the chocolate voice
February 2011
positive news that sweetens
the soul
Black History is Beyond American History
On the cover: a local artist paints the colorful lives of afro cuban slaves
On the heels of Valentines Day! Tips on making your relationship last a lifetime
Outstanding interviews
JVSQ XLIEXVI ERH Ă PQ professionals
Hopkins Barbershop HAIRCUTS WITH FORM
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TableofContents In Every Issue 4 Publisher’s Note 5 Dr. Sprinkles Point of View 8 Faith & Inspiration with Dr. Amanda Goodson 11 In Ernie’s Mind 15 Out and About
A stunning mural depiticing 19th century Afro Cuban slaves
Features 6 Bold Colors
Shanda gives us tips on how to incorporate colors of the African Flag into your wardrobe
7 Black History Update
Artress Cornmesser updates us on Sakofa!
9 At the 2011 San Diego Film Festival
TCV interviews Al Thompson!
16 Anthony B. Phillips
An interview with Actor Anthony B. Phillips, Star of Superior Donuts
12 Happily Ever After
Ci Ci Foster gives you tips on how to live a romantic life!
18 All in Good Wine and Taste
13 Forks Over Knives
TSFL Coach Sonya Fakelman gives us lessons on eating healthy
TCV’s Gwen shares her I\TIVMIRGI EX 3VÁPE Vineyards and Winery
14 Keith Jefferson
TCV interviews U of A Alumni and Actor co-starring in Superior Donuts
15 2221
Ambrose Brodus, Jr. gives
readers a history lesson .
the chocolate voice Publisher & Managing Editor Gwen Pierce
Contributors Lula Hunter Ernie McCray Dr. Shirley Sprinkles, Ph.D. Dr. Amanda Goodson, Sonya Fakelman, Ambrose Brodus, Jr. Artress Cornmesser, Ci Ci Foster
Interns Emily Kohlheim
Marketing P.O. Box 211234 Chula Vista, CA 91921
Graphic Artist Shanda Pierce
Ad Sales 619.507.9237 Photos courtesy of: The Chocolate Voice San Diego Reperatory Theatre - Daren Scott Katrina Rohr - KRohr Photography Al Thompson, Valdean Entertainment For Subscriptions and Back Issues Call 619-507-9327
The Chocolate Voice P.O. Box 50614, Tucson, AZ 85703 Fax: 619-421-8187 The Chocolate Voice is
Published monthly, January through December.
The publisher assumes no responsibility for claims or actions of its advertisers. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher, its staff or advertisers. ISSN 1944-7698
Š2011, The Chocolate Voice All rights reserved.
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Publisher’s Note
It’s Black History Month and we’re on a Soap Box!
, d-In Chain erican Rea m A an ic fr A Tucson, AZ
By all accounts, one month of celebrating the historical contributions that black Americans have made has clearly been understated yet still, isn’t it remarkable how many people make an effort to come together and plan month long events to honor the memory of our rich heritage? If you’re a social media user like myself isn’t it wonderful to see technology savvy individuals who take time to embrace February by; tweeting and publishing facebook postings [LMGL VIÂIGX UYM^^IW ERH MQTSVXERX XMQIPMRIW VIPEXMRK XS FPEGO LMWXSV] JEGXW Through all the celebrating and media hype regarding February as Black HisXSV] QSRXL [LEX¸W WXMPP TY^^PMRK JSV QI EVI WSQI SJ XLI HMVIGX UYIWXMSRW -¸ZI had to answer pertaining to black pop culture, so to speak. Let me share with ]SY E JI[ ;L] HS FPEGO QEKE^MRIW I\MWX# 2S[ XLMW RI\X SRI MW E HSS^I] Why is there a need for a Black Entertainment Network (BET)? There’s not a White Entertainment Network? Isn’t that discrimination? (3)Why is there a FPEGO ÁPQ JIWXMZEP# 7XEVXMRK [MXL XLI ÁVWX UYIWXMSR [L] HS FPEGO QEKE^MRIW I\MWX# 1] ERW[IV is simply because we need to see more images of people of color portrayed in a positive light. It’s important that we read more materials written by us and about us. We need more of a variety of articles relating to issues that EJJIGX SYV GSQQYRMX] 7YVI XLIVI EVI TPIRX] SJ QEKE^MRIW LIRGI JEWLMSR entertainment that have that so called “universal appeal” however, articles or photographs relating to people of color are still far and few in between. -R WE]MRK XLEX FVEZS XS REXMSREP SVKERM^EXMSRW WYGL EW 8LI %JVMGER %QIVMcan Read-In Chain on their mission to promote reading the work written by black authors! 2I\X -¸PP EHHVIWW XLI UYIWXMSR XLEX - VIJIV XS EW XLI HSS^I] ;L] MW XLIMV E RIIH for a Black Entertainment Network? Here are my thoughts, whatever opinion one has of B.E.T. this network represents progress. As for discrimination, come on now! B.E.T. features a wide range of shows from gospel to drama to WMXYEXMSR GSQIH] XLEX VIÂIGX E HMZIVWI KVSYT SJ I\XVIQIP] XEPIRXIH MRHMZMHYals who may or may not have the same opportunity on other major networks. Personally I truly enjoy the award shows. Truth be told, without networks like &)8 SV 8 : 32) QER] SJ YW VIWSVX XS GLERRIP WYVÁRK XS ÁRH E LMRX SJ GLSGSlate, particularly on award shows. In my house it’s party time when an African %QIVMGER MW RSQMREXIH JSV XLIMV [SVO MR XIPIZMWMSR XLIEXVI SV ÁPQ Recently I had the honor of interviewing three talented young men in the IRXIVXEMRQIRX ÁIPH EPP SJ [LSQ I\TVIWWIH WMQMPEV WIRXMQIRXW VIKEVHMRK XLIMV struggles, when it came to auditioning and getting their projects out there etc. At some point in the conversation with all three men each mentioned the lack of representation of positive African Americans in mainstream media. One of the young men the talented Actor/Film maker Al Thompson who has EGXYEPP] LEH E ÁPQ WGVIIRIH EX XLI 7YRHERGI *MPQ *IWXMZEP QIRXMSRIH HYVMRK SYV GLEX XLEX LI [EW KVEXIJYP JSV XLI STTSVXYRMX] XS LEZI LMW ÁPQW WGVIIRIH EX &PEGO *MPQ *IWXMZEPW FIGEYWI MR LMW [SVHW µ1] ÁPQW WLS[ FVSXLIVW [MXL good credit, living in the new Harlem in the Obama era, brothers who own a condo, or maybe two.” As Al so clearly states, we don’t see or hear enough TSWMXMZI MRÂYIRGIW EW MX TIVXEMRW XS FPEGO GYPXYVI In this issue, sit back and enjoy some of the fantastic interviews with some very positive and talented individuals. We’re also delighted to welcome Artress Cornmesser back as a contributor. Check out her article on black history contributions made by her very own family. By the way, have your heard of 2221 Negro Infantry Volunteers of WWII? Check out the article inside by Ambrose Brodus, Jr., and become familiar with history that most Americans no little about. Also, with Valentine’s Day just around the corner, check out Happily Ever After, Tips on how to make your relationship last a lifetime by new contributor, CiCi Foster. Take some time to check out the events and participate in black history celebrations and enjoy Valentine’s Day. Just a thought, maybe we should celebrate Valentine’s Day for a month, wouldn’t that be sweet!
Gwen Pierce
An Essay By Shirley Sprinkles, Ph.D
For these sophisticated, largely East Coast, folks, names PMOI ,IVRERHI^ 6LII +VMZEPZE ERH 1SVEPIW [SYPH RIIH XS be spell-checked to get right before submitting copy on the biggest story of this decade; the attempted assassination of a United States Congresswoman, and cold-blooded murder of six others—including a nine-year-old child. As painful as it was to watch the unfolding of such a monumental, senseless tragedy, I couldn’t help noting who came up as the heroes and heroines of the day. A Mexican intern to Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords who plugged her head wound with his hand and held her close in the position that saved her life, several Mexican good Samaritans who overcame their own fears in order to attend to wounded victims of the shooting rampage, and yes, a Chinese doctor named, 4IXIV 6LII [LS MW GVIHMXIH [MXL SVKERM^MRK XLI FPSSH] GLESW EX 9RMZIVWMX] 1IHMGEP 'IRXIV WS TVSÁGMIRXP] XLEX QER] PMZIW SJ the wounded were saved, including Mrs. Gifford’s, and seeing to it that professional services were rendered at the highest PIZIPW SJ IJÁGMIRG] Few people in mainstream America are aware, as I am, because I grew up there, of the irony of these names co-mingling in the history being made today. It is not commonly known that Tucson hosts a large contingency of Chinese as [IPP EW ,MWTERMG GMXM^IRW´ER SYXGSQI SJ HE]W KSRI F] [LIR GPYWXIVW SJ XLMW GYPXYVEP KVSYT [IVI FVSYKLX XS %VM^SRE XS build the railway system that traverses the state and connects %VM^SRE [MXL XLI VIWX SJ XLI GSYRXV] These industrious, entrepreneurial-minded people remained there and opened businesses like grocery stores, dry cleaners, and restaurants, and bought up much of the land on which many of Tucson’s existing commercial, industrial and residential properties were erected. I was not at all surprised to see a Chinese Chief of Trauma and Emergency Operations at the 9RMZIVWMX] SJ %VM^SRE¸W [SVPH GPEWW LSWTMXEP ERH QIHMGEP GIRter, although I’m sure it’s a job he could not have had when I lived there, even if he deserved it. As to the courageous Hispanic heroes of the sad event, my mind would not behave as it conjured up images of a scenario wherein someone would have shouted:
Wait! Don’t touch her! What is your legal status?
”Wait! Don’t touch her! What is your legal status? Are you E HSGYQIRXIH 9 7 GMXM^IR SV ER MPPIKEP EPMIR# ;I LEZI XS know this before you can be trusted to help these true-blue American people!” -J (ERMIP ,IVRERHI^ LEH ERW[IVIH MR XLI RIKEXMZI EHQMXXMRK XLEX LMW GMXM^IRWLMT [EW ]IX XS FI HIXIVQMRIH [I [SYPH FI contemplating a whole different conclusion than the hopeful one we now entertain. I don’t know whether or not this brave young man, who used his nursing training and personal fortitude to preserve the life of Gabby Giffords until EMS arrived, MW E ÁVWX WIGSRH SV XLMVH KIRIVEXMSR 1I\MGER - GSYPH GEVI PIWW [LIXLIV SV RSX LI UYEPMÁIW JSV µXIQTSVE] MQQYRMX]¶ MJ LI MW RSX EPVIEH] E REXYVEP FSVR GMXM^IR %PP - ORS[ MW XLEX - WYVI EW hell wish we had more people like him in this country! .EVIH 0SYKLRIV F] EPP EGGSYRXW MW E 9RMXIH 7XEXIW GMXM^IR F]
(ERMIP ,IVRERHI^ birth and education-the type we say we want here. But, in my opinion, he was failed by someone, somewhere—perhaps IZIV][LIVI - HSYFX XLEX (ERMIP ,IVRERHI^ [EW FVSYKLX YT as privileged as Loughner, socially and economically, I know - [EWR¸X -R %VM^SRE XLI WXMKQE SJ VEGI MW WXMPP EPMZI ERH [IPP after all these years. But, it doesn’t matter. What matters is XLEX 1V ,IVRERHI^ MW E HIGIRX LYQER FIMRK [LS PIEVRIH somewhere to earn his way in the world by saving lives; not by taking them. He is a contributor, not a destroyer. I hope that those who have harbored and spewed the deep animosity dispatched in broadcast and print news media against this WIKQIRX SJ SYV WSGMIX] XLIWI HE]W [MPP WXIT FEGO ERH VIÂIGX SR what the world has just witnessed.
th, I ry mon lors of o t s i h lack e co rit of b und with th i p s e In th lay aro d to p n Flag! e t n a w ca n-Afri the Pa
Black Black leather jackets are not only ÁIVGI FYX XLI] RIZIV KS SYX SJ WX]PI
ACCESSORIZE! When your hair is a mess, head scarves save the day! Just tie it up, add a bow in the back, and you’ll look glamorous!
Head Scarves
It’s still winter and pea coats are still in! Keep it classic and colorful with a nice shade of olive to compliment brown skin tones.
Knit Scarves
Long knit scarves are always in, even if MX MWR¸X [MRXIV -X¸PP EHH TM^^E^^ ERH PE]IVW XS ]SYV SYXÁX XS GSQTPIXI MX
Red Red makes a bold statement! Liven up your wardrobe with a “thriller”IWUYI NEGOIX MX¸W WI\] VIXVS ERH chic!
In the mid 1960’s, the schools in San Bernardino County were court ordered to desegregate, and they did. Since then, almost 50 years later, the students of color still lagged behind. In 2005, the school board MR 7ER &IVREVHMRS 9RMÁIH 7GLSSP (MWXVMGX HIGMHIH XS HS WSQIXLMRK about it. The community drew the line and got behind the educators. The Board of Education saw the light and created a department to be headed byTanya Fisher. The intent was to create positive changes that would lead to improvements across the district. At the time Tanya had her hands full as principal of a large elementary school. Yet she rose to the challenge, took the position at the district level and went to work bringing our children up to standard. Do you know what the letters SANKOFA stands for? Sankofa is a taken from Western African culture. It means you have to know where you come from to know where you are going. On a trip to West Africa, Tanya saw the word SANKOFA everywhere, even on tee shirts worn by the people. Tanya learned that we did indeed come from Kings and Queens, and decided to instill this knowledge in the young AfricanAmerican school children, in San Bernardino County. Here’s how: S-students A-accumulating N-new K-knowledge O-optimizing F-future A-accomplishments Sankofa, a program overseen by Tanya Fisher, is a research-based, targeted instructional approach that focuses on the academic needs of African-American students. In Sankofa classrooms, students are taught the same California academic standards as other public schools, the stark difference is the method used to deliver the information. Specially trained teachers create classroom environments that value students, EJÁVQ XLIMV I\TIVMIRGIW ERH TVSQSXI EGEHIQMG I\GIPPIRGI In December 2008, Sankofa was awarded the prestigious Golden Bell Award by the California School Board Association, a TVM^I XLEX VIGSKRM^IW I\IQTPEV] IHYGEXMSR TVSKVEQW When we celebrate Black History Month, the list of Oh, I could go on and on because SYV LIVSW WLSYPH FI YTHEXIH XS MRGPYHI XLMW EQE^we are a large proud family, big on ing woman who is doing so much to educate our education. When I told Tanya how proud children. we were of all she had accomplished, and asked 8ER]E %QIVWSR *MWLIV ÁVWX WXEVXIH WGLSSP her what she wanted as a reward, she gave me a shy u n der the direction of Miss Dorothy Inghram smile and said, “Auntie, I would like to have one of of San Bernardino who is 105 years old and whose your apple pies.” I made her TWO from the followt e a c h i n g WXMPP MRÂYIRGIW XLI TISTPI SJ GSPSV MR 7ER ing recipe. MY BEST APPLE PIE B e r n a r d i n o County today. 6 or 7 tart apples Tanya Fisher is my niece, the oldest daughter of my sister 3/4 to 1 cup sugar 0M^ 8EFPIWTSSRW ÂSYV
Sankofa >
1/2 to 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 1/8 teaspoon salt 2 Tablespoons butter Pastry for 2 crust 9 in. deep dish pie 'SQFMRI WYKEV ÂSYV ERH WTMGIW Peel and slice apples very thin and mix well with spices. Put apples into pastry-lined pan and dot all over with butter. Adjust and seal the top crust. Cut a few steam vents Bake at 375 degrees for SRI LSYV ERH ÁZI
Author Artress Cornmesser is the author of 3 books. She currently lives in Northern California.
Where Do We
Go From Here Prayer:
Lord, t I haveoday, I make a mounta faith that statement. over m ins. Today I will move I have liy home, city loose peace abunda fe and I will and nation. forwardntly in Chrislive it more that I a from her t. I move in Jesu m covered an e knowing d prote s. cted
By Dr. Amanda Goodson
e as a people, a community, a nation, and global [SVPH GMXM^IRW EVI RS[ JEGMRK WSQI ZIV] YRMUYI times and situations. The good news is that on a LMKLIV PIZIP [I LEZI PIEVRIH XS JEGI SYV HMJÁGYPties together; joined in prayer to an omnipresent, omnipotent, God. So when asked in the face of unexplained XVEKIHMIW µ[LIVI HS [I KS JVSQ LIVI¶ [I ÁRH GSRWSPEXMSR MR E collective answer “we go to God in prayer”. Prayer unites us not only with each other but more importantly with God. In the name of Jesus we learn to love each other as we are loved by God. It is in His name that we lift up prayers for those most affected when chaos strikes. In early January, Tucsonans were placed at the fore-front of global recognition. In the blink of an eye without even a moment’s notice, our lives were transformed along with those [LS I\TIVMIRGIH XLI XVEKMG IZIRXW XLEX XSSO TPEGI SR XLEX UYMIX Saturday morning. In the aftermath, we are reminded to be kinder and gentler with each other in light of our differences and differing opinions. -R XLI HE]W XLEX JSPPS[IH 8YGWSR [EW UYMIXIV 4ISTPI [IVI shaken and shocked, but most importantly, they were praying. In the silence of very of cool mornings, the warmth of the noon sun and at evening candle light vigils, people gathered to mourn the fallen and to pray for a those that were hurting and in need. We were praying not only for healing but for understanding, love and grace for our city, our country and our world. We were not alone. Nations and people all over the world came to pray with us. The president of the Unites 7XEXIW &EVEGO 3FEQE SRI SJ XLI QSWX MRÂYIRXMEP QIR MR XLI world today, came to Tucson accompanied by his wife and
other dignitaries to deliver riveting and spiritual messages to honor the fallen and to move our city in the direction of healing. Scripture after scripture was cited, during the memorial ceremony to remind us that despite our pain and disarray, God is still in control. God is our hope, our salvation, and our light in the darkest times. God blessed us with a love for Him that we can share with others. In January 2011, we were once again reminded that tragedies such as this have a far reaching effect on individuals regardless of age, gender, or race. Events like this remind us that there is a shaking and a shift taking place in the spiritual realm. Each encounter and each action points to the fact that we must think higher, greater, and reach out farther, to attain the heavenly mandate that has been placed in our care. As ambassadors our focus must be on truth peace and love that speaks to unmerited favor and purpose. On January 8th, Tucson was subjected to change. When asked, “Where do we go from here?” Our answer is to follow the mandate that has been placed on those of us who believe that we have authority and power to make a change in our community, the world, and our personal lives. As the Apostle Paul taught in Romans chapter 8, what then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? =IX MR EPP XLIWI XLMRKW [I EVI QSVI XLER GSRUYIVSVW XLVSYKL Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
At The 2011 San Diego Black Film Festival with.... Harlem native, Actor/Film maker and naturally comedic Al Thompson says he didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t realize how much he enjoyed the arts until, he was fortunate enough to be cast in some reDOO\ FRRO Ă&#x20AC;OPV DQG KDG WZR Ă&#x20AC;OPV VFUHHQHG DW the Sundance Film Festival. This is the secRQG \HDU WKDW KLV Ă&#x20AC;OPV KDYH EHHQ VFUHHQHG DW the San Diego Black Film Festival. In a meeting at the hotel lobby in San Diego, Al shares WKH LPSRUWDQFH RI EODFN Ă&#x20AC;OP IHVWLYDOV DQG KLV SODQV WR EULQJ EDFN TXDOLW\ Ă&#x20AC;OP RQ WKH ZHE
TCV: Can you share with the readers your professional training? Al: Sure! Well, I was born and raised in Harlem, NY and, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been acting for about 10 years. I studied acting at an Independent school New York Performance Works, which no longer exists, but a really cool school. I got into acting through a couple of friends of mine who were in the school play and was like, â&#x20AC;&#x153;You should try it.â&#x20AC;? And I was like, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know how you memorize all this stuff, it just too much!â&#x20AC;&#x2122; And they said â&#x20AC;&#x153;You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to act you can work behind the scenes; production designs; art director, lights.â&#x20AC;? I said, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;lights, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cool nobody could see me if I messed up.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; (Laughs) I just wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t into it actLQJ DW Ă&#x20AC;UVW TCV: Would you consider yourself shy? Al: No, no! I just wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t ready to be in front of the camera. Gradually I got into it and realized I could act! What ended up happening is that , KDG WZR VKRUW Ă&#x20AC;OPV ZKLFK ZHUH DFFHSWHG LQWR the Sundance Film Festival (â&#x20AC;&#x153;Muse 6â&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;3Dâ&#x20AC;?) and right afterwards, I was cast in some really FRRO Ă&#x20AC;OPV ´5R\DO 7HQHQEDXPVÂľ DQG ´$ :DON 7R 5HPHPEHU Âľ ,Q ' .HUU\ :DVKLQJWRQ ´5D\Âľ played my girlfriend. TCV: Tell me about the creation of the web series â&#x20AC;&#x153;Johnny B. Homelessâ&#x20AC;? for which you won The Peoples Choice Award at the New York Television Film Festival. Al: ,W¡V PRUH RI D FRPHGLF UHĂ HFWLRQ RI P\VHOI DV a New York Actor going to L.A. for pilot season and not being able to afford a hotel. So, I would crash on couches from anyone from my broke friends to someone who said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;You want to stay in the guest house.â&#x20AC;? I was like sure, we can do thatâ&#x20AC;? Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve crashed on everyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s couch from Mandy Moore to Wilmer Valderrama. (Laughs)
TCV: Any relatives in the entertainment business? Al: Well my brother didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t listen to me, so yes. I told him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d better keep your MRE ZLWK EHQHĂ&#x20AC;WV Âľ +H OHIW KLV VDOHV MRE at Xerox. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s very talented. His name is Steven Hill and he won an award for acting at the American Black Film Festival. When my nieces and nephews say they want to get in the business, I say, â&#x20AC;&#x153;No! Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a quotable, and you know I have a lot coming from +DUOHP ´,I Ă&#x20AC;OP PDNLQJ DQG acting is something you truly want to do, you have to be obsessed with the art. People compare it to football if you want to be in the game you have to know the players, bottom-line.â&#x20AC;? TCV: Did your Mom have a hard time with your decision to become an actor? Al: In the beginning, she was like, â&#x20AC;&#x153;uh?â&#x20AC;? Then one day she was in the super market and someone came up to her and said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I saw your son on â&#x20AC;&#x153;Law and Orderâ&#x20AC;? he was so good.â&#x20AC;? And she was like, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Yeah he was!â&#x20AC;? ( Goes into character in a Momâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tone) TCV: So sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a bandwagon fan? (Laughs) Al: (Laughs) My Mom is awesome, a great supporter. At one point I had braids and she said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;You need to cut those braids so you can get some commercials.â&#x20AC;? ( Goes into character in a momâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s voice)
who maybe own a condo or two. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m at a place now where thanks to the exposure, this project has a good chance of being GLVWULEXWHG 7KLV \HDU , KDYH Ă&#x20AC;OPV DFcepted; â&#x20AC;&#x153;14085â&#x20AC;?, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Baby Daddy Memoirsâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tilt a Worldâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Three Blind Mice.â&#x20AC;? 7&9 &DQ \RX EULHĂ \ H[SODLQ WKH :HE Ă&#x20AC;OP SURFHVV" Al: In a preparation aspect as far as the script and structure, each episode ranges from 5-6 minutes. So in actuality, you have to be extremely disciplined because you have to be able to tell a story episode in 6 pages. Because, the attention span for the web user is much shorter. You have to be not only creative but, visually skilled and quick to tell a story or, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll lose your audience. 7&9 :KDW¡V XS QH[W IRU $O" Al: 5LJKW QRZ ,¡P LQ 3UH 3URGXFWLRQ RQ D QHZ ZHE VHULHV D 6FL )L Ă&#x20AC;OP FDOOHG ´2GHVVD Âľ ZH VWDUW Ă&#x20AC;OPLQJ LQ WKH EHJLQning of March. Also, just continuing to make good quality online web content for people to enjoy. I want to bring back JRRG WHOHYLVLRQ RQ WKH ZHE 5HPHPEHU when we used to beg our parents to stay up late to watch all the really cool shows with the cool theme songs? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Fresh Prince of Bel-Airâ&#x20AC;?, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Good Timesâ&#x20AC;?,â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Jeffersonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;sâ&#x20AC;?, those shows that had good catch SKUDVHV" , ORYHG LW ZKHQ WKDW W\SH RI Ă&#x20AC;OP content existed.
TCV: Me too! Is there any other information that you want to share with the readers on any of your projects? Al: Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m a big advocate for being in touch with supporters and fans so peoTCV: Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s talk about The San Diego ple can get in touch with me on; faceBlack Film Festival, what do you say book.comalThompsonInc and twitter. WR SHRSOH ZKR DVN ZK\ D EODFN Ă&#x20AC;OP comalThompsonInc. Also, check out on the web. festival? Al:I think really for me, EODFN Ă&#x20AC;OP IHVWLYDOV DQG TCV: Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been a pleasure and good The San Diego Film Fes- luck with everything! tival in particular which Al: Thanks for taking the time. ZDV RQH RI WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW IHVWLYDOV WR DFFHSW P\ Ă&#x20AC;OP ´/HQR[ After our conversation, Al went on to Avenue,â&#x20AC;? gave me the op- win 2 awards at the 2011 Black Film portunity to show case my Festival for Best Actor, for â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tilt-AVNLOOV DV D Ă&#x20AC;OP PDNHU DQG Worldâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Baby Daddy Memoirs.â&#x20AC;? a director. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lenox Avenueâ&#x20AC;? is more of a personal piece because, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m born and raised in +DUOHP DQG WKH Ă&#x20AC;OP IROORZV three individuals at different stages in their relationships who are living in the Obama generation or the New Harlem. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re telling stories of black characters in a positive light, guys with good credit,
Life is a Dance
and Everyone Wants to Cut a Rug on the Dance Floor
By Ernie McCray
MXL EPP XLI RIKEXMZI ZMFIW ÂS[MRK XLVSYKL %VM^SRE VIgarding Latinos I’m reminded that it wasn’t so long ago, around 1994, California passed Proposition 187. I remember it especially because it demanded that I play a sinister little game wherein I was supposed to check on the status of the Latino students at my school - and that was a game I, along with four other school principals would not play. Somebody said to me, at the time: “Oh, Ernie, what you’re doing takes so much courage.” Not really. Courage, for me was driving my skinny self in the lane against Darnall Haney of Phoenix Union High, a dude who ate scrawny basketball players for lunch. Standing up for what’s just and right is something I just can’t help doing. It’s in my DNA. I mean, hey, what would it be like for me, a black man who grew up in a “We don’t serve nigras here” world to try to lord it over somebody? There’s just no way on this green earth that I could ever treat fellow human beings with such disrespect that I would ask them to prove to me their right to be in this corner of the world, like I’m La migra or somebody. Come on, life is E HERGI ERH IZIV]SRI [ERXW XS GYX E VYK SR XLI HERGI ÂSSV Don’t they? Besides, what was I, as a principal, to say to a family with whom I had bonded, who just happened to be here “illegally?” Was I to smile and say: “Adios, it’s been good to know you”? Was I to look a little child in the face and say: “I really appreciate how you’ve improved in your school work and how ]SY¸ZI FIIR WYGL E KSSH GMXM^IR SR GEQTYW FYX -¸Q KSMRK XS have to turn you in. It’s nothing personal, you understand. Te EQS QMNS QMNE .YWX VIQIQFIV EPP XLI LMKL ÁZIW ERH LYKW [I gave each other every day and all the wonderful conversations we had along the way and if you’re ever in Guadalajara could you say hello to some friends of mine?” A parent asked me, in that way adults who have no decent
core values would: “What are the children supposed to think if their principal breaks the law?” I told him I felt that the law is immoral, and I would have absolutely no problem explaining to a child why I couldn’t honor an immoral law. For, a moment, I thought I might have to practice what little CPR I knew on the dude. And I guess that’s what’s missing in this anti-Latino environment that’s coloring our nation right now: a set of core values that would allow us to see our brown brothers and sisters as human beings who just want to move and groove to the music of life. Such thinking occurred to me when a friend of mine said, in part, in a reply to “Knowledge is Power,” a piece I had written: “Many people actually believe that different groups-races, particularly -are of different species... Individuals cooperate with individuals with whom they identify; and they compete with outsiders.” Such a premise, I think, is right on and it allows us to hate and live in fear of people who are unlike ourselves. But, oh, what a beautiful world we could have if we could cease pinning names on each other like illegal immigrants and accept deep in our hearts and consciences that all people deserve to live in peace and dignity in a just world and then pursue, via all the avenues at our disposal, making such a reality come true. Well, the words I’ve shared in this piece is part of my contributions to such a notion of love and understanding. It was something I just had to do as I cannot take part in the destruction of people’s hopes and dreams. As far as I’m concerned there’s a lot of room on the dance ÂSSV ERH XLI QYWMG MW NEQQMRK ERH - TEVXMGYPEVP] HMK QI some: cha cha cha and mambo and meringue and salsa...
By Ci Ci Foster
Let’s face it, love is important, but it’s not enough to make your relationship go the distance. If only it were that simple. A relationship has to compete with many other aspects of life including kids, school, work, errands, etc. It’s important to understand that a healthy relationship takes a tremendous amount of effort of both parties. So how do you make it last? Trust and communication is a vital component to the longevity of any relationship. Both partners must completely trust each other on all levels in order for the relationship to work. You must be able to say what you mean and do what you say. Express your needs, desires, and goals for the future with your partner to keep the connection strong. Say “I Love You”, and say it often. Everyone wants to feel loved and appreciated. 1EOI XMQI JSV UYEPMX] XMQI 7SQIXMQIW LIGXMG schedules will only allow spending a short period of time together. Plan something you both enjoy on a regular basis. This will give you both something to look forward to. Maintain a life outside of your mate. Avoid suffocating your partner by trying to spend every waking moment with them. Remember, absence makes the heart grow fonder. *MKLX JEMV ERH PMWXIR (SR¸X FI WS UYMGO XS XLVS[ MR XLI XS[IP [LIR GSRÂMGX EVMWIW 0SSO EX XLI VSPI ]SY played in it and share the blame. Be willing to forgive and move forward. Don’t keep score on your mate’s mistakes and throw it in their face whenever you get angry. Sometimes it’s best to agree to disagree. Support your mate. It’s important for your partner to know that you are in their corner and you believe in them. Do something romantic just because. Write a love letter or give your mate a sensual massage. Pay attention to what your partner likes and do it. Romance does not have to cost an arm and a leg. It’s the little things that mean so much. Give your mate’s ego a boost by paying them a comTPMQIRX 0EHMIW LI RIIHW XS ORS[ ]SY WXMPP ÁRH LMQ attractive. And men, she will never get tired of hearing how beautiful she is. 1EMRXEMR ER EGXMZI WI\ PMJI ;LIR XLMRKW WXEVX XS Á^^PI SJJ MR XLI FIHVSSQ XV] WIRWYEP KEQIW SV PMRKIVMI to spice it up. Do you remember all those things you did to woo your mate? Now is not the time to slack off.
Building a healthy relationship is tough. Making it last, is even XSYKLIV ;MXL IUYEP IJJSVXW JVSQ FSXL TEVXMIW MX MW UYMXI TSWWMFPI XS have a fairy tale romance. When you place your mate as a top priority in your life, and mix passion, respect, pleasure, commitment, communication and unconditional love in your relaXMSRWLMT XLI ÁVI [MPP RIZIV Á^^PI out. Making love last may seem like a mystery to some, but with the proper ingredients, love can truly stand the test of time.
Ci Ci Foster is the acclaimed author of Sunny Rain, a romance novel based on black relationships. Happily married and the mother of two, Ci Ci resides in Los Angeles. For more information, please visit her website at www.CiCiFoster. com.
Forks Over Knives As a Health Coach I always keep my eyes and ears open to anything related to health and healing. I live in the beautiful city of Portland, Oregon and I wake up every morning feeling FPIWWIH FIGEYWI [I LEZI QEKRMĂ GIRX farm fresh and locally grown produce that would knock your socks off! We also have plenty of organic produce and meats to boot! Many of the locally owned cafĂŠs in Portland make every effort to partner with our local farms to bring us the freshest, least traveled produce available. My favorite grocery store is New Seasons because it is comQYRMX] JSGYWIH ERH KMZIW Ă VWX TVIJIVIRGI XS PSGEP KVS[IVW Ă WLIVW JEVQIVW and ranchers. ;LIR - WE[ XLI XVEMPIV JSV XLI Ă PQ Forks over Knives I wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a bit surprised that Portland was one of the cities chosen to debut it January 7, 2011. 8LI Ă PQ [EW WYTTSWIH XS FI WLS[R for a one-week engagement, but it had such an amazing response that they have held it over for nearly 5 weeks! I was lucky enough to get seating for XLI ZIV] Ă VWX WLS[ XLERO KSSHRIWW´ because after the word got out, tickets were hard to come by. ;LEX QEOIW XLMW Ă PQ HMJJIVIRX JVSQ Food Inc, or Supersize me is that it takes the work done by T. Colin Campbell, PhD, nutritional biochemist and internationally known nutrition researcher and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr., M.D. and makes a compelling case for the need to eat a plant based diet verses one that embraces animals and their byproducts. Dr. Campbell co-authored the book, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The China Studyâ&#x20AC;? which is spoken of in the movie, and Dr. Caldwell is a former surgeon who came up with a program to help prevent and reverse heart disease. The hyTSXLIWMW TVIWIRXIH MR XLMW JIEXYVI Ă PQ suggests that each and every one of us have cancer cells in our bodies and that there is something that we are eating that is turning on these cancer GIPPW´ERH XLEX XLMRK MW QIEX ERMQEP protein. 8LI VIEWSR [L] XLMW Ă PQ LEW QEHI ER effect on me is because I could see that
Dr. Campbell and I are doing similar [SVO GSEGLMRK -R XLI Ă PQ LI XEOIW on at risk clients who are on various medications for obesity related diseases and works with them to reverse their eating habits. He advocates for a completely vegan diet. A vegan diet includes all grains, beans, legumes, vegetables and fruits. His clients cannot consume any processed foods or anything that comes from animals. At the FIKMRRMRK SJ XLI Ă PQ ]SY [EXGL XLIWI people who look like they have lost all hope, take pills and shoot their selves with poisonous drugs that you know were never intended to create health, become transformed into healthy hopeful individuals in control of their health. On a recent Oprah Winfrey show, Oprah and some of her staff decided to take the vegan challenge. They were asked to eat nothing that came from an animal (that means sea food as well) for HE]W -X [EW HMJĂ GYPX JSV WSQI WXEJJIVW but some of them really enjoyed the weight loss that occurred and others felt much healthier and saw that their EGMH VIĂ&#x201A;I\ W]QTXSQW LEH WYFWMHIH The most important thing that vegans are supposed to watch out for is that they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t become junk food vegans, eating things like cookies and potato chips, instead of whole foods. It may not be necessary to become a vegan if that isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t your cup of tea, but it is important to learn as much as you can about all aspects of health, because no one can create health for you but yourself. Once you have learned what you should be doing, all you have to do is practice it. Being a vegan some of the time is a lot better than being a meat eater all of the time. If you would to know more about the research and theories put forth in this article I encourage you to read the â&#x20AC;&#x153;China Storyâ&#x20AC;?. If you would like to see E XVEMPIV SJ XLI JIEXYVI Ă PQ TPIEWI ZMWMX <http://www.> .
chatting with
Keith Jefferson 3VMKMREPP] JVSQ ,SYWXSR 8I\EW ]IEV SPH %GXSV Keith Jefferson returns to the San Diego Rep as 3JÁGIV .EQIW &EMPI] MR XLI 7XEKI 4PE] 7YTIVMSV Donuts. Jefferson turned down 15 scholarships to pursue his dream of becoming an actor. In a phone MRXIVZMI[ /IMXL WLEVIW LMW YTFVMRKMRK MR 8I\EW ERH his confrontation with the famous actor who he hated as a child.
TCV: So, I understand that you’re from Houston? How did your I\TIVMIRGI KVS[MRK YT MR 8I\EW LIPT XS WLETI ]SY EW ER %GXSV# Keith: Houston is a great city. I grew up in a close-knit family. And, the fact that at an early age my parents had me involved in the arts; I was also involved sports; I loved basketball and football. One of the big things that some of my friends still tease me about today is that, they can’t believe that I turned down 8 football and 6 basketball scholarships to pursue acting. TCV: You’ve had the opportunity to work with Oscar/Grammy [MRRIV .EQMI *S\\ [LS EPWS [IRX XS 97-9 7MRKIV &VERH] ERH Actor’s Danny Glover and, now currently seasoned actor Robert *S\[SVXL [LS [EW XLI QSWX MRXVMKYMRK? Keith: Danny Glover. At 10 years old I hated Danny Glover as µ1MWXIV¶ MR µ8LI 'SPSV 4YVTPI ¶ &EGO MR - [EW GEWX MR XLI ÁPQ &YJJEPS 7SPHMIVW [LMGL [EW Q] ÁVWX WTIEOMRK VSPI [MXL (ERR] ;I LEH SYV ÁVWX QIIXMRK EX 828 WXYHMSW [LIVI EPP SJ XLI EGXSVW LEH XS read and when Danny walked into the room I walked up to him and said very candidly, “Just for the record as a kid I didn’t like you. But the role you played as Mister is the reason why I’m still pursuing what I do.” He was so gracious. Now, Foxx on the other hand, is a personal friend. We both studied at U.S.I.U., and he’s ,)00% XEPIRXIH -X¸W Q] ÁVWX STTSVXYRMX] XS [SVO [MXL 6SFIVX Foxworth and he’s solid, as solid of an actor as they come. TCV: On that note, let’s talk about your current project at the 7( 6ITIVXSV] 8LIEXVI 7YTIVMSV (SRYXW ERH ]SYV VSPI EW 3JÁGIV James Bailey? Keith: The director Sam Woodhouse is someone who I’ve worked with in the past and, we both have a mutual respect for each others work. One day he called me up personally and asked if I would be seen in call backs. Superior Donuts is written by the 4YPMX^IV 4VM^I ERH 8SR] %[EVH [MRRMRK EYXLSV 8VEG] 0IXXW 1] GLEVEGXIV 3JÁGIV .EQIW &EMPI] MW ER YTFIEX GST JVSQ YTXS[R Chicago who everyone around the neighborhood knows. My role is very intricate to the rising climax of Arthur (Robert Foxworth) and Franco (Anthony B. Phillips) through the healing condition. It’s a beautiful story.
TCV: How did you prepare for the role? Keith: ;MXL ER] GLEVEGXIV ]SY WXEVX JVSQ KVSYRH ^IVS LS[ XLI] talk, walk and how they function in a day. I have two very good friends who are LAPD. I get to see how they are on and off of the job. The way I’m portraying James is that he’s a very straight PEGIH SJÁGIV [LS MW EPP EFSYX FYWMRIWW TCV: Do you ever get stage fright? Keith: - HSR¸X KIX WXEKI JVMKLX NYWX FYXXIVÂMIW SR STIRMRK RMKLX 8LI ERXMGMTEXMSR ERH I\GMXIQIRX SJ XLEX ÁVWX WLS[ MW E WMQMPEV JIIPing to Superbowl kick-off. TCV: Superior Donuts deals with race relations in urban culture, in your opinion how has America changed in the last 10 years? Keith: Tracey Letts very intricately explores racism in her writing through the eyes of the patrons of this run down donut shop. What’s interesting about living in the inner cities and places like uptown Chicago is that, you have no other choice but to communicate with each other no matter what race you are if you want to get things done. This play brings out a new way of thinking when you mix in a young black kid with a polish guy. Have we made progress in the last 10 years? Absolutely 110%. Is there more progress to be made? Of course. There are still pockets of racism throughout the world because lack of exposure to other cultures. Take the entertainment business, although we’ve come along way there’s still far and few opportunities for black actors. Black Hollywood is very small. I have white friends who get two and three auditions per day, whereas as a black actor might not get an interview for two or three weeks. We need more Tyler Perry’s, Spike Lee’s, Will ERH .EHE¸W (MH ]SY ORS[ XLEX .EQMI *S\\ LEW PEYRGLIH E RI[ ÁPQ company, No Brainer Films? So you see, there is progress. Superior Donuts by Tracy Letts and Directed by Sam Woodhouse runs February 5 - March 6, 2011 at the Lyceum Theatre, call 619544-1000 and visit
By Ambrose Brodus, Jr.
The Association of the 2
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share with you a few facts of American history that most Americans know nothing about. The facts involve American military history. It all began to unfold in Europe in the harsh winter of 1944. American Forces and allies were slugging it out the German army across Europe when suddenly the enemy, under direction of the Nazi leader Adolph Hitler, launched a massive counter offensive in the Ardennes of France that caught the American forces off guard. The extremely bad weather grounded allied support and casualties mounted. The American army found itself short of infantrymen. The source of replacement manpower in Europe was the African American segregated support units. $Q RIĂ&#x20AC;FHU LQ *HQHUDO (LVHQKRZHU¡V FRPPDQG /W *HQHUDO -RKQ + & /HH KDG WKH JXWV WR VXJJHVW XVLQJ WKH $IULFDQ $PHULFDQ VROGLHUV DV YROXQWHHUV )RU WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW WLPH LQ KLVWRU\ D FDOO ZHQW RXW WR WKH VHJUHJDWHG XQLWV DVNLQJ IRU YROXQWHHUV WR MRLQ white infantry men in the effort to win the war. Within a short time 5000 African American soldiers from those segregated units volunteered. The number was overwhelming. About half, 2221, were taken. All volunteers for this duty were required to give up their rank, so as not to out rank any white soldier in their midst.. 7KLV ZRXOG EH WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW WLPH EODFN DQG ZKLWH VROGLHUV ZRXOG Ă&#x20AC;JKW RQ WKH IURQW OLQHV WRJHWKHU 2QH PLJKW FDOO WKLV D WHVW RI integration. Whatever, this fact is clear, condition on the ground necessitated the action- and African American soldiers responded with overwhelming conviction. Within a few days of volunteering to face death in support of country this band of 2221 were engaged in rigorous combat training in special places in Europe. Soon they were facing some of the best the German army had to offer and they did it with distinction. The volunteer project provided substantial proof that equality, tolerance, and common sense can proPRWH WKH EXLOGLQJ RI D PRUH HIĂ&#x20AC;FLHQW PLOLWDU\ IRUFH The volunteers were assigned to ten (10 different army units â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 1rst division, 2nd, 8th, 9th, 12th, 14th, 69th, 78th, 99th,
2221 Negro Infantry
and the 104th). They performed gallantly with their comrades until the enemy surrendered, unconditionally. What happened to these courageous African American soldiers after the German soldiers surrendered is not pretty. As orders came for redeployment, these men were removed from their infantry units and moved to a variety of service support units. This came as great disappointment to everyone as they anticipated returning home with their highly decorated army divisions to receive the acclaim that is given to returnLQJ KHURHV 7KH\ KDG ORVW EXGGLHV RQ WKH EDWWOH Ă&#x20AC;HOG DQG they had looked forward to sharing that moment with them Then America the beautiful said, not yet! These black men of valor were improperly denied their military awards and some decorations they had rightly earned. Perturbed as they were, these men decided to move on with their lives and take advantage of those rights that did not discriminate. They knew that change would come. Although the army did
not act immediately to the call for integration of the military, in July 1948 President Harry S. Truman issued executive order 9981 decreeing the integration of the armed forces. It was half a century later that these brave men began to UHFHLYH UHFRJQLWLRQ IRU WKH VDFULĂ&#x20AC;FHV WKH\ PDGH - &DPHURQ Wade, founder of the association of the 2221 Negro infantry volunteers of WWII said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We caused the end of one era and beginning of another.â&#x20AC;? :KHQ :LOOLDP -HIIHUVRQ &OLQWRQ FDPH LQ WR RIĂ&#x20AC;FH KH KHDUG of the plight of the 2221 Negro Infantry volunteers of WWII and he took decisive action. These men began to receive the awards they had earned. The fact that Americans do not know about these issues is not likely a surprise to you. There is so much more to learn about American military history. This is American history. It behooves all of us to become aware of the facts of American history. 86 year old Ambrose Brodus Jr. was one of the 2221 volunteers to integrate infantry units in Europe in WWII. +H LV FXUUHQWO\ UHWLUHG DQG OLYLQJ ZLWK KLV ZLIH LQ 6DQ 'LHJR &$
Anthony b. phillips
by Gwen Pierce
TCV: When did you decide you wanted to become an actor? Anthony: Umh? I think I was around 8 or nine years old and had just seen the movie â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ninja Turtles.â&#x20AC;? After seeing it, I knew that I wanted to move to California and be on T.V. TCV: I did some research and found out that your cousin is actor Ben Guillory who played Grady (Shug Averyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s husband) in the movie The Color Purple and, whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also one of the founders along with Danny Glover of the Robey Theatre Company in Los Angeles. Anthony: Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;my second cousin and a great guy! 8': (MH &IR LEZI ER] MRĂ&#x201A;YIRGI MR ]SYV HIGMsion to become an actor? Anthony: Both my cousin and Aunt Emily Phillips whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a set designer living in Germany sparked my interest in the Arts. I would see my cousin on T.V. And say, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Oh wow!â&#x20AC;? I want to be like him. While I was in college I called Ben and saidâ&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I want to move up to L.A. and become an Actor,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; and he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Everyone wants to be an Actor, because itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s attractive, sexy, blah blah blah.â&#x20AC;? One day he looked up and I was there and from that point on he knew I was serious. I trained with him at the Robey Theatre Company where I was in two of his productions, the world premiere of XLI TPE] &VSR^IZMPPI ERH XLI 6MZIV 2MKIV ,I¸W Q] mentor and heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s guiding me along right now. 8': ;LEX¸W ER I\TIVMIRGI XLEX GLERKIH ]SYV life as an actor? Anthony: After reading actor Hill Harperâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s (C.S.I. New York) book, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Letters to a Young Brother, my perspective on being an actor changed. This man taught me what it means to be an actor and to give back to the community. When I graduated from college I was undecided whether I wanted to go to New York and study theatre or return to graduate school at Grand Valley State in Michigan. This QER MW WS EQE^MRK LI [IRX FEGO XS WGLSSP JSV LMW masters, earned his J.D. and went out to L.A. to FIGSQI ER EGXSV ,I [EW Q] MRĂ&#x201A;YIRGI XS VIXYVR to school to complete my masters in Public Administration because, what I want to do is to open YT E RSR TVSĂ X JSV GLMPHVIR MR (IXVSMX
Anthony and Robert Foxworth Poses with a donut
I believe as an actor you have a responsibility to be a positive role-model, to those who look up to you. Acting touches my soul and, I want to give back to the community and use EGXMRK EW E TPEXJSVQ XS FI E TSWMXMZI FPEGO QEPI MRĂ&#x201A;YIRGI MR E ]SYRK QER¸W PMJI SPH [LS QE] RSX LEZI E JEXLIV Ă KYVI SV positive role model in the household. TCV: That is so profound. Anthony: Unfortunately, there are not many black leading men and women on TV. I feel that those who are fortunate to make it to that point in their lives have a responsibility to give back to the community. TCV: What are some of the challenges that you have faced as an actor. Anthony: 0EGO SJ VIWSYVGIW ;LIR - Ă VWX GEQI SYX XS 'EPMfornia three years ago, I had no Idea what I was doing. I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know the proper way to audition for television versus theatre which set me back. And the writers strike. Fortunately my cousin helped me get over the obstacles. Performing at The Robey Theatre Company allowed me to meet great actors like; Harry Lennox (The Five Heartbeats and Love and Basketball) who taught me how to navigate my way through Hollywood. Fortunately, I have had great mentors. I wish that people would speak more highly of their mentors.
TCV: Is there anything else that you would like to share with the readers about the production Superior Donuts? Anthony: Superior Donuts is going to be a treat, pun intended! The cast and crew at the SD Rep is the best! I cannot be in a better situation. Those who come out will, laugh, cry and be touched by the story of Franco, Arthur and all of the characters. The people that you are going to encounter in this donut shop are your neighbors, people that you can relate to everyday. Franco is an interest ing and witty guy. On the surface he may appear to be different but it’s a treat playing this guy.
Photo: San Diego Rep
TCV: What’s been your most interesting role so far? Anthony: Skeeter in the River Niger where I played a heroin addict. It’s very interesting to explore the mind of an addict. We all have our vices; chocolate, alcohol, food but, I’ve never experienced that type of addiction in my life, I had to make it my reality by going into some very dark places, it was scary. I actually physically had to sniff a substance on stage, it wasn’t heroin it was vitamin C. (laughs) 8': (MH ]SY IZIV I\TIVMIRGI ER YRPMOIP] JVMIRHWLMT MR ]SYV hometown similar to Franco and Arthur’s characters in “Superior Donuts?” Anthony: =IW 8LIVI [EW E WIGYVMX] SJÁGIV [LIR - [EW MR XLI XL grade that was very tough on me. He was this white old man like Arthur that really took a liking to me. I used to get into trouble and he had the power to expel me but, he never did. He saw the potential in me. He sat me down after - LEH KSXXIR MRXS E ÁKLX ERH WEMH µ=SYV PMJI GER IRH [MXL XLI ÂMGO of my pen.” Because if when your expelled from school that goes on your record.” When I graduated, I gave him the biggest hug. I went on to attend college on a football scholarship. TCV: Did you use that relationship to draw on your role as Franco Wicks? Anthony: Yes. You have people that walk into your life who on XLI WYVJEGI QE] RSX ETTIEV XS LEZI ER MRÂYIRGI SR ]SY FYX EX the end of the day they have your back. 8': ,S[ [EW MX [SVOMRK [MXL 6SFIVX *S\[SVXL# Anthony: It’s a treat to share the stage with him and I’m very humbled, to be in his presence. This year makes 50 years for him MR IUYMX] LI¸W KMZIR QI WS QER] RSXIW
TCV: Good luck or break a leg as they say. Anthony: I’m going to break both legs. (Laughs)
All In Good Wine ...and Taste!
Here’s a little interesting trivia for you, did you know that 7ER (MIKS [EW 'EPMJSVRME¸W ÁVWX [MRI GSYRXV]# -RXIVIWXMRKP] enough, Father Junipero Serra who established San Diego’s ÁVWX QMWWMSR 7ER (MIKS HI %PGEPE TPERXIH ZMRIW XLIVI MR 1769. Well, just 23 miles outside of San Diego “the original wine GSYRXV]¶ XLIVI¸W 3VÁPE :MR]EVHW ERH ;MRIV] 2S[ -¸Q RSX even close to being a wine connoisseur but, every now and then I love a glass of Moscato or Merlot. And let’s just say that XLI 1IVPSX EX 3VÁPE :MRI]EVHW MW TVMQS As one of San Diego County’s best kept secrets, the charming and cozy boutique winery is tucked away in the hills of the San Pasqual Valley just a quick trip down the road from the Wild %RMQEP 4EVO MR )WGSRHMHS - LEH XLI STTSVXYRMX] XS I\TIVMence this quaint winery one beautiful Sunday afternoon in January, when the owner, 84 year old Ambassador Alejandro 3VÁPE ERH E XIEQ SJ I\TIVXW MR XLI ÁIPH LIPH E [MRI TVIWW HMRner. The picturesque estate overlooks 70 acres of premium wine grapes that have been growing since 1973. The group started off inside the tasting room you where you [MPP ÁRH HIGSVYQ SJ VMGL GSPSVIH ÂSVEP HMWTPE]IH IPIKERXP] around wine selections, olives and vinaigrettes. Moderately TVMGIH 3VÁPE MW E KVIEX TPEGI JSV XEWXMRK XSYVW GSVTSVEXI ERH special events, private parties, weddings and small intimate gatherings. Make sure to check out the website and contact 7TIGMEP )ZIRXW 1EREKIV 7XIJÁ ,EFIVQERR JSV FSSOMRKW EX [[[ SVÁPE GSQ 2I\X XLI RI[ [MRIQEOIV SJ .YWXMR 1YRH [LS VIGIRXP] joined the team from Sonoma County wine country had a [IEPXL SJ [MRIQEOMRK I\TIVMIRGIW XS WLEVI XLVSYKLSYX XLI dinner presentation which included some tantalizing wine pairing tips such as a favorite of mine; the California Tawny Port paired with the to die for dessert; New Orleans Bread Pudding smoldered in a warm brandy sauce. The entire ravishing meal was prepared from top to bottom in true elegant WX]PI WXEVXMRK [MXL XLI I\UYMWMXI XEFPI WIXXMRK XS XLI TVIWIRXEtion of each individual entree by New Orleans native Mark Kuhlmann, Owner/Chef of Culinary Underground, whose motto is, reuniting the world one meal at a time. Kuhlmann’s mouth watering menu started off with a fresh organic arugula salad with pears, prosciutto and aged gouda, paired with coastal cuvee chardonnay. 2I\X ERSXLIV JEZSVMXI SJ XLI IZIRMRK [EW XLI HIPMGMSYW JVIWL mushroom and watercress soup paired with a 2007 Estate Sangiovese. 8LI ÁREP GSYVWI TVMSV XS HIWWIVX [LMGL -¸ZI EPVIEH] QIRXMSRIH was, Tuscan Style Roast Port stuffed with rosemary, sage and KEVPMG 8LI WMHIW [IVI JEVQ JVIWL FEF] ZIKKMIW ERH QMRM ÁRgerling potatoes paired with a 2008 Estate Ambassador’s Reserve Merlot. Whenever you hear that saying, it’s all in the presentation, I’m LIVI XS WE] EX 3VÁPE :MR]EVH ERH ;MRIV] MX QSWX GIVXEMRP] MW 8LMW FIEYXMJYP [MRIV] RSX SRP] I\GIIHIH Q] I\TIGXEXMSRW MR KSSH [MRI ERH XEWXI FYX XLI SZIVEPP [MRIV] XSYV I\TIVMIRGI
Abo ut
Email us Out and Abouts in your city at:
Want to know whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going on in your city? Check out some fun events coming up! 1
1. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Superior Donutsâ&#x20AC;?
February 5-March 6, 2011 In the Lyceum Space ,SVXSR TPE^E 7( '%
2. Reading of: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Go, Tell Michelleâ&#x20AC;?
February 8, 2011, 5:15 Reception and mingle w/ the authors, 6:00 pm reading The 10th Avenue Theatre, 930 10th Avenue, San Diego, CA RSVP: or (619)342-7395 Admission: Bring wine, soda, cheese, crackers, or other munchies: or make a $10 donation at the authorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s table
February 11, 2011 at 8:00p Dream Catcher at Viejas VIP Floor $41.00, Balcony $31.00, GA Standing Room Only
4. Southwestern College Presents An African American History Month â&#x20AC;&#x153;Saturday of Celebration February 12, 2011; 10am- 2pm Southwestern College, 900 Otay Lakes Road, Chula Vista, CA For additional info. Contact Steve Tadlock, or (619)-2166631
5. Southwest Soul Circuit presents... O ur year long celebration! Celebrating 5 years of 110 Church Street, Tucson, AZ February 13, 2011-Valentineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Concert For additional info: (520)-829-1129
6. Pilgrim Rest Black History Celebration 2011 February 19, 2011; exhibits 9am-2pm, food 11:30am-1:30pm, programs 2pm5pm Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church 2403 S. MarXMR %ZI 8YGWSR %VM^SRE
7. 17th annual African American ReadIn Chain Tucson Chapter February 20, 2011, 3-5pm Rincon Congregational Church 122 2SVXL 'VE]GVSJX 6H 8YGWSR %VM^SRE Contact President, Mildred Wilson at (520)-747-9972
8. Umoja Ball and Dinner Buffet Celebrating Black History February 19, 2011; ceremony and dinner buffet 7:30-9pm, program and dancing until 2am
Prices: $47 advance and $50 after Feb. 18 and at door Attire: semi-formal/formal Bay View Ballroom, Marine Corps Recruiting Depot, San Diegoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s RSVP tickets and info. Gloria Pettis (619)-542-5546
9.â&#x20AC;?Legacies of Africaâ&#x20AC;? A Black History Month Celebration- Dance, Music, and Culture February 25-26, 2011; 7:30pm. Feb. 26 @ 3pm Matinee, Dunbar Culture Center, 325 W. 2nd Street, Tucson, AZ. Tickets: $10-advanced, $12 at the door Call Barbea (520)-628-7785 for tickets and info.
10. San Diego Heritage Weekend Celebration
February 25-27, 2011 1EVOIX 'VIIO 4PE^E *IWXMZEP 4EVO Euclid Ave. For more Info: (619)-262-0334 Website:
11. 19th Annual Kuumba Fest â&#x20AC;&#x153;Black To Consciousâ&#x20AC;? February 25-27, 2011, (see website for times and activities) 0]GIYQ 8LIEXVI ,SVXSR 4PE^E (S[Rtown San Diego Pricing and Registration info. www. Contact: (619)-252-6314 or
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