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Entrepreneur | Health & Wellness Coach
Entrepreneur & Health Wellness Coach Keywa Henderson Thomas
Keywa Henderson Thomas, founder and tea-maker of Key’s Teas LLC, is a long-time health and natural wellness enthusiast - from tea making, birth doula professional, formerfitness instructor, wellness coach & many other professional hats in real estate, communications and more! Keywa is a Columbia, SC native, wife and mother of three children plus two bonus children. Key’s Teas is truly a passion and all began in a small one bedroom apartment in Orlando, Florida on a little stove, following her first daughter (Saniyah Leilani) constantly getting sick and suffering countless ear infections and respiratory issues in daycare. After years of research, faith & a burning determination to make something safe and effective to keep her then one year old well, Key’s Teas was born and growing over a decade strong.
Key’s Teas are fully natural, powerful, herbal teas specially formulated to battle life’s common illnesses as well as help support preventive health. Key’s Teas harnesses the power of amazing roots and herbs from Mother Earth. Key‘s Teas come in 3 varieties: Kold Kicker, I’m Immune and Tummy Tamer. Kold Kicker is specially designed to address cold and flu-like symptoms as well as sinus issues; I’m Immune is designed for preventive health; and Tummy Tamer is specially formulated to address stomach virus and digestive health. Key’s Teas come ready-todrink in mason jars, no steeping, measuring or sweetening -simply thaw and drink hot or cold!
Key’s Teas is specially designed with the whole family and all generations in mind! Everyone from our tea toddlers to our senior sensations and even expecting moms LOVE Key’s Teas! With NO preservatives or additives & using only roots/herbs from their source with raw sugar for a little sweetness, a large range of people rock with Key’s Teas for their prevention and intervention health needs!
Please visit the website https://getkeysteas.com/to view detailed information about Key’s Teas, see many tea testimonials, read frequently asked questions, and order tea. Also, follow on social at Facebook (Key’s Teas) and Instagram (@keysteas). Join the Key’s Teas tribe!