Staff of the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust in 2018 CHIEF EXECUTIVE Personal Assistant Chief Finance Officer Accountant Finance Senior Finance Assistant Accounts Assistant (p/t) Head of Database Head of Administration & Personnel Health & Safety Officer (p/t) Head Groundsman (p/t) Headquarters Site Maintenance Cleaner Head of Information Technology IT Assistant
Teresa Dent BSc, FRAgS, CBE Laura Gell; Liz Scott (from September) Nick Sheeran BSc, ACMA, CGMA Leigh Goodger Hilary Clewer BA Lindsey Chappé De Leonval Helen Aebischer Corinne Duggins Lic ès Lettres Alastair King Chartered MCIPD, MAHRM John Owen Craig Morris Steve Fish Theresa Fish (from March) James Long BSc Charles Fisher (until May); Dean Jervis HNC, BA (from October)
DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH Personal Assistant (p/t) Public Sector Fundraiser Public Sector Fundraiser Administrator Head of Fisheries Head of Fisheries – Research SAMARCH Senior Fisheries Scientist Fisheries Scientist SAMARCH Fisheries Ecologist SAMARCH Project Scientist SAMARCH Fisheries Project Officer SAMARCH Research Assistant SAMARCH Research Assistant PhD Student (University of Southampton) - beavers and salmonids PhD Student (University of Queen Mary London) - Ranunculus PhD Student (University of Queen Mary London) - low flows on salmonids and river ecosystems PhD Student (Bournemouth University) - smolt migration and survival Head of Lowland Gamebird Research Ecologist - Pheasants, Wildlife (p/t) PhD Student (Exeter University) - pheasant release pens MSc student (University of East Anglia) Placement Student (Manchester Metropolitan University) Head of Wetland Research Research Ecologist Research Ecologist Research Assistant Research Assistant Ecologist – LIFE Waders for Real Research Assistant/PhD Student (p/t University of Nottingham) - woodcock MSc Student (University of Reading) - lapwing chick survival MSc Student (University of Newcastle) - predator abundance MSc Student (University of Reading) - invertebrates in wet grasslands Placement Student (University of Bath) Head of Predation Control Studies Senior Field Ecologist Research Ecologist Head of Farmland Ecology Senior Entomologist Postdoctoral Scientist Research Assistant Research Assistant PhD Student (University of Sussex) - solitary bees MSc Student (Harper Adams University) - Sussex pitfalls Visiting PhD student (Newcastle University) Placement Student (Reading University) Placement Student (Reading University) Placement Student (University of Nottingham) Director of Upland Research Office Manager, Uplands Senior Scientist Research Assistant Senior Scientist Research Ecologist Langholm Seasonal Field Assistant Placement Student (York University) Placement Student (Leeds University) Placement Student (University of West of England) Placement Student (University of Nottingham) Senior Scientist - North of England Grouse Research Senior Research Assistant - Scotland Senior Scientist - Scottish Upland Research Head of Advisory Co-ordinator Advisory Services (p/t) Biodiversity Advisor – Farmland Ecology Biodiversity Advisor – Farmland Ecology Head of Education Regional Advisor – central England Game Manager (p/t) – Allerton Project Biodiversity Advisor – northern England Game Manager – Rotherfield Park
Prof. Nick Sotherton BSc, PhD, ARAgS Lynn Field Paul Stephens BApp.Sc Ben Stephens Dylan Roberts BSc Rasmus Lauridsen BSc, MSc, PhD William Beaumont MIFM Stephen Gregory BSc, MPhil, PhD Luke Scott Céline Artero BSc, MSc, PhD Will Beaumont BSc (from February) Thomas Lecointre (from December) Jessica Picken BSc, MSc (from October) Robert Needham BSc Jessica Marsh BSc, MSc
Review2018.indd 86
Jessica Picken BSc, MSc Olivia Simmons BSc, MSc (from September) Rufus Sage BSc, MSc, PhD Maureen Woodburn BSc, MSc, PhD Andy Hall MSc Charlotte Parker BSc (March-July) Meg Speck (until June) Andrew Hoodless BSc, PhD Kaat Brulez MSc, PhD (until March) Lucy Capstick BSc, PhD Ryan Burrell BSc (from April) Jodie Case BSc (from May) Lizzie Grayshon BSc Chris Heward BSc Giselle Hynes BSc Heather Warrender BSc Jessica Grimbley BSc Eleanor Ness (until August) Jonathan Reynolds BSc, PhD Mike Short HND Tom Porteus BSc, MSc, PhD Prof. John Holland BSc, MSc, PhD Steve Moreby BSc, MPhil Niamh McHugh BSc, MSc, PhD Belinda Bown Rosanne Powell (April-December) Rachel Nichols BSc, MSc Susan Hammond (April-December) Nick Bailey BSc (April-June) Chris Wyver (until September) Ellen Knight (from September) Amy Corrin (from September) David Baines BSc, PhD Julia Hopkins (until May); Helen Allinson BSc (Jan-March), Sarah Grondowski (from Dec) Phil Warren BSc, PhD Michael Richardson BSc Sian Whitehead BSc, DPhil Sonja Ludwig MSc, PhD Melissa Dawson BSc (May-August) Beth Goodman (until August) Hannah Coyle (until August) Hannah Weald (from September) Megan Roberts (from September) David Newborn HND Nick Hesford BSc, PhD Kathy Fletcher BSc, MSc, PhD Roger Draycott HND, MSc, PhD² Lynda Ferguson Peter Thompson DipCM, MRPPA (Agric) Jessica Brooks, BSc, MSc, ACIEEM Mike Swan BSc, PhD³ Austin Weldon BSc, MSc4 Matthew Coupe Jennie Stafford BSc Malcolm Brockless
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