Scientific publications by staff of the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust in 2018 Aebischer, NJ, Ewald, JA & Kingdon, NG (2018) Working towards the recovery of a declining quarry species: the grey partridge in the UK. In: Baxter, GS, Finch, NA & Murray, PJ (eds) Advances in Conservation Through Sustainable Use of Wildlife: 55-62. Wildlife Science Unit, University of Queensland, Gatton, Australia. Angulo, E, Luque, GM, Gregory, SD, Wenzel, JW, Bessa-Gomes, C, Berec, L & Courchamp, F (2018) Allee effects in social species. Journal of Animal Ecology, 87: 47-58.
Fusser, MS, Holland, JM, Jeanneret, P, Pfister, SC, Entling, MH & Schirmel, J (2018) Interactive effects of local and landscape factors on farmland carabids. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 20: 549-557. Gethings, OJ (2018) The Influence of Syngamus trachea on Pheasant Populations. Unpublished PhD thesis Harper Adams University, Newport.
Baines, D, Allinson, H, Duff, JP, Fuller, H, Newborn, D & Richardson, M (2018) Lethal and sub-lethal impacts of respiratory cryptosporidiosis on red grouse, a wild gamebird of economic importance. Ibis, 160: 882-891.
Gregory, SD (2018) Could bigger be better? Longer Atlantic salmon smolts seem more likely to return as adults. In: Woods, S (ed). Proceedings of the 33 International Workshop on Statistical Modelling Volume 1: 112-117 University of Bristol, Bristol.
Bašic, T, Britton, JR, Cove, RJ, Ibbotson, AT & Gregory, SD (2018) Roles of discharge and temperature in recruitment of a cold-water fish, the European grayling Thymallus thymallus, near its southern range limit. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 27: 940-951.
Gregory, SD, Armstrong, JD & Britton, JR (2018) Is bigger really better? Towards improved models for testing how Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolt size affects marine survival. Journal of Fish Biology, 92: 579-592.
Capstick, LA (2018) Variation in the Effect of Corvid Predation on Songbird Populations. Unpublished PhD thesis University of Exeter, Exeter.
Heward, CJ, Hoodless, AN, Conway, GJ, Fuller, RJ, MacColl, ADC & Aebischer, NJ (2018) Habitat correlates of Eurasian woodcock Scolopax rusticola abundance in a declining resident population. Journal of Ornithology, 159: 955-965.
Coyle, HE, Whitehead, SC & Baines, D (2018) A review of soft rush Juncus effusus management for breeding waders. Wader Study, 125: 190-194. Crotty, FV, Fychan, R, Sanderson, R & Marley, CL (2018) Increasing legume forage productivity through slurry application – a way to intensify sustainable agriculture? Food and Energy Security, 7:e00144: 1-11. doi: 10.1002/fes3.144. Crotty, FV & Stoate, C (2018) How can soil-improving cropping systems reduce compaction? Assessing mechanical methods in comparison to increasing root uptake and growth through biological amendments. Aspects of Applied Biology, 140: 63-69. Dent, TO (2018) Making the most of private stewardship for conservation – a voluntary landscape approach In: Baxter, GS, Finch, NA & Murray, PJ (eds) Advances in Conservation Through Sustainable Use of Wildlife: 111-118. Wildlife Science Unit, University of Queensland, Gatton, Australia. Dicks, LV, Rose, DC, Ang, F, Aston, S, Birch, ANE, Boatman, ND, Bowles, EL, Chadwick, D, Dinsdale, A, Durham, S, Elliott, J, Firbank, L, Humphreys, S, Jarvis, P, Jones, D, Kindred, D, Knight, SM, Lee, MRF, Leifert, C, Lobley, M, Matthews, K, Midmer, A, Moore, M, Morris, C, Mortimer, S, Murray, TC, Norman, K, Ramsden, S, Roberts, D, Smith, LG, Soffe, R, Stoate, C, Taylor, B, Tinker, D, Topliff, M, Wallace, J, Williams, P, Wilson, P, Winter, M & Sutherland, WJ (2018) What agricultural practices are most likely to deliver ‘sustainable intensification’ in the UK? Food and Energy Security, 2018;e00148: 1-15. doi: 10.1002/fes3.148. Fletcher, K & Baines, D (2018) The effects of acaricide treatment of sheep on red grouse Lagopus lagopus scotica tick burdens and productivity in a multi-host system. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 32: 235-243. 80 | GAME & WILDLIFE REVIEW 2018
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Ikediashi, CI, Paris, JR, King, RA, Beaumont, WRC, Ibbotson, A & Stevens, JR (2018) Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in the chalk streams of England are genetically unique. Journal of Fish Biology, 92: 621-641. Johnson, SN, Crotty, FV, Ryalls, JMW & Murray, PJ (2018) Belowground experimental approaches for exploring aboveground-belowground patterns. In: Ohgushi, T, Wurst, S & Johnson, SN (eds). Aboveground-Belowground Community Ecology: 19-46 Springer International Publishing. Kenward, RE, Arraut, EM, Robertson, PA, Walls, SS, Casey, NM & Aebischer, NJ (2018) Resource-Area-Dependence Analysis: inferring animal resource needs from home-range and mapping data. PLoS ONE, 13 e0206354: 1-20. doi: 10.1371/journal. pone.0206354. Ludwig, SC, Aebischer, NJ, Bubb, D, Roos, S & Baines, D (2018) Survival of chicks and adults explains variation in population growth in a recovering red grouse Lagopus lagopus scotica population. Wildlife Biology, 2018: wlb.00430: 1-10. doi: 10.2981/ wlb.00430. Ludwig, SC, Aebischer, NJ, Bubb, D, Richardson, M, Roos, S, Wilson, JD & Baines, D (2018) Population responses of red grouse Lagopus lagopus scotica to expansion of heather Calluna vulgaris cover on a Scottish grouse moor. Avian Conservation & Ecology, 13 (Article 14): 1-12. doi: 10.5751/ ACE-01306-130214. Ludwig, SC, McCluskie, A, Keane, P, Barlow, C, Francksen, RM, Bubb, D, Roos, S, Aebischer, NJ & Baines, D (2018) Diversionary feeding and nestling diet of hen harriers Circus cyaneus. Bird Study, 65: 431-443.
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