Yo News June 5/ 2017

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Treaty Update/Report Update

Treaty Negotiations Main table negotiations continue to be held on a monthly basis as we seek a second land/cash offer from the governments of BC and Canada to be tabled by October 2017. In addition to a treaty, agreements can be negotiated that will address current needs of a Nation. To this end, our negotiation team together with our economic development and legal advisor team negotiated with BC to achieve a Reconciliation Agreement – for Cultural ultural Revitalization and Capital Capita Building.. This means direct funding of $800,000 by the past March 2017 and $1 million additional expected by July toward the construction of our Bighouse.

Figure 1 Hereditary Chiefs Willie Walkus and Tom Henderson, Chief Paddy Pad Walkus at Maintable


Gwa’sala-Nakwaxda’xw Nakwaxda’xw

Yo! News

June 5 /2017

Other agreements with the Province that will follow shortly are a Forest Revenue Sharing Agreement and Atmospheric Benefit Agreement. These are to insure a larger management role in the traditional territories as well as a percentage share of revenues gained by companies profiting from our natural resources. Capacity development/training of community members is a key element and is key to our success as GNN move toward management, control and self-government in our traditional territories. Communications -- Treaty Related Measure (TRM) This year we received funding to carry out work from 2016-17 communications TRM. Activities last year were to train and develop a communications team to carry out effective communications on behalf of the GNN Administration, the GN Trust and the GN Treaty Office. Over the year, training was provided to Wade Charlie, Katrina Johnny and Thomas Kervin. Under the direction of consultant, Melissa Quocksister a Communications Strategy was completed. This fiscal year, Thomas, with continued direction and assistance from Melissa, will help to implement the communications strategy. Activities toward maintaining on-going communications with members include: newsletters, renewed website, development and maintenance of a data base containing contact information of GNN members, Facebook, home visits, updated bulletin boards in the band office, updates from managers in the departments within administration, treaty and trust, phone calls, informational posters, emails, texts, community gatherings, meetings, and off-reserve meetings. The main objectives of the communications strategy include: 1. consistent dialogue and communications between community members and all departments; 2. a two way process for members on and off reserve to receive feedback from all departments regularly and; 3. a single newsletter that includes updates from all departments to distribute bi-weekly to community members. The Treaty Office is pleased that we have a process in place to strive toward transparency and accountability between leadership, staff and community members as we move toward a time when the Federal Indian Act will not have full control of our lives. Archaeology Treaty Related Measure This 2016-‘17 project focused on three components 1. An archaeological overview assessment of GNN territory; 2. Ground-truthing a portion of the territory to fine-tune the arch overview assessment; and 3. Further excavation of Ba’as. The goal of the information gathered is to support GNN work on heritage protection and management in our territories. Members of our Guardian Program worked with the hired team contributing to their knowledge base and skill-set as Guardians. A date is being planned in the near future for the main field researchers, Deidre Cullon and Heather Pratt to present their findings to the GNN community. The final report located in the Treaty Office is available for review by interested members.



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Land and Resource Implementation Plan – the ‘Ninogad Project’ The recently updated Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP), carried out by Katrina Johnny with mentoring from Jessie Hemphill, identified two sections related to land and resource use. The community members stated in the Lands and Resources section five major goals including, “connection with GNN Home Lands”, “effective stewardship of lands and resources”, etc. The Economy section states a “sustainably wealthy community”. Visions and objectives state that there needs to be, “an opportunity for community members to know where their home lands are and feel a connection to them”, “an ability to enable community members to have comprehensive knowledge of lands and resources” “an ability to enable community to make effective, transparent, and accountable management decisions about the use of lands and resources” and to “build and economically self-sufficient community”. This past year, the Treaty Office applied for a grant from the BC Capacity Initiative funds to implement the effective stewardship of land and resources portion of the 2015-‘16 CCP, specifically to develop a “land and resource use decision making process (Protocols) that reflects traditional knowledge and values via use of the knowledgeable ones or, Ninogad.

Figure 2 Sally and David Bruce

Several meetings were held with Ninogad elders, our leaders, staff and contractor Sharlene Frank. The focus of each meeting was on traditional knowledge and use of natural resources in the places the Ninogad grew up. Following the sharing of knowledge on how food was gathered, how it was cared for, how the lands and seas were taken care of, etc., a report was prepared which highlighted three main roles the Ninogad can serve toward decision making and land management processes today and into the future: 1. As an advisory role for our leaders, treaty and natural resources office, 2. As mentors for the schools and community and, 3. As ambassadors to educate about our homelands.



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Figure 3 Marion Wamiss, Blanche and Clyde Walkus, Lorraine Charlie, the three Mary’s – Mary Walkus, Mary Henderson and Mary Johnson.

The Treaty Office is very grateful to the knowledgeable ones and leaders for their contribution toward fulfilling this important need stated by community members in the updated Comprehensive Community Plan. GNN Bighouse We are very close to the next stage of Bighouse completion. Plans are in place ready for final input by the Bighouse Committee, carvers are in place ready to start to carve the upright posts and cross-beams. Our challenge at this time is to establish the location for the carvers to work in our community. The carving will be completed here in Tsulquate as per a ‘motion’ of the Chief and Council on May 18. Initially it was thought that we could have the poles carved in the old netshed, but the carvers have stated that site would not work due to poor access issues. A designated carving shed will be built; the size will meet the size and lengths of the poles to be carved. We are waiting on final details necessary to clear a site and pour cement for posts, siding and a roof. Prior to the cement pouring, the site will be blessed as we have been advised that everything to do with the Bighouse must be based on a strong and positive spirit.



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Figure 4 Examining old poles in net shed is Henry Seaweed 'Kwaxitola'

Governance The treaty office supported an initiative toward working with our chief and council to continue to strengthen Governance. In the spring, working with governance consultant Sharlene Frank and Scott Graham we attained a grant to hold meetings over a period from September to March for the purpose of creating new Governance Policy as well as an Orientation Manual for GNN Chief and Council. “The Orientation Manual was developed to help Chief and Council become quickly knowledgeable about the complete list of organizations that are either part of GNN or to which GNN has an affiliation and all current and historical governance and planning documents of the GNN. The value of having all this information in one place is that it will help new and existing Councilors think about and help to advance the most culturally consistent forms of governance for the GNN. Also in the manual is information about good governance practices, information about reading financial statements and a tool for conducting regular governance assessments.”



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Figure 5 Grand Chief Ed John acknowledges our leaders at the FN Summit for GNN contribution to Children and Family report he was commissioned to write for Ministry of Children and Families in 2016-17

The purpose of the Governance Policy is to help provide guiding principles and specific rules for good governance in the conduct of affairs of the GNN. Another purpose is that the Policy applies to roles of Hereditary Chiefs, Elected Chief and Council, Chief Negotiator and the Band Manager. The Treaty Office welcomes this good work done by the Chief, Council and Hereditary leaders who attended the many sessions over the past year. The outcomes will be extremely valuable as we seek to strengthen our own governance systems leading toward GNN self-government. Education/culture/language Over the past year, the treaty office supported initiatives toward culture and heritage promotion. We supported our schools where possible in language and film making initiatives. In addition we have university students requesting that they work on their thesis as it relates to our Nations. Recently, Taylor Boisjoli presented her thesis to a Landscape Architect Review Committee at UBC and following she was invited by Principal Reid Allen to present at the GN school to students and staff.



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Figure 6 UBC Landscape Architect student, Taylor Boisjolie presents ideas For homeland rebuilding

Her masters thesis was well received by students, schoolteachers and staff. University students such as Taylor must go through a strict university ethics board, as well as meet with our Chief and Council to achieve permission for a thesis project. Taylors ‘to look at how our community could rebuild at Ba’as’ was accepted. Following she hosted a community workshop as well as met with several elders to learn about the old village of Ba’as. From this input she developed a model of a possible village that would meet the goals of our folks which include a bighouse, a scooter accessible boardwalk, a place where people can live and learn about the old ways such as gathering food, carving, preparing fish, etc. from the elders. We will hold another community session for this presentation to be viewed as well as seek further input from community members. It is hoped that a similar project can be carried out for Takush. Chief Negotiator’s Comments The Comprehensive Community Plan was updated last year, you the people spoke loud and clear about positive change you want to see in our community. Working together -- our Chief and Council, GN Trust, the GN Administration, Elders/youth, GN Treaty, Economic Corp.-- strived to implement the CCP. Positive change does not happen over night, but it is clear that positive change is here now and much more is on the horizon. Treaty Report prepared by Colleen Hemphill, Chief Negotiator. For anyone wishing to see reports mentioned above please contact the treaty office through Bernadine at the front office, we will be happy to share these.



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June 5 /2017

k̓awat̕si si Economic Development Corporation (KEDC) Seeking KEDC Directors Deadline: 23 June, 2017

Opportunity Summary The k̓awat̕si si Economic Development Corporation (KEDC) is a wholly owned entity of the Gwa’sala‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations, located in Port Hardy, Hardy BC and we are looking for a Director to complete our five person Board of Directors to lead KEDC. Our mandate is to carry out economic development activities on behalf of the Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw ‘Nakwaxda’xw Nation in a manner that is consistent with social, environmental and cultural goals of the Nation. We are now in the process of reorganizing company activities and structure, and are looking for individuals to serve as Directors Directors that can commit between one to three years in this capacity. The Primary Responsibilities of KEDC Directors are to:     

Review and update strategic plans as required; Approve annual business plans consistent with the strategic plan for management to implement; Oversee management and provide support where necessary; Report to Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw ‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations Chief and Council as well as membership; and Establish policies that reflect laws and requirements as established by the Gwa’sala Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nation.

The Skills, Experience and Personal Qualities of Directors we are looking for are:         

Business experience in accounting, finance, human resources, and/or marketing; A strong ability to understand financial and non-financial non performance reports; Knowledge of, and experience in one or more of the following sectors: Forestry, Tourism, Fisheries, Marine Development and others; Previous board experience and training in business, finance or government relations; An understanding of Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw ‘Nakwaxda’xw Nation culture and/or experience in working with First Nations; The willingness to devote time required to carry out Director duties and responsibilities; The ability to be impartial, trustworthy and respectful of confidentiality that the role requires; A positivee attitude that promotes teamwork; and Values similar to that of the Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Gwa’sala Nation and its culture.

Directors are being sought through a competitive, fair and transparent process to help lead this exciting initiative. We thank all interested interested applicants in advance and look forward to sharing experiences with successful candidates. candidates Please submit a resume and cover letter, via email or delivered hard copy, in support of your application by 4:30 pm on June 23, 2017 to: Roger Nopper, Band Manager Manager, Gwa’sala‘Nakwaxda’xw Nation, PO 998, Port Hardy, BC, V0N 2P0 Email: manager@gwanaknations.ca


Gwa’sala-Nakwaxda’xw Nakwaxda’xw

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June 5 /2017

Yo Wiksas! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. The GNN Elders and the Guskimo Elders have been getting together for lunch this past month. The first lunch was voted out in Quatsino at the hall. We had about 22 Elders from GNN join the elders for a nice lunch. The second lunch was here at the Elder’s Centre. We had about 40 elders and staff in total. Both very great turn outs. Thank you again to the nurses Jasmine & Anna for all your help in the kitchen; Walter & Jeremy for BBQ’ing the fish; Cathy Swain for the bannock & bread (for door prizes); Quinten for all your help serving & Sara and her mom for the delicious pies. The month of May had been a very busy one, as per usual. Now the Elders are looking forward to their Conference trip in July.

consistent. It was then they decided Richard would be perfect. The current Elder’s Council has reviewed the work of both parties and were more than satisfied with the work both Richard and Brian do. So they remain the Janitor and Maintenance man. That is all for now. Have a great day. Silena George GNN Elder’s Program Admin (250) 949-7406 silena1314@gmail.com

Friendly reminder about the North Island Ni’nogad tomorrow, June 6 starting at 9am with breakfast and ending by 3pm at the Civic Centre. Elder’s Luncheon will be Wednesday at 12pm, as originated. Please let me know if any of you Elders have some yard work that needs to be done. Just a little reminder about how our janitor and maintenance man was hired: Back in 2015, the Elder’s Council had put in requests to have their building repainted. It was then that they decided they wanted to hire Ernie Hanuse and Brian. Ernie had to take it easy. Then they had Darrell Walkus bring in a resume and ask the Elder’s Council for work. The Elder’s Council made the decision themselves to hire Darrell to work with Brian. Darrell has moved to another job. As for the Janitor, the Elders wanted someone that would pay attention to detail and be



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June 5 /2017

Local Job Posting

Stones Childcare Centre located at the old Robert Scott Elementary School. steppingstonesdaycare@hotmail.ca

Job Posting May 30 2017 Cultural Liaison Term position – Approximately 18-24 months. 19.57-21.67 per hour depending on experience, 30-35 hrs. per week NICSS has an opportunity for a dynamic individual to be responsible for Community Development and Liaison with our local First Nations Communities and other local communities. The position will work closely with First Nations and others and provide feedback to NICSS Programs. The Liaison will engage in Community Collaboration, relationship building, and needs assessment. The successful candidate must be willing to travel within the Region, able to work independently and as part of a team, be organized and prompt. Must possess excellent communication skills and able to build strong relationships. A combination of education and experience within First Nations Communities a must. Must have current First Aid certificate, clean Driver’s Abstract, and Ministry of Justice Criminal Records Check. Posted until filled

Child Care Worker - Seasonal Company: Stepping Stones Childcare Centre Industry: Education Wage:TBD Expiry Date: Thursday, June 15, 2017 - 9am Details: This position is for an out of school care Child Care worker. We are looking for a fun, creative and responsible individual to help plan and implement summer programming for children ages 5-12. Be responsible for the health and safety of all children in the program and must demonstrate strong interpersonal skills and work well in a team setting. Qualifications & Experience: ECE, ECE assistant or Responsible Adult How to apply: Please send Resume by email or in person to Christina Cheetham to Stepping



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Security Maintenance - Full-Time Company: Thundrbird Mall Industry: Security Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Tuesday, June 13, 2017 - 9am Details: Maintenance: cleaning mall, washrooms, main corridors, windows, mats, glass. Clean parking lot. Empty garbage cans at days end. Security for entire mall. More will be discussed in person Must be available for shifts of Thursday through Sunday from 7:30 AM to 6 PM Qualifications & Experience: Must have a security license (if not, this can be discussed with a person who is serious about working here) How to apply: Serious Inquiries only. Qualified persons may contact Sandra at 250.949.8623 or 250.230.0317 Early Childhood Educator - Full-Time Company: Kwigwis Daycare Industry: Education Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Monday, June 12, 2017 - 9am Details: Reporting to the Manager the Early Childhood Educator will work within the early childhood program providing high quality care and creative, culturally appropriate programming for children. Applicant should work effectively as a team member, be self motivated, and have the ability to work independently.The applicant should also maintain professional standards and maintain confidentiality with respect to families and work. Qualifications & Experience: Early Chilhood Educator certificate or Diploma, Valid licence to practice Criminal record clearance to work with children Valid first aid/CPR certificate Provide a doctors note attesting your good physical and psychological health How to apply: In person at 99a Tsakis Way, email kwigwis@kwakiutl.bc.ca or mail Apply to Manager Donna Adlington Box 1440 Port Hardy BC V0N 2P0

June 5 /2017

Server - Full-Time Company: Quarterdeck Inn Industry: Tourism/ Hospitality Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Monday, June 12, 2017 - 9am Details: Restaurant Server The Quarterdeck Pub is looking to hire a server to join our team! Ideal Candidates:- Proven customer serving/ waitering experience - Take/serve orders and promote other menu food/beverages - Prepare tables with special attention to sanitation and order - Collaborate with other FOH staff and kitchen staff - Deal with customer complaints and issue with positive attitude - Issue bills and accept payment Qualifications & Experience: - Serving-it Right certification - Lotto certification How to apply: Drop in your resume in-person or via email to: admin@quarterdeckresort.net Supervisor - Front Of House - Full-Time Company: Quarterdeck Inn Industry: Tourism/ Hospitality Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Wednesday, June 7, 2017 - 9am Details: The Quarterdeck Pub is looking for a FOH supervisor to join our team! Ideal candidates: - Should have a minimum of 1 year experience as a FOH supervisor - Should have strong organizational and time management skills - Enjoy working on the floor and interacting with guest and other staff members - Available to work on weekends, holidays and nights - Follows and enforces company's policies - Has excellent verbal communication skills - Ability to work within the team and supervise the team - Assist the manager with scheduling and ordering items for the pub

- Minimum 1 year experience as a Front Of House Supervisor How to apply: Do drop your resume in-person or email to: admin@quarterdeckresort.net Website: http://www.quarterdeckresort.net Delivery Driver - Part-Time Company: Road Ranger Freight Industry: Transportation Wage: TBD Expiry Date: Tuesday, June 6, 2017 - 9am Details: Seeking a Delivery Driver ASAP to fill a position of approx 20 hrs/wk. Deliver freight in Port McNeill & Port Hardy; capable of lifting & loading freight; keep truck clean; have clean driver's abstract. How to apply: Please send emails to: roadrangerfreight@shaw.ca Attn: Jamie Early Childhood Educator - Seasonal Company: Rainbow Country Daycare Industry: Education Wage: $18/hr Expiry Date: Friday, June 9, 2017 - 4pm Details: Rainbow Country Daycare is looking for an Early Childhood Educator for the summer. We need a highly motivated individual to work with our after school program. You would be responsible to programming summer activities. This position would be M-F 9:45 – 5:45, Rate of pay $18.00 with qualification (ECE) this position could also turn into a full time position in the fall. How to apply: Chosen applicant must be willing to submit a criminal record check, Dr. Note, 2 letters of reference. Please send your resume to rainbowdaycare@telus.net deadline June 9th.

Qualifications & Experience: - Serving It Right license - Lotto Certification



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June 5 /2017

Birthday wishes/Requests I would like to wish sister Cindy Scow Happy Birthday Up in heaven. miss you sis so much. June 7th Happy Birthday sis Maggie Coon love you sis June 7th Happy Birthday BABY D we love you babe. Wishing you all the best. June 8th Love from Priscilla, Diana, Luis, RJ CharlieCharlie Iraheta ___________________________________________

Hello Its Mary/Baby Girl we are doing this texas hold'em board. $20 per hand the winner will get $230 We're also accepting donations, we can take your empties off your hands as well. We are trying real hard to fund raise to fulfill a dream our boy Willie has. This community knows Willies condition and what he has gone through, it has been his dream to go see the WWE Wresting that's coming to Vancouver this June 24th I ask that the community get behind and help support our fund raising efforts to make Willies dream possible. All help is appreciated, thank you. I accept EMT: babygurlx17x@gmail.com


Birthday wishes going out to our beautiful baby D we love you so much __________________________________________ ____________________________ Would like to congratulate my daughter Diana Charlie-Iraheta for graduating. May 29th 2017 from Burnaby Central high school. Proud parents Luis Iraheta & Priscilla Iraheta brothers Luis Alexandre and RJ Grandparents Loraine Skookum - Wilson and Danny Walkus Great Grandma Marion Wamiss I would like to encourage all our young generation tion to keep going.

-_________________________ _________________________

Happy birthday to my gran daughter Laila on the fifth of June , love you. Sweety ____________________________________________

A very special birthday thday wish to our oldest granddaughter Baby Lola Laura Thelma her 17th bd we love you babe so much June 6th


Gwa’sala-Nakwaxda’xw Nakwaxda’xw

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Happy birthday bro Jackson Walkus on June 2 from uncle bro ___________________________ _______________________ Would like to send birthday wishes to my brother Wil jr on June 4th, hope you enjoy your day babe

June 5 /2017

Also another birthday wish sent to my other brother Tavis on June 26th hope you enjoy your day babe also i love you

Happy Birthday to my beautiful baby sis Tina June 13 we love you sis hope that u have a great and awesome day _____________________________________________ Happy 17th birthday to my beautiful daughter laura joe on June 6th love you kiddo wish you nothing but the best on you special day ______________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _________ _________ _________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ________ ______ __________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ___________

Wishing these two Beautiful little girls a happy birthday This month. Evette and Treasure. Would "Love" To wish My Beautiful Niece Margaret Elizabeth.. Happy Sweet Birthday We love You !! We Hope You Hve A Great N Awesome Day!! Specially Wishes Send Your Day Happy Sweet 16th To Our Daughter Lucy Violet Rose we love you always love Mom and your Brothers & Sister n all your family - June 30th ❤

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_____________________________________________ Happy 10th Birthday To My Son Phillip James Simon June 30th we love you son hope you have a great day love from mom Angel Ange & Brother & Sisters



Gwa’sala-Nakwaxda’xw Nakwaxda’xw

Yo! News

June 5 /2017

Yo! News is prepared by Bernadine Clayton, Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Receptionist This newsletter is delivered to all houses on the Tsulquate Reserve every second week and posted to the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw website. If you have questions or comments about this newsletter, contact Bernadine at (250) 949-8343. The purpose of this newsletter is to keep Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw community members informed about what is happening in the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Band Office and the surrounding community. Anybody is welcome to make submissions to the newsletter, including announcements, lost-and-found, photographs, bakwam’kwala words, stories, legends, drawings, etc. etc. etc. Other ways to stay connected to the Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw community are: Website (www.gwanak.info) Facebook (User: GwasalaNakwaxdaxw) Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Band Office PO Box 998, 154 Tsulquate Reserve Port Hardy, B.C. V0N 2P0

STAFF Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Band Office Phone: (250) 949-8343 / Fax: (250) 949-7402 Roger Nopper,Band Manager manager@gwanak.info / (250) 902-2309 Margaret Bernard/ Lorna Henderson, Finance margaretb@gwanak.info/ (250) 902-2308 Conrad Browne, Economic Development ecdev@gwanak.info Lucy Scow, Social Development lucyscow@gmail.com/ (250) 902-2307 Colleen Hemphill, Treaty collenh@gntreaty.org/ (250) 949-8424 Linda Paul, Administrative Assistance Kasalas4859/ (250) 949-8994 Leo Lawson, Capital Specialist Officer lhanslawson@msn.com/(250) 902-2306 Thomas Kervin, Communications (250) 902-2301 Chelsey Walkus, Food Security & Nutrition Coordinator chelseywalkus@gmail.com/ (250) 949-7406 David Schmit, Natural Resource Manager David.schmidt@snrc.ca / (250) 902-2310

COUNCIL Chief Paddy Walkus: (250) 949-1486 Sits on all committee / paddywalkus@gmail.com

Grace Smith, Education grace.smith176@gmail.com / (250) 902-2320 Bob Swain, Public Works bswain4@telus.net / Cell: (250) 230-0087 Bernadine Clayton, Receptionist/Membership Clerk (250) 949-8343

Ernie Henderson: (250) 230-3404 Lucy Scow: (250) 230-4275 Grace Smith (250) 230-5001 Leslie Walkus: (250) 230-0034 Gary Walkus: (250) 230-3852 Terry Walkus: (250) 230-2459

Native Courtworker Office (250) 902-2223 Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Elders Centre Silena George, Elders Program Administrator (250) 949-7406

Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Health & Family Services Front Desk: (250) 949-8131 / Fax: (250) 949-6811

Victor Walkus: (250) 230-1030

Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw School

Eddie Charlie: (250) 230-9251

Front Desk: (250) 949-7743 / Fax: (250) 949-7422 www.gwanak.bc.ca Eke Me-Xi School (250) 949-8332



Yo! News

June 5 /2017

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