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human resource management (teachers, support staff and volunteers); • Leading school-wide planning and change processes to promote increased student achievement and sustain school growth over time; • Supervising school staff; • Committing to learning and maintaining an appropriate understanding of the Kwakiutl First Nation’s histories, cultures, and government practices; • Providing reporting to the appropriate agencies; • Role modelling behaviour consistent with Professional, Community, and Parental Standards; and • Required periodically to work outside of normal working hours and to function independently and wok with minimal supervision. Qualifications & Experience: • Hold a valid BC Teaching Certificate or eligibility for membership with the BC Teacher Regulation Branch Certification • Hold a Master’s of Education Degree in Education Administration • Two to three years teaching experience preferred • Experience working in a First Nations school environment a strong asset • Have a deep understanding of curriculum, instruction, assessment, and teacher mentorship • Have demonstrated excellence in teaching and school leadership • Well respected in the community and able to demonstrate and meet specific First Nations School Association standards and performance indicators How to apply: Please submit your letter of application, resume, and three references to the following: Marion Hunt, Education Administrator Kwakiutl Band P.O. Box 1440 Port Hardy, B.C. VON 2P0 Email: education@kwakiutl.bc.ca Fax: (250) 949-6066 Application Deadline: September 1, 2016 by 4:00 pm Retail Liquor Sampler - Contract Company: Staff Nation Industry: Tourism/ Hospitality Wage: $20\hr Expiry Date:Wednesday, September 7, 2016 - 9am Details: BOOM! Marketing is looking to hire retail liquor samplers in the Port Hardy area. This is a contract position that is a great way to supplement income. We have shifts beginning NEXT WEEKEND

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Sept 1 (3:00-7:00 PM), Sept 2 (3:00-7:00 PM), and Sept 3 (3:00-7:00 PM). All shifts pay $20\hr and Serving it Right certification is mandatory. Responsibilities include: - Serving samples of the featured product in the government liquor stores - Deliver key messaging about the product to consumer - Fill out an online consumer metrics survey after each shift Qualifications & Experience: - Serving or bar tending experience is an asset - Serving It Right certification is mandatory How to apply: Please email an up to date resume to: tdorjee@staffnation.ca Website: http://staffnation.ca/ Housekeeper - Full-Time Company: Port Hardy RV Resort & Cabins Industry: Tourism/ Hospitality Wage: $15\hr Expiry Date: Wednesday, September 7, 2016 - 9am Details: Looking for experienced housekeeper to join our resort team but willing to train the right person. Must be available weekdays, weekends and holidays. Hours will vary from part to full time. Must be honest, physically fit, reliable and have an eye for detail. Must be able to work alone or as a team and have good time management skills. How to apply:Apply in person to: 8080 Goodspeed Rd. Or email porthardyrvresort@gmail.com with resume and references . No phone calls please. Website: http://www.porthardyrvresort.com/index.html Office Administrator-Temporary Position - FullTime Industry: Construction/ Trades Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 - 9am Details: Requirements - Minimum 2 yrs accounting/clerical experience - Familiar with office equipment & their functions - Good organizational & accuracy skills - Experienced with Sage Accounting software, Microsoft Word and Excel


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- Previous experience with government remittance & benefits administration would be an asset. - Ability to work with a team or independently Qualifications & Experience: Duties Include: - Prepare and process accounts receivable & payable - Provide general administrative & clerical support including mailing, faxing and copying - Post entries to Sage Accounting and work on excel spreadsheets - Open, sort, distribute incoming correspondence - Receive, direct and relay telephone messages and radio phone messages - Maintain electronic and hard copy filing system and file all correspondence - Respond to public enquiries How to apply: Please drop off resume in person to: 7890 Goodspeed Road The successful candidate will have a 3 months probation period. Hours of work - Monday to Friday 8 to 4:30 PM This temporary position is to cover a maternity leave to approximately December 2017 Approximate Start Date is October 3/2016 Food Manfacturers - Full-Time Company: Hardy Buoys Smoked Fish Inc. Industry: Manufacturing & Utilities Wage: $12\hr Expiry Date: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 - 9am Details: Hardy Buoys Smoked Fish Inc. specializes in hot smoked salmon for commercial and wholesale sales. Hardy Buoys maintains multiple food safety designations. Hardy Buoys is looking for individuals to join their team that will bring a dedication to producing top quality smoked salmon products for the market place. Qualifications & Experience: Any previous experience cutting & trimming salmon or any species of fish, previous experiences working in a fish or food processing facility are an asset. Company is willing to train any applicant with a desire to learn. How to apply: Email resume to sales@hardybuoys.com or mail to PO Box 401, Port Hardy, BC, V0N 2P0. Applicants may also apply in person Monday to Friday between 10 & 4. Hardy Buoys is looking to fill up to 10 positions immediately. Website: http://www.hardybuoys.com

September 7 / 2016

Birthday/ Requests Daisy Coon: Good Morning F/F.. I'd Take This moment To Say To Our Family ... Michael/Colleen..❤ With Heartfelt Prayers & Love .. Our Hearts With Ur Family .. As We'll Dearly Miss Our Dear Jenna...❤❤..Friend /Aunt/Sister/Daughter/.. Our Continuing Prayers Up Hold U ...At Yr Time Of Great Need.. Love N Prayers Send Yr Way.❤.. Love Love U Jenna ...Going To Miss ❤... But Not Forgotten..(rip) Love From My Family.. Darryl/Ravena/Eleanor/Randy n Granskids.. Daisy .. ❤❤ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kathleen V Williams: A big special birthday wish to our son, Baroni Juan (Phillip ) ❤September 12th And our dear brother, Marty ❤ September , 19th ❤We love u both so very much ❤ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Angela Wiks: September 1st Happy birthday Babycakes! (Victor) Aunty loves you x-infinity and beyond. I hope you have the most amazing day Baby. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Glor Ann: Sept 5~ happy birthday to Tamara Walkus & Silas Walkus Sept 7~ happy birthday to my dearest brother Alvin Walkus jr. We Love you all and pray you have a day loads of Love from Andi Fraser n me ❣ Happy belated birthday to my niece Tabitha Walkus on aug 27th. Love you honey with all my heart ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Joanna Jack-King: Happy birthday to bro Walter

September 5 also to Tamara and Silas hope you all enjoy your day love you all ❤❤ from Joanna, Rolando, Tynisha, mckayla, Tomika and Mitchell ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peggy Wilson: Sept 16th 2016 Like To Wish My Princess Starlit-Skye A Happy 6th Birthday Wish You Nothing But The Best Babe Love You 2 The Moon&Bak Love Mommy,Brothers&Sister ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Priscilla Charlie: Happy Birthday Brother Wade Charlie Sept 4th Happy 17th Birthday to my daughter Diana Charlie-Iraheta Sept 5th Love you both hope you both have a good day. Happy 6th Birthday Princess Starlit-Skye Sept 16th Happy 4th Birthday Baby Girl Alice-Lynn Sept 18th Love you both From Priscilla, Luis, Rj ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ethyl Marie Skookum: Sending very special 5th birthday to our little big man Victor Walkus wishing you nothing but the best babe, We love you from Baba Victor and Gran Ethyl Marie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Melanie Cassanda: Wishing my brother al jr a very happy birthday sept 7th ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Gladys Dawson: Happy bday to my father Terry Dawson in heaven sept 3 happy bday brother wade sept 4 happy bday beautiful princess Diana sept 5 happy bday princess Starlit-Skye sept 16 happy bday princess AliceLynn sept 18 love you all sooo much you all have a wonderful day ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


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Lucy Scow: Happy birthday to niece/cousin Shania Walkus for Sept.16 love uncle Ernie, Auntie Lucy and cousins Haley, Haiden, Ry, and Mackenna ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Loraine Skookum – Wilson: Birthday wishes to my handsome chief Wade Charlie and to our beautiful princess Diana Charlie-Iraheta we love you all God bless, Sending hugs to my beautiful children for sept 3rd Andrew Moses Dawson Skookum Dora and our baby Gladys Dawson

Brenda King: Jun-jun tournament plz let Evan Henderson or Brenda King know if u would like to enter a team. September 23 24 25 entry fee 250 guys and 200 ladies. Come out and have some fun. Memorial tournament in memory of Victor Walkus Junior. ❤ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cherilynn Summer Walkus: September 4th ) I'd like to wish my nephew Bradey n niece Tyhia a happy birthday for September 4th auntie loves you n hopes you have a wonderful day❤



Laa Anderson Nelson: September 7- We would like to wish our dad Bobby Williams a happy birthday! We hope you have a terrific day! Getting old hey dad? LoL jk hehe lots love from Lori, Phil (Ramsey) Nd of course baby Rita

Norman Charlie: I would like to wish our daughter, Shirley Charlie a very special Happy Birthday, September 26th. .God bless you Shirley we Love you so much. . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stacey Paul: Birthday wish goin out to my Necie Chandra Paul nd my nephew Bill PaulWilliams. Hope u both have a great day. Love auntie nd charlie. Sept 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lloyd Charlie: (Haha she initiated with my band) September 8th Happy Birthday Chanel.. love HUNNY lloyd, tyren, Cole, kailey, and Hunter ❤

Jean Ann Walkus: I'd like to wish my Son Gerald Shawn Baker a very Special 21st Birthday September 14th. Also like to wish my grandson John Wesley's birthday is September 9th. happy happy happy 5th Birthday. Love Baba and Momma Jean <3 all kid's Sister's & Brother's, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Angela Marie: HAPPIEST 8th BIRTHDAY TO TOM! (sept.9) happy birthday to "gruncle" Tommy and auntie Maggie (sept.3) Happy birthday to Logan (sept.10) happy birthday Eilee (sept.29) ❤We love you ❤ Love Ang, Dodie & family❤ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Yo! News

September 7 / 2016

Yo! News is prepared by Bernadine Clayton, Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Receptionist This newsletter is delivered to all houses on the Tsulquate Reserve every second week and posted to the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw website. If you have questions or comments about this newsletter, contact Bernadine at (250) 949-8343. The purpose of this newsletter is to keep Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw community members informed about what is happening in the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Band Office and the surrounding community. Anybody is welcome to make submissions to the newsletter, including announcements, lost-and-found, photographs, bakwam’kwala words, stories, legends, drawings, etc. etc. etc. Other ways to stay connected to the Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw community are: Website (www.gwanak.info) Facebook (User: GwasalaNakwaxdaxw) Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Band Office PO Box 998, 154 Tsulquate Reserve Port Hardy, B.C. V0N 2P0

STAFF Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Band Office Phone: (250) 949-8343 / Fax: (250) 949-7402 Roger Nopper,Band Manager manager@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2309 Margaret Bernard/ Lorna Henderson, Finance margaretb@gwanak.info/ (250) 902-2308 Conrad Browne, Economic Development ecdev@gwanak.info Lucy Scow, Social Development lucyscow@gmail.com/ (250) 902-2307 Colleen Hemphill, Treaty collenh@gntreaty.org/ (250) 949-8424 Linda Paul, Administrative Assistance Kasalas4859/ (250) 949-8994 Leo Lawson, Capital Specialist Officer lhanslawson@msn.com/(250) 902-2306 Katrina Johnny/Wade Charlie, Communications (250) 902-2301 Chelsey Walkus, Food Security & Nutrition Coordinator chelseywalkus@gmail.com/ (250) 949-7406 David Schmit, Natural Resource Manager David.schmidt@snrc.ca / (250) 902-2310

COUNCIL Chief Paddy Walkus: (250) 949-1486 Sits on all committee / paddywalkus@gmail.com Ernie Henderson: (250) 230-3404 Lucy Scow: (250) 230-4275

Grace Smith, Education grace.smith176@gmail.com / (250) 902-2320 Bob Swain, Public Works bswain4@telus.net / Cell: (250) 230-0087 Native Courtworker Office (250) 902-2223 Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Elders Centre Silena George, Elders Program Administrator (250) 949-7406

Grace Smith (250) 230-5001 Leslie Walkus: (250) 230-0034

Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Health & Family Services Front Desk: (250) 949-8131 / Fax: (250) 949-6811

Gary Walkus: (250) 230-3852 Terry Walkus: (250) 230-2459 Victor Walkus: (250) 230-1030 Eddie Charlie: (250) 230-9251

Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw School Front Desk: (250) 949-7743 / Fax: (250) 949-7422 www.gwanak.bc.ca Eke Me-Xi School (250) 949-8332


Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Yo! News

September 7 / 2016

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