Review of 2019

Page 80

| RESEARCH PROJECTS - 2019 Curlews and grouse moors

A paired site comparison of curlew breeding success David Baines, David Newborn, between grouse moors and non-grouse moors Nick Hesford, Mike Richardson

Core funds


Grey partridge

Using call-back surveys to estimate spring densities David Baines

Core funds

2018- ongoing

Mountain hares

10-yearly questionnaire on mountain hare abundance and distribution

Core funds


Post-burning vegetation recovery Using aerial images and field surveys to assess chrono- Sian Whitehead, Hannah Weald on blanket peat at Langholm sequences of vegetation responses to heather burning

Core funds


Repeat moorland bird surveys Repeat of bird and vegetation surveys conducted on circa 90 UK moors 2007-2012

David Baines, David Newborn, Mike Richardson, Kathy Fletcher, Nick Hesford

Core funds


Measuring rises in strongyle worms (see p68)

David Newborn

Core funds


Development of Black Grouse Co-ordinating volunteer inputs into annual lek Study Groups in Scotland monitoring across several regions of Scotland

Philip Warren

Heritage Lottery Fund


Development of long-term heather burning experiments on blanket peat

Sian Whitehead

Core funds


Fortnightly grouse faecal egg counts Dec’-May in relation to weather and medication

Are burning and cutting useful management tools for blanket bog restoration? Does the structure and composition of pre-burn vegetation influence post-burn vegetation recovery?

Nick Hesford, Julie Ewald, David Baines

Key to abbreviations: AHDB = Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board; AONB = Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty; BBSRC = Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council; BTO = British Trust for Ornithology; CASE = Co-operative Awards in Science & Engineering; CEFAS = Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science; CSF = Catchment Sensitive Farming; Defra = Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; EA = Environment Agency; ESRC = Economic & Social Research Council; EU = European Union; FC = Forestry Commission; GCUSA = Game Conservancy USA; GWSDF = Game & Wildlife Scottish Demonstration Farm; H2020 = Horizon 20:20; INRA = Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique; Interreg = European Regional Development Board; NARGC = National Association of Regional Game Councils; NE = Natural England; NERC = Natural Environment Research Council; NERC SARIC= Sustainable Agriculture Research and Innovation Club; NGO = National Gamekeepers’ Organisation; NRW = Natural Resources Wales; ONCFS = Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage; PARTRIDGE = Protecting the Area’s Resources Through Researched Innovative Demonstration of Good Examples; QMUL = Queen Mary University of London; RSPB = Royal Society for the Protection of Birds; SAMARCH = SAlmonid MAnagement Round the CHannel; SGA = Scottish Gamekeepers’ Association; SNH = Scottish Natural Heritage; S&TC, UK = Salmon & Trout Conservation UK.

Scientific publications

© Laurie Campbell

by staff of the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust in 2019

Aebischer, NJ (2019) Fifty-year trends in UK hunting bags of birds and mammals, and calibrated estimation of national bag size, using GWCT’s National Gamebag Census. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 65: 64-76. Ahibeck-Bergendahl, I, April, J, Bardarson, H, Bolstad, GH, Bradbury, I, Buoro, M, Chaput, G, Dauphin, G, Ensing, D, Erkinaro, J, Fiske, P, Freese, M, Gillson, J, Gregory, SD, Hanson, N, Kelly, N, Maxwell, H, Meerburg, D, Millane, M, Nygaard, R, Olmos, M, Ounsley, J, Prusov, S, Rivot, E, Robertson, M, Russell, IC, Sheehan, T, Rong Utne, K, Walker, A & Wennevik, V (2019) ICES 2019 Working Group on North Atlantic Salmon (WGNAS). ICES Scientific Reports, 1: 1-368. Baines, D, Newborn, D & Richardson, M (2019) Are Trichostrongylus tenuis control and resistance avoidance simultaneously manageable by reducing anthelmintic intake by grouse? Vet Record, 185: 53-60. Baines, D, Becker, M & Hart, S (2019) Sheep tick Ixodes ricinus management on Welsh hill farms of designated conser78 | GAME & WILDLIFE REVIEW 2019

vation importance: implications for nationally declining birds. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 33: 352-359. Bartual, AM, Sutter, L, Bocci, G, Moonen, A-C, Cresswell, J, Entling, M, Giffard, B, Jacot, K, Jeanneret, P, Holland, JM, Pfister, SC, Pintér, O, Veromann, E, Winkler, K & Albrecht, M (2019) The potential of different semi-natural habitats to sustain pollinators and natural enemies in European agricultural landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 279: 43-52. Capstick, LA, Draycott, RAH, Wheelwright, CM, Ling, DE, Sage, RB & Hoodless, AN (2019) The effect of game management on the conservation value of woodland rides. Forest Ecology and Management, 454: 117242. Dahlgren, DK, Elmore, RD, Smith, DA, Hart, A Young, JK, Kinka, D, Arnett, EB, Baines, D & Connelly, JW 2019 Use of dogs in wildlife research and management. In: The Wildlife Techniques Manual, Volume 1: Research (ed: T. Gasbarrini), The Wildlife Society. John Hopkins University Press.

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Articles inside

2019 GWCT scientific publications

pages 80-81

2019 GWCT research projects

pages 76-79

2019 GWCT staff

pages 86-87

The impacts of buzzards on red grouse

pages 74-75

Causes and timing of low breeding success in capercaillie

pages 72-73

Reducing anthelmintic intake by grouse

pages 70-71

Respiratory cryptosporidiosis in red grouse

pages 68-69

Partridge Count Scheme

pages 54-55

Migration of woodcock wintering in the British Isles

pages 52-53

Protecting salmon and sea trout at sea

pages 46-47

Killing foxes and controlling fox density: when are they the same thing?

pages 34-37

Invasive wild species

pages 38-39

Allerton Project: reducing compaction in no-till systems

pages 28-29

Allerton Project: can cover crops recover legacy phosphorus?

pages 26-27

Bats and agri-environment schemes

pages 18-19

Solving problems using research

page 15

Informing legislation with sound science

pages 8-9

To our dedicated supporters thank you all

page 14

Solving the General Licence conundrum

page 11

The Farmer Cluster story

pages 12-13

Success of collaborative working in Wales

page 10

Thank you for your continued support

page 7

Working towards a sustainable balance

page 6

GWCT council and county chairmen

page 4
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