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Everyday Korean
Episode 33 휴대폰(Cellphones)
By Harsh Kumar Mishra
~ 에 따라: This grammar point is used with nouns and shows that the result in the second clause is dependent on the first clause. Ex: 통신사에 따라 요금제가 달라요. The plan differs depending on the carrier.
~ 까지: This is used with nouns and other particles and expresses the limit of the word it’s attached to. It also means “until.” Ex: 서류는 9월 7일까지 제출해 주세요. Please submit the documents by September 7th.
선불폰 prepaid phone 후불폰 postpaid phone 통신사 phone carrier 대리점 authorized dealer 선택하다 to select/choose 비슷비슷하다 to be similar 요금제 (phone) plan 혜택 benefits 약정 기간 contract period 가입하다 to sign-up / join 통신비 phone bill
Cellphone-Related Vocabulary
단말기 이동통신 무선 유선 할부 일시불 위약금 해지 cellphone mobile network operator wireless wire monthly installment plan single payment cancelation charge to cancel 데지: 제 선불폰을 후불로 바꾸고 싶은데 어디서 하나요? [Jae seon-bul-pon-eul hu-bul-lo ba-kku-go ship-eun-de eo-di-seo ha-na-yo?] Daisy: I want to change my prepaid phone to postpaid. Where do I do it?
정민: 통신사 대리점에 가서 가입할 수 있어. [Tong-shin-sa dae-ri-jeom-e ga-seo ga-ip-hal su isseo.] Jeongmin: You can sign up by going to a cellphone carrier store.
데지: 어떤 통신사가 제일 좋아요? [Eo-tteon tong-shin-sa-ga je-il jo-a-yo?] Daisy: Which carrier do you think is best?
정민: 다 비슷비슷해. 선택한 요금제에 따라 혜택이 조금씩 달라. [Da bi-seut-bi-seut-hae. Seon-taek-han yo-geum-je-e tta-ra hyetaek-i jo-geum-ssik dal-la.] Jeongmin: They’re all kind of similar. The benefits vary slightly depending on the plan you choose.
데지: 그래요? 스마트폰과 같이 가입할 때 요금 할인을 많이 해줘요? [Geu-rae-yo? S-ma-teu-pon-gwa ga-chi ga-ip-hal ttae yo-geum har-ineul ma-ni hae-jwo-yo? ] Daisy: Really? Do you get much of a discount when signing up for a smartphone?
정민: 맞아. 통신비 약정 할인을 25%까지 해줘. [Ma-ja. Tong-shin-bi yak-jeong har-in-eul -ishib-o peo-sen-teu-kkaji hae-jwo.] Jeongmin: Right. They give up to a 25% discount on communication costs with contract phones.
데지: 좋네요. 약정 기간은 2년이에요? [Jon-ne-yo. Yak-jeong gi-ga-neun i-nyeon-i-e-yo?] Daisy: That’s nice. Is the contract period two years?
정민: 선택할 수 있어. 1년도 있고, 3년도 있어. [Seon-taek-hal su is-seo. Il-nyeon-do ik-ko, sam-nyeon-do is-seo.] Jeongmin: You can choose. There are also one-year and three-year contracts.
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