Endowed Funds to The George Washington University

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Endowment Funds

The George Washington University’s Endowment is made up of more than 1,100 individual endowments, most of which are designated to provide perpetual financial support for scholarship, professorships, academic and research programs, libraries, and other endowed programs. More than 60% of the Endowment benefits the University as a whole, with the remainder earmarked for individual schools. Those who have provided gifts to the endowment of The George Washington University are forever a part of its history and its tradition of continuing service to society. Individual endowments represent the legacy of benevolent donors who invest for long-term growth. Their permanent legacies generate funding that influences current and future generations. Endowments make it possible year after year to attract the best faculty, students, and research to GW. The following list includes representative philanthropic endowment funds of The George Washington University as of June 30, 2009.

Cover photo: Jessica McConnell Burt

University Endowment Funds Chairs and Professorships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Fellowships. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Estelle and Melvin Gelman Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Other Purposes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Prizes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Research. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Scholarships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Columbian Women Scholarship Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Schools and Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Unrestricted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Future Endowment Funds — Planned Gifts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

Medical Center Endowment Funds Chairs and Professorships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Fellowships. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Other Purposes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Prizes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Research. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Scholarships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Schools and Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Future Endowment Funds — Planned Gifts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

University Endowment Funds

The following funds provide invaluable support for nine GW undergraduate and graduate colleges and schools:

Columbian College of Arts and Sciences

School of Media and Public Affairs Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration

School of Business Elliott School of International Affairs Graduate School of Education and Human Development College of Professional Studies

Graduate School of Political Management

School of Engineering and Applied Science

2 Section • University Endowment Funds

University Endowment Funds Chairs and Professorships

175th Anniversary Professorship established in 1993 by University funds. The income earned by this fund supports a faculty member.

Airlie Chair in Communications established in 1995 by transfer from Airlie Center Fund and University funds. The income earned by this fund supports a faculty member who will teach and conduct research in the area of media, journalism, political communication, and similar disciplines.

Alumni Professorship in Mathematics Fund established in 1911 by alumni of GW. The income earned by this fund supports an endowed professorship in mathematics.

Edgar R. Baker Adjunct Professorship in the Elliott School of International Affairs established in 1969 by Alice N. Baker in memory of her husband, Edgar R. Baker. The income earned by this fund supports an adjunct professorship in the Elliott School of International Affairs.

Edgar R. Baker Adjunct Professorship II established in 1988 by transfer of funds from the Ford Foundation Professorship Fund. The income earned by this fund supports an adjunct professorship in the Elliott School of International Affairs.

Oliver T. Carr, Jr. Professorship Fund established in 1986 by Oliver T. Carr, Jr., HON ‘98. The income earned by this fund supports the Oliver T. Carr, Jr. Professorship of Urban and Regional Development faculty positon. The professorship is to be based in the School of Business.

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Mitchell Carroll Professorship Fund established in 1928 by Mary A. Sharpe in memory of Mitchell Carroll, JD. The income earned by this fund supports a professor in the Department of Archaeology.

A. James Clark Professorship of Engineering Fund established in 1986 by A. James Clark, HON ’10. The income earned by this fund supports a faculty position in the School of Engineering and Applied Science, thus assuring the continuation of teaching and research of the highest quality.

Coelho Adjunct Professorship in Political Management established in 1999 by The Honorable Anthony Coelho. The income earned by this fund supports an endowed faculty position at the Graduate School of Political Management and will attract to GW members of Congress, administration officials, and political managers to teach a one-semester course in any of the following disciplines: lobbying, campaign management, issues management, fundraising, corporate public affairs, polling and strategic research, legislation, or governance, and political leadership. Amended November 2008 — This endowment may also be used to support programs within the Graduate School of Political Management that advance the understanding of leadership and ethics, including but not limited to seminars, publications, and individual coaching with students or alumni of the school.

Congressional Professorship established in 1832 by the United States of America by Act of Congress. The income earned by this fund supports professorships at GW.

L. Stanley Crane Professorship of Engineering Fund established in 1989 by the Consolidated Rail Corporation. The income earned by this fund supports a faculty position in engineering.

4  Chairs and Professorships • University Endowment Funds

Dwight D. Eisenhower Professorship of Tourism Policy Endowed Chair established in 1989 by the J. Willard Marriott Foundation in honor of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The income earned by this fund supports a senior professor who provides leadership for academic, research, and public service endeavors related to the graduate program in tourism administration.

Evelyn E. and Lloyd H. Elliott Fund established in 1999 by Lloyd H. Elliott, HON ’89, and Evelyn E. Elliott. The income earned by this fund supports the Gaston Sigur Professorship and other activities in the Elliott School of International Affairs.

Elton Professorship of Mental and Moral Philosophy established in 1872 by the bequest of Romeo Elton of Exeter, England. The income earned by this fund supports the Elton Professorship of Mental and Moral Philosophy.

Benjamin Franklin Professorship established in 1988 by University funds. The income earned by this fund supports a position that participates in a joint curricular program in taxation between the School of Business and the Law School.

Thelma Hunt University Professorship in Psychology and Health Sciences established in 1993 by the bequest of Dr. Thelma Hunt Healy. The income earned by this fund supports the Thelma Hunt University Professorship in Psychology and Health Sciences.

International Council Endowment for a Professorship in International Affairs established in 2004 by members of the International Council of the Elliott School of International Affairs. The income earned by this fund supports a faculty position in the school.

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Iran Chair established in 1974 by the Government of Iran. The income earned by this fund supports the Iran Chair Professor.

Japan-US Relations Chair in Memory of Gaston Sigur established in 1998 by the Council for Better Corporate Citizenship, Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd H. Elliott, and gifts in honor of Gaston Sigur, PhD. The income earned by this fund supports an endowed chair in Japan-US relations in the Elliott School of International Affairs.

Elmer Louis Kayser Professorship in History I established in 1983 by gifts in honor of Elmer Louis Kayser, BA ’17, MA ’18, HON ’48. The income earned by this fund supports the Elmer Louis Kayser Professor of History.

Elmer Louis Kayser Professorship in History II established in 1988 by University funds. The income earned by this fund supports the Elmer Louis Kayser Professor of History.

Meir Kazmir, MD, Professorship in Hebrew Bible established in 2008 by Munir Kazmir, MD. The income earned by this fund supports a faculty member who is a professor of Hebrew Bible in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Korea Foundation Endowment established in 1999 by the Korea Foundation and University funds, and amended in 2005 with additional funds from the Korea Foundation. The income earned by this fund supports a professorship in Korean studies in the Elliott School of International Affairs and a professorship of Korean politics.

Kuwait Chair for Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Affairs established in 2005 by the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science. The income earned by the fund supports the Kuwait Chair in the Elliott School of International Affairs. The candidate representing Kuwait should be well versed in the affairs of Kuwait in particular and the Arabian Gulf in general.

6  Chairs and Professorships • University Endowment Funds

Thaddeus A. Lindner and Sergius Gambal Professorship in Business Ethics established in 2004 by A. James Clark HON ’10 in honor of two distinguished alumni: Thaddeus A. Lindner, BA ’51, and Sergius Gambal, BA ’52. The income earned by this fund supports in full or in part the salary and benefits of a distinguished professor of business who will teach, among other courses, a dedicated course on business ethics.

Jenny McKean Moore Writer in Washington established in 1999 by the Jenny McKean Moore Fund for Writers. The income earned by this fund supports a visiting faculty position in the Department of English. The post will be filled annually by respected contemporary writers recruited worldwide.

Yitzhak Rabin Memorial Chair established in 1998 as a memorial to the life and career of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and his commitment to peace and freedom. This fund was made possible by the friends of Yitzhak Rabin and University funds. The income earned by this fund supports a chair in the Elliott School of International Affairs, although incumbents may be offered joint appointments in other schools as appropriate to their particular specialties. The initial incumbent will be an individual of a multi-disciplinary background whose scholarly work has involved the study of human rights, international affairs, and the relationship between human behavior and political activity.

J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Chair of International Affairs established in 1992 by the J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Charitable Trust and University funds. The income earned by this fund supports the salary, benefits, and work of a visiting member of the Elliott School of International Affairs faculty.

J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Chair of International Affairs II established in 1992 by the J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Charitable Trust and University funds. The income earned by this fund supports the salary, benefits, and work of a visiting member of the Elliott School of International Affairs faculty.

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J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Chair in Media and Public Affairs established in 1997 by the J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Charitable Trust and University funds. The income earned by this fund supports the compensation, research, writing, and other professional activities of the professor named to the J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Chair in Media and Public Affairs.

Charles E. Smith Professorship in Judaic Studies established in 1979 by trustee emeritus Charles E. Smith, HON ‘79. The income earned by this fund supports a professor in Judaic studies.

Tourism Administration Professorship established in 1990 by transfer of funds from the Ford Foundation Professorship Fund. The income supports a chair in tourism administration.

University Professor of Human Origins established in 2006 by GW funds. The income earned by this fund supports a professor in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

University Professor of Humanities I established in 1988 by combining proceeds from the National Endowment for the Humanities challenge grant with University funds. The income earned by this fund supports a chair in philosophy.

University Professor of Humanities II established in 1988 by combining proceeds of the National Endowment for the Humanities challenge grant with University funds. The income earned by this fund supports a chair in Islamic studies.

University Professor of Humanities III established in 1988 by combining proceeds of the National Endowment for the Humanities challenge grant with University funds. The income earned by this fund supports a chair in English.

8  Chairs and Professorships • University Endowment Funds

University Professorship in Public Service established in 2004 by contributions from multiple donors. The income earned by this fund supports the salary and benefits of a distinguished University Professor of Public Service, who will be associated with the Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration. A portion of the income will be used to provide administrative support for the University Professor of Public Service.

University Professorship established in 1993 by University funds. The income earned by this fund supports a faculty member.

Weintraub Professorship Fund established in 1993 and amended in 1996 by Robert L. Weintraub, BS ’31, MA ’33, PhD ’38 and Frances Weintraub, MA ’33 and University funds. The income earned by this fund supports five professorships in the Department of Biological Sciences: Grace B. Carnes Professorship, Robert F. Griggs Professorship, Louis Weintraub Professorship, Ronald B. Weintraub Professorship and Ruth Weintraub Professorship

Dr. Gus Weiss Professorship in Theoretical Physics established in 2003 by Dr. Gus Weiss. The income earned by this fund supports a professor of theoretical physics in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

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University Endowment Funds Fellowships

Bank of America Graduate Fellowship in Entrepreneurship established in 1999 by NationsBank (now known as Bank of America). The income earned by this fund supports fellowships for graduate students working in the Center for Advancement of Small Business.

Verizon Fellowship Fund established in 1987 by the Bell Atlantic Corporation (now known as Verizon). The income earned by this fund supports graduate fellowships for students in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences studying chemistry or physics.

Mary Darnell Blaney Fellowship Fund established in 1983 by the bequest of Jeannette B. Strayer in memory of her mother, Mary Darnell Blaney. The income earned by this fund supports fellowships in the Elliott School of International Affairs.

Winfield Scott Blaney Fellowship Fund established in 1961 by the bequest of Jeannette B. Strayer in memory of her father, Winfield Scott Blaney. The income earned by this fund supports fellowships in the Elliott School of International Affairs.

Maria H. Davis European Studies Fund established in 1991 by William Earl Davis in memory of his wife, Maria H. Davis. The income earned by this fund supports a research and graduate fellowship fund for faculty and students in the Elliott School of International Affairs. Preference will be given to faculty and students interested in the study of Europe.

10窶ェellowships 窶「 University Endowment Funds

Joseph Fleischman Fellowship in Real Estate Studies established in 2007 by Julius Fleischman in memory of his father, Joseph Fleischman, in recognition of his accomplishments and success in real estate ventures. The income earned by this fund provides an endowed fellowship that supports students pursuing an education in real estate studies and its related fields.

Leo J. Frantzman Traveling Fellowship Fund established in 1999 by the estate of Leo J. Frantzman. The income earned by this fund supports fellowship awards to students for study in Israel.

Charles and Joan Herber Endowed Fellowship established in 2009 by Dr. Charles J. Herber and Joan M. Herber. The income earned by this fund supports fellowships for graduate students enrolled in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences who are seeking an MA and/or PhD within the Department of History.

Thelma Hunt Graduate Fellowship Fund established in 1995 by the bequest of Dr. Thelma Hunt. The income earned by this fund supports doctoral candidates in the field of research of the Hunt Professor.

Douglas L. Jones Endowed Mechanical Engineering Graduate Fellowship established in 2002 by Douglas L. Jones, BS ’63, MS ’65, DSc ’70. The income earned by this fund provides tuition for graduate students majoring in mechanical engineering.

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Marvin L. Kay Fellowship in Finance established in 1986 by trustee emeritus Marvin L. Kay, BA ’50. The income earned by this fund provides annual fellowship awards to students. These awards are to be known as the “Marvin L. Kay Fellowship in Finance.” Recipients must be pursuing the Master of Business Administration degree, concentrating in the area of finance. Recipients will be selected on the basis of academic promise with due consideration given to financial need. Students may receive awards in successive years at the discretion of the University, and the University may establish standards of academic performance required for the continuation of awards.

John Whitfield Kendrick Graduate Fellowship in Economics established in 1987 in honor of John W. Kendrick, PhD ’55. The income earned by this fund provides for awards to degree candidates in, or successful applicants to, graduate programs in economics.

Isabella Osborn King Fellowship Fund established in 1928 by the bequest of Isabella Osborn King. The income earned by this fund supports a fellowship in biology.

Lambert Graduate Stipend in Arts and Sciences established in 1998 by Eugene I. Lambert, BA ’57, in honor of his parents, Joseph and Vivian Lambert. The income earned by this fund supports a continuing graduate student who is at risk of leaving the University due to financial hardship. The award will be made by the dean of the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences from nominations by the department chairs.

W. Stanley Machen Graduate Fellowship Fund established in 1990 by Pauline W. Machen in memory of her husband, W. Stanley Machen. The income earned by this fund supports fellowship awards to either full-time or part-time graduate students majoring in civil engineering.

George McCandlish Fellowship established in 1978 by gifts in memory of Professor George McCandlish. The income earned by this fund supports an annual fellowship for a graduate student in the Department of English.

12 Fellowships • University Endowment Funds

McConnell Endowment Fund in Chemistry established in 1999 by Dr. Harden McConnell, BS ’47, HON ’93. The income earned by this fund provides support for students studying chemistry in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Dorothy and Charles Moore Fellowship in International Development Studies established in 2006 by faculty emerita Dr. Dorothy A. Moore and Charles A. Moore, Jr. The income earned by this fund supports fellowships for deserving graduate students in the international development studies master’s degree program.

Wendy Anne Ochsman Endowment established in 2001 and amended in 2003 by Ralph Ochsman. The income earned by this fund supports a graduate student in art or an undergraduate student in Music in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences. Recipients of the Wendy Anne Ochsman Scholarship will alternate between the departments of music and art.

Policy Studies Reserve Fund established in 1990 by University funds. The income earned by this fund is used at the discretion of the vice president for Academic Affairs.

Joan Roddy Regnell Endowment Fund for Graduate Fellowships established in 2006 by Donald H. Regnell in honor of his wife, Joan Regnell, BA ’54, MA ’60, for her more than 35 years of service and numerous contributions to The George Washington University. The income earned by this fund supports graduate fellowships in the Department of Speech and Hearing Science. The Joan Roddy Regnell Endowment Fund for Graduate Fellowship award will be given to students demonstrating financial need and academic merit with a preference to students who choose to focus on voice studies, but awards are not limited to voice study focus.

University Endowment Funds • Fellowships 13

Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Fellowship Fund established in 1996 by the Supreme Council. The income earned by this fund provides annual fellowships to graduate students who have a relationship with the Scottish Rite.

Dorothy M. and Maurice C. Shapiro Traveling Fellowship established in 1992 by Mrs. Dorothy Shapiro. The income earned by this fund provides awards to GW students for travel involving, but not need to be limited to, public service, and/or research for an educational project such as a thesis or dissertation undertaken for degree credit.

J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Fellowship Fund established in 1992 by gift of the J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Charitable Trust. The income earned by this fund provides awards to cover tuition, fees, and other directly related educational costs. Fellows must be United States citizens who are students enrolled at the graduate level in the Elliott School of International Affairs on at least a half-time basis.

J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Fellows in Media and Public Affairs established in 1997 by gift of the J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Charitable Trust and University funds. The income earned by this fund supports honoraria or stipends to Shapiro Fellows. If sufficient, income also may be used to cover additional expenses of Fellows’ work. Although the number of Shapiro Fellows will vary from year to year, it is anticipated that in each year there will be two to five Shapiro Fellows.

Timothy W. Tong Fellowship Endowment established in 2009 by members of the National Advisory Council in honor of Timothy W. Tong, former dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science. The income earned by this fund supports fellowships for SEAS graduate students.

Trachtenberg-Wang Fellowship established in 2007 by Albert Wang. The income earned by this fund supports a teaching fellow who will be a graduate student in the Trachtenberg School of Policy and Public Administration, assigned to the incumbent University Professor of Public Service. The selected student will work under the supervision of the professor and receive tuition benefits, a stipend, or both.

14 Fellowships • University Endowment Funds

General John W. Vessey Graduate Fellowship established in 2007 by General John W. Vessey, USA (Ret.). The income earned by this fund will provide support for graduate students in the School of Business with preference given to disabled US veterans.

Vest Graduate Fellowship Fund established in 1995 by Edward N. Vest, BA ’59, MA ’65, EdD ’72, and Lucia Vest. The income earned by this fund supports fellowships for students preparing for or engaged in a career in teaching, counseling, or administration in the public schools. The recipient is to be selected by a committee appointed by the dean of the Graduate School of Education and Human Development.

Ann Gordon Webster Memorial Fund established in 1996 by Richard Henry Webster in memory of his wife, Ann Gordon Webster. The income earned by this fund supports a stipend to female graduate students pursuing a degree in anthropology.

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University Endowment Funds Estelle and Melvin Gelman Library

Bielouss Endowment Book Fund established in 1976 by Mrs. Leo Freeman in memory of Elias Bella and Eva G. Bielouss. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of works of poetry in the English language to be located in the Special Collections Research Center.

Luther W. Brady Art Gallery Director’s Discretionary Fund established in 2007 by multiple donors. The income earned by this fund is used at the discretion of the director of University art galleries in consultation with the University librarian.

George Whitfield Brown Book Fund established in 1988 by Middleton Train in memory of his grandfather, George Whitfield Brown. The income earned by this fund supports Gelman Library acquisitions.

Hazel A. Brown Library Acquisition Fund established in 1991 by the estate of James K. Brown in memory of his wife, Hazel A. Brown. The income earned by this fund supports Gelman Library acquisitions.

Obediah Bruen Brown Book Fund established in 1984 by Middleton Train in memory of Obediah Bruen Brown. The income earned by this fund supports Gelman Library acquisitions.

Chisholm Library Book Fund established in 1994 by the estate of Catherine Chisholm. The income earned by this fund supports Gelman Library acquisitions.

16  Estelle and Melvin Gelman Library • University Endowment Funds

Bertha Lockhart Clark and William Edgar Clark Library Acquisition Fund established in 2002 by a gift annuity of Bertha L. Clark. The income earned by this fund supports Gelman Library acquisitions.

Elizabeth Clagett Clark Library Acquisition Fund established in 2007 by a gift annuity from Elizabeth Clagett Clark, BA ’29. The income earned by this fund supports Gelman Library acquisitions.

Class of 2004 Gelman Library Book Fund established by the members of the Class of 2004. The income earned by this fund provides annual income to Gelman Library to purchase books, collections, and electronic materials with an emphasis on undergraduate subject areas in honor of the Class of 2004.

Richard and Cynthia Daniels Library Acquisition Fund established in 2007 by Richard and Cynthia Daniels. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of books and periodicals for Gelman Library. Materials should have as their subject general literature, the arts, history, economics, science, or engineering.

Morris and Isidore Forman Library Fund established in 1989 by Forman Brothers, Inc. The income earned by this fund supports the study and research of family-owned businesses by providing annual income for the purchase and maintenance of library materials and resources.

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Estelle and Melvin Gelman Library Endowment Fund established in 1980 by the Estelle and Melvin Gelman Foundation. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of books, periodicals, and other publications.

Gladstone Library Fund established in 1951 by Ethel S. Gladstone. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of books for Gelman Library.

William Green Library Fund established in 1958 by the William Green Memorial Fund. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of books in the field of social sciences for Gelman Library.

James P. Grube Book Fund established in 1989 by Hill and Knowlton, Inc., in memory of James P. Grube. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of books in the areas of political science, journalism and communications, and international marketing for Gelman Library.

F. Lucille Harris Library Book Fund established in 1987 by the estate of the late F. Lucille Harris. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of books in the humanities for Gelman Library.

Hensey-Troutman Library Fund established in 1951 by gifts of the DC Masonic Clubs and additional gifts in 1957 by the bequest of Lynn H. Troutman. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of books for Gelman Library.

Francis M. Hoffheins Engineering Book Collection Fund established in 1987 by Mildred T. Hoffheins in memory of her husband, Francis M. Hoffheins. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of engineering books for Gelman Library.

18  Estelle and Melvin Gelman Library • University Endowment Funds

John Horrworth Children’s Literature Collection Endowment established in 1988 by Dr. Gloria L. Horrworth, faculty emerita. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of books in children’s literature to be integrated into the Gelman Library General Book Collection in the appropriate category and maintained on a circulation basis.

Captain Deane Childs Howard Jr., Library Fund established in 1943 by Colonel Deane Childs Howard in memory of Captain Deane Childs Howard, Jr. The income earned by this fund supports Gelman Library.

Murray L. Howder Slavic Studies Collection Endowment Fund established in 2006 by Murray L. Howder. The income earned by this fund provides annual support for Gelman Library collections in the area of Slavic studies.

Kiev Research Endowment Fund established in 2002 by Dr. Ari and Phyllis Kiev. The income earned by this fund supports individuals from the University or other universities conducting research using the I. Edward Kiev Collection of Judaica at Gelman Library.

Arthur Evarts Kimberly Endowment Fund established in 1989 by Elizabeth K. French and Barbara K. Olson in memory of Arthur E. Kimberly. The income earned by this fund supports the acquisition of materials in support of new programs and courses in science and technology at the University.

Elyse B. and Donald R. Lehman Library Endowment established in 2002 by Elyse B. Lehman, MA ’67, PhD ’70, and Donald R. Lehman, PhD ’70, former executive vice president for Academic Affairs. The income earned by this fund provides annual income for Gelman Library to be expended at the discretion of the University librarian for purposes including acquisitions, restoration and collections, renovation or furnishing of facilities, technology, and/or purposes that will enhance the effectiveness of Gelman Library as a research library and increase its capacity to meet the needs of the University community.

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Clyde Lindley Fund for Gelman Library Education and Research established in 2000 in memory of Professor Clyde J. Lindley. The income earned by this fund supports Gelman Library.

Lucius N. Littauer Judaica Book Fund established in 1995 by Lucius N. Littauer. The income earned by this fund supports Judaica and Hebraica acquisitions for the Gelman Library Judaica Collection.

Main Library Endowment Book Fund established in 1973 by William G. White. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of books for Gelman Library.

Mason Library Book Fund established in 1983 by the bequest of John Russell Mason, emeritus librarian. The income earned by this fund supports Gelman Library acquisitions.

McKay Book Fund established in 1989 by the bequest of Herman McKay in memory of Mary Ann Henderson McKay. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of books for the benefit of the Graduate School of Education and Human Development.

Eugene Meyer Library Fund established in 1944 by Eugene Meyer. The income earned by this fund supports Gelman Library acquisitions.

Frank McLester Murphy Library Acquisition Fund established in 2000 by Lorraine E. Murphy in memory of her husband. The income earned by this fund supports Gelman Library acquisitions.

Albert F. Murray Fund established in 1984 by Elizabeth W. Murray. The income earned by this fund supports the acquisition of materials concerning telecommunications.

National Endowment for the Humanities Fund established in 1996 by transfer of National Endowment for the Humanities grant funds. The income earned by this fund supports the Gelman Library permanent collection. 20  Estelle and Melvin Gelman Library • University Endowment Funds

Sylvia B. Nelson Memorial Fund in Support of Judaica Special Collections established in 2009 by the Sylvia B. Nelson Trust. The income earned by this fund supports collections, publication of exhibition catalogs, a film series, or a lecture in Gelman Library.

Florence Nesh Special Fund established in 2005 by Florence Nesh. The income earned by this fund supports collections within the Special Collections Research Center, including the Washingtonian Collection, the Kiev Judaica Collection, and the University Archives.

Noyes Library Fund established in 1947 by the bequest of Theodore W. Noyes. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of books for Gelman Library.

Merle I. Protzman Library Fund established in 1967 by Mrs. Merle I. Protzman. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of books for Gelman Library.

Sidney W. Souers Fund established in 1975 by Sidney W. Souers. The income earned by this fund supports Gelman Library acquisitions.

Staffing, Training and Advancement Resource Fund established in 1990 by the bequest of Claude Lawrence. The income earned by this fund supports continuing education, conference attendance, travel, and related activities for Gelman Library staff.

Wilma F. Stern Memorial Library Book Fund established in 1977 by the bequest of Wilma F. Stern. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of books for Gelman Library.

Marion V. Swenson Library Acquisition Fund established in 1994 by Marion V. Swenson. The income earned by this fund supports Gelman Library acquisitions.

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Charles Clinton Swisher Alcove Book Fund established in 1941 by Dr. Charles Clinton Swisher in trust for the Historical Society of the University. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of books for the Swisher Alcove in Gelman Library.

Taiwan Studies Fund established in 2007. The income earned by this fund provides income to support Taiwan Studies at the University with the primary purpose of supporting the Taiwan Resource Center in Gelman Library.

Teamsters Archive Endowment Fund established in 2007 by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. The income earned by this fund provide compensation for a professional archivist who will organize, evaluate, catalogue, preserve, and curate Teamster archival materials, and provides the appropriate space within Gelman Library for storage, preservation, and display of the archives in perpetuity.

Stephen Joel Trachtenberg Korean Collection Fund established in 1990 by President Emeritus Stephen Joel Trachtenberg. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of materials concerning Korea for Gelman Library.

Middleton G.C. Train Book Fund established in 1995 by Mrs. Middleton G.C. Train and Mr. Russell E. Train in memory Middleton G.C. Train, husband and brother. The income earned by this fund supports Gelman Library acquisitions.

University Library Fund established in 1973 at the discretion of the University president. The income earned by this fund supports any Gelman Library purpose.

Dr. Carl H. Walther Library Acquisition Fund established in 1988 by Emilie W. Walther in memory of her husband, Dr. Carl H. Walther. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of books in a subject field determined by the University librarian.

22  Estelle and Melvin Gelman Library • University Endowment Funds

Wang Taiwan Resource Center Endowed Fund established in 2008 by Albert Wang. The income earned by this fund supports a dedicated staff person who will oversee the Taiwan Resource Center; the acquisition of resources, including books and newspapers; the licensing of several databases; maps; print and non-print media; and other activities related to the annual operations of the center.

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University Endowment Funds Other Purposes

Norma Lee Funger and Morton Funger Hall Fund established in 1986 by Norma Lee Funger and Morton Funger, BA ’53. The income earned by this fund supports maintenance and renovation needs and/or operating costs of Norma Lee and Morton Funger Hall.

The George Washington University Graduate Endowment Fund established by the Class of 1926. The income earned by this fund supports the acquisition of sites, erection of buildings and maintenance, and purchase of equipment.

GW-Bogazici University Fund established in 1999 by a gift from Bogazici University in Istanbul, Turkey, and University funds. The income earned by this fund supports exchange students and faculty.

HMO Fund established in 1985 by proceeds from the sale of the GWU Health Plan, Inc., to be held in reserve in the event it becomes necessary for the University to repurchase the Health Plan.

Ronald W. Howard Student Assistance Fund established in 1997 by friends of Ronald Howard. The income earned by this fund supports financial awards to full-time undergraduate students who are active in leadership or extracurricular activities at the University and who have emergency or other financial needs that are not met through traditional financial aid.

Annette and Theodore Lerner Family Health and Wellness Center Fund established in 2001 by the Annette M. and Theodore N. Lerner Family Foundation. The income earned by this fund supports operations of the Annette and Theodore Lerner Family Health and Wellness Center. 24  Other Purposes • University Endowment Funds

Jack Morton Alumni House Lounge Fund established in 1994 by Jack Morton. The income earned by this fund supports maintenance and repair of the Jack Morton Alumni House Lounge.

NACUBO Cost Containment Fund established in 1986 by the first-prize award of the 1986 NACUBO Cost Reduction Incentive Awards Program. The income earned by this fund supports expenses incurred by Physical Plant staff related to cost containment.

Brian and Marianna O’Dwyer Endowment for Student Loan Forgiveness established in 2004 by Brian O’Dwyer, BA ’66, LLM ’76, and Marianna O’Dwyer, BA ’67, MA ’70. The income earned by this fund provides loan relief to students in the Graduate School of Political Management who pursue public interest careers.

Smith Center Maintenance Fund established in 1985 by Charles E. Smith. The income earned by this fund supports the improvement, beautification, maintenance, and operation of the Charles E. Smith Center for Physical Education and Athletics.

Francine Zorn Trachtenberg Endowed Photography Fund established in 2006 by multiple donors as a tribute to Francine Zorn Trachtenberg in recognition of her many years of service to the University. The income earned by this fund supports both the collection and exhibition of photographs, especially photographs important to the study of the history of photography.

World Bank Sinking Fund established in 1988 by transfer of fund balance from Plant Funds.

University Endowment Funds • Other Purposes 25

University Endowment Funds Prizes

Abdalla Prize Fund established in 1993 by gifts in memory of Professor Abdelfatta M. Abdalla. The income earned by this fund provides an award to an Electrical Engineering or Computer Science junior or senior in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Elizabeth B. Adams Student Prize Fund established in 1987 by Madeleine E. Williams in memory of her daughter, Dr. Elizabeth B. Adams. The income earned by this fund supports an annual prize in the Department of Management Science in the School of Business. The prize recognizes particular achievement by graduates in information systems management.

Norman B. Ames Prize Fund established in 1961 by gifts in memory of Norman B. Ames. The income earned by this fund provides an annual award to a senior in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

David A. Baer Award Fund established in 1986 by Mrs. Ruth Baer in memory of her husband, David A. Baer. The income earned by this fund supports awards for students whose contributions to student life have transcended the activities of any one or more groups with which they have been affiliated.

Bender Teaching Enhancement Fund established in 1998 by Morton A. Bender and University matching funds. The income earned by this fund supports prizes for faculty members who have demonstrated excellence in teaching.

26窶ケrizes 窶「 University Endowment Funds

Bryte Prize Fund established in 1967 by Colonel Walter G. Bryte, Jr., first professor of Air Science at the University. The income earned by this fund supports the Walter G. Bryte, Jr. Achievement Award, which recognizes leadership, dedication, and service exemplifying the ideals of the United States of America.

Doris and Sam Buchalter Endowment for Museum Education established in 2002 by Carol B. Stapp; Robert Buchalter, MD; June B. Cohen; Ilene P. Buchalter, JD; Sharon L. Buchalter; and Linda B. Overlie. The income earned by the fund supports a prize for a museum education degree candidate.

Buka Family Prize Fund established in 1980 by the bequest of Ruth Buka in honor of her parents and sister. The income earned by this fund provides an award to the most outstanding student in the Department of Romance, German and Slavic Languages and Literatures.

Bunting Graduate Prize Fund established in 1986 by L.H. Bunting in memory of her daughter, Dr. S.L. Bunting. The income earned by this fund supports an annual prize for a graduate student in the fields of zoology or biology.

Byrne Thurtell Burns Memorial Award Fund established in 1937 by Persia Burns in memory of her son, Byrne Thurtell Burns. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award in chemistry.

Wilbur J. Carr Prize Fund established in 1962 by Mrs. Wilbur J. Carr in memory of her husband, Wilbur J. Carr. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award in the study of foreign affairs.

University Endowment Funds • Prizes 27

Ching-Yao Hsieh Prize Fund established in 1987 by multiple donors. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award for an undergraduate student and a graduate student in the Department of Economics.

Claeyssens Prize Fund established in 1981 by the Bess and Arthur Dick Family Foundation. The income earned by this fund supports an award for the best original work in playwriting by a student.

Colonial Endowment for Academic Excellence Fund established in 1990 by Colonials, Inc. The income earned by this fund supports an award at the end of each academic year to the men’s intercollegiate team that earned the highest grade point average for that year.

Cowles-ESIA Prize Fund established in 1991 by transfer of one half of the corpus of the Cowles-GWSB Prize Fund. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to the senior with the highest academic average in the Elliott School of International Affairs.

John Henry Cowles Prize Fund for the School of Business created in 1943 by John Henry Cowles. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to the senior with the highest academic average in the School of Business.

Dewitt Clinton Croissant Prize Fund established in 1941 by the bequest of Dewitt Clinton Croissant. The income earned by this fund supports an annual prize for excellence in dramatics or dramatic studies.

E.K. Cutter Prize Fund established in 1902 by Marion Kendall Cutter in memory of E.K. Cutter. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award for excellence in the study of English.

28 Prizes • University Endowment Funds

Davis Prize Fund established in 1847 by Isaac Davis. The income earned by this fund supports annual awards to members of the senior class who have made the greatest progress in elocution.

Charles and Florence Diehl Student Prize Fund established in 1994 by Charles E. Diehl in memory of Florence Diehl. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to a senior undergraduate or graduate student in finance.

George Ellowitz Memorial Award established in 2001 by Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Morris. The income earned by this fund provides an annual travel stipend for students enrolled in the School of Engineering and Applied Science, for the purpose of enriching and encouraging the student’s cultural experience.

Jesse Frederick Essary Prize Fund established in 1948 by Mrs. Helen Essary Murphy in memory of her husband, Jesse Frederick Essary. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award in journalism.

Jessie Fant Evans Prize Fund established in 1971 by the bequest of Joshua Evans, Jr., in memory of Jessie Fant Evans. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to an outstanding senior student in a contemporary history course.

Joshua Evans III Memorial Award Fund established in 1937 by friends of Joshua Evans III. The income earned by this fund supports a prize as a memorial to an outstanding life, to be awarded to student in the graduating class in social and political sciences.

Willie E. Fitch Prize Fund established in 1883 by James E. Fitch in memory of Willie E. Fitch. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to a senior student with the best general examination in chemistry.

University Endowment Funds • Prizes 29

Alfred Martin Freudenthal Prize Fund established in 1979 by gifts in memory of Professor Alfred Martin Freudenthal. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Norman and Harold Friend Student Prize in International Affairs established in 2002 by the proceeds of the Pooled Income Fund of Norman H. Friend. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to an undergraduate student majoring in international affairs who has demonstrated academic excellence.

Donald H. Glew Memorial Prize Fund established in 1978 by gifts in memory of Dr. Donald H. Glew. The income earned by this fund supports annual awards to the best papers at the Annual Student Research Day.

Goddard Family Prize Fund established in 1923 by Mary W. and Frederick J. Goddard in memory of Morgan R. Goddard, Edward C. Goddard, James D. Goddard, and Alice Douglas Goddard. The income earned by this fund supports four annual cash awards in pharmacology.

GWU Alumni Art Department Prize Fund established in 1999 by gifts from GW alumni. The income earned by this fund supports annual prizes to art students in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Harmon Choral Prize Fund established in 1986 by Bishop Nolan B. Harmon in memory of his brother, Dr. Robert Howe Harmon. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to a student in the choral program.

George Henigan and Edwin Stevens Communication Awards established in 1991 by Eugene I. Lambert, BA ’57, in memory of Professors George Henigan and Edwin Stevens. The income earned by this fund supports an annual prize in communication for a project that applies classroom learning to real-life situations.

30 Prizes • University Endowment Funds

John Horrworth Children’s Book Award Fund established in 2001 by Dr. Gloria L. Horrworth. The income earned by this fund supports up to two annual cash prizes to Graduate School of Education and Human Development elementary and secondary education students who prevail in a children’s book writing contest.

Hubbard Prize Fund established in 1907 by Gertrude M. Hubbard in memory of her husband, Gardiner C. Hubbard. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award for excellence in American History.

Cecile R. Hunt Prize Fund established in 1981 by Walter J. Hunt in memory of his wife, Cecile R. Hunt. The income earned by this fund supports a prize to recognize American artists and assist in staging exhibitions for such work by the Dimock Gallery.

Philip B. Kaplan Prize Fund in Electrical Engineering established in 1999 by Dr. Stuart L Kaplan, BA ’61, MD ’65 in honor of his late brother, Philip B. Kaplan, BEE ’65. The income earned by this fund provides an annual award to the graduating senior majoring in electrical engineering with the highest grade point average. The award is in recognition of the fact that Philip B. Kaplan graduated from the School of Engineering and Applied Science with the highest grade point average in the Department of Electrical Engineering despite a valiant struggle with cancer.

Elmer Louis Kayser Prize Fund established in 1992 by gifts in honor of Professor Elmer Louis Kayser. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to a student in the Department of History.

Robert W. Kenny Faculty Prize established in 1993 by gifts in honor of Robert W. Kenny. The income earned by this fund supports annual awards to members of the arts and sciences faculty.

Korean Language and Culture Prize Fund established in 1989 by gifts to the Department of East Asian Languages and Literature. The income earned by this fund supports an annual prize to a student enrolled in a Korean language/culture course at the University.

University Endowment Funds • Prizes 31

Minna Mirin Kullback Prize Fund established in 1968 by Dr. Solomon Kullback in memory of his wife, Minna Mirin Kullback. The income earned by this fund supports an annual prize to a full-time student majoring in statistics.

John F. Latimer Prize Fund established in 1973 by gifts in honor of Professor John Latimer. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to the outstanding graduating senior with a major in Latin, Greek and classical archaeology, or in classical humanities.

Leadership Prize Fund established in 1968 by an anonymous donor. The income earned by this fund supports a prize to be awarded to a student in the freshman class.

Laurence Leite Prize Fund established in 1996 by faculty and friends in memory of Laurence Leite. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to an art history master’s candidate in his/her second year.

Morris Louis Art Student Assistance Fund established in 2008 by the trust of Dr. Marcella Brenner. The income earned by this fund provides financial awards to students enrolled in the Department of Art or its successor academic units. Selection for these awards are based on artistic or academic merit and promise.

Martin Mahler Prize Fund established in 1953 by Martin Mahler. The income earned by this fund supports The Martin Mahler Prize in Materials Testing.

Manatt-Trachtenberg Prize Endowment established in 2009 by President Emeritus Stephen Joel Trachtenberg and Board of Trustees Chairman Emeritus Ambassador Charles T. Manatt. The income earned by this fund supports an annual prize of $500 to recognize a graduating senior who has most significantly challenged the social and intellectual conscience of the University and who has displayed exceptional leadership, competence, integrity, and goodwill in carrying out his or her University responsibilities while enrolled at GW.

32 Prizes • University Endowment Funds

Hilda Haves Manchester Prize Fund established in 1969 by Emilie Margaret White in memory of Hilda Haves Manchester. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award in sociology.

Barry Manilow Endowed Prize in Music established in 1984 and amended in 1986 by Barry Manilow. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to an outstanding music student on the basis of academic performance and musical ability as determined by a committee of faculty appointed by the department chair.

Vivian Nellis Award in Creative Writing established in 1965 by gifts in memory of Vivian Nellis. The income earned by this fund supports a prize to recognize a student in the Department of English.

Nicole Paul Endowed Prize in Women’s Studies established in 1994 by gifts in memory of Nicole M. Paul, BA ’92. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to a master’s degree candidate completing his/her first-year in the women’s studies program. The recipient will be an exceptional student demonstrating both academic excellence in the field and a commitment to furthering women’s issues championed by Nicole Paul.

Pelton Award for Outstanding Senior Project established in 2009 by Joseph N. Pelton, PhD. The income earned by this fund supports an annual competition to recognize the winner of the best senior project in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Physics Department Student Prize and Enhancement Fund established in 2008 by faculty members of the Department of Physics including Dr. Bernhold, Dr. Berman, and Dr. Parke. The income earned by this fund supports student prizes and other worthy causes in the department.

Kenneth J. Pikus Memorial Award established in 1999 by Danetta and Martin Banach and Deborah Pikus. The income earned by this fund supports an annual cash prize to the intramural athletics fraternity champion. This cash prize will be administered by the office of Greek life and is to be used by a fraternity member for academic purposes only. University Endowment Funds • Prizes 33

William Ruggles Prize Fund established in 1859 by William Ruggles. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award for excellence in mathematics.

Howard C. Sacks Endowed Prize Fund established in 1987 by gifts in memory of Howard C. Sacks. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award in political science to a student who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in the study of Far Eastern affairs.

Schoenfeld Prize Endowment Fund established in 1966 by Emilie Margaret White. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award for excellence in German studies.

J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Public Service Awards established in 1992 by the J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Charitable Trust and University matching funds. The income earned by this fund supports awards to students enabling them to undertake public service activities during the summer.

Julian H. Singman, Esq., Endowed Prize Fund established in 1987 by Professor Douglas H. Teller and friends in memory of Julian H. Singman, Esq. The income earned by this fund supports one prize in each of the areas of design and aquarelle painting as part of the annual awards show organized by The Dimock Gallery and the Department of Art.

Abbie O. Smith Prize Fund established in 1986 by Abbie O. and William P. Smith. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award by the Department of Women’s Athletics for a female basketball player.

Sylvia S. Speck Endowed Prize in English Literature established in 1996 by George Speck, MD. The income earned will enable the Department of English to recognize the exemplary academic achievement of one of its graduating seniors on an annual basis. This prize will be an incentive for students of English literature to commit themselves to academic excellence in their final year and serve as a lasting memorial to Sylvia S. Speck.

34 Prizes • University Endowment Funds

Robert and Christine Staub Faculty Excellence Award established in 2007 by Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Staub. The award will be made annually to a member of the faculty of the School of Media and Public Affairs.

Staughton-Elton Prize Fund established in 1860 by Romeo Elton. The income earned by this fund supports annual awards for excellence in the Latin and Greek languages. The Elton prize was designated for excellence in Greek; the Staughton prize for Latin.

Alfred E. Steck Memorial Prize Fund in Sculpture established in 1981 by gifts in memory of Alfred E. Steck. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award for fine craftsmanship and proven excellence in Sculpture.

James MacBride Sterrett, Jr., Prize Fund established in 1911 by the Reverend J. MacBride Sterrett in memory of his son, J. MacBride Sterrett, Jr., class of 1896. The income earned by this fund supports books to be awarded to the student with the highest GPA in general physics.

Charles Clinton Swisher Prize Fund established in 1941 by Charles Clinton Swisher. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to the student who submits the best essay on medieval history.

James H. Taylor Graduate Mathematics Prize Fund established in 1973 by Dr. R.J. Taylor in memory of James H. Taylor. The income earned by this fund supports an award for excellence in mathematics chosen by faculty.

Patricia M. Toel Memorial Fund and Prize established in 1980 by gifts in memory of Patricia M. Toel. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to a graduate student in photography to recognize outstanding achievement in the art.

University Endowment Funds • Prizes 35

Oscar and Shoshana Trachtenberg Faculty Prize for Scholarship Fund established in 1991 by President Emeritus Stephen Joel Trachtenberg in memory of his parents and known as the Oscar and Shoshana Trachtenberg Faculty Prize for Scholarship. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to a tenured faculty member to recognize excellence in scholarship.

Oscar and Shoshana Trachtenberg Prize for University Service Fund established in 1992 by President Emeritus Stephen Joel Trachtenberg in memory of his parents. This prize is presented annually to a tenured member of the faculty to recognize exceptional service to the University. Service to be recognized may include active membership in the Faculty Senate; active membership on committees, including standing committees, special ad-hoc committees, or task forces; and other activities that directly involve institutional governance or the conduct of the University’s corporate affairs.

Oscar and Shoshana Trachtenberg Prize for Teaching Fund established in 1990 by President Emeritus Stephen Joel Trachtenberg as the Oscar and Shoshana Trachtenberg Prize in Teaching. The income earned by this fund supports an award to recognize achievement in teaching to a tenured faculty member.

George V. Vahouney Special Fund established in 1988 by gifts in memory of Dr. George V. Vahouney. The income earned by this fund supports the George V. Vahouney Memorial Award for Graduate Student Excellence in the Department of Biochemistry.

Benjamin D. Van Evera Memorial Prize Fund established in 1971 by gifts in memory of Benjamin D. Van Evera. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to a graduate teaching fellow in chemistry.

Thomas F. Walsh Prize Fund established in 1901 by Thomas F. Walsh. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award for the best essay on topic in Irish history.

36 Prizes • University Endowment Funds

Naomi Poling Warbasse Awards Fund established in 1996 by Eleanor Poling and James P. Warbasse in memory of Naomi Poling Warbasse, MA ’93. The income earned by this fund provides financial awards to the most promising second-year female graduate student in the Elliott School of International Affairs concentrating in Central and/or Eastern European studies.

Alexander Wilbourne Weddell Prize Fund established in 1923 by Virginia Chase Weddell. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to the student submitting the best essay on the general subject of the promotion of peace among the nation.

Superintendent W.T. Woodson Graduate Student Prize Fund established in 1987 by gifts in memory of Dr. Wilbert T. Woodson. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to a graduate student in the field of educational administration.

Marc A. Zambetti Prize Fund established in 1990 by gifts in memory of Marc A. Zambetti. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award by the recreational sports program.

University Endowment Funds • Prizes 37

University Endowment Funds Research

Deixler/Swain Fund for Undergraduate Research in History established in 2005 by Bert H. Deixler, Esq., BA ’73, and Leslie Swain. The income earned by this fund is used to underwrite the research activity of one or more undergraduate students in the Department of History in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Dresher Family Endowment Fund established in 2008 by Jeffrey Dresher and the Dresher Family Foundation. The income earned by this fund supports faculty and student development activities in the field of exercise science, including research, teaching, professional enhancement, and community service.

Finance Research Endowment established in 2003 by the Department of Finance. The income earned by this fund supports faculty research in the area of finance.

Norris and Betty Hekimian Engineering Research Fund established in 1988 by Norris C. Hekimian, BA ’49. The income earned by this fund supports research in any aspect of engineering at the discretion of the dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Linkowski Counseling Student Research Fund established in 2004 by Dr. Donald C. Linkowski. The income earned by this fund supports research activities conducted by counseling students enrolled in the Graduate School of Education and Human Development.

38 Research • University Endowment Funds

Frederick L. Minn Chair’s Fund for Chemistry Faculty Research established in 2009 by the bequest of Frederick L. Minn. The income earned by this fund supports faculty research needs in the Department of Chemistry.

Charles R. and Elma M. Naeser Memorial Chair’s Fund established in 2008 by Dr. Charles W. Naeser and Dr. Margaret A. Naeser in memory of their parents, Mrs. Elma M. Naesar and Dr. Charles R. Naeser, GW professor emeritus of chemistry. The income earned by this fund supports the research activities of undergraduate students majoring in chemistry as well as the needs of new faculty in the Department of Chemistry.

Beverly and Randall Packer Endowed Undergraduate Research Fund in Biological Sciences established in 2006 by Randall Packer, professor of biology at GW, and Beverly Packer. The income earned by this fund supports undergraduate student research in the Department of Biological Sciences.

Professor Ronald B. Thompson Endowed Fund for Graduate Research in History established in 2006 by Elizabeth M. Thompson in honor of her husband, Dr. Ronald Thompson. The income earned by this fund provides awards for graduate students of the Department of History for travel and materials necessary to accomplish dissertation research.

University Endowment Funds • Research 39

Undergraduate Research Fund established in 2007 by Drs. Carol K. and Lee Sigelman. The income earned by this fund provides expanded opportunities for undergraduate students in all majors, both in and outside of the Honors Program, to become immersed in research and scholarship and to make inquiry, investigation, and discovery the centerpiece of their undergraduate curricula. Research stipends are awarded on a competitive basis to undergraduate students in any year for projects undertaken during the academic year or the summer.

Robert Vincent Fellowship Fund for Undergraduate Research in the Basic Sciences established in 1996 by Julianne H. Thomas, MD, in honor of Professor Robert Vincent. The income earned by this fund provides an annual stipend in support of the advanced undergraduate research of a pre-medical student during the summer following his/her junior year.

Richard Fisher Wallis Endowment for Chemistry and Physics Research Fund established in 1999 by Richard Fisher Wallis. The income earned by this fund supports research efforts of chemistry and physics faculty members.

William Warren Endowment Fund for Fellowships established in 2005 by William Warren, BA ’67. The income earned by this fund supports scholarly work and research of undergraduate and graduate students in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

40 Research • University Endowment Funds

University Endowment Funds Scholarships

Ivan B. Alexander Endowed Scholarship Fund established in 2009 by Ivan B. Alexander. The income earned by this fund provides annual scholarship support for undergraduate students in the School of Business with preference given to students who work and who have had to overcome a material hardship to matriculate at GW.

Sherman Page Allen Scholarship established in 1966 by the bequest of Violet B. Robinson in memory of Sherman Page Allen. The income earned by this fund supports the education of male students desiring to specialize in journalism.

Angeline E. Anderson Scholarship Fund established in 1990 by Angeline E. Anderson. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship support to students of the Graduate School of Education and Human Development who plan to teach in the public school system in the United States.

Mary J. Anderson Memorial Scholarship Fund established in 1969 by William Malcolm Gettinger in memory of Mary J. Anderson. The income earned by this fund supports a student in need who represents “a good citizen.”

Byron Andrews Memorial Scholarship Fund established in 1987 by Belle Fiske Andrews in memory of her husband, Byron Andrews. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for ambitious and needy students who are studying English, Latin, journalism, history, literature, or political science.

University Endowment Funds • Scholarships 41

Dominic F. Antonelli, Jr., and Judith D. Antonelli Family Scholarship established in 1987 by D. F. Antonelli, Jr. and Judith D. Antonelli. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships to full-time undergraduate students. Awards may be made to students in any class, including incoming freshman, and may be continued for subsequent years. Recipients will have demonstrated financial need; preference will be given to minority students.

Ibrahim Aborsey Ashie Engineering Scholarship Fund established in 2002 by Ibrahim Aborsey Ashie, BS ’70, MS ’73. The income earned by this fund provides need-based financial assistance for a student enrolled in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Stanley M. Baer Scholarship in Electrical Engineering established in 1993 by the bequest of Stanley M. Baer. The income earned by this fund supports full-time undergraduate students who are majoring in electrical engineering.

Robert R. Banville Scholarship Fund established in 1994 by Mrs. Mildred H. Banville in memory of her son, Robert R. Banville, BS ’58. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for graduate students in the Elliott School of International Affairs. They may be full- or part-time students and the award may be based on financial need or academic merit.

Barker Scholarship Fund established in 2000 by the L. Barker Pooled Income Fund. The income earned by this fund supports undergraduate and graduate scholarships.

Callie Barker Endowed Scholarship Fund for Art Education established in 2009 by Michael and Betsy Barker. The income earned by this fund provides student assistance, based on financial need, to an undergraduate student with a major or minor in the Department of Fine Arts and Art History.

42 Scholarships • University Endowment Funds

Bedi Family Foundation Scholarship Fund established in 2004 by Gurminder Bedi, BS ’69. The income earned by this fund provides support for undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need within the School of Engineering and Applied Science with first preference to support female students of multicultural backgrounds who are from the District of Columbia.

Gilbert A. Bell Memorial Scholarship Fund established in 2002 by the estate of Myrtle C. Bell in memory of her husband, Gilbert A. Bell. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for students in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Bender Scholarship at the University of Cambridge established in 1992 by the Dorothy G. Bender Foundation, Inc. The income earned by this fund supports scholarship awards to undergraduates entering their senior year, Law School students entering their third year, and recent graduates as defined by the University president. Awards may be made to cover tuition at Cambridge, living and transportation costs, or other costs associated for matriculation at the University of Cambridge in England.

Sigrid Weeks Benson Scholarship Fund established in 1987 by Sigrid Weeks Benson, BS ’57. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship awards: first to undergraduate students enrolled in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences who are majoring in biology; second, to any worthy undergraduate student enrolled, in good standing, and qualifying for financial assistance.

David W. Berg Scholarship Fund established in 2006 by David W. Berg, BS ’68. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship support for undergraduate(s) in the School of Engineering and Applied Science, with first preference to support student(s) studying civil and environmental engineering.

Michael Billiel Student Scholarship Fund established in 1999 by Michael D. Billiel, Esq., BA ’81, JD ’85. The income earned by this fund supports partial tuition assistance for undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need who are enrolled in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

University Endowment Funds • Scholarships 43

Gail E. Boggs Engineering Scholarship established in 1984 by Gail E. Boggs, BS ’48. The income earned by this fund provides one or more scholarships to students majoring in engineering.

John and Anne Booth Undergraduate Scholarship established in 2003 by Glenn Patrick Wicks, BA ’88, JD ’91. The income earned by this fund provides need-based scholarship support to graduates from Litchfield High School in Litchfield, Connecticut. Should no graduates of Litchfield High School meet the University’s minimum acceptance requirements, the income supports the Department of Music.

Anne Bord University Scholarship established in 2006 by Ms. Anne Bord. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for students enrolled in the Department of Judaic Studies.

John and Claudia Boswell Faculty Scholarship Fund established in 1993 by John and Claudia Boswell and gifts to the GSEHD Special Fund. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships in the Graduate School of Education and Human Development.

Hortense Mae Boutell Scholarship Fund established in 2007 by the Evelyn Barstow Harrison Trust. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for female students pursuing graduate degrees in fine arts in design, painting, sculpture, or graphics.

Lura Bradfield Endowed Scholarship for Women established in 2009 by the Lura Bradfield Foundation in memory of Lura Colvin Bradfield. The income earned by this fund provides annual scholarships to promising female students based on financial need and academic achievement.

Dirk S. Brady Endowed Scholarship Fund established in 2008 by an anonymous donor. The income earned by this fund provides an annual, full tuition scholarship to an undergraduate student(s) who left their country of origin because of ethnic, political, or religious persecution. Preference is given to students who have demonstrated financial need.

44 Scholarships • University Endowment Funds

Henry Newlon Brawner, Jr., Memorial Scholarship Fund established in 1999 by Iola L. Brawner. The income earned by this fund supports a scholarship in memory of her husband, Henry Newlon Brawner, Jr.

A.D. Britt Scholarship Fund established in 1984 by Mrs. Trudie Britt and Ms. Lou Cannan in honor of Dr. A.D. Britt. The income earned by this fund provides financial assistance to deserving junior or senior students majoring in chemistry. The funds may also be used for the Presidential Scholar program. This program admits students into a scholarly track emphasizing undergraduate research, summer internships, and one-on-one interaction with faculty.

Frederick Albert and Alma Hand Britten Scholarship Fund established in 1959 by the bequest of Alma Hand Britten. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

David S. and Anne Elizon Brown Scholarship Fund established in 2000 by Anne Elizon Brown in memory of her husband, Dr. David S. Brown. The income earned by this fund supports one annual scholarship to a student pursuing a graduate degree in public administration. The award will be merit based. Applicants must demonstrate financial need.

George R. Brown Scholarship established in 1996 by George “Jack” Brown. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Joel T. Broyhill Scholarship Fund for Public Policy Studies established in 1999 by Ms. Nancy Broyhill, BA ’65. The income earned by this fund supports one scholarship annually to an undergraduate student who is studying political science or a student pursuing an advanced degree in public policy. Graduate School of Political Management students will also be eligible for this scholarship. The award will be merit based. Preference will be given to those applicants also demonstrating financial need.

University Endowment Funds • Scholarships 45

Frate Bull, Jr. Scholarship Fund established in 2004 by the estate of Frate Bull, Jr. The income earned by this fund supports students in the School of Engineering and Applied Science or in the School of Business.

Barbara Willmarth Callahan Scholarship Fund established in 1991 by Barbara Willmarth Callahan, BA ’67. The income earned by this fund supports an undergraduate student enrolled in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences. The award will be selected by the dean of the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences based on merit. The recipient will be an American citizen and a graduate of a public high school. First preference will be given to female students.

Cannon Design Scholarship in Engineering and Applied Science established in 2007 by Cannon Design Corporation. The income provides financial aid for a junior/third year undergraduate student in the School of Engineering and Applied Science who is majoring in biomedical, electrical, or mechanical engineering. The scholar will have demonstrated superior academic performance and financial need. The scholarship will continue through the student’s senior year, presuming continued superior academic performance and demonstrated financial need.

Mary Ellen Caplin Scholarship Fund established in 1987 by Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer M. Caplin in memory of their daughter, Mary Ellen Caplin, BA ’71. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship awards to students enrolled in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences who have demonstrated an interest in counseling or family systems.

Elsie M. Carper Scholarship Fund established in 1987 by Elsie M. Carper, BA ’41. The income earned by this fund is used to provide an annual award, to include a full academic scholarship, mandatory student fees, room, and board. Carper Scholars will be full-time students preferably, but not exclusively, in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences and will automatically receive the scholarship each year provided they are in good academic standing. Recipients will be expected to live in campus housing for their full four-year undergraduate program.

46 Scholarships • University Endowment Funds

Emma K. Carr Scholarship Fund established in 1932 by the bequest of Emma K. Carr. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for young men.

Oliver T. Carr, Jr. Scholarship Fund established in 1986 by Oliver T. Carr, Jr., HON ’98. The income earned by this fund supports financial awards for students in the School of Business who are studying urban and regional development. The awards will be known as “The Oliver T. Carr, Jr. Scholarships in Urban and Regional Development” and may be applied toward the student’s tuition or other educational costs.

Carruthers Family MBA Scholarship established in 2009 by James L. Carruthers, Jr. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for students enrolled in the full-time global MBA program.

Henry Harding Carter Scholarship Fund established in 1896 by Maria M. Carter in memory of her husband, Henry Harding Carter. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships in civil engineering.

Maria M. Carter Scholarship Fund established in 1871 by Maria M. Carter. The income earned by this fund supports a scholarship for a young man.

Paul E. Casassa Memorial Scholarship Fund established in 1969 by the Casassa Foundation in memory of Paul E. Casassa. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for deserving young men and women who want to attend the University but who have encountered financial difficulty.

Cauffman Scholarship Fund established in 1994 by gifts in memory of James A. Cauffman. The income earned by this fund supports a partial scholarship for exceptional engineering students.

University Endowment Funds • Scholarships 47

Chemistry Department Alumni Fellowship Fund established in 2004 by alumni of the Department of Chemistry. The income earned by this fund provides financial support for graduate students enrolled in the department. Eligibility is based upon demonstrated academic distinction and financial need.

Class of 1958 Scholarship for Physics established in 2001 by Dr. W. Stuart Riggsby, BS ’58. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for undergraduate students majoring in physics. Recipients must be in good academic standing with demonstrated financial need.

Class of 2005 September 11th Memorial Scholarship Fund established in 2005 by members of the Class of 2005 and their parents in honor of graduation and in memory of September 11, 2001. The income earned by this fund supports a rising senior who has excelled in the area of public service.

David S. Cohen Scholarship in Business established in 2007 by David S. Cohen. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship support to undergraduate students in the School of Business.

Gene R. Cohen Entrepreneurial Scholarship established in 1998 by the Gene R. Cohen Charitable Foundation. The income earned by this fund provides financial assistance to students pursuing entrepreneurial studies and/or funds the development of programs designed to foster entrepreneurism.

Columbian College Endowed Scholarship Fund established in 1988 by Dr. Julianne H. Thomas, BA ’67 and contributions from alumni and friends of the University. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Cook Family Endowed Scholarship Fund established in 2009 by Mr. and Mrs. Ian Cook. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship assistance, based on financial need, to an undergraduate student.

48 Scholarships • University Endowment Funds

Marion, John, and Richard Cunningham Endowed Scholarship Fund established in 2006 by proceeds from the estate of Marion Cunningham, BA ’32, MA ’36. The income earned by this fund supports an annual undergraduate scholarship to a student in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences with demonstrated financial need.

Daewoo Corporation Scholarship Fund established in 1988 by the Daewoo Corporation. The income earned by this fund supports scholarship awards for full-time students majoring in business administration in the School of Business who are citizens of the People’s Republic of China.

Daewoo Vietnamese Scholarship Fund established in 1994 by the Daewoo Corporation. The income earned by this fund supports Vietnamese citizens pursuing master’s or doctoral degrees at the School of Business. Eligibility in both master’s and doctoral programs will be for candidates in the following fields of study: accountancy, finance, information systems, international science and technology, and marketing.

Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation Fund established in 1999 by the Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation and University funds. The income earned by this fund supports the budget of the women in business and entrepreneurship initiative at the Mount Vernon campus, to be used for scholarships for recruiting new students or for general operating support.

Davis Scholarship Fund established in 1869 by Isaac Davis. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships.

Cora and John H. Davis Scholarship Fund established in 1987 by the Cora and John H. Davis Foundation. The income earned by this fund provides scholarships to students who do not meet the usual criteria for scholarship assistance but who, because of special circumstances, are in need of support.

University Endowment Funds • Scholarships 49

Bertha B. Day Scholarship Fund established in 1993 by the bequest of Stanley M. Baer. The income earned by this fund assists worthy and needy full-time undergraduate students who are majoring in civil engineering.

D.C. Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarship established in 1952 and amended in 1994 by the DC Daughters of the American Revolution. The income earned by this fund is used to support scholarships for junior, senior, or graduate students, preferably women, in the fields of american history or historic preservation.

Vincent J. De Angelis Scholarship Fund established in 1983 by Eleanor V. De Angelis in memory of her husband, Professor Vincent J. De Angelis, BA ’39, MA ’48. The income earned by this fund provides scholarships to full- or part-time master’s or doctoral degree candidates in the Graduate School of Education and Human Development.

Deixler/Swain Graduate Scholarship in History established in 1997 by Bert H. Deixler, Esq., BA ’73, and Leslie Swain. The income earned by this fund provides graduate tuition assistance for full- or part-time students pursuing advanced degrees in the Department of History.

Elsie and Marvin Dekelboum Family Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship in Engineering established in 2009 by Elsie and Marvin Dekelboum. The income earned by this fund supports a scholarship for undergraduate students who are majoring in civil engineering.

The Honorable Robert R. Detore Endowed Scholarship in Political Management established in 2006 by The Honorable Robert R. Detore, BA ’67. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for students enrolled in the Graduate School of Political Management.

50 Scholarships • University Endowment Funds

Kim and Derek Dewan Endowed Scholarship established in 2009 by GW parents Kim and Derek Dewan. The income earned by this fund provides need-based student assistance for undergraduate students enrolled in the Elliott School of International Affairs.

Dean James Carlton Dockeray Memorial Scholarship Fund established in 1989 by Dr. Karl E. Stromsem in honor of former Business School Dean James Carlton Dockeray. The income earned by this fund provides scholarships for graduate students working toward degrees in finance or public administration.

Constance Drane Scholarship Fund established in 1957 by the bequest of Estella Constance Drane. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for students in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences who are graduates of Roosevelt High School in Washington, DC.

Eaves-Carden Graduate Scholarship Fund established in 1993 by Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Eaves, Jr., and the bequest of Ruth Anderson Eaves in memory of family members who attended GW: Robert Wendell Eaves, BA ’33, MA ’33, EdD ’40; Ruth Anderson Eaves; Samuel Poe Carden, BA ’18, MA ’29; and Mary Stuart Anderson Carden, BA ’35, MA ’45. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for students in the Graduate School of Education and Human Development who are pursing a degree with an emphasis on elementary school administration.

Eberli Family Endowed Scholarship established in 2007 by Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Eberli. The income earned by this fund provides assistance, based on financial need, to undergraduate students.

Professor Burton I. Edelson Memorial Scholarship established in 2002 by Daniel C. Edelson, Joseph N. Pelton, Neil Helm, and friends of Professor Burton I. Edelson. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for undergraduate or graduate students in the School of Engineering and Applied Science in the electrical and computer engineering or computer science departments.

University Endowment Funds • Scholarships 51

James B. Edmunds, Jr. Memorial Scholarship established in 2001 by Nelle Loyless Edmunds. The income earned by this fund supports two scholarships of equal amounts for full-time undergraduate students in the School of Business.

Engineer Alumni Association Scholarship Fund established in 1991 by the Engineering Alumni Association. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship support for one graduate student in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Henry Parsons Erwin Scholarship Fund established in 1955 by Helen B. Erwin in memory of Henry Parsons Erwin. The income earned by this fund supports a scholarship in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Richard T. Evans Scholarship Fund for Art established in 1999 by Richard T. Evans. The income earned by this fund supports scholarship in art the Department of Art in the field of visual communications.

Richard T. Evans Scholarship Fund for Theatre and Dance established in 1999 by Richard T. Evans. The income earned by this fund supports scholarship in the Department of Theatre and Dance.

Gerhard Fairgrieve Endowed Scholarship Fund established in 2006 by Melissa Fairgrieve, mother of Britt M. Gerhard, a former student in Columbian College of Arts and Sciences. The income earned by this fund provides need-based scholarship support at the undergraduate level for a student in the Department of Political Science.

Farnham Scholarship Fund established in 1871 by Mrs. Robert Farnham. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

52 Scholarships • University Endowment Funds

Feinsod Scholarship Fund established in 2004 by Michael Ross Feinsod, BA ’93, and Amanda Silverman Feinsod, BA ’93. The income earned by this fund supports undergraduate scholarships for students pursuing studies in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Rossetta A. and Sadie B. Feldman Endowment Fund established in 2006 by the estate of Sadie Feldman, MA ’40. The income earned by this fund supports the museum education program in the Graduate School of Education and Human Development.

Edward M. Felegy Scholarship Endowment in Honor of Stephen Joel Trachtenberg established in 2007 by Edward M. Felegy, BA ’58. The income earned by this fund provides annual scholarships for undergraduate students majoring in international affairs.

Fischer Family Fund established in 1998 by Carol B. Fischer. The income earned by this fund supports graduate scholarship for individuals returning to school after having worked for a period of years. The scholarship provides assistance to students in the School of Media and Public Affairs, the Department of Public Administration, or the Department of Physics (with a particular interest in quantum mechanics).

Esther Brigham Fisher Scholarship Fund established in 1951 by Esther Brigham Fisher. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships.

Julius Fleischman Scholarship in Tourism and Hospitality Management established in 2007 by Julius Fleischman. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for students pursuing an education in tourism and hospitality management.

University Endowment Funds • Scholarships 53

Julius Fleischman Scholarship Fund for Blind or Visually Impaired Students established in 2005 by Julius Fleischman. The income earned by this fund supports annual scholarships for undergraduate students who are legally blind as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act and who are eligible to receive services from the GW Office of Disability Support Services.

R. John and Carolyn Dunnagan Fletcher Fund established in 2007 by R. John and Carolyn Dunnagan Fletcher. The income earned by this fund provides undergraduate scholarships in the School of Business, with a preference given to students with disabilities.

Rockwood H. Foster Memorial Scholarship Fund established in 2004 by H. Peet Foster, BA ’75, and Susan Kaller Foster, BS ’76, in honor of Rockwood H. Foster. The income earned by this fund supports a partial scholarship for a graduate student in the Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration.

Dean James Harold Fox Scholarship Fund established in 1984 by Angeline E. Anderson in honor of James Harold Fox, dean of the School of Education from 1938 to 1963. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships in the Graduate School of Education and Human Development.

Philip P. Friedlander, Jr., Scholarship in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Studies established in 1997 by the National Tire Dealers and Retreaders Association in honor of Philip P. Friedlander, Jr., BA ’51. The income earned by this fund provides annual income for tuition grants for students enrolled in the School of Business who focus on concentrations in entrepreneurship and small business studies or a related area.

Andrew K. Friedman Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund established in 2006 in memory of Andrew K. Friedman, BA ’79, by his wife, Lisa B. Friedman, and their sons Michael and Daniel, on the fifth anniversary of September 11. This fund honors Andy’s lifelong love of GW and the friendships he made at the University. The income earned by this fund provides partial need-based tuition support to undergraduate students.

54 Scholarships • University Endowment Funds

GW Futrell Scholarship Fund established in 1989 by multiple donors and the National Education Association in honor of its former president, Mary Hatwood Futrell. The income earned by this fund provides scholarships for students enrolled in the Graduate School of Education and Human Development who intend to pursue or continue careers as classroom teachers or counselors.

Sergius Gambal Scholarship Fund established in 1988 by Sergius Gambal, BA ’52. The income earned by this fund provides financial assistance to undergraduate students from the Washington metropolitan area who are economically disadvantaged and who are enrolled in the School of Business.

The George Washington University Faculty and Staff D.C. Scholarship Fund established in 1991 by University faculty and staff, and gifts from the Clarke-Winchcole Foundation. The income earned by this fund supports undergraduate scholarships for students who are permanent residents of the District of Columbia, demonstrate financial need, and have performed community service.

Gersten Family Scholarship Fund established in 1995 by Charles D. Gersten, BA ’43. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for students.

Louis B. Giles Memorial Scholarship Fund established in 1966 by the bequest of Susie B. Giles in memory of Louise B. Giles. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Leo and Lillian Goodwin, Sr. Scholarship Fund established in 1986 by the Leo Goodwin, Sr. Foundation. The income earned by this fund supports students of exemplary potential who seek to pursue graduate studies leading to a career in business administration.

University Endowment Funds • Scholarships 55

Philip L. Graham Fund Scholarship for Diversity in Journalism established in 2009 by the Philip L. Graham Fund. The income earned by this fund provides tuition support for students pursuing undergraduate degrees in journalism and communications. Preference is given to students from underrepresented groups, including but not limited to, women and individuals of diverse backgrounds.

Gary C. Granoff and Leslie Granoff Scholarship Fund established in 1986 by Gary and Leslie Granoff. The income earned by this fund assists students in need of financial aid by providing annual scholarships that help them attend the University. Awards are made to students who take courses in art, art history, business, accounting, or who are attending the Law School.

Mildred Green Memorial Fund established in 1959 by the Alpha Theta Chapter of Pi Lambda Theta Sorority in honor of Mildred Green. The income earned by this fund supports an annual scholarship for a woman in the field of education.

Walter L. Green Award Fund established in 1998 by the estate of Walter L. Green. The income earned by this fund supports merit- and need-based scholarship awards for students pursuing academic fields leading to careers in law.

Gridiron Foundation Scholarship Fund established in 1979 by the Gridiron Foundation. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for students pursuing studies in journalism, public affairs, or related subjects.

Griffith Family Scholarship Fund established in 2001 by Ross Griffith and members of the Griffith family. The income earned by this fund supports an annual scholarship award for a student in the Graduate School of Education and Human Development or an undergraduate who wishes to pursue a career in education.

Grosso Family Scholarship established in 2007 by John Grosso, Jr. BA ’69. The income from the fund provides need-based scholarship aid for students enrolled in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

56 Scholarships • University Endowment Funds

Violet Davis Grubbs Scholarship Fund established in 2007 by Violet David Grubbs BA ’51. The income earned by this fund provides need-based assistance to varsity student athletes with a preference given to female athletes.

Caroline and Joseph S. Gruss Scholarship Fund established in 1994 by the Caroline and Joseph S. Gruss Life Monument Fund and the Kenneth and Evelyn Lipper Foundation. The income earned by this fund supports graduates who are undertaking graduate studies at a university in Israel.

GSPM Alumni Scholarship established in 2001 by alumni of the Graduate School of Political Management. The income earned by this fund provides financial aid to incoming or current students pursuing a degree in political management.

GSPM Faculty Scholarship Fund established in 2001 by past and present faculty members of the Graduate School of Political Management. The income earned by this fund provides financial assistance to incoming and current students pursuing a degree in political management.

Isadore and Bertha Gudelsky Family Scholarship Endowment Fund established in 1978 by gifts from the Isadore and Bertha Gudelsky Family Foundation, Inc. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships.

GW-Oxford Graduate Scholarship established in 1990 by University funds. The income earned by this fund supports full scholarships for graduates to attend Oxford University for two years.

Michele Hagans Fund established in 2006 by trustee Michele Hagans, MBA ’94. The income earned by this fund provides assistance, based on financial need, to an undergraduate.

University Endowment Funds • Scholarships 57

Anna Spicker Hampel Scholarship Fund established in 1948 by Evelyn Hampel Young in memory of her mother, Anna Spicker Hampel. The income earned by this fund supports a scholarship for a woman in the Graduate School of Education and Human Development or the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Helene and Mark Hankin Scholarship established in 2009 by GW parents Mark and Helene Hankin. The income earned by the fund provides assistance, based on financial need, to an undergraduate student.

Corey Hansen Scholarship Fund established in 2000 by Walter G. Hansen and Marilyn Jackson. The income earned by this fund supports two scholarships annually to Graduate School of Education and Human Development students pursuing a degree in secondary education. Awards are merit based, with preference given to applicants who have demonstrated financial need.

Evelyn Barstow Harrison Scholarship Fund established in 2007 by the Evelyn Barstow Harrison Trust. The income earned by this fund provides scholarships to female students pursuing graduate degrees in the Department of Public Administration.

Theo Campbell Hartman Memorial Scholarship Fund established in 1986 by Myrtle C. Bell in memory of her sister, Theo Campbell Hartman. The income earned by this fund supports need-based scholarship grants to students in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Hatchet Scholarship Fund established in 1997 by gifts from Hatchet Publications, Inc., multiple donors, and University funds. The income earned by this fund supports scholarship awards to members of the GW Hatchet editorial board and staff.

Hazelton Scholarship Fund established in 1950 by the bequest of Lillie S. Hazelton. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships.

58 Scholarships • University Endowment Funds

William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship Fund established in 1998 by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for disadvantaged students from DC public schools enrolled in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Elizabeth Earle Heckman Graduate Scholarship in History established in 1994 by Elizabeth Earle Heckmann. The income earned by this fund supports awards for graduate degree candidates in the Department of History.

Norris and Betty Hekimian Engineering Endowment established in 2001 by Norris Hekimian, BA ’49, and Betty Hekimian. The income earned by this fund supports graduate scholarships in the School of Engineering and Applied Science. Graduate students interested in researching and applying technology that enhances information systems, computer networks, software engineering, artificial intelligence, and human-computer interfacing are eligible for the scholarship.

Herbst Family Fund established in 1997 by Edward Ian Herbst. The income earned by this fund supports tuition assistance for graduate political science students.

John H. Holmes Native American Scholarship I established in 1993 by John H. Holmes. The income earned by this fund supports scholarship awards with a preference given to Native American students.

John H. Holmes Native American Scholarship II established in 1993 by John H. Holmes. The income earned by this fund supports scholarship awards with a preference given to Native American students.

Mei Yuen Hoover Scholarship Fund established in 1999 by Mei Yuen Hoover, BA ’45. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship support for the education of disabled students from any of the 50 states who wish to study at the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

University Endowment Funds • Scholarships 59

Gladys B. Hornbrook Endowed Scholarship established in 2000 by the estate of Gladys Hornbrook. The income earned by this fund provides scholarships for students in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Frederick R. Houser Scholarship Fund established in 2000 by the bequest of Frederick R. Houser. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship awards to undergraduate students in the Elliott School of International Affairs.

June J. Hoye Scholarship Fund established in 2001 by June J. Hoye, BA ’55. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Thelma Hunt Graduate Psychology Scholarship Fund established in 1992 by the trust of Dr. Thelma Hunt. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for graduate students in the field of psychology.

Hyundai Scholarship Fund established in 1983 by the Hyundai Business Group of Korea. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships in the School of Business.

Madeleine Reines Jacobs Undergraduate Fund in Chemistry established in 2006 by Madeleine Reines Jacobs, BS ’68, HON ’03. The income earned by this fund provides financial assistance to undergraduate students majoring in chemistry in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences. This assistance can take the form of undergraduate chemistry research grants, tuition assistance, and/or summer research stipend support.

Robert Jacques Scholarship Fund established in 2001 by Robert J. Jacques, MA ’69. The income earned by this fund provides a partial scholarship for undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need who are enrolled in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Allen M. Jones Scholarship Fund established in 1981 by the bequest of Albert A. Jones as a memorial to his son, Allen M. Jones. The income earned by this fund supports scholarship assistance for worthy students with academic merit.

60 Scholarships • University Endowment Funds

Raymond V. Jones and Katherine P. Jones Scholarship established in 2007 by Raymond Jones, BA ’69, and Katherine Jones. The income earned from the fund provides scholarship support, based upon merit, for undergraduate students enrolled in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Howard Kahn Undergraduate Scholarship Fund established in 2001 by the estate of Howard Kahn. The income earned by this fund supports undergraduate scholarships in the School of Business.

Karlgaard Scholarship established in 2009 by the Karlgaard Family Foundation. The income earned by the fund supports a merit scholarship awarded to undergraduate students in their junior or senior year who are US citizens and have earned a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Karp Scholarship Fund established in 1995 by the bequest of Jeanette Karp. The income earned by this fund supports need-based scholarship awards.

David B. and James L. Karrick, Jr. Scholarship Fund established in 1967 by the bequest of James L. Karrick, Jr. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships.

Joseph and Helen Kaufmann Scholarship Fund established in 2004 by the Helen J. Kaufmann Revocable Trust in care of her daughters JoEllen Fishman and Barbara Steiger. The income earned by this fund provides an individual scholarship to an incoming freshman in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Elizabeth Kay Scholarship Fund established in 1969 by the bequest of Elizabeth Kay. The income earned by this fund supports merit- and need-based scholarships for students without regard to race, color, faith or creed.

John Kaye Scholarship Fund established in 2004 by Isabelle Lyn Kaye, MA ’53, in honor of John Kaye, GW professor emeritus of Engineering and Applied Science. The income earned by this fund provides an individual scholarship to an undergraduate in the School of Engineering and Applied Science. University Endowment Funds • Scholarships 61

Keller Scottish Rite Scholarships and Fellowships Fund established in 1981 by the bequest of Rita H. Keller. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships and fellowships for Scottish Rite fellows.

William Charles Keller Scholarship and Loan Fund established in 1987 by a charitable remainder trust funded by William C. Keller, BA ’49, and Dorothy D. Keller. The income earned by this fund provides scholarships and loans for deserving undergraduate students in the School of Business.

Mary-Margaret Cashell Kellogg Graduate Student Scholarship established in 1997 by Mary-Margaret Cashell Kellogg, MA ’55. The income earned by this fund supports partial tuition assistance to graduate students with demonstrated financial need. Scholarship recipients must be accepted for study in a degree program within the Graduate School of Education and Human Development.

Amos Kendall Scholarship Fund established in 1869 by The Honorable Amos Kendall. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for graduates of Washington, DC, public high schools.

Robert Martin Kilgore Scholarship established in 2003 by Robert Martin Kilgore. The income earned by this fund provides a scholarship for an undergraduate student interested in parliamentary procedure who writes and submits the best essay of 300 to 400 words on some aspect of parliamentary procedure as taught in Robert’s “Rules of Order Newly Revised.”

Kim Family Endowed Scholarship established in 2007 by Mr. and Mrs. Yong Hoon Kim. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship support to undergraduate students, with a preference for students from New Jersey.

Larry King Scholarship Fund established in 1999 by Larry King. The income earned by the fund provides scholarship awards to undergraduate and graduate students in the School of Media and Public Affairs with preference given to students who come from financially or socially disadvantaged backgrounds.

62 Scholarships • University Endowment Funds

Andrew John Knox Scholarship established in 1999 by a bequest of Andrew John Knox. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for students pursuing physical sciences.

Wolfgang and Astrid Kraus Fund established in 1992 by Jon P. Kraus, Rainer Kraus and Ellen Kraus-Fetzer, AA ’56, BA ’58, MA ’65 in memory of their parents. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for graduate students in political science with preference given to students specializing in political theory and/or Germanic studies.

Laurence F. Lane Graduate Scholarship in Political Management established in 2000 by Laurence F. Lane, BA ’68, MA ’76. The income earned by this fund provides financial assistance to students wishing to pursue a degree in political management to further their careers in the growing field of professional political management, including governance, elections, lobbying, and issues management.

Esther C. and David F. Lawton Memorial Fund established in 2001 by Esther Lawton. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for students pursuing studies of romance languages in France, Italy, Spain, or Portugal.

L. Poe Leggette Scholarship Fund established in 1968 by gifts in memory of GW faculty member L. Poe Leggette. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships.

Jeff Lerner Scholarship for Business Excellence established in 2007 by Jeff Lerner. The income earned by this fund provides a scholarship for one incoming student in the School of Business.

Levine-Klein Endowed Scholarship Fund established in 2007 by Steven Arthur Levine and Dr. Paula Klein Levine. The income earned from this fund provides an annual undergraduate scholarship award to a student in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences who has demonstrated financial need.

University Endowment Funds • Scholarships 63

Brita A. Levitan Scholarship Fund established in 1996 by the bequest of Brita A. Levitan. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships to graduate students of economics, public policy, public administration and political science.

Dr. Harold Liebowitz Scholarship Fund established in 1991 by gifts in honor of Dr. Harold Liebowitz. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships.

Thaddeus A. and Mary Jean Lindner Scholarship Fund established in 1985 by Thaddeus A. Lindner, BA ’51, and Mary Jean Lindner. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships to undergraduate students in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Business.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Lindquist Scholarship Fund established in 2002 by the charitable remainder annuity trust of Clarence A. Lindquist. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for students who are graduates of Nashua High School or Spirit Lake High School in Iowa.

Calvin D. Linton Endowed Scholarship Fund established in 1987 by Mrs. Jean L. Linton, BA ’47, MA ’48, MA ’84. and multiple donors in honor of former Columbian College of Arts and Sciences Dean Calvin D. Linton. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for seniors majoring in English literature, French literature, classical humanities, or art history.

Myron L. Loe Graduate Student Scholarship established in 1975 by Myron L. Loe. The income earned by this fund supports graduate scholarships.

Elizabeth St. J. Loker and Donald S. Rice Endowed Scholarship Fund established in 2006 by Elizabeth St. J. Loker. The income earned by this fund will support scholarships for undergraduates in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

64 Scholarships • University Endowment Funds

Mary and Daniel Loughran Foundation Graduate Scholarship Fund established in 1976 by the Mary and Daniel Loughran Foundation. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for graduate students in the School of Business who are residents of the Washington DC metropolitan area.

Mary and Daniel Loughran Foundation Fund for Oxford Scholars established in 1991 by the Mary and Daniel Loughran Foundation. The income earned by this fund supports the Oxford Scholars program.

Mary and Daniel Loughran Foundation Scholarship Fund established in 1985 by the Mary and Daniel Loughran Foundation. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships to deserving undergraduate students.

Garnett L. Mack Endowed Scholarship Fund established in 1997 by Dr. Garnett L. Mack. The income earned by this fund supports financial assistance for undergraduate English students.

Joseph W. March, Jr., Scholarship Fund established in 2005 by Betty Mae March in memory of her husband, Joseph W. March, Jr., BS ’54. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship support to undergraduate(s) in the School of Engineering and Applied Science with preference is given to students studying electrical engineering.

Richard Marks Scholarship established in 2009 by Richard Marks. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for graduate or undergraduate students with preference given to students from West Virginia who work part time and are not majoring in a sport or physical education program.

Richard Marmaro Family Scholarship established in 2000 by Richard Marmaro, Esq., BA ’73. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for students with demonstrated financial need who are enrolled in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

University Endowment Funds • Scholarships 65

J. Willard Marriott Foundation Scholarship Fund established in 1988 and amended in 1989 by the J. Willard Marriott Foundation. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for students enrolled in the tourism administration program in the School of Business.

Ruth Marshall Scholarship established in 1986 by the bequest of Ruth Marshall. The income earned by this fund supports scholarship to students in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences with demonstrated financial need.

Curtis E. McCalip Scholarship Fund established in 1987 by the bequest of Lydia S. McCalip. The income earned by this fund provides undergraduate and/or graduate scholarships to worthy students majoring in engineering.

Maud E. McPherson Scholarship in English and English Literature established in 1978 by the bequest of Maud E. McPherson. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for outstanding female students.

Memishian Student Scholarship Fund established in 1998 by Stephen and Carol Memishian. This fund provides annual income to support partial tuition assistance for undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need who are enrolled in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Business, or the School of Public Health and Health Services.

Memorial Scholarship Fund established in 1985 to receive collective gifts in memory of deceased individuals in instances when permanent funding is desired but minimum requirements for named funds cannot be met. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for full-time undergraduate, graduate, or professional students.

Mensh Family Memorial Scholarship Fund established in 1993 by Dr. and Mrs. Ivan N. Mensh and Mrs. Lila Mensh in memory of cherished relatives. The income provides support for scholarships to full- or part-time undergraduate or graduate students in any school of the University.

66 Scholarships • University Endowment Funds

Connie J. Miller Strategic Opportunity Fund for Civil and Environmental Engineering established in 2007 by Michael James Miller in honor of his wife, Connie Miller. The income earned by this fund supports student scholarships, faculty projects, purchase of laboratory equipment, and other special projects in civil and environmental engineering.

Mintz Scholarship Fund established in 1992 by Arthur S. Mintz, BA ’66, and Judith Mintz, BA ’68. The income earned by this fund provides scholarships for full-time students enrolled in the School of Business with preference given to students from the greater New York City area.

Byron Mizell Scholarship Fund established in 2003 by Byron Mizell. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for disadvantaged students.

Casper F. “Casey” Mohl Mechanical Engineering Memorial Scholarship established in 2000 by Beverly Mohl in honor of Casper F. “Casey” Mohl, BS ’55. The income earned by this fund assists undergraduate students with tuition costs associated with a major in mechanical engineering in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Ruth Monter Endowed Scholarship established in 2008 by GW parents Marilyn Monter and Wilfried Witthuhn. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships to an undergraduate student with demonstrated financial need.

Dr. Dorothy A. Moore Graduate Scholarship Endowment for International Education established in 2002 by Dr. Dorothy Adele Moore. The income earned by this fund provides scholarships to students in the Graduate School of Education and Human Development who are pursuing a degree in international education.

A. Morehouse Scholarship Fund established in 1861 by A. Morehouse. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for undergraduates intending to enter the Christian ministry. University Endowment Funds • Scholarships 67

E.K. Morris Education Fund established in 1971 by E. K. Morris and other donors. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for deserving students for tuition and general expenses.

James N. Mosel Scholarship Fund established in 1999 by Sojung Mosel and Stanley Cohen, BA ’63, MA ’66, PhD ’77, in honor of Dr. James N. Mosel. The income earned by this fund provides support for two purposes. First, an annual scholarship award of $500 for a pre-dissertation student who shows unique creativity. Second, the remaining income will be used to provide financial support for current students enrolled in the Industrial/ Organizational and Applied Social Psychology program.

Shannon R. Mouton Endowed Scholarship Fund established in 2007 by Shannon R. Mouton. The income earned by this fund supports an annual scholarship, based on financial need, with preference given to female undergraduate or graduate students studying US politics or American history.

National Council for Education and Human Development Endowed Scholarship Fund established in 2004 by the Graduate School of Education and Human Development National Council for Education and Human Development. The income earned by this fund provides financial support to graduate students in the Graduate School of Education and Human Development.

Marion O. Norby Endowed Scholarship Fund established in 2009 by Marion O. Norby. The income earned by this fund supports women who are or have been employed as secretaries at the White House or in the Executive Office of the President, with preference given to women who wish to study law.

William B. Oakley Scholarship Fund established in 2004 by William B. Oakley, MS ’66. The income earned by this fund supports an undergraduate scholarship in the area of information/ computer sciences in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

68 Scholarships • University Endowment Funds

K. Frederick and Madeline G. Okano Scholarship Fund established in 1998 by Madeline G. Okano. The income earned by this fund provides partial tuition assistance for undergraduate students in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Thomas E. Orr Scholarship Fund established in 1963 by the bequest of Thomas E. Orr in memory of Helen Marie and Thomas E. Orr. The income earned by this fund supports merit- and needbased scholarships.

Henry and Caroline Orth Scholarship Fund established in 1985 by the trust of Mrs. Franklin Steinko in memory of her parents, Henry and Caroline Orth. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for worthy students in the professional schools.

John A. Owen Scottish Rite Fund established in 1974 by the bequest of John A. Owen. The income earned by this fund supports the School of Business.

Thornton Washington Owen International Business Scholarship Fund established in 1988 by T. J. Owen as a tribute to his father, Thornton Washington Owen. The income earned by this fund supports scholarship awards to full-time undergraduate students in the School of Business who have selected international business as their field of study.

Nicholas G. Paleologos Scholarship Fund established in 1988 by Nicholas G. Paleologos, BS ’69. The income earned by this fund supports scholarship awards for undergraduate students in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences who are pursuing a degree in civil engineering.

John Earl Parsons Scholarship established in 2000 by John E. Parsons. The income earned by this fund provides needs-based support to undergraduate students in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

University Endowment Funds • Scholarships 69

Tomás A. Pastoriza Scholarship Fund established in 2005 by Maria Matilde P. Bonetti, AA ’65 in memory of her father, Tomás A. Pastoriza, BS ’43. The income earned by this fund supports an annual undergraduate student scholarship with preference given to students from the Dominican Republic.

Lawrence Jay Pearson Scholarship Fund established in 2004 by the estate of Beverly S. Pearson. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for undergraduate students from any school except the Law School.

Phi Delta Gamma Scholarship Endowment Fund established in 1968 by Phi Delta Gamma. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for graduate women students in the University.

Raymond L. Pickholtz Graduate Scholarship established in 2004 by Raymond L. Pickholtz, PhD, and contributions in honor of his retirement from the faculty of the School of Engineering and Applied Science. The income earned by this fund supports a graduate student in communications engineering within the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Preference will be given to students who have successfully completed the doctoral examinations.

Fred B. and Alma D. Pletcher Scholarship Fund established in 1968 by Fred B. Pletcher. The income earned by this fund supports need-based scholarships for students.

Policy Studies Endowment Fund established in 1987 by Katharine Graham and the Philip L. Graham Fund. The income earned by this fund supports awards for students in the public policies studies program.

Eugene Poncelet and Isabel Poncelet Fund established in 1989 by Eugene Poncelet. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for full-time students seeking graduate degrees in the School of Business who have a demonstrated interest in the affairs of the European Union. Students who are Belgian citizens will be given primary consideration.

70 Scholarships • University Endowment Funds

Sterling W. Pope Scholarship Fund established in 1997 by Sterling W. Pope, BA ’31. The income earned by this fund supports student scholarships.

S. Remey Pottinger Memorial Scholarship Fund established in 1989 by Ethel H. Pottinger in memory of S. Remey Pottinger. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship support for both graduate and undergraduate students in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Levine L. Powell Scholarship Fund established in 1886 by Levine L. Powell. The income earned by this fund supports training for young men seeking entrance in the United States Naval Academy or to become mates and masters in the Merchant Marine Service of the United States.

Public Administration Faculty/Alumni Scholarship Fund established in 1987 by faculty and alumni of the Department of Public Administration. The income earned by this fund provides awards to students in the Department of Public Administration.

Kelly J. Purcell Credit Union Memorial Fund established in 2006 by The California Credit Union League. The income earned by this fund provides an annual scholarship to be awarded to a student enrolled in the Master of Political Management program. This award exists as a living memory of Kelly Purcell, MA ’00, a vibrant and intelligent member of the Graduate School of Political Management alumni family whose life was tragically ended in its prime. The recipient of the scholarship, will exhibit the qualities Kelly lived every day including an extraordinary commitment to making a difference through political action.

Shirley H. and Robert L. Richards Scholarship Fund established in 1989 by the bequest of Shirley H. Richards. The income earned by this fund supports graduate students in the social science fields of anthropology, geography, history, political science, and sociology.

Henry Whitefield Samson Scholarship Fund established in 1966 by the bequest of Henry Whitefield Samson. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for deserving students. University Endowment Funds • Scholarships 71

Schley Family Scholarship for Baseball established in 2006 by GW parent Evander D. Schley. The income earned by this fund supports a tuition scholarship for an academically qualified undergraduate baseball player with financial need.

Sam and Marilyn Schoenbaum Endowment Fund for Shakespearean Productions established in 2000 by Marilyn Schoenbaum. The income earned by this fund provides partial tuition assistance for talented graduate students who are enrolled in the Shakespeare Academy for Classical Acting at GW.

Lois G. Schwoerer Graduate Scholarship in Early Modern Europe and Early Modern England established in 1996 by gifts in honor of Professor Lois G. Schwoerer. The income earned by this fund benefits a graduate degree candidate in the Department of History pursuing an interest in early modern Europe or early modern England.

Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Scholarship Fund established in 1928 by the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America, as a permanent memorial to George Washington, the Mason. The purpose of the fund was amended in 1995 to provide annual scholarships to undergraduate students who have a relationship with the Scottish Rite.

Bourdon F. Scribner Graduate Student Scholarship in Chemistry established in 2000 by Bourdon F. Scribner, BS ’33. The income earned by this fund provides financial assistance for graduate students enrolled in the Chemistry master’s or doctoral degree programs in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Cecilia M. Sehrt Scholarship Fund established in 1987 by the bequest of Dr. Edward H. Sehrt in memory of his wife, Celia M. Sehrt. The income earned by this fund supports awards to undergraduate majors in the field of German language and literature.

72 Scholarships • University Endowment Funds

Edward Henry and Helen Ludwig Sehrt Scholarship established in 2009 by the bequest of Helen Sehrt. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship assistance to undergraduate students majoring in German language and literature.

Sejong Scholarship Fund established in 1994 by Dr. Young-Key Kim-Renaud. The income earned by this fund provides a partial tuition scholarship to a matriculated student enrolled in a Korean language/culture class at the University.

Niranjan G. Shah Scholarship Fund established in 2001 by Yash N. Shah, BBA ’00, in memory of his father, Niranjan G. Shah. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship support to an undergraduate student of Indian American descent, with first preference given to students majoring in political science.

J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Oxford Scholarship Fund established in 1992 by the J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Charitable Trust. The income earned by this fund provides scholarships to GW graduate students for study at Oxford University.

Eugene Carey and Elizabeth Powell Nuckols Shaw Scholarship Fund established in 2003 by E. Carey Shaw, Jr., BA ’33, in honor of his parents, who encouraged him in the pursuit of higher education. The income earned by this fund provides scholarships for undergraduate students who are graduates of Glasgow High School of Glasgow, Kentucky, or Barren County High School of Barren County, Kentucky, with preference given to students who plan to enroll in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Lulu M. Shepard Scholarship Fund established in 1946 by the bequest of Lulu M. Shepard. The income earned by the fund supports scholarships for worthy students in the School of Business.

University Endowment Funds • Scholarships 73

Mildred Shott Scholarship Fund established in 1980 by Dr. Roger J. Shott in memory of his mother, Mildred Shott. The income earned by this fund provides annual scholarships to graduate or undergraduate students who, for personal reasons, are starting their lives/ careers over again after a substantial interruption in their formal education.

Sickler Family Scholarship established in 2000 by John and Doris Sickler. The fund provides annual partial-tuition assistance for graduate students with demonstrated financial need who are enrolled in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences or the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Simon Family Scholarship Endowment established in 1999 by Howard Simon, Arlene Simon, BA ’67, and Michelle Simon, BA ’91. The income earned by this fund supports a need-based scholarship for students who are residents of Delaware or Pennsylvania.

Siochain Foundation Endowed Scholarship established in 2009 by Anne Ueltschi. The income earned by this fund supports need-based student assistance for undergraduate students.

Margaret Lucille Snoddy Scholarship Fund established in 1970 by the bequest of John W. Snoddy in memory of his wife, Margaret Lucille Snoddy. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for deserving students who have financial need.

South Asian Society Scholarship Fund established in 1999 by the South Asian Society. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for undergraduate students of South Asian descent.

Speech-Language Pathology Graduate Scholarship Fund established in 2001 by an anonymous donor. The income earned by this fund provides partial-tuition assistance for graduate students in the Department of Speech and Hearing in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Louisa J. Spencer Scholarship Fund established in 1918 by Louisa J. Spencer. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships.

74 Scholarships • University Endowment Funds

Phillip/Temofei Sprawcew Scholarship Fund established in 1997 by the estate of Anna C. Sprawcew. The income earned by this fund supports worthy students in the study of electrical engineering.

George Steiner Music Scholarship established in 1989 by the Department of Music in honor of Professor George Steiner. The income earned by this fund supports an award to students for excellence in performance.

Mary Lowell Stone Scholarship Fund established in 1893 by an anonymous gift in memory of Mary Lowell Stone. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for female students in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Charles Clinton Swisher Scholarship Fund established in 1941 by Dr. Charles Clinton Swisher. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships in medieval history.

Mary Helen Taliaferro Endowed Scholarship Fund established in 2002 by Anne Taliaferro in honor of her daughter, Mary Helen Taliaferro. The income earned by this fund provides undergraduate scholarships to students in the women’s leadership programs at the Mount Vernon campus.

Lydia W. Thomas Scholarship Endowment established in 2008 by Noblis, Inc. in honor of Dr. Lydia Thomas, GW trustee and her professional contributions as president and chief executive officer of Noblis on the occasion of her retirement. The income earned by this fund provides annual scholarship support for undergraduate women who have declared a major in engineering or any of the biological or physical sciences.

Toccin Family Fund established in 2003 and amended in 2006 by Daniel H. Toccin and Ferne Jacobson Toccin, BA ’74, MA ’75. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship assistance to students in the Graduate School of Education and Human Development.

University Endowment Funds • Scholarships 75

Trachtenberg Endowed Scholarship Fund established in 2007 by Thaddeus A. Lindner, BA ’57, in honor of Stephen Joel Trachtenberg for his dedicated service to The George Washington University on the occasion of his transition to Professor of Public Service and president emeritus. The income earned by this fund will provide an annual tuition scholarship for a Washington DC public school student with demonstrated financial need.

Tucker Scholarship Fund established in 1992 by Avram Tucker, BBA ’77. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship support for full-time students enrolled in the School of Business.

Turner Non-Profit Leadership Development Student Scholarship Fund established in 1999 by James A. Turner in memory of Audrey and Christine Turner. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship assistance for graduate students pursuing a master’s degree in public administration who are taking courses related to non-profit management and leadership.

University Players Scholarship Fund established in 1968 by the University Players in memory of GW faculty member L. Poe Leggette. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships.

University Scholarship Fund established in 1979 by the James M. and Ethel C. Matthews Trust. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships.

Mary and Warren Vincent Scholarship Fund established in 1998 by Mary A. Vincent and Warren H. Vincent, BA ’49. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship awards to students in the School of Business.

Jack C. Voelpel Scholarship Fund established in 1996 by the bequest of Jack C. Voelpel. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for students studying the United Nations or international affairs.

76 Scholarships • University Endowment Funds

Louis P. Wagman Engineering Endowment established in 2002 by Louis P. Wagman. The income earned by this fund provides a need-based scholarship for a graduate or undergraduate student pursuing a degree in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Derrel Waldroupe Memorial Scholarship Fund established in 1988 by Baxter Healthcare Corp in memory of Derrel Waldroupe. The income earned by this fund provides scholarships for financially underprivileged undergraduate students who are interested in the computer discipline in the Department of Engineering and Computer Science, the Department of Management, or the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Christine L. Waldvogel Memorial Scholarship Endowment established in 2006 by Julius Fleischman in memory of his beloved friend, Christine L. Waldvogel. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for full-time undergraduate students.

Richard David Walk Scholars Fund established in 2003 by friends and family of Dr. Richard David Walk. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship support for psychology students.

William Walker Scholarship Fund established in 1824 by William Walker. The income earned by this fund supports a scholarship for an undergraduate intending to enter the Christian ministry.

Washington Gas Light Company Scholarship Fund established in 1988 by the Washington Gas Light Company. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship awards to graduate students in the School of Business.

Helen M. Waters Endowed Scholarship established in 2006 by the estate of Helen M. Waters, BA ’35. The income earned by this fund supports merit-based scholarships in the Graduate School of Education and Human Development.

University Endowment Funds • Scholarships 77

Wanda Webb Memorial Scholarship Fund established in 1992 by distribution of the Wanda Webb Trust. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships or other forms of financial assistance to deserving students.

Ruth Ann Parker Wells and David Leonard Wells Endowment Scholarship Fund established in 2004 by the estate of Ruth Ann Wells. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships in the Graduate School of Education and Human Development.

Ruth Ann Parker Wells Graduate Student Scholarship established in 1996 by Ruth Ann Parker Wells. The income earned by this fund supports tuition assistance to students enrolled in the Graduate School of Education and Human Development who have demonstrated financial need.

Elissa Wernick and James S. Richman Scholarship Fund established in 2004 by Elissa Wernick, BA ’85, and James S. Richman. The income earned by this fund provides annual scholarship support for undergraduate students in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences who demonstrate financial need.

Lucy Kim Whitcombe Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund established in 2009 by David N. Whitcombe in honor of his late wife. The income earned by this fund provides annual need- or merit-based scholarship support for students in the School of Business, with preference given to students who are Korean nationals or Korean-American students.

White Scholarship Fund established in 1963 by Emilie Margaret White in memory of Abigail Ann Brown and Henry Kirk White. The income earned by this supports scholarships for graduates of Washington, DC, high schools.

Daniela Wiggins Scholarship established in 2005 by Judith Wilkenfeld in honor of her daughter, Daniela Wiggins. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship support for minority undergraduate students who have demonstrated financial need.

78 Scholarships • University Endowment Funds

Katherine J. Williams Endowed Fund established in 2006 by the Department of Art Therapy in honor of Professor Katherine J. Williams. The fund supports diversity in scholarship and recruitment. The income earned by the fund provides scholarships, funds research, and helps students from a wide range of backgrounds purchase books and attend conferences.

John Withington Scholarship Fund established in 1830 by the New York Baptist Theological Seminary on behalf of John Withington. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships.

William G. Woodford Scholarship Fund established in 1969 by the bequest of Isabelle B. Woodford, in memory of her husband, William G. Woodford. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships.

Ellen Marian Elizabeth Woodhull Endowment Fund established in 1921 by the bequest of Ellen M. E. Woodhull. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Granville Writt Woodson Scholarship Fund established in 1997 by Ruben Steck. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for undergraduates who are graduates from the DC Public School System and are pursuing a degree in math, science, or engineering.

Anna Wunderman Fund established in 2007 by Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Neuwirth. The income earned by this fund provides assistance, based on financial need, to undergraduate students.

Helen and Sergius Yakobson Graduate Scholarship in Russian and East European Studies established in 1998 by Professor Helen Yakobson and gifts in memory of her husband, Sergius Yakobson. The income earned by this fund provides annual scholarships to graduate students who are majoring or minoring in Russian or East European studies.

University Endowment Funds • Scholarships 79

Virginia H. Yates Endowed Fund established in 2006 by the estate of Virginia H. Yates, MA ’54. The income earned by this fund supports annual scholarships to female students who have demonstrated academic excellence.

Christopher and Constance Young Scholarship in Accountancy established in 2006 by Christopher Young BBA ’80, MAccy ’83. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship support to undergraduate students pursuing studies toward a career in accountancy.

Barbara Jackman Zuckert Scholarship Fund established in 1987 by the estate of Barbara Jackman Zuckert and amended in 1993 by Eugene M. Zuckert. The income earned by this fund supports awards for learning disabled students who have a significant deficit in the area of reading.

Joel D. Zychick Endowed Scholarship Fund in Business established in 2006 by Joel D. Zychick, BBA ’76. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship support for undergraduate students in the School of Business.

80 Scholarships • University Endowment Funds

University Endowment Funds Columbian Women Scholarship Funds

These endowment funds have been established by gifts from members of the Columbian Women. The income earned by these funds provides financial assistance to students pursuing a degree program in any field of study who demonstrate achievement in academia, commitment to the chosen profession, and financial need.

Victoria Briggs Scholarship established in 1959 by the bequest of Victoria Briggs Turner.

Elizabeth V. Brown Scholarship established in 1925 by the College Women’s Club of Washington, DC, in memory of Elizabeth V. Brown.

Chamberlin Scholarship Fund established in 1932 by the Columbian Women in memory of Grace Ross Chamberlin.

College Women Scholarship Fund established in 1926 by the College Women’s Club of Washington, DC.

Columbian Women Members Scholarship established in 1961 by the Columbian Women.

Corbett Scholarship Fund established in 1973 by Elma Williams, BA ’54.

Arline Hughes Dufour Scholarship established in 1962 by the bequest of Cora H. Dufour in memory of her daughter, Arline Hughes Dufour.

University Endowment Funds • Scholarships 81

Dr. Watson W. Eldridge, Jr., and John F. Eldridge Scholarship established in 1964 by the Columbian Women in memory of Watson W. Eldridge, Jr., MD ’10, and John F. Eldridge, BA ’33.

Jessie Fant Evans Scholarship Fund established in 1967 by the bequest of Jessie Fant Evans, EdD ’32.

Founders of Columbian Women Scholarship created in 1920 by the Columbian Women.

Rose Lee Hardy Foundation Scholarship established in 1957 by the Rose Lee Hardy Foundation.

Lillian Young Herron Scholarship established in 1925 by the Columbian Women in memory of Lillian Young Herron.

Nellie Maynard Knapp Scholarship established in 1915 by the Columbian Women in memory of Nellie Maynard Knapp.

Marcia B. Kraft Scholarship established in 1966 by the Columbian Women in memory of Marcia B. Kraft, MD ’49.

Janet McWilliam Scholarship established in 1954 by the Columbian Women in memory of Janet McWilliam.

Marie-Louise Ralph Turner Scholarship Fund established in 1962 by the Columbian Women in memory of Marie-Louise Ralph Turner.

Wilson Scholarship Fund established in 1926 by Elizabeth Wilson in memory of her parents, Lewis D. and Myrtie H. Wilson.

82 Scholarships • University Endowment Funds

University Endowment Funds Schools and Programs

Jay S. Bender Endowment Dean’s Fund for Excellence established in 2004 by Jay Bender, BA ’78. The income earned by this fund supports the dean of Columbian College of Arts and Sciences to meet the most pressing needs of the school.

Abdallah Family Endowment established in 1999 and amended in 2002 by Mr. and Mrs. Mahmoud M. Abdallah. The income earned by this fund is divided equally between the deans of the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Business, and the School of Public Health and Health Services for the purpose of supporting undergraduate student services.

Albert F. and Gertrude E. Abraham Fund for Theatre and Dance established in 2000 by Mrs. Gertrude E. Abraham. The income earned by this fund supports the activities of the Department of Theatre and Dance.

Thomas Allender Fund established in 2002 by the gift annuity trust of Thomas Allender. The income earned by this fund supports The George Washington University Northern Virginia Campus.

American Studies Department Alumni Fund established in 2000 by Elsie Carper and alumni and faculty of the Department of American Studies. The income earned by this fund supports the department in funding student research, travel and scholarship activities, or awards for outstanding students.

University Endowment Funds • Schools and Programs 83

Dr. Mintu Bachann Endowed Student Project Fund established in 2001 by Mintu Bachann, MA ’90, MS ’91, DSc ’95. The income earned by this fund supports costs associated with the design, production, and student team competitions in the various student projects.

Gary and Judy Bard Entrepreneurial Engineering Endowment established in 2002 by Gary Bard, MS ’63, and Judy Bard. The income earned by this fund supports the E-Commerce curriculum within the Department of Computer Science in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

William W. Barns Equipment Fund established in 1999 by William W. Barns, Jr. The income earned by this fund supports purchasing and upgrading computer and laboratory equipment for undergraduate and/or graduate programs within the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Men’s Varsity Basketball Program Fund established in 1987 by gifts of Serguis Gambal and other donors. The income earned by this fund supports the men’s varsity basketball program.

Sylven Seid Beck Endowment Fund for Elementary Education established in 1996 by Dr. Gloria L. Horrworth. The income earned by this fund supports purposes of the graduate program in elementary education at the Graduate School of Education and Human Development. These purposes may include financial assistance to students, research support for faculty, and/ or other needs of the program as identified by the program director with approval from the dean of the school.

David R. and Sherry Kirshner Berz Endowed Dean’s Discretionary Fund established in 1997 by David R. Berz, BA ’70, JD ’73, and Sherry Kirshner Berz, BA ’72, MA ’73. The income earned by this fund is used at the discretion of the dean of the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences to meet the most pressing needs of the school.

84  Schools and Programs • University Endowment Funds

David R. and Sherry Kirschner Berz Fund for Religious Studies established in 1992 by David R. Berz, BA ’70, JD ’73, and Sherry Kirschner Berz, BA ’72, MA ’73. The income earned by this fund supports the activities of the Department of Religion to enrich undergraduate and graduate programs.

Bouscaren Fund established in 1982 by the bequest of Nancy M. Bouscaren. The income earned by this fund supports the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Marcella Brenner Endowment for Museum Education established in 1982 by Dr. Gloria L. Horrworth in honor of Marcella Brenner. The income earned by this fund supports student services, alumni services, professional services and program support for the museum education program in the Graduate School of Education and Human Development.

Bronz Memorial Fund for Campus Journalism established in 1982 by Pearl B. Holly, MD, in memory of her son, Stephen Holly Bronz. The income to be used to encourage and assist students in journalism.

May L. Brook Library Acquisition Fund established in 2008 by the estate of May L. Brook. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of books, periodicals, and audiovisual material for the Department of Romance, German and Slavic languages and literature.

Craig F. Brown Special Fund established in 1991 by Craig F. Brown. The income earned by this fund provides support to the School of Business used at the discretion of the dean.

Granville and Sophia Brumbaugh Fund - Columbian College established in 2004 by the pooled income fund of Granville Brumbaugh, BA ’25, and Sophia Brumbaugh. The income earned by this fund supports the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Frances K. and Leonard W. Burka Fund for the Arts established in 2002 and amended in 2003 by Frances K. Burka, BA ’56, and Leonard W. Burka. The income earned by this fund supports the activities of the ceramics program within the Department of Art.

University Endowment Funds • Schools and Programs 85

Burton Fund established in 1957 by Grace C. Burton. The income earned by this fund supports the Columbian College School of Arts and Sciences.

Robert D. Campbell Endowment Fund established in 1990 by Murriel H. Parry, MA ’52, in honor of Robert D. Campbell. The income earned by this fund supports programs of the Department of Geography and Regional Science.

Edward and Virginia Caress Endowment for Graduate Student Scholarly Travel established in 2000 by Dr. Edward Caress, professor emeritus of chemistry, and Dr. Virginia Caress. The income earned by this fund supports scholarly travel for graduate students enrolled in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences for travel by Doctor of Philosophy students, with students in the Department of Chemistry given first priority.

Choral Endowment established in 1995 by Winfield Weitzel, BA ’58, and gifts from other donors. The income earned by this fund supports the choral programs of the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Claeyssens Society Fund for the Creative Process established in 1993 by Robert J. Solomon, BA ’72. The income earned by this fund supports lectures, workshops, book groups, etc., related to the creative process, especially in literature and the arts.

Class of 1951 Elmer L. Kayser Fund for the Advancement of History established in 2002 by Thaddeus A. Lindner, BA ’51, and the Class of 1951 in honor of their 50th reunion. The income earned by this fund supports the annual Elmer L. Kayser Lecture.

Class of 2006 Community Service Project Fund established in 2006 by seniors of the Class of 2006. The income earned by this fund supports student organizations through the Office of Community Service for the purpose of funding community service initiatives sponsored by registered student organizations.

86  Schools and Programs • University Endowment Funds

Class of 2007 Campus Green Fund established in 2007 by the Class of 2007. The income earned by this fund supports initiatives designed to conserve energy and promote a more environmentally friendly campus.

Cornfield Special Fund for Statistics established in 1987 by transfer of the corpus of the Jerome Cornfield Prize Fund. The income earned by this fund supports graduate students in statistics by providing support for their research, travel to professional conferences, and other expenses as the chair of the department deems appropriate.

Lewis N. Cotlow Field Research Fund established in 1990 by the bequest of Lewis N. Cotlow. The income earned by this fund supports a field research program in the Department of Anthropology.

Crain Fund for Excellence established in 1986 by multiple donors, as well as gifts from J. Wendell Crain, BA ’86, and Louise Crain. The income earned by this fund supports expanding alumni and development activities in the School of Business.

Cross Fund established in 1993 by the family of the late Howard C. Cross, BS ’27. The income earned by this fund supports the School of Engineering and Applied Science at the discretion of the dean.

Cybernetics Fund established in 1985 by GW faculty member Dr. Stuart A. Umpleby. The income earned by this fund supports lectures, conferences, and graduate student assistance related to the cybernetics program.

John and Shelley Day Endowed Dean’s Fund for Excellence established in 2000 by John Day, BA ’73, MA ’75, MHSA ’79, and Shelley Day, BA ’72. The income earned by this fund is used by the dean of Columbian College of Arts and Sciences to meet the most pressing needs of the school.

University Endowment Funds • Schools and Programs 87

Helen Pumphrey Denit and Louis Malvern Denit Endowment Fund established in 1992 by the Helen P. Denit Trust for Charitable and Educational Purposes in memory of Louis Malvern Denit. The income earned by this fund supports a graduate fellowship for MBA students in the School of Business until the fund grows to the level needed to support a chair in the school.

Depew Course in Public Speaking Fund established in 1936 by May Depew. The income earned by this fund supports a course to be known as the Chauncey M. Depew Course in Public Speaking.

Richard Eaton Foundation Endowed Fund established in 1990 by the Richard Eaton Foundation. The income earned by the fund supports lectures, faculty research, assistance for students, and other special projects of the Department of Communications in the School of Media and Public Affairs.

Samuel G. Ebling Fund established in 1983 by the bequest of Samuel G. Ebling. The income earned by this fund supports courses in art principles and art history.

Charles Elliott Squash Endowment Fund established in 2008 by Andrew Arno, BA ’81, and multiple donors in honor of Professor Charles Elliott, who taught Russian studies and was integral in forming and sustaining the men’s squash program as its founder, coach, and benefactor from 1978 through 2002. The income earned by this fund provides salary support for the coach of the men’s squash team and/or other financial support for the men’s squash team program and activities.

Endowment for Engineering Advancement established in 2001 by an anonymous donor. The income earned by this fund is administered by the dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science to support the overall advancement of the school, its students, and programs.

88  Schools and Programs • University Endowment Funds

Faculty Fund for Political Science established in 2007 by Drs. Lee and Carol K. Sigelman. The income earned by this fund provides annual support for the chair of the Department of Political Science for the purposes of recruiting unusually promising new faculty members, retaining unusually productive current faculty members, and awarding departmental stipends for faculty research, travel, publishing, and other activities.

Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr./Ambassador Charles T. Manatt Endowed Professorial Lectureship established in 1999 by gifts from Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr., and Ambassador Charles T. Manatt. The income earned by this fund is used to attract to GW former members of Congress, administration officials, and political managers to teach a one-semester course in the Graduate School of Political Management.

Steven A. and Eileen P. Farbman Fund established in 2002 by Steven A. Farbman, BA ’82, and Eileen P. Farbman, BA ’83. The income earned by this fund evenly supports The Columbian College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Fund and the School of Media and Public Affairs Director’s Fund.

Marion L. Farmer Special Fund established in 2004 by Marion L. Farmer, MBA ’57. The income earned by this fund supports the School of Business at the discretion of the dean to help meet the needs of the school.

Colonel and Mrs. Donald M. Faustman Dean’s Fund for the Elliott School of International Affairs established in 2008 by the estate of Marguerite L. Faustman. The income earned by this fund supports the Elliott School of International Affairs at the discretion of the dean.

Julius Fleischman Endowment for Undergraduate Collaborative Projects in Engineering established in 2007 by Julius Fleischman. The income earned by the fund provides annual support to the School of Engineering and Applied Science to cover costs associated with project design, production, and student team competitions undertaken by engineering students each year.

University Endowment Funds • Schools and Programs 89

Frieda Kobernick Fleischman Lecture in Judaic Studies established in 2007 by Julius Fleischman in honor of his late mother. The income earned by this fund supports an annual lecture in Judaic studies.

Nate Garner Fund established in 2007 by gifts in honor of Professor Nathan Garner’s 38 years of service to GW. The income earned by this fund supports bringing gifted artists and teachers to campus to spend several days teaching classes, offering workshops, or hosting mini-symposiums. The objective of each visit is to maximize the artists’ interaction with the students in the Department of Theatre and Dance to enhance the creative process.

Geology Endowment established in 1997 by multiple donors. The income earned by this fund supports the Department of Geology at the discretion of the chair in consultation with the dean of the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Jack Gerard Endowment established in 2004 by Jack N. Gerard, BA ’84, JD ’90, and Claudette N. Gerard. The income earned by this fund supports the Graduate School of Political Management at the discretion of the dean to meet the school’s most pressing needs.

Gowing Endowment for Psychology established in 1998 and amended in 2000 by Dr. Marilyn K. Gowing, MA ’71, PhD ’81. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted program support for the Industrial/Organizational and Applied Social Psychology program in the Department of Psychology.

Wilson Grand Communication Fund for the School of Media and Public Affairs established in 2001 by Paul Wilson and Wilson Grand Communications. The income earned by this fund is used at the discretion of the director of the School of Media and Public Affairs to meet the most pressing needs of the school.

90  Schools and Programs • University Endowment Funds

Kathryn Green Endowment Fund in the School of Media and Public Affairs established in 2001 by Kathryn Green, BA ’77. The income earned by this fund supports a program that will bring professional editors to campus to teach classes, offer workshops, or host mini-symposiums, to maximize the editors’ exposure to students.

Jeffrey and Pamela Grossman Family Endowment established in 2009 by the Jeffrey and Pamela Grossman Family Association. The income earned by this fund provides support for the men’s and women’s varsity squash programs.

Phillip D. Grub Faculty Endowment Fund established in 1994 by gifts in honor of Professor Emeritus Phillip D. Grub. The income earned by this fund supports faculty research to expand knowledge and understanding of the global business environment.

GW Men’s Crew Endowment established in 2002 by GW alumni, parents, and friends. The income earned by this fund supports the salaries of men’s crew coaches or other activities of the men’s crew program.

Jon Halpern Endowed Student Project Fund established in 2001 by Jon Halpern, BS ’79. The income earned by this fund supports costs associated with the design and production of student team competitions in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Jane B. Hart Fund for Anthropology established in 2000 by Jane B. Hart, BA ’70. The income earned by this fund supports the activities of the Department of Anthropology. Funds may be used for, but are not limited to, student financial support, defraying costs of projects, travel, and other pressing needs of the department.

Hess-Kaplan Scholarship Fund established in 1997 and amended in 2009 by GW parents Anne Helen Hess and Craig Kaplan, Esq., in honor of their daughter, Leona Elizabeth Hess, BS ’01. The income earned by this fund supports need-based scholarships for undergraduate students enrolled in the School of Public Health and Health Services. University Endowment Funds • Schools and Programs 91

Howard P. Hoffman Lectures in Entrepreneurship established in 1986 and amended in 2007 by emeritus trustee Howard P. Hoffman, BA ’50. The income earned by this fund supports the costs of lectures in entrepreneurship including, but not limited to, honoraria, travel costs, publicity, printed materials, and social events associated with the lectures, as well as support of students involved with the lectures and entrepreneurship initiatives.

Frank A. Howard Lecture Fund established in 1952 by Frank A. Howard, DSc ’61. The income earned by this fund supports lectures on industrial research in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Hutchinson Memorial Fund established in 1991 by Ruth Hutchinson Calkins in memory of her son, Alan Tindall Hutchinson. The income earned by this fund benefits students of music composition by supporting a concert at which works by past and present students of music composition are performed, and any other musical purpose at the discretion of the chair of the Department of Music.

International Council Endowment for Part-Time Faculty established in 2002 by the International Council of the Elliott School of International Affairs. The income earned by this fund supports compensation for part-time faculty in the Elliott School of International Affairs.

Evelyn D. Irish Fund established in 1983 by the bequest of Evelyn D. Irish. The income earned by this fund supports courses in botany.

Kylan and Heidi Jones-Huffman Fund established in 2004 by Heidi Jones-Huffman in memory of her husband, Kylan Jones-Huffman. The income earned by this fund supports graduate Middle Eastern studies in the Department of History.

Kerry L. Kuhn, BA ’70, MD ’73 Scientific Equipment Fund established in 2004 by Kerry L. Kuhn, BA ’70, MD ’73. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of scientific instruments for the Departments of Biology and/or Chemistry in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, and the purchase of scientific instruments for the School of Medicine and Health Sciences. 92  Schools and Programs • University Endowment Funds

William and Ramona Kummer Family Fund established in 2001 by Claire Kummer, BA ’68. The income earned by this fund supports the School of Media and Public Affairs and is used at the discretion of the director to meet the most pressing needs of the school.

Kwiatkowski Memorial Fund established in 1995 by Eva Kwiatkowski’s memory of Hanna Kwiatkowski, adjunct assistant professor of art therapy from 1971 until 1980, and her husband, Alexander Kwiatkowski. The income earned by this fund supports the art therapy graduate program.

Lau Educational Fund established in 2005 by Stephen Lau, parent of Henry Lau, BBA ’09. The income earned by this fund supports educational opportunities for citizens of The People’s Republic of China who are members of the government or who aspire to work in the government.

L. Poe Leggette Endowed Master Class Series established in 2001 by Martha Louise Leggette in memory of her husband and GW faculty member, L. Poe Leggette. The income earned by this fund is used by the Department of Theatre and Dance to support hiring renowned artists to interact with students, teach classes, choreograph student’s work, and critique students while they perform in front of an audience.

Robert P. Maxon Endowment Fund established in 1999 by Dorothy Maxon in honor of her husband, Robert P. Maxon, BA ’48. The income earned by this fund supports programs in the School of Business in the area of international business.

Robert M. McGlotten Endowment established in 2001 by Robert M. and Cheryl G. McGlotten. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support to the Graduate School of Political Management at the discretion of the executive director.

Middle East and North Africa Resource Center Endowment established in 2009 jointly by the Elliott School of International Affairs and Gelman Library. The income earned by this fund supports the Middle East and North Africa Resource Center of Gelman Library.

University Endowment Funds • Schools and Programs 93

David H. Miller Memorial Endowment for African Studies established in 2004 by the David Hummel Miller Foundation in memory of David Miller, BA ’87. The income earned by this fund provides graduate student scholarships and support for professorships, guest lecturers, and events that contribute to the advancement of the African studies program.

Arthur and Judith Mintz Endowed Undergraduate Leadership Fund established in 1995 by Arthur S. Mintz, BA ’66, and Judith Mintz, BA ’68. The income earned by this fund supports the annual Mintz Sophomore Get Away at the School of Business.

Senator George Mitchell Professorial Lectureship in Politics and the Peace Process established in 2000 by friends and supporters of The Honorable George J. Mitchell, HON ’90. The income earned by this fund supports an adjunct faculty member in the Graduate School of Political Management.

Jenny McKean Moore Endowed Reading Series established in 1999 by the Jenny McKean Moore Fund for Writers. The income earned by the fund supports honoraria for participating authors as well as event costs related to the readings themselves.

Hahn Moo-Sook Endowment established in 1995 by Jin-Heug Kim, chair of the Hahn Moo-Sook Foundation. The income earned by this fund supports a semi-annual colloquium hosted by the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures on the Korean humanities.

Edith Mortensen Memorial Fund for Invertebrate Zoology Research established in 1991 by Dr. Edith Mortensen, PhD ’45. The income earned by this fund supports research initiatives related to invertebrate zoology.

Museum Studies Endowment Fund established in 2001 by alumni, faculty, and friends of the museum studies program. The income earned by this fund supports a wide range of needs of the museum studies program including, but not limited to, student support.

94  Schools and Programs • University Endowment Funds

Harold A. Naisbitt Dean’s Fund established in 1995 by Harold A. Naisbitt, BA ’42. The income earned by this fund supports the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Florence Nesh Fund in Memory of Kenneth Brown established in 2005 by Florence Nesh. The income earned by this fund supports primarily molecular biology research as related to forensic science and classical archaeology.

Florence Nesh Endowment Fund for the Center for International Science and Technology Policy established in 2005 by Florence Nesh. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support to the programs of the Center for International Science and Technology Policy the Elliott School of International Affairs.

Paul O’Dwyer Forum for Political Ethics established in 2004 by Brian O’Dwyer, BA ’66, LLM ’76. The income earned by this fund supports an annual forum on the topic of ethics in politics. The forum comprises Graduate School of Political Management faculty, lobbyists, pollsters, and reporters.

Professor Chei-Min Paik Endowment Fund in Business established in 2008 and amended in 2009 by GW faculty member CheiMin Paik. The income earned by this fund supports the recognition of achievements by School of Business bachelor’s and master’s degree students in writing competitions sponsored by the Department of Accountancy.

Parker Endowment established in 1994 by Richard Parker and Lisa W. Parker, BA ’86. The income earned by this fund supports start-up programs, equipment purchases, archival acquisitions and the like in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

William and Helen Petrach Endowment for Ukrainian Exchanges and Programs established in 1995 by William Petrach. The income earned by this fund supports an exchange program with L’Viv University in Ukraine.

University Endowment Funds • Schools and Programs 95

Philosophy Department Endowment established in 1997 by multiple donors. The income earned by this fund supports the Department of Philosophy and may be used to underwrite items including research, faculty travel, guest lecturers, and symposia.

Catherine J. Pickar Endowed Choral Seat established in 2001 by alumni and friends of the choral program. The income earned by this fund supports the choral programs and may be used to underwrite items including, but not limited to, travel, fees for musical accompaniment, sheet music, and master classes.

John O. Rankin Fund established in 1951 by the bequest of John O. Rankin. The income earned by this fund supports the School of Business.

Dr. Walter R. Roberts Endowment for the Public Diplomacy Institute established in 2006 by Dr. Walter R. Roberts, emeritus faculty member of the Elliott School of International Affairs. The income earned by this fund provides an annual award to recognize scholarly and professional achievement and may also be used to support research, organize lectures, sponsor public forums, and for other purposes.

Sheila Rose Memorial Endowment established in 1996 by C. Peter Rose, BA ’74 in memory of Sheila Rose. The income earned by this fund supports initiatives within the Department of English.

Robert and Anne Rosenfeld Fund established in 1997 by Robert and Anne Rosenfeld. The income earned by this fund supports the Department of Philosophy at the discretion of the chair.

Ronald and Laurel Schliftman Endowed Fund established in 2000 by Ronald Schliftman, MD ’73, and Laurel Schliftman, BA ’72. The income earned by this fund is to be used at the discretion of the dean of the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences and the dean of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences to meet the most pressing needs of their corresponding schools.

96  Schools and Programs • University Endowment Funds

School of Engineering Fund established in 1954 by Harry L. Strang. The income earned by this fund supports the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Annette and Richard Scott Business Plan Competition established in 2008 by Annette and Richard Scott. The income earned by this fund supports a business plan competition that provides students with the opportunity to develop critical-thinking business skills and marketable ventures. It also strategically enhances the University’s rising reputation as an environment of entrepreneurship and enterprise.

George and May Shiers Memorial Fund established in 1991 by the bequest of May F. Shiers. The income earned by this fund supports research and related activities concerning any aspect of television and associated technologies.

Gaston Sigur Center for East Asian Studies Endowment Fund established in 1993 by multiple donors in honor of Dr. Gaston J. Sigur, director of the GW Sino-Soviet Institute and professor of international affairs. The income earned by this fund supports the activities and programs of the Sigur Center.

Rodica Simion Memorial Fund established in 2000 by gifts in memory of Dr. Rodica Simion. The income earned by this fund supports initiatives within the Department of Mathematics, primarily for graduate students.

Dr. Wray Jackson Smith Endowment established in 2001 by Dolores Silva Smith in memory of her husband, Dr. Wray Jackson Smith, BA ’48, DSc ’80. The income earned by this fund supports the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

University Endowment Funds • Schools and Programs 97

Owen Smoot and Elizabeth Browder Nibley Fund established in 2001 by Andrew Nibley in honor of his parents, Owen Smoot Nibley, MA ’58, and Elizabeth Bowder Nibley, BA ’74. The income earned by this fund supports the School of Media and Public Affairs at the discretion of the director to meet the most pressing needs of the school.

Elizabeth J. Somers Center Endowment established in 2003 by Eleanor Gow, AA ’26. The income earned by this fund provides revenue to fund the women’s leadership programming inspired by the historical legacy of Mount Vernon Seminary and College.

Erik K. Winslow and Deana and Gerald Stempler Research Fund established in 1992 by Dr. Gerald Stempler, DBA ’88. The income earned by this fund supports research in family and/or entrepreneurial enterprises.

Thacher Fund for Philosophy established in 2001 by Michael W. Thacher, BA ’70. The income earned by this fund is used at the discretion of the chair of the Department of Philosophy to support educational and professional activities of students and faculty in the department.

Charles B. Thornton Business Technology Fund established in 1989 by the Thornton Foundation. The income earned by this fund supports purchases relating to technological advances with teaching and research.

Tompkins Endowment in the School of Engineering and Applied Science established in 1996 by the Charles H. Tompkins Company and gifts in honor of Charles H. Tompkins, PhD ’46. The income earned by this fund supports a highly visible engineering project each year.

Avram S. Tucker Professorial Fellowship established in 2005 by Avram S. Tucker, BBA ’77. The income earned by this fund supports a current faculty member selected by the dean of the Business School to recognize excellence in teaching and research.

98  Schools and Programs • University Endowment Funds

USAir Faculty Travel Fund established in 1988 by USAir. The income earned by this fund supports faculty travel related to research.

Raymond and Marion Verner Theater and Dance Fund established in 2006 by Marion Verner and gifts from friends and family in honor of her 90th birthday. The income earned by this fund supports the chair of the Department of Theatre and Dance.

Mitchell and Christiane Wade Fund for the Sciences established in 2003 by GW parents Mitchell Wade, BA ’85, and Christiane Wade. The income earned by this fund supports the activities of the science departments within the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Frances E. Walker Fund for Women in Physics established in 2004 by Mary Anne Frey, BA ’70, PhD ’75, in memory of her mother. The income earned by this fund supports programs that encourage and increase the participation of women in the study of physics including a lecture series, preferably with female speakers.

David Wang Dean’s Fund established in 1996 by David Wang, BS ’57. The income earned by this fund supports student instruction at the discretion of the dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Wang Endowed Fund in English Literature and Literary Studies established in 2008 by GW parent Albert Wang. The income earned by this fund allows the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences to bring to campus prominent authors and scholars known for the excellence of their work in English literature and literary studies. The fund might also support other activities related to English literature, including conferences, residencies, or similar collaborative ventures in literature and literary studies that would benefit students. This fund will support salary, housing, and other costs associated with this visiting scholars program.

University Endowment Funds • Schools and Programs 99

Dean William Allen Wilbur Fund established in 1968 by Henry C. Clark, BA ’10, in memory of former Columbian College Dean William Allen Wilbur. The income earned by this fund supports the Columbian School of Arts and Sciences.

Peter K. Yeskel Family Endowed Dean’s Fund for Excellence established in 2000 by Peter K. Yeskel, BA ’71 and family. The income earned by this fund supports the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences to meet the most pressing needs of the school.

Nancy Yulee Lecture Fund established in 1929 by the bequest of N. Noble in memory of her mother. The income earned by this fund supports lectures on “Woman’s Duty to the World in High Moral Standards, of Uplift and Blessing in the Home.”

Abbie Ziffren Memorial Endowment Fund established in 1999 by gifts from students, family and friends of GW faculty member Abbie Ziffren and gifts from her brother, Kenneth Ziffren. The income earned by this fund supports lectures, seminars, or workshops deemed appropriate by the chair of the Department of Religion.

100  Schools and Programs • University Endowment Funds

University Endowment Funds Unrestricted

Abrahms Family Fund established in 1989 by Marc C. Abrahms. The income earned by this fund provides general University support.

Acker Endowment Fund established in 1924 by the bequest of George N. Acker, MD. The income earned by this fund provides general University support.

Al-Akhawayn Universtiy - George Washington University Program Endowment Fund established in 1999 by Al-Akhawayn University and University funds. The income earned by this fund supports academic purposes of mutual benefit to the two institutions.

Alumni Fund established by the Class of 1920 and gifts from succeeding graduates. The income earned by this fund shall be used for general University support.

American Airlines Fund established in 1957 by American Airlines, Inc. The income earned by this fund provides general support for the University.

Raymond Leroy and Juliet Bland Memorial Endowment Fund established in 1995 by the bequest of Juliet Bland. The income earned by this fund supports lectures and seminars by prominent scholars of international affairs and distinguished visiting and adjunct professors of international affairs.

William E. Boyd Fund established in 1980 by the bequest of William E. Boyd. The income earned by this fund supports the field of learning through teaching. University Endowment Funds • Unrestricted 101

Bragg Fund established in 1955 by James Elton Bragg. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support for the University.

Glenn Brier Fund established in 2001 by the proceeds of a gift annuity established by Glenn W. Brier. The income earned by this fund supports general University purposes.

Campaign Fund established in 1923 by multiple donors. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support for the University.

Corcoran Fund established by William W. Corcoran and other donors. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support for the University.

Crandall Fund established in 1971 by the bequest of Norris Ingersoll Crandall, emeritus professor of art. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted suport for the University.

Harry C. Davis Fund established in 1946 by the bequest of Harry C. Davis, BA 1878, MA 1881, Hon 1894. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support for the University.

DeWolf Family Fund established in 1999 by John E. DeWolf, III, and the DeWolf Family. The income earned by this fund supports the University’s areas of greatest need, to be identified by the president of the University.

Victor Dulac Fund established in 1955 by the bequest of Victor Dulac. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support for the University.

102 Unrestricted • University Endowment Funds

Clara Saunders Durst Fund established in 1953 by Dr. Sidney C. Durst in memory of his wife, Clara Saunders Durst. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support for the University.

Firsht Fund established in 1983 by Peter H. Firsht, JD ’49, and Doris Firsht. The income earned by this fund supports undergraduate student loans, general purposes of the University, and principal additions for growth.

Malcolm G. Gibbs Fund established in 1966 by Malcolm G. Gibbs, Class of 1902. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support for the University.

Charles C. Glover Fund established in 1962 by former GW Trustee Charles C. Glover, Jr., BA ’12, HON ’52, in memory of his father. The income earned by this fund supports scholarship, research, or general expenses of the University.

Frederick J. Goddard Fund established in 1949 by the bequest of Frederick J. Goddard. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support for the University.

Frederick W. Grover Fund established in 1973 by the bequest of Frederick W. Grover, PhD 1907. The income earned by this fund supports the general operating expenses of the University.

Haggett Fund established in 1941 by Isabelle Barnes Haggett. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support for the University.

Herzog Fund established in 1982 by treasurer emeritus Henry W. Herzog. The income earned by this fund supports the general purposes of the University.

James Curry Hundley Fund established in 1969 by the bequest of James Curry Hundley. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support for the University. University Endowment Funds • Unrestricted 103

William B. King Fund established in 1941 by William B. King. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support for the University.

Lewis Edward Levy Unrestricted Endowment Fund established in 2009 by Lewis Edward Levy, BA ’50. The income earned by this fund supports general University purposes.

Marshino Fund established in 1989 by the estate of the late Ora Marshino, BA ’25, MA ’32, JD ’37. The income earned by this fund supports the current operations of the University.

George Poole Fund established in 1951 by the bequest of George Poole. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support for the University.

Luther H. Reichelderfer Fund established in 1945 by Mary M. Reichelderfe in memory of her husband, Luther H. Reichelderfer, MD 1899, HON ‘32. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support for the University.

River Raisin Foundation Fund established in 1955 by the River Raisin Foundation. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support for the University.

Sanders Endowment Fund established in 1945 by J. Sanders. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support for the University.

Edwin Henry Shinn Fund established in 1966 by Dr. Edwin Henry Shinn. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support for the University.

Julia Marlowe Sothern Fund established in 1951 by the bequest of Julia Marlowe Sothern, DLitt ‘21. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support for the University.

104 Unrestricted • University Endowment Funds

Subscription Gifts Fund established by multiple donors. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support for the University.

Samuel Syms Fund established in 1891 by the bequest of Samuel Syms. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support for the University.

John D. Teller Endowment Fund established in 1949 by bequest of John D. Teller and gifts from Mary Teller in memory of her brother, John DuBois Teller. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support for the University.

Trustees Fund established in 1932 by the University Board of Trustees. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support for the University.

John E. Walsh Fund established in 1954 by John E. Walsh, parent of Jane Walsh BS ’48, BA ’61 and David Walsh BS ’49. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support for the University.

Alexander W. and Virginia C. Weddell Fund established in 1948 by the bequests of Alexander W. Weddell and Virginia Chase Weddell. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support for the University.

W.G. Weisbrod Fund established in 1961 by W.G. Weisbrod, JD ’34. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support for the University.

Willard Association Fund established in 1950 by the Willard Association. The income earned by this fund provides unrestricted support for the University.

Henry Kellogg Willard Fund established in 1978 in memory of Henry Kellogg Willard. The income earned by this fund supports the general purposes of the University.

University Endowment Funds • Unrestricted 105

John Withers Fund established in 1851 by John Withers, trustee from 1832–1861. The income earned by this fund provides general support for the University.

Margaret Willet Woodhull Fund established in 1946 by the bequest of Margaret Willet Woodhull. The income earned by this fund provides general support for the University.

106 Unrestricted • University Endowment Funds

University Endowment Funds Future Endowment Funds — Planned Gifts

Peter J. Berman Endowed Fellowship Fund established in 2006 by Dr. Peter J. Berman, BA ’68, MA ‘70, PhD ’75. The income earned by this fund will provide a graduate fellowship award for master’s and doctoral students in the Department of Psychology, with preference given to those who are pursing an advanced degrees in clinical psychology.

Dirk S. and Judith W. Brady Scholarship Fund established in 2003 by Dirk S. Brady, BS ’43, and his wife, Judith W. Brady. The income earned by this fund will support students in the School of Engineering and Applied Science who have demonstrated financial need.

Jennifer and Derick Brinkerhoff Endowed Scholarship Fund established in 2006 by Professors Derick and Jennifer Brinkerhoff. The income earned by this fund will provide annual scholarships for students in the Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration who are working toward a career in international public service.

Ellen and Joseph M. Covey Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund established in 2006 by Joseph M. Covey, BS ’76, PhD ’82. The income earned by this fund will provide scholarships for undergraduate students majoring in chemistry.

Judith F. and Henry Geller Scholarship Fund established in 2003 by Judith Foelak Geller, BA ’54, MA ’58, and Henry Geller. The income earned by this fund will support the Columbian Women Scholarships.

University Endowment Funds • Future Endowment Funds — Planned Gifts 107

Mindy Davis Goldsborough Biomedical Sciences Fellowship Fund established in 2007 by Mindy David Goldsborough. The income earned by this fund will provide support for tuition and living expenses to outstanding PhD students entering the biomedical sciences program.

Robert Holmes Gift Annuity established in 1999 by Robert Holmes. The income earned by this fund will support a library acquisition fund within the Estelle and Melvin Gelman Library.

Murray L. Howder Slavic Studies Collection Endowment Fund established in 2006 by Murray L. Howder. The income earned by this fund will provide annual support for Gelman Library collections in the area of Slavic studies.

June J. Hoye Scholarship Fund established in 2001 by June J. Hoye, BA ’55. The income earned by this fund will support scholarships in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Professor James C. King Endowed Fund established in 1995 by James C. King, professor emeritus of German. The income earned by this fund will support acquisition of books in the arts and sciences by the Estelle and Melvin Gelman Library.

Dr. Jacqueline G. Lapidus Endowed Fellowship in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences established in 2007 by Drs. Jacqueline and Leonard Lapidus. The income earned by this fund will provide support to nontraditional graduate students based on demonstrated financial need and academic merit.

Elizabeth St. J. Loker and Donald S. Rice Endowed Scholarship Fund established in 2006 by Elizabeth St. J. Loker, BA ’69, and Donald Rice. The income earned by this fund will support scholarships for undergraduates in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

108  Future Endowment Funds — Planned Gifts • University Endowment Funds

Dorothy and Charles Moore Professorship in International Education established by Dorothy and Charles Moore by a charitable gift annuities and bequest commitment. The income earned by this fund will provide income to support the salary for one full-time professorship in the Graduate School of Education and Human Development in international education.

Beverly and Randall Packer Endowed Undergraduate Research Fund in Biological Sciences established in 2006 by Randall Packer, professor of biology, and Beverly Packer. The income earned by this fund will support undergraduate student research in the Department of Biological Sciences.

Sam and Marilyn Schoenbaum Endowment Fund for Shakespearean Productions established in 2000 by Marilyn Schoenbaum in memory of her husband. The income earned by this fund will provide partial tuition assistance for talented graduate students who are enrolled in the Academy for Classical Acting.

Gene Ann Snyder Library Acquisition Fund for the Gelman Library established in 1999 by Gene Ann Snyder. The income earned by this fund will be used for acquisitions in support of the Estelle and Melvin Gelman Library.

Dorothy Pittenger Tull Scholarship Fund established in 1999 by Dorothy Pittenger Tull, BA ’49. The income earned by this fund will be used to support undergraduate students in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

University Endowment Funds • Future Endowment Funds — Planned Gifts 109

Medical Center Endowment Funds

The following funds provide invaluable support for three GW schools:

School of Medicine and Health Sciences School of Nursing School of Public Health and Health Services

110 Section • University Endowment Funds

Medical Center Endowment Funds Chairs and Professorships

Dr. Seymour Alpert Chair in Anesthesiology established in 1982 by gifts in honor of Seymour Alpert, MD, HON ’84, vice president emeritus for Development and professor emeritus of Anesthesiology. The income earned by this fund supports the chair of the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine.

Dr. Hugo V. Rizzoli Professorship in Neurosurgery established in 1994 to honor the career of Hugo V. Rizzoli, MD, professor emeritus of Neurosurgery. The income earned by this fund supports the chair of the Department of Neurosurgery.

Walter A. Bloedorn, MD, Chair in Cardiology established in 1996 by the Walter A. Bloedorn Foundation. The income earned by this fund supports a full-time medical school faculty member who is a specialist in cardiology.

Walter A. Bloedorn, MD, Professorship of Administrative Medicine established in 1983 by the Walter A. Bloedorn Foundation in memory of Walter A. Bloedorn, MD. The income earned by this fund supports a full professor who is the dean for Academic Affairs of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Bert B. Brooks Chair in the Medical School established in 2009 by Bert B. Brooks BS ‘37. The income earned by this fund supports a professor doing research in diabetes in the medical school.

Medical Center Endowment Funds • Chairs and Professorships 111

Oscar I. and Mildred S. Dodek Professor and Chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology established in 1982 by Oscar I. Dodek, BA ’56, MD ’56, JD ’85 and Mildred S. Dodek. The income earned by this fund supports the chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

King Fahd Professorship Fund I established in 1993 by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The income earned by this fund supports an endowed professorship in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

King Fahd Professorship Fund II established in 1993 by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The income earned by this fund supports an endowed professorship in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Friesen Professorship in Health Care Administration established in 1968 by Gordon A. Friesen. The income earned by this fund supports a chair in health care administration.

Dr. Henry D. Fry Professorship in Physiology established in 1945 by the bequest of Annabel Lee Fry in memory of her husband, Dr. Henry D. Fry. The income earned by this fund supports a professorship in physiology.

Gibbs Professorship Fund established in 2000 by Colonel Janet Southby and Professor Emeritus Dr. Richard Southby. The income earned by this fund supports a professorship in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Vivian Gill Distinguished Research Chair established in 1967 by Thomas H. Gill in memory of his wife, Vivian Gill. The income earned by this fund supports the Vivian Gill Distinguished Research Professor.

112  Chairs and Professorships • Medical Center Endowment Funds

Murdock Head Professorship in Preventive Medicine established in 1995 by the Airlie Foundation. The income earned by this fund supports an individual who will contribute to the Medical Center’s activities in teaching, management, and direction of major programs related to preventive medicine.

Harold and Jane Hirsh Professorship in the School of Public Health and Health Services established in 1984 by Harold L. Hirsh, MD, Esq., GW distinguished visiting professor of medical law, and his wife, Jane Hirsh. The income earned by this fund supports the Harold and Jane Hirsh Professorship in the School of Public Health and Health Services.

Jeffrey Lieberman Chair in Neurosciences established in 2000 by an anonymous donor. The income earned by this fund supports a member of the basic science faculty of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Ralph E. Loewy Professorship Fund established in 1990 by Dr. Samuel Adler, MD ’27, along with his late wife, Edna Loewy Adler, directed from the proceeds of a trust from Mrs. Loewy’s late brother, Ralph E. Loewy. The income earned by this fund supports a member of the basic science faculty of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences. The recipient will be known as the Ralph E. Loewy Professor.

Eugene Meyer Chair of Medicine established in 1955 by multiple donors. The income earned by this fund supports the Eugene Meyer Chair of Medicine.

Medical Center Endowment Funds • Chairs and Professorships 113

Frank N. Miller, MD, Distinguished Teaching Professorship established in 1996 by gifts in honor of Frank N. Miller, MD, professor emeritus of pathology, for his nearly 50 years of service to the School of Medicine and Health Sciences as a teacher, mentor, and administrator. The income earned by this fund will provide support for a distinguished teaching professorship in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences and will be awarded to a member of the Society for Distinguished Teachers by a process established by the dean for the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Harry Miller, MD, Professorship established in 1996 by gifts in honor of Harry Miller, MD. The income earned by this fund supports a chair in urology in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Meta Amalia Neumann Professorship in Neurology established in 2007 by Dr. Robert Cohn MD ’36. The income earned by this fund will support the chair of the Department of Neurology.

Doctors Boris and Dorothy Sislen Rabkin Endowment established in 1995 by Boris Rabkin, MD ’43, and Dorothy Sislen Rabkin, BA ’41, MD ’43. The income earned by this fund supports a visiting professorship to be determined annually by the vice president for Medical Affairs.

Walter G. Ross Professorship of Basic Science Research established in 2006 by the Walter G. Ross Foundation under the guidance of Dr. Lloyd Elliott and Eugene Bernard, JD ’51. The income earned by this fund supports the salary and activities of a School of Medicine and Health Sciences faculty member with a significant portfolio of basic science research, for translational research in various stages.

Walter G. Ross Professorship of Clinical Research established in 2006 by the Walter G. Ross Foundation under the guidance of Dr. Lloyd Elliott and Eugene Bernard, JD ’51. The income earned by this fund will support a professor with a significant portfolio of clinical research, for translational research in various stages.

114  Chairs and Professorships • Medical Center Endowment Funds

Walter G. Ross Professor of Public Health and Health Services established in 1996 by the Walter G. Ross Foundation under the guidance of Dr. Lloyd Elliott and Eugene Bernard, JD ’51. The income earned by this fund supports the dean of the School of Public Health and Health Services.

Leon M. Yochelson Chair of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences established in 1982 by Joseph E. Rankin, MD ’46, in honor of Leon Yochelson, MD, chair of the GW Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 19591970. The income earned by this fund supports the chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.

Medical Center Endowment Funds • Chairs and Professorships 115

Medical Center Endowment Funds Fellowships

Samuel Jordan Graham Fellowship in Surgery Endowment Fund established in 1961 by the bequest of E. Norma P. Graham in memory of Judge and Mrs. Samuel Jordan Graham. The income earned by this fund supports a fellowship in surgery.

Dr. I. S. Grisoff Fellowship Fund established in 1974 by Mrs. I. S. Grisoff. The income earned by this fund supports a fellowship in the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery in the GW Hospital.

Gertrude S. Lum Fellowship established in 2002 by the estate of Gertrude S. Lum. The income earned by this fund supports fellowship assistance for graduate students in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Robin Miller Fellowship established in 1954 by the bequest of Robin Miller. The income earned by this fund supports fellowships in medicine for the study of cardiovascular disease.

George Clemens and Lyda Belle Ruhland Endowment Fund established in 1967 by the bequest of Lyda B. Ruhland. The income earned by this fund supports fellowships in public health.

116窶ェellowships 窶「 Medical Center Endowment Funds

Medical Center Endowment Funds Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library

Ethel Bloedorn Medical Library Fund established in 1989 by a bequest from Ethel Davis Bloedorn. The income earned by this fund supports the Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library operations.

Walter A. Bloedorn Memorial Fund - Medical Library established in 1980 by the Walter A. Bloedorn Foundation. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of audiovisual material, periodicals, and books as deemed appropriate for the Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library.

Bert B. Brooks Endowment Fund established in 1999 by Bert B. Brooks to support the Women’s Board Computer in the Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library.

Middleton Fuller Cuthbert Book Fund established in 1988 by Middleton Train in honor of Dr. Middleton Fuller Cuthbert. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of materials for the Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library.

Sidney A. Levine Medical Library Endowment Fund established in 1975 by Dr. Sidney A. Levine. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of books, equipment and other essential supplies for the Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library.

Dr. William Newman Memorial Pathology Library Fund established in 1980 by transfer from the Education and Research Fund of the Department of Pathology. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of books and periodicals.

Medical Center Endowment Funds • Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library 117

Richard E. Palmer, MD, Pathology Collection Fund established in 1987 by Mrs. Mary Lou Palmer and gifts in memory of Dr. Palmer. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of audiovisual aids to strengthen the pathology collection.

Herbert Pollack, PhD, Endowment Fund established in 2004 by the estate of Herbert Pollack. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of electronic resources for the Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library.

George Thompson Prewitt Library Fund established in 1960 by Lillian Prewitt Goodknight in honor of her father, Dr. George Thompson Prewitt, president of the Class of 1895. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of books for the Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library.

Harry Rosen Endowment Fund established in 1999 by the estate of Harry Rosen. The income earned by this fund supports the Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library.

Serge and Mary S. Sacknoff Memorial Book Fund established in 1990 by the bequest of Serge Sacknoff. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of books and other materials in the Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library.

School of Medicine Library Book Fund established in 1975 by Dr. Sidney A. Levine. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of books and other library resources for the Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library.

118  Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library • Medical Center Endowment Funds

Frances L. Whitcup/Women’s Progress Club Book Fund established in 1990 by the Women’s Progress Club in memory of F. L. Whitcup. The income earned by this fund shall be used to purchase books and materials for the Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library.

Henrietta Y. Zoltrow Library Fund established in 2002 by the bequest of Henrietta Y. Zoltrow. The income earned by this fund provides books and other educational materials to the Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library.

Medical Center Endowment Funds • Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library 119

Medical Center Endowment Funds Other Purposes

Samuel M. and Mary T. Burgess Revolving Loan Fund for the School of Medicine established in 2003 by the estate of Mary T. Burgess. The income earned by this fund supports student loans in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Ann Victoria Houser Hospital Fund established in 1944 by the bequest of E. Keller Houser. The income earned by this fund endows a room at the GW Hospital in memory of his daughter, Ann Victoria Houser.

Kresge Equipment Endowed Fund established in 1991 by the Kresge Foundation and matching gifts from multiple donors. The income earned by this fund supports the salary of a skilled technician to operate and maintain the equipment in the molecular microchemistry laboratory.

Sidney A. Levine Endowed Maintenance Fund established in 1986 by Sidney A. Levine. The income earned by this fund supports maintenance and furnishing of the “Sidney A. Levine Student Lounge” in the Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library and the “Aleck Levine Lounge” in Walter C. Ross Hall.

National Park Seminary Hospital Fund established in 1906 by students of the National Park Seminary of Forest Glen, Maryland. The income earned by this fund supports to be used toward the maintenance of a bed at GW Hospital.

Thomas E. Orr Hospital Fund established in 1963 by the bequest of Thomas E. Orr. The income earned by this fund supports medical care for needy patients. 120  Other Purposes • Medical Center Endowment Funds

Patient Aid Hospital Fund established in 1956 by an anonymous donor. The income earned by this fund supports hospitalization for needy persons suffering from diseases, especially heart diseases.

James and Theodore Pedas Medical Center Fund established in 1994 by James Pedas and Theodore Pedas, JD ’57. The income earned by this fund supports renovation and expansion at GW Hospital.

W. Lloyd and Adala Lloyd Wright Hospital Fund established in 1969 by the bequest of Matilda D. Wright in memory of W. Lloyd and Adala Lloyd Wright. The income earned by this fund supports patient care in conjunction with the instruction of students in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Medical Center Endowment Funds • Other Purposes 121

Medical Center Endowment Funds Prizes

Harvey H. Ammerman, MD ’43, and Bruce J. Ammerman, MD ’72, Res ’77 Prize in the Neurosciences established in 1998 by the Ammerman Family Foundation. The income earned by this fund is awarded annually to a student for his or her outstanding accomplishments in the study of the neurosciences at the GW Medical Center. All students in the MD and PhD programs at the GW Medical Center are eligible for the prize.

Anna and Abraham Berson Memorial Student Research Award Fund established in 2009 by Seymour A. Berson. The income earned by this fund supports research awards to two high-achieving students, one from the School of Medicine and Health Sciences and the other from the School of Public Health and Health Services.

Philip S. Birnbaum Prize Fund established in 1990 by the Walter A. Bloedorn Foundation in honor of Philip S. Birnbaum. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award for the medical student who is completing the third year of the Doctor of Medicine degree and has the highest standing in the class in the Department of Health Care Sciences.

Robert Keith Cole Endowed Scholarship established in 1991 in memory of Dr. Robert Keith Cole by family, friends, and colleagues. The income earned by this fund supports an award for a medical student in his/her fourth year who possesses Rob’s noteworthy attributes.

122 Prizes • Medical Center Endowment Funds

Paul L. Dewitt, MD Prize for Excellence in Surgery Fund established in 1987 by Paul DeWitt, MD ’68. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to a member of the graduating class who has demonstrated outstanding ability and future potential in the specialty field of surgery.

Paul L. Dewitt, MD Prize for Excellence in Surgery Fund II established in 1987 by Paul DeWitt, MD ’68. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to a member of the graduating class who has demonstrated outstanding ability and future potential in the specialty field of surgery.

Samuel M. and Miriam S. Dodek Endocrinology Prize established in 1967 by Samuel M. Dodek, MD, BA ’23, and Miriam S. Dodek. This prize was established to memorialize their beloved friend, Professor Bernhard Zondek, the eminent discoverer of the endocrinology of the human female reproductive cycle. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to the member of the graduating class of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences who has attained a commendable knowledge and understanding of the fields of female endocrinology and steroid chemistry.

Rachel Morris Dominick Prize Fund established in 1987 by the bequest of Rachel Morris Dominick, BA ’65. The income earned by this fund supports an annual Award of Excellence in Obstetrics and Gynecology to a third-year medical student.

Medical Center Endowment Funds • Prizes 123

Burton S. Epstein, MD Endowed Fund established in 1987 by Burton S. Epstein, BA ’54, MD ’57, and Diane E. Epstein, BA ’56. The income earned by this fund will be used to award the prize for excellence in research to a resident in training or faculty in anesthesiology or intensive care medicine at the School of Medicine and Health Sciences or Children’s Hospital.

Allie Freed Prize Fund established in 1969 by a gift of Allie Freed. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to a senior in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences for exceptional proficiency in the field of preventive medicine.

Walter Freeman Prize Fund established in 1965 by Dr. Walter Freeman. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to a student in the graduating class of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences who has submitted the best essay based upon original investigation.

Goddard Family Prize Fund II established in 1923 by Mary W. and Frederick J. Goddard in memory of Morgan R. Goddard, Edward C. Goddard, James D. Goddard, and Alice Douglas Goddard. The income earned by this fund supports four annual cash awards in pharmacology.

Alec Horwitz, MD, Prize in Surgery established in 1959 by Alec Horwitz, BA ’20, MD ’23. The income earned by this fund provides an annual award to a senior student in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences who has demonstrated exceptional proficiency in the field of surgery.

Marilyn J. Koering, MD, Prize Fund established in 1988 by the Class of 1987 in appreciation of Dr. Marilyn J. Koering’s contributions to their education. The income earned by this fund supports the annual award to a medical student.

Harold Lamport, MD, Biomedical Research Prize Fund established in 1981 by the Lamport Foundation, Inc., to honor Dr. Harold Lamport. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award in physiologic research. 124 Prizes • Medical Center Endowment Funds

Huron W. Lawson, MD, Prize Fund established in 1962 by the bequest of Franceska Kaspar Lawson in memory of Dr. Huron W. Lawson. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to the most outstanding student in obstetrics and gynecology.

Benjamin Manchester Prize Fund established in 1965 by Emilie Margaret White in honor of Dr. Benjamin Manchester, a former faculty member. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to a member of the graduating class of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Dr. Mark Millen Memorial Prize Fund established in 1990 by gifts from family and friends in memory of Mark Millen, MD ’80. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award each spring to a fourth-year medical student in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences. The recipient must have demonstrated an ability or strong interest in rheumatology.

Julius S. Neviaser Award in Orthopaedic Surgery established in 1979 by Julius S. Neviaser, MD ’27. The income earned by this fund is to be awarded annually to the outstanding senior student in orthopaedic surgery as selected by a committee of the medical school faculty.

John Ordronaux Medical Prize Fund established in 1909 by the bequest of John Ordronaux. The income earned by this fund supports annual awards in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Raymond G. Parent, Jr./American Ambulance Association Endowed Prize Fund established in 1987 by Medi-Car Ambulance Service in honor of Raymond G. Parent, Jr. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to a student enrolled in the Department of Emergency Medicine.

Mark Platt, MD, Prize Fund established in 1990 by Eugene I. Lambert, BA ’57, and Janet Lambert in memory of Dr. Mark Platt. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to a resident in neurology.

Medical Center Endowment Funds • Prizes 125

Hyman R. Posin Annual Prize in Neurology established in 1982 by Sheila Sloane Dusseau. The income earned by this fund supports an award to an outstanding student in the field of neurology.

Lawrence Albert Rapee Endowed Fund established in 1989 by the bequest of Lawrence A. Rapee. The income earned by this fund supports an award to the medical student graduating with the highest scholastic average.

Jorge C. Rios, MD, Awards for Excellence in Internal Medicine established in 1999 by a gift from Genentech Inc. The income earned by this fund supports two annual awards. One award will honor the student who has achieved final third-year medicine clerkship grade of honors. The second award, honoring a resident, will be awarded to the senior medical resident whose performance as a house officer best exemplifies the traditions of academic medicine.

Walter F. Rosenberg Prize Fund established in 1980 by cumulative gifts. The income earned by this fund supports a prize to the senior student in dermatology.

Dr. William G. Schafhirt Prize established in 1963 by Mary Lowery Schafhirt. The income earned by the fund supports an annual award for the best essay on a medical subject of current public interest by a senior student.

Cyril A. and Margaret B. Schulman Distinguished Service Award established in 1992 by Dr. and Mrs. Cyril A. Schulman. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award to a faculty member who has direct patient care in one of the centers for the homeless.

Robert G. Shouldice Prize Fund established in 1990 by gifts in honor of Professor Robert G. Shouldice. The income earned by this fund supports an annual award in the Department of Health Services Management and Leadership.

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Women’s Board Monta Sommer Memorial Fund established in 1988 by the GW Hospital Women’s Board in memory of Monta Sommer. The income earned by this fund supports awards for one or more entering medical students to aid in purchase of books.

Doris DeFord Speck, Col ’41 and George Speck, MD ’41 Endowed Prize established in 1997 and amended in 2008 by George Speck, MD ’41. The income earned by this fund supports an award for students who submit an abstract of their research in medicine performed prior to, or while attending, medical school and to be read at the annual William Beaumont Society’s Annual Research Day.

Dr. Herbert and Judith Weintraub Endowed Resident Achievement Award established in 2007 by Dr. Herbert Weintraub, professor emeritus of anesthesiology, and Judith Weintraub. The income earned by this fund provides annual awards to recognize academic excellence among anesthesiology residents.

Jerry M. Wiener Endowed Fund for Psychiatric Education established in 1996 by Dr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Wiener. The income earned by this fund will support and advance programs designed to enhance psychiatric education in the fields of residency training, medical education, and primary care.

Zimmerman Fund for Recognizing Excellence in Critical Care Nursing established in 1992 by Jack E. Zimmerman, MD. The income earned by this fund is awarded to recognize individuals who represent a model of excellence in critical care nursing. Nomination for this award will be annually. Nominations may be made by any ICU staff member. The director of the Critical Care Unit, in consultation with his or her colleagues, will select the recipient of the award.

Medical Center Endowment Funds • Prizes 127

Medical Center Endowment Funds Research

Abramson Family Critical Care Medicine Endowment established in 2006 by The Abramson Family Foundation in honor of President Emeritus Stephen Joel Trachtenberg. The income earned by this fund provides support for research priorities of critical care medicine.

Dr. Anna Bartsch-Dunne Research Fund established in 1952 by Dr. Anna Bartsch-Dunne. The income earned by this fund supports research in medicine.

Addy and Bruce Bassin Memorial Cancer Fund established in 1987 by gifts in memory of Addy Bassin and ammended in 1998 to add Bruce Bassin’s name to the title of the fund. The income earned by this fund provides income to use in the area of cancer research conducted at the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Cancer Research Fund established in 1975 by the bequest of Ralph W. Payne. The income earned by this fund supports cancer research at GW Hospital.

Center for Digestive, Liver and Biliary Diseases established in 1987 by transfer of the principal of the Ticktin Lecture Fund and the Monat Lectureship Fund. The income earned by this fund supports research in the Center for Digestive, Liver, and Biliary Diseases.

128 Research • Medical Center Endowment Funds

Ross Cohen Prostate Cancer Education and Research Fund established in 2007 by gifts in honor of Ross A. Cohen, BS ’80, MD ’84, GME ’90. The income earned by this fund will underwrite education and research activities related to prostate cancer at The George Washington University Cancer Institute.

Robert Cohn, MD and Meta Amalia Neumann Fund for Neurology Education and Research established in 2007 by Dr. Robert Cohn, MD ’36. The income earned by this fund is used at the discretion of the chair of neurology in consultation with the dean of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences and/or the vice president for Health Affairs to further the strategic mission of the Department of Neurology.

James Lloyd Collins Memorial Research Fund established in 1946 by gifts in memory of Dr. James L. Collins. The income earned by this fund supports special research in surgery.

Eleanor J. Cooper Medical Research Fund established in 1905 by the bequest of Eleanor J. Cooper. The income earned by this fund supports the establishment and maintenance of a research laboratory, devoted to the investigation of the nature, causation, prevention, and cure of malaria and other contagious diseases.

Frederick John Cullen and Mary Stone Cullen Fund established in 1984 by the bequest of Mary Stone Cullen. The income earned by this fund supports cancer research projects and the necessary equipment pertaining thereto in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Medical Center Endowment Funds • Research 129

Cecelia Cummings Endowment Fund established in 1955 by the bequest of Julia M. Cummings in memory of Cecelia Cummings. The income earned by this fund supports research and education in cardiovascular and similar diseases.

Frances Rice Darne Memorial Cancer Fund established in 1979 by the bequest of Laurence J. M. Rice as a memorial to Frances Rice Darne. The income earned by this fund supports cancer-related research, care, and treatment.

Mary V. Eppley Medical School Fund established in 1951 by the bequest of Mary V. Eppley. The income earned by this fund supports cancer research in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Emilio A. Fernandez Endowed Fund established in 1989 by Emilio A. Fernandez, MEA ’76, in honor of his son, Eric. The income earned by this fund supports is to provide support for research in the field of diabetes at The George Washington University in accordance with the center’s needs as determined by its director.

Andrew H. Foster, MD, Memorial Endowed Research Fund established in 2000 by Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Foster in memory of their son, Andrew H. Foster, MD. The income earned by this fund supports the research efforts of a surgical resident until income earned is sufficient to fund a research resident in the Department of Surgery.

Leslie H. French Research Fund established in 1987 by the bequest of Leslie H. French. The income earned by this fund supports the Lipid Research Center by strengthening efforts in the cardiovascular nutritional investigations.

Bertha Gay Medical Research Fund established in 1987 by the bequest of Bertha Gay. The income earned by this fund supports medical research on Parkinson’s disease or encephalitis or in the field of orthopaedics and related diseases.

130 Research • Medical Center Endowment Funds

Louis Goldstein Leukemia Research Fund established in 1979 by the bequest of Lena Goldstein. The income earned by this fund supports research, scholarships, fellowships, and equipment necessary for increased knowledge concerning the cause, prevention, and cure of leukemia.

Rita P. Gusack Renal Research Fund established in 1983 by gifts in memory of Rita P. Gusack. The income earned by this fund supports renal research in the Department of Medicine.

Helen Hanlein Fund for Eye Research established in 1981 by the bequest of Gussie Hanlein in memory of her sister, Helen Hanlein. The income earned by this fund supports eye research.

Joseph Hanlein Fund for Heart Research established in 1981 by the bequest of Gussie Hanlein in memory of her brother, Joseph Hanlein. The income earned by this fund supports heart research.

Alec Horwitz, MD, Clinical Research Fund in Surgery established in 1960 by Alec Horwitz, BA ’20, MD ’23. The income earned by this fund supports clinical research in surgery.

Paul Jeffrey Isaacson Research Fund established in 1987 by transfer of the Dr. Paul Jeffrey Isaacson Memorial Research Fellowship in Cardiology Fund. The income earned by this fund supports original research and laboratory expenses of residents in the Department of Surgery.

Kassan Research Presentation Award established in 2006 by Stuart S. Kassan, MD ’72, and Gail Kassan. The income earned by this fund supports medical students attending national conferences to present their research.

Georg S. Maisel Medical Research Fund established in 2008 by Georg S. Maisel. The income earned by this fund supports research in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences in the fields of AIDS, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, and cancer.

Medical Center Endowment Funds • Research 131

William H. and Ruth Crane Schaefer Stroke Research Fund established in 1994 by the bequest of William H. Schaefer. The income earned by this fund supports stroke research by the Department of Neurology.

J. Irving Sloat Medical Research Fund established in 1973 by the bequest of J. Irving Sloat. The income earned by this fund supports medical research.

Sidney G. Sonneland Memorial Research Fund established in 1991 by Amelia Sonneland in memory of her husband, Dr. Sidney G. Sonneland. The income earned by this fund supports research in aging by the Department of Biochemistry.

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Medical Center Endowment Funds Scholarships

Herbert and Ruth H. Abramson Scholarship Fund established in 1996 by Ruth H. Abramson. The income earned by this fund is used for loans, grants, or scholarships for deserving students attending the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Cecile and Seymour Alpert, MD, Endowed Fund established in 2008 by Cecile Alpert and Seymour Alpert, MD. One-fourth of the annual income earned by the fund will be used to fund an annual lecture in memory of Dr. Alpert in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences, preferably on the topic of anesthesiology. The balance of the income earned by the fund will be used to support the Cecile and Seymour Alpert, MD, Medical School Scholarships.

Harvey H. Ammerman, MD ’43, Medical Student Scholarship established in 1998 by the Ammerman Family Foundation. The income earned by this fund will be awarded annually to a student in the GW Doctor of Medicine program who best demonstrates the qualities of compassion, intellectual vigor, and dedication that Dr. Harvey Ammerman brought to the practice and science of medicine. Financial need will be considered.

Henry and Mary Amster and Louise Greenburg Amster Scholarship Endowment in Medicine established in 1998 by Milton W. Amster, BA ’29, MD ’32. The income earned by this fund supports a medical student of exemplary academic achievement to be provided some monetary relief from tuition expenses. In addition, it will be awarded to a student who has shown a demonstrated interest, understanding, commitment, and knowledge of and service to the Jewish community.

Ella F. Andrews Scholarship Fund established in 1996 by Ella F. Andrews. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for worthy female medical students. Medical Center Endowment Funds • Scholarships 133

Anna Bartsch Scholarship Fund established in 1946 by Dr. Anna Bartsch-Dunne in memory of her mother Anna Bartsch. The income earned by this fund supports a scholarship for a woman in the SMHS and an internship for a woman in GW Hospital.

Hazel Mae Bayne Scholarship Fund established in 1999 by Hazel Mae Bayne BA ’25, MA ’30. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship assistance to a female student or students in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Jack I. Bender Scholarship Fund established in 1967 by gifts in memory of Jack I. Bender. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Adolphus Bennett Scholarship Fund established in 1990 by the bequest of Adolphus Bennett. The income earned by this fund supports need-based scholarships for medical students.

Robert E. Boswell, MD, and Mildred A. Boswell, RN, Scholarship Fund established in 1999 by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boswell. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for medical students who are from Ohio or the Midwest.

Thompson H. Boyd Scholarship Fund established in 1992 by the Thompson H. Boyd Trust. The income earned by this fund assists medical students obtain medical training.

Bradley Scholarship Fund established in 1954 by the bequest of Alice Bradley in memory of her son, Everett Lamont Bradley. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Catherine Breen Student Assistance Fund established in 1996 by gifts in memory of Catherine Breen. The income earned by this fund supports financial aid for students in the Doctor of Medicine program.

134 Scholarships • Medical Center Endowment Funds

Edith Petrie Brown Scholarship established in 1985 by Dr. Edith P. Brown. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships in the School Medicine and Health Sciences.

Michael Burda Scholarship and Eleanor Van Horn Burda Scholarship established in 1999 and amended in 2003 by Michael Burda. The income earned by this fund will provide a minimum of two scholarships in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences: the Michael Burda Scholarship, with preference for male candidates, and the Eleanor Van Horn Burda Scholarship with preference for female candidates. The first preference for both scholarships will be given to students who are children of a member in good standing of the American Postal Workers Union or the National Association of Letter Carriers. If in any given year there are no such candidates, the second preference will be given to students who are children of US Postal Service employees. If in any given year, there are no candidates meeting either the first or second preferences, the scholarships will be granted to students living in the District of Columbia, Maryland, or Virginia, or children or grandchildren of former employees of Burda and Associates.

Samuel M. and Mary T. Burgess Scholarship Fund for the School of Medicine established in 2003 by the estate of Mary T. Burgess. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Elma B. Carr Scholarship Fund established in 1978 by the bequest of Elma B. Carr. The income earned by this fund is used to assist worthy students needing financial assistance to attend the University.

Eugene B. Casey Scholarship Fund established in 2009 by transfer of assets from the Eugene B. Casey Student Loan Fund. The income earned by this fund provides a four-year scholarship for full tuition, room, and board, to one deserving medical student with financial need.

Medical Center Endowment Funds • Scholarships 135

Chin-Lee Family Scholarship Fund established in 2000 by Dr. and Mrs. William Chin-Lee, MD ’47, Dr. William B. Chin-Lee, BS ’71, MD ’75, RES ’79, and Mr. Warren D. Chin-Lee, BBA ’77. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences, with preference given to candidates of ChineseAmerican heritage.

Agnes N. Chowe Scholarship Fund established in 1987 by the bequest of Agnes Neuser Chowe. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for medical students.

School of Medicine Class of 1979 Scholarship established in 2005 by the School of Medicine and Health Sciences Class of 1979. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship support to medical students with demonstrated financial need.

Naomi and Nehemiah Cohen Foundation Medical Student Scholarship Fund established in 1987 by the Naomi and Nehemiah Cohen Foundation. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for students enrolled in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Cox Scholarships Fund established in 1973 by the distribution of the Eugene and Bertha Brown Trust in memory of Oliver C. Cox, MD. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Abraham W. and Sophie Danish Scholarship Fund established in 2003 by an amendment to the Danish Loan Fund, originally established by Abraham W. and Sophie Danish. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for students in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Marian Dorset, MD, Memorial Scholarship Fund for Medical Students established in 2000 by Marian Dorset, MD. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for medical students.

136 Scholarships • Medical Center Endowment Funds

Drake Foundation Scholarship Fund established in 1989 by the bequest of Hila E. Drake. The income earned by this fund provides aid and encourages needy students in the Department of Ophthalmology.

Ethridge Medical Scholarship Fund established in 2000 by the trust of Clayton Ethridge in honor of Mary Magdalene Ethridge, Rosa Sander Ethridge, and Clayton Bernard Ethridge. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for students in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

John Smith Featherston and Nora Hull Featherston Endowed Scholarship established in 2001 by John Smith Featherston, MD ’46, and Nora Hull Featherston. The income earned by this fund is awarded annually and enables medical students of exemplary academic achievement to be provided monetary relief for tuition expenses.

Frederick H. Gibbs Scholarship and Oration Fund established in 2007 by the Health Services Management and Leadership Alumni Association. The income earned by this fund provides equal support to the annual Gibbs Oration program and for scholarships in the Department of Health Services Management and Leadership in the School of Public Health and Health Services. The income also supports the annual Frederick Gibbs Award for Excellence in Graduate Education.

Leon I. Gintzig, PhD, Scholarship established in 2007 by the Health Services Management and Policy Alumni Association. The income earned by this fund provides scholarships for students enrolled in the Department of Health Services Management and Leadership in the School of Public Health and Health Services.

Morris H. and Pauline L. Goldenberg Scholarship Fund established in 1979 by Morris H. and Pauline L. Goldenberg. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences with preference given to students who have an interest in the study of radiology.

Medical Center Endowment Funds • Scholarships 137

GW Medical Class of 1980 Student Scholarship established in 2006 by members of the Class of 1980, including reunion chairs Deborah S. Sarnoff, MD ’80 and Claire M. Warren, MD ’80. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship support to medical students based on financial need.

S. Jay Hazan Endowed Scholarship Fund established in 2006 by S. Jay Hazan, MD, MA ’49. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Thelma Hunt Medical Scholarship Fund established in 1992 by the trust of Dr. Thelma Hunt. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for medical students.

Albert A. and Esther C. Jones Scholarship Fund established in 1981 by the bequest of Albert A. Jones. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for worthy medical students.

Elizabeth Sartor Kahler, MD, and Ervin N. Chapman, MD, Loan Fund for Medical Students established in 2007 by the estate of Dr. Elizabeth Kahler Chapman. The income earned by this fund supports medical students.

Mildred Seigel Katzen, BA ’46, and Bernard Katzen, MD ’38, Medical Education Award established in 2000 by Harvey Irwin Katzen, MD ‘75, and Barbara Katzen. The income earned by this fund provides monetary relief to a first-year medical student of exemplary achievement with limited financial means.

Keimowitz Scholarship Fund established in 1995 by gifts in honor of Robert I. Keimowitz, MD. The income earned by this fund supports medical student scholarship awards.

Ludwig C. and Persis Marti Kroutil Memorial Fund established in 2000 by the bequest of Ludwig C. Kroutil. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for medical students.

138 Scholarships • Medical Center Endowment Funds

Shelley Laby-Gottheim Memorial Scholarship Fund established in 2004 by Eric Gottheim in memory of his beloved wife, Shelley Laby-Gottheim, MD ’83. The income earned by this fund provides need-based scholarships to medical students.

Lazarus Scholars in Health Care Delivery established in 2006 by trustee Gerald Lazarus, MD ’63 and Audrey F. Jakubowski Lazarus, PhD. The income earned by this fund supports second-year students who have a special interest in an aspect of health care delivery.

Sidney A. Levine Scholarship Fund established in 1989 by distribution from the Dr. Sidney A. Levine Unitrust. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for medical students.

Barbara Logan, MD, Scholarship established in 1980 by George G. Tyler. The income earned by this fund supports an award to the third-year student in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences who ranked among the first five in the first two years.

Mary and Daniel Loughran Foundation Medical Scholarship Fund established in 1976 by the Mary and Daniel Loughran Foundation. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for students in the School of Medicine and Health Services who are residents of the Washington, DC, metropolitan area.

Gertrude S. and David W. Lum Endowed Scholarship Fund established in 2001 by the estate of Gertrude S. Lum. The income earned by this fund provides tuition assistance to entering graduate students in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Medical School Student Assistance Fund established in 1982 by Harry F. Duncan. The income earned by this fund supports student financial aid.

Medical Center Endowment Funds • Scholarships 139

Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Minsky Medical Scholarship Fund established in 1986 by Gertrude Minsky in memory of her husband, Dr. Arthur Minsky. The income earned by this fund supports for scholarships to be awarded on the basis of need.

Nachnani Family Endowment Fund established in 2005 by Gurbux H. Nachnani, MD ’63, GME ’70 and Linda Nachnani. The income earned by this fund provides scholarships for academically worthy and financially needy students in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Nathanson Scholarship Fund established in 1990 by Dr. Esther Nathanson and Ms. Sadie C. Nathanson in memory of their parents, Morris and Betty Nathanson. The income earned by this fund supports scholarship awards for medical students on the basis of need and academic performance.

Neimat Family Endowed Scholarship Fund established in 2006 by Dr. Samir R. Neimat and Jacqueline Neimat. The income earned by this fund supports academically gifted but medical students with financial need in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Ruth Barnard and E. Pendleton Parker Memorial Scholarship Fund established in 2003 by Ruth Ann Wells. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for deserving students in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Dr. Paul Pearson Scholarship Fund established in 1944 by the bequest of Dr. Paul Pearson. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships in graduate courses in pharmacology.

Carolyn S. and Glen Pincock Scholarship Fund established in 1995 by Drs. Carolyn S. and Glen Pincock. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for students in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

140 Scholarships • Medical Center Endowment Funds

Dr. Morris H. and Helen K. Rosenberg Scholarship Fund established in 1986 by Steven J. Katz , Steve Rosenberg, and Jude Rosenberg in honor of Dr. Morris H. Rosenberg, BA ’38, MD ’41, and Helen K. Rosenberg. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for medical students who are in need of financial assistance.

Clayton G. Russell Medical Student Scholarship Fund established in 2000 by the bequest of Mary I. Rogers. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Sahni Family Scholarship Fund established in 2003 by Dr. Rakesh Sahni. The income earned by this fund provides need-based scholarship support for medical students.

Shim Scholarship established in 2006 Dr. Jungho Shim, BS ’88, and Susan Shim. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship assistance for medical students, with a preference given to a student who has demonstrated an interest in Korean affairs.

Sigal Family Trust Fund established in 2000 by the Sigal Family Trust. The income earned by this fund supports scholarship for students in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Sylvia and Alvin Slipyan, MD, Fund established in 1995 by Sylvia Slipyan Frost in memory of Alvin Slipyan, MD. The income earned by this fund supports medical students, chosen by the dean, without regard to specific medical interest areas.

Ira Spar, MD, Medical Scholarship Fund established in 2007 by Ira L. Spar, MD. The income earned by this fund will provide annual scholarship support for School of Medicine and Health Sciences students who demonstrate financial need.

SPHHS Scholarship Endowment Fund established in 2004 by the estate of Charles R. Hayman. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships in the School of Public Health and Health Services.

Medical Center Endowment Funds • Scholarships 141

David Perry Steinman Memorial Scholarship Fund established in 1961 by friends and classmates of David Perry Steinman, a medical student who passed away on November 2, 1960. The income earned by this fund supports an annual scholarship for a sophomore student in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Eugene Stevenson, MD ’60, Scholarship Fund established in 2006 by Ricci Minella, MD ’84. The income earned by this fund provides need-based scholarship assistance for medical students.

Carol M. and F. Henry Strayer Memorial Scholarship Fund established in 1994 by the bequest of F. Henry Strayer. The income earned by this fund supports students enrolled in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Surdna Foundation Student Aid Fund established in 1985 by the Surdna Foundation, Inc. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for students in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Tauber Holocaust Memorial Scholarship for Medicine established in 2003 by Laszlo N. Tauber, MD, HON ’97, in memory of his parents, uncle, brother, and other victims of the Holocaust. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for students with a significant financial need who are in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences. Preference will be given to students with a family history of service in World War II, and special emphasis on any service members who were involved in the liberation of concentration camps.

Tauber Holocaust Memorial Scholarship for Public Health established in 2003 by Laszlo N. Tauber, MD, HON ’97, in memory of his parents, uncle, and brother, and other victims of the Holocaust. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for students with a significant financial need who are in the School of Public Health and Health Services. Preference will be given to students with a family history of service in World War II, and special emphasis on any service members who were involved in the liberation of concentration camps.

142 Scholarships • Medical Center Endowment Funds

Allan B. Weingold and James G. Sites Scholarship Fund established in 1993 by gifts in honor of Allan B. Weingold, MD, and James G. Sites, MD. The income earned by this fund supports medical students who demonstrate outstanding achievement and financial need.

James J. Whisman Scholarship Fund established in 1966 by the bequest of James J. Whisman. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships for needy and deserving students in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Art and Janet Wong Family Endowed Scholarship established in 2005 by Art B. Wong, MD ’67, and Janet Wong. The income earned by this fund provides scholarship support for students in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Medical Center Endowment Funds • Scholarships 143

Medical Center Endowment Funds Schools and Programs

John P. Adams Endowed Fund in Orthopaedic Surgery established in 1987 by Katherine Graham in honor of Dr. John P. Adams, former GW professor. The income earned by this fund supports the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery.

Adkins Fund established in 1981 by gifts in honor of Dr. Paul C. Adkins. The income earned by this fund supports students in the Department of Surgery.

Harvey H. Ammerman, MD ’43, Fund in Neurosurgery established in 1995 by alumni, faculty, and friends of Dr. Harvey H. Ammerman, former professor of neurosurgery. The income earned by this fund supports a microsurgical laboratory administered by the Department of Neurosurgery.

Harry F. Anderson, MD, Fund established in 1979 by Professor Emeritus Harry F. Anderson, MD. The income earned by this fund supports the Department of Dermatology in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Lester D. Baker Fund established in 1974 by the bequest of Beatrice F. Baker in memory of her husband, Lester D. Baker. The income earned by this fund supports the cancer program in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Aretas C. Boone and Edna E. Boone Endowment Fund established in 2009 by Aretas C. and Edna E. Boone. The income earned by this fund supports the School of Medicine and Health Services and is designated by the vice president for Health Affairs to be used for the highest priority of the school.

144  Schools and Programs • Medical Center Endowment Funds

William G. Borden Medical Fund established in 1936 by Dr. Daniel L. Borden and Jennie Ella Borden in memory of William G. Borden. The income earned by this fund supports the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Breslow Memorial Fund established in 1981 by Mrs. Alexander Breslow in memory of her husband, Alexander Breslow, MD. The income earned by this fund supports an annual lecture in the Department of Pathology.

Calabrisi Special Fund established in 1988 by multiple donors. The income earned by this fund supports the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Campaign for Medical Education Fund established in 1994 by multiple donors. The income earned by this fund supports medical student assistance and/or distinguished teaching professorships in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Vic and Muriel Campton Memorial Fund established in 1964 by the bequest of Meta K. Hannay in memory of Vic and Muriel Campton. The income earned by this fund supports the Cancer Clinic.

Cancer Clinic Endowment Fund established in 1953 by Mr. and Mrs. V.A. Klein. The income earned by this fund supports the Cancer Clinic.

Warren and Jessica Cannon Medical Endowment Fund established in 2003 by the estate of Warren Cannon, JD ’35. The income earned by this fund supports the School of Medicine and Health Sciences areas of greatest need. Medical Center Endowment Funds • Schools and Programs 145

Minnie O. Chang Fund established in 1994 by the bequest of Minnie O. Chang. The income earned by this fund supports basic cancer research.

Chapman Hospital Endowment Fund established in 1905 by the will of Susannah A. Chapman. The income earned by this fund supports free wards of GW Hospital.

David G. Chapman Memorial Lecture Fund established in 1984 by Dorothea Chapman in memory of David G. Chapman. The income earned by this fund is used to pay for annual lectures for medical students, residents, and nurses intended to improve their understanding and appreciation of the unique needs and fears of seriously ill and dying patients and their families, and also to enhance the ability of these medical professionals to be more supportive during these critical times.

Cheney Cardiovascular Institute established in 2006 by former US Vice President Richard B. Cheney and Dr. Lynne V. Cheney. The income earned by this fund creates and supports the Richard B. and Lynne V. Cheney Cardiovascular Institute at GW.

Medical School Class of 1972 Endowment Fund established in 2004 by the Medical School Class of 1972 in honor of their 30th reunion. The income earned by this fund supports the highest academic priorities of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Coakley Lecture Fund established in 1984 by gifts in honor of Charles S. Coakley, MD ’37, GME ’40, professor emeritus of anesthesiology. The income earned by this fund supports lectures in anesthesiology.

Leslie P. and Grazie Dornfeld Lecture in Health, Internal Medicine and Nephrology established in 2009 by the estate of Leslie P. Dornfeld. The income earned by the fund supports an annual lecture in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences in the fields of health, internal medicine, or nephrology.

146  Schools and Programs • Medical Center Endowment Funds

Dr. Marvin P. Footer Endowed Fund in Obstetrics and Gynecology established in 1986 by Robert L. Zahn, MD ’57, in honor of Marvin P. Footer, BA ’38, MD ’42. The income earned by this fund supports the educational and professional activities of obstetrics and gynecology residents.

Ford Foundation Medical School Fund established in 1956 by the Ford Foundation. The income earned by this fund supports the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

William D. Gardner Medical School Fund established in 1928 by the bequest of William D. Gardner. The income earned by this fund supports the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

William T. Gill, Jr., MD, Endowment established in 1971 by the bequest of William Tignor Gill, Jr., MD ’17. The income earned by this fund supports lectures in pathology and microbiology.

Larrie Greenberg, MD, Standardized Patient Fund established in 2005 by friends and colleagues of faculty member Larrie W. Greenberg, MD, clinical professor of pediatrics. The income earned by this fund supports the Standardized Patient Program of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Samuel W. Greenhouse Memorial Fund established in 2001 by Dr. Joel Greenhouse and family, colleagues, and friends of Samuel W. Greenhouse, professor emeritus of Statistics and director of the GW Biostatistics Center. The income earned by this fund supports a research practicum for pre- and post-doctoral students in statistics, biostatistics or epidemiology to engage in research under the auspices of the GW Biostatistics Center.

George Welker Hamilton Memorial Fund established in 1991 by the trust of Eleanor G. Hamilton in memory of her husband, George Welker Hamilton. The income earned by this fund supports current operations of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Medical Center Endowment Funds • Schools and Programs 147

Harold and Jane Hirsh Endowed Lecture Fund in Legal Medicine established in 2001 by Dr. Harold L. and Jane Hirsh. The income earned by this fund supports an annual lecture or its equivalent to educate physicians about major topics in health law that affect health professionals and the physicianpatient relationship.

Smith S. Ho, MD, Endowed Fund established in 1996 by Dr. Smith S. Ho, MD ’75, MS ’70, and Penchom Ho. The income earned by this fund supports the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Alec Horwitz, MD, Memorial Lectureship, Research, and Education Fund established in 1979 and amended in 2007 by Jean H. Horwitz, Esq., and Dr. and Mrs. Norman Horwitz in memory of Alec Horwitz, BA ’20, MD ’23. The income earned by this fund supports scholarships to offset the high cost of medical education and to support research objectives in the Department of Surgery and Department of Neurosurgery.

Kamenetz Fund established in 1987 by Georgette Kamenetz in memory of her husband, Dr. Herman L. Kamenetz. The income earned by this fund supports the School of Medicine and Health Science and is used at the discretion of the dean.

Bernard and Mildred Katzen Cancer Fund established in 2002 by Dr. Bernard Katzen, MD ’38, and Mildred S. Katzen, BA ’46. The income earned by this fund supports cancer activities at the GW Medical Center.

Mary C. Kinney Fund established in 1963 by the bequest of Mary C. Kinney, MA ’75. The income earned by this fund supports cancer research and the care and treatment of indigent cancer patients.

Calvin Klopp, MD, and Ellen S. Klopp Endowment Fund established in 2002 by Calvin T. Klopp, MD, GW professor emeritus of surgery and his wife, Ellen S. Klopp. The income earned by this fund supports the Kresge Challenge program and equipment needs of the Department of Surgery. 148  Schools and Programs • Medical Center Endowment Funds

Helen A. Kramer and Milton R. Kramer, MD, Endowment Fund established in 2000 by Milton R. Kramer, MD ’34, and Helen A. Kramer. The income earned by this fund supports the “Practice of Medicine” curriculum in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Harold Lamport, MD, Lecture Fund established in 1981 by the bequest of Golden S. Lamport in memory of her husband, Harold Lamport, MD. The income earned by this fund supports an annual lecture in physiology.

Samuel E. Lewis Medical School Fund established in 1925 by the bequest of Samuel E. Lewis. The income earned by this fund supports the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Elizabeth Quigley Macnamee Pharmacology Fund established in 1987 by the bequest of Elizabeth Quigley Macnamee. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of pharmacology books and periodicals.

George and Eva Malouf Lectureship Series established in 2006 by George S. Malouf, Jr., MD, Alan Mouf, MD, and Vivian Zalzal in honor of their parents. The income earned by this fund supports an annual lecture in the Department of Ophthalmology.

Dorothy Betts Marvin Hospital Equipment Fund established in 1954 by the Women’s Board of The George Washington University Hospital. The income earned by this fund supports the purchase of equipment for the hospital.

Catharine Birch and William P. McCormick Endowment Fund established in 1994 by Dr. Catharine B. McCormick. The income earned by this fund supports, but is not limited to, genetics research by the Department of Biochemistry in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Medical Center Endowment Funds • Schools and Programs 149

Natalie H. McKinney and Worthy W. McKinney, MD, Endowment Fund established in 1997 by Worthy McKinney, MD ’46. The income earned by this fund supports the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Medical School Fund established in 1978 by a bequest gift. The income earned by this fund supports the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Manucher Mohtashemi Family Endowed Technology Fund established in 2006 by Manucher Mohtashemi, MD, and Ellie Mohtashemi. The income earned by this fund supports new technology for the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Charles and Patricia Morledge Dean’s Endowment established in 1999 by Charles C. Morledge, MD ’52 and Patricia Morledge. The income earned by this fund supports programs, activities, and other initiatives that are of particular importance to the continued advancement of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Julius S. Neviaser Fund in Orthopaedic Surgery established in 1982 by the bequest of Julius S. Neviaser, MD. The income earned by this fund supports the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery.

Seymour Perlin, MD, Endowment Fund established in 1987 by Dr. Seymour Perlin, and friends, family, and colleagues of Dr. Perlin. The income earned by this fund supports lecturers addressing the topic of suicide as part of grand rounds within the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.

Pharmacology Recognition Fund established in 1969 by gifts in memory of Dr. Paul K. Smith and subsequent gifts in honor of recently retired faculty members. The income earned by this fund supports faculty recognition in the Department of Pharmacology and Physiology.

150  Schools and Programs • Medical Center Endowment Funds

Daniel Prager Lectureship Fund established in 1980 by friends in memory of Daniel S. Prager, MD, who was for many years a practicing psychoanalyst and teacher in the Washington psychoanalytic community The income earned by this fund supports an annual lecture in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science.

E. Clarence Rice School of Medicine Fund established in 1989 by the estate of Dr. E. Clarence Rice. The income earned by this fund supports the operations of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Julius M. and Fannie Rogoff Fund for Cardiology established in 1985 by the Rogoff Foundation. The income earned by this fund supports the Department of Cardiology in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Louis and Ann Ross Endowment for Medical Education established in 1994 by multiple donors. The income earned by this fund supports maintenance of the sundial and garden, if needed, and the training of medical students in the tradition of Dr. Louis Ross.

Sterling Ruffin Medical School Fund established in 1951 by the bequest of Dr. Sterling Ruffin. The income earned by this fund supports the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Drs. Raj and Pushma Samtani Cardiology Fund established in 2005 by Raj Samtani, MD, GME ’83, and Pushma Samtani, MD. The income earned by this fund supports education and research opportunities in the Department of Cardiology in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

School of Medicine Fund established in 1940 by multiple donors. The income earned by this fund supports the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

School of Medicine Fund II established in 1978 by a bequest. The income earned by this fund supports the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Medical Center Endowment Funds • Schools and Programs 151

Sharpe Medical School Fund established in 1924 by Mary A. Sharpe, Elizabeth M. Sharpe, and Sallie Sharpe. The income supports the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Charles and Martha Sislen Endowed Lectureship established in 2004 by Maurice A. Sislen, BA ’44, MD ’47, and Ann Sislen, BA ’49, in memory of his parents. The income earned by this fund supports a lecture in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Morris Springer Compensation Medicine Fund established in 1987 by Dr. Morris Springer. The income earned by this fund supports activities in compensation medicine.

Florence Grady and Walter R. Stokes, MD, Endowment established in 1996 by the estate of Walter R. Stokes, MD ’28. The income earned by this fund supports clinical services, teaching, and research regarding marriage and family life and human sexual behavior.

Carol M. and F. Henry Strayer Memorial Fund established in 1994 by the bequest of F. Henry Strayer. The income earned by this fund supports the School of Medicine and Health Sciences at the discretion of the dean.

Irene Tamagna Lecture in Hypertension Fund established in 2002 by Irene G. Tamagna, MD, professor emeritus of medicine. The income earned by this fund supports an annual lecture in the field of hypertension.

Susan Patricia Teck Memorial Lecture Fund established in 2003 by Bruce J. Teck, JD ’69. The income earned by this fund supports an annual lecture in memory of his wife, Susan P. Teck. The lectures are given by an expert in the field of the latest clinical and/or research development in early detection and diagnosis of ovarian cancer.

Charles H. Tompkins Medical School Memorial Fund established in 1958 by multiple donors. The income earned by this fund supports annual lectures in surgery.

152  Schools and Programs • Medical Center Endowment Funds

Carleton R. Treadwell Memorial Lecture Fund established in 1991 by multiple donors in memory of beloved GW professor Carleton Treadwell. The income earned by this fund supports the Carleton R. Treadwell Memorial Lecture on the topic of lipid/cholesterol metabolism.

Jack Understein Lecture Fund established in 1976 by gifts in memory of Jack Understein. The income earned by this fund supports a student lecture series in the School of Medicine and Health Science to benefit knowledge in heart disease.

Randolph T. Warwick Cancer Fund established in 1971 by the bequest of Randolph T. Warwick through the Washington Home for Foundings. The income earned by this fund supports the care and treatment of cancer.

Washington Society for the Blind Fund established in 1980 by the Washington Society for the Blind. The income earned by this fund supports the Department of Ophthalmology of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences to aid and encourage prevention of blinding diseases.

Allan B. Weingold, MD, Obstetrics and Gynecology Fund established in 2005 by friends, family, and colleagues of Dr. Allan B. Weingold, former vice president for Health Affairs and chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The income earned by this fund provides support for strategic departmental priorities including an annual Weingold lecture in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Charles Stanley White, Jr., Medical School Fund established in 1962 by Dr. Charles Stanley White, HON ’46, GW trustee 1946–1969, in honor of his son. The income earned by this fund supports the furnishing and maintenance of the Charles Stanley White, Jr. Memorial Conference Room in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Wilson Genetic Counseling Clinic Fund established in 1981 by the bequest of Elizabeth W. Wilson in honor of her parents, Lewes Delaware Wilson and Myrtle Hughes Wilson. The income earned by this fund supports the Genetic Counseling Clinic.

Medical Center Endowment Funds • Schools and Programs 153

Wilson Geriatric Clinic Fund established in 1981 by the bequest of Elizabeth W. Wilson in honor of her aunts, Clara Louise and Mary Paul Wilson. The income earned by this fund supports the Geriatric Medical Clinic.

Elizabeth W. Wilson Medical School Lecture Fund established in 1965 by Elizabeth W. Wilson. The income earned by this fund supports visiting lecturers in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

154  Schools and Programs • Medical Center Endowment Funds

Medical Center Endowment Funds Future Endowment Funds — Planned Gifts

David A. Blass and Karen S. Blass Endowed Research Fund in Neurology established in 2006 by David and Karen Blass. The income earned by this fund will support research in the field of neurology in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Butcher Charitable Remainder Unitrust established in 1995 and revised in 2000 by Sandra and William Butcher. The income earned by this fund will support individuals who are dedicating their professional lives to help the poor or disadvantaged, usually to their own financial detriment.

S. Jay Hazan Endowed Scholarship Fund established in 2006 by S. Jay Hazan, MD, MA ’49. The income earned by this fund will support scholarships in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Mary K. L. Sartwell Student Emergency Fund established in 2001 by Mary K.L. Sartwell, MD. The income earned by this fund will provide emergency funds to students who request assistance and are enrolled in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Sierra-Knoll Endowment for Cardiovascular Patient Care and Research established in 2008 by Ruby Poirel, a friend of the university. The income earned by this fund will provide financial support for cardiovascular patient care and research at the Medical Center.

Ronald W. Smith Family Endowment established in 1996 by Dr. Ronald W. Smith. The income earned by this fund will provide tuition scholarship support for students entering the Doctor of Medicine program of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences. Medical Center Endowment Funds • Future Endowment Funds — Planned Gifts 155

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