up, everyone is eligible for certain amounts in their shelter if you haven’t come in with your hydro please leave a message with Bernadine so I can work on it for you, keep in mind that if you have a few people living with you and you are working the bill gets split in the amount of people who are in your home, then we pay their portion and you will pay the other portion.
YO!News April 1, 2016 Social Development News! Renewal Time I would like ALLSocial Social Assistant Clients to come in to make appointments with me at the band office,I need to see everyone who is on my program during this time I will have someone in with me for some of the appointments just so you aren’t caught off guard when you arrive. You will need updated ID, for you and everyone on your file, you will need to fill out the B&D Forms as well ell as another application if you do not make an appointment in April you will not receive Social Assistance for the month until you make it in, and I will not see anyone the week of social assistance if you missed it then you will have to wait the following week. Appointments
I ask that you please understand that my personal time is for my family and ask that you please contact me during work hours 8AM-4PM mon-Friday Stubs (Monthly Declaration) Your stubs are due the Friday day before Social Assistance day which is every last Wednesday of the month if you do not get your stubs in you will have to wait for your cheque for the following week. During the week of Social assistance it is quite busy I have to complete monthly reports ts and pay bills etc. Again if you don’t have your stub in by Friday before social assistance day you will not receive your social assistance cheque right away sometimes it may take to the following week, I encourage you to fill stubs in anytime during the week it is always in a separate folder for whatever the month is and the following month.
If you haven’t spent your special needs, March 31, 2016 was the last day. Special needs will be available to you again in June
If you need wood please leave your name with Bernadine with the person you would like to get your wood from, the men who are on our list is Jeff Fields, Dave Deans and Albert Charlie Mike Grady has taken his name off the list. I will be looking at the next name in line. If you are looking for work and have your own truck and Saw please come put your name in with me at the band office I do have a waiting list right now but having the few extra people on list would be great. If any Social Development clients have any questions regarding their file you need contact me directly you cannot have any advocates, I will not speak to anyone else but yourself. I have moved downstairs in the band office to accommodate those of you who couldn’t walk up the stairs, I know there was several who couldn’t and chose not to come in because of this. If there is something that you aren’t sure about please do not hesitate to leave a message with Bernadine and I can get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you,
BC HYDRO I am currently working with BC Hydro and Service BC to set up a better way to keep hydro updated a lot of bills were behind due to the security deposits thatt were put on everyone’s bills from missing September payments when there was no one in Social Development we are almost caught GWA’SALA-’NAKWAXDA’XW ’NAKWAXDA’XW NATIONS YO! NEWS
Special needs
This time of year my schedule is crazy I cannot accept drop INS, if you need to see me please make an appointment with Bernadine. The month of March is year end and April/May is prep time for audit, if you absolutely need to see me and a it is an emergency or close to I may make exceptions.
I know a lot of the bills were high over the holidays due to the cold weather I know it’s hard but if we could conserve energy in any way that would make your bills a lot less. If you don’t need a light on switch it off or if you need a heater for one room or a couple uple rooms leave it to those rooms and close your doors to keep the heat in the areas you will be in. Unplug all your things you aren’t using believe it or not you are still being charged for things that are plugged in IE; coffee pots, toasters, electronic devices anything really that could be unplugged. You will be amazed at how much your usage goes down. If you aren’t watching your TV turn it off.
Lucy Scow Social Development Administrator